f Published Wednesdays. Wilkesboro, N. C, December 5, 1923, LOCAL NEWS IN TOWN AND COUNTY Biru to Air. and Mrs. G. G. Well born of Wilkesboro R. F. D. 2, Mon day, a daughter, December 3rd, at the Wilkes Hospital. Mr. Mortimer Moorehouse visited his uncle on Brushy Mountain Thanks giving week-end making the trip by auto from Washington. Miss Thelma Crews, who spent Thursday at her parents' home, 6th street, returned Saturday to Linwood, where teaching school. At the end of the basket ball match game between Ronda and Millers Creek last month, the 23d, the score was 35 and 33 for Millers Creek. Mrs. Sallie Jennings, who had been visiting ono of her relatives at Wil liamson, W. Va , returned the 25th, ult , to her home near Pores Knob. Mrs. Sallie Prevette, who has been in Raleigh for same time with her sons, is spending some time with her parents, Rev. ami Mrs. M. McNeill. A sale of land by ,1. J. Hays is ad vertised in this is.ue--LineolnIIeight -December Sth. This property is near the new colored school building being erected on the Statesville road. Messrs. Worth Morrison, William Tate, students at Chapel Hill, and Mr. Turner Poindexter of Elkin, spent the week-end at the former's pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Morrison's, in Wilkesboro. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hendren, and little daughter, the former being su perintendent of public instruction of Surry county, spent Thanksgiving with his parents, Mr. and Mrs Carter Hendren, B street. Congressman R. L. Doughtun left here on the afternoon train last Fri day returning to Washington city for the opening December tession of the Congress of the United States. Sth North Carolina district. W. 0. Turner Succeeds 0. Max Gardner On "Lost Province Mmi. Statesville Landmark: Hon. W. D Turner has been appointed by Gov Morrison to membership on the Ap palachian and Western North Caro lina Railroad Commission to succeed 0. Max Gardner, of Shelby, who has resigned. Mr. Turner has accepted the appointment. The commission, which is in charge of the location of the railroad through the "Lost Pro vinces," is composed of Col. Benehan Cameron, of Durham, chairman, T. C Bowie, of Ashe county, A. J. Draper, of Charlotte, W. C. Heath, of Monroe, W. L. Long, of Halifax county, and one other member from eastern Caro lina. Three surveys are at present in progress, it is understood, between Sparta and Elkin, between Wilkes- boro and Jefferson, and between Wilkesboro and Boone. Mr. Turner has been interested for many years in a railroad development in Western North Carolina, being president of the Statesville Air Line. Established July 1896 Mr. R. N. Thompson, travelling in Tennessee and Kentucky for tho For sythe Furniture Co, will be lure this week to see Lis brother, Jas. II. Thompson, h:iving concluded his sales work for balance of this year. What is known as a gift shop was opened in the store house on the corner of the Hampton Horton lot in Wilkesboro where the drug store of Dr. Gray was last Saturday byMrs. K M Clay. She will do hemstitch ing. Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Wellborn had as guests last week-end at their home on Bridge street, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Rust, of Charlotte, Mr. and Mrs. R. S Wellbord.'Mr. Ellis Ring andMr. John W. Reeves of Independence, Va. Elk in Tribune. Mr. Irvin McNeill, of Wilkesboro, Route, 1, who is in his 74 year, and a splendid citizen of high christian character, and a man that lives close to the teaching of the Bible, was in town last Saturday, and says that he finished reading the Bible through last October the ninth time in the past five years. The East Cario sale near the coun ty high school for the colored people next Saturday is the first for tbe col ored primarily thesgh the sale? last fall for the white numbered sev eral, At the sale next Saturday, ad vertised on page eight of this week's Hustler, that property is to be aold. Read the advertisement for hour of sale, and other particulars. Another new 5 passenger car, Ford, is else where advertised to be given away. Southern Railway Agent at Donnaha Com mits Suicide. J. F. Goolsby, Southern Railway agent at Donnaha committed suicide this morning at 8:30 o'clock by shooting himself in the top of the head with a single-barrel shot gun. A report reaching the city is that al most the entire top of his head was blown off. It is said that the shot was tired within a few minutes, after he arrived at tho station to begin his days' work. A ruler was used to throw the trigger. Persons living near the depi t saw Mr. Goolsby coma to the door of the office and look around five time! before the shot was tired. Neighbors heard the shot and rushed to the station. Death ap peared to be instantaneous Mr. Goolsby 's wife died about Bix weeks ago and friends say he has ap peared despondent evnr since. His condition in this repect was consider- ibly worse during the paH few Jays. December Meeting ot County Commission-j The Teachers' Group Meetings for 1923-4. ers Manclay and Tuesday. Between 20 and 30 citizens of Wal nut Grove township were granted a road in answer to their petition for an amendment to a road leading from Dockery near A. J. Billings to the top of Carter's Mountain. The road will pass over the lands of the follow' ing named citizeus: A. J. Billings, J. A. Cleary, Morgan Handy, A. J. Moxley and the heirs of Payne and Deemer. The road gives an cutlet to eleven citizens who have no other road. Petition signed by Geo. E Blevins, J. A. Cleary, A. A. Caudill, W. M. Cleary, J.E. and J. F. Cleary, J. T., R. L. and J. M. Bowers, W. C. Waddell, et al. The following filed their monthly reports as county officials: G. G. El edge,sheriff;W.A Stroud, clerk; J. C Wallace, register of deeds; T. M. Crysel, treas ; D. C. Sebastian, Dr. J. W. W hite, cmnty health officer; A.G Hendren, county agri. agent. V,...t...l... 1 1 l...f :.. imtciuiiy iuo uuaru nun ueiore it the matter of the citizens of Ronda reiluireJ each year by and Maple Springs school districts in Superintendent of Public The Teachers' Group meetings for the year 1923-2-1, will be held as fol lows: North Wilkesboro with Supt Ivirace Sisk as leader, Wilkesboro with Supt. J. Ralph Weaver as lead er, Mountain View with Pres. J. C. Pow as leader, Millers Creek with Prof. G. C. Scaife as lea,,, r, Ronda with Prof. B. H. Lewis as leader. Traphill with Prof. M. F. Bumgarner as leader, Roaring River with Prof, G. D Shore as leader, Ferguson with Prof. W. L. Woodie as leader, and Clingman with Mrs. W. H. Jones as leader. The North Wilkosboro Group is the High School Group. . The teachers of the county will go to the group which is most conven ient for them, fcvery teacher is expected to at tend these group meetings and to do the work outlined by the State De partment of Education. A report of the work done in these group centers and the names of thoso in attendance the State Instruction. hence it is well for those who desire f. which frha ai)innl lav al.ir.ti.fn tf IA cents, District N.o. 12, was sought to renewals or extension .of certificates L . i l . . ... 10 compiy witn tne reiiuest of this department The Course cf Study is to be finish ed on or before the March meeting when tue examination on the work will be given at these various grcin centers. C. C. Wright, County Superintendent of Schools. November 2(i, 192;!. Hunting Creek, N. C be annulled. Another matter up was the road in Jobs Cabin. Tho board will meet again the last we i k ibis month fur a complete 8n' u.ial settlement with the county treas urer. Attorney L. 0. Lowe ol Wstm (PERSONS Mr. L. D. Lowe of Banners Elk former resident of Wilkesboro. died suJdenly List week. His wife, who w is Miss flattie Stiutson, of Wilkes boro, died years ago, and was a daughter of a citizan, Dr. Calloway, of former years in Wilkesboro. Watauga Democrat: "On Thurs day evening (November 15) while sit ting last while sitting at his typewrit er in his home at Banners Elk, Avery county, Attorney L. D. Lowe, a prom inent lawyer in this mountain section for nearly 40 years, fell from his chio'r, stricken with paralysis, accord ing to physicians, either brain or heart trouble, a:id within less than 2 minutes the spark of life was extinct. 'He had been in his usual good health, doing his chorea around the house and barn. He ate a light sup per and went to his room, - - He leaves a daughter, the youngest, uiHorida. He was a Presbyteriai by faith. - Mr. Lowe was a son of Gilbert and Rebrcca Lowe, born nea Westfield, Surry county, December IS lt.0. He moved to Banner Elk in ISih. He obtained licenso to the bar in 1SS4. lie married the ser-nml time. His widow, four daughter tw sisters and four brothers mourn his departure. LE4VINS AND RETURNIK8 Winston-Sentinel, Nov. 30th Death Monday Morning ot Mrs. M;ai!ows ot Pores Knob. Mrs. Meadows, wife of Rev. W. C Meadows of Pores Knob, died Monday morning at 7 o'clock at her home She had been in poor health f. r home time and confined to her room most of tha time for the last three months. She was more than 77 years old. She leaves her husband, one brother, Mr. C. M. Carlton of Goshen, and two sisters, Mrs. S. S. Carlton, of Boomer, and Miss Jane Carlton of Goshen, and step children Messrs. Robt.,F. Doan and Will Meadows and Mrs. Pansy Jones of Oakwoods and Mrs. Ola or Rom. Carlton. She was a consistent member of Walnut Grove Baptist church. She was a good woman and many friends will miss her. The funeral was preached by Rev. W.L. Griggs at Walnut Grove yester day at 11 o'clock, A.M. 17 Shopping DAYS UNTIL Christmas George Bradley Attends Funeral of His Nephew in Charioite. Charlotte Observer: G. W. Bradley, county commissioner of Wilkes coun- tv, is in the citv, having come to at tend the funeral of his nephew, Avery B. Bradley, conducted Sunday. Mr. Bradley has two brothers in Charlotte Dan B. Bradley, detective of the lo cal police department, and Joe M. Bradley, father of Avery B. Bradley, whose funeral tbe Wilkes county com missioner came to attend. Charlotte. Christmas Means Work Besides Joy to the People. Chhttmas is a season of unulluvcd joy to must ever) body. The family fireside never feels so warm as on the great N-iiiou.il Day we celebrate each year. But while wa are gathered in the warmth of our own home it will not hurt us to recall the bitter strug gles others have to make each year to insure our happiness and that of those we love so well. John Dickinson taerniuu sounds at. unusual fmta on the Christmas holi days in his article this week ou an other page, when he tells of the cost of a fall of snow to Undo Sam's eire- less post office officials, and how men toil through long hours in the forests of the northern .states gathering in the Christmas trees that will gladen miliums of homes. .. Further along Mr. Sherman tenches on the sacred joys of the home at this time of the year a :d then visual lzes for us what a wonderful world this would be if the Christmas spirit could only be kept alive in full power all through the year. It is an article that you will enjoy reading and we take pleasure in offer ing it to you. ' Spacia County Road Commissioners in Monthly Dec. Session. Tne county road commission met Monday in the office at the court This Week at Orpheum Theatre Program. Thursday and Friday Jack Holt in Hie liger's Claw." Tiger hunts, E;.st Ii.dia magic, native dsiiee, au tnentic Last Indu colorful setting and a vinhle. he-man love storv of thrilling adventure for Ju, L Holt Price 10c and 25c. Saturday Dortly Dalton in "Fog bound. Mi.-s Dalton has the role of a girl who lives alone on a tiny island mi i ii ... me star never nacl a role richer in emotional possibilities. Added: Remnn comedy and "!!.; ( : : Fables. Mati nee and night: 10c and 30c. Monday and Tuesday Special a picture next to the covered wagon, "Pioneer Trails." Heroes of the trold rush of ' I'J. Live again in this screen sensation of tuday with an all star cast. Everybody will see it 10c and 30c. Mondays' matinee onh oc nnd 10c. Next Wednesday Agnes Ayers in "The Heart Raider." Guaranteed to tickle your funny bone, chill yjur spine and play on your heart strings. Price 10c and 30c Advertisement. -What Mecklenburg Farmers Paint Home Wilkes Doing. Raleiffh. Dec. 4 Mfifklpnlinro tt-HI ...vuut-j .u vuu uuivu 111 IUg bUULI I " ' w.,.. ..... house, RoadCommissiouersF.J.Hartley " aplace of more beautiful homes as 1 TT IT "I Innr... 1. L. 1 IT t- . A ana w. v. uauaiii ana county super- a 'un oi me recent uome tseautin- intendent of roads Hays Foster. catlon Campaign put on in that coun- On Tuesday the board went to tv bv the extension workers of the Brushy Mountain township to look tate College and Department of Agriculture. RnnnrU mil tin Via the east prong of tho road southeast township committees appointed by Death of J. C. Russell of Boomer Township Mr. J. C. Russell, known to many as Mr. "Bud" Russell, of Russell's Gup, in Wilkes, died Sunday, Novem ber 25th, in the evening. He was about 65 years of age and leaves a wife and five or six small children and a brother, Mr. Avery Russell. of Mountain Crest school house. Last Saturday Town Clerk S. L Idiuue woo &eub uuoi uiuou Oi im day receiving taxes. It was Decem ber 1 and by paying that day, or be fore then, people could save 1 per cent. After January 1st there is a penalty of 5 per cent, which will le added. MrvJrL. Hemphill and family have move.ifrom their farm back to his residence in Wilkesboro last month. Mrs. E. S. Blair Critically III. Mrs. E S Blair who had been con fined to bed a week and sick longer was thought to be a little better la.it Thursday and Friday but on Monday and yesterday Tuesday was not so well and her conditien was conaid ered very critical friends are sadden ed to learn. Wit and Wisdom of Mark Twain. Truth is the most valuable of all the thiugs we have. Let us econo mize on it. the home farm agent show that 210 houses will be painted on tbe outside, 178 on the inside, 52 farms will have uarus or oulounuiugs UBinied and 44 farms will have the machinery paint ed. A total of 18 meetings were held in the 15 township?; during the cam paign demonstrations were made in how to use the paint for all purposes and in addition, .the importance of having shrubbery, grass and trees about the home places or schools was also emphasized the A Great Musician Last Monday in Queen City. Ignace Paderewaki, the famous mu sician, was. in Charlotte last Monday. It was quite an event in the musical circles or the State pethaps and for lovers of the art were there from ev ery quarter. He is not only famous as a musician but is also a Polish ' statesman, so some say. Death of Mr. James H. Hartley at Ferguson Died, after a long illness of sever al months, at his residence on tho ladkin, in Wilkes county near Fer guson, Mr. James H. Hartley. Mr Hartley had been affected with a dis tressing heart trouble and had been gradually sinking for several months. He was born May 24, 1S50, and was the oldest son Lewis S. Hartley, who was sheriff of the county when his son was born. Mr. Hartley married the oldest daughter of Mr. Charles L Coffey and the Hartleys living about three or four miles east of Lemur on Lowery creek. Mr. Hartley leaves a wife and three sons surviving him: Charles, who lives in Virginia; Henry, who lives with his father, and Frank, of Wilk boro. Mr. R. B. Hartley, of Lenoir. is a brother of Mr. Harthiy. Len.dr News Topic. Presbyterians Organize New Presbytery Rev. Robinson. Rev. C. W. Robinson was at Elkin Sunday where he assisted in the in stallation services of the nastor nf the Presbyterian church there, Rev J. a. Carter. He left yesterday morning for Winston-Salem to attend the organization of a new Oranue Presbytery for the churches of this region of the state of the Presbyter ians. Dr. Robinson preached the opening sermon. The designation or selection of Mr Robinson to preach the opening ser mon for the new Presbytery as he is the oldest minister in it in point of years of preaching in Orange Presby tery to join or go with the new. At this writing the name of the new presbytery is not yet learned though thought "New Orange Presbytery." Rev. J. W. Watts Received Severe Pounding from Five Churches. Rev. J. W. Watts' churches had planned a Thanksgiving pounding for him nnd his wif In onito nf tlio rain by 11:30 o'clock five of his eight churches were represented at his home in Taylorsville with such a din ner as the writer hardly ever saw There were G5 people present, with plenty dinnerjo have fed as many more. After the dinner was cleared away, the pounding was placed on the same tables which consisted in eata- cles of apples, canned goods of many varieties, a live turkey, hams, etc. Reported. ' SI. Paul's Episcopal Church. Services next Sunday at 11 o'clock at the Commercial Club room by Rev. George W. Hurlbut of Deerfield, Va. A cordial welcome to all. The graded schools of the two Wilkesboros will close on Friday be fore Christmas. Miss Marie '3nnoy is teaching schoo; n;ar Bethania station in For syth county. . Mrs. A. Ii. Dula, of Lenoir, is visit ing her daughter, Mrs. Louis Dula, id wilkesboro for some time. Mr. Ray Irvin, of Davidson College, spent Thanksgiving with' home folks in Wilkesboro returning Monday. Miss Ellen Robinson, who bad been visiting her aunt in Charlotte, re turned Wednesday of last week. Mrs. L. E. Bobbitt and little daugh ter Dorothy of Greensboro spent Thanksgiving with, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Gaither. Editor J. T. Ruland of the Wilkea Patriot, returned Thursday from Ne iork on business and visiting his Da- rents at Northport, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Lewis and daughters, Misses Annie and Cather ine, spent Thanksgiving with his sis ter, Mrs. Mary Willims, in Iredell county near Turnersburg. Mr. Chas. Leckie, of the U. S. Navy and who has been away 3 years dar ing his second enlistment, was in Seattle, Wash., Thanksgiving and will arrive borne this week to see his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Leckie. During the recent months he has been all of the time in the Hawaian Islands. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Eller had the following as their guests to the Uni versities of Carolina-Virginia game returning from Chapel Hill Thursday ight: W. R. Absher, Walter Myers. Mr. Smathers, Jr., Misses Elizabeth Brame and Ruby Blackburn. The score was a tie. Elkin Tribune: Mrs. R. H. Laffoon was taken to the Baptist hospital in Winston-Salem last Thursday, where, on tbe following day she submitted to a surgical operation. Her frienda are pleased to know that her condi- tion is improving, though she will have to remain several weeks yet for treatment. The Greensboro News contains an account from East Bend of the mar riage there Thursday of Miss Imo Lou Martin to Mr, Paul F. Evans of Ar cadia, S:30 P. M. The bride is a laughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Mar- tin, of Gth st. this town a few years ago, and brother of Messrs. Ogburn and Oscar Martin, the latter of whom graduated at the N. Wilkesboro Hiirh School a few years ago. Egotism. De hoot owl said to de whipDorwill: "You don't sing nuffin an' you won't keep still. You ought to take notice dat it would be Polite to let folks listyn to me." Says de whipporwill to de old hoot Owl: "You sleeps all day and at niJht you prowl, An' you show yoh igno'unce all com- plete Interupting the music I make so sweet." An' dats de way with man an' bird. Each thinks his voice should sure be An' mos' of us ain't got much mo' skill Dan de ol' hoot owl and de whipporwill. The Slogan Pay Up between Dec. I st and Jan. st. Be square with the world and have your name properly class ified in the files of the Merchants' Association.

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