ft J U I I i 1 1 i '-' 4 a- VOL. X. NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. MARCH, I 1907. r NO. 34. "8 3 cr. o 9 o o o. a. S o D CD O at CD 9 O 5S o a a P m ft 3 04 CD 1 s. s o 0 en CD CO 3 S3 V g s 3 "0 c oo GO 23 X1 A 3 O Qu 3- at pi It ifxs OI o CO O 00 Si (0 Si Oa sr h r c 3 3 to o 3 to 3 C t p 3" to t o o 3 3 n 3 3 O o to 3 c to to 3 W 3 o c rr c 3 a to T3 rc -1 t1 3 O 3 t 3 3 o n (a vi n W r and be ye ready for I am coming with a new ad. next week. J. C. Henry. PRANK D. HACEETT. Attorney-cU-Law, NOKTH WILKEsBOEO, N. C. Practice In aU the courts. Prompt snd caref'U ttenjaii givon to all bnoInenffoftlOT 6f er Dough ton 'g Drug Store, Linney or Cowles. Winston Sentinel, Sind. There is always political talk in the Eighth congressional district and Rep resentative Julian, writing to his pa per, the Salisbury Post, gives the lat est, as follows: "Former Representative J. A. Ash burn, of Surry county, one of the orig inal anti-Blackburn men of the eighth district, is in Raleigh today. He tells me that Frank Linney, a son of Hon. R. Z. Linney, and a young lawyer of ability, will be the Republican nomi nee tor Congress in the eighth dis trict in 1908. Here, as elsewhere, Blackburn's friends admit that politi cally, he has gone down to rise no more in North Carolina. Mr. Al burn does not believe there will be any opposition to Linney's nomination and in this view a Salisbury Repub lican with whom I talked today con curs." It comes pretty straight to The Sentinel that Mr. Charles H. Cowles. one of the representatives from Wilkes in the present Legislature and who managed Spencer Blackburn's two last campaigns, will likely be an aspirant for the Republican nomina tion for Congress in "de "ate" next year. He is chirman of the Con-: gressional executive committee. LINCOLN THE SOITH'S FRIEND. This Rheumatic Pains KelleTed. B. F. Crocker, Esq., now 84 years or age, ana ior twenty years Justice of the Peace at Martinsburg, Iowa, says: "I am terribly afflicted with sciatic rheumatism in my left arm and ngnt hip. I have used three bottles of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and it did me lots of good." For sale by Brame urug uo. Republicans Meeting in Washington. Washington illsintch, 28rd. The interstate league of Republican clubs held a notable banquet here to night at the Masonic temple. Twenty states were represented in the gather ing about the banquet board, and a number of rousing old time Republi can speeches were made. I'ormer United States Senator Marion Butler, of North Carolina, was to have been one of the principal speakers but he was unable to be present on account of an unexpected business engagement. R. H. McNeil, secretary of the North Carolina league, headed the stale's representa tion at the banquet. Cause of Stomach Troubles. When a man has trouble with his stomach you may knov; that he is eat ing more than he should or some ar ticle of food or drink not suited to his age or occupation, or that his bowels habitually constipated. Take Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets to regulate the bowels and improve the digestion and see if the trouble does not disappear. Ask for a free sample. Sold by Brame Drug Co. The message boys service, as we know it in this country, is just being introduced in Paris. Instruments being installed in the houses of subscribers, so that persons may summon a mes senger, cyclist, policemen, firemen or doctors. Tetter, Salt Rheum and Eczema. These are diseases for which Cham berlain's Salve is especially valuable. It quickly allays the itching and smarting and soon effects a cure. Price, 25 cents. For sale by Brame Drug Co. Mr. R. B. Lacy, Jr., of Raleigh, fWMwi4 v.w cAMimuawuu iui en trance at Oxford, England, having won the Rhodes' scholarship. He is a graduate of Davidson College and is a son of State Treasurer Lacy. Speeches by Statesmen Declare to be a Fact. Pittsburg Dispatch. Congressman Champ Clark of Mis souri and Governor Warfield of Mary land, with Governor Stewart, of this State, were the principal speakers at ?he annual Lincoln day banquet of the Merchants and Manufacture's association of Pittsburg. Governor Warfield spoke on the topic, "The South as Lincoln Left It, and the South of Today," and in part said that "the South as Lincoln left it," was a country bereft of all save honor. "I firmly believe that had Lin coln lived, he would have given Gen eral Lee his systematic co-operation in the task he undertook of healing and binding up the wounds of his countrymen and directing them in the paths of peace and patriotism. "Lincoln would never have sanc tioned the indiscriminate enfranchise ment of the negro, nor approved of the fourteenth and fifteenth amend ments, nor have tolerated the plunder ing and outrage of the reconstruction period. "It was not'the elevation of the ne gro to a social or political equality with the white man that Lincoln ad vocated. It was the institution of sla very that he disapproved. There a physical difference between the white and black races, which I be lieve will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality." Governor Warfield said that the Rcheme of the politicians who forced the negro enfranchisement to punish the white people of the South and keep them in subjection is returning to plague those who fathered the out rage, as race issue is today more acute in the State of Ohio than it is in any other State in the union. The speaker then presented statis tics of the growth and progress of the South, adding: "You of Pittsburg know better than I do how the South is rising in coal and iron output, and what a magnificent future it faces in these staples of a nation's advance ment." The speaker said the Southern States believed in equal justice to 11 and are satisfied with the constitu tion adopted by the founders of the republic, adding: "They are opposing to over-government from Washington and to any and all encroachments up on the rights of States." GRAHAM OX WAR PATH. The News No Pure Drug Cough Cure Laws would be needea, if all Cough Cures were like Dr. Shoop's cough cure is and has been for 20 years. The National Law now re quires that if any poisons enter into a cough mixture, it must be printed on the label or package. For this reason mothers, and others, should insist on having Dr. Shoop's cough cure. No poison-marks on Dr, Shoop's labels and none in the medicine, else it must by law be on the label. And it is not safe, but it is said to be by those that know it best, a truly remarkable cough remedy. Take no chance, particularly with your children. Insist on having Dr. bhoop's cough cure. Compare carefully the Dr. Shoop package with otr.ers ana see. No poision marks there! You can always be on the safe side by demanding Dr. Snoop's cough cure. Simply refuse to accept any other, bold Brame Drug Co. Go to Darlington's barber Bhop f o a good easy shave. Keel and lam does the work. Next! Does Coffee disagree with vou? Probably it does! Then try Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee. "Health Cof fee" is a clever combination of parch ed cereals and nuts. Not a grain of real Coffee, remember, in Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee, yet its flavor and taste matches old Java and Mocha Coffee. If your stomach, heart, or kidneys can't stand Coffee drinking, try Health Coffee. It is wholesome, nurishing. and satisfying. Its nice even for the youngest child. Sold by J. C. Henry. Rockefeller And His 832,000,000. CommoniT. The sum of $32,000,000 must be enormous; indeed, it is great that the minds of men cannot comprehend it. 'But with all of its immensity, it ought not be large enough to cover the multitude of sins for which the man who gives it to the "cause of education" is responsible, and with all its power it ought not to be strong 0.. j "t civilization will have failed whenever vice can be transformed into virtue by tha contribution of money, and the habitual law-breaker is lost sight cf in the lionized hero because he has poured into the laps of educators part of the enormous sums of gold he has taken from a people whose laws he has brazenly defiled and whose substance he has systemati cally plundered. Bcaents Action of Lieut. Gov. Winston in Appointing Committee. Ruli-lgh Message Oreenslioro Keconl. 231 li. There were lively times in the Sen ate this morning and the atmosphere was lurid with expectation if nothing else. Senator John W. Graham. autnor ot the Graham passenger ratel bill, arose to a questioh of high per sonal privilege and proceeded to make some remarks and lots of them. He declared in the most scathing terms that the action of Lieut-Governor Winston in appointing on the confer ence committee to adjust the differ ences between the House and the Sen ate passenger rate bill the men who were opposed to the Graham bill was treason or words to this effect. He said the will of the Senate had been ignored and that the action of the Lieutenant Governor was an insult to him and every member of the majori ty by which his bill passed the Senate. The three members of the conference committee are said to be in favor of a two and a half cent flat rate. He said he had heard the action of the president of the Senate characterized as sharp politics, but he considered it peanut politics. He said he had served in the legislature years ago and had introduced a resolution that resulted in the impeachment of a governor; that the lieutenant gov ernor in this matter had tried and executed himself. The people of the State, he said, had been remarkably kind to Presi dent Winston, who had been guilty of many indicretions. He wound up by offering a resolution that the confer ees on the part of the Senate named Saturday be discharged, but the Sen ate proceeded wih its business and nothing done. It is understood, however, that a caucus will be held tonight to talk over the matter. Among the bills passed by the Sen ate today was one to increase the number of challenges on the part of the State in cases less than capital offenses. The House spent a great part of the day in committee of the whole on the revenue bill and later passed it on its second reading with the understand ing, however, that additions or changes would be made when called up on its second reading 8200,000 STOLEN FROM V. ! For Catarrh, let me send you free, just to prove merit, a Trial size Box of Dr. bhoop's Catarrh Remedy. - It is a snow white, creamy, healing anti septic balm that gives instant relief Taken Mysteriously From Suit-Treasury In Clticairo -All in Lartre Hills Ktupluycs Accused. 1'hU-ngo dlspati-li, Ki-li. ffltii. Somewhere between ijUTfi.OOO and $200,000 was stolen from the United States suit-treasury last week. The authorities here in Chicago and in Washington have been working night and day on the robbery since it was discovered. Secretary Shaw was told of the gi gantic theft when in Chicago last week and wan in conference withSub-Trea.suru- William Boldenweck and secre service officials. The money was stolen either a week ago Saturday, the next day, or last Monday. The chances are it was' ab stracted on Monday. The loss was discovered on Tuesday. All the money take was in large bills, bills of the denomination of 1, 000, $5,000 and $10,000. It was U. ... 1. ' ill i i . i inuugni lu ue iinpossiuie inat sucn a large sum of money could have been abstracted in face of of all the safe guard thrown around Uncle Sam's strong boy. The ledger men involved strenuously denied any error and an investigation showed there was no possible clerical mistake to account for the disappearance of the cash. This brought the inevitable conclusion that the robbery was the only explana- j tion. Just as certain was the deduc-1 tion that the thieves were employes ! of the sub-treasury and were at that moment pursuing their daily tasks. Every man who could have had any thing to do with this case was, called into Treasurer Boldenweck's office and put through an exhaustive examina tion and a still more rigid cross-examination. Captain Potter, of the secret service, assisted in the inquisi tion. All denied any knowledge of the theft and protested their inno cence. Every employe of the office is under surveillance day and night and should one or more of them prove to be the thief or thieves, escape will be impos sible. All have reported for, work daily since the discovery was 'ma.Ie. ivery man, too, is under bond but it to any amount near the lot secured. That the robbery was committed during working hours is almost a certainty. The plunder could have been concealed in two vest pockets. Subtreasurer Boldenweck declared to day that it had been definitely deter mined just where the shortage cccur ed, but he declined to say where it Catarrh of the nose and throat. Make i 't had been traced. He declared him Do Not Crowd the Season. The first warm days of spring bring with them a desire to get out and en joy the exhilirating air and sunshine. Children that have been housed up all winter are brought out and you won der where they all came from. The heavy winter clothing is thrown aside and many shed their flannels. Then a cold wave comes and people say that grip is epidemic. Colds at this season are even more dangerous than in mid winter, as there is much more danger of pneumonia. Take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, however, and you will have nothing to fear. It always cures, and we have never known a cold to result in pneumonia when it was used. It is pleasant and safe to take. Wil- Children like it. For sale by Brame Drug Co. the free test and see. Address Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Large jars 60 cents. Sold by Brame Druir Co. Washington and Lee. Charlotte Observer. We have no sympathy whatever with Tom Watson's attempt to place Lee above Washington. Gen. Lee is nearer to us, he suffered more with us and for U3, we love him above any other; but the majestic figure of Washington towers out of American history above all other men, and even "the greatest captain the English speaking people have ever produced"' should not be forced into rivalry with him. Such a comparison is peculiarly odious. Gen. Lee revered Washing ton above all other men in history, and the soul of Washington surely loves the soul of Lee. The homes l j.-i i. , .l, ah ui.ii.iwii i, eiieittiiuiia Uley lived were side by side and they were growths of the same civilization that civilization which lead had no power to destroy but which is now threaten ed by gold. Feud between the mem ories of these great Americans is impossible. Even the professional iconoclasts among us should put off their shoes from their feet when they stand upon the tombs of our mighty dead. Cures Blood, Skin Diseases, Cancer, Greatest Blood FuriUer Free. If your blood is impure, thin, dis eased, hot or full of humors, if you have blood poison, cancer, carbuncles, eating sores, scrofula, eczema, itching, risings and bumps, scabby, pimply skin, bone pains, catarrh, rheumatism, of any blood or skin disease, take Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.). Soon all sores heal, aches and pains stop and the blood is made pure and rich. Druggists or by express $1 per large bottle. Sample free by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. B. B. B. is especially advised for chronic, deep seated cases, as it cures after all else fails. Fresh roasted peanuts at Henry & Thompson's. self positive, however, that the money had never readied the vaults. The winds of March have no terror to the user of DeWitt's Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve. It quickly heals chapped and cracked skin. Good too, for noils and burns, and undoubtedly the lest relief for Piles. Sold here by Brame Drug Co., and Turner & Taylor Drug Co. Shooting in Iredell. Htati'svllledlspateh Chariot te Observer. h. What may prove a fatal accidental shooting occurred in north Iredell late yesterday evening, when a 38-calibre pistol in the hands of Marcus Williams was discharged, sending a ball into the body of his comrade, Mack Wood ward. The shooting occurred in the barn of Mr. Jno. I. Douglas, near Eu peptic Springs, and the young man who did the shooting claims it was purely accidental. Dr J.'E. King was called and dressed the young man's wounds temporarily and Dr. II. F. Long, of Statesville was notified. The young man was brought to Long's Sanatorium in Statesville this morning and the physicians tried to locate the ball, which had entered just below the ribs'bn the right sjde, taking a down ward course Young Woodward is about 18 years of age and is a son of Mr. John Wood ward. Williams is possibly as young as 16 years. Health in the Canal Zone. The high wages paid make it mighty temptation to our young artisans to join the force of skilled workman needed to construct the Panama Canal. Many are restrained however by the fear of fevers and malaria. It is the knowing ones those who have used Electric Bitters, who go there without this fear, well knowing they are safe from malarious influence with Electric Bitters on hand. Cures blood poison too, biliousness, weakness and all stomach, liver and kidney troubles Guaranteed by The Brame Drug Co. 50c. Tillman and Hamlet. i C'liai Uitu- obsi-rver. j According to The Washington Her ; aid, Senator Tillman has now booked j engagements to speak every week-day night and several Sunday nights from the day when this session adjourns until Congress meets again on De cember 2, except three nights still left open. "For these speeches," says The Herald's story, "he has a contract at $200 a night with a lyceum com pany that assumes all risks as to con- i neetions by rail, rent of hall, and j similar details. His first date is Bal- j timore, on the night of March 4. ' March and April will be spent in ; Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia and : North Carolina. His tour will extend ! into the far West in the fall, and dur- j ing the summer he will be heard in j New England and the middle West, j July 4 he speaks at Ashland, Ky. He 1 is free to speak of any subject he may j choose so long as his effort Ls the I characteristic Tillman speech. The j Senator's honorarium in the grand to-.' tal is $43,000 for the summer's work I --more by some than he could makel tending' his cotton crop in the Pal metto State." Senator Tillman does well to gather in all the wealth he can this summer, for the already no torious Jeffries Davis' mouth must be watering and he will doubtless come along next summer to contest the be lief that the South Carolina Senator is the only negro-hating wild man in captivity. We trust that he will re serve his very best stunts for the North Carolina audience or audiences which will let go their cash to gaze wonderingly upon him. At the close of the season he can earn further large sums by performing for the phonograph record people, who are always on the lookout for first-class specialties, and for the moving-picture films such a furnish the enter tainment oh Charlotte's War Path. In fact, he may find it to his interest to go regularly into vaudeville, appear ing in the Senate at intervals to fresh en up his fame by a brain storm. He would not have come aroui... to this form of activity in a single day. All hi anti-negro fits, including even the latest, may have been genuine seiz ures, but they must by this time be closely associated in his mind with their money-making possibilities. Col. Hamlet, of Denmark, was not the only man in whose madness in dications of methods might be detected. 1 World Is Our arket The People Our Cus tomers. Through a system of co operation this statement is absolutely true. For the past year we have labored to successfully and satisfactor ily establish these business relations. We at consider- . able expence have done so with the very best co-operative Realty Co. in America. When you list property for sale with us you are putting it in the hands of thousands of Real Estate Agents all over the United States and Cuba, thereby putting it be fore millions of people. In the same way we are furnish ed lists of property from all these Agents and from our office you can buy any kind of Real Estate or secure loans of money on satisfac tory security. Our business is done strictly on a commis sion basis therefore it costs you nothing to list yourpro- iki iy wun us. uur list is too long to publish here. Call at our office and see our list or it will be mailed to you upon request. We have some very desirable proper ty in North Wilkesboro just listed. Respectfully, Carolina Real Estate Co. Blue Mont Building North WilKesboro. N. C. Lost and Found. Lost, between 'J.'AO p. m., yesterday and noon to-day, a bilious attack, with nausea and sick headache. This loss was occasioned by finking at The Brame Drug Store a box of Dr King's New Life Pills, the guaranteed cure for biliousness, malaria and jaundice. 25c. A Confederate Editor Dead. Atliintii dispatch, ;fth. J. Henly Smith, who was editor of The Southern Confederacy, a daily paper published here during the civil war died at his home in this city late to-daj ag-'d 78. Shortly after the war he served at different times as editor of the Macon Telegraph and the Savannah News. In 1869 he and Alexander H. Stephens jointly estab lished The Atlanta Sun, which was afterwards merged with The Constitu tion. He subsequently engaged in real estate business, from which he retired several years ago. For weak kidneys and lame back use DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills. Best for lumbago, rheumatism, blad der and other troubles arising from bad blood. They cleanse the kidneys and clear the system. Indorsed and sold by Brame Drug Co., and Turner & Taylor Drug Co. According to the report of the state bureau of labor there are 105 furniture factories in North Carolina, with a capital stock of $2,998,201 and employing 6,194 persons. Some of tbe factories are making goods for the export trade. A large toy fac tory has also been in successful oper ation at Salisbury for over a year. Little globules of sunshine that drive the clouds away. DeWitt's Lit tle Early Risers will scatter the gloom of sick-head-ache ana biliousness. They do not gripe or sicken. Recom mended and sold here by Brrime Drug Co., and Turner & Taylor Drug Co. "t" At Darlington's Barber Shop they can stop your hair from' failing out and the white hairs can b made to return to their proper cjlor. Give us a call. Established 1892 Bank of North Wilkesboro North WilKesboro, N. C. Capital Stock, $ 25,000 00 Surplus fund, 12,000 00 Assets, over. 225,000 00 Comparative statement ' showing growth of bank during past ten years; July 31st 1896. Surplus profits $ 1,401 81 ' Deposits 37,046 62 Total resources 59,133 40 JULY 31 st 1901. Surplus and profits $ 3,629 00 Depoposits 82,009 05 Total resources 115,402 40 July 3 1st 1906. Surplus and profits $ 13,753 46 Deposits, 188,178 53 Total resources 252,161 76 This bank la codneted along conservative lines, and Is prepared tumurnlnh liberal ac commodations to customers. We cordially invito you to open an ac count with us, J. E. Finley, Pres; A. A. Finley, Vice-Pres; R. W. Gwyn, Cashier. FRIEND TO FRIEND. The personal recommendations ol peo pie who have been cured of conght and colds by Cliamberiain'B Cough Remedy have done more than oil else to make k 8 staple article of trade and commerce ores a large part 'of the civilized world. ' DK- W. A. TAYLOB. Surgeon Dentist mum wilke3i:o;.o. k. c. Offlca over Absbr, J'1 " burn 4 Co. CVow.-t Wofteauperlj;' -. . , . i tion given to im worst. For FKts, I s

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