I i i CARTER'S WEEKLY, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY GENERAL NRVS EVENTS FROM OVERTHE WORLD London, Feb. 13. The council of the league , of nations concluded its sessions today. The next meeting .was fixed for March 15. at Rome. Washington! I Feb. 12. -President Wilson is understood to have decided n the appointment of William Phil lips, assistant secretary o$ state, as minister .to the Netherlands. : c s T Savannah. Ga., Feb. 13. -Marie Blount, 12-year-old school girl, com j mitted suicide here .today'' by taking poison. Before she died she said her step-father punished her for refusing to wash a coffee pt. . y Washington, Feb. 17. Rear. Admir al Benson, chief ' of naval operations during the war and now on the retired list has been selected by President Wilson to succeed John Barton Payne iJas a member of the shipping board. Paris, 111., Feb. 14. In a raid in -'. Jacksonville, ; , Ind., . today, feredal . agents from Chicago destroyed '20 il licit stills and seized 2,500 gallons of whiskey and several barrels 'of mashl Two f uneral processions 'were stopped and the hearses searched f or liquor. - Lexington, Ky., Feb. 17. The cor oners inquest into the mob riots of last Monday jfound J. M. Rogers, L. M. King, J. H. I Ethrington, James Massengale and John Thomas killed by shots, fired by state militia follow ing orders and by other unknown per sons. - - .- . ' ' ' - . I TIT, rashington, Feb. ,17. The house today passed the "West Point Military academy appropriation bill carrying $2,141,713. Under the bill those serv ing in the army for more than a year nay be admitted to the academy for the full course if "between the ages of 17 and 24 years. . . : - London. FeB. 13. The Armenian na tional delegation ' here states it has received a message from -Constantinople stating that during the recent at tacks by nationalist forces upon Mar ash and Aintab, in Asia .Minor, about 2.000 Armenian civilians were mur dered in coW blood. Shreveport, La.; Feb. 18. Two per sons were, killed and nine injured, three seriously, when a westbound Vicksburg, Shreveport and Pacific passenger train struck a freight car at the Louisiana and Northwest cross- isg at Gibsland: ' 40 miles east of Shreveport, early today and V hurled it upon the; station platform where a number of persons were " standing. Those killed were: J F. .Myrick,.Oil City, La., and A. C. Taylor, : Homer, La. '. V ' 7 ' .' - : Chicago, T; Feb 17 Albert 1 Lauer, secretary and treasurer of Briggs and Turivas, .was arrested today charged with giving $15,000 as a bribe to Charles Callner, an internal revenue collector, ;s The bribe, it was alleged, was given to obviate payment of $150,000 'income tax. f '" J VVashmgton, Fetf. 17, The allied supreme council has -been informed by President Wilson; t. was disclosed today," that , if the - proposed Adriatic settlement.- to which the . American government is not a party, is put into force -the United States might have to consider withdrawing the treaty of .' ' Washington, Feb. 13. After a pleted work on the regular agricul week's debate, the house todaiy pn pleted wqrk on the regular agricul tural appropriation bill carrying $30, 500,000 or $7,100,000 less than, granted by Congress for the present ' fiscal year. Formal passage of the meas ure; however, went over until tomor row. '. ' '. Montgomery, Ala., Feb. 16. Scatter ing returns from 40 counties in Ala bama, including some of the largest voting precincts, excluding Jefferson county, received here tonight, indicate that the amendment to the state con stitution which authorizes a bond is sue of $25,000,000 for good roads, has been ratified by an overwhelming ma jority. ; Paris, Feb.-17. Joseph Caillaux, former premier of, France, was placed on trial .today before the senate sit ting as a high court, harged' with conspiracy against his country in time of war. The accused man entered the chamber accompanied by three police officers. There was a large at tendance, very few of the senators be ing absent ". 1 , . Dublin, N. H.,Ffib. 15. Charles Mac- Veagh, Jr., of New York, a graduate student at Princeton and son of the counsel for the United States Steel corporation, died of exposure on Mount Monadnock early today during an attempted sriowshoe trip to the summit, in companjr with Charlton Reynders, of New York, a senior at Harvard. ' r 20, 1920 NEW ENTERPRISE MAY . COME TO MOUNT AIRY C. C. SmootAIIIi of North Wflkes boro. was a business visitor in the city last Friday and while here let it be known that his company, the C. C. Smoot & Sons Co., will establish an acid plant somewnere at once. . They already have the machinery bought and will operate the new plant to se cure acid f or. tanning purposes to be exported , to Europe. They already have, a plant of .thisi kind that they operate at North Wilkesboro for their own business. ' -.;;.v ; Mr. Smoot was here to get informa tion as to the desirability of locating his plant here.- It is almost a settled question that this ; would be the home of the new, enterprise if the Mount Airy and Eastern railroad could be counted upon , to "operate and " thus Versailles (f rom senate consideration; bring down from the mountain section It looked different to Senator Lodge by the lght of the .cold Grey dawn. Columbia State. timber to be used at the new plant. ; As may be well kown chestnut wood! contains acid that can be used in tan ning, and this acid can be extracted from old sound chestnut trees that have been dead for many years. Nowi it is very well known that there are great quantities of this kind of wood in this section,' but to get it to the mills is the question. The business would be one of the largest enterprises in this section and would give, employment to a great number of men, both at the factory and.in,the woodsy delivering the chest nut wood. v - ; It-would mean much to this section to secure this plant and business men of this town and section should do all they -can to encourage the Smoots tof. locat here. The Smoots are men who have unlimited capita! and stand at the very top in character and reputa tion as business men. Mt. Airy News, Feb. 12th. , ONE DEAD, SCORES INJURED WHEN FAST TRAIN-IS DERAILED 4 Knoxville, Tenn., Feb.13. Engineer, C. K. Higdon of Knoxville, was killed, Fireman T.H.Delany was seriously in jured and a' score or more of passen gers were injured today when Louis ville & Nashville passenger train No. 33 was derailed 'near Pleasant View; First reports, reaching here said the engine, baggage and ma"il cars and two of the passenger coaches had overturned. Part of the wires are down between here and Pleasant View. A relief train was sent from here this afternoon under the personal charge of R. C. Morrison, superin tendent of the Knoxville division. V . .. ,, . S 11 . Fl Our fri.ends will find us at all times anxious to serve ' . " : . ': ' v v - -. . - i . . . .-X. ;: . S A - I - ' them land to 1 render them aid when their caV is riot running properly W expert inechanics and up-to-date tools arid equipmeijt g we are in a position to give you as efficient service' V and as high-grade repair woirk as will be'found in this r State! We guarantee satisfaction and we are not satisfied until you believe our work is satisfactoiy to -you. I We invite you to give us a trial. And remember that we carry a full line of Acce ones; Goodyear, Goodrich, arid Miller Tires; 'WHen in need of gas and oil let u serve you.; . ; f I .'.if- & Wl6iu mm. jiepaioog aaes In. The BuUding Formerly Occupied by Boorie Trail Motor Co. XMNTH STREET PHONE 221 tOo - Service NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. -4' EE i A 0 A- 51 i .vll 111 j Vlljn Atoiirtg Store W wish to announce to the motoring public that we We are now located on "A" street iust above the rai linson. Having recently purchased , up-to-date shop 1 mechanics we assure you that we can give you ! value difficult for us. 5 ' are now ready to do repair work on their cars. lroad arid next door to the store of V. Tom- r equipment, and with our reliable' and thorough riioney. No. repair job is too , - i r received tor your 'i i TIRES AND ACCESSORIES ! We are still carrying in stock a ' large number; of reliable MILLER XJNIFORM TIRESl These tires were introduced in this county by us last year and they are day by day proving their worth, to those who use them ca their machines. A large shipment of both tires and tubes has just been received. . ; . , Motorists will also find a complete line of accessories at our garage. ! i ' : - -- -- BUICK AND OVERLAND AGENTS , ; We are agents for the Buick Valve-in-head motor cars, the most highly; respected-car in America. The" sturdiness of this car has been proven right , here among -us. Place ydur order at once so that you will be assured of an earlier, delivery. ' , f ; - v v ' If you are interested in a car with a record of dur ability .and service, and one that is attractively; priced, investigate the NEW .OVERLAND, FOUR, with; -the Cantilever springs. ; v v; -. '-u. ;:;': ;'''v;:'.; v , -: r; We invite you to (visit our ne tjme; O Thanking our mends' and customers fofci their X- C is to give evety patron the bt service possible. Try us and be conyinc liberal patipnage irithe an inced. d trusting a continuance 1 " A . same, we are, yours very -;BMliE;P truly 'v ? feKV --tviH: -J - Nbyth Wilkecbdrp, s " t ; i - ; -.V ' 7 s ; . j - f, ,' : -" ;;M. V - - - . S.-lJ -..t-: 1 - , - ' U - . ; .Vv.fc i'.vv'-..:.; W.r.J-'-, '.; :r;;;f