,4 J 1 i .A, a. fc4 r-v nil r v t . w 1 k. :1 .!! t h d . ! Sri! .' ' tm u u fi &J-i i f 1 ' J. r - t 1 J ; "Trt i 1 Ik I i 1 1 ) 1 ' .The shuttle mill . ' page 8,-'iook ; 'Automobile wi cr ;fo" kst Sunday, '..; : cuwed k er nc; ' v cr- . wns. Shop .Call thread XT i " i ? your i i (.ho)p- raerobf . :l l.i ;. he person fio'-ij; ;he number t is to ge1 f u; cH-qm Tsepai-. the 1I ? . -Milli.r Shoe Co. I being gt ven s .Who is , ,. -- v.. A " Thy ioTii&v. beattle:-three f '; foJjTffh pound calcium arsenate . and one-and:a-half of hydraled J .ume to 50 gallons of water. Spray rom bqttom of vine with crocked . nasel. -Mrs. J. M. Buni garner, of "Wiikesboro, went to the Dr. Dav- is hospital in Statesville last Thursday for treatment or opera- tion for appendicitis. Mr. Bum garner and little daughter return ed Friday. . Mrs. Martha Walker, of Boom er township, is extremely feeble and not expected to live. Her on who lives on the J. M. Well "born farm west of Wiikesboro, visited her Sunday. She is at tended by Dr. A. J. El ler. A match game of ball between Dobson and Wilkes Twins Satur day afternoon at 4 p. m. at the fair grounds. Admission 25 cents "for everyone' except ladies who will be admitted free. The funds are to be used to pay for suits. Mr. Ed. Turner and a negro ; named Millard Kelly, son of "ILi cle' Louis, collided in automobiles near Mr. Dick Reins' on the Tay lorsville road. Kelly is said by some to have had his skull frac tured, others that he was not hurt much. Messrs. B. G. and Harvey Pen ' nell, of Moravian Falls township, and perhaps the most successful and experienced tobacco growers in this county, were in North Wiikesboro Saturday and said i that this year they had failed with their crop of tobacco this season on account of the dought, the first timer in forty -five years. D. W. Wooten, deputy sheriff of Watauga courity, is at liberty ..under bond of $10,000, granted , by Judge W. F. Harding, upon .agreement of Solicitor J. J. Hayes and counsel for defense, in the casegroVing out of the killing Saturday night of Leonard Trip glettbna mountain road about - twpifcailes' northwest of Blowing RoekX The Foster Construction Com pany las week began work of cleam'ngoff the right-of-way for the g1dir" later in the summer nf tw JiJtate highway out of ianile or two cast. ,ands, are at work. Vr- ...11 xiauuig or tarvia wui il next fall. The J. iruction company I do this sum- i, McNeill and vVeftie Gusten- City, Mo., Mrs. -.f.VYalcs; of . North Wilkes- ;iorc'ileT. and Mrs. Finley Watts of .Purlcar. Wilkes jaunty, , were : guests Thnjrsday at the home of Mr.- v.T$ .Mrs. J. L. Wa.tts. Mes- "4amcii' 'MtfNeif and Yates are auns of Mr. WattJ and he had notiseen.. than thjrty returned'' Mrs. McNeil y morning to the home of Y sister, Mrs. Alice Saturdays and at night and morn 'ken county, where ings till 8 a. m. these days. At Watt- iting. -Taylorsville a 25thA , . .. ftjIMOl SGH80L .- . w;lkee;:hd:eee;swiih8o ,jc .-county summer school a to ; ''''.! 'Monday . morning in - ' . ' ' i-"'C 'school building ... "t-U i-' ,1. -.3 ' . mm iiu im-untuu.ajuce oi.apout o -to.be more accurate 74 . County Superhitendeut Wright Piyfesor Story,; Professor Sisk, of the-twb.'.AVilkes'boros' schools, and Mrs. Johnson, .of Raleigh-And director.oLState 'tcacheis'' train ing, madev "talks. Prof.-. T. E. Storyr of the Wilkeslioro and the county high school, is' direct or, and the other directors are Mrs. Minnie Kelly, of Kinston who has been teaching in Wash ington, N. C; Miss Hattie Aiken of Mount Airy. There are six teacher-students from Alexander county; one each from Alleghany and Yadkin, two eacli from Iredell and Surry, and the other 70 are from various parts of the county. Since first of the week the number attend ing has reached 80. About 15 or 18 cars were in front of the build ing yesterday afternoon and most of the attendance -or nearly all board out of town or go home and return each day perhaps. The beginning hour in the mornings is 8:15, noon recess from 12:10 to 1 :10 and close at 2:25 p. m. This may be the last, summer school that will ever be held' in the county because of the change which will hereafter require all teachers to be graduates of some college or high school and will therefore go to some State teach ers' traing school. BOOST BIKE SHOP BREAD BY BUTO IT ONLY There has been much said about buying at home hereof late not only by our merchants in North Wiikesboro, but by people all over the State, which we be lieve is the right spirit. "Let the horse that pulls the plow have the fodder." It is our duty to patronize home industries. They help pay the town and county taxes. Why not patronize them'? There has been recently estab lished in this town a bakery, and in order that it might succeed it will require the support, of the community. Tell your merchant that, you want the Elcctrik Maid Bake Shop bread, that you be lieve in supporting home indus tries, and you may bet they will supply your demand. Its their business to supply their customers' wants. So teU'em what you want. Serious Gutting Aftair a! Lomax Paul Ed wards Cuts Throat Snow Prevette. A serious cutting affray occurr ed in the Lomax section of the county Saturday, June 20th, late in the afternoon, at Shepherd's store, narrowly missed claiming the life of Snow Prevette. Paul Edwards, a young man said to be about 25 years of age, is alleged to have attacked Prev ette with a razor, inflicting a six inch gash on the side of the neck. According to a statement by Privette the attack was made without any warning, whatever, or any provocation on his part. Prevette is improving and is expected to recover. Jul wards was arrested and placed in jail at Wiikesboro. Mr. C. II. Cowles is having material placed on his lot oppo site the postoffice in Wiikesboro for erection of a handsome bung alow with 11 rooms. Pardue Bros, of Moravian Falls are the contractors. County Physician White is us ually or always in Wiikesboro on other hours h is filling appoint- ' inents for vac nnnation. North Wiikesboro, N. CHOP , GOOD-GREAT DEMAND '"'Southern Pines, in'the Sandhill section, June 21. The dewberry crop is harvested and sold, and the returns have been satisfactory to. the farmers. The amount of niouey that has come in has ma terially effected the finances of he sandhills, and farmers are prepar ing to cut the canes and get the dewberry fields started for anoth er year. The canes on which the crop of one year is made, bear no further crops, so the method is to cut out at once all the old canes and stimulate a good crop of new canes from now until winter, for on that crop of canes will come the berries next year. Therefore next year's dewberry 'cut) must be largely the result of handling the fields from now until killing frosts come in the fall. The dew berry men arc taking hold in ear nest for another year. The peach crop outlook was never so good as this summer. The early stuff going into market is bringing top prices with (lie de mand taking everything that is offered. Geor gia Belles and Elbortas will begin to move in about three weeks, and 'they are shaping up in excell ent style. Spraying and care in cultivation have kept insect pests down and peach men expect to forward a crop that will be in the pink of perfection. It will also be the biggest poach crop ever harvested in the North Carolina sandhills, which moans the biggest peach crop ever marketed from North Carolina. The demand for fruit, this year has boon better than for the last two or three years. The straw berry crop found a good market at good prices, and t he earlyGeor- gia peaches, which are going in sooner t his year than last year and in greater quantities, meet a strong market, indicating that fruit will be active long as any thing in the south is to be moved. The sandhill growers are looking for a crop t hat will bring close to wo million dollars. The warm weather and the frequent rains have given cotton, corn and tobacco a decided lift. Only fair crops of apples, peach es and pears are now expected 1n the United States this .year, says the United States Department of Agriculture oillcials. The frosts in late May reduced prospects in many scattered sections, particu larly in sonic of the central slates Virginia, Michigan and parts of New York. The northwest expect more ap ples than were picked last year, but for the country as a whole the crop seems likely to be lighter though much depends on rainfall during the next few months. Peach shows a large increase in California where most of the crop is canned or dried, but in practi cally all other important states the crop is substantially smaller than last year. Even in Georgia where inauv yoiuiii licc.i aie coin ing into bearing, the crop is ex pected to bo loss than 7,000,000 bushels compared with S.MO.OOO bushels last year. The pear crop is reported only fair this year, California alone among the important producing states expecting a materially larg er crop than in the preceding sea son. What kind of stuff is the Amer ican Legion made of? Head The Hustler's new serial story and find out. Mrs. Harrold Riley, of Philadel phia, arrived on the train Mon- day and is visiting her mother, ! Mrs. George Reeves. m C, - 500 ATTEND RE-UNION hi MORAVIAN FALLS The re-union of all former sMi dents and teachers of Moravian Falls Academy was held last Fri day at Moravian F alls. About 10 o'clock Friday morn ing the old students and teachers began to gather at the old school house whore they once attended school, some of them, many years ago, and spent the day shaking hands and talking over the many pleasant memories of their school days at Moravian Falls. Speeches were made by the following teachers and students of once widely known academy of learning: Hon. Joe. F. 'Spain hour, of Morgan! on; Mr. James Linney, of Alexander county; Daniel Washington, of Texas; Vance McGhinnis. of Boomer township; llufus Ilendren, of Wiikesboro township. Attorney F. B. Hendrcn, of Wiikesboro, was master of ceremonies. At the noon hour a bountiful dinner was spead by the ladies which was enjoyed by all. It is said that after the en! ire crowd had eaten as many more could have been served, the dinner be ing so plentiful. The table was 120 long. It is eslimate by one present that five hundred people attend ed the re-union. The regular meeting I I of the American Legion I tor July will beheld Fn- B day nihht at 8 o'clock in u 1 the Commercial Club ft M T rn i l , (i E'J q Kooms. ine nignt ot I the regular monthly meeting has been chang- (i ed from Saturday nieht 3 to Friday night. A full ;1 attendance is desired at i ,j the meeting this week. T. A. FINLEY, I Commander. V4 il- AT OBPHEUM JULY 6IH. 7FH Mr. J. W. Allen, manager of the Orpheum theatre, is to be congratulated upon securing this j wonderful picture at this time. It is being shown m Greensboro all this week. North Wiikesboro is (ho second town in North Caro lina to see this marvelous picture. Mr. Allen says they will. have on ly one show in the evening and one at night. Doors open for matinee promptly at 3 o'clock, picture starts at 3:1)0. Night: Doors open at 7:30, picture starts at .8:00 o'clock. Prices, matinee: Adults 50c, children 25c. Night: adults 75c, children 50c. Woodsides Captures New Hudson Sedan and 85 Gallons Lquor. Statesville Landmark: Mr. O. T 11 . 1 1 i f r i (. . ij. w oousiues, cnioi oi ponce oi I Mooresville, captured 85 gallons !of liquoe and a now Hudson sedan I in Mooresville, Thursday niorn- 'pi,, ...... 1.,,. Ti,.,,.,. i ...f,. . ,1, ., . .i.wi no iS. ; were two iuen in charge, one ol them, Ransom Staloy, being ar rested, but (he other made his i escape. Staloy is to have a hear- ing in the Mooresville recorder's court. His car was brought to Statesville Fridav. Mrs. Mary Jane Le Queux, of Taylorsville, step-mother of Miss Irene Le Queux v bo has, almost regularly, been court stenographer at Wilkes courts for several years, died Tuesday, June 23rd. Mr. and Mrs. Parker have ln'on The Miss in Wiikesboro several davs hitter before marriage was 1 Collie Harris. 1925. 3 Begins T;awnw, Thuistiay ginning to-monow iTlmr- day, July 2, and continuing fif teen days, a Chrisikui Chautau qua will h,: 'conducted .for the people of the Wilkesboros. The Chautauqua include- manv fea tures which have proven both in - st motive and interesting. The trained faculty, every one of them experts in then- lino, will conduct a graded , ai v vacation Bible ! i.ciiooi i or an the young people of the two communities who may wish to attend. Each department will be graded for young j. ..pie of all ages and where requited there will be conducted adult Bi ble study classes. In addition to this feature, there will be held teacher training schools and young people's leadership classic An other feature is the supervised play. The leaders are expert play directors. Ot her features in clude short courses in sewing and manual traininsr. One of tlw mosi popular features of ihej Chautauqua being held is the com-! munity singing. Kaeh evening j . i -iii i i ueie is noid a community sing, ing where the old and young en gage in singing the patriotic, pop. ular and sacred songs and hvmns. Kach evening steivopt icon leci-j urosand local addresses are given, j The movement is under the di- ! reel ion of l lie In mm m . ... I rssiun nun- j inittee ot Wiiwton-iVesbytery and ' both Presbyterian churches of the' Wilkesboros and of hex wisl.i,,., io ai lenti ami co-operate are peeled and cordially invited, charge will be made. ... .w . .... i . . i x- B. Y. P. U, al Lberty Grove. The Baptist Young People's 1'iiion at Liberty Grove is doing (ine. Last Sunday was mission day. Two young people from here attended he meet ing at Sal isbury a few days ago Argyle Klliott and Miss Lola Church. Upon their ret urn they went (Void Liberty Grove Sunday to Pleas ant Grove at ( 'lingman and gave a demonstration program and or ganized a Haptist Young People's Union there. The subject a Lib erty Grove Sunday wa- "Mis sions." The collection was sp). S0 by the young people, with Croup Three - Knth (lanes cap tain -loading in the collection. lb porc,. Mr. Jernigan, manager of Xurt h Wilkesboro's shuttle block I'acfory planl, is advertising for more shuttle blocks for a special car load to be shipped seen. Mead his advertisement . Big fourth ol .lillv iiarliecue-1 . , , picnic on the isnnhv moiin ains , r , , 1 . , , . I.I. 1.. McLwen. ami other rela nex( Saturdav. A urge crowd is,- ,, , . , lives in the countv. Mr. Mc- expected to attend. A very j.,,, w n! ,.,,,,, ,'0 Tt,xas thi, foresting program has been a,-jw(vL M,, M.,.:wpn wi visit ranged lor t he occasion. , , i I several weeks longer before re Mr. J. L. Moore and wife and turning. son and dauglitei'. Mix. Will! Freeze, of Mooresville, speni Sat- J . t1 1 'IT T d 1 111 I 'IV I It TMltlll'tl Willi I . I t .Mi . frey and family ofWilkesboro, re turning to Mooresville Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. 11. Ilulcher, ! niwl pl.il.l.-ov, c.( ;il-or.l,,.. I ...... i ...,u. , ... i . ,i 4 ' -. turned .vlondav troni a briet Irip , to Hoone. , s. 1 u C lei s sisler. , i ! rvu :,.. , ,vi,,, i,.,.. i. ,,.;,i ihem. went on to Mountain Citv, ! Tonn. Mr-. Richard Pailier and three i children, of Syracuse, N. V., ar-j rived on the train Saturdav to! i spend some limo with her father. ! Mr. J. 1. Myers, and relatives. l!ic Wilkcs r"nty Poultry Asso Mr. Parlier is exnected later. , ciation hat its regular monthly --, sonietiiing streamed ov(r ling streamed ov(r the phone which caused the narrow eyes of the thin faced attorney to blink rapidly. Then his eyes set, giving (he face a ghastly expres sion. What was the mysterious message? Read the new serial in The Hustler. A n FERSCSS COMING IB G0u3 LOCAL MO G0UX1Y . ITEE3S - Mrs. Mattie Holbrook, of Mt: View, was in N. AVilkesboro, Saf- urdav. ' ' . Established July IE ' . o!i- ' rist- Mi sses ?.axton, o. lvftoxvule,,. iTean are' visiting tkeir . uticle oth- Mr. Felix Parks at Ko vi'ng Riv1?u,Ung 'h all Mrs. D. M. Greer, of Pittsburg,' an Pa., visited her sister, Mrs. C. H. lU" Hulcher, in Wiikesboro last week Mrs. C. C. Powell and cKildreu,' of WiWm, are visiting -her sister, Mrs. W. F. Miiler in Wiikesboro. -v f Mr. Miller, of Washington,'. J) C, has been visiting his broiler; 5 and other relatives east bfWT s-r',; boro several days. .. " . Miss Ruby Pearson, of . Wilkes- " boro, loft last week for PearisyIT'1 ' vania where she is visiting mla-; fives and friends. , '!- V Mr. and Mrs. Tulber'tVOf Ashe, .:. pontlast Friday in the. county with Mr. and Mrs. RobtvL. Wel born. of Wiikesboro. v ' -' Mr. S. C. Webster, who travels' for the R. .1. Reynolds Tobacco Company in Texas, arrived last I week to visit relatives in the i count v. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Phillips and children, of Amorous, Ga., arrived last week to spend three or four .,,,,,1,. ; ,i, ..i.. '- i,- iii iii. v i.i urn ii n i eia- tjVes. -' v-iuiun. ol Hunting, V . ! N a., who has been spending sev eral days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Candid, will re turn home this week, Messrs. A. A. Cooke, and wife and W. II. oops and wife, of Mecklenburg', wore day returning from icre Satur a camping trip across the Blue Ridge. Mrs. William Miller, (Miss Mil dred Winkler) who has been spending two weeks at her par ents' home in Wiikesboro, will return to Hickory this week. Mr. U. Don Laws, editor of the Yellow Jacket at Moravian Falls, is making his plans so to attend (he John T. Scopes' trial at Day ton. Ten n., for leaching evolution, which the state law prohibits. Mr. J. P. McLean and sister, Mrs. Kva Looper, of Ronda, R. F. D., left Monday for Mt. Ver non and Moliue. 111., to visit his sons, Messrs. Yick and Birt Mc Leand. and daughter, Mrs. Erki son in Fast Mob no, 111. They ex pect to bo gone thirty days. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. McEwen, of the state of Texas, arviverl bisf i . . : i : , .i , ineeiN io ism ins lainer, ox-sncrin Mrs. K. G. Settlemyre, of Falls, Mr. William and Granite ! Air. and .Mrs. Cwite .Miller, of i Hickory, spent Sunday with their I father, Mr. C. V. Miller in Wilk ;osboro. Thov returned home Mondaw Mrs. William Miller , , .... :iini iii i le (laugmor, vviio trut been ,.Mii,,n i,n,.,mt.i. Mr. and Mrs. accompanipd 1 - ... v . , Winkler, i WILKES POULTRY ASSO. TO MEET FRIDAY. JULY 3RD This is to notifv all members of mooting will be held at the Com mercial Club Rooms on.; July 3rd, at 2 P. M. All me ' . bers are urged to attend. Attend this meeting at3. make .t'uc assocjat v n.-iul it sliouhl mean to ' - 0iw y. Wilkes P""s .' : so..iatin. ' R- 7 - ! - . .11 i 9. t'i .