THE AN S ONI AN . . ntwLBr, . CHAM. BS CAI.K, 1 - Poftton Wedncsiaj Feb- 2. 1876 mDOPliOQEESS.' "ilanjjsubscibers to the Anton tan read noMhei papcr.''-Adveifweieot m Bblical,Ueeorder," Alcounty paper la a Dower for rood ifx,well managed. Those iStscnVfri wLo"takofcnOOtber paper" are doubt- Jess greatly benefited. But dou't joa - - think,- Mr,- Editor, AUat they 'would appreciate jourjpapor mora highly, if th;irJreadiDj were mora extended: v Those who take only a . county caDer ik well.Jbnt wUlyouincA agree .that iiiu?e utauu ui it biuio ur aut ium paper dobettcr ? felJy all means, allow rae to suggest, urge them, if Presbyte rians, to take the M'resbvteriufi ;r if Methodists, to take the "Advocate ; or if Baotista. the:"Kecor4cr." , Yoa will Uubenofit them "and your paper. lliojnore people read the more tney ' waatjtojead. Sbelbj JJanoer We aprce with the' "Banner" aud are sorry we cannot thank it for the suggestion, as it was not needed. We have alwavs iirrpd tinon'our readers the lm porfanco of taking more tban f A 1 1 . J A - one paper (jr awe;, a no state mpnt in our adverth-retnent that ''many subscribers to t!io A.nsonian read o other paper," was to advertiser" and not as a boast, as any seven-year old brat would know. t" Scene'JinlCongrcs-Hon. W. M I , Bobbins. 5 The last' issue of the Albemarle Times" contains;on interesting letter from its editor now in- Wasliington City, descriptive of tbe'VccBcs thjit ec cxtrrcd during the recent debate in tbo Ibuso'of Itoptesentatlves'on the Am toeiy LUL "f .: "' '; Uefering to the'point of timp when Mr. Blaine cbargod Ea-Piesiileut D POS THE LADIIS- Womea carry off all the priwa in English spelling bees, ' Holding the trail clear of I he walk ii called "nursing your drees." . It takes seven hours for'tbe Sultan of Turkey to kiu all hii.wivea. Mm." Swiashelm thinks it is only ab solutely safe to kiss a w aa in Li yf- fin. Freckled veils ire : vry stilUh end Tory deceiving. -So are, generally, the wearers. ladies who object to' flaanel alto gether hare silk usder-pctticoats made of the aefVlu'pk-jeteIastio aiii 01 which yest and drawer, ere woven s An English word artist is to gtye w a ' book on ftbe "Motbers-in-Law of Great Meo. The first and only chap- terVill be i condensed into .these words s C - ' . , f Great men never have mowerem faw U 810 Rcwml, ;- . . T -il mt i aboTa reward for lit irrest aad de'entioo ef deliver? at Peaer Pam, Uuion county, ol John Frye, eol., who has been workifg on C ravel train No. 5. and who stole' a valUe of clothingfrom me. SaVd Frye ira bcrrtont;Tiai a ter on upper n..tinMd bv a CUtS anI IDOllgU yery wung, ha grey hair on the top of Ins na4. . 0-2t - YREO Kt'ra. ' fl. : 1 -Kjri-B'JLnced r niohev or its equivalent' 'and earnestly request alt persons maeoiea w me -10 cmim ioi ward at once and make selllenlent In some satisfactory way tut on tbe UiUcd.; JnW. W'V"5,-C aad Uvnt raacfc Ufctory n"jPJI,t; ! . .11 ......... n tk. i iinnnHrria.1 UrJ Ol 1110 ;.. a.-. 1 . You will plcwe heed ibis (lvertiKluent and v.t,-aw.l-ih!u! rt.rjihi.t ilate put aU oar cUiua ia tUe bauds of an OffioenT"' WITH . vv uisUF ac run erb aud WuoVnl Diakrt in tyyinHJ f tirt J Timiers' Trimming, - llollow Ware, - Cooking and Heating Stovrs. P, 0. Ilawley.'Sr. D. We uced, want, aaa must have the mnaey you owe us for subscription, Ho eonio forward at once and Fettle. We hope this notioe will be anj-ivieat Money sentjo.a registered letter is at our risk.' J When a nil crops her front hair iciTpufls'Tt down bver ' her ' fofhoad like a SIeiican uiustang, and then" ties a piece red velvet rr;nni ucr net, aho can womler at the waler of pale fjiced young men 'that throw ayay Ui'etr5.1 omittion,"' arid past slceples nights in trying to raUe down, oa the upper lip, - f.i: v;vi v -'':'i i n -r - 8 llunitver St. rjiiltimore MIL Boos is) ;5 t"v! ooliBinui: rosnivixiXQlcnnoMps. 1 Nobly Said. After; the adjour inent of the Mtjaissippi Le2-slalore OeneraULee s tirthday, a sabc'npti a I was taken up in behalf of th proposed tatuo of Lee, when over ilUl ,wes re alized. Senatof Furlong, a former Fed eVal officer, in handing in his contrihu tlon, ;$i(l; said : . ' ' " ' ,;As one who wore the bluo and fought for four years in the army tliat firnosod Gen. Robt E. Lee, I am clad to have an opportunity of coutrfbuting my mite toward tne eiecon 01 a mon ument to the memory of otte of the greatest military chieftain, bravest so.ldiers't'and purest ; Christian J'gentle roen that this or any other age or country ever produced'iind (jtieof whom all true Americans oiufc to leol proud.",- 1 .; ; " ; ' : n- on ha70 waited, long. .n.iwlmABi r9 T.Arlina anil r.anta Dress Goods,-ttoog, 8toe,- GaiUsri, aoa-.Tocs - During! the jet; 1376 we soil only for caiu y : GADDY 4 WILLIAMS . We e irriestly aslr every otic due this jEficc to coaie torwaru and 5 ctiU;. . ; , " . .". . J' "i . T.'e reectf aly rociaost all persons due ii. fo.' pi-oro 'rio.i. 1 i'-i-vices tccull aal niii!;c ati .r.ictor seltloii.a W love the ltt- shiy i'W.'i:i;iry UT6. V's, wi'A not 'iini Ucj Toi .r-v.'c. o ;.(h.t o.m. 1st. who ow' iw' and fHls to sctt.w l uie iiv.ifti..!'y"; 10.000 ' ;a v.iluaU- jsom.'.fwtisfact vy ui-.Kr bctorj tli:.l p:cLeiits Chiuw;; iss m'.lrfi'vibjra, cv- Ciiuc. evy subscviptioit r-ant t.uoua uj .lli be entitled o r'si .; ;.u.. rai J Kv,1 ...oi..k t..r i"i i.:l :-tit) 2ctd ! VoV COIU us $-,.80''fu jat.Wi p. per, .:; Tltctu ta tti vy kt Ml Wit i- 'V ? i,iiMT ESTABLISH i.Nt faak . Don alt my prinl?i. for tea W i V , ,J!co m U wwa and e. a e..K. . as any ruoiuuim uu - - Mil. Kobt Birghaai. tup't Bif- S W'ewiiUend tho As ;6xiaN tisu.;! price $2.00.'aocltUic L'iuWyiite Weekly Couriv-Jotiriial mul pr'n.e ' 2.00, po.-i;.ge paid on ,l;t!i jiajers, ' f:v uuc, lu W.. 0. ."-.', V' - ' l:e Woaiiy Coiuiov-Journal is the w.tjAt SiiiioMHl lV.ilyewsf i-er. ' it trill, cu JiM Cli, 175. ilistrib ContainlnR every wutk, forty colnmni of cl(4ce rtadiiiK mutter, prmtid, liudoiu tyj TllEBWi tdiU)dby Tua Damsvsv TOW il... ...... (....iut ftolllllltlH. 'It', Will IMillU lHU W MWnuni . . T1IK NEWS Limits owu tkitutilic. la-. ioi., cu fit u.iUi'ultait'r;pul)Miottie U.t orinitipl nwtter, the bint niima wiy, and twi I fresiimt Jid U-t sUh. inulLitsdeiiartmiJii'f ' :. : . .!:.. .1 ......... &ni1 tw. Ill LNill 1 . id ..i.H .-. . .... . .... ..... :i.. I. ....... 1. rttili. libiiuU. buiinilo cupitb hue Biua tinoutj. TE!tM8 OF Sl'ltsClMPTlOJf. .n. v ar. . . ... -w 00 8"' ciiil Tat-'K to ponii(istrrii snltliibb. --r IIAI1.1 IW,tVl3l,A..iitmy.Ct. ta their li4" rrWt .s4 rtU . V.Uinl RtnK.IU K4SIC11LB - trfnofetaWHat4 more atltctory josa. m-.u t rv-' ton and bindine dona for tlna Bank U oremhiHM at dTfferfnt rlri.H ,f WM you want rood wort t suf ll E B wsj Ueditod by Tiis'D as svai for printlna BOOKS, MpH". , V? !, and T client "wrilu;,. !; will H'.-HJjQjfl CAKDi, WVlLOPii. Ttl, ! . i fnh com-gpouduuee frow tlw Wading cifcT Twnra flT alfT HUH. - ? o n J-.:a., I.',rs.Te V..J2i7A Surgeon 'Dentist, 0(To lyi tioa At Grwtly ,r.edard ' Fri:33- t :i o :x a r a. TX'-.i hli'i : -i S iT itfrt.ocU no.,- i!., (-nr.rii -t , o J-.-; btr Mmost t-vtir tiling iu.ii . . -1 . . t . ......... ?y 0 T i f Dili . KlIO f, V " t'oll-ton, X. C, " . TTill 1eep fn hnnl fr sale cheap ftr crifth or in oxcliitngo for country pnn lUiee , liv Slides, a 0'.i asswunent uf nil .en of Liiullkor, , rciyta-tdu, l.lil'i'u .S. lIiUT10S.. &K. . . mi (ive liiiu ti cull. Itf Aii wiiii. imii bt d t me ro r-qf d io cojiie forwuia "awl lu' imiu;'!l.B pujiuoci. Jamas H Benton. rs to lb peonl of Anson, fJnvc (Ua:f,-irilll.' m..HwH-iK-' do .lu - - . ' Montgomery aud llichmnsd coirn ; on 1.. i;d n to m WmS T' Tuf,,1, ,,M,iar ? T . 7 ,to the publie. g-n.eiMlly, ma. 'ru-,V il sTU m. k.. - J .on'nnl rW.. ail.l .HIV OJO UC- nrh tVi tlttt...a ..-itl U-r .l..t . Ill iTHW.a. A h- my; I i.i.l I vril .:u.Miit.v 1 1 ... iiUU. 1U vi r m a I ls min 1rconvinccJ. K-j I airing t .v.., - v, ,!t..l,:i;i 1 1 min by letter nr pUl Ca.'U ft AUO-AIM- u tj J ;t ii-..-in..'ry rr.i(V N. C, and they wijl tciv pvon.i) tv..u,ii, t). t.:iotii, ii. attention. 1'iices rcasoui.LIe for C'isli. i -' CT..Weik warrentcd. tis with being awillful mutdorer tho Billings' Good RezolushonsSfer 1876 loiter ifir . ,v;-: ! , . , -The .excitement io the? no0fie at I That .won't borry or lend, csfeslnly this point was'intense but 'it Crew to 'teai. "J.; . , , . Thli'fever heat when the Exvspeaker i TUafiu't?dyise anybody until. mid.' And? nereftefowGcAaaetsur. k9W Op kind vf advise theyare aw ing aiy word's, knowiaj their (uft extent ious tow follow. ; assr ' z Countries, nor thermassaere rof.JSaint it '' ;. , , ,,rn,A, . .,w "-Lli a " : aIaM th no man. found at Muloaby Matiou. narUioloaewaor.jStuw , uuwo ;aereir8 ; ; wu "T.""", . j 2-lm nod nelnes ef torture of the Sptuisb Onlcss i.aan swop iwo-uh-.i Have 7ou forgotten that yoa' , or.e John A. Polk tr yo'ir P.y and Rations for M 872 73 '71 '7. and that he needs' money? Jlow if y"'i on; a fiicnd t bis and apprec-afe lavi done, you wiirgo and pay; whit yi mva hiui. either in corn, eofori. tedder, oranythin(fhAis worth inoaey, and Oltft neto duo Jn.l IV 17.;. r'ii'-' 1.... i.i 1 . it... n .ii .1 m" VI"): r ... .11111 .F V I. - . V. - ... . i . (I J..' I -a.iwiniit .J l'?. A" ' I . . . m :l .. . , I. V;i"Ii:k: Tri.eux iart.iuu.1 u SI.t. 4,:t97.-. l.; 1 'iiikMiii :i'M nil mm ri .1 sitii iiiUivJiiiu oiuan rr WiLKl.?- IS t Prv r.i-uA Toots, !u rs, Huts, . liri.cerios, Ac. . "ilns'vrttatl. t"v' in a (lt-ploTO urn as i ll' up a i-W-l-a. 1 . i ri." vlii 11 -H coit e t'l ilkwiu ii-i'l .-guuia.iV.r iiHfl:tuipiiciud a. . . . . -v . i 1 1 1 "TER ASI) i nt r ARDi. : rw-IfOTwmLEDOR,DATBOOtJ lOOklS BEBOUSD, , . , ; IOctinarrJnW ' RIWAMK. JWt8T0l 4 C. rwNTtns asi BiBtu, ; 1 KALEIOII. ii. 0. pIRLH' L Bi'XOKItRH' . 1 - OTKn of. V. C. IWiptUta, pbltoMl , nm wwk at Ilia ft auaum. Om f U . olitetl Rellipiw f p la iW Soata. A the R'a-e. AldrwA. F-DWAJtASi, JltOCwSV TON CO.. KalelgKM. C. f ;: . 8nt:t or.wra fei evtrjr toef-ite t-l . ME ROHANOISH aiiftii . :h.,..hsh..vta. a-t t.e M ilui:4a, X . . V vviit ',, ; . : ' , f-. -Wilsn, Piffle? 4 ,; ' :: The Deo Heruld 7 Published .Venkly r - :' ' v ir J DZSBOr.O.S. C;m Irxiufcition teg10 tocompaterin'ttroei: t Tbatppvrty may be a llesaiBg. but p y wii thideotis-'crlaio: oltJnoeirlUlt i it, k Mefeing Jn aUgtiiae. j 11- 1 TU th world opsme a livicc a. si ii- 1 TW tha orM OtfPS me A 11VICC I K. KPRU.i r. ab au iniwn MrtJv m.'wooinB 1 " I' of NorthCarolika'spr'angto his feet ; That no man shall beat me in polite- p Ru N T tc II IN t3 O I and withowerfu! emtihasis'eonOrinK- oess, not so ton as politoness kontia- . GESEHAL ig throBBoJlaochinjbeif ' tb2rpty-l nee tew U cheap aa H is bow. 1 Commission Merchant 7Aaf ulan-XinJhmbu$ idtrr-L Thsta man kalisne a.pnooi... ; c Ml....." Tl.. 1 -.1. Vtn"n firnM it .1 - rang with arplaase,1 nad 'the bamod That i will lewd a moral life leven iI . N.aVal, Bj rngeof the ma,n seakiiig walk, I i go loneaum and lose a good; deal oil: j',tlM j. iuto the Presidency oer bleeding hearts funbyit.'r1 wasinioscriblo,'. r.laine.Umed white That if a Wat tell me a mule wen't nd,b'.ue andll sorw ofooljra,'fofhe kik, willl eVeaye what he lays with- li! at Ifiut met a man .who in mental nut trvlna- it. ' - i 1 , T , . , , 7 I .o . I powers is bis equal sndjin lvoueAtf ol That the best time to repent of a F . wiotm. EvorjtWn; ia. tie Hardare Line From a XV& 300S;to an ATIL lnjwrra wi ruuw auu ui vusaij v i inat iuo uvbii iuu . vi. -..- - i , h. wiui i .1 I.!.. ... ., , .! .-l ..-' Ulv.y.MK-M.iatnoX, I W. B.SAAAJI, purpose nu puysicai vwunigo, uia fciQugar s jui ueiumiuo j. w. wwm. pcrior, made. . . ' " -y-.'r,;- '-"-! ' r ' . llat when I Lear a man tracing on w tew, Bici;a80 !, -i J. 4 . . ... ' A fneadteltofbowla negr, b hunter, i won l .btj w wu j-raJCwlMU. tcfcM . g neishb)nnff.eounty, msue i uving piviy iu -wi;.-. s.. for about two mouths VB cb one turkey. '; The above will do for 1 6 1 6. " 1 , wmmsoxox, N. C lie stoleit.from Mr. A theno d it . , u tn .j,.,, 9a Co,,gu in Mr H atola it from IS and sold it ! aw wv vUy.w t. C I stole it from C aud sold;t to Dj 7 VPfl " ' . 1. ' . .i L.t- kr tti arT beat varieties woil sdnpted 1 and to on ana soon turougn me noio - , " A ' k . i u neighbeheoi, till Le had male about Southern CBlUaret pnc to .mt . . W5 from tie eale.ofthiserkey. tLo U ! " CUA!.LI3 W.ATES. when, concladtbat it had done biin about tl the good be could rcaeonably FePar,a l w. . f . .xpect of iU the darkey carried.U back MUctonly, h.viag.tbe of .r , to the bovae of Mr. A t VJ bad oriKtuallv stolen it, stt it down in vu,,,'rg" . . . . uiww'jm.M.iv " ...... i j p..a T.oa at Ptrawban ff Plants TlXaalaaK to aL. Is. O. . hU yard end walked off, with a reeling V " ' ' . .. , ... ; ofbooestywUcbwMrdly;w.mDtUrm.rket p.nU ramicfLau atta.nt.o. i , . . . ... --- I lies. Dona lor vaiaiucu v. by the circumtancce ex the caso. UB ,w . , ... - , I liiuuill-l I . Char. Uaarter, I . - ivacTiiria itf, I fiil' il,,irliin.u.iid Lu L ri Oliver Vndcll Holmes, talking cr t:Hl,rAmM. aarat ! Lave knewn saore than One rgeaii", tigbtdeoVed, fall-freigbtel, wide-V'aJ. geypu iiOBed, thai, LBtJfor lb bare, toiling arms, sod brsvs. wlrm, beating 4hart f tie falthAiinittle wife Hbal nestled dowe lit lie chadow tti e!ung to L!m, M&ilUOMjQ P"rt them, would aooa bave fat dowo tbe slreani.'aod bei UiJ vf mote. Sat'd'cs ivr.iet, Harness, Trunks, , Eo'.1ot7 Ware, Castings, , IJjeon, Flour, " Pugtr, Coffee, tice, Soap, Med, 'tjrn, ' Anmic,wio.-wmpltta,laer A ; libili iiil il ta Uat.t) OTICK. ' T rii mr nicmt inwr tleiuk to 'fny old natroiia for naat fivora, aud would I yv to the Uift I ui "ti" rr.M " " t,l at. mil nenr MulculiV Station, the enrriuife nmklns in all of iU various I. .,o in Tii innpr iiiiil c:ui nut irr. 131 .111.. Hin, ii. ...n.i.dt fiiihor ,!'nr tlurnbilltr or etyle. Persons wMiin;; to get g"vl barnins in ii,. ...... a ui i tin ui'ii rn rive inu a un k..i ., Q i.vinT rdni w'ierc. Heintiriuz " V".- -.7. .... llti done at snort nonce ou iiucr.u j ..,..ri,.ii,.,wit 'i.'i fins enables me to VA'l-IIVilvv.'. . , , win rant lull satislucuon io uu mnoiuny give n.e a trial. 0, y x S?T ."Salt nnd 8HOUIini3H SJIOKED KIBKM1 HHWI I.PEBIH. LiaTtwdSiMrtarnl UtHlat B1HY0UD. CUOW A CO."8. XV jei T.j rtrsirce , AT $1 00 VFAi A'NUM. Purcell ilotisr, 7ii..wi.iora. . c. Till IS TUE OKLT riTWT-CLAl W jywiL'jiixtitox, rpaiM4 br Ar, Kortj or 8 t"i Th Table Outfit and otber appolntwetitu Att ox tn, l'ulite Attention it Af iirtJ. KATES PIS AT : 3X. O. .,.. r Rn Toi'.i'i-horse antious to ai'ie of. wi.s sen ex w nUI'C trad, right. My rs.aoB U ef.ring ,7 , , . , v . , i t i-na, I Lata no Uulltlor mitt tJoxttxiuMor MreforaHlelsagood.enet l Mve no MlMII(lUflWi r-au., pie for Jilm, anilnnnoi ssorii w ia l-rUVC . - - 1 1 af. 11 mt,tV am Ok ,1 SV a I more men i new. w Tlia imiVmiffried luvin? nnvured an interest in thelVlki Pond. Mills will AkmI ft, I'.luckMiiilh clinn at said mills, where he rroptxtoa to do all ! i t i. .. r : I. i. A - lit tul.. kiiiii iii win K . ii e m 1111 um n a i.. iii ytliiiei fir iiiiiu or beast to er. fr ay, (Io to m'C Imu yon want yon' kluiTlit or votir bii'TTV mended ..r nlnvm Hindu and carrv wnne wheat . i . . . ... . . ,, "iroru a:. a e ii re wont ai wen nil lififiii!. Iltii.r.. Vivtt iii. eiill ami i pruiutbe I'ysuu you,iu piicca auu qtiullly. Gf . c. M. fcn.LIYANT. Aug, 2.), i,., 1. or tsi.5li irdiiis to location o'rooma. 1T? (W- ' " w " ajunii wt i"mw. inri oar, rn . w LaKMj;' atn. lwny ready ou arrtvn A i - J. R. D VV- ?fopp iirir cArifti.ti rmntT ,Fafnw.Tf.vnplti,,r:.f V TEfMS CASH. TST" CU e;i er give me yorr oiikn. .44 me si Twlkloo. K. C. Trt-1 BnJ ''Salle 'of a!l li..s an , w 6XATt'AltY,A.,ftrtiar'tf snd hr. ! tat J f'l'ai x tt d HUat.ui'. . H-uer innii nnvioav ii-p. , . p n hand ft v'sale chenp f. .aaafetnr.! by U. .Ail.Hii,'. f..r c..m wheat, 'ceJ Sowing tiacluie Ceaipav71 iy kind of couutry prixlnec, , . e .' ltiian. inlkate i.g o,a'.l.:ti. - 1st. rVninw it idi.t V.T! tl fjmllv w wiiic. IN-l. r in It ran lit rt,r 11 1 ' ' , 1 " "" wnipiv. uliili by ny on 'wMilue to a ,f . . ' .Vil. Hk-uhihi itruii 'i aiiK. t:b. ltarr.i-. on r i i iPt.Mi 'viwa" ia.?iV c I' Mh 1 1 9 H li'iltl I ;1U lW,au u,Uvrli.- UliVliV'.l 1 liWllliM'u'ur- kcarbaiinsi.ii Irwer MtM atta.'lint4it ,.4 liiulioii kU,ui licorsla nr tVirM, .Ik.ii'iI .nt- y '''"" tiiml lu. Iii-H la rtf a'- " i aiiilw Wr 11 MmiMirfi N;w, Bl WiK. Alia. l' ihiim- It ia mmlr. of .ttit , h..inili, Ua. li'y, 11 ttnk'. p- r ktw 'u,tU rlu," lb M'uat tkoruiiik 1 11 , A waut. itiiii,a(ui,ijjLrr:rr ud iU irnvcr wi out . Kuti a, aliimld aa. t. ni'nniui. tGtmrt,Vi "" "' ' '' ' l'H.a in in. H..iiTiirvr. ip nrn-n. ciuni out on rrtiupt uf i uCia. AiUui m J. Ii. . IHs a twiMtin a1 aia, l.lna, tiullrg t t.. t tUllLU aauniu, lis. UnVrtirtiU. It It ao a aii.t-bl a A , ... I' W'taaMiiitllu willi a t MfLl hi iUm 1. . ' ' It" liti f 'frtiki'.ll . (pit no Ai.uii'W . ..I U I irT I "'!""! "'' l ! kliihrwr uiia t.i I ll ill V " ' ' VilnrliiH, wfimwr al'.l:. IiauilUi li 4 ' A ll 1 -ftoMfPX xk I a all a: I "J!!r, ll" V'- 'f ) V " A t . i-irrj initi'fli p atl.4:y, 4 1 imii auiiii-ri 111 111.. i'.iin. iiM.ii4h r OUt (if luMt tlllll..F I'l'Mtll I IHUI Hi lilU.ll Ma. I Brown Orwek HoUom. r.rflcii-s.cAurrt.ic. Oa e.7 ra.Miili),. to I. X. UUlSEY, . Nil hlMl.lM. r.M au J mi pait.wl rsir. KtJ", t.iiP ar Iarlij4 a ra vf',w' 1 r.t 1 iii.r ni tiva . -. ka ibl aaaw l-ly i A viiU mrntnl fif , .n tn it, la -1 Aiior-m t u.f ' l al f'l- AwUl'wS, )'. C. I .1

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