r 1 r '. 1. v ... J . ft "r VOL. V. NORTH VILKESBORO, N. G, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1900. NO. 25. 0 4- I '7 ( I- -. IIERR AND THERE. A Hatch of Short Notes that May or May Not Interest You. Only eleven days until Christmas hunt up your presents. Seo notice ot land Kile by the commissioner, Mr. T. B. Finlcy, in another column. Messrs. Lowe & Carlton arc erect ing a large root and herb ware house on Tenth street. ( J lad to i -co E;q. V'. M. A usher out again, after a confinement, of several weeks to his room. Mr. I! 1 I ?. shinned a car load of beef cattle from this place to Durham Wednesday. & ftro h':i:-':(! to hr.rn that llv. ?rWalter JIackett, of Wiikesboro, who i'M been dangerously ill with lever, is now convalescing. Mr. Bobort Ward will conduct de votional exercises at the Y. M. C. A. Sunday afternoon. Men and boys are re uus'ed to attend. If you arc looking for Christmas presents, step in Doughton's Drug Store, where you will find them. ,Sec new ad. in another column. In cur mention of the sale of Dr. York's farm last week wo made two errors. Mr. Salmons is of this coun ty insteadvof Winston, and the price paid was 83.200, instead of $3,500. Sheriff Johnson must have the tare by tho first of January. If not paid by that time he will be for ced to coiiv-tlv by selling your land. Jle will be in this place on the th. Columbus JIampton, a 'colored boy at Itjnda, was placed in jail Sat urday for stealing chickens. Ho will no doubt sitvc a term on the 3-oad for being too fond of his favor iite food. The Blue Ridg Institute is in- v i creasing in matriculation. There are now 120 pupils enrolled. This is a first-class school and the pros pects for the next ' term are very llattoring. The long distance telephone line between this point and Elkin will Koon be completed. Wire has been stretched as far as Roaring River, and the management hopes to get through by the holidays. By referring to the new ad. of .Messrs. I. S. Call & Co., it will be ween that Santa Klaus has wired them to the effect that ho will make their place of business his headquar ters from now till Christmas. Head the ad. and give them a call. Little Gray, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, II. L. Greene, was stricken with infantile paralysis tho other day. J)r. Long, ofStatcsville, came over to see her, and wo are pleased to learn that he thinks she can be cur- d. Her lower limbs are effected. Mr. Hobert Patterson, who is en-a."-ing in tho lumber and hardwood business on quite a large scale at Poor's Knob, shipped three car loads of poplar and ash logs to Glasgow, Scotland, Wednesday. They were the finest specimens wo have ever d lie will no doubt realize a large sum for them. The Century Medicine Co., with Messrs. P. E. Smoak, II. L. L. Plum mcr and Dr. Lee F. Webster at tho head, is the name of a new firm or ganized at this place for tho manu facture of all kinds of patent mcdi cines. The plant will bo operated in tho storo room now occupied by Mr. Plummcr, and operations will begin the first of tho year. Here's 'success to them. Two Mormon Elders have boon "doing the town" this week. We are pleased to note that our people are giving them the "marble heart" and refuse to accept their literature. This is tho proper way to treat them. We congratulate Bro. Deal, of The Chronicle, on having secured the services of an associate editor in the shape of an eleven pound boy which arrived Saturday. Of course ho is minus a 25 cent cap, but that is nothing, when the pleasure of walking the floor at midnight lho:-o cold nights is taken into considera tion. The Postoflico Department has issued an order for all postofiiees in owns where thire are no night watchmen to cloe ihe lobbies at nighi. Jn compliance witu mis or l r i . i . i der Postmaster Barkley now keeps he lobby at this oiiiec locked at light. If you want your mail you must get it before the oilb'e closes,' even if you have a lock box. The E. L. Hart Hardware Co., is he name of a new firm in town. They are now opening a full line of hardware in the new store room ad joining the Hank of North Wilkcs- boro and Messrs. A. M. Church & Sons and propose to make this one of the most complete hardware stores in this section of the State. Tho members of the firm have our best wishes for success. Surprised Ills Friends. The latter part of November Mr. Oscar C. Dancy wont over the moun tain presumably on business, and it was, too. While over there he ar.d Miss Leva Long were united in mar- age. The ceremony was perform ed at the homo of the bride's sifter, Mrs. Aleck Woody by lie v. An drew Sheets, on the .'JOth. Mr. Dancy intended to keep it a secret until February when he was to bring his bride home. However, "murder will out," and his friends jt "onto" him. lie is a bright voung man with a bright future before him a host of friends join us in wishing for him and his bride a lorg and useful life. Those Roads. The great question that confronts our people now is what is to be done about the roads. ve went ur to Millers Creek Saturday. Of course bad roads had been discussed in our presence but we had no idea that they were half so bad as we found them in some places it was almost impossible 10 get aiong. Ana as Ml. . 1 11 yet there has been no rain of conse quence. We have no idea but they will be impassable during tho win ter months. We agree with an exchange that says "the way to build good roads is to go ahead and build them." That Wilkes will have this to do in the near future is no question. The Farmers Implement Co. Under the above name a company was granted a charter last Saturday to do business in North Wilkesboro. As tho name implies, the company -111 II !! I n n . win nanuie an Kinus ot larming im plements, buggies, wagons, harness, farm machinery etc. A new build ing oUxo.) Jeet will bo erected at once adjoining the liver' stable of Messrs. J. P. Cafifcy & Co., and the company proposes to be ready for I : i c j - i uusmess oy mo nrst oi me year. II. O. Absher is president, and J. P. Caffey secretary, treasurer and general manager. The company has the best wishes of the Hustler for success PEOPLE ON THE MOVE. The Hustler's Kodac Caught a Few Faces in Passing. Mr. J. P. Ilolbrook, of Traphill was in the city Tuesday. Mr. i:. O. Mastin left Tuesday fur Atlanta, Ga., on business. Mr. G. W. Holmes returned Sat urday from Pristol, Term. Mr. T. 15. Fin lev went down to Klkin Wednesday on legal bus:nesJ .Mr. Chas. Shore and wife- spent Sunday with his parents at Iionda. Mr. Robert Patterson came in Monday from a business trip to Winston. Mr. II. S, Vannoy, of Transou, vus in the city the latter part of last week. Mr. W. M. Darlington returned yesterday from a business trip to Roanoke, Yi. Miss Mollie Alexander came in Tuesday from a visit to relatives at Roaring River. Mr. C. M. Hoopei was in the city this week supplying our merchants with hardware. Miss Nora Crumplcr camo in Fri day from a visit to relatives at Roaring River. Messrs. Hamby, of Watauga, and luigene Billings, of Dockery, enter ed the liluo Ridge Institute thid week. Rev. W R. Pradshaw came in Monday from the Paptist State Con vent'on. He reports a most delight ful time. Mr. R. N. Ilackett went down the road Tuesday to join Mr. Clement Manly, of Winston, in a hunt in the lower end of this count. Mrs. W. 31. Robbin9 and children, who spent several days with rela tives at Concord, came Up Monday and left for their home in Jefferson. Miss Delia Ball, of Elkin, spent last week with Miss Sallio Cowles near town. Both were the guests of the family of Mr. T. B. Finley Sunday. Mrs. J. P. Rousseau and daughter, Miss Nellie, left for Atlanta, Ga., Wednesday, where the latter will enter school. 3Irs. Rousseau will return in a few days. Miss Mattie Palmer, who spent several months with her sister, Mrs. W. A. Sydi:or, left for her home in Monticello, Fla., Wednesday. She made ninny friends while hero who hope to see her again. Faith in Advertising. Without newspaper announce ments no man who has commodi ties to sell or services to render can achieve as high degree of success in business as he 'could with judicious advertising; and the success which newspaper publicity brings is worth many times it cost, remarks the Philadelphia Record. A leading merchant of Syracuse, N. Y., says: "Most of the owners of largo mer cantile establishments who use news paper space had tluir start under the same conditions that nine-tenths of tho small merchants work under. They have had faith in advertising and the courage to buy space. Help is needed at once when i person's life is in danger. A neg lected cough or cold may soon be come serious and should be stopped at once. One Minute Cough Cure qnickly cures coughs and colds and the worst cases of croup, bronchitis, grippe and other throat and lunt' tronbles. . Doughton's Drug Store." Vacancies at the A. & H. College. There will be about twenty va cancies at the A. & M. College in January, owing to withdrawals from poverty and failure in studies. These vacancies will be filled by selecting young men of mature mind and good preparation. Character and a desire to stud will be indispensiblc requi sites. Entrance examinations will be hold at tho College in Raleigh, Jan uary 2nd and 3rd at 0 a. m. and 2 p. in. No entrance examinations will be held elsewhere. It will probably be useless for applicants to come later, as the vacancies will all be filled on those dates. The work of the College this year has been re markably fine. The new Course in Mechanic Arts training boys to be machinists, mechanics, engine-tenders, dynamo-tenders, locomotive en gineers, etc., has been very popular. The Special Course of instrnction in the machine shop has also been largely attended. The Textile De partment is equipped with several thousand dollars worth of cotton machinery and is doing admirable work. Students are crowding into it with enthusiasm. The total enrollment so far is 280, although the College has rooms for onlj VJ0. There has been practically no sickness during the year, not a case lasting a week. The discipline and morality of the College have been admirable in all respects. Of Interest To Farmers. It is desired to call the attention of the farmers, fruit-growers, truck ers, and all others interested in ag ricultural pursuits, in North Caroli na, to the fact that the Entomolo gist of tho Department of Agricul ture, at Raleigh, N. C, desires them to send him specimens of an' inju rious insects that may come to their notice. They are also invited to send specimens of any insects re garding which they desire informa tion, and such information will be given so far as possible. It is desir ed to make the Department of as great practical benefit to the people as possible, and no effort will be spared to attain this end. During this winter the fruitgrow ers arc especially urged to make a careful examination of their trees, and send any insect or suspicious twig to the Department so that the matter may be investigated, if it is of importance. As this office is for he benefit of the people, we hope that they will use it to the best of their ability, by correspondence or otherwise. An effort is being made to build up a collection of insects for the Ag ricultural Department and for exhi bition in the State Museum. The aid of all is asked in getting speci mens for this purpose. Send any specimens or inquiries to Franklin Sherman, Jr., Entomologist, Department of Agri culture, Raleigh, N. C. The Best Plaster. A piece of flannel dampened with Champerlain's Pain Blam an bound to the affected parts is superior to any plaster. - When troubled with lame back or pains in the side or chet, give it a trial and you are certain to be more than nleased with the prompt relief which it af ford". i . in Balm also cures rheu matism. One application gives re lief. For sale by Dr. Geo. Dough ton. Mr. F. I). Forester's many friends will bo pleased to learn that he is able to be out again after a severe wrestle with the grip. BISHOP PETTY DEAD. This Eminent Colored Divine Passe J Away Saturday, at Clio, 5 C. Menda3''s Charlotte Observer gives the following particulars of the death of Bishop Petty, a native of this county, who died in South Car olina Saturday: "Bishop Charles Calvin Petty, 1). D., one of the bishops of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, died at Clio, S. C, at 10.30 o'clock Saturday night from eurcmic poison. He arrived at Clio Tuesday, Novem ber 27th, expecting to preside over the session of the South Carolina Conference of his Church, but was taken ill with a complication of pneumonia and yellow jaundice which later developed into euremio poisoning. "Bishop Petty was born in Wilkes boro about 51 years ago; was educa ted in the common schools of Nortli Carolina, and at Biddlo University, from where ho was graduated in 1878. He was one of the beet edu cated and most eloquent preacher of his race, and had held several prominent positions in tho A. M. E. Church. Besides filling the pulpits of a number of leading churches in North Carolina, South Carolina, Al abama, Tennessee and California, hi was four years general secretary of his Church, and was elected bishop when only 38 years of age, at New bcrn, in May, 1888. "He traveled extensively in Amer ica and Europe and was one of tho most conservative and progressive negro churchmen of his race. Ho leaves a wife and seven children He will be buried at Newborn to morrow." As above stated, Bishop Petty was a native of this county, and all class cs will be pained to learn of his de mise, as he was universally esteem ed. In his death his race looses ono of its most able and brightest lights one who had done much toolevato his people and put them on a higher plane. His influence will bo missed. His Life Was Saved. Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citi zen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful deliverance from a fright ful death. In telling of it he say: "I was taken with typhoid Fever, that ran into Pneumonia. My lung became hardened. 1 was so weak I couldn't ever, sit up in bed. Noth ing helped mo. I expected to soon die of Consumption, when I heard, of Dr. King's New Discovery. Ono bottle gave great relief. I continu ed to use it, and now am well ami strong, I can't 6ay to much in it praise." This marvellous medicimi is the surest and quickest euro in the world for all Throat and Lung; Trouble. Regular sizes 50 cents and S1.00. Trial bottles froo at DougU ton's Drug Store; every bottle guar anteed. Holiday Rates. Christmas Holiday Excursion Fares, 1000-1901. For this occasion tho Southern Railway will sell round trip tickets Dec. 22, 23, 24, and 25, and also Dec. 30 and 31, with final limit Jan. 4, for one and one-third first class fares for the round trip to all stations on the linos of tho South ern Railway, and to all points East of the Mississippi and South of tho Ohio and Potomac Rivors. A Powder mil Explosion. Removes everything in sight; so drastic mineral pills, but both art mighty dangerous. Don't dyna mite tbr delicate machinery cf your -body with calomel, croton oil or aloes pills, when Dr. King's "Ner Life Pills, which aro genie as a sum mer breeze, do tho work perfect'y. Cures Head ache, Constipation. Onl ly 25c at Doughton's dm, store. v:- -, 'J J. Y . . - 7 .. . .