THE SEMI-WEEKLY HUSTLER, SEPTEMBER 5, 1902. THE HUSTLER. T. J. ROBRIiT.SOX, Ed. and Pub. Subscription price (Invariably In advance) Jl.uofor 12 months; Fifty cents for six month ;TVenty-flve cents for three months. We will not be held responsible for the views of correspondents, and reserve the rltfht to reject any communication for pub lication. Advertising rates reasonable nnd furnished on appllcntlon. Application pcndlnp for mlniKslon as second-class mall mutter North Wilkcshoro, N. t:., Postomce. SEPTEMBER 5, 1902. A cross mark on the margin of your pnper denotes that your subscription expires with that issue, and you are respectfully request ed to renewat once. We positively cannot afford to send the paper on time and unless you renew, your nam; will be erased. This is an "Iron clad" rule and applies alike to all DEMOCRATIC NOMINEES. For Chief Justice of .Supreme Court WALTER CLARK of Wake. For Associate .Justices of Supremo Court 1IEXRV J. CONXOR of Wilson. PLAIT I). WALK Kit of Mecklenburg. For Corporation Commissioner EUGENE C. BEDDING FIELD of Wake. For Superintendent ol Public In struction JAMES Y.JOYNER of Guilford. For Congress, Eighth District TIIEO. F. KLUTTZ of Rowan. For Solicitor, Eleventh District STEPHEN P. GRAVES of Surry. WEAK APOLOGY. The .Republicans sa- they are not responsible for the Trusts, and cite the fact that there are Trusts in England. Admitted that there are Trusts in '. England, ai.yonc knows that they cannot charge the exhor bitant prices that our Trusts charge here under the shelter of the pro tective tariff. To illustrate: Suppose there was a steel trut in England, and suppose they concluded to put the prices of steel products up like our Trusts have done. Now. al though selling our own consumers stecT rails at SoO per ten, our steel trust is selling the same rails at 823 per ton in England. Tt is therefore a self-evident fact that an English steel trust could not sell its steel for rftore than 823 pcrton.clso it would be undei'ftold at every point by our manufacturers. So it is with every product, if a great English trust goes to corner the market and put prices up, here comes the American manu facturer and sa3s to the English people, 4,1 will sell you for less than that," and the would-bo speculator at the '"'li'intiP..' of. ,1 '"" ifi"d3 TuTXOTW ir Hon. 11. B. Glenn, of Forsyth, is country if th; tariffs -were taken off nothing if not big nearted. After of Trust-controlled product. When he had declared himself a candidate the Trusts vould go to putting up for tho United Statc9 Senate, Hon. prices, as they do now, they would C. B. Watson, of the same place, al- find that the foreign manufacturer so announced himself as a candidate, would bo ready to come in and sell Since that time things have been to tho American people at a reason- somewhat complicated and it was able profit. This would at least pre feared that this complication would vent the exorbitant prices that cause a rupture in the Democratic Trusts now fix. A well-known ranks of Forsyth. Mr. GUnn real- Trust magnate testifies before the ized that with both in the field United States Industrial Commission neither would stand any chance, so that the Trusts put put the prices lie has withdrawn in a most grace- up just as high as the business would fill manner. He had a strong fol- stand. The other wav thev would lowing throughout the State, who only be able to put them up as high regret that circumstances forced as competition would allow, ami that - I J. 7 him to do this. His card has the could not be as hirrh bv 50 ncr cent ring anu no pledges mm- as they are at present. right self to Mr. Watson oause of Democracy. and to the The North Carolina Tax Commis sion made a ruling Tuesday that the Mr. lilack burn says ho hopes tho salaries of united States officers "little Democratic papers" will keep wcro liable to tax in this State un up the fight on him they elected der the income tax clause of the rev him two years ago and will do the enuo act, or rather they decided wmo thing this year. If this be that incomes are liable to tax evrpnt tiue, he should have gratitude those received from property al- cnouxrh to "fork up" 'several sub- ready taxed. 1 s(!rintions and Hend thoan naners to i nose voiers wno no is noi positive Raleigh Post. sure will vote for him to bo con- The Auditor's report for tho fiscal sistcnt. this would be the proper ycar 1901 ending November 30th thin to do ui lumjfcai, uiu iirsi year oi irov. Aycock s administration shows Messrs. Clarence Call and E. 13. &n,oUd.y-4 were paid out on ac Unrkl.vir. mmhor of thn fit tit n nnrl C0Unt f ,eSaI rviceHand expenses. ' ft.. T,....K1! J 1 . , . . . I vu xvepuuiican menus arc uniair UUUIItV VI CieeUUIIS, ICSpUCt rtrirtU L . ' i I CnOUCfh tn rhnrrrn 4hid tr ka 1 rrin I " " -w.-mtv bUJiJ W Illy iUIU ivcly, pour hot shot into the "pro cratic administration as one item of fessional rosolutors" of this county the extravagance thereof. through the columns of The Kalehrh Having no basis whatever for this week. It is served red charS of extravaganco or improper hoi, and no doubt acts as food for "8C f thPuM funds by tfto pres- . . . aurmnisiration, we ex- thought for tho erstwhile .nsurgent t n0 &r 6tatemont thero)rt from s l sv st I Kin i 4 I t r ut imuuutj, tnc iiepublicans. And no better evidence ot their nn mimosa lhm'r - w . . I vw, v joursc jvir, J5iackburn is suD- k. .1 1 wuiiiucc iu ueuuive, can oe g Down Ho understand his business, than in this charge concerning- the jtrikes us that if he "does up legal expenses as stated for the year 1901. u:m Tho fiscal year 1901 becran on- the iiiicvb uiin un cvui v occasion . " L u: 4L . , w 1st of December, 1900. Gov.Eusell of the $17,003.94 thu.s paid out, save $517.81, was paid out on employ ment made by or on account of liti gation started by Gov. Russell. The amount of $17,050.10 was paid in settlement of Gov." Russell's con tracts and legal contentions. For the year ending November 30th, 1900, Gov. Russell's adminis tration paid out, according to the Auditor's Report for that year, for legal services and expens, 89,159.33: for the ycar before, that ending No vember 30lh, 1899, ;Gov. Russell's administration paid out for legal services and expenses, 9,997.73; for the year before that, ending Novem ber 30th, 1S9S, Gov. Russell's ad ministration paid out for legal ser vices and expenses $5.200 71. Let us add these Russell expenses for le gal services, etc., together, and we find there was paid out on this ac count exclusively during the years 189.S, 1899, 1900 and 1901, the total sum of $13,41D.S7. Now does not this contrast with the $547 84 in curred and properly chargeable, and all that is chargeable to, Gov. Ay- cock's administration for the years? Senator Pritchard and his Repub lican followers make much todoovcr the action of the Democratic Legis lature authorizing tho governor to employ counsel to defend State elec tion officers indicted in the federal court. In tho first place we will ask Senator Pritchard if the federal attorneys do not invariably appear for and defend federal officers when indicted in cither federal or State courts? And does not the federal government pay all the costs incur red in such defense? m 1 ihis is true, ana. upon exam ma- ' M ion, we find that of the 8547.S4 paid out by and properly chargeable to Gov. Aycock's Democratic adminis- ration for legal sci vices and ex penses, $298.11, all told, were paid out by tho State on account of the defense of the State's officers indict ed in the federal ecu its, leaving $249.73 in full payment for legal ser vices and expenses for the first ycar of the Democratic administration, which Senator Pritchard and his convention pointed to with so much pride for the years 189S, 1S99, 1900 and 1901. The jury can take the case. are confident of f he verdict in favor. OAK RIDGE INSTITUTE 51st Year. PREPARES for the UNIVERSITIES and COLLEGES as wrdl as for BUSINESS, for TEACHING and for LIFE. - Situated near GREENSBORO, N. C, over 1,000 aoove tho sr a level, in view of the mountains. Largest and Rest Kquipped Fit-tin- School for Younpr Men and Hoys in the South. Rates: $125 to $175 per annum. For beautiful Catalogue, address J. A. & Al. H. HOLT, - - - - Oak Ridge, N. C. WILKESB0R0.... ....MAEBLE WORKS. We Buy by the Car Load and Sell First Class Work Cheaper than any Yard in the State, we think & Wilkesboro, N. C. WEBB & MILLER. 1 As the Twig is Bent, So is Hie Tree Inclined This is true representation of the young lady who al ways partook of our SODA WATER. The husband contended that soda water was unhealthy and would not drink. Be hold the result! Fortune Telling is Not a Part of Our Business, But Ave can't help prophesying good things for you, if you will only give up the old way of hunting some thing to quench your thirst and come in try our cold drinks, which are fresh and invigorating. Try Zero Phosphate, the finest beverage in town. Doughton's Drug Store. 11 Hi ' v ' viVX?4v V ! WATER A J S O DA We've Got 'EmnJ We our Women and Jewels. Jewels, cand flowers, men that is the order ol" a women's prefer ences. Jewels for a magnet of mighty power to average woman. Even that jrrcatest of all jewels. health, is often ruined in the stren uous efforts to make or save tho money to purchase them. If a wo man will risk her health to get a coveted gem, then let her lorlify herself against the insiduous conse quences of colds, colds, and bron chial affections bv the regular use of Dr. Boschee's German Syrup. It will promptly arrest consumption in its early stages and head the affect ed lungs and bronchial tubes and drive the dread disease from the system. It is not a cure-all, but it is a certain cure for coughs, colds and all bronchial troubles. You can get this reliable remedy at Dough- ton's Drug Store. Get Green's Special Almanac. &w him up to the people. Mr. 7; T ' ;; f r y 1 retired about the middle of Jan aary f Vina r.alrnA Viirvi An. . . . "U"""BVU uufc following, when Gov sistcntly refuses he prefers inaugurated. 1 o Mr. Kluttz at loDg range. r Jq latest style and best finish is ion jour laundry when you send io tho Charlotte Stea m Lanndrv. - j . drug store Tuesday, returns on Saturday. Now, by a careful axaminaticin of the Auditor's Report for the years 1901, from which the Republicans learned that more than $17,000 had been paid for legal services and. ex penses, pages 213 to 219, inclusive, we find as a fact that every dollar WOOD'S "TRADE MARK" FARM SEEDS are the best that can be obtained free from weed speeds and impur ities and of strong germinating qualities. It is very important if you desire to secure good stands and good crops to purchase the highest grade Seeds obtainable. This you can always do by pur chasing Wood's 44 Hark Brand " of Farm Seeds. Wood's Fall Catalogue tells all about Vegetable and Farm Seeds for Fall Planting, Seed Wheat, Oats, Rye, Barley, Vetches, Grass and Clover Seeds, etc. Write for Fall Catalogue and prices of any Seeds desired. T. W. WOOD & SONS Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. Do You Want Groceries? We have a big stock of first-class goods. If you want to be pleased buy all your groceries of us. Do You Want Dry Goods? Well, we've rj;ot the verv best line in town. AVe would like to tell you something about them but can't here. However, we will take pleasure in showing them to you. Do You Want Anything Else? We've got almost cvervthing vou could ask for Shoes, Tinware, Woodenware, Earthenware, Feed stuff's, Flour, Meal, Hay and Did You Say Fertilizers? Farmers, we carry S. W. Travers' celebrated brands "Beef Blood and Bone," "Capital Bone Potash," Travers Wheat and Grass," "Champion Acid Phosphate.'' Get our prices before buying elsewhere. We can and willl save you money. HENRY & TERRY. Prices Reduced This is the way you will lind tho figures on all of clothing marked down on everything and now is the time to buy, while you can get what you want nearly at your own fig ures. Drop in and let us show you that we mean what we say. Yours for bargains, Call & Combs. A Rare Bargain Offered You NEW SEWING MACHINE FULL SET ATTACHMENTS GUARANTEED FIRST-CLASS CALL OR WRITE FOR PRICE THE HUSTLER, North Wilkesboro.

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