J - r f , ; -It 3" " .... y I' y. -: ;.::. XV y t If '-'..V ;r V t ' j- 'I 4 . '"'-; .V. S i. .; ? ---tr -. f V . f 1 1 ft ' e'hA 1 tli e 8na)kb j rcrtai ni, liidssaes lo h$ s ml trie mean umcimav sten in inin.Qur ranKsr anu our uivme mas tcr may suramon some of younto cr mamnsuramonfspme pi younto rnilfivingfiga pnveajoi ius tcrorsfaua ;a trdwn t reiuiuiiiK mc; iiiveu to us oyvmc je- the nnickn and Um lpaili TIirsjiI utatiqn oi ielt ion wasjabajdaone , and the boats yem ordered put: they were instant ly filled ankhoved ofi vaiiuiia uiu -not leave unu tbejflkmes burst through the Jiatches wneniieam selves1! uPl pyB ffif We W at an 'drdppteifti; that aWis most to sinking, theboats now left amicable settled. The spirit of mu- withfifty i tiftee !f persbris liinnacc vyju-u acvt?uiea,;- anaue louyDoat WW of intooklchargt the: longboat, -iheiSlate of the wi!i rcluctarice; j Iiwabi in tile land i of bulsnd man VUhaiiki Sfor' 'iheirih'avins'iseht. hitii ' to iliera in their emergency, , ' cu t u p into inch teieccs cac h war- " f.;-rj'a'c:V'':liillthB t tnakfl'ssKin f was ' (; ; j mad tfot prti atnent theS crsondf tis t 1 d i s co very.); ; Its C;lie?iiJ was tied to i 1 4 ' vl pek of the " Iriil lan ' hair the rat - J Ul es; trail ing upou thfe groundi to ciiruinuii. not, Xiiear away: W hf ik 'doiiht'.; The IndiAnk-mbved ah uh ypari teiluire aridLunderneath vnni fiffblMirfiITAViimW Mrj p? vrcicuMMug? .iruis iiuuiatT, sexianu aiew ctiarts, anu L-thp';serVics:6raH ' :jT:,-:r:'.rnrl fp?vH-hattstai survived - f 11 iwn:Svetemm Coii- .e're jindespairbn bowsprit, A:SARntiiaiM the ifit.ii. ni ami a.vprKv-n tavni rir riiPiri Rmn 1 1' mm : iiiil sma .us iiiul iiuin- per was j you gvb; u$ youir support j End uniel : yoar efforts with us in the resuscitabu qf tlje Chbtcjfi jbf bur fathers. J Tile Almigh ty ! has State. JlisKts bn thb , onbi hand, and I i Mr. Randolph, it i Well known- v. : . thepbwers of the'Nationil Govern- a member elect of -.the '23d Confess, 0". mentonithether-thisiVjnkessary !fhich hehad been, frith occa Ices L for thef maintbriance Und hreserva- ,nierm,55' r ei? rij-uve-. . -i w "T years. From lus fiet ebtracceantoDub--- uon oM.ine -vonsiuationi -uut tne iv.r. i i?or k. .ul 5 iiciate wrew tuemra iniomusrnot oexarneu HOO lar on most prominent pbl pns of bur country. ' j.- r,' r"2,v"j uuu utio uivavu Kiuit 'a"ucf; iuj; uuaicvy. 1 may ii" mjwh; ropecis, ne one ol inTTt05t tual concession. that will ; produce such result; will Jbhbnorablejin the eyesfjbf ati the friends of liherty m i5urope;,5pJVVff, Int j - refiegtM t R 21 PTTTSB OUOX7G2Z: remarkable men of the age,' and in a fe v particulars, perhaps,1 the mdatyemarkallc. lf in the course of his! I(Jr.; career,. thj peculiarity of his tern pen and bisprorcn, sity for sarcasm,' made1 him enemies, no man; on tne onicr nantl,: had winner per sonal friends; anil the time ha i tvn'when few wouldhave !. 'disputed the ju-tir&of (ha . Hiph compliment yhich u nait htiv.fJ, when nc ws prunounced.to be cUiqutr. 1 as lyiiainamr as uaiojucorruputiio- . ' Our Ciw, It is t ruly jjratifyi r I b u 1 nes ihe animal:on which t .present p ' ; .FRIDAY,: JNE-7, If33.; -. "?".,cvery,,'P1f,n,?n?-fr buV. ' t aml of sbuis.;tyor oftfieir ;f$:Mn!r-:,aii h?d :; Ciis:?ge:u m. i ne bear wa8 jf'taiked iiof ijle was v-told over anc) I bvef Vngainhc w grateful it was tb 'fmeei?hiin iji-ilb wilt iti d iheW iriends were to "ehd,1dnfr icn 'getting, his rifle I 1 !t ' I) rtjady; f he Inhn ; hljng , first dis co v erediii nil sb t d -'jo ':t fi :a be ar - blessed teess as our labqrs with such sue the most sanguine mind bould nofShaveHanticSp but this j,.jt's -;1nbW XhcIndjan';'' but the wliite loves Bll,:;ailI;tnsV':to liiapK;ourjrjeniqrscuuiii5!jMu . i 'i & : ' ' k AAii' filr in ri'i d t ! allkrbwl-r-anc isobbtskinnluttfctit up boiled'and f V . .i. ' .1 . : r . 3 T'-V-iAV"tiicn:iV aimcultv1$yUlf the Object: of our 1 , fFpom, the RicUiponcl .T.riqulrer. 1 - - 1 1. : a ..-1 5i, , ji ,, voniveniionm ificnmoua: AVI 1.1 111 v.ll IWI .UlU.VItol m HUM U I I V . 1. '; ;hPt$Ai&,$ - '-been tice to r on ten e. my constant rprac y ou ! a ton n d t h e a 1 cqiiventional to hid you anaftVc , prior ; to py ou m e . espectivc Parishes tof at the cl(se, ,1 v labor?, in ortler - t ton ate fare vy'el vi I partitre loyqar r anu 10 assuv, vou 01 ine ueep mier- est t icei in qur feweiiavev auu per-. :: 'son al h aj) pii iess i: . - ' 1 'I1' Ita n ti cbplcfesali qni-. y I once visited vrVy ifh gra t j ( ehght, IM have bidden 1 through jtli et cfltjets of locial inlif mir ties ? a final : adietl; and, it isonly j- bpon tlie ret 1 t-u pf bbr cbuventibn- ; nri r : at meeting?! that I am i bless el with v I inq sigiHoiMnyoKitriends, anu;am congregations which then amounted to little more t nan -: twenty, have -in creased to upwards of one hundred and opt Clergy .wfiich then 'Con- fisted of six or eisht effective men. now number about H60. Yqut ray brethren, have been co-workers You merit our thanks arid r deleryediy eniqy our uni ted bohfidence and regard. We Jiave but oBe interest," and that interest is ithibbt-jGibdtanV !M-y tabors the last year naye beep confined ixrk snialt ciqlfKPF dischargei it or vyour idmitted Din 'lllllliillilii ei;h tcan ulates-if to; f npr cl ers, f;;;;an cl liiree deacons to th brder of Priest? hood v .!' In J Jrily;I yisitedf niiili neld in cbranabviwith the Rev. Wm Ceanti pre ed the rLord's supper in the Old hutch to a very large ndi deeply rapresied congregation J . Qn Gqod Lviday whicli becbrred the 5th of ( prii, t administered the ;rite ! of .a i4fii h : J'-V n u-4ii ! ru.i-'u hsl. scene was hbekinj: and heart ren he. re ri- all soon diriE iNbasistance could uereu inemjana iney must nave irone-down with the wreciC. The boat left her with vejry little provisjons, and that little (lamased by alt waieirL Some fresh water Was car' ried oMJmiq pinnace, which4 de- sertedher cbmpanion in misfortune the joUyoat had been previously separated frqm her consorts. ;.i h$Idng;boathad.marle hut little pcogress on the 10th February, by which time ; all in her we e so de bilitated from'tfatigueand' .thirst, ibqas jso very lleaky that iit requir vuc. i;wi!gaiit auenuance oi: eigne menj to hatl out; the water! On this naners to toersons Hilthe rout, not in' . thie immediate vicinity of a? post office. ! Jlnpthtr Bank Failure i-The Cashier of thd iGreensborough Branch of the State Bank;of Georgia ia found tq be in arrears in his cash account about S71,000l 1 .' I 'ni-j, ii --V. 1 The 1st inst, being, the. tjiird Anniver sary of the Citv GrABDS, an 'lndepen dant Qqmpany at Raleigh, it was celebrated in their usual ..wayviz: by! a praiie,. and fiing at a Target! fora Silver medal. The medal we understand! was awarded to Mr. James Litchford, he "having made the best average shet. '! S, " Florida, -The return! of votes, shew that Cpl. White has Jeen re-elected the ueiegaie irom tnisj lerrjtory to the Uon giess of the ; United States, over Geo. Call: x ,: S;.. v Slander Suits, 4;cThicase of Wm. Gj Cok ys ; Thosj, i Sings) n:, (or slander, vyas tried at the! late terniojr tHe Superior Cour bfMecklenburgcpurtty and Tt verr diet ofi 2,000 dollars damages rendered in .favoriof the plairMff. ;c.There was also another case for slander and one for breach of narriage contract; in vVhich verdicts Were 'ieMffid for Hop dollars each. tiBjspec; maii-ajiMly, died from ex. hanstiqn" afid Want of nourtshment. ; Othe ' a. sail' was seebi.: which proved to ;)em.?tjjstb.rf:.Ydssei; took Lmmmmm ott:;the so! iwmm arr efl-theh-4o .Mliaafel the soth SSW W;dtifc- twbaii1MS:ftg . . . i H r : L j"'"' I"' '"' ' ! ' . i V -.1 . jdnfirmitUoniii Christ ! C hufch J in his CHv. tn 13 , np.rsftnWi vVftivp which X Was called to Norfolk, iti vnicii ptace i preacneu ami conse irated.jSt; HPauPsTG ! . . 11 Ml" i- ' .nstiiuieu wmvttev. ilector 'hurch lurch, and also Mr. Boyden, iof , the same. In1 Christ under the care '::Jⅈ;jfabM!y . . I -. : in vV mini inr'. flifv vornrfl nr Mu I'i . : '--I; ( 1 . 5 HIV , 11, UI till l-'i'l?:"'ifi i- i v .. . ..ui ix -six " j ii 1 1 1 v i u u a 1 9 , u n v -1 ou r o I froni' the Mediterranean arrived crew of the pibnace.' . - The tolly notabeen ' neaVJI frC-sb that ou nufiarm. pnmgtmruj-iwo perm yyereon poaraj'PWtv sixn-mne were sav was fought between! wo f the Columbia, S. C. yf fought at Rice Cree 29th ult. the, former re- baot of two Done broken and the wound is thought who to be dangerous . ! '! i I e'-a,apid in his bodf of which he h'ah" died?':2pjrs, the latter ;had his thigh .!'.. I ' i. - J .ti . - - 't -t I ' I . the toes be- five. v,The (that of the , which is oftlie'RevBrtJDucacIiet.l breach ed and confirnied p on the londay - foiijqwing I Visited M r. C -Win cfi e 1 df s Paris h 1 n PoHs- nibutiij preach e(Hb a large congre gitio nib dclijffi rm ed h re! i ridiyicl- dals. bLX , cantjidates ; Were ad mitted ly-; :mysel f j lat Sunda jfmo r Hnlvni t, Irv rV j 111 iil , IUO X J.U11UUI? II IU t VIlULCll & V: iiju UV 1 uBrefureb itnow-bit! vou farewelli &;my; thelib ' .- " . 1 c.'v'v I cf? 1 . . . u- M.lf 1 Ct e n ii e cl u.t :i 3S & ! l.Vab 6 rr liouhl xcite ;i npn r m i n tl s i S' v.! VatesiatituclbiT 6b tiff an d 4 1 1 tsttmuiate ybu to theraost univea 'm. '-I! . V I . led. - 7 . h-J1- !; .1 he lexmgton, i(Ky.) Gazette nolices ;i Sevetal of thfe nasseho-ers werdi Verv re- the, exhibition, iinlthat 'plice, of Miss spectabie. One of" the gentlem!en saved Spyderi, a young j lady, aout .nineteen l$t''fl500..The y?afs,f age who is reparded as one of mediatelv forwarded 4o their resneetive the 'greatest natural cunositiis ever seen: destinations. :'-kyf '. ,fl j The lady nas neither hands' porarms; nor The Editor of the Buenos Ayfes paper, is there to be seeb:He least appearance of from which we1 have condensed thisarticle, an artT! Sne has one leg 4 ml foot com- says that it was painful to hear of the dis- piete, witn ine exception 0 j stressing circumstances which occurred ing : bnl;vbMr! instead . of when "the Hibfirma Was burning -narp.ntk qther. jeg ,has but one Joint, endeavoring felavC their children, and ankle,) and it is only but half' the length Iskif.deviobarions' individuals- f a 4 of the first; j the' loot having on it, only f The: Englisladies at Rio tormed them- Cour t0- -She is about three feet highf selves ipto wqftfiig parlies, and jcxintrib weighipg 60.flbsm thepoession of all teu greany ,tp me uniortunau emaies "v,;,."" .w.j,..,. saved, by making up clothingj &c. for Jy oaf sutyecMH ?s veft .C1 thom ' ;Llf f: :t- . W I - gagig-irt eonversatiQ,n withj her visiters. vf ; i &i X 1 j4r ' " ' ' " . ' 1 ' r " ' ' P. 'She knits; sowslr ' paiptcits a variety of Extract of a Utter from ette, to a gentleman oj this : I thauk -yon for: your letters; they; are; inore and; more necessary edn pwn the preceding n orning' (Vom IKSPIt6 the Norths "He-had proceeded as far. as ri.4tCC0UQt OF our unlortunate New Castle, on h5s wav to loin his rela- tioo. JVlr.. J no. Uanuo'.Dh. m whpw.com pafcyWUva talnbwpHfiatapoibt altogether unusual. for on inland town7- In every quarter of the City; the him r f -inaustrv resounds, and frnm mnmin r.:,ri.' the busy hammer mates cheerful music i A'large r number. oX ubstantialMone and brick edifices are" in various stages of pro- gress, ehiefly intended for 'stores. -Real estate has rfcen in vahte and promifcs a: steady Increased In shorf, new !mplc , has been civen to Raleigh,; which is lobe, , j we are confideptfhe barbrnger, of- better ' days and of a more 'stable prosperity. - y Besides the election bfpriyatebuildins j going on, our new Capitol isjrapidlv pro gressing under the superintendance of Mr. i Drummond. -TheQtire ' foundation, which is of ample ediroensjops;, is heVrly "! laid and the superstnictuVe will, be " im mediately cbmmenced. "A vacant crirricr ha'8 heen;, left for the ; headj- stone of the -building which; We understand, is soon ' ij he laiti '. with appropriate solemnities: though no specific day . is Gxed on. We woujd f respectfully si)frget S the ensnm 4 1 h o f July , a Is omb i n i n g . m o r e a d v a n 1 a -ges foro imposing a .Solemnity than my other day. Raleigh 'Register. 4 a . Advocate says, he has . bever known the Roanoke river so high; as it fwas on-Tuea-day last. The corn: ahdcbtfon fTclds cn the river are entirely covered with w-iicr, fences are swept away and much fio-k, no doubt, lost jOne o. th locks f f' cariairat iVtTd6fiaeetTt)loVvnun. ant vi considerable quantity, of timher belonn; ipg to the extensive oil factory erect Ir r t that place, floated away, The farmers on ipe.rivir will h&ve: a large portion of, their farms to fence, plough "and plant ! anew. fOFFICIAU jjppotnlmen ts by ' the President of ihc ' If. ' United. Stat '- J . s T.j Louis McLan'e, of Delaware, to be 5ec relay of State, in the place of Edward Liv ingstbn, ppjointed Minister tq France.':- ; I William J,Duafje, of, Pennsylvania. to be.SecretaryVof die Trdasuryr in the plate 1 of -Louis McLane, appointed -.Secretary of tate.-' ;':vf;'r r;,Vr : "1 Edward Livingston latppfi Louisiana,1, 10 oe. tunvoy rxiraoruinpry ann iiinisier Plenipotentiary of" the' United State j to the Court of His 'Maiestv the Kinftnft French - . : - ;'."' ' - i ,- Thomas Pennant fBartqnJ of( Pennsyl-: the United btatesat ParisJ Gen, Lafay- flowerswatch papers&and writes with "this City, da- her left foot. -:r- 'rV r 1 1 BIIITISU;SHI c; moore: 5 Th blBb en 6 es yres:p a p erlbf I the IJTfcaUlS. IUf: Villi tains CadsiaiTed lurbin bfkthis nia s ' v tifiedi Cbnnne your attebtion to ' i u e j l re u u ncp oi vuur. uuicc.f 'ypiifalltbtrfre .fr : w mattcrsf : ami Jtuat Being V : ro signally crpwnedlyor'tolalbbrs : : i . with r.uceess, will never leave nor v" .V i: ': L':U-'w-- -W'-.; 1 '': ' i' Wwl:? 'ii my clerical! brethrenwmay J; neverl yneet again: b V svnn t Tv p yjear?i frbratiljoJA--; tibii bf? the "next Gbbvention must necessarily pass '?iway, before we shall ecbach pthct ' airam death 'pieman'fillhd unttttfiS atn o;eeoroaryi:wnen: in litud4a 3; l0ngtudea iij:Mihb;sbc ih theJtstore room! to draw off some spirits an d iyfaM rpari ng ib!re ttirln bi(i dectwhenbyi accident hestum- bed. bdi the lillitjcdlba i n to a bucket of spirits, which; wa3 iis;ttlyJinS;f tusiofiiitiievhucketwith the liqjaid iifclf Wjaskpbckell aver: and V the names i spreauin evervs uirection. VJ', "illll ijLaLCW Til'lJL .4. 'UU i t K t' man. reacucu ,US. (his deputy having hard-of bis movements; left Wshington', to intercept in ine tnumpn oi is h m n: h s transit throush lielaware. In - . t . - b n . i comnanvi viirr ine- iuiornev vienerai ui 1 the StateV h& visited theChief I VVifminfftoni and 'obtained a vi i -w V -UiV" 'i lv and summoned a- possee, intending next lSiWinwrahiiiavie, uairiuwi. -. itMvf Randolnh: bntthat Of. Europe " cbnsidei-tfcibus ferthatfheiitis jvncc he fpededn-the Stageto mnereuce oeiween tne political sys- Unrpij m dtd in Philadelphia,-. on the ana -mat oi me 124th nit.-" beins on the eve oi ni cepar tem bf the IJ. Eunnean tlbvernment pW fnr "Riirohn- He has bee?i : for some mbsfcwhWp Hrdrts bf libprnliW!fnn , Jacksonville, ( III. j'May 0) From the passengers who come, upfin theVtage last evebiric:, 'we have ; received. the 'unwelcome intelligence,. that the Chbt-. era. haV again jrade:itsappearancefc at Ht. Louis 5V'y?-nV77Jitfr;:4,'f'tftf'?'.,'f. art Tuesday' morning; and general con sternation, it i said. pervaded the city. The citizens of St. Lquis. havcesuse ?r deed to he alarh-.tfj atTthe returoTTtTi ,. awful.-'pctilence'-which comrryuted rnclj, terrible havoc amoriglhem the past fall, t ? norrors oj iacooi insm.L.cueT 1 ro n Para (Brazil) inform us of another inUM rection in that ; unfortunate and mleovern- evl country, lirazii, attended, as alrr.ost ? il such insurrections, are and must be, whrrr , the great mass of Ihe people arc to igrtnc ant,. so dletand so miscrahl in , alroo't eveTyrespect upon which th xaltaticn , of a nation depends, with terrif.cfon'equn- - CCS.' " . A HC Jr IWilw VT iUl, f UU II " L : long time before they are taught, the Cli ferenVeJbetw'een"licenHousrie5S and - libers ty. ;We make, thd following extract from a letter received this morning. Our fca derswili perceive imvv miich the; people require firm and reoutVgoveirnrpctd: - , X "Ob the. th April, air husines's ceased; every mercantile fyousess . well as crery dwelling house, was shut up and many of the Portuguese and their families '.rmbai!:- , oh board the shipping in port. (Things re- ifmaincd in a. dreadlul stateoi suspense un- rtUlhe. ltn, wnenian open rupiurc irr and ouglit to strike pur . citizfens of tf T U mlnd, arid possessed distributed amongst J lhc; moh rr c 1 all, parties nd of allrnpinions. HIt Qr aVthbrlsand' "excehtricities of character, blacks and. mulattoes, end 'Kill the 1 1: l a di-i The fotlowi'nff notice is from be National piese- resoundea itrcu5n every i irt- messpreadinjeve ry 0X . r r Mi &y -: . . . i xmi;- Sf-Fi : I 2 m mii fyk rr;t!ns1l7nf'- Ral Reg,' . i ran. - f ;v . -t . Jr . - -. ; ' - i. -. . , ' . ' if;1 ,ir.v)i !; ' ' ' ' ! ,1 " I. v ' y7-' -y 'yyy. y -.yy '.s;:-". - r Sv? - V. : . . '

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