I CARTER'S WEEKLY, FRIDAY, SEPT. 24, 1920 PAGE FIVE TOCAL EWfES HAPPENINGS ABOUT TOWN PERSONALS PICKED UP BY OUR LOCAL EDITOR ft jir, J. Tr Finley lo ; a tine t cow Tuesday- ., ''"T:' g. p. Puffieid .was a business gjtJr to Hickory Wednesday. - ",' ir. L. Vyne, of George, N. C., spent "gt eek-end here with his family. ; Mr- F- G- Harper, made a business f to Jefferson the first of the" week. Hiss Gay Harris, of Moravian Falls, yisited relatives in Wilkesbora Sun day. . ; -Mr. C Partee Russell, of Alexander ounty was a business visitor to this yesterday, v Miss A" very pretty 'marriage ; ceremony was solemnized I Sunday, night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Dancy, of this place, when Miss Writa Craven, and Mr. James F. . Graven of North Wilkesboro, were, united" in marriage by Rev. S. S. Jennings.- The happy couple will make their , home here. The following marriage licenses Engagement of r Misspell Horton X . and Dr. James P. Rousseau. ::. ';: r-l ; (Contributed.)". , h The announcement of the approach ing marriage of these two deservingly According to reports the Bolsheviki ran 'out of ammunition and Poland. Brooklyn Eagle. -:v'r . It now appears that the Soviet's popular young people; has been receiv- conquest of the Pole must be ranked ed with a great deal' of interest by with Dr. Cook's. Norfolk Virginian- meir ; uosi- 01 inenas xnrougnoui ine i p;in- r r - - . . , state, particularly soin the commun- ? Mrs. M, H. Blythe and children, of nave been fssued during tne past wee itiesof - Winston-Salem and Wilkes Yerkes,,Ky.,; are spending a v month by Register .of Deeds Foster: .Denny I boro.r v ms& Horton ,vijJ the vbunffest FOUND Bunch of keys in front of , v ; BluemomV -Hotel ; Tuesday. ; Owner "can get same by. calling at office of 1 3 r - hotel, and paying for this, ad : V:. The hair-tonic consumers must . be here , with Mrs. xBlythe's patents, Mr. Hinson to Ossie Lyon, both of Trap-laughter of Dr. H.V, Horton and Mrs. P Allows who used to boast that Annie ? Cpwles Horton,i both f families and -Mrs. J. A. Forester." hill; John Wesley Lyon, of Traphill Messrs M. A. Vickery ,and W. R. A Tnmoo w twi m?,. bicrt f Wilkms returned the last of the week Joynes; James ; F. v Dancy : to "Writa, from Greensboro where they Wnded Craven, of North Wilkesboro; Carl A. Mrs. Norman O. 'Smoak and little I Wells, of Ronda; -Jennings Hall, of son, George Herbert, retunred . Friday 1 Patterson to Lula 3ishop, of Fergu- to Greensboro afterj spending several son; Charlie Sebastian, Austin, to nonored and esteemed James K Rous uays ui YYUJtesooro Wltn relatives. ouurca xvuaiiiiKvivcr, ounu. n rAecoo ert residents of Off en; C B. Harrold, of Dehart, to Delia Billings, of this couh- among the best and n well-known in Western North" Carolina.- Dr. J. P. Rousseau is.; also a native of Wilkes county of one of the oldest and most respected Jf amiKes in; this . section of the State,- the" youngest son of Mrs. Lila Rousseau and the late highly they "could either drink or let it alone. Detroit Journal. c ; ' DMHE:;: HOT ' ;EOSY COMffUSSIION . Mrs. C C. Powell and children, who have been on a visit to Mrs. Powell's ster, Mrs..y.' F. Miller, have return- Flossie Hendren left Saturday ed to their home in Wilson, N. C Mr. nd Mrs. J. W. Powell and little child returned ; Wednesday . to N their home in Stokesdale;N. C after spend ing several days , here with - relatives. the six-room cottage on the corner of 8th and F street,, which he now occu pies, from Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Syd- nor. -; V;; " - - - ; 1 ... Miss Ruby Blackburn left iWednes- 1 for Wallace, N. GM where; &he wall Igach school. ' -" :.';"' jir. and Mrs. Carl Culler and child, of High Point, visited relatives here s -week. y : - V , ; V; Mrs. P. W. Eshelman is visiting her tarents, Mrrand Mrs. J. B. Mclaugh lin Charlotte. .;. , " iss Carrie V. Foote left Monday to enter Mitchell College, Statesyille, for the ensuing year. Mr. N. B. Smithey made a business trio to High Point,. Greensboro and other places this week,- - : . ' . ; Misses Mattie Horton andMabel Hauser left Saturday to attend King's and Dr. J. P. Rousseau, of Winston- Salem, spent the week-end in the city at the Kensington HoteL y . Mr. Gem ?Wrenn returned the first txf the weekjfrom a business trip to Hickory, Blowing Rock and ' Boone. He was accompanied on the trip ' by iMrs. Wrenn ,and son? Clem, Jx. Mrs. E. S. Blair, after an illness of DEATH OFvMRS. ALBERT HEN ! , DRIX OF ELKIN AGE 72 YEARS physician, has had an interesting and commendable career. He entered the University of North; Carolina at the age. of sixteen years,' completing his medical course at the. University of Maryland, the youngest student in his class. Immediately- after graduating, 8ay we : cant help but" look' y better and . feel ' better ' ' . "after an Inside bath; I, GOOD NOTES; AND MORTGAGES' ' bought. Also some money, to loan.. ; Sec J. R. Henderson at Henry-Miller Shoe Store, North Wilkesboro, - N.' a : ';;;.;:;;-:.-;i6-it; FARM FOR SAH13S ; acres at; Pores Knob, NJ C, formerly the F. . D. Meadows farm, situated on Mo- ; ravian creek About sixty" acres in ; cultivation, balance : in woods and . pasture. Eight room :house, large:. barn; one two-story house, all elec- trie lighted; . two tenant houses, all . necessary outbuildings. About ' eight t hundred fuit trees, three hundred peaches just corning in bearing. Can make close price and 'terms for ' - quick sale. L. W. Jackson, ,Pores : Knob, N. C. : - - 16-2t : c "Mrs. ; Hendrix was - visiting ': her I he unlisted in the U. S. Navy, ranking daue-hter. Mrs. R. R: Brown, of Bur-1 as Junior 1st Lieutenant, and Was as- Mr. Franc L. Ives has purchased i wtAn wt,pt1 nflJ,SPi .awav ' For signed service at To look one't best and teel one's best is to enjoy an inside bath each morn ing to flush from the system the pre:' vious day's waste, sour fermentations and nnlentinna tsv-tnA ViAfnva it 1a flH. Navy Hospital, I sorbed' Into the blood. - Just as coal, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Blackburn. - the past year she has been in failing Charleston, S. C, where he achieved when It burns, leaves behind a cer? heth. AbouttwomgritsEgoshede- high standmg and promotion, after! ggSSfW-toM cided to visit her . children .and had wards, serving as interne ;in a New drink taken each day leave In the alV reached her youngest daughter's home, York City Hospital for contagious dis- mentary organs a certain amountof later locating at Winstori-Sa- Indigestible material, which if Jnot day to enter Randolph-Macon College, with her, when she became critically lem to -practice t his profession. He wnich are then sucked into the blood after spending the. summer in the cityjill with 'heart trouble, and died within was appointed city pnysician ana ai-j through the very ducts which are in- a lew days. .' xier aeatn came as a w scrvcu aa mgui .resiueur jiujmujui wuucu w duv. tu uuwiouui, -i ill . v 1 a t " 4 ! . J CtV i of if Tr Viei1 AAa Ttii1ifc Pah -f suock io ner ianuiy anu inenua. oaej-v.-y -0f"" .v" v"l Tf Tftn want to fieft the elnw of! Dr. H. V. Horton, Mr. and -Mrs. Thomas Barber Miss Nell Hortott lived on a beautiful farm in Elkin.lyonng man a life of great usefulness hAflitinr Mnnm in vnnr rfieeTrs. tn sea one of nature's choice spots, plenty of land the young couple will have the! your skin get clearer and clearer, you College, Charlotte. Hr. J. A. Cashion returned last week from a visit to his son, Mr. A. A. Cashion, in Hopewell, Va. ' v - Mr. Deney Hinson and Miss Ossie Lyon were married Sunday near Ben tam postoffice, this county. Miss Ina Woodruff has entered Ox ford College, Oxford, N. C; where she will take a special music course, Mrs! P. M. Wilhams and daughter, Mary Gwyn have returned from a vis it with relatives in Wallace, N. C ' Miss Mary Loretz Cowles of States viHeis the guest of her - sister, Mrs. T. B. Finley and Miss JUlen Finley.' Blair and Company have recently built a splendid shed in front of their store in the eastern part of town. Mr. E. L Hemphill . returned the first of the week from a "business trip to Eichmond, Va., and Detroit, Mich. fine timber nd a number of springs sincere good wishes for a long and On the estate. The home Was SUr-1 nappy "e irom rewueuia ouu xrxeuus rounded with magnificent trees. Mrs. in this and adjoining counties. Hendrix - made . this lovely : place her home rearing her children up to man hood and womanhood, her. husband having died 17 years ago. When a young woman she made a profession of religion and for over 55 years had a hope in Christ. She OLD ESTABLISHED FIRMS. ; . . . . . ... Hammer &LTongs. Tooth & Nail. X iFuss & Fret, ; Weep & WaiL several weeks is able to be out During was a member of Temple HiU church, , her illness she xas at theiome of her ' She was formerly Miss Ceha WoooV daughter Mrs. R. W. Gwyn, and hopes! and was married October 3rd, Zk 1869 to Mr. Albert Hendrix. Jline 1 children, three sons and six daugh- Mrs. saran wnixe, oi latesviue, isi ters . surviv the mother, Mrs. Hen- spending several days jn the home ot; drix departed this life on Monday Mr. and Mrs., J. Lu nemphlJl JniflT,,KPT. hnrlv was hrnmrht to !lTrin J I Wilkesboro, and ex-Sheriff McEwen, at Adley. : - i . . Mr. and Mrs. Httls, "who have been spending the summer at the Iron and j Lithia Springs , on the Brushy Moun- j tains, returned tot' their home in Or- ilanda, Fla., Tuesday. . Mrs. D. ,W. .Williams returned Sat- f or interment, being accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Brown and Pastor Buck of the First Baptist church. The daughter's pastor. Rev. W.' F. Staley, who was intimately known by Taf & Feathers -H00U& Howl; Slip & Tumble, Snarl & Growl. . Sick & Tired, . Land & Sea; Hired & rlred, Happy & Free. r Detroit 23ews. - The profiteers se'em to be labozing lTnrtpi' tA i m Trrw ctrm fhnf aTl nfnz xne lamuy, wenvaow weunesuay vo have . gie's anibition. to ' e pour. assist, in we service. j.xie a.uiiciii jxl- vices were conducted at the home, in Mis. .i..D. Grier and little, daugh- &$f7t she attend- f riehds; . .floral .decorations ' were ea tne iunerai.ana Dimai services 01 , ... , v - t , 11 beautiful. ,,, r : .-.o iL - : The following children cuea pepu oui, ai. me age 01 y;arz. Associated Editors (Chicago). are told to drink every morning upon arising,' a glass of hot water with a teaspoonfxrl of limestone phosphate In it. which is a harmless means 01 wash ings the waste material and toxins from. the stomach, liver, kidneys and! bowels, thus cleansing, sweetening and. nurlfvinj: the entire alimentary tract; before putting more food Into, the stoma Men and women wlth'saBow, ktns; river snots, pimples or paUld com plexion, also those who waketp with a coated totigae, bad tasife, nasty breath, others vrho are bothered with headaches, bilioos peQs, acid 'stomocoi ortrjstipationahottid begin Cils phos- nfc&ted hot water -crinkmg and are j assured of very inwioemcedreetilts in. e or two- weeks. A. Quarter potrnd-ot limestone phos- hphate costs very little at the drug store hut ls amncient to xiemonstraie I that o Just as oap and hot water cleanses, purines and freshens tne ekin on the octside. -so iot water and limestone phoephateact on the inside organs. We must always consider that internal' sanitation, is vastly more im portant than outside cleanliness, be cause the -skin, pores do not absorb impurities Into the Blood, while the bowel .pores do. SAVES EVER DAY '.Light at the. touch of a button- no wonder Delco-light users are' enthusiastic Delfc-lightalso pro- vides electric jower for pumpmg the watery and running the washer, and other.' machinery that requires time and labor. ' Write for Catalog v -T W. & W. A CHURCH Ronda, N. C. ' Driers . ters, Jane and Ann are visiting rela tires jn Huntersville and Charlotte. Miss Maisie Vannoy left Saturday for Winston-Salem to -accept a position viththe Tucker-Ward Hardware Com pany. October term of Wilkes Superior onrt for trial of civil cases con venes in Wilkesboro, .Monday, .October 4th. ' . were pres ent: Mr. W. A. Hendrix, Ronda; Mr. I Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Bradfield return-1 Charles Hendrix, Asheville: Mr. Lu- ed Tuesday to their home in Atlanta, I ther Hendrix, Jamestown; Mrs. E. A. Ga., after a month's visit to Mrs. Bradfield's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George V. .Brown, on North Wilkes boro Route 1.- . . - The prize offered each year by the board of education was won this year by the "Arbor School," district "No. 2 of Wilkesboro townshiD. Thi9 orize McNeels Department consists 0f five dollars worth of Perry Pictures. -. - Miss Eachel McNeill left Wednesday for Gastonia, where she will accept a position in Store. Roughton, Winston-Salem; Mrs. J. E. Peterson, Winston-Salem; Mrs. J. B. Woodruff, Winston-Salem; Mrs. C. E. Neal, Stuart, Va; "Mrs. B. B. Brown, Burlington. ' Mrs. Hendrix spent her last hours rejoicing in 6od, and praying for de liverance from this life. She suffered dreadfully but bore up under her trial with . Christian . patience. The last jt r t tt 11 .-L j I - I year auc suciiu iiuuuux iui utotu, Mr. C. L. Hall, Southern road-mas- Mrs Nrv A. Mavherrv. of "Love- I j l v v v. -" V 7 1 IxXXlXKX SCCiUiCll AI J1A iita- vmston-balem division, h-..o AiA i?c woeV af tiio I 1 u v i spent several ho-nr5 m t.hA ntv ves- I -n : m. . ? j 1:.. I . ter for the tnirp of 74 vears. She is survived bv 1 u-fA . j I -- " - iCdYiug uua iuc. . Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hinshaw spent son, of Wilkesboro, and-son, Mr. W. several days in Greensboro this week E.,Mayberry, of Lovelace- 4-1. m mm 1 m m ht r - gaesxs 01 inr. and Mrs. u. w. Mic .Brw TVanVlin. rf r. DEATH OF MRS. MARY REBECCA - WRIGHT. -Mais. Mr. Clayton McNeill,; traveling salesman, spent the week-end here with his parents Mr. and Mrs. A. B. McNeill. ' . ' . Misses Pearl Taylor and Katherine London returned Sunday to North Carolina, College for Women at Greensboro. - Mr. W. F. Miller returned Wednes day from a several days' visit to his mther, Mrs. T. C. Miller, at Elkland, Ashe county. Mrs. 'Mary feebecca-Wright, widow of Joseph Wright died Monday of apo plexy at the home of her 1 son Mr. I" ' ,T. r..7( J- N. Wright, near Sanford, N. C, Miss Margaret Gwyn, front I . , . uiu t.iic iciiittiiia oiiivcu ucic i tuiito- day. . ;. . '. . Mrs. Wright (was born April 10, 1843, being 77 years, 5 months and 10 days old. . Surviving her are four specialist, will be in Wilkesboro, Mon- children,' two. sons,: Messrs. J. N. day and Tuesday, . October 4th and Wright, of Sanford, and W. E.: Wright 5th; Roaring River, Wednesday, Oc- 0f Keysville, Va,'and two daughters, tober 6; and North Wilkesboro, Thurs- jfrs. R. J. Bullis, of Sanford and Mrs. tener, CaL who has spent the sum- mer with relatives' here and in El kin and Charlotte, was the guest of i her cousin Monday to Thursday of this week. Miss Franklin; leaves for 'California today. - r - Dr.' A; W. -Dula, of Lenoir, eye day, Friday' and Saturday, October 7th. 8th and 9th. for the" practice of Mr. Powell Williams', who has beOTlMa'Drafessi - i 50 .. llee:.witI, "la- The iareest watermelon Norfolk, Va. exhibited here this season was-one -raised' by Mr. J. B. Kids : oh: his farm near Hunters- Ila C. Webster, pf Iredell county. Sur viving also are two brothers Burgess Forcum, of Chico Calif., Wright JFor cum, of Montezuma, Iow'a, and one sister, Mrs. S. E. Mize of Turnersburg, Iredell county. ' The funeral was conducted . at i Stafford Building North Wiikesborp, N. C. iHeadquarlers for Ladies3 Hats, Waists, Keady Skirts -to- China, Etc. Wear Otrr Fall line of Millinery has arrived :aad wb are showing hats in all the latest styles. We invite you to visit our store Bad inspect them. Mr. G. S working in Akron Ohio returned viUe, N. C. The melon was. presented Friendship Baptist church of which Wednesday to his 'home 'at Purlear to Mr. L. G. Caldwell when he visit- she was a member, near Millers Postoffke. Ud Mr.; Kids and other relatives in CreeJc, wednesday.anernoon, uy at- Mr. and Mr C. TT RAwero srntt urin. Albert, and Mrs. E. L. Hemphill, spent aay in Statesville with Dr. and Mrs. Fred Hubbard. ' - r y ' ; , .0r Sercy, Arkansas, to teach Latin 2 oway College, after spending summer here. " ed Mr. ; Kids and other relatives ii Iredell and Mecklenburg last week en. It weighed 83r pounds. : Sunday afternoon car occupied by Mrs. J. H. Finley, Mr. C. M. Finley and Miss , Mary Finley, and a Ford machine driven by a son of Mr. Asa Hays of Hays postoffice, col lided, and as a. result Mr. Finley was S. N. Bumgarner and T. .H. Mler, ter which interment took place in the church ; cemetery. Mrs. Wright had a r ord tounng 1 Deen m very goou ucium up uiu time she was stricken, and her death came unexpected" by close .relatives. Accompanying, the , body here ;were Mrs. R. J. Bullis and son, Carl, and Mr. J. N.. Wright: ' .. j ; . " r - ; iui7 Air r . - -. ' VY-Jradshaw, pastor otcpvprplv bruised -and has been-con- e irst Baptist Church" of Hickory to hTs home this week. v Both ma- "iii, several nours m ine cny 1 ,.T,ii wpre shenuv uamageo. HEILMAN-WELBOBN The followinsr announcement Mountaia View Tuesday. .Mr. B M. ParHTiA tyiovpH "his f The following announcement has been received here and will be of much A beautiful baptismal: service was interest to our readers: conducted Sunday afternoon by the , . vvuuukwu - jaauly from Moravian Falls .to Wilkes- Baptists of Wilkesboro at . Curtis and occupying the . Wellborn e near flt 1 . f pv F. Palton arrived Saturday rom Greensborcr : on a visit: to bis l011' Mr- T. SDallon-at Gold Medal VjieaiOao---' the Yadkin river. Rev. W E. , Linney, had charge of the ser vice. Following are the candidates presenting themselves ' for baptism: Mrs. JV M! Burngarher, Mrs. ; W. E. Harris. Ella Estep, Edith Foster, La- lie Foster... Mr and Mrs. Robert Heilman announce the marriage pf ' their daughter . .. " . r . Zora Belle . - V Mr. William E. Welborn . Saturday, September eighteenth, nineteen hundred and twenty ; Ford City, -Pennsylvania : - 3 B--- t: and ch . f"""-7""" --'L ' '"' "m 1 "" 1 "" 5 OB II . K We also have a beautiful line of skirts and wakfe. All sizes and styles. ' ; A number of pretty pieces of cut-glass ina are now on display at our store. Place your order now fori a New Edison, the Phonography f witK a Soul.; Gome in ahdplay one of these wonderful machines, e icany Edison Records as welfias the " . NORTHWmKESBORO, N. C.P 1 . . - r

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