VOL. 13, NO. 1. RALEIGH, X. C, MAY, 1888. Entered at the Post Office for transmission through the Untied -States mails as matter doming under sicond-class rates. PRICE PER YEAR $1.00 IN ADYAM E Contents. I PAGE Note and Comment.................. . The G ran ge Lands and Homes ...... 2 ' Grange Encampment-Annual en- campment of the North Carolina State Grange .. i.. .........3 Editorial Editorial Briefs.. . .. .-. ...... Correspondence-Farmers' Meeting.. 5 Farms and Farmers-Grange Notes : The Grange and Combination Organizing, a urange The Social f eature of tne Grange 1 Grange Progress . .' I. . . . . . . . i . . . ............ 6 :j nous anu jb eruiizers now to Analyze Boils Application 01 ManuredThe ormation y wvsuo ........... ............ .......... . . . . I Grasses and Grains--Mangle Wurzle Beet and Kaffir Corn Green Forage Crops Growing Kaffir Corn........ ........... 8 Cotton and .ToDacco-r-Cotton Plant IJ ing Farming in tne South. . ... ............. 9 ? Trees and Frnits Notes An Esti mate of Value Fowls '. in Orchards. The Orchard and Fruit Garden Fertilizers for . ajio !.... .... .... .. -v IAve Stock A New Use for Charcoal- Sores on Cattle Hardy Breeds for Hogs cotton seea ana corn jvieai ior norses jour of Horses and Cattle The Cow Pea for Ensi- - lage.... .... ............. ....11 I Dairy Notes- Wheat Bran for Milch Cows vn V a ITT - . -wV . . . -1 4 : v ways 01 aluk wasting uiuer Vreaui..is v V? onltry- Yard Notes Af New Remedy i for Lice How to Make an Egg Tester The T Facts About Gapes I.... ...... . ..' .....irf Birds and Insects Do Toads do Harm ? -i Bluebirds. ....... .......... L... ........13 1 Gardeners Department G a r d e n . 1 1 m 4 t i " TP - Fll . . i :a annav Tnr ivi hit. rHHS r.H ri v i t lrriHi.nt- 1 ill II 111 III ." 1 nn Ill 1 a V 1 a J. UU IA A XJV '! of the Tomato Planting Cucumbers JSarJy Potatoes ... . . ...... i ...14 Family Department The Sculptor ; iJOy My unoi.ee-; moral juii,ure wooa Character How' to be Happy True Objects of Matrimony.... . .15 r Family Fan Note s. . . . . J.. . .15 WI'I see 1 1 a n eon s Bric-A-Brac A Youne Eflrar A Leap Year Rejection Husk f ing Bees Good' Enough for the rig Untire ly Unanimous At Great Secrets Out The 1 Facts About the Worm........ ........ ....16 Scraps N otes . . . . ....... .T..16 Household Department House hold Hints Butter Milk A Lecture on Coffee Carpets... i .......... '. 17 Cooking; Keceipts Gold Cake Pud ding Lemon Pudding Broiled 'Potatoes Pie Without Fruit Cheap Cream Pie... . . . 17 Popular Science -Movement of Waier ; r Benefit of the Moon.; ........ ..13 Hygiene Notes Sleeping Apart Mind and; Health J ........ . . ..... . . . , . ...18 Diseases ' and Remedies Hear t Disease Qatmeal D i g e s t i o n- M i 1 k as a Kennedy and Nourishment...... -.18 State Agriculture Grass and Clover Fine HogSh-Good Farming. -r -r TVote'and Comment. f Mb. Frank P. Baker of Wake Forest writes thanking us for publishing so good an agricul tural paper as the N. C. Farmer, He says he does not 6ee how he could get along without it and the seed we give as a premium are the best he has1 ever used. We appreciate the compliment. ., v , j The Agricultural Department proposes for the purpose .of securing full crop reports from all over the State, to secure a capable correspondent in every township , in every county, to whom : blanks will be sent for re ports 'which will be regularly published in the Agricultural Bulletin. ' ' Messrs. W. Gibbons & Co., of West Chester, Pa, advertise Chester White, Berkshire and Poland-China pigs, also .fine . Setter Dogs, Scotch7 Collies, Fox Hounds and. Beagles, Sheep and Poultry and will send circular and price list upon receipt of stamp. Bead their advertisement. i i Wb acknowledge the pleasure of a- call from Hon. W. B. Williams, Master of the N. C. State Grange Patrdns of Husbandry, Falkland, Pitt County, during his attendance upon tne sessions, ot jine csiate Koara oi. Agriculture recently held in this city and ot which he is a most worthy . and efficient member. ", .1 - i- ; :- !-" We tender our thanks to J. A. Odell i chair man committee of Arrangements, Thomas B; Keogh chairman committee of Invitation and (p. D. Benbow, secretary, for an invitation to a celebration in commemoration of the Battle of Guilford Court House to lake place on the battle ground May 5th, 1883 the anniversary of the Guilford Battle Ground Company and will endeavor to be present. f ' The raising of poultry for market is a profitable business, but one should have the best stock to realize the best results". Messrs. G. L. Hardison & Co., proprietors of the Neuse Kiver Poultry Yards, Thurman, Craven county,. N. C., advertise in ini issue urai class poultry stock and eggs. ' They have a fine Variety which they offer for sale. Write o them for terms, &c. " : ; ; a C Do you want to know how to grow sweet potatoes? Mr. W. M. Ballard, Soperintendant oi Martin county" Experimental farm, sends us his plan for growing sweet potatoes, for which we thank him, and invite the , attention of our potato growers to it. Mr. Ballard is an experienced cultivator, and has been very suc cessful in his crops, having raised 1100 bush els on .two acres. , , So far as we havo Iseen the Press of the State, as well as the jfarmers, most heartily endorse Commission ii Eobinson in hU -work of organizing the farmers into Institute Club,s and establishing Experimental farms In the counties. !Bro.Creecy of the Economist," Elizabeth City, says the. Countyj Experiment arms. o f Comm issioner j Bobinson are popular we trust they will i it i . wherever he.has gpnfei and give a new impetus Caroiina."i o agriculture in North The agricultural rfwess abroad speak in ... T . - ierms of highest . cjotopliment of our State Board ofAgriculturejaKd the success of Col Jno Robinson, jthe i Commissioner, in organiz ing the farmers Into C!ubs and establishing Farmers'-Institutes and Experimental farms in the counties.' Ttej 'Bural Messenger" of "Virginia, calls ipoit their State Agricultural Department to . folloy the pushing and pro gressive example of Nortli Carolina. It does really seem that under our new Agricultural Commissioner were are getting ahead. A brother editor! Ivriting to jas upon the subject of organizing' the farmers says : "I am really afraid that the farmers movement is gotten up in the interest of .demagogues. iThey will be organized anpthen manipulated I fear by petty : foggy . shjfocks and jadventurers. There is great j- needj to ' have jthe farmers organized if it jwert jdone by proper sort of men ' to promote their real interest." To which we will say thano such fear need be apprehended . by : their organization into Institutes and Clubsj fey' Col. Job. Bobioson the Commissioner of Agriculture who is really the State's constituted agent for ibis purpose and at no cost of large'salaries and dues to the farmers. '"'I': 'f -ii .. . -1 ': TnK North Carolina Grange Encampment and Farmers Institujje held lasi August at . Mount Holly, " Gfastonf county, was admitted by all, to be a grand success.' It is proposed to hold anotheriEncaropment this1 year, and Hon. W, . William Master of the State Grango has written Capt.; J. T. Patrick (whose labors last year made it so successful) to receive proposalsjrotn any town in North . Carolina that desires the Encampment t o be held near j them.j Th.re are "maby places' in our State where it rould be a 'good paying business to the citizons to' have he Encamp ment held. Raleigh from Its central location and accessibility ould be a very desirable point but it will go wheie the best proposal is made . All interested, Ehouli address Capt. Jno. T.. Patrick, Com., of I migration,' Raleigh; N. C See article on Grange Encampment page 5.