BARTER'S WEEKLY,FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1920 v ADJOINING' COUNTY NEWS n . ; Alleghany. -.": v Star, Feb. 13th. ' . - '. ' ; ' At a special meeting -of x the Board of County Commissioners: held on -last Mondav. W. F. Thompson and D. jZ. i Duncan being present, the following committee was named to Consult with- ' the citizens of Ashe and Wilkes touch' ing road connections between the said counties: Eugene Transou; T. J. Car son, 'E. L. McMillan,- R- A. Doughton, D. C. Duncan, G.T. Caudill. W. F. - Doughton, W T. Upchurch, . J J. Mil ler, Major Miles, John C. Moxley. A' resolution appears on the minutes of the meeting stating that the com mittee is not authorized to consider, or take any action or make any recom mendations upon the proposed , high- : -way running or proposed to be , con structed through the counties of Alle ghany and Ashe, from Sparta to Jef ferson. - - : Caldwell. - . -News-Topic, Feb. 12th. Sunday . night about 9 o'clock .Hen ry Powell,- an aged and lughly re spected negro man, was found dead in a room at his home in Freedman with, a bullet hole from a .45 caliber pistol through; his head. It was a case of suicide. . " ; 1 - 1 The old man had entered the room an hour or two before he was found ' and had fastened the door on the inside. Other persons were in the house anpl heard the, report of the pistol but it was muffled and they thought it was caused by breaking a stick of wood. Later he was called and when no answecf was made the . other members of-the family became' uneasy and telephoned for -the police. The ( door was broken, open and the dead body was found. Beside the body was the pistol. - .- , !' . j..- 1 ' -V -. 1 Watauga. Democrat, Feb. 12th. f Dr. E. Glenn Salmons died at his home in Bel Air, Maryland, on Febru ary. 2, after an illness of nine days with influenza followed by pneumonia. Interment was made at Zion church, near Statesville, North Carolina, on . the 5th. fir. Salmons was a son of Mr. Frank Salmons who lived within a few miles of Boone, and for ' several years prior to his moving to Mary land, he practiced dentistry in Boone. He was unusually efficient in his pro fession, was a polished gentleman and had that rare faculty of making friends of all with whom he came in .contact. " Being widely known in this part of the state, the news" of his death will bring sadness to the hearts at many people. Dr. Salmons is survived by his wife, three children, mother and one broth er, who have the sympathy of all in their bereavement. FRENCH WIFE IS SANE j BUT IS AWFULLY .WORRIED Council -Byluffs, 'Iowa, Feb. 14.-! Mrs. Ewalt Saur, young French bride, of a former soldier, was held sane today by a board of examiners before whom her husband had taken hei Mrs. , j Saur had suffered nervous prostration over the high cost of living and what she -termed "American extravagance.' Mrs. Sauer cried for more than an 3iour-as she told how all the -money which her husband turns over to her each pay day "goes out as fast as it comes in.". . "Why is it that when I order some meat," she sobbed, "that it is brought extrava exirava- in an automobile. That is gance horrible for poor people! I can- not afford to have my meat delivered m an automobile and. I won't. it developed tnat tne bauers are buy-j ing a home on mstallments and this was something the young wife could not understand. - m ' a. ier husband, she says, gives her his pas- envelope. The. commission ad- Vised her that her husband is a. jewel. ! JUDGE W. T. NEWMAN OF ATLANTA DIED SATURDAY Atlanta. Feb. 14. United States .Indp-e William T. Newman, of the ' nnrtom iatnVt nf nnT-tria Hifd snd- -.'. . .. . - - .1 denlv at his home here todav. acred 76 years. Judge Newman had occu- pied the federal bench .fofi 37 years. havine been appointed in President Cleveland's administration. He was a Confederate veteran and lost an arm in fiehtine at JonesborO. Ga.. in the last year of the war. y,; . . SOUTH CAROLINIAN AWARDED MEDAL BY GEN." PERSHING Washington, Feb. 12. The" distin- guished'service cross has been award - S. CWGeneral Pershing for extra- ": ordinary;heroism; in action near Pre- axiuiit, r rciiice, uu ucwuer o,wio owv me with, company Cv. 107th infantry. When the advance of Neeses. com- pany was held up. by. a machine .gun emplacement," he went forward with with two other soldiers and attacked the enemy position, shootmg th of ai-wwsw. uuovw ii vj5 jr enemy gunners, ' his citation said.- ' NftAea o-nl t efnfl i-n nainr of fav his discharge from the army and accord- ingly the medal has been forwarded the commanding officer of the U. S. Mississippi, where Neese .was assign ed to duty, for presentation to him-t. OLD NORTH STATE NEWS !T Charlotte, Feb. 17.- Between 40 and 45 machinists' in the plant of Alex ander; and .Garsed, manufacturers of mill machinery, went on strike he're this morning. - . ' .' Mt Airy, Feb, 17. The farmers of Surry county , have "gone wild", over the high prices paid for tobacco the" pasfc . season . , and are : preparing to greatly increase the acreage -this year. ' .' i ' -. , Winston-Salem, Feb.' '13. Former Govenor R. B. Glenn whjo has been in bad health for several, years, was able to go to New York this week and attend a meeting of federal boundary commission. ".: - , . - . Moi-gantbn, Feb. 13.-Tbol .and -Tom Mull, father and son, implicated in the Mull-Lef ever fight .-: Sunday,, were bound over to court and remanded to jail without bail at the magistrate's hearing this afternoon, Esq. W. F. Hallyburton, presiding. Asheville, .Feb. -14. The Asheville Citizen company today closed a ' deal whereby they took over the Y. M. C. A. - building on Haywood street j for $100,000. .The building will be used as a home for the newspaper, possession to be given by March 1, next. Raleigh, Feb. 15.-Governor Bick ett tonight announced that he is ap pointing former Senator E.' H. Cran mer, of Brunswick county, as succes sor to judge W. Pi Stacy, of the eighth judicial district, who resigned ate Saturday in order to take up the practice jbf law. ' Statesville, Feb. 16. Mrs. W. T. Walker, wife of Supt. W. T. Walker, -!' r ' oi me rjanum springs orpnanage, died of pneumonia following influenza and her remains were buried in the or phanage cemetery, the funeral ser vices being conducted from the. home at 3 o'clock, by Rev. H. M. Parker. Raleigh, Feb. 16. Mrs. T. W.Bick- ett, wife of the governor,, is ill at the mansion with influenza, which she-is supposed to have" contracted while nursing at the emergency hospital. Mrs. Bickett was ine Srct woman to volunteer her services, when it . was announced the hospital would be op ened. Asheville, .Feb. 17. Information has been received here that C. E. Gra ham, founder of the cotton mill' here and who orignally was in the .mer cantile' business in Asheville, a broth-er-iir-lav to Dr. C. S. Jordan has giv en a million dollar office building in Jacksonville to the board .of minister ial relief of the Presbyterian . church. Wilmington, Feb. 14. Superior Court Judge W. P. Stacy of the eighth judicial district late today forwarded -to" Governor T-. W. Bickett his resig nation to take efltject March 1. In his letter to the governor, Judge Stacy says that for. some time he has con-, tenllated taking this step and that it his hope to return to the bar and de vote attention to practice of law. .. Charlotte, Feb.; 14.-M)f ficial an nouncement was made here tonight of the election of Z..V. Taylor, of Char lotte, as president of the Piedmont and Northern railroad company, to succeed E. Thompson, resigned. The operates interurban electric i lines be- twnharlntti and Castnnia and ho- twee.n Spartanburg and Anderson, S.C. ' I 'Fayetteville, Feb. 16. Th,e story of a clever swindle by which two Fay- etteviile banks were deirauded,- 300 has just leaked out here, me alleged swindler, who gave his name as C. C. Bain, presented five-day sight I a. ml I I drafts on. the southern uond com- pany. At the expiration, oi . the nve- day period letters were received from Wilmington bank stating that drarts had been turned down.' ; Bain has not been seen since. . Winston-Salem, Feb. 17. Hon. Wil- nam Howard Taft, former president I . - - - ... of the UniteoVStates, will visit Wins- mom ton-Salem next month, deliverine aniyour iron ana in ux, ionic aia tneworK ii- Mi. i or.- ir- aaaress nere ai oaiera, vouege me- mortal Hall on the evening of Friday,' March 19. Mr, TaftY appearance here will be the sixteenth number of the Famous Artists' and Lecturers i Series,conducted under the auspices of the Rotary .Club and Salem College. TirvVintrham: Feb.' iW.y"R., Cli nara. is aeaa, kqd greens in jail at Rckingham and J. Kent Greer is -in jail at High Point as a result of a 1 hjgw-y robbery near here Friday W- 7A coroner's mquest was held here today over the dead body of Cli- - i uaiu, mc, ciuiw( ucui uic uc- I reased ram a to "his death at thA nands 0f Robert Steele, Jr., J. F. Diggs, P. C. Markwaiter. James Allred and Con stable Ed. Rogers , and that the killing ewas i justifiable (and hi self-defense, Never was a bolder highway robbery attemptea 'man ims ana me city ana I surrounding fcbuntry was stirred . into 1 .u i.l ill ' it!. 1 1 1 . '" a fever of excitement. to j - . ' , .' ' ' ...--- , SJ Not unlike the" Crown Princeto - 1 count . himself a f air equivalent -for 1900 'Germangoston Herald; ; CONSIDER WJNSTON STATION .Winston-Salem. Feb. : J.4. A - com mittee of opresenative ciiizens. ap pointed several weeks ago to sele? t a desirable site for th proposed ne7 union passenger, station. ' the build'ng of which was delayed by the war, will make a report within the next few days. y :' . . While no official information has been given out, it is reported that the committee' will recommend' the selec tion of the present passenger station site, with an extension up to either Church or Main street. This location is regarded 'not only, the " most : : con venient to the traveling public, but an deal one in every respect. The committee wilLmake a report to mass meeting of citizens an if it is adopted, a i definite proposition will be submit ted to the railroad officials. DEMOCRATS TO MEET IN . RALEIGH ON MARCH In a notice sent out by T. D. War ren, chairnian of 'the state Democratic J executive committee, he -calls this committee and the advisory commit tee, to meet in Raleigh Tuesday night, March 2. for the 'purpose of arrang ing a date for the state convention. The call is as follows: .. To the members of state and advisory Democratic executive committees : Pursuant to authority conferred by section 10 of the plan or organiza tion of the Democratic party of North Carolina, a meeting of the state Dem ocratic executive committee is hereby called to meet in the senate chamber in the city of Raleigh, on Tuesday night, March 2, 1920, at 8 o'clock", for the purpose 'of transacting the follow ing business: (1). , To fix time and place for holding the state committee meeting. (2). To fix a common day on which all precinct meetings shall be held in the various precincts in the state for the purpose of electing delegates to the county convention (6) lo nx a common day lor the holding of the county conventions in each county in the state. - (4). For such, other business as may come before the committee. . It is urgently urged -that a full at tendance be present, as business of importance will be transacted. BYRD DEAL OF HIDDENITE TAKES HIS . OWN LIFE Mr. Byrd Deal, of Hiddenite, was found early Monday morning hanging in the barn. It is thought that his mind, was unbalanced at the time of committing suicide. ,i ! ' He leaves a wife and six children to mourn his untimely death. Burial took place at Black Oak Ridge Tues day afternoon. Statesville Sentinel, Feb. 13th. V 63 CASES OF RO BUT NOT A DEATH W. J. Ellis, Yale, Va., Bank Director, Farmer, and Prominent Merchant, Had Them All-Taking Hudson's Iron And' Nox. v v . Yale, Va., 1919. Hudson Medicine Co., Petersburg, Va.: Gentlemen: I want to thank you for M?11 to the derfol lu lL cuimnuiiiiy win- ,yu x uau n time five families on my farm that 4. j : AT " J T 1 I i. had from four to seven in each family striken with Spanish Influenza, in all, oq Mpc t imt net. nA hnttlo of unni- Iron and Nux Tonic in each familv and given as per directions, we did I not iose a- single patient and did not PVpr h-ep th drwtnr in spa nnt nno ow -m my immediate section, there 1 were 6o cases of Influenza at one time. and in every home that your Iron "and v,,v TomV. went into not op nftonf I was lost In two hnnsos that. HiH Trt Use your remedy, one patient was lost ueacn. I -r x. . iii -t . . a must say, ana witn pleasure, tnaL I TitQtltr rA 1 nra if 4it "TT'lii wJ uuu uv, u mC iu xc- turns people will get a bottle and takq it accoraing to directions, in whicH event I do not believe. that one per cent, win die. With best wishes for your success m getting your Iron and Nux Tonic in every home for the real benefit of humanity ! am, i ' : Sincerely yours, ' (Signed) W. J. ELLIS. Hudson's Iron and Nux puts good rich blood M your "body and at the . better for-colds. La Grinne. Infln- enza,.ChiHs, Fevers, Malaria, etc. JWe wauii uu,iu try uua wjjuueraui pres- cription by a NVireinia doctor, .nut rip hy a Virginia druggist.- Get a large bottle of Hudson's Iron and Nux Tonic frpm your r druggist, use one-half or all of it and if you don't' think it is worth every cent of the price paid go i 1 kn1i 'nn J . wvn.. rnl 1. , wn,iw uiu gci juux . uiuucjr. - xuai our guarantee. If your dealer don't' handle Hudson's Iron and Nux Tonic i send us one dollar- and well send you I large size bottle prepaid anywhere' in U. S. : Address Hudson Medicine Cd: ' 1 1nc.-Petersburg,5 Va.. ' - ' Advt 1 1 i : ! 1 11 " " JLJ)(gpc Sit North Wilkesboro, N. C. Capital and Surplus Total R. JL, Doughton,; F. D. Forester, Vice-Pres. A. W. Horton, Asst-Cashier I ' B. D. Flakes, Cashier Ronda Branch R. L. DOUGHTOR Member of Congress, Seyenth K C District FY D. FORESTER, Wholesale Merchant, Nortti Wilkesboro,. N. C WR NORTON, Physician, North Wilkesboror C ' . ' E. F. STAFFORD, Wholesale Lumber, North Wilkes boro N. d C H? M. TULBURT,- Merchant, Millers Creek,, N. C 7 C A. LOWE, Farmer, Pores Knob, N. C. j - N ! C A. REEVES, Dentist, Laurel Springs, N. C It is with a sense of pride, which we feel is wholly justifTeJr that we call attention to the facty that our Board of Directors,, and those in active management, of , this Bank are,, without exception, -safe,' conservative, and successful business men. The same ienergy and sound business judgement which each of them devotes to his own private affairs is continually exercised hx behalf of this Bank's best interests. WE Which and not and not vy ; ' . t ': i .-.,.--. . ... . . ' . insure today. If you buy an now. out to eim W. A.:Bullis Benefit First Floor D.&S. Bank 'Is. A-'y-Y-, e: BMIIMHRIIHIII'I, V i Branch OFFICERS President U r DIRECTORS Resources $575i000 SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS.. costs more, to have life need it or to need life insurance Be bnthe safeide and have it? ) ment Policy with the Mutual Benefit for an adequate amount you may live as long as you want and will not want as long-as you live. , How long is it since . you made a study of your Life Insurance needs? What was adequate protection five, or even two or three years ago, is woefully inadequate D t d( a cold on be Influenza. . toswainice lay District eht for the Mv Li urahce fe Ins IB at Ronda, N. C. ,000.00 .00 $54 Clem Wrenn, Cashier - ' , '-i a m insurance Endow may turn geincy any North Wilkesboro. N, C. A Vqmp 10 ". i'. HMMMIhlHIIIDIIIIIIMH V J y.

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