- . -X life .1 J'"' 1: ,..: : -. - . - -. --- . ,-v , f i ' .1 ; 'r' v.. . ' - V ; J':.;: i "ji'! .v. Mm Y77Y'YY:YIY 7- -WmYY Y '; ' 77 7 . .j-'U t7 M .Two, DoTIarimltrifiy -Clents , lr!van trTbrfe Dollars, frfictipaUl witliin the year. , . t-rf for t.itc,;; fift,:;.siod H!rtynisv:i'ic; ' . ::5f.f:r'i''- tn .forbid;. anitibaTBii' i : ' r-i 15. '! j"! ':Ur rnuit be post ,pail.;V: i'V is that thev assnme' W tlimVrif hv mairic. nnt of iilC street, to doi taineu ltt superb outline. Kveiit at ihjbcst, vnu this ikmil: tnrnVli Art amusinSf Aaamst' mestiness cf lqin !-. ' - I . - like hiiiLetter fo the Idie John publislied )w the Ai ydh theiBdstoii edition oft bis : 1 itoit: hith ii Hard l.odbyall in thHivisionfdFlab f . men TV uok s weei us crossing ibuVassamedr-I filKiUjipt insult tlio'j; T pretentions ofih'fe'booli to" the tnit!i ' - ' and candor ofhi-storr.byxny pro-"- r 31415; rriowpro-; Sessions df.rcsndct for the .public or .jf.fa4ji4iav6ht'an3iricr, in .b$f:liisti6ees. ' rrorr- tle Lnnu:nr.rMoriln 7;,t' hti rtwrWHmb -.'III!.-' li-.'i '1.. . - !". ': Vi .. -i ' . '' ' ' tain iriitiividnfiTsj irtan hiivin2 a; fhe Volume Prflispc tountry.I could cot. escape, cn? ' ; ;t- asperRions hicli viCis i'tsbbiect (6 i ireTy- extinguished ; on inyVrit-pcV n tontroveri.H' his IcttcrsVrn'ud I' !io tI-I ' - fisy Tjeierece to tue.oi)jeQtionaDitticcfn myseit xjnwunny.oi iuc ciu ii ot pre viousl y itcwlted upon : : nc sees u ne pa iuhoch ma w . . ;', f "' ."" J-'" ..' rv' : !r VI'-' ..'w'!' '' iBer ;eine :r ' l my oeconauc mm attent on: ibr tWtres are a num- inat event Tn Oiir history 'is iinsUulCe character of V;V "t bur wor thi-; :4..wif ted with the utmost facihtv and conveni j ' 1 :ii .'?? v' J--iliiuhSui-i ' -i V -7'.i i n. ' j ' . '.i. . ;-.vi - . , . uyv : -7-7 -jay r r ; j uer in coon fiOUlS ..WJIO never miss L""K ueuicii.l sav-insn tmirl vsi sons. ; s I 'J hislcanceptibn; though rand, aret not ac- j f 4The lightness of , curate: so tnai wr.en v ithm i I s precin cts- :Jor the first 1 1 irom the fabric of he aciuaHyiarnTes the London i, houses affords an op; 3 driven, ort u fbf opening up the ground the F.rhanere Char- '4". d.-'- ti .. : ;?... .t,,' -i 7- P. : f -T mzfdi no ; London : ca h nei t her "as a townl horia aito1 : (sal nation;a kingdon as 4 Ihops and warehdusesl 7, retail business are carried m -i -- i-L'l- w 1 iv - ' ' . beri-hUy descrihed On h .vn nor a a city;nt me qaiflceiin iront is apor ana win m itseii; lts weaRh dowladaped to show ffOods to th ''J guage injvyhich his denial is coiicli4 ed is' poritem ptuou s4-the reason u p on w bicf?j heoubts . shallow ana theCwhple'spirUriof itb letter; ohvi ously malinantbat the charac hsl,vestcrrvtpb jl i (ftrre n t dtrectio n s. ' wH hi n its hi. !ids: arw i , i , , T j 7, j ,j r , I. ,j 7 nf . ij . , 7 -4'i j 7 f I ' low hplhtar ; lire cotaoion iriame'of jibndp iuim$.ti'' tondorihowe ' ut-' -von aiiAn hj'H m Ucstd length, (roth , J St.rn 'north to soothi f$ is rcu rn'terence, , ;psiuai ':vi vf, n nest aavaniace to tne passensers; ,paionll,HSC(So;ke sec Al,oun. Jj0ndciT shops rcm to tlaow vtnea s utarcotiventiorialsvstem.pt society, ,n j - r . , s by whrch thel hum n being is rounded tberasej ye intolhe wide. exp?n6ive ;t;pemU tips,iof size1 and decoration, frans ! wH nihil? an which fi v .t ' '-f hft 7 il :nrnvihfMai SviltK tht it ll.c topographer can ss,at. Ho proper .t.Uc claiUs. -TIlC - exhibition of s;0!Cl!- , !5a!P ' dSEohdoribp windows i . 01 UOnc.on an, vy SiOHniier ineaiiCT- ;,7;. havinz once .'.voeen a seat 01 popuiauon on A:Pv.VkW1.KJt!r-fvv& n4"M HW Fn -Des(iqs ;;.a; ninDe or peuajecai ifuggiy-or ,anq ? jancy inii-1 j :;7 -consregaieai" an 7 everyi otner-cty n 7 ... 1 . . - ".t -. i. pitmtity'knd assbrtrnents j -ButShetT theteiaijhfe! spots, but alons the !' , , v ij-i-f ' f-: 7 '7:'":"3i: ; i I C.:v;.;3k--a VtimbtPifAH rti XT , 7fl 41: :57V, inis extraoruinary ft aritile!;wealth'isbtrikinll Millie uicLii yuu cvcii ..rjjciicuimiiiia iajl j alley, or what you think an obseupe cot rt there you see rt in full force, and on a erreater scale than in any provincial ;ovn . wnaisoever. !;j 11 is eqll.bvi(qu thaMnere!is:'heiBe a 7 dreadful struIrS gle for business. ; Every species of lure is !tiieds tolinduce! purchases! arid modesty is quite lost sight of, Atradesnan, w ftbnt of hts bbtiw gauay andhuge na at mile's '::!3istdnceIHfe th teiL&l sav insbltincH Ipaying Jacik for hiJtluble, 'We' denied becatisei bc. only the lanj Happen 10. Know a geniiemau ynu never .passes one ftfHhese street !7ri'Iii7' . 7'': ''ii : f'i . i -'' i''1 I .. ' . sweepers witnqut laying a: coniri biifibn into! the LexteMediandJcapa- cious haC i.J. tX" . t "The constant tlibrbughiare on ! ter -of the btate vitally assailed by 4 tbe pavem(nislbf tbc city alwaysj reflection on the pa(riotisin M .Wil the National ; Declaration offlnde penclence frpm North Carolina. ?v ! After all tins abuse of the: State it history, and its men in he true spirit of deceptibni rhe disclaims alt intention of I imputing any floutful ness torNortli CaroIina. ' ..Jf o State was more fixed or forward I he' ex cLaitas-j-andj yet he had 4n a few prececji'ng liuek vaspersed j in ibe grossest mapner the character , of JO; SE AWLt JONE S 1 Shocco. a -'suliieicof ndKaitcuri- osity to the stranger; giWhen thej town is at the rtilleslin 'ihpwinter and spring, the jpayelnnt with passenger; j, rlllflatinglrapidj 'Jvon the strea m s in different dir'ec ti o n s i yetfla void i ng any approachj to confusion, and m general each rounding aaj jdimchltJ obstructiM inflbtv way,twith,a dellelcy iand iac noiwhere else to be mewitb,,: Mat tiy of th e $lran ser wh " arrive in nuon irom tie country: are posj sessei With: tlread fid ? notioqs of -1 he dangers W le ericouptered iu- alj directions Mheii I walkinfflalons; thfe irKcii i An ineir a vouin iiiev uave rili.tilv: f 'il! ."tV' i4 -' N Jl her Rrepresbntati ve onHhe infbst lustrious and I trying occasion 'of fcr pouuear existence, ilt JNortli Uar oliha,delej2ra nress to cd the rankest; tory i n signop herv behalf the .tliowinix tor various t e it.'H I) t r ty :hnle' ities,.isestima- vile the area of ground it Rovers ja' conslc 7 than'U3.:mes':s(uarp Ivi.vOi'' Thc increase of London ha$ been par ti cu I air IV fv o red fby th e jnatiii re o f its s i t e. 1 ItstaiYQsat the dika nee ofsixly miles from tlje sea, on the, noHh hankl of the Thames, Wsrbtjnd risiientlyip wards the north ; and so even" and reularn'putline, that a?J rnoup; tne sirceis,. yiiu i wVi? cajjuuiis the' cround seems perfectly iflatl 1 On the isouthbantfthejri quite IpvI? nnd on'flll side iithe coantt v' appears .'yety..Jii ! thinff to . IntirruptP Tbtiiidio;?:.Them , source; 0.1 greaiuess uu vvKami w-mc c ! trbpoli is ah Objeht wnjch';! Jeneraliy; );ex i cites a f;reat deal of ntefeit, among stran " : gers. -li is a'vplaci.qig majesd strearn of ; pure water'; rlsirigrin itbeJ interior bf ih country, at the distance of a; hundiecl and thirty-eight mHes above Loridon and eh- ': rin;'the;siipp- thqeasteoa8t'Dusiity: ' n,ilebelo tvvo.lertitpbanlifipatp;fw ted to'Otttryt oiii;;(Lhe tliefbutmostlhouses (7ithe ; short Syiy1 : r m fi"f4:: a wrndin Wu 'rs&: ' feet vv eeti Ibanks' ' i!lililtt6imttrr5n!rtiins mifiliMan .SrivM'ence,7;UhM ! stcr, (? V and' all IRHP'ie lrOni,ers.cut nuIWes.-foot na'(iS . to'be so m&mm-letferj ncr- aud "fawniDs' ra and others who i6ubsist bv wavJav mmeu thensfi associate to nlav the I "contain a long editorial article hea-c i'Jir ; 1p.d i( Jflr.hsnui-im in vli?r'!i nr' A V m- w --7 - 1 llVM UII VtUj ' , borate effort 1 3 made to prove, tlmt 'j General jJaqksoa is JnflameihWHIt;y,'.i "sl gnmping, and inextinguishable ,1; i;, amiutiou fbr: royally i imV IkitVzlvr --' riuef anir mil ue is playing a uecp , : t t ;;. J iih lance Sf ' probability, it has suited thrimeii 4 h- , to.rcprese tiot .'-C 4 . ' I an HmbecilQ rdotartl'5 and4ootbr; - 7 -? s 'rtige!-- as;isy'br lirts been the! v ' J v woni; 01 Mie lyumners, out as unci master ;spirhV who stirs the ": ii t ri re y ::v-: v 5 j . that must (it; fears) flbig the North 1 ; j r. and ther Southunto an angry and .. . . exterminatingcbnuict.l Jackson: i t? " ; V having btien thus; transfof raed froj. : j: a puppet to a master spiritVaii ,VU , Buren, M'Larie, LiviiMlcnj;WetA'''"v ) the ( kindred)) Ij hase ntintonur 7 i6Ubsisibv wavMav nutted them ; associate to nlav insimple p double part ofaiWhigat hraeu and leave ;; nome; ; ilney :'ew, : up their a A ?ry ia uongress they jtoo must ttoiiegmMe ;iitiing ottheirMotiiefe, hotwithstandingv the approjba-, ni'"r4solv& to show moj-lon of Mr. Jefferson. v tfeantsiiipeiicej alt.iimejT-'in' public.:!' i In the; refutation of these charges aisbyy haveallil havei'c their ;eyes pborit them wheresoever posed work into three Chapters7--Ih:g6,anrt':'-to the first comprising a history of the rise ot the llievpluiion, in which the events which preceded and suc ceeded the JVlecklenburc !Declara- tion, will be discussed, and the vir tue of no doubtfuDess rescbed from the uncertain authority o our as sailant. 5 In the course of this chap? tertoo, I shall -have an onportunitv of discussing the Militarv discinrtne adopted by tlie Congress df August 1775, . and of introducing to the no tice of the public the deed of Uio;se ,wh6 were ffoVemost in all tlie perils of - that ; clouded day. K .There are besides; in several of the" standard Works bfthig 'timemisrepresehtar uuns 01 various events in our insto I'grbvelling spirits' ' sycophants." v. '.', 'i - V - .' ' I' - ' '' ' : . - . up their minds ueyer to1apper astonished at apy thing, lest tliey bef filled put tor robbery; and perhaps mutderlf Catch them, if you can, going any (way, b u t i n the inai t&l ines ' of the 11 ICCL l 111 iljr- I'll. , -.f ' .7!': ' -. T ' i - -.,).. ' iSd-to cahett of the- narrow streets or short Sbkiiifpiaefeti if hl-iplll'-:;- -T ' - .V". ,W'-5 4: 1,7 7,1 :- ' . rt ii v . -7. 7 ::J-77- Li vtc iavoraoiesituationr tn i ineeraDie oi a nousetaetrow icuiauoa twnen tneyj mainc inai, Lun INDIAN CUSTOMS. it 7 ""''1.1'" j f '' '17r ;4i Ipt. tiitee'nr "stee"pf mU?iaove';lhe;:cd hut the -satrrwater. thhty m1le$-iIpW UHo the-- VbiuVd;'libth;P -each the city ohitsieasterp puaherl Mbsi ' tinfortun dythe.bu i: !y useful and iinesticamjis " - ;h 7ipeciatorthe)re 'emgnbua'Tpr M omenAdes along its banks, as is. thpcase vithVh'c.l:::eyat option pf the;sumVit;tf SaiheJ ' :d v good points ofslgbt for tb? f.nvjjrw tJ.e uriacs, vvmcn cross ; 11 ai convenieni , distances, a naUy-tftelr" tfenctb'eobiey n ' accurate idea ot the bre?dui otthe chanpej. T)onng.fiWe'weath4't! jso'jere. with numerous barges or .Bbatif fancl.fal add Iig;htbrici s'ujtable ibr jdick rowing 'aid-by means - of tese j pleasant cbpYey-- an ces: the Thames) for ras one 'at the chief ' thonu 'biases. 7 - 7 5 t.n-:?.i'tu "Jondoii consists pf and apparently ihr terminable 'series oftsjlreets compoeJol n ick h 0 US2S, 'ivlchlarlejcomnlvfour stor-t - t in heilitj ndrneve letharijthree, '7 i London houses! are rtt by any tiieanai 7.;uu .in;, merr. appearance; ineyiiiavc t!i3 iripst part, a' tlinsjy an cielut -aspect . it u only jn the western f part 01 me 7 I ' c- 7, t ' f , 7 ' --5 ;. .' f -7 teritibhiand their snavitv of manners ext wiiatcoBldlbfeimaBue alli&rfaSo linUrK ' ).!r nntM'. M U 1. - . i 1 I mntocfr!nn i'TnKnlt Ulll 7 l'n I "r " itrlil t Ifn . 7 f ofT te - r !,itnnkfnit chifacter fb& aft B$&Ir& its authenticity, r will be f discussed, minfttt, rlih1rnniliinn.iii!ni iUn..L: rlPIICO Unrl mntflnra Minnriln vrAv.lnwA Sk 1 T h t TT1 net InrllcnllTflftlP OVIflPnTP. yoWerepa irr ahouMbence 'psblita only frbni the testimony vd expect aiyt Jginibfptridb sea shore.-r f tbeJS tate wilrbe exhibited in its betto0SSmii'cli.f iavbrCNotli shadow -bfidoubtas !..Il&'.-BirU53iex fbtiiubsltenc tidularlv iDhse clilsifieation f tr miauunjjaiiu- acuviiyi in inumo-iucnuuauppuricu . juuiuumj. als m the lower Tanfe I nateu asseruoniuai . ne was me j rankest tqr in Congress--py ashprt the Continental Coa- frjic Philadelphia Commercial ; Herald, referring rp the." brilliant " T ; i Aurora Borealis recenlly, Veen ia i ' hat city, says . . i I. j..v:-r.7 ' Wei remember in: ;i827Uhat 1 'X ;;V precisely such a stream of liditap- i . peared. We were on the Fox Ri , ver oi ! LaKe iUicnigan .anti were v . : ascending that river twith'avbartvi ft.;' composed of United States troopj' vf? arid IucliansV; vThe7i!ndi ans f. nti'm- :v;.? J. ; oereu aoouiqne i ;iiunured. imrae-;. diatcly on appearance ofthislighti. ;'- not tne Aurora JJorealis, f for t they - - were accustomed to that, but aaem; anation from it, .such asWe tawon.v' Friday .last, ;(the' ;Indians tiiade; a Vv halt; They interpreted v into a V sign pr -anger in thqT Greatpiril; ; - and as indicating bis disapprobation - ; r oi ineuusjnessi.inev were coin n. , v u Has i.u wiai.. wc represent v-u'. -.. . bar viewslof this Hsh't.HU - ArrMt L jjij L f.;vA-r"iT;.' ' ' 7 . - ' ' -. cs. across t : j ... .1 . pass overr . Wa3 .pla-iv' 'J: ced there by , thV.G.rcat Spirit ilad , mis sireuiii vi.ii2:ui.naniieneu.ique . . ' v j in-vine ; lireciion oi our aarc'U- , ; :--s . wbuld have been interpreted (ife- 'Cvr entlyl -V;; i 4 ; , . rFortunately vone of - the Indians' i "v i espied a rattlesnake, f i The appear- V ' ance of a rattlesnake, in, an emer-j ': y .;tv gency,;bf the sort, considered anU - omen for - good. : 1 hey , helieved ; ? Vv thesnake to 'Jiavo been sent by V; .y : i Ulieir friends from the! land of ouls:' : v FT'.-' - 'r - .. - e- '1 .. 7'" . iiJter.i mucn .pow-wowing orer the: ; ; , reptile, and: sprinkling a present of . ! s - j tobacco -over his head, which was l-'r- I j av oueibnwi i Thepublicubavc beenlate ;illatrat' his1-patriotiam by.;an atiswery x lie paltriest serviceiiich I formed z that m Icontemnlated the oxutouion : oti many; oi nis private cab be renderedSis; sulyeclbfx-t publication of lletters; written duringtiie tertu of aciio , i ne-snum the nis service ;m designed-as a token of Triendship, the Indian iWho! had discovered himfi;Jv"' an d; whose p rop erty h c t here fo re ' was, ran :- his finger and thu mbVtip ; r his bac, and catching hi ni fast by f. theneck, raised him from the ground r give: him a' crack as if he held. a , wiipin his hand-thus dislocating : the vertebne of the backi; fThn with' a stick' the, work t of his des-v pect; dcprllccst jron fmtlie. 'Sssi. v jip'v v : traction was completed. The In- f the ufebly Wretch alw Ialte iperfofman'ch's duty, Jdlin- was careful to fcnd'backy by -

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