I . i 1 ' ' .1 ........ r . '. . . ... i i , 1 ; i t- 1 If I ' .15 ,'! I 'I i J' 'i ' J! ' i t -'I I " t , f f . . i. i. i ; ' t ::! I 'I .. i j. . t ' It i f I MEXICAN DISHESJ of ik n i Eating Rops rrcs( rredJEiv Ire and Other Dainties Some Na tnral j i ; Pishes A Metfican IIpnsc ; j ,p . wife Making DnlerJ i i CO Fannie B.I Ward wtiteffroni that not only j the. af-isloc rats j but all. jicxicans witii any pretensions to social standing, require that tevei-y disk 'if it.be uumBjiwmui oi peas, do served as a 0,01 0 1 u wumw,: ior waiicji ciean plate) Ii must i be provided, fnakipg; jthe most wiuiuvu-piiM;i3 n uiuucr a long ana ceremonious affair.! f Wine a always' ovrvtti nim me sunstantia s. ahri rofTnfi - . i ' and cigarettes after dessert. . The Mex leans have no fondneia for soiir things. tuviijviu ifiucyarj piCKies,, eic.j una po imuvo urre luueveryuoay ; nas a wcll- ueveloped )" idgar-tpbtb and iBwccL-ineais;, ; are j id great demand inere- is no fena tc the varieties oi whih a Mexican wife ;;vill compounil, Win O K T. ; - f . i i.i iliiii m r a : m w . i i .... . r , i Mext now Shot Are Made. Every person who has -wa1Vp1 ahnni the lower part of New York i must have noticed a high', f round tower, as high as the roadway of . the Bridge;: which rears itself high above the surrounding build ings and has small windows at different places. This .'tower belongs to the CoU well Lead Company. The tower rises to a height of If 0 feet, and is fifty feet in d ameter at the base. It dimishes in diameter as lit ascends, being about thirty feet; across ,'. at the top. Gre"at heiffht is essenti-ll ftr xietinrv' no (!. . ! (WiiUU leadjmust cool in the descent, and thus assume' a spherical shane. i .Tf hnt. it would flatten jwhea it strikes the water im-uiwuicn,: 11, rails, -ine casting pans tuc farge coianaers, rouna pans with holes perforated in the bottom. The casting is all flone on the top floor, and the colander is suspended over an open ing in the floar, wnich goes through the cunio ueiguij oi tne j; building to the! ruuau, wnere tnere is a well of waterj rhe jlead is rafelted in ' larjie kettles, and uijjpeu onq ana poured into the coi anaei- with Jadlra wJiJh iia i J nouse- r ." wj inrougn tne noles in iue . uouom oi tne colander r and mn u&. UULIUIU in ! rn 9nnrnni1 fnltJ : . r I ' vw SUUU..C t : i , J j f . "'wuviv , uuu. lain tailv to the fnot lahK-ot-. nr.r.i S! thronorh the oneniher ...A i candied fruits, faucei viell mnLid, Canning Jt j.uuknoWn here,;tbc, veU by jsmall buckets fastened to an bj -the-dentiklfpr the amount! iThe umirier coun- CIi .' 3 ,eif wnich runs over a wheel' court ;cut the eharges down to 70. which nuu. jv.is ; noi nee icu in a sumirtpr nv wiu-Tu iruus are perennial. I have fj "tu tarnea ic irom tne well up to vmcn. roses, preservecu entire, each . "Qt metal table. I r! Here rti cate, Buar-trosa ledf ; intact toon; the sn.oc;; 18 constantly stirred I by ; men oicHt, f tin Kin? a conserve fit foh a fairv? S J"DS raxes, and the heat and . everybody Pejaches wer introduced into England .from iPersia in 1562. 4 A TJnnft.A. ; n n I J M t t ! tiuuau liiKcr iicarueu TO DarK ID oraee to avoid the expense of keeping : i watch-dog. !j K. jVarole, a sursreon and Dhvsieian n Bologna, is said to have discovered the opuq nerves a pout jeao Poipe Leo ha3 received- among hii jubilee gifts a woolen petticoat, worked uy a i poor woman ana her crippled daughter. t The apricot was jfirst , introduced into England, for cultivation, from ' Asia jJiin(jr, about lo40, by the gardener oJ xienxy Vill. 1 ' ; j The biggest jtree in California- and ii it is ainonster, iideed is the "Kevstnn ' State, in thdiCalaveras Grove; Bit! ii pzo- feet high and forty-five feet j in! cir. cumierence. I ,s ; l he oldest piece of dated cabinet- materR' work in the world is the thront chair of Queen Hatasu of the Eervptian jjuaaij, x. vaj iwv. it nag been ?pre sented to the British Museum.- ; : A San Francisco man. who ref usprl pay a bill '.-of: $336.50 for fwenty-twc hours' work put on his teeth, was Bnpr L - Ho Stopped the Tight I nnii-?- v of Dartmouth a man over tu, but he says toere cant be jmy j "rush" between crestoenand sophomores while he is The othet day there iwasa ii ween: xn&y two classes on tta college campus for. the possession 5f a foot-balL t Th lt,a SJiAywand he rushed ru!f"u UJW me inickest of the frav rru xT ouwuvuiiji at mem to stop. Tie hoys on such occasions are always ?v Jl0 encourage true merit, so they yelled "Go in. Prexl" ! "Get nu hall!" af -.-...vjVlu fa rZA ' knoWs that h ly dispels tne moist rosorleaves, like guavd je'ly, are common becomes perfectly dry It is taken from in tropical f larders.! Since, sfovesi are lthe. ' dl7? tfible'f to the "acreeners " a comparatively unknown,, and therefore ) f enes of tables with I narrow :6penins affairs, of adobe ' Kir ifhU k, iL I slight ansle. If th -iTif iw'. 1.-1,' . : - , , p i T! "- . . . 'suuuuu auu yn.vi, pies aaa caKes arc nevet seen in l"1 " rpus rapidly alonsrthesetabw it reaches a end, into which it The first silver1 ccin struck in England wa3 the ancient silver penny. Until thi reign cf Edwajd I ' it was marked with i croik so deeply indented that it could h easily separated into two for half-pence "Vl AUblS' names. rfect it rblls ranullvlr.no.V, the 3Iexican mvui. . To he. I skipping the 6oeDinyi imtfilit u yurious arucies rtiiiea ;caKes to be v ittt I'ixirem luunct m a lew t'renchl -1' l I i ... . 1 ! .llfvjf war no more likeness to the cake which! graces, tne tiaiiy tea-tab!e of everv Amer. ! lean thin torlul'aa ItAzvmWti &mSA uicau; . . 'i. . . j;ur;hg my first yeai-in this country I edibles, to sub One 'of greatly missed the. acfcustotriprl! ! and found it extremely difticuli eisi. iiii.jq uiet so entirelv nw my carlict experience! was to Reside for iuui: ifiijr mantns in f Alexicah family who six)k3 no wprd od English Ud were entirely unacquainted, with any mode of j hving but I that , essentially Mexican. ; They were people of fealth and eduea- i nwfixeecung-.y; kirid hearted r our limes f ! !r;ff imPeect it I cannot roll fast,, and falii into the openings, under whih bjxesire placed. The shot then goes to. the "separators," Which are a OI Yers' D0t unlike! a bureau! mac ur uraweri wfuci has an iron bottoii Htupratea witn no es of ftrfin c,,i. fofjj farthings, hence th size ' and ! so l lie second drawer has holpW on 'down to of a smaller the lowest hosiii- "irood livers." a iav! theur' lahlri lifrtiw groanol under its burjlen'of national do. ncaciesfi yet I grew thin and thinner, downright hungry that I could hivJi drawer, the bottom Mv..u,nlcu wun aole3 Of a sizp smll0. than; those in the drawer above it. The an lorward motion throws -h JT - V ? to side 'etting all the 1 7 r, "c u or.aiier pass Ihrmitrh . inth lv J ji.L. r ii iL 1 , acwuu urawer, while all larger J.han -the holes remain in the me lowest drawer, fo that uauravvx Pumpkins gfowh on the Hudson have a name in raisdd letters grown on 'each. The name is dut through the skin wTtot. they are growing, and as it heals up leaves a raised ; scar in th ah i 'Baby Mine ' "Dewdron KTnmW and other , inscriptions. 'Ill' Great improVement ha? been made fol late years in the tools used for borin tunnels. In One-Snonth, recently, 1. 43j feet were bore in ithe Cascade Tunnel in Washington Territory, which is iht greatest distarjee ever accomplished in a oingtc moaiA m tunneling. - , i . Division of labor ha3 Leen 'r.nrvdti - J 1 rawer being Much perfect idh in this country' that it is now possible, contains a smaller! sizr t,i wept, j if tears would have (! brought one immediately above it.C'Am'art a 8wno good J fairy (with a Mslice fof F" 1- I i F M inuuo ureau and butter Jni ran . 3 - w w J w .iiiivi Ml so jit is said, to make a iour months without buttpr. potatoes, pie, cake--in short,!! without anything to .which . ne had b?en acctis-' tomed, yct jcompelUd to suffer the tor-'! turcs of Tantalus bj be jig- seated four! limes a i day, an liourfat a stretdh, bes-deit threatens to y,7,cw I wllu tusnes one turned from, la j disgust. J usctinjt ihe causa of my rap.d fo of f esh, a sympathetic German fr.end, wh) resided linear! the Larder,! sent me a Siuge, round loaf of leiiyj cake, larire as a mill- ,i licious enough to glflkhTen the eyes of any ! into port home sick Yankee. It J arrived in the ! ,,ee, out : lorenoon, and, of donrae. I the waves are them, he i alone A Skipper With a Charmed Lire .There is a bailor on Lake Michigan An vi Vnarmea-:Ie- When the furv of the ml lo nf x,iui. - swaying!-in aJ way that engulf every craft upon in his element ! H O..rio in a Ulttle Rlnnn nfl fi,;i. long, tradihg potatoes and apples be tween Bturjrekin Raw ani m was out in thb terrible storm that found LJGU" i d came -viumue miast nf tt i,i d in , thfl! oeen out in a hun'd rrl k" . wu,w ji, ; luemin his little shell complete sewi jig machine in a minute, oi sixty in an hburja rea-er everv fifteen minutes, allorrtmntivo i,. -.-' ":!.! hundred watches in the same"time7j 1 There is a printer with onlv One arm on one of the Los Angeles (Col.) dailies, j His left arm is gone from the verv shnnTdpr yet with his rjglitjhaad the brave follow sets .typo at la rfcmarkablv ranid mtn -many of his cdmpinions with two hands not accomplishing so much work daily He props, his "stick" on fhR ras nj the centre on kn inclined plane, and fill it with remarkable rapidity. . T uncut, to my liostes! tauie. Uut what Waa but J eirtg called to dinner, i out! in such a gale, llOStesk. with a ann4. i When tan'nW ' ' T. V"" .BUCl' I Vmt. ;Pon the talkie. I. hut UL.Jl but he SllZ 'P1 my niiv to fjiid asi,i hi loro-no . 3 )nse, on be had never, been i eople who wit- . ' . KJ v MiUIILl. Hat the! usual menu hart been set!! nessedhis coming into ' theT Uraiht r-W my hoior, an& the festive board t! nt Manitowoc sav thlat tLfflfifM Aing artc ejexcept; the big' tosspd about like a chip. It Would din! uia the bread) food! at dint son), or to other f ;esh hand jandj agmi remarkedithat h A ivniefica not sc In' this er TVVltV AVe11' w"e Peaf entirely and then bob up aain n Rted at.e 6f. therelbcing nothing eJsc! til propped,; from view betw&n'Sne?, thr -ii wy wr nere were; i " u ne oia man he is three sick children;; whereupon tlhe lady : yars of age was mi-hty elad' of t ho house, Kvith hfr ha5d upon her t t port y g,ad thous next is seventy tJ s-tft tii-1: f ;'l wouldn't Tiotto v-i , i t Paibuler" riweetHnVk ! for Imv chance X 'iaua1 wholdsome as ! Mcvinl hour?." he said tnta 1, J :?".UII family it was the custom! ' people who crowded iaronnd ,?m I B e rrsinfd nt fV hi rpaoTiol : ii. 77 ""5' I fl 111 T VI r-ti- I " j I . i I- rt I J 1 ' . ', T: f 71' lwH0ft' '" me lv, 1 lue ock, just above "the! fX ii, ; IT r uri.any'.',vir?, v Qen tnt storm broke I fruit that happened to be on grabbed the rudder, held on as hard k! T evhrv rind rtf k ii.onrii oi , r. as flara asl ,(.. -r -'i . r, ,"t .will iuura . iuu irustea in frovidenrp t moiasses or nirri mi Vhfh ! h i ":L j f Fe ireJ.lcf ,t Jl.. 7- P wasmed - overboard mi d "T grjmc i au e, i can tell you.'' ;, ... u wuus 1U cneese. with f oooay knows who' th nhi i ' ever de cabrita (kid's luad) wa i 5 His head abolt I nobM v' and SlM dinncr-dish tlilerd wrs irrent rpL-nJIabdut him? w i; ' -a?.d nobo4 amp thej younsterd and an 1 ask9 hfa 'J: "7? P- ot laecp-seated r satisfaction boon i ihl same ? as that T h CI tT? ",13 "i . ' tiv ti ii. iirifE TDtiAn ex4 every oy uio war. deVout Christ devoted to accomnlished. woman-Ucime nsiMnisnms: Hi thb corns into i i her husliand nnd withal, for a . yard, with its ban una j and prano-e 1 .. . .1 r.-..v . UUVU laoes o,ihd eiders. : The miVreis of the person looks for it he find, tv,l k manse ouldalise nnlthrust her kniS without a ka2 Sl J" "P ine loreuend, scobpin . immumns cniKircn oui;,: r'Y"' pia maa looks a ffiant hot t?nnealtn, as heii id statu I i nf.-irtfl onrl fit A J niuio i uuuy One daV thelladv r "lO",! oddiy with his . r. .. .( . ""..""Moo niiuj ; e"rj "vm auu iiHir.: .w; iuveiy woma-K a frn, a tefader mother and mav&e 3 Sentinel homeJ j The Treasure Ship Hussar. : i in i.i p pnr haw w- e ii . Mexirnn 1 n,Z A. V,- i.? 01 lae tn .n,rl , , J me uritish -v wif l ii 1 w i r n . f . . , . .... formation-that she WU i XTf W RiverJ IrimhJn -J-i- : " H oi ner. at the timi ""v,mu LLf 11J21K.H snmi I ! i waaBvjr: ill' i m u. o v ' muii.1i in i i iinr nr nnn . ii, j t ,4- . : day dwdUldnvT course bfnUur and E C " ! act CdrtainlV there which s army anc af 1. ii ... , at, nue limp if. ;uve million Revolution-! ship Hussar lew YorkL is said rs m srold tiavin I w ,M, oi i-,r-TT ine. iiussar, while. fmiAr i t ft i -tn hi!.,!. lit?c.V W eppdesceudi ' stmick unonl Pnl VLZ U, ;V : ' ,r. us -'P.'? rirants dom lin Uirds of the Bahamas. At Fish Kev we found Inmo inn of the sooty tfernsi or "effr-hir:? ad n-o Ti ' . o. -j , -u"-'-- caurtnem, lust bein breed. This is a collectlo looKing rockl rising ten Oj fifteen feet above the sed like a row of petririea sand-dunes, which in reality they prob. ably are, f ane covered with low! shrub bery, grasses, aud vines. When a lono way; off we npticed the birds hbverina over the pla;e, and on landing, their numbers increised until ihe air far above and around us fairlv swarmpd xrK gliding forms of jthis graceful tern, and the strange medley of their harsh Series, together wih thet whirring of - thousands of wings, was nearly deafening. I They .were, nesting amid a tangle of shrubs three or four feet, high, along a! low narrow ridge of one of the islands, a few yams irom the water. Parting the ,a,? o-iuc, ive vouia see tne old birds sitting on th( ir eggs,'! and caught with our hands several which were snared in iixv vmes as tney attempted to fly. Thi: vu icsuiuoies a large and powerful swallow. It has a sharply.forked tail, snow-whiteinbck and breast, while the v U1 me piumage is a dead black. .txxy "t" ciose , together under the r- ? a fluSle Cgg on the ground, withdut nesi of any kind. Theit gs are ca.-i y distinguished from' any others which wej sawbeing white or vi camy ana Dpiaiy.spotfed all over with umber and line, j Even in these! remote places 'the number pf sea birds are being; yearly lessened -.by the natives who persiste illy ! collect their e4 for food Tie rarft fl rednced to a tolohy of a few hundred on . .a- wnere Will was informed by an oia rsettier, they numbered thousands several years s go, and similarly the beau tifiil tropical, bird, which is hunted u.lVuy V loojti, is being graduallv exter- U1IU0.LCU. Be menl" cried hA ni-.MA-,f vl pulled a sophomore off from - a fresh man hy the coat tails. -Chestnuts!" ir uenr The president tag ged, threatened and implored until he was nearly exhausted ? with the exer tion, when the row stopped. HJs fur ther remarks were inaudible for; want or breath,- and were mainly delivered in pantomime, with his hat jammed down over one eye. 1 f .mj ! " " When a lot of eager and sinewy stu dents get struggling ojver a foot-ball it isn't a very eood . nlade . for an Mri. professor with short breath. He mieht as well calmly : observe the fight j from the library window ad give the boys "a talkme to" af terwanla Airr. i terference can only be1 indulged at the expense of official d1imity.---7Wai Rift. ngs. . ; : ; .. j, v A Startling Question. ; Even the life' of a newsnanAi ser is not totally devoid Unending round of "Times is so t hard and money is so, scarce that we Ican't take a paper," and "ily husband brines a paper home with hi m ' on1 4-1 . stock excuses, are sometimes broken up by a httie incident like this, that was told by a man who labors in that un grateful position: "The delivery boy had gone a little ahead of me," said the ' canvasser, "and as I sood on the side Walk a pretty little bo,v in kilts toddled up and stared at me with pretty! blue eyes. I made friends Iwith him at once. He put his hand on my order-book and says he: . i "Hot's at?" i . . uTK an order-bopk," I told i him. iiot aoes oo ao wit 7at?" - j rShJ?.!Sit?own' I1116 uames'of all the bad little boys I k;now." . i " He looked at me a minute with hia ks?!ned wi,de- ;Then, his voice uubucu wiiu awe, ne asked: "Is oo Dod?" Chicago Mail. A Difference In Before Willie K Training. 's cousin Bertha cunveu ai, ms nome on a summer! visit his mother had toldi hi 1 V WWVA. I V how graceful and polite- her manners wtue, especially at thte table. Whenjihe came, Willie observed her witlrad miring interest. One day his mother said: - i .-'1 "Don't you think Bertha's manners are better than yours?" u "Yes, mamma." A ' 1 1 . eginning to L "Why is it, my dear? j n of wild-!. '1 .guess Berthaj has been "better Drought up than I hve.'VTroy" limes. A New Manure. j Basig slag, the refuse of steel works when freed from, iron and reduced to apowder provesto.be a valuable fer tilizer, principally orr account of the phosphorous it contains. Mountains pf black slag have accumulated about the iron and steel, works in England and much in this country, all of which iu uepruniatMy worked over and made lul.u a vaiuaoio manure. Vick,$ Maa- On Efforts have to raise the been made at various times ouuKen treasure nnrl io- . w VfiAA -t A. 1 . flhth At i JTsT: 1'"' least an walls, f There kli flL ' JT? "UODY Itt.the iniddlar n?F ;Kuat norV; TSnd iS 1 fSif fows1 nd her pud y , httlo hands immersed" in some ?tickv compound,while no less than five sS 1 T."" IUU U1UIIT : nil th k. j' Key .-- I - . - . - I 1 L- . i iah i, m fi . vruse uesiaffl tnis kev thpro woi rock a ferw- yirds square, with Ri-tv.i on. - .vi-j . ; m x glass upon it, wnich. a nartv hi held in undisputed cune-uppeci, olive IL IN !1 ! liAn.nk!.! ll . y i, vHvHwui ; cvorxc uy no mpati Z M1,4RCU treasure, sua laro-e i "n"i iimoiio cret wpil-nnfiAJi ! -ni- ' i 'iiu Kovernmpnt in way, nad then t-A.inirArf f 4ki i l; . 11 I ; Sent tWO brljra tn Ikla' f..- .1 M .".';.r'""i "vjuuu iue SUlinir rnnr 1 . . ""cuini was m.arlo o-- I . . 1 j vvu' ; uommnma hon k,.. ." : . . --v-'t i-owers ana fountain ui .Jr", mwu organized in npiri 1 u ." 'f : CWrV larce Otv in k Tf7: v OSO of seurlnVftiTW !i. flour or water s tirrin th oil- brict beside (her;, 1 gnfEta. S ir Hr 'ff? duep w&h cooked! etc., Her beautiful dark eyej dared with I. fcc" femcntof the pceasiof, andhS rS?5t?i afld pother in-law, t oth meri ' 2;?V.,he,thw: Signified judge; stood ' SatAnS her aamirind Srile d picted upon ctery line of tho rVwarthv . countenances. , TreeStly : H cMWrH ST1 ithf eronp. i Several eighboS dropped in tp add their plaudits and : Hoa the innumerable domec pets' dogs cats, pigs affd plrotsIKemd X T markalleas n flh excitS " r mrneu out to be a nri ""wt v a i.aiiii v innia .k:i. - . 1 111 hiokaa resemhltnr;18" "? ot f in drink ; , i r . p '-I'-'i'da wuca nnished-4.a JUe imitation of those xrhich ZvlZ ior in teen cents ner - the cxhaustedj but Smphanlady gre 'riSrenext dinner, supper, ,and "betwe?! ' !'! i J ' l 1 secunng the wealth, tint n k' " laued.; In: 148, Captain Thomas 7hP inventor of o, . 1PomaV tne 7 ,7 D,U1I Hrmor.made an t t, u "uonea the iur. rratt wa vh..j ui llUSSar HnmiV.. 1. j . i""ovit-" ua money, to no nnr ffi of ! peop have b .u.uvu uy oemg connected witi, " 1 .j iy cu 181(5. whpn sgneme. The Frisrate Reprising men who" coSnhat they would be able to bring?he tnSJ sbeen organizedand mre money 1 tQ be spent in mafe! .,Nr 18 the Dritish old ""l,oa, UP 1 -0.-- t .. .. u wcannnas bepn buried so manv Vpi k. i , .CQ W n Uvf 'be brouSttothe sur lace. Demorcst r - Ul me W ilson's trn possession. Their green and spotted eggs lay in twos and ceo uu tnemare surface of the lime b"c ' f1 thl b-rd and the smaller 'r11 ;ir 'tern, which has s:mi Iar habi tsJ ai-ecal Ipd h a n t0 k k islanders, whie on jthe North Carolina o mab iiere we louna both species brepd mg a month before) they are krown to tiie nshermerJ n. HWaf" ll 5ltt fi nirla .augc, aim ispneoi; the most beautifu ? a large and exceptionally strlkicsfam ny. nnwahromment black cret and "v,r'-: aet-c. , .Like taany Of our most attractive birds, it is shot down uaUU iH sausty tne widespread de uiauu 91 a Daroarous fashion. Its pearl v o; uibcu t :. me wnoie bird usually much distorted by th3 milliner may ie seen almost knj day in the streets! pinned on to ladipa' mta z.i-i. l. tries Monthly. God appreciates and rewards all we do for others, even if those we seek to benefit forget to thank us. i The Irfidieji' Favorite, i ! e?c Iflnf J'hats will doubt- rnest the gossip over thVwmX n? an be rehed on incases of disDlaremMva n2 JUL fonetional 1 derangement " ft buUda np the ?por, haggard and dragged -out victim and e. It is the only taedicine for woman's peculiar weaknesse and ailmenta old ,2 .l,1?IIIKf?.,.,f.c!!?Mto. morimmt the annals nf enthusiasm. the world lis Ii in the triumph of hats. Pojmldir Sti- 1 : T ana con- railroad - 'The new iron the Missouri lliver, a few n KansafiCity, jia oet hrri tons. brid mi break f nut meals.'3 es 1 long across beldvi and A Safe Use of Ice.J ''! i If the scare about disease germs in ice' to li?l CSPE?!J r s!1 nd water, jt will do! a vast i m Bacteria are, not tha in? amount of good danjrer in ipp - itu' j-f . .e. 01 . ; . - - -:rican nabit4-t for it is confined -to this country delugmg the stomach with drauStlof iced-watcr with the meals, is most ner mcious. i It retards digestion" until Pt normal heat of e stomh. runed -TMh!rifi? W? Vf dyspepsT ' jlf the water U placed in She refnVer ator, or elsewhere in contact with; ice or cold air,-until it be jo!d enough to be agreeable, here will be no danr from disease germs and less dan4rof dysrepsia.-iVri.ir . Te Qrange Diam'oBd. ii f large- niimber of. dealers npisieurs were altrartfld n when the new monster gem that will be known, amo4g notable specimens of preous stonls as the Orange Diamond cam : under he hammer,, for the! first time, i Itwaslthd last lot offered f or f he 3ay! and j wis described as ma! hnt;xolciedbriUianV weighin-l carafa abqutltcn1 carats heavie? thaV the Koh-i-noor),Jncunted as a brooch," with a border of ..CrVlarm wW- The stone, was found ia the Oran-e JUver, and; is ofj a' decided orange hul It was cut in London and madeJo brooch, being surrounded with- a- circle of sixteen , large white brilliants. , The appearance ci the gem is striking In. tn7otAk Z??na Slowing, it seems iJSSi jge ves, which it sends gliding and dancing over its terest by those nrpspnf h. JtJr V vr Jv i ' As a tentative figure MnFoster uggef ted 5,000, which, amid discouriging silence, he soon rel duced to 3l0jahd 2,000. -2 in vain for a! short time,' Poster an nounced 0iath no bid that the lewel would; rptnain V- j. ; Ua o "."i UUS oi , Itchin Plies. ! Symptoms Moistura ; itsnse IteWne ami etmgmg; worse by gcratcWne. If allowed "'om n? very sore. Swatkk's O.kt. "Kffirlng an bleeding, heals nl morl .il anyt case? amoves the tu mors. l-quallyefflcaeioTSi'ia curing- all ikin Diaeaaea. Drt. S WAYNE SONi PhiladelDhia. 8enfr bymailfof0cts. A sold b arott . 4 In the TTin tfpr nf cnr i - . . . of -CndalTreenfla8h f htnin nd bit : jl . mTI,e "tMt t,lde Thiag. the cutest MthS!gg0lWteto ? t -'A111 said thjj opera siLer "i, cotes for note: large notef foY high "oteal .'' , oBBp.!a !suie4 jurcj. tlS .'BaitoP!?to,fao iarorm your readers k TsTTli T j iu iuBiy use tnonsanda of OP1 cawss have been pcrmanenyifrS i t e 8lad to send twoUtUof myniedy f , Ftmr readers who T. The miehtr I fin lltr IB II nAV Mk.I...Ji , m wi an eagle. - " " ' 1 1 If 'm. I Dr. SJage's Ca- . Z d.en,tl-t has yet bejn able to untuu; time. pull the cKv?hnHatol,Ltion H an Instrument Particulars addi Cit? w2Ti pk"" For BwS.tork: 5 IWVPhfrrcy. 2M l - .t . . n Afi." menda everythlne! Oilna.Gla8a.Wood. FreeViafa at I)r A BouT-atlrring gnbjetif a nail In your ehoe. BmVi Drags &Gro After DiDhtherin Strict ferer or pneumonia,!; the patient reooren strength slowly, as the system is weak and debOl. tated. and the blood DolaMiedbr thn r.nM. , .v. lu. nn... . ... ii ' : -o is aeeaeau a good reliable toaWand blood PUriOer like Hood's aarsaoami. m-k v. Just the ele nenU of streagtii for the bodl TZTJr W?" l- brlag, rtfl!!0C0Trin from P fckness with uZS$ y heajl to the ends ;of mr toS. IkiS -rrwii Hood's Sarsaparilla ? VS81- 1;8llori Prepared only by a L HOOD CO, Apothecaries, Lowell, jt V I OO Doses One Dollar - HOME Kl?-; HOW nE WON. William :,BeacbtJ ' Ifaalan Cohaaeror Tells Uew lie Did It. ; . The recent' exploit of Mr. "WlQiam Beach leaves no doubt that be is the handiest man In the world with the sculls.; fh ease with which he utrowed hi3 opponent,! the sup- in st. Jacobs om WHAT IT HAS DONE. - Relief. In any climate at any Reason one or two applications or bt. Jacob Uil reueves ; I Cores. The contents ofa botUehave cured thousands of extreme chronic cases. Used ac cording to directions - there is a cure in every bottle. . t- ! j . - - - The Testimony .'-Thousands of testimo nials substantiate the above statements In the core of all kinds of painful ailments.' posed invincible Ned llanJan. shows that form, stroke and muscular development P1 sculling, be .has no euat j often cures permanently, This is the average Althoueh an Australian bv virtue of resi- rnMiiiniininMN i . " . . a a .v.. j vi. i ; in 1851,and removed with his parents to New - South Wales In 1854. 1 tl was brought up to his father's trade, and while toiling like a young Vulcan in the wnithy. unconsciously developed that magnificent physique which has since brought him world-wide distinction. When about twenty-three years of age, " Beach commenced rowing on the Uhvwarra Lakes against local coirprtitors.and from the outset kept winning until gradaally handi capped out of all races. Following are his cmei aquatic perrormances while in Aos . tralia: ,-Jj t i ; - -.sj " - '-, :. . December, 1S30 Won Deeble's handicap, Woolloomooloo Bay. :i( ' I -January; 1881 Second Frmont Regatta, won by Pearce. . ; "i ' i" - Januaryf 1881 Second National j RegattaT won by D.i M'Donald. f February, 1881 Beat N. McDonald. Parra matta River. -;a - - - .; i - March, 1881 Beat George Solomons. May, 1831 Beat Charles Reynolds. Octpber,! 1883 Secodd Punch trophy, won by E.;G Larcock. j r 1 December, 1882 Baat T.I Clifford, Parra-" matta River. i i Janiiarr,18S3 National Regatta, swamped won by Messenger. - ji i . . i ; .' , March,188:i Nowhere. Grafton Tr ft. by p.; M'Donald. . Woolloomooloo Bay won I March, 1883 Won December. 7 Won James Hunt's trophy Parramatta River. j. , .April , 2. 1885-uBeaten by E. 'Trickelt championship (first time. X i 1 April 12. . 1883 Eat R.'THlrett pionship. ti i. ,j . .April 17, 1883-Beat E.' Trickett, cham April 12: lS84BpfcR Triv.t.t. oh.T . - VJ,. .August J Jfi, 1381 Beat E. Hanlan, cham pionship world. ji . : March 17, 1885-Beat T. Clifford.champion finin nrArM ( March 27. ISSj RpatTs TTr.i,n v Uecember 19. 1885 Bpafc N- Mtt November 26. 1887-BAfcF TTonlon Vms-m pionship world. 1 ' Air. Beach's system of rrafnnrfnini run of two or three miips hefnra K.i-r. a walk of six or seven miles afterwards, and a pull over the course; After dinner comes "iviuer two mile walk and a second pul over the course. dnrin whirh ha m-, v.;-. , ... . O Mv .vns uiui u KU6 out, eases oav and then pulls A man ; under such physical strain, even though he.be a giant, must -of ten feel the r.u rengen to his will.and. power ing, previous to meeting Edward Hanlan the "u.v iot tne ; world's championship, his trainer bought for him Warners safe . L uo ys: A 'was agreeably astoif If great b6nefit which foUowed its . . hije in training he finds this the best possible aid to a command of all his natural powers, because it does not first goad and afterward; weaken the syRtem, but acts in perfect harmony with nature s laws. Air. Beach's experience is confirmed by the Snceofiman7Tthousands of athletes all over tne world. Under the great physical strain they break down and difprematurel? because they have not been able to keep dil ease away from their kidneys and liver wnence roost diseases originate. Mr Bearh recognizes this necessity,nd I baf sagaty enough to use the only scienliflc spaSfcJ that ; Purpose He has not only the prestige Sn? he. P.resti of a ti-ue acien wJ ?le ht0d1.ot .tra,ninS nd keeping up hi wonderful physical condition. If he did not voiunmruy g4ve up lha championship, it would no doubt be a long time before itVaa i wrested from him. t : . . The IDinois W. C. T. TT ch- - i i membership of over 12.000, of whcnV 1,391 ll pfedged children ik its Loyal Temperance LegVn, a, reported to the State Superintendent Ther eJ doubtless! others not reported. i . The Proof.To make sure of this show ing, answers to inquiries concerning the per manency of the enres resulted as follows; That from date of healing to date of rerpomt every cure hat remaintd permanent trilfiovt re currence of pain. j " ; ; - -- ItS SDDremaCV.-Th tTrpntvmilT;An kJ. rtles sold can be justly rated as so many cures ; mmuiwi netycase a permanent cure. Its price is the surety of everv bottle hpinr th iuurc, errj uviue ociog a cnrcaiia tne poor m rrrf tA. ' X i - ' Sold by Druffgleti and Denlcrt Frtjyere, The Charles A. YocelT Co Balto-. aid. . .. KIDDER'S GOBS DIRECT TO BfUX sPOTi oeu tbe oe of Wri i . Tooth, Health, Vicar. am, as rood of roins; back AtliYn. ntBMIffflli ! mi I I III i r - - -- 1 A 8IIRE CL'RF. Tim INDIGESTION and DYSPEPSIA. for Iadirestlon that fhey hare ersr ased. FOB CIIOURA IHFANTUfJ. IT WTLL CURB THK MOST AOORAyATKD CiSt J IT WILL STOP vny irtvU ii VliBmt A! ' IT WILT. KELIKVK CONSTIPATION for summer Compllt ant Chronls XAmrtmi .Tsks DYGESTYU3f for aU pmbS dtaord t S h:;.rr,uL, yoa. .xprs prrpald. BxusTTKa. Reiurenatea WrinVtr" .Hi3 Drug, or a. E. aVrx'tJ Buchu-Paiba.T w, all acaojlnr XidiV r: . Crinarraari, Oafanbof D.f 3SE F a T fWIlMAaa.ai au.neij till Esliere arl fn If ICU MtT!Lt If Yfin tre edlncot in urine liie i)rtl JjIV, j ! I Do not hi lm t T " iTr -"" PTP w.r. IV1ARVELOUS P il DISCOVERY. Wholly .alike artlOclal arsteaa. ii E ll ( .1 thn? w"w;RED Pa. College : two cIaa, Ti.V amUSTTl?.' ? beru. Wof Penn, hulla. j Vo aTwclle.TcS', " orslt WcUeslf ProsDoctua Mr r r. T7T .jSETTE. a.7 Elfth Ara. Kew Tork. ! b. b. b: (Botanic. Blood Balm.) the great Blood Purifier and Tonic It cures Scrofula, Kidney Troubles, Catarrh, Skin Humors, Rheumatism, Ernptiong, Boils, etc.. and is a wonderful tonic ' or sale by all druggists. ; . . mm THOUSANDS aay tfaaj Ely's Cream Balm i ' cure them af . 'CATARRH. ApplTBalm into each nostril KIT Baos.gtGr swlch tut. S. T. JONES p?2tt4fS.Bl&B! distress or nrtTir, VL. " cutA f YOU SESteSffi&BafSfti 1 JOU Gall Stone, Fererimd If You StltaSte I I UU Seminal Weakness, or friLl"00 I UU der, Stoppage of urulr KuSSj Vp., hare poor Appetite, TW1 Txp tvl , I UU breath, or jsrmsxi: silmV 1 fT. r- D hon t neg-1 a xun-do-n early ej-njpu-iujL T!iauUoa 1." " "'""'w uaT to rntsroT! IIGennfM h.r. tn- t- t, . All ouuidTandlnsldo wrapp' UkCD ! Sold bSrtonX,r - eJ S1.00 Six Bottles $3.00' I'GURE PITS! fcrstiBM. radical cure. tn r rrat ear rcmdr t tiT. 7 l'- 1 ior a trntat ud Sd st reperra4 FR"A-ZER""'AXLE araw?-.T,nJL2?nR" GREASE SOLDIERS A.W.MsCorsMck A Km. kUML . . . MM o4; OOlrrrs uel p booaiy collected; Desrr' D E N S ! fl M 5 ? Heirs. .w..w ciimr-K. m iea ca eaa - w4 for dr. M " " ' W . I .1. I I I Ml C U. (.fiLSTtlSi Ac CO4 WadOnstoa. Ii c W,.!?Ke(-TitT "uiunxUN. K. Jt B!a!r'sPil!s.c.1 Oral Bax.tf FREE O-i-. XOOIT. CO, 0iaal4V If t9 alar, aamplss JI HB l hormc t Ml feet. Writ ey R-ta HoIIpt Co, HoJ. Kb aOLOlswerr. t per TH. ran $uaan, tx u Ek at I bb. anil. 1 I -J. " " " ctt-v S3U0 per TTl. Tetur-. r.. a.i i. j oracaMofCataiThlnthoHea jf. --in iii CATARRH IK THE HEAD! obmSon" of the KAT)y beadache, bead into the throat MmrtfSSarye8 failing: 'from the has' a 'Vasal twan- the rf lbe IoIco ia clianed and impaired; therTS'a senti MV nd tasto mon, a uackln coueh andi'K,. wlA.enI" deprra- apove-named mnotomi rl;ti-1 MnV tt of. fCorraianT, .1887.1 ffiS-1. .branof the nasal .nd other xnousands of caaoa nnnTiVn. -.i.l . Hem in an rone cose. uxxuerscooo, or more unaucee-rfun SZS u' BSBBBBBSBBBBBBSBBBSBBBSSl I v UJ UBlCUinS. Col'hox Sehse 1 -Qalon or the system, in ; directed to Ou, ,ea?e -up odious diseaseVand wetrlat srT,n2 we see ot this nually at itoelnraWHotei andsSrIi0!18 ' cases an ; we realize the ImporfeuicVof TOmhiLWute' tht do aoothing- and healiny appbtin f JL? a local, nal Use of blooeanaL? , iSSSft.?? Pat Inter- "V"-1 JUDf aiaeases, weak .ms - trei symptoms are lit wi mi 1 7n,""" more aeoeotive and o-... onsuceeaRfunw v vrr,"?w"", rtxi.' a jnoe an evil, trV at itt Storrh. preliposin- or real cause of -iw aMa Ceiet Reuakcl tarrhal - deaf nessV TweakTifl TZZ stomach, ca blood, scrofuKa'ndsVUirf.J ::1 "TPbUitio taimtbe-w IcalDiac.-errca S -- r a-U nsirnni SAAenl a n 1 1 CriAT.lj thareh. - T - yiviruuui lUHf IOii;CK"B ind mtorinV to "iu anion. Am m ui ' . - " " and trace, j j UtlUlCT 1111 . which comoTwtt-ers . " uu,urP"e?- As tnoae disrasn brana, oof th bTJT Tn'?Uef! Lbe Unuif raucous mom- ! ! in ?S,,?7ai?n f beallnf tbe diseased condi- i ltUrf! best preparation errr tnrcntrd. i orn?lVrt to Produces; do smartir- ! ful antlaerltle. and rlM1? sa power- Lccil iSEHT. panfes so man "oee who suffer from this di 1 pekh(kekt ; Cures, ; -Yrtr.rJ Tery Is the patural ' n4 eil0f Dr 85r' CauJrh Ermrtty. It S?tS2 S!??' Purrrnlates. and buiWl JfJE "rarfe to a healthy standard. and coo-' quers Uiroat, bronchial, and lunar ccUcatSi effect UDon the linimr but, from its somtUxj Catarrh KenraXid "o and T. F.vrl Jim atx bottles foe t m fw t" Z77T 5? worK orcr. IHacorrry ahoreuSydof Dr- W'a Catarrh Ecmcdy W ct-cu; ckfthitet 2Tc&SSf Tamable Vdi a. to PXetSrlr VrlHF' . Address, World. IMspenwy MedJr-l joei.non. ii.sMiULin Etreet, Bcttaxo,' X. T. hniM tr When a cure Both SBBS. S. fc ' BSSBBBBBSBSStlBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa Q : ' A ' A Asm -Mass. fa, v '- f 11 1 Sold by Druggft.. I SICK i Ll 1 I 23 Cents vi.t I I nf(J A tiij ' iSdiKI. Conlpation, VI v ..... I W. As a irentle sSauVe, iTTi nd tmraraiive. k T.7L . . " wersuiTe, or a-ri -'"wmow perfect satisfaction. ORIGINAL ITTI P 1 Mtro di i 1 e PILL, ffcer are TneAl t SMAT.T.rflT, CHBAP1ST. EABtro e T.PrjTrmTf Imttstloria. which contain Poiaotvrua Vf.- l. 1 . lh-. Pleroe-a Pellet., which are little SnrVrC "rltrmJ Always ask for or Antetiilooi Grannlea. ONE PCU-ET A ooir HEADACHE ;J.ri.,.TfT rret a Tarter rr dimM it .. w ufvue escapios; their aanatlTe Influence. j j afaerar4 by WOaUTB DISPXyslET ETDIU.L ASTXXlTIOf, BUPPALO, T- TT.

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