U 1:1 III El II; S.C3 ATtJ priTSIiOUO, C. i Fill DA V, A P Jt I L 4, 1902 I 1 ri ill 11 I I 111 ill ' ' " " " ' T I ,--1-1 ll I VOL, I. NO. 19 I t H I " . i '"7 x. wh! alwaya came to our eampmeetlnga ! and attracted exeat crowds, who tame I to hear him scare the sinners and srari- i fy the Christiana and denounce- tne fashions and follies of the day. I have not forgotten his rebuke to a gay young couple who behaved unseemly durias i the sermon and the old man. stopped and said, 'If that young man over tnera with hair on his face and tnat ycmng woman with a green bonnet on her head and the devil's martinrab rvomd her neck and his stirrups on i - , , j her, ears don't stop their giggling - ' - i A-A wnrk and Self i while I am preaching God's message to Tells of the Splendid W ork ana -e lun. 1 will pint 'em out to the ron- Adore. ereeation.' But we had a numoer i WOMAN'S BIG WORK . V ( .' ,m..i ' i '" ' 1 Bill Arp Addresses the Woman's Home Mission Society. i HE GIVES HIS INSTIXTED PR VISE 'in laith and creed the world disagree, ', But all mankind unite on charity." "And Wadsworth says: " The charities that soothe and heal and bless Are scattered at the feet of man like flowers."' . ' Sacrifice of Women-Hls Published in Full. MADAME ANo- MISS Ga.. the Atlanta Constitution, -o.ntiv in Cartesville, Woman'a Home Mission Society of the nr:h Georgia conference met. Among thos who made addr were m .Arp. Uti talk was interesting through. out and is by request from many re- produced In the Constitution In lieu of hi, regular letter. It follows in full: H our youth la fJ 1d ace will be croned with P1"""1 '.r-isis tiff's "Sms wUh wfrty 1 beliere that It U -sTble KTaS.- to make tj. . ..trrtivt that even the boys wou r rather stay m nanT bf i very treat and notable preachers in tfcr davs. George Pierce, the bis'iop. and old Lovie Pierce, bis father, end : Judge Longstreet. the eloquent presi dent -cr Exory college, and Dr. Means arid Walker Glenn and old brother Parks used to attend our quarterly meetings and our revivals. They were' ail great and good'uKn and the people came from far and near to hear thera. No more eloouent end gifted divines hare occupied the pulpits of Georgia Iron that day to tais. "Cut mission work was totally un knows as aa orjranteed feature of -hurra work. The first we ever heard of was Introduced by some northern emls. sarles who came to this region to plant Christianity among tne " of them, whose names were onee.er and Butler, were suspects, and arrested by order of Governor Gilmer and nlacel ii lail In Lawreneeville. where ihou mon wno were DS STAEL " . STONE. "Charity is the essence of love, and love Is the f ulfllllns f the law. Chari ty, like merry, is not strained, but droppeth as the gentle dew from heav en upon th earth beneath. It is twice blessed. 'It hl-.'sseth him that gives and hlro that doth receive.' Madame will .lag wner vne ouvpw. - Always And a welcome and feel at home i in any Christian churwi. ive i uw and loveof man covers all creeps and all forms of worship. . , "That is the spirit cf universal brotherhood. Love is stronger than creeds of kindred or country. .sPf cially the love of woman. Davids hig-hest tribute to Jonathan was that his love or women, num. vire bitess, was not an Israelite, but the left her home and her native land to live with her husband's mother because she' loved hex. How often o we see Methodist or Presbyterian -tfotaM choosing their mates outside of thevr church and joining the church of ther husbands. They do not stop v um SOUTHERN INDUSTRIAL serious soutBESsac::;- de'Stail saM, "The o:i!y bank account j th(, f but change their church as" we wui r.avp m navt-n win ue willingly as they cnange ineir VkV fcavir vuf iu tuaiuj. wviiiL4uao ftnd I have KUvWU LEtflll IV viv two or three times. - roiurr Jones is not ashamed to tell how ha found his wife in a Baptist duck pond, and I make' no secret of telling how-1 found mine in that same old Methodist church I have described to you not up in the 'Amen' corner among the saints, nor afar back among tbe sinners, cm Kmit mldwav. where the angels con gregate. Men do not change t-eir i-hi, he to nlease their wives for they sail maintain their rightful lordship as .,.. . famiiT. But for love a will rhanee not only nei hi it name. The love of wo h.a nn narallel. It exUnguisheJ all fear. The apostles shrank from a ViM themselves, and one be trayed and another denied bis Iiord ----- ,.. ii iivi iimi ... . t , . . m ini u. thin to seek the careless compau - , yankees, were ecreu, "Z .7,, vt tne missionaries '7. i tw the Indians ioiui , , 4ao "" """" navid s ZV .u fhair lads to Georgia I don t anow ----- - uu w .: tZTJV this waVneVer proven, and Gov- ?.moEr Si one of great angu h , ,rnor Gnmer turned them out on con- rn me 1213 1 AKaf Vmi Q K(l UBtli w " " when he said pianiT and they went I , remember state and con missions In the long ago, un-.rrf Cirn inn aumor OI nuuii, - - . . u. when 1 was . , - u were an ua- ?wePt H0me,' was another suspect. n. young and the most of you were . e ei , , t0 Milje.lge- known ouantlty j -prlsoVeV. but was soon relea,ed teens and was 3.noiic.BR u ' -a.hinton city with an I?, 0BS;,hUt chrcb w i-A Two mo I received a let- for. th Methodist churcn was in e , Tmm q fnlJlrivey. d Ha. Viy Tamillar lid X was b,rn near C.rtersville hi. I fh Graveyard for 1 bad to pw ji. while her, father, who was a Mela Zl iilll iiStthlt l -Uiwa ! oJ!st preacher was teaching an Indian right by it every nigui . . In i ,,, ,.hool up the Ftowah river at saw a ghost and ran norae " . , , . fnderwood. knew bira rid of him, tbougn ! LT, V,m he was a rood Indian. He ncbt itiHir w a . . . . "Z . II .h,.r. rt the people, but where was the "bell and where was the tpte. for if had neither. It wua an !d-fashioned unpainte.1 ollB had small glass windows of 8 by 10 m rf.vnrs in front. whin IIW, IUU " - - . rot his feminine name according to In dian custom, which was to name a new born child for the first thing that the Indian doctor saw from the door of the wigwam after Ue" child was born, and so. when ths doctor looked out and saw . d . " Mr Hitarltr of Methodist an Indian maiden uugning. me ised to be a pecu larlty or . " b b h 4 t be naB)e(1 uughing churches. It was said that one door woy w ni . w we questioi the selT-Ba.rriflc.e- cf mis sionary work in foreign lands, and the recent case cf Miss Stone has stagger-' ed the faith of those who help unwill ingly; but the command of th Savior after His resurrection is ever before us: 'Co ye unto all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.' Not long a go a lady said to me. "Well ir we cannot convert them, w can civilite them. The gospel of a clean shirt goes side by side with that of re pentancev Wherever the missionary has gone. his or her message has been addressed to the head as well as to the heart. John Wesley aaid that cleanli ness was next thing to godliness. A clean body and a comfortable home Is the beginning of religion. But neither the abduction of Miss Stone nor the personal sacrifices of thousands of oth ers for a moment stops or impedes' the It broadens I and lengthens aa the years roll on, up lifting the lives of the ignorant and irgraded In the dark places of the earth: The twenty millions contribu ted this last ytar to this cause prov?s that the god of greed and selfishness has not assumed entire sway over this nation. These millions bring no re turn in wealth to the donors, nothing out tne reward or duty performed. "Just think of it for a moment. Do you know that we have eighteen thous- -.n! missionaries in' foreign lanasT in China. India. Turkey. Egypt, and Cape j Colony, and the mSssionarlea are re- ( inferred by eighty thousand native jrcaihcrs and teachers. They have churcheB ' la twenty-three -thousand tewns and villages, with cne and a half !Eill!:)n communicants and Christian communities of over four million iuDila. These missionaries, have over four million pupils under iDctlcn, Tbey have nlrety-four universities ami colleges.' and soi-e of them are world renowned and raak well with out own. The Ust wdowed of these college. o,....ntionnle. Beirut, Pekin, and master, but woman was last at His 1 a! HlrTn Water Does DatnagY lo . Place. Meridian. Miss., Special. is .entirely rut oft from th world, except that two West wires are still in operation, train Is moving with 50 ' city. A fast freight on tie Nr ern Railroad is feet Under the crew is in danger of beir away. -Efforts to reach the i boats have been futile, owtyM swift current. Two relief partif ed td swim an'i wane iuv. s V The Soulh In nanufactnrioi. Capt-.W. RPnow of High Point. N. C . the pioncef in tne wooawpruuS in dustry of that city, reviewing iu prog ress during the part twenty-five years. .,- ihat its oooulatlon of 3tKi has gro-n to one of W0, of whom 3uw are employed oearly ftfly fV" rnenia. receiving about $S5i0 ia wFkly t.-rp than t2.OtW.u00 are in- vev-ted in mills in machintry. and rocst of taht money has been accumulated from industry at High Point. The Wil miongtoa Marninf, .Star holds High Pojnt to be a striking illustration- ot nf liiannfadunng to a Itiv - - uMniiiritf not nr.lv as a meass oi Mviihrmrf for direct employes uui jinc has been neara mim for supplies of raw material ana iu-1 Xhur8(!ay EighL Water at J It t3nJa other luuswmoiu ' "'12 miles south, is rising at V5! ."V h'the ri 18 inches an hour. There 1. a ? "...,- i. not the. one which for the resumption of traffic ti vwiuiiiuj " . . J.I , , - ixroduct-s the rreatest quaniuy oi c uuu three days. Tne soumern material for InduFtry. but the one j h3 bpen un(jer S feet of f whic"h converts that material mio some d famines ha useful article for which there is a d- ; mand. ' , ,. . V(o-,.r rxfl At many points in tne &oum hum .uu -- truth of this moral is being emphasiz- Nw 0rjean8( Special. Ttf ed. the more -W.?" and rain storm which ha. z fZiTc maarwhlh C over southern Mississippi for been manufactured in other section. 4S hours has demoralised n to their great gain. The South was trafnc mnfi teleuaphlc eommuj gradually changing to a producer of The )wa of ifazlehuret. Mis more or less finished articles when war r0JDpJrtely Isolated for I intervened, and it was not until ltoO a0cOuntof thehea' and later that Us proper pace - t v - --- 1 kill unoz eucJs.aFJl cmfw emiw emi eJ tneJr banks ana an iranic racuiuci. . ..., hv Vho f.-t that, wnue 1 . v.. Kn ctnnned. on . j ..... - - - ? ruuuu f una r m . h the whole country inoreasea Hi per iiwwn 1RS0 and 1900. the value ' j - 1 r . .. . of manufactured products in tne soum Increased la the same penoa cent. In the meantime the value of oracles or uoa. now m,.. we haev respect for the Christian wo men of this land who are planting those oracles at home and abroad. . Tired of Rebellion. Manila. Bv Cable. RuOno, who has spent $30,000 in his efforts to incite rebellion in me pruYiui. lsland of Mindanao, now sa is manufactured products in the South has increased from 8 per cent, to II per cent, of the value of manufactured products in the country. . That fact, taken in connection with the obvioua ,Tr.ontinn nf manufacturing in iuv tired of rebellion and has offered to , goulh aurlng tne paet ten years shows surrender, with 75 rifles, to tne name that rau( to turn them out. The Baptist churches of that day had but- one door, for when once thsy got in mey d" r SM""'rlL '",'1'. .?.hr... Ibi U.lt-krerf.. brano conr. ... m th town, ana at nigni w trysting plare of the old people who lioved God and the young men and maidens who loved one another. No tice was given that meeting would be aln at early candle-light. Candles! that ave what Milton calls a dim religious n.. rinn't omiin mv vounc friends, lor Shakesaro wrote by eandle-UK.it nd says, 'How for mat, iiuio throws Us beams, so shines a good eed In a naughty worlV Everybody was familiar with the amen corner ana Triad reverence f or those ho occupied it. Mjr wife and I still remember the low, guttural aniens of Brother Mu why. the snap-hcrt aniens uf Brpth tr ' Ivy, and the -deep groanings of old living here for sixty-Sve years, is fa miliar with the name and the home of Laughing Gal. The Cherokee Indians worn. re nd Ham' arn became a nreacner; ana so did bl. grandson .and I and my daugbtr, Mrs. Aubrey, heard him preach at Little Rock about twenty years ago. CHANGE WROUGHT BY WOMAN'S WORK. "But you must pardon me. I did not forget that the object of . this confer ence was home mission work, but eto nti.nt men and cultured women who have preceded me have faithfully cov ered that ground In every phas? and have left tor me notbing'but memories that are only kin to It. There is,' how ever, no dividing line. Both foreisn and domestic missions nre founded in Christian charity and .Christian prog- was a time wtien mere organization as home ihiR Father Norton in echo to the pleading j prayers of the preachers. Father Nor- ; ' f ton' was a very close and stingy man j no s ich a parsonageiu the State, and the ltene- bli(, rant preachers were sheltered in any , Egypt and Cape Colony. Then there are over one thousand secondary school. ?or training in the arts and industries, and also one hundred and twenty-two kindergarten schools. The most gratl SJ and significant fact 1 that more and rejoice, for It is a pitiful facH that girls The colleges have over two thousand of them, and in the common rnnstitnte more than hair iuuv" , ,u , the number of pupus. - ."j" r if is a oltful fact that ?o?ceuturs Tn these benighted lanUs ! v,0 vn under thft ban, ana t iriucu tl a--- , . . young girla were slaves to man a donii i ;.., B rnnvenience and passion. . ' K.,.tif,ii and elorioua picture she now has of the freedom and ele vation of her sex. and it has all come u , .i wnru nf missionaries, ana Is worth a million times more than it has ever cost. ',navs r.REAT WORK "The freedom and elevation of wo . . .u ri.,rinus and heavenly ' ... ., Kutury. and it still sYn not omy in foreign lands but here at home. Woman is now at the lf.n,l of every chantaow worn. nonerai Lanee leave Manila April 10. on a tour of In spection to the island of Samar. Ha will visit every port in the island, and will witness the surrender there o.i April 15. of the insurgent funeral Guevarra. After this surrender, the American garrisons in Samar will ba largely reduced. , Not After Atlantic Coast Lne. Wilmington, N, C. Speclal.-It Is known almost to a certainty nere tuai great damage by and there is trains runninr davs. Abjti ten ro wti t : . ...l litrV tronatu'j ch of the increase in its manu facturing has been but an in Tease in the first handling cf material for more lucrative manufacturing elsewhere, for. with a population or rJ.vw.uw. .mr South's manufactured products in 1900 were valued at fl.46C.0OO.00O. while the rent of the country, with a populatlou of 63.000,000. produced to the value of $11 571.000.000. Still, tne Jsoum u the proper gait and the rise In recent years of new industrial centers in near ly every Southern State from West viro-inio to Texas, and the enlargement of undertakings in older communities there is no truth in the report that the j wth the manifest tendency toward PpnnRvlvania Rallroaa nas purcaaseu uivensnicaiiuii - ess c- u r,rrr,hme.rnCi thorities here are disposed to tre- . , for Ju own enrichment and the rurmor lightly and will not discuss (b(i weifare 0f the whole country. the matter for publication, u is Le- j Manufacturers' Kecora. lieved. however, that a movement is oa f .".! tnr . tnint oDeration oi iae rum . L.ooiemee i mis ucvciuiji". System by the Atlantic Coast Line anJ , The extengiVe cotton manufacturing nf the Cooleemee Cotton Mills at Cqoleemee, .n. c., conuuu w. develop towards the ultimate size ori ginally plajined. Contracts have Just been awarded tot the erection of nine-, ty operatives' cottages and five officers dwellings, which will be required for Confederate Battle Abbey. Atlanta. Ga.. Spoelal.-Trus.tees . of, the Confederate Memorial Association at a meeting held in this city last week definitely determlnea upon uin-1" - unloves soon to be mond. Va,. as the placoto build tne ' h"" ,nri)lo'yes will be re Museum, one -uuhuipi and on one occ.ation got io biiouuhb i and clapped hi bunds and exclaimed., Thank God for glvlns a religion , that has never cost me 25 cents. And j the preacher rcHPpm'"'. "And may th ; ' Lord have mercy 'on your stingy ul. j "We remember, too. the good SlHter Jenkins, who always had three or four J 'little children tagging after her, bs-i ' sides one at the breast, and how she always took them to church .and spread them out on the long front bench and took a basket of blncult and frud chkkeatQ-Jtcep lhem-qultI-an4 all th epare between the front bench and the pulpit was their crawling ground, and when they wanted water she reached up to the pulpit and got It from the preacher's pitcher, "By and by a new preacher came who Hpaermlned to purge the church of ttn liwmn an d languid members. At his second service he had before him the look of membership and read out the roll and remarked that somebody had been adding to some of the names In pencil with such rapltal letters as H. p., which he supposed stood for doctor , of divinity, but learned later that It tood for dram drinker, and there were other letters, such as B. K.. whleh stood for barkeeper, and N. T. for nigger trader, and H. R. for horse racer, and .ha it, n fnr eambler. and an TrYfor flrMior n raised a big rumpus over nil , ni h ns these and declared they should- nil bo lurned out and they were. Ho re minded me of old Simon Peter RlcburJ- . on,. who, while stationed here, weat - over to vlult his o!d homo on thu Pec An in Sfiiith Carolina. When he re turned I caked him if fie hud a Rood . timh and he raid yes he had a glorious time In his old church the cnurcii ne first Joined and tised to preach in. Oh, said 'he. we had a glorious revival, the "best I ever experienced. Did you tike In many? said I. 'Take In', take In; no my friend, we never took in nary one; . but we turned seventeen out, thank the Lovd. Oh. it was a glorious revival. . CHURCH WORK THEN AND NOW. "'lint I was ruminating about thn (Hf fnron'ce between nbW ' " BHtl then in church work and missions and salaries or.,1 church environments and the cul ture of the preachers, There wan Hd Who slon conference. When there wns ot ei8e is educating our chil'-lron In the schools? wno is iuir". i,rr.h the SatibalU scuou. house that was vacant. and could no pDWorth League and the aid socieuea. ,niui tr n trltlo ttlien. their h-.u:.v,- . ... ..n.t ovr-lnalva charge til i'ihui ....... - - wno is in ,ui"uov v . hold g.iods were moved from place' to j ,g conft.renee? Fifty years. ago she place by a single tedm and th? t J 1 j h , no volco ln these things and they wife and little children were mixed up ; w?re eonsldered beyotfd her sphere and with-the load: when two or three hun- ! ,,0i . minted .gainst her evry dred dollars was considered a liberal I J- ' he prcRumed to talk in meeting allowance for a year's support, n i j Mk very ioud .t home, tne eav- wrougnl a wona aulred because of the additional 5000 spindles and its looms jusi rum. fo- which latter will Increase the full complement to 25.000 spindles and 00 V . ,.,,lr, In thu 1 lOOinS. ineiltlU'iu":"""'"" raised' by popular subscription. In the . improveraeiits . will cost probtthly report submitted by the treasurer -n , company's capitalization the association it was Bnou v..- i .lrf,9tiv .(PinB tjsd.iKio. The enlargeti donated by the late Charles Broadway Roiiss toward the founding of a Battle Abbey in the cth m-ovidod a like sum could be Father Douallv. with hla wocjden lerr jeaya-: rnnnn i wnrk nas rrniH chanse over these conditions, and almoHt eyexy. town oM V.illAV'.o haiipro. vided a comfortable hor.1 ror iiib preacher's family. The advance on thia lino has been rapid and it has beeu contagious.. 'Ten years aso there was not a .preacher', permanent, dombjle In Carteraville, but now every church hag a comfortable home attached. But let me say Just here that tjiere is yei room for improvement. A house Is not all of a home. It takes .hade trees and flowers and f raits and green grass and vines to adorn and shade the veranda. Even a few nretty picture, and a mir ror would not come amiss. : for such thinira cannot be safely movod. ir nothing better can ba supplied, you might put a painted motto over - ten mantel. "God Bless Our Temporary Home. Our ' Cartersvllle Methodists have built a nice, comfortable house. but I have to furnish Brother Yar- Urough with Presby terian strawberries and he feels constrained to pay me back lu Methodist tomatge?, I prffiiitsu now to furnish "every parsonage in town w ith Rtra wherries .nd raspber fv nlnnts next fall If the Ek)d ladies will have them planted. I hao noticed that the' children of preachers are as fond of these things as other rhlluren, and their wives and daughters aro ns fond of flowers. Yes, my friends, mis sion work, whether foreign or dome- tic. Is advancing all along the lines. Home minalons are but a nursery for thoHo wider fields that take In all man kind. The Bfilrlt.rftf charity love of Cod and love to man Is the founda tion of alkand there is no boundary to that, no conference limits, no Mason and Dixon lines. The good Samaritan did not stop to Inquire where the sui ferer lived. Charity la the only thins uputi wUjcU U mankind agree, i'opo a. - .1 ton." n --). of the additional amount, uau u.u taincd and pledged. . Owns a Whole Town. Raleigh, N. C. Special. The Su preme Court decides the Interesting case of Mrs. Scott vs. Ingram, Involv ing the title to the whole town of Star. in Montgomery, county. Mrs. Scott, a married woman, living in South Caro lint. sold the land on which the towu k - . A.m.. i, ,r,,B Th lor did not so speait to me - now gtanos, ior mun. .t nor condemn vue w,v Kgwnjwaa buliu ona it is 'uu jew. Wlshed-tcr none iwa the Mosaic law. 'Neither do I condemn thee. Oo and .in no moie. most beautful sermon on forwent that was ever preached. But th .halt cannot be now told y oil n r.elaton to our mssonary work, inna oi publshng houses that .as, year ; -v 10.800,000 volumes. .uu. afferent transiatons oi iu . ..0a Thnk of the depart- L t mtdi,in that goes aide by sidel with the mission work in every land. We have now 379 hospitals and -at .Hanennariea or drug Stores during last year 6,500.000 caaee were ti,1 r Bixtv-seven medi cal schools and .training .chool. for .in. nn niinils. male and re- male. 'There are 247 orphanages and asyioms. over one hundred homes for is now worth ITO.wo or inereauoiuo. The Supreme Court decides in favor of Mrs. Scott and bo the property owners lose It. plant wi!l use about 1100 horse-power, more than hnlf that available from the cnniwrnpn fails. Uiter on an electric- lighting, and a sewerage system will be ! established, and a "a-barrei tiour mm. recentl" equipped, is already being operated. E. W. Thomas, suptrintend ent. Is now .planning to-open a night textile school fo rthe operatives. Wagon Factory For high Point. A High Point; N. C, special to the Charlotte Observer says: The. High PoinL Buggy company nas running bver the rat, feet deep and four or flTe t and two miles of track have 1 away. Telegraphic line, are on all locations. No mail ba . , . . . i ....... J , -1 -a eeivea over urn ia. rw-. rain. - i. Mobirtv. Ala.. SpecIaL T storm that has caused .eric in the upper country set In he "with steady but not neary wind. The outer bar is report ceedlngly rough. No vessel. j tempted Its passage Blnc j night and no vessels passW the ship channel since tnif The coast steamer Alpha. w last to arrive, reports a very) perlence on the bars, The .1 NasiJ- RailrnaaPs 'wxx usual, no damage being- re' Southern is also operatin bite & Ohio I. tied up at vt. Jackson, Mis..; Special situation Is somewhat inn as the railroad, are coi traffic has not yet been rt New Orleans, Vlcksburg ; Mail from the North arrtv hours late, but no! mail -5 from the South in tlwo day er continuea to rise and b out over a wide pfcrtlon c the vicinity of Jacftson. i the upper countryfLt and Pearl river nai to within J00 feeti Si-ores of famili'l ground. So far thl of life. Meridian, Miss., chea of rain ha. fn past 48 hour.. Thd and many farm. bridges have beer railway traffic in ' standstill. An A.os ern freight went Newark, Friday I were lost on the Aoaeif this morning, and and NorthwestenC5f f.ir tha mute and blind aid 156 for the insane and the slaves i . i. it niiT mil it i.i UK. vt v tent -of thts-work? ft"'rs oi t ... i.r,.,irt itt Shall we neglect U ma wv 7.. " I.... ... ..o...ri, If it be of man it wui como i but If It ba or oa we ' i ir wn nkmose or neglec it it will be like ngnnus H'i 'My CUrlBtlan friend.. I thank you for the privilege of making these , fare well remarks. When your Pdlng officer wrote to me a kind I ett. rr. in viting ne to participate In those exer i' ., a..mriod and pleased, for It was anotner sign i -""T. fellowship1 which U now ph.iEnin .tonnmlnatlons. .The bitter ness of sectarianism U P'n awavy.' I heard a gentleman say the other day . 'I am a Lutneran, i"""' v: church to any other, for I was ra sed up la It but wpeu gravel .and. flndno Lutheran church l the toxsn or vll- (Hgantlc Flour Combine. Chicago, Special. The final step. . . . V . . J I 1(1! In the formation oi me naiiuum .un lor'. Federation representing a total capital of 1400,000.000. and an annual flour output of .100.000,000 narreis, wero taken at a meeting held here. The federation la the national or ganization of the various State as sociations and in addition It will In ,.i,,,in th National .Millers' Associa tion and the National Winter Wheat Millers' Association. . ' been organized to do business at this place, with a capital of $125,000. The stockholders are J. Elwood Cox, Wes- ntt Uoberson and others. Mr. H. A. White is secretary and treasurer or tne new enterprise. This wlll.be among tne lareest wood-working estaiuisnmtmis here, It will be located on the Kendill Improvement Company, .ana. Meridian. No tr departed from Iv Aaxr Dftarnnnn 11 J lt.tuwu, , v outs are reportIlXi wire" are- downgnf 1 ectfiely cut '-.off. V Mobile, Ala vi-V Mobile & Ohio HliJ News In. Paragraph. - A Manila dispatch Bays:' "The out break of cholera here does not create alarm. No white persona have been J stricken with the, disease. According to the report of the medical autnoii- tics made up to noon today, there u. iw.r.n all told 2 cases and il ilcuths." . i.Newnort News. Va.. dispatch say.r 'Jamcs Brlggs. the negro pro ...i.,. r.t c r-mn lolnt in Hampton. died from wounds received In a pistol .,!. i,otA-in u nosso and a score ol negro crap-shooters. Constable- Roy o...iir r..r-ived a bullet In the head which may cause his death, and -Con. etablo Joha Tlfcuor waa wouuuj4 u I Uio arm." Textile Notes. Tavora Cotton Mills of YorkvlllcS. C v 1 Increase capital from $10,000 to $65,(Hi. This company recently buc cccded Sutro Cotton Mill Co., having a C912-spindle plant., ' .. Crawford Woolen Co.' of Martins burg. W. Va.. has declared an annual dividend of 20 per cent, its capuai JiiO.'OitO. and the surplus at the end of the year s business amoHiueu to im:0. . ' ' It Is proposed to build a $k,O00 cot ton mill. .at Chappcll HilU-'Texaa. and a company Is now being organizeu. Ceorge Wv Carlisle can probably give Information. ,- It is Btated that New York and Phil adelphia parties will establish at Ports mouth. Va., a muslin mill to employ several' hundred hands. Dr. m. Schraoele of Portsmouth, can probably Inform. ' . , - has been seriously lilt the flood, of the last t night a trestle SO feet of Shuqulak, Miss., wl and the track la under tervllle. Miss., to Iron tance of two mlle.-.'i are also reported betw TiiBcalooBa. The passeii left 'Mobile lart nlglj back at Enterprise. I Decatur, Ala., - Spel vere wind and rain 1 1 ed by a heavy fall of I about 4 o'clock Frida Ing one hour. Heavy! and severe and serioJ r a I k. .AO 1 H V a white ia;11Tv were killed by were blown dowu across .treat car tra mules attached to a being sevcroly .hoc1. II. c. Townsend cf Anderson. S. C. state, that the building for his $23,000 twine mill, reported last week, will be tw a stories hiRh, 80x115 feet In size. The dally product will amount to 2500 pounds, "about, thirty hands., u be era ployed at tha start. -Electrical power V.UI be used, llou!) for Um operatives will bo built. . ' ... i. -. Valuable Jtv Washington, Spec' the various cities ' Railway between Jacksohvlllo are m tianmi.arance of a - lace, the property Oj a Southern train 01 on March 7. Th missed " from J Charleston. It wai and In-graduated was mftnufaetureJK firm and xm the clal the letters "H. S. V. believed to be the well-knowu WasJ-T identity U not die J