IBS -1 VOL. l. NO. riTTSBOllO, KG., Fill PA MAKCI' 2$;ia02 ma fa WTm i IS I 11 PR? WILCOX GUILTY The Judge Sentences fiim to Die On April 25th UlLQjfrWS INDIFFEtfNttj A Brief Review of famous Case Argument cf tbe Attorneys - for j State and Defense. ' ' ' ' Elizabeth City,. Fpce.ial.VThe Jury ; rendered a verdict of murder in the first dt'frw a.?aint Jame's Wilcox, fct P?:30 Saturday night- .0. Derrick- ; son atd as ipot;-f HiStr.. The primmer ; hear! th vti'u.a vy.tiioui appareut 1 emotion. After the vnrdb-t wjs received' Judg"; Jones said: "It is sadder"to ir.e than it la to you. Mr. Wilcox. Tbe Jury found ! tbe fact and I laid down the law. I have' tried to o-e that you had a fair trial. 1 do not la-P'-ve that some of ti ' people anted you to have it. Part -of the public seemed to be afraid fur the Jury to try your ease. I am icfcraic.l ', that the movenienf in the court bouse ' Friday, when en oral hundred people vent out. s ( re arranged and for a : purpose. I ha;1 it Is not so. If it. were ' JAMES WH.C.OX.' trvic rn 1. the guf!tones .were brought trt'f on' me 1 should send the last man, woman and child to jail for contempt. If it was wilful and with a design it. mas a d!f(rra-e to the fair name of th eo'i'jy. I hope it did not iclluem e you gentlemen. 1 refiairV from saving any thing else. 1 would toi wound the feel ings i: any one; ."!"! judgment -of the court is that 'the priVouer he removed to jail Bud he iVvocd. c.jM-l d'-ail. by' tlWneek on the tl'U day of, Ayr)!, between 10 and 12, , !., s " This said; the court adjourn-: el. Lawyer Ay-Jiett ' wcpt' while the Judgsi.e-ut was l.i!lg rea l, II'' woll take a r Hi'dh-al "AH is quiet; the p-"opl's are s-it 1. ' ' v The trial of Jatn Wilcox,' charged with the murder of Miss' Nellie! Crop My. teca at KlUahcth City, N. C. hut Thursday a v.e-elt - and ended, l'Vi, d. nri i'ri-io v. The mse wear to i th- jury n Tri day nf ternoon. ' . The. story of the -disappearance f Miss Crofsey from kerhoiiic last fall -and the long j.eareh for her; tho "'itimat..- finding of her body in the Pasquotank", liver;; the arrest ef . Jarmfc Wile-ox, ( -barge f with her mur- ; ''r. n'it.1 the?, beginning of the trial. ' "'Tire a! familiar "to our readers. The 1 Krautt jury ef r. rii"i"ian couii'y 'tuid a true hill aeain.-t Wilcox and J the etmr.lirhil followed. The evidence i a elr,.,Umtahtlal. The ilefenBO in- ro:!ii(..,i V,. .. witii' ssert. Tile tdeadlns i fl' the att.Tr ni'iK was on a hih plane, i lakinu fVr the" pruaecuMon Solicitor"; t Nvr'l aaidl. ' -I "'Thi laVilie most Important trial! . f'Ver houj j4 l'lijiqHitank county, and! 6,1 eitiZf.s jhave ever had more re '!l("imbllUv 'y.n r.-hj,:' on . you Ken-. ' , U"men, i h8i,, n,.Ver had .uch a tank ; "'f,,r" 1 here for the State; Wthnijt 1 1,. . ,(,pp ,.r desire .of more; tliin tit,,. ,fSa , i.i!iiuisatlnn. .It is n my )lr)WIM. lo loeture the Jury '"t slmil i ,nvnl pictures. What . I a. h n plain Knulish and aho a mtinifred j'iil and the man w'i'. mm,!, .r,.l( 1( V. i will not try to . I'rcjitij,,, VlM1 , ,,)t in th; four , ' , 1 h,l eomiet an . innoeent man. .If I H outkid., f the evidence I do not want y(J ,(( ...ji.vr what, (a not rlKht, fair nnjrjrrlf ' vou'tTtroor fin t - , Wilcox khIHv fr;,, ,h evidence do not eonvi.-t i,tm va xvc 'shall coil vince-you. ' ... .. ;"V:at. la'th,; ..yi '.-io-e in tUo'cnse? All authOntl.R fi 1 ,',lia. j 4:) cases iut of 100 tle.ro ,s w,,i..r in the Inns wher a f.. !v,.u is tl,rttrtn'(vl . ftl the .tt.hi- 51 th.pi ', (.avlu(.;! would contain wt..r. fh,.. : .WM one In dl her ' orKati iu Ml)- therii wih 110 Moody froit, .,.' . .....,, U win free from wt,.r ;;,;,, ,-iel.t. wide of the heart ft hlo, Neiie of the. eyinptotiiK of drw ,i 1 would rafhee: were found. I- 'eli,-V(, hat 1UH- Wood than Taylor r "Jjla ... A",- . . . Whit ttaa 1 'I1 Bllr1""1 OF MURDER. for"uie to Ray that he did not have the ccwragu to fa e the examination froia flio boohs of medical jurispru dence 1 know this, that if he had not agreed to oorroi-orate what the other doctors fcaid about the death f the pirf- he. would never have been subpoenaed here as a w.itnvsB. lr.'. WjK.d raid-that the girl was Ktunnel by' the l.iow on the head and put la ue water while in that condition. That contusion cr bruise ou the left teiulpe wa.i made by a blow. It was m o fluid yttx-d. !f the blood hal h.lt the h: art by 'exuding. as M Ayi'i' U wouid Lave you beiitVe, why .d;.l it not $o from that plate vu the ;..!'. - in the prcgr& of bis arguriieut he k:u'!: - .yileox tolJ'Ten.-jtsyiKaa. that .hs w-Mii .! Iiunt, the i.:rl, but if !-" fj'.nd hi r thoy weuld :-:y that h" k:ile-d her, ?;ark' Ui word. Th y were said whea e e'ybcdT else tbo. .gut sle: was in Hal tiai..re. Wibon or K.rnewhere lse. i3.:t he liiow th.:t she wa d'-ad. Wilcox did. ti t l:e!p search for .the-girl. If I had 1 ;et! innocent of that crime when I tw c!ured with it 1 would have' np-TSt evriy dollar 1 'could get towarii fiadir. the jirl. 1 have never, heard or read of a man who conducted himself under titnilar tireutiiKtau res as Jim Wileo.v ha.done.. He has sat here throughout th: trial without a sign of an emotion. !'. ic "''' i" foui muruer. li'.a ciudu't a bow 8 jt. Vou need not tell me that ti e eoiidai t of that man is not the conduct of a criminal.." .3J.-..K. F. AydSett. leading counsel far tr".e defense, made a forc- ful argument iu'whiel- he aaid in part':" - "The 'or? pseys l:ae :ny sympathy. I have Lef re extended it from my own Up-., t do r,;;t blame Mr. Crcpsey ivt trying t l f ' rret out the i ausc of the death of his fair daughter. The peo ple, of North Carolina are noble, just an i Jas;'abiuiDh". They would nut wast a' ys'hiu but what is right. They want an honest verdict.' Any criminal his right to have aa attorney apeak for hui). When 1 feccured r.iy Lcpnae to pra ti. e law I protni'? 1 to do my duty I h.w biea criticised for my pait i:i ' corn 'ttion wjth thi ease. I ha'.e done nothfng by my hoii.o. -duty." "Let ixdook int. the eviden- in this ca" The' doet say that there .are but three certain test tf drowning and that they do r.- t apply in caaes where the body has been dead for any h-ngth of tini". The docto'g tadmit that they ; did not exanitne the windpipe and oth j er tubes to the bmgH. That is one of the ! three certain symptoms; The second is i that of the lunss. They Kay that there ; was no water there.' but they found' bloody froth, which Is one of the usual t -sts of (ho ninfr. They founl, ro wa ter in the stomach. The medical au thorities nay that these symptoms can not be relied upon w hen" a body has been in the water five or lx weeks. The bo'.iks do not lay down the ab senco of bb od in the right sole of tbe heart as one of the tests against drowning. It may be that if the body had b en found within one or two or three days water' would iave wen frund in th" pleural cavities but long er time than that would have given it a chance to get out by natural causes, tb e;j.i"s:nosl.f proceau. The water co::l. have 1'ft the Royjiafh in. th.' same way. Th" do;t us admit it. We want t'he light." "If yoii believe that the girl was kill ed you mn.it decide w ho did it.'-' I lid' Ml. Wilcox do it? You are aiked !i eon vie'. Mm l cms he ha.s been indiffer ent, f'h.-iw. ti id testilled that Wilcox was lndiffen nt but that It -was his na-. tore. 1'agrw with the statement cf the gentleman who said tuat no bitter man li.ved in I'as'iimt.ink county than; Mr. Held. Hiwourd not l e unfair. They sov Wilcox is indiffeu because he i .. pot wept In the court house, if ... had .shed tears they would have said t.iai he was guilty. He is accused of being Indifferent becaune he would not t'lke part iu the search for the young holy. Tut yourself I'n'hU'plaeo. Que moment they charge him with being iadlff-rent Ofu! the' next they say thar-htv is tailty because he showed emotion on t f oc caaloua hcn -he-thtHight -the" bony of" the girl had been found. Mis face turn empale und hid hand trembled. Mr. Haynfan said he told him that he wish ed to (io,il the gir) could be found. , "No, .gentlemen, he ha.s not been !n difTerenU. Consld(-r his position. Every move of lila was watched. Everything he (ltd w-as criticised. To go further, Tlier'' was no motive. He had been at tentive to the glil. for several years. We Und no trouble between them till last September. .Then. Miss Ollle heard her tell him that If he wast going to net hat way he might stay at home. AH lovers .have quarrels. They c laim that Miss Nellie, told him to 'pull.' 'to go.' ."he no ant nothtrf!; by. that.- lie w ent to the fair with Miss Nellie amL.Mi.ss Carrie. Ho kept 'going to the Cropsey home. He went to the buigy ua it pasHed. Hew.'iM f "eciuentlv In (he kitchen. Ho patted Miss Ollle ou the buck ami put smut oh her face. She tiled to" put some on linn. It was all .fvir merriment and In play.' Heeauso Miss Nell' refused an appW thai the de fendant bad bought Is no evidence that she was iij ad.- 1 don't hi lleve liny mem ber of that fajriily thought tnerej waa anythiu wroatr. Mr.-Cropsey could'not, have ih e.if.ht so or h" wouid havv re mained In Hie room. There was no mo tive for tire crime. I do not bay It, hut could not the 'girl have been jealous She might have,, felt that her former friend was slipping away from her. I cannot say what a sweet little girl would do under such conditions. It hi possible, tint idle committed suicide." .H'lKIE JfiNlSST CIIAKGE. In making hl Vhargo to tho Jury among other things Judgf Jones said: "( i en! Ieiv.cn of the jury, your problem ta to find the facta In this caso. You have heard the testimony of the wit nesses aud t'jo argument of- tho at torneys. Now the case is with you., It must be tried by the evidence, if you should let any impression you may have had, public opinion or anything else. Influence you, .you do violence to your oaths. "A few simple rules must govern you. You start out with the assumption that the prisoner is innocent. If you fehould find that he slew the deceased ualut.t-ntiona.lly, without just cause, it is murder In the second- degree; if ia tenticnally. .wilfully and with drUberai. t.Cti and prinedUation. it is murdor in the irrid uenyc-. "Therefore, you must first assume I that the p. UoLcr is Innocent. If the i State Kit.sVs yo;t beyond rc asonaol i uuu'oi tbtt t!-J d feudan: lrill.1 th-i (ie i ci uf .' - -wit Vi'oiit- "A .:::. it is ntrrb-r iri ; the .--:. d i.v;;r.cc , t.Sat be iiid ir wil- ! ful'v. after deliberation id p er.,. .- ! lion, it !s r:-.-: ! If the .!:ne f,;. i yoTiri a re.so.'i'i i 'esidant .iili-d :-r in the ti r.-t degK". s ri t satisfy you. .- -dcuht. thit the cU he de-"easei you jn:t find that he i nt puiMy. -The evjd.-R'-e i noist not only be eoneiuslvely corts-ist rent with' the prisoni r'a guilt, but must i be in--ous;so::;t with bs mtiocsm . i "You are tworn to tiy the case ty I th-i evidence and that a lone." Try the i ease ju iua. Uise above public cpi:. ; ion.- . j. .The icdiotment of the grand jury I was read. The jud?e continued: "The ; defendant d'ei'-s. lh? charge. You ini.'.s't. try the case. You will 1 nd whether he U iunocout or guilty cf murder ia the ; firT7ir second dcysree. The Sfate ma.-'t establish guiit. 1 have no opinion in co I cz'.l yc-.;r it. ...i.n ia i fome of the contentions of the. s?i3tj i and the de'enfe. The gtate rjtma the.t it has been proven that tie, deceased HISS NEl.I.lR CKOTsEV. wa.9 killed, that the prisoner had the motive and that the facts and his. .eon duet show that he did it The defense contends that the evidence will not sat isfy the jury-that the ftirl was killed; that the bruise on the head could have been masle In a thousand and one ways; that all the tests against drown ing are fallacies; that .the defendant had no motive and that there was t.,1 opportunity." The reading of the evidence was then begun. There was .'L'Oel typewrit'ea paces of It and tlje task of reading it reiiulii-d.the liours from' lu: 30 to 1:30. Death Reveals a .Secret. Petersburg, special One of the most icamrl.able i n its that,-has ever 'beer, .known in this ,,fe tien is alleged to have .com l' to li.tli t In Ettrlck, Cbe.su rfi.- 1 county, lou wee it. which ii veals a well-kept oetrct. . A feAv !i'tont.l.a u-jk a eoiiple, supposed to be ;.'.:i;i :i lul ,v ifc. ciuue from Rahdsh, N. ('.. niiil locnte.1 j . 1 .trick, a villas'1 just v. -riiss the liver from Peters burg. For some time past the "hus han 1," -who was about. 73 years of n,;. . has been ftuf.uringrom dropsy, and this mote inn he died. A gentle man of the village was called In to fdiroud a man who"lmd died. Accord ing to his cia'.emcnt the di'teased, in Ktead of being one of ' the stronger sex, much to his surprise proved to be-a woman. The couple have lived together as man and wife, it Is said, for the past 3ayears, and they hava faithfully kept the secret as to their sex. The .deceasedj- who Is said to have gone by the name of Crecn, had been going among the people; of .Et irbk, and there hac: never been the least suspicion that "ho"' was a wo man in, man's clothing. , j; Duck Combine. . Trenton, N. J SpeclaLThe Fniied: Status Cotton Duck Company has filed certificates decreasing Its outhorizel capital stock from ?."0,000.000 to POditH). The certiflcato was'slgned by T. 1 4. Park, president, and David H. Carroll, secretary. 1 - Mr. Bryan Aloves. 'Lincoln. Nidi., Special. W. J. Bryan Is no longer a resident of the cily.;( f Lincoln. This was Mr. Bryan's fony sccond birthday, and he cclcbracd the event by moving to his farm four miles from the city. Until a handsomo court; try residence which ho is building shall bo completed. Mr. Bryan and his family will live In tho barn.. The Prc8ldcNrrNUas sent the following nomination to the Senate: Marshall I.. King, collector of customs, district ct Alexandrhi, Va. ; second lieutenant- of infantry, Albert U. -tioodwyn, Alaba ma; Postmasters, Virginia, Pulaski City. h. S. Calee; '.Mitodsidppi, Brook haven, Wm: F. Jo'bea. ""' ! 1 i ; ; I-i 1 ' ' i $10,000,000 PROMISED Park appropriation to Be Laer Than Was Expected. ADVOCATES OF THE PA?K ELATED. Drs. McGee. Ambler, Profs. Pinchot. . Holmes and tMhcrs Presented ihe Need of the Park Forcsb'y . ....... ... ' . , A ftiefhsl frsm Washlnjtt.o.n" Wedncs-t day liisht says; There is a fe;'.t.? !j ci.shc tvat tbe"'he-.i,!-irjg" on tbe Appa lachian' iark bill touuy will be pic.lue tive of re Milts that the friends of 'the measi;re have hitherto hardly dar'J to hope for. In aa eniertaininp. lucil, yet 8-"iesffi manner the .purpores of thider blades. The on. 1n theneck -was p,:,.w , -cc,rV(. wf.r, explained to the also..renioved. Dr. Hail stated th af p "! . ', ' n' i ,,,,' itemoon that If Coins recovered it e..tr.m:tU'f by Pr. MeC.ee, of t h? t Bu- . . ,iracle. Part ies who wit- rau of Ajeri"an Ethnology.; Prof. n,.s:;e.j the sheeting say the men were Finch 'd.f the. fareefy diviJicn of lh not over five fet, apart when it occur Agr'. u'tural D-par'niect ; Dr. Ambler, red; that Coins drew-his pistol first, secretary of the Park Association; . Imtit only snapiwd the ' . t, he bred twice at Cash. It appears mat Prof. Holnu,. Represeatat.ve Brown- fhV troupe between Coins and Cash lee. and Mr. Cbas. Seymour, of Knox- ; originated over tho latter's step-daugh-ville fter th" hearing Representative tcr and a sister of the first named hi. Moodv asserted his belief that the com- : tie Coins. It seems that p"e . ' . ... Hoiuier was teaching a public school, mlttee would make an appropriation, of . "I-P ,( tQ R e .faction and HO.tXOOO instead of $3.0v0.0o0. sayin? , thj p,aC(l waa giv,,a tp Hattie Glns, that Chairman WaJsworth favored This brought on unpleasantness and such an appropriation, and that th I caused the two girls to make uncompll- proposition for an increase also met the mentary remarks about each other. approval-of Representatives Henry an l i Connell, the first named gentleman ; being chairman of the sub-committee to which the matter has for the tire." being been referred. Not only this, but !t was stated after the executive se.vooh of the committee which followed the public hearing, that Representative Williams would make no further ob jections to the passage. of the bill. The hearing developed but a single disap pointment. The North ftate delegation was not well represented at the bear- -.f.,.,0.. iri,. n ' "PfrfS ' . being the only members of the delcga- tlon from the State who were present. Even the sister State cf South Caro- lina was better represented. It is fair ; ... v. roii iniv" was out ot tne city. ir. i.ou was m rlhg the fort-noon and could not leave his hotel, whi!e Mr. Small was busy preparing a speech against the river and harbor bill. Others may also have hod good excuse for the absence. By careful aad tactful questionln on tlve part of Messrs. Kluttz and Moody many Important and valuable points were brought to the attention of the committee. Once the former lntnrruuted to ask If it were not a fart that many mountain land owners were at this time caring for forests in a way that would have the approvab of the government, to which Prof. Pinchot give an affirm ative answer, calling espee.al attention to the. Vanderbilt estate. Th.e sub-committee is expected to report to the full, committee very soon. ... . V . .. 111' rl , 1 Independent Telephone Company. Charleston, S. C Special. The Southern. Independent Telephone As sociation was formed here at a meet ing of representatives .cf Indepen dent telephone companies from North and South Carolina. Georgia. Florida and Virginia. About lOQ delegates were, present. F. V. h. Turner, of At- lanta.-was elected president;. W..A Ttarrien of Tamna. vice president, and Paul Langdon, of Augusta, secretary and treasurer. Furtht-r conferences was held Thursday. v Dangerous Wreck Sighted. New Orleans Special. The Morgan Ue steamer Albia from N-Vork. March 13, reports that March H, lati tudo, 3C:29 north, lo'ngltudo 74:nC west, the Albla saiv" the wreck of -a schooner of about five or six hundred .., i; ,Antinff nwsh her tons. She was floating awash ti r I stern was cut on jusi ui.au "' " j channel platens and the two lower masts were floating alongside.' Th3 (vessel Is a dangerous, obstruction to j cavitation. . j ' Conference Divided.,...' I. Tt'ichmond, Special There were two I camps formed of the suffrage forces In .the constitutional 'conference Wednos ;tl'ny morning. The Glass-Daniel -ide, ; with. 27 members, held the fort in the ; convention hall behind closed doors.. I ('apt. .Parks presiding,, and the Thorn--. ! Gordon. element, 3(i strong,! met in Ih'o ! reception room of the institute with -r DrxMrltyalti In Ihtf chaif." Tils 'ge.n'ef :il- -! ly supposed that. a compromise will be reached on the lines proposed by Mr.' Glass looking to' an extension of the ! temporary el;; use for. five or more years and other modifications.- . . Defense Closed. , New York, Spivlal.- The defense in ! the Patrick trial closed Its case Thurs- j day afternoon. David L. Short, ope, ot the" witnesses to what is known aa tin V.tM will, said today on-cross exami nation that Rice showed the will to him and to Morris Meyer ' and then said: "This la my last will. I want you ,to promise not to say one word about this until ajter I aur tfe-axl and gone," - ' ' , , ' '.' N0XTH STATE NOTES. Items of ' Interest Oh-aned From I flurphy to Manteo. Shooting at Vlnton. j Winston. Salem. Special. Robert j Coins, colored, w-as shot and perhaps ; fat ally wnur.ded ' Sunday afternoon in : North AVinsfou. near Helo'8 pond, by a tregro r.amed Cash. Coins has beeu "working in Koedlger's bar for Borne 'lime, Ca?h is a barber and- workesb in UVi' 'shop Of hits brother, C. B. Cash. The sfn-eiing or-curried in th-i street opposite Coins' home. I'ma'iediately af t, r t tr'iuOie Ca.-h cam" down towu ' aud gave himself up to the officers: lie ' vos committed to jail. Dr. Hall, col ore! who atomic the wounded man, ! f n:nd t'ffat three balls took eft'ect. One i went :hrte;;.h the left shouldtr. .one through -the front of the neck, about the centra -striking the collar--.' bone ;The ball that penetrated the lung was fiinnd arid cut out between the suoul- Crushed In a Well. Charlotte. Ppeoial. While Carey Etheredge, colored, stood wats! dep in water in'nn old well in Biddlevi.lle Mon day morning at..9:S0 the stone curbing of the well cavejj in, seriously injuring Etheredge and holding him a prisoner until 2:30 o'clock, when he was lib erated by the work of, a number of men who bad hurried to th? rescue. ' The well is the property of Hicks PWmore.l and, is about 2S fe et deep. Etheredc was working at the bottom, alor.e, when the. heavy stones that formed the rurbitnr gave way wiruout wainuiij. The debris was so great, fortunately, mog ,f Jt wm j.lnm,pd tnRelher at a point just anove Ktheredge's head. several of the heavier roeks struck Ethe-redgo on the head, cutting ugly gashes and "one of the stones, striking JSISl ttUOVf (.til-T ll(illl. ICIiliiw, I ,.v..l , his skull. Shortly after the accident the cries for help that came from the well attracted the attention o'f passers by, and In a ehort time a do2en or more men were rapidly lifting the stone's from the head of the prisoner. After Etheredge had been taken from the well, a physician was summoned. Hc stated that the Injuries of Etheredge were serious. Etheredge was taken to his home and Is stllf- in a precarious condition. " (ireii sboro Commencement. CreenslMiro, Special Commencement at Greensboro Female College this year will embrace M3y l!ith-21st. The exer cises will open Monday evening. May 20th, with an --elocution rental. On Tuesday morning. May 20th, Rev. T. F. Varr, one of the ablest and best known ministers of-.the' Western North Carol 1 no Conference, will preaidi the annual aermon. The annual meeting of the alumnae association and the alumnae banquet, will take-place Tuesday after noon .and on the evening of the same lay the alumnae address will be deliv ered by Dr. Edwin Mitns, of the facul ty of Trinity College. Tlie graduating exercises will take place Wednesday morning. May 21st. The commencement exercises will close with tho annua). I concert Wednesday evening. , . Killed By a Train. j Burlington, Special Will Ezel. of . Haw River, was Injured at that place j Monday night by attempting to board , an(J d,(l(, ,ast niRht from tho injuries. ; ne wa9 on the bridge, which has sev- cral offsets in it for pedestrains to ' step out of the way of moving trains, n(l M the train came by him ho it- ; b6ar,. Jt and WM jork()(, th wheels. One arm and leg; : wa8 norribly mangled and. he re- celved an Injury to his' back. Medical j assistance was procured but could do no good and he died in a few hours. Telegraphic Briefs. ' Anna Fritz was kiljed and. seven oth 'ers injured in an explosion In .a Cleve land torpedo factory. , Rear-Admiral Bowles opposes grant ing leaves of abscencto navy yard employes on economic grounds. The President nominated Capt. .-A.. S. "Crow nlnshield to be a ' rear-admi- lal. . - ' " It Is understood that Frank P, Sar gent,. Grand Master of the . Order 'of Locomotive Firemen, will be appointed. C'omniissloner-Cevneral of Immlgralion" In place of T. V, Ppw derly. . . In tho case of James Wilcox, chat pod with tho murder of Ella Cropsey. at Elisabeth City, N. C., the defense at temptedto prova that the girl was drowued. ' , t The National City Bank of New 'nrr r,oM .ftllt J''! SOU 000 A I vl ilcn il 4 of tfi'A Standard fil and Consolidated Gas Comjianloa. A new volcano la reported to have burst forth hear Kenal, on Cook Inlet, Alaska. 'North and South Dakota are uttW lng from a heavy bliiiarX SOUTHERN llNDUSTf New Enterprises That Are Eorl. Our Favored Section. i South to Worfc Right ! In his speech at the 4as; T.t. j tbe Progressive l-nion of Ne O; Juim ii. Kirby of iexas. a tie- i worker for the South. In aentji I stirring his hearers to activity I half of theircity and prophev,ng l.ciearly tbe greatness of the S-utl narti.-iilarlv of that tortioa e:. ' South liorc.erlnK .upon ne O'-i' i miiin the honor of work. aS tiie tulhilnteat of the propueje- e.iid: ' . .- 't have' determined to cjalv S.y.itS"ihe-fceat cfibusy isidust" weli as the home cf the most I. ; hospitality that- exists in- the -v 1 We ii!-( not- only going to be pk 'end merchants, bnt we are goi; be makers of 'all the products ; come from our natural roscitrces. i are not only going to grow cotton cane and rice and timber, but w-f : gjing to get tbe great-advance is tie which comes through transfor: these products of the soil lato - ; conceivable form devised for the ti , mankind. In this way we will ' Idie bands busy, and if those who to do sometiiing for eha-.t.y. be-n le-nec and philanthropy will but 'J i money into factories they will do bA Th'. that i the people employed ho believe Andrew Carnegie Is d : ter man a an ironmaster than h i builders of libraries." ; The common sense vliieh las i 3 ,! I . rVMU A .-a-IC IU . AIXU t,r j ty crops out all through his speectik ; it is nowhere more apparent thaA ' IT. I 1 1. . . n I . . I Jn Trkvon l . a.. j the sentences quoted. But while it true that practical philanthropy gb ' employment to two pairs of han wher. but one pair was emplojed I - fore, it may go a litt.e farther :n pr tiding the means whereby the no : hands employed may be, vy, tT' ' work to the best adcahtate. The Sunt fis a wlicde, d003 hot lack unskilled In1 l or Here and there in the shlftir.g population consentient upon the in eeption of developmental enterprise In pev fields, a stringency of even tin- skilled help ie felt. But that dttfiVtiltyf ; will be overcome in the natural ordeif of things. Meutiwhile there Is an in : ereaslns demand for hands and heada : trained tc labor requiring more thaiit ordinary skill or to direct the mass on j e very-day. labor.- This demand may bar 3iii)plied only through the encourage-J i ment, either through legislative approl I priattons or through individual gen ' eroslty on a practical basts for the en largement of the scope and equipment i of the Southern institutions where L young men, rid of the notion that honest work of any kind jnay be off color, are receiving technical educa tion. Several S'?teB are awaken the r responsibilities In this i'hotdbly Mississippi, which : been most liberal with Its toward its industrial InstH ; public. sentiment se:-tr.s cer l td similar legislation by rH j States. The adoption by ! South who have amassed i fortunes of some such plan i of Southern boys anxious t to work right, as that tiou"'Pyi Manufacturers' Iiec.ud. will not increaF"- the Immediate facilities of ex isting jjistittitjons, but will ko a loni? V'av 'toward' the promtlon of the. nu;rh-nceded public se-tuiment voiced by Mr. Kirby In his striking address. ' Baltimore Manufuctur'rs' Record. Textila Notes. : M. B. Council contemplates establish : ing bobbin factory at Americas, U3. It is reported at Augdsth.Jitajrct ; warwicK cotton una will estaDllrfv k : bleachery in connection with that i plant. I . The establishment of a knitting will J is contemplated at Dorthan. Ala., and .; W. G. Robinson Is asking for luforma 1 tioh and prices on machinery from 1 manufacturers. i. A movement is on foot for the erec tion of another cotton factory at Spar tanburg, S. C, and Mayor Arch 11. Cal vert Is promoting the enterprise. A capital of 500;000 is proposed. Massachusetts Mills In Georgia of( j Lindale. Ga.. telegraphs that It doe j contemplate enlarging plant mentioned ' last week in the future, but has not de- elded upon any plans aa yet. ! J. A. Smith of Bessemer City. N. C : has made a uronosltbsn to esiibllsn a i fairtO-splndie cotton factory 'al Taylor. , l exas. The proposition Is made t ; E. M. Aderholt of Taylor. I Will M: Smart, of Manchester. Tenti.. .contemplates establishing plant for the ' production of 20!) doze n pairs o' I women's and children's hosiery daily. ; He asks makers ot knitting machinery i to send him estimates oil cost of 'plant, ! together with other pei Uncut inform ttion. . ' I Messrs. 'Scale & tXon.xi.tn. , Nacos ! ; i-hea . Texas., .propose the tur-i'ilishmeiit of a .mill for knitting fi ptn o0;i to 1. 1".' I dtirch pairs of hoa'ery , i.xily.i They ats : desirous 'of teceiving crr.'spott lencft I sMnj full details as ttV in lu.-uiy. 1 es;...ited cost of mashincry for M!ch a j planf. cost of power plant and test t power to .s:. etc.. , knlfting mill vvill be jstaldished at Waco. Texos. ' through' t!ie effort of the Business Men's Club. Its product ;5a'.ly Is to be 300 dozen knit underweir, find 100 people are to bo employed. Franklintille N. C ' Msnufcturint -Co. baa let contract to Ivp.t 'H:. ke!t of Oieenvillo. 3, C. for Improvement, at it plant of 3472 spindles and ninety has too ma. There will i a 370-iIoot dam constructed acrooa the: widla of caual will bo lacr nnx . no more good man in any other ere is r.o charity so well dlre'tcl which furnishes a means to if . I am one of if

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