A MM i V tf f-: VOL. i. NO. 2.X piTTSbono, k c, Friday, may 2, 1902 i i I i 1 1 1. 1 I s ' II I "' ' ' "-" KNOX AFTEB Til E B EEF TRUST Orders Bill For an Injunction to Be :.; Filed in Court at 'Clbcago. ,., : FESULT : OFjAN UNVKTIGATION The Attoeaer-CeiM'raJ Ij Convinced Tit anlalawfui t'owbliiBllon of ill Ileal. KKlata A a Opinio Tin the Crlia- 1 In I 6tatatr Ben Violated Oatjr Civil Proceed lac Coaicia plated. -,; .1 C-i' ii-- ."-v -Y" 'V ? ! Wauuingtou. I). C--Attor.iey -General Kuox has reached the: conclusion that the co-ecUed ltwtf Tniflt'ta'a iaWeft Tk lu restraint of t'ride, within ike nwanlaj of the Sherman' Ami-Trust lav!-, aud hs? Las accordingly .directed the L'uiicd .Slaw -District Attorney -fit Ckcagj to pivt ?..e a bill ia equity for an .lBjmiotk'.u I'gsiust it. This state ment wm'gtfB ;iut by tfce Attorny U :is nil, after a final consultation with President Ib.wevik on the subject: "On April i ti Department directed W. A. Day, Ev-., of Washington, In h'.a capacity as SpecUl Assistant to tin Attoiiiey-Ciuer&l, to examine, as far nr. pniiHde.' U 'fuddle cLdrn'c to tbe i fftet that tt combination of large tuea tr-ercd contrary to Use provision f . tb tup- of thr rnllmt stsi?. f Till in-i dkhinary esanti&atioQ'ft'sultfd in instructions to Mr.Day . and Mr. R-tbca, Cubed mte. Attorney at 'fjtcistji. on April-"i, to proeeut -simultaneously iu 1ikago nnd the- Eat a more particlthir exam'.uatiou into the allegitjeas an I proof alleged to exist la fcHttrwtf thereof. ' Froia their re- ct 1 alii tal.'&fird that wifflcitat evl. 1 r t. . . It 1 ;i'i u iu iwua iiuuu uiiu Sa iju!fy fur tiu Injuuctioa c-an Ik? fintfjwt iu restrain tup eoiultluitiloa l.iinwl f rn flirt hr nriWi'dinic iib- !! tbfir t emeiiUi, , UUh cle-yrtf i)BMr to !m Iu 'Ktraint "f inv?j stat. tradf. . I " liatv tL-r'X,'f,.'! ' Ut (hoid plicat1 witb tho lan-. wbfeh provides: It siiall t!n duty of the kwral l;..uki, AUiirsoj-. of the I'lilted ;t.ite bi M'At r.iP"e(iv tlUuiitf. ;ttJ"r lU'.;iH,:i;tiua f. tbeitotue ;: rMTt'I. to i!itjnit "iirofwdinir in 'iiiity fi jpv' Tint and revtrAiu' viola liiioa of tbh aet. directed tbe Ptstrlet Atiom'y at t'bteBsf) to prepare a tdll for aa tn.1Kf,Uu iisalnst the i-orpura-tk.a ati i fwfn wiw ar iiartiwi .to tbt romWna(ln meutioucd. to It Ei-d in tin I n'.ud fun Circuit Court for t;. N ,nL( .a I'lstri.t of Illinoi.M r " 'rj:r it r.u r.plsioa ninong -erta!u fttfl-vi ff the k'rntri'.nt tls.'it tln t''s-ui '.u of the meat daicr form a vloiftt'osi of th eriniirial fit itiitcf. tut thi j)ro'entk)n of lvll utidvr tbf hiht ruiau act U all tbat Is routilpjid:!teJ at jirewnt. olclde Canwl bjr Meat Trad. Xew York City. tools Ilolecek. . n lu;iher. cctsunililtd tuleide by banirlnji litniHelf lit-eatm the btirh pri" of meat f-ed lilia init of buaiut-aii. Ilolecek bad a bntrtier' lmp in A venae A mitlt four Wekf ajfo, wbtu he waa forced to jive lt iip. tlic iiiioiiits telnsr o loiiKt r proiitabht. He " had; a law Irade, but HK'-tu-runIng price of lut-at took a why the protlt. SENATOR M ONE? IN A flCHT. I ,,, , f y w " ' , ! !' ; I II'itab a Tfnltey Court urtor lnrlnc a lpute 0rr Car fare, Wabii!ftciu: "1. .J a-Puar' ?Her tiniido de Koto MoiK-y, "of MlsflHwippl. was the central ficura iu i t" Cdiitiler, when ! and O-rijiduHor Mtancr. of tint Capitol Traction Ita!!- road, Cjinie U lilinv(.,as the result of lliftiiBtor'it nfiii.i to pay hi car fre lt the 'Bait la hu & ubio dipot, wln'ro Mr. Mmiry deaired to catch" a train for Ftulihimie. During the ciitlli Ciiducor Pbanr wan cut in tlio inilm of Ida rt band with a Uutfc held by lite rVnator. The latter, claimed (Ujii jU liJL'X-JV',!t inflicted aecUbiitHily. while the on' ductir elaitua the mitliiif wa an Ju Tt iitlonnl jicl upefl the part of the. Sen titor., :,.: :'; ':' " ': Later hi the day Scanior Money' called at W ofllctra ef thu' District attorney-and or out warranta for t;ie nrtent of Sbatier, the conductor, mid JaniP t). Hooper, a Dintrlct Ure inan. who U ald ! bavp aided rilmner lu ejectlnu Mr, Jlotiey froia the ear. ; ,cuator Money was arrali;iid In the pollen court tn a 1 hnruo of uaaault p"" fci rcd by 'iiului'tur Shatter, . . and ph atied ii"t fcuilty. rondnctor Hhnner nud Hreniim Hooper w ere arralanwl on charge of nsaauU preferred by fett. alor Money, and also pleaded not guil ty. They demanded Jury Mais. Sena-, tor Mou.v aidjtc preferred to belrkd by tla- Judjre, " , , ' . , PORTUCAU STNDS A NEW MINISTER YMenn1. pe All Hucrfoili til Iliratud . Vt"!ia.ftfon', 1 Or- ' lVVi(. Jude' ; De A b n, ,tuc ncwlj' ft-tointeil IVrijitAut'tHe X b.tlsier, " Wli'i Jrefditeea : Hcuor fanto TUyra,. baa Ht'i iVttd here, . i , J ; , --U- wit ;!wa.vVn' blHdal" Wy4trry ; to wby Hanto.'i'hj ro lwi'lj Wnsldujj toti an r.ti;V,' ii!y. Tlio MlnlHte'r waa toid .t'-4 h White Ihiute, wbed IVwiiloul .Mci;iuki' (vas :ji ai'!nS ltl.n Mid,, that Minister hiMeiied tpMuforui' his' Oot ci'i'e:it by cable. ,!: ''' ' Mr. Melvtntry tlUl'Mot dle untll'.'a day or two later, and th. roi tuwuese 'MiitUter W t'i.relil AtVaira brtd raejin wl lie unwittingly circulated tre auiiture report, for wbicli SantoThyr?o paid Ce1 l,,'Ol1y by- k-tiittX' fcli I1"-1' tloa. WINDSTORMS IN THE VST Thrco Killed ana Miiiy Fatally In jured at Joplin, Jffa - Storm JUmwImmI tm piBi.a.loa. f Unr rtcan. la Kebra.ua IS.oef t to Faru '',': ' ' in- la General CntoU. -,Vl. v'.v- 4 '- ' - ' K i Jt plin, - Mo. Jopliu wa visid ly th? tnosf destructive tonn la tt b) tory, during wbltb at least tluea pjr atas were killed oatrigbt. si fatally injured, a tseore or more r.Tietifcly burt and $3uMfO ortb . of: jiroiierty was destroyed.' ""' '' . Tlie fury the t-torm at -1.33 .! p. Tbrt was' af I niiftoul tion of its ttwlMa violence Tlnw au uitt-r abseutu of tlio visunl AiL'Ufl tltaptd 'loud, .and ile eicud.4 1;.kk:sn1 uo varoa :'ii"ij; than. HwhcO wb:el prwroee t!U' oraiuray taaaatr.' (saovv Tbi wind was a Mralslit pule, hnf It was of terrUde velotliy, wfjpint Covj-b fvcrty of ltfn.es liiiiio suuji pari t.f tj: :ty aud revflns U! kind-li-ist wood fliM.000 wyfth of tin! Bnt lulrinx plants !a tbi4i:?rlet.. Lincoln Kyft -A tfrriile wind roach-5n?j-ar,'t1p's a Vidieity of tUsry iu!!is aajie'prsvailod at Liiieoln thro.s:U ovl' aftrtnoiin and Into the niKbt. Wwt little dutuage won done. TUere wast a l!pht fall of rain. AH kind of .Tixt.t- rx it. ,iirtr,u iu ouja- cent towns. In York Comity ther was a dmtchlUj? yaln followed by a heavy mow. In tirecby County hailstones fell uf aullleicnt fire to tsTrin trees" aud kill ponltry and youa stock. Tins ben fit to wheat aad farmlus Iu gfueral will be untold. This pan th wheat in wndltloa to statu! nnttiy day with out tiwre rala and si 111 lie in sot cou ditloa.. ; .: - , v y. Oa:aha. -b. An uausually heavy wind storm, whkj strucS tills city killed one person aud Injured n number of others, uuroefed a ncrrbe? ol build him and lrok nirtiiv sl;yl1!tt. Tiierc was II heavy doWtfioar ft" iw!a. Stnwt eni'S' wvr tt'.jt 'or fin Ltir, wires acd fiiaiis wer blown Or.va'la.ull di rections. De Moines, Ijwa. A floudbttm oc curred at Misigo,- water i tiutiiug rich ct'Hi Inches deep In ib strpft TeJo graph wire .were i't'lrated elong tin Rock I'lniid, lwtwtn fonncil Bluffs Bd AtliytU', d nlon tlie Chics go Great Western, 'hi the vMnPy or Min go and Valeria. A heavy rain fell over the northern quarter of the State. thrle'"'' OUa. - The 'wind blew a hurricane over Eastern Oklahoma, and fbe thermometer dropjied to twenty de grees. A norther carrying clouds of dust drove a blinding storm, the iuot tfoKtructlve of years. ' ifilwaukee, Wis. A dronchlns rain was general throughout thn Stale, It was the first heavy rain of thej season, end iindoulitwlly will be of great Leu eflto faraicri. - - HOMICIDE ONI A WARSHIP. Matter-at-Anna JeU Three Tears for . . Kllllnc J.p.De.a Steward. "'Washington, D. C It bus just devel oped tbat on the ernlse of, the North Atlantic sptadron a homicide was com mitted February 23 on board the In dlana. -The chief tnitster-at-oruisi jTanies. Douglass, had occasion ti disci pline a .lapanese wardroom steward, KUma.ll Mokamoto. BOd as the latter was recaleltrwnt, tlie- tnasier-at-arms threw him to ihe deck and beat him with his tint, from the effor ts of which the. victim tiled. . -Douglass 'was tried by court -martial. Mid convicted of Involuntary matt slaughter. He was, sentenced to three years' Imprisonment, and Is now in ihe prisol) ship Honthery at, Boston. The Japanese I-yafioji here railed for a statement of the. facts, which has lwfcii fiirishcd. A&Mlie ns'sallnut lias ben punished. It Is 'presumed there Will befTJT further complaint. -CAPTAIN CLARK --DECLINES. Ml Ml on in) Klnn F'lwrS' C'oront!iin AVonlil Involve Too AInrli r'upeute. ', Washington,' D. C Captalu Charles K, Clark . has declined the, appoint tpent Of special naval representative n't the ttironatfon of King Edward, and ihe President has named Rear -Admiral Watson for that mission. " The declination. of Captain Clark, It Is -understood, was due1 o the fact that the mission' for which be w..'s slated In volves iieisoiial, outlay .for .entertain ment and exchange of courtesie of a very, formidable tharjveter, and en tirely beyond his private means. Admiral Watson succeeded Admiral Dewey In command of the. tin vol forces in" the Philippines. ;, , POULTRY IN CRIP . OF A TRUST. Throe Firm Can t lx Prior. For the En ; .. i tire CaaiUry. - i;, ' .... Chicago. Three great ttrms practical ly have complete coiitiol of the poultry market. T.hey ?wu two-thirds o!' till the poultry'., hi Ihe, country and are able to lix the prices. Thv firms are Armour & ,t'o., SwM fc CO. aud 1'ribe '& ffcmiter.' oC Bnsnitelt; dll. It,; Is -h-tlmated that they .. have r.titi.Odi) ca-es of poultry of iibonl! IPO i0tui(ls eaoli In cold storage. -Their profit has nl veady been Immense.. . , VitSey dressed cblckciiB have sold as high as eleven aud one-half cents, against eight and oun-balf cents yeail ago at this time. Turkeys are live to sit cents higher than, a -year ago. au1 may go to twenty cents n pound. Swlf ( and -Armour are- leaders In buylhrf cgits for etild storage, and slrefiity hv' iTe.bbti caHCHiihiocd away iu Chicago nlone. " . -, - j STRIKE RiOTS IN FATERSON Runnine Street Fighi? Suspended the .. Silit Mills. POLICE USED THEIR REVOLVERS 6 rand Jar Clirc to Betnra Iadlct. nU For lUollng and AsMuilSOt Men Out Uocuaod. of PyeraV)i-lpr .Xobi Marrbod TUrauch b Cr a.i "tacktae M1M On. Owaor dabbed. FattTsoa, X. J.-Sfrikiag dy li"lpers traid. tbe (ejffuiisliuit'iiia tbat w-re 6tiU ruaiibjf; aud liy force ccaipi-lled a'Vitiuiph'te sufjK'Us-'Vijn tf busiut-i'is ia j tlujir trade. Xearly tSM men juit!ed Tbt-y curraged iu a series of nuiuliis fights wltb the police and plaat uiaira.aiTH, aud iu one of the te- rvfreat clasbes Vicbaniicd a volley of; plilol shots with them. Tbo radicals among the strikers were In coimuaud, aud hostilities ceased ouly wheu there were no more shoi'S to win over' to the cause for which-they were lighting. Many persons ou cither side were severely injured during the j'iotins:. but ltoue dauj.'ei;oudy so. Tim di.sowier henn rlr M '?"y, and was unexpected. A meeting of striken was held at liuerr's Riverside Hal!, and 1!.H.H nieu gathered at the place. They demanded that hflperf should get -0 cents au hour; machine men, irj cents; Jinishrs. 'Jt cents; learn ers. V cvuts; the schedule to Ihj iu effect for tlie next live years The old prices per hour were as follows: Help ers. i!,3 cents; maehiue t.cu,' -1V4 ceuis; f.nishers. J2 cents; learners, Ua cents. " While (be meeting was in prosress the radicals urged a raid upon, the suggestiou was approved a rush wan headed for ihe trfabUsluaeat of James That firm, tewing trcuoic, d:siuissed the.mea nd closed ; ! its dioi-s. UoiVri tJaede's works were j ! visited next. aKdfter that the Haw- ! ! ford mil;, where the first serloud dfsor i I tier occurred, was surrounded. Vi"l- ' dws were suuhod, eimiileals spillel, ! and cokjslderable damage done. The I men at work iu the plant quickly quit led their, places. I While one mob wan closing the Bani i ford mill, another was surging into the plant of the American Silk . Dyeing and Finishing Company, Aniied.with (dye sticks uud stones, they charged through the place, driving the men from their places. George Arnold.- to j of the members of the firm, .was i dropiR-d insensHle.with a blow ou the head from a dye stick. Almost simultaneously au attack was beguu ou the works of Emil Geering, aud it was in the fight for possefoton of it that the shooting occurred. Two policemen were guarding the property, sod when Ihe mob came vusbiug'down. they warned these iu the van to kee;i away. Some oiie In the crawd, ..is- ' charged a revolver, and tha police j quickly returned the lire. Half a; dozen shots were tired, aud one'striker, j who escajied unidentified, was shot In j the leg. The mob stoned the. police- j men. and wlleDroiie of the latter ar rested one of the leaders, closed In around him. The oilicers swung their clubs aud beat their way out of the crowd. One of the patrolmen finally secured a rltle and when he came out and faced the crowd with it, there was a general scattering. After loitering around for a time the strikers re-formed aud marched, ti KnliMcher v Maas's dye shop iu the Gun i:illl yard, ' where seven police men were on duty under Sergeant Hal atead. T reach the yard the strikers would have t Cross a bridge near, the dye shop, and the police, seeing tkett coming, marched up to fhe bridge umLj'U.vatr, tdncked the passage. The rioters brcke tip into Eiuiall bauis, and loitered arou id for some time. A ro-U was hurled frirr one of these groups at," Sergeaiit Halsted.' It struck a tele jihoiie n't which the Sergeant was landing, and In falling It hit Arthur Neale. who was speaking to the Ser geant. ' Five strikers were arrested aiid. ar raigned before Recorder Senior, and all except one went to Jail. Johu Ball was arrested for inciting his compan ions 10 riot at the Weidnuinu shop. He went to jail for teu days. Antonio Jarat, a French-Canadian, got ten days In default of the payment of a fine of $10 for-creating a disturbance. Louis Forano'aud Ernest. Foster went away for ten days for throwing stones at Wcldmiitin's shop, tlcortild 'Mesteliit threw."..!! rock at Sergeant Halstead and ..got ton days ' . Judge Dixon colled the GrandvJury before.. hint and charged theni to re turn as many Indictment "its possible against persons guilty of riot lag.. The conservative, clement of the sti'llvers had, lu the meantime, disavowed .the violence of their fellows, and urged it return to .peaceful' ihcatis to gaiu the end that was sought. Tlie strikers met again la Bunker Hl'l Hail o receive the reports of commit tees appointed to visit owners of shops. Nearly all .were .to the effect that own era v woujd, gvant -tlie imrense If all would. le,Ive- 'a ttswer wet re ceived from Kh'pseher A; ..Mnas, tliu-de, .Kearna. Brothers and ', the Patersoa Dyeing Company, all of whom agreed ttncondiiTonally to "grant the 'Increase.' It was then asked whether .the men employed. by these four" concerns could go to work jnuuediiitcly. Aflern loiig Aplseusslo;.! It.wns decided that no ona could go to work until nil the owners) had agreed to tho schedule preseuied by the men. , Iff MH THE III Two Engagements Occurred Be'ore 3ccurred 'ivrivei Peace Orders- CHAFFEE ROTESTED BY CABLE ERO" iaaerat Keported That Freaticeof Atner- li-ank M'oatd Be I.ot If Truo W.re Vithdrawa ieiltUuB StarVd to Capture Murderer and Vu Fired On After It Bad Trooeedud Klglit Mile. Washington. D. C The War r partincut disinclination to allow Ieu-' eral Chaffer to siir np the Maboaune dan Monw la tl' Islaud of Miudiuao has resulted iu xLc stepping f an cx pwlitioti which was started by General Davis to penetrate th .'islaud aud taji. tui&jt number of zuardtTers. The War lNiartpienta order t-p. ping the expedition was sent to Gen eral Chaffee aud the ijcueial replies that the expedition has already pro cceilcd eight luik-s oa its march aud that it has fought two engagements, l'ress dixpateiW show that Major Moore, of the Twenty seventh Infantry, while out with. a small party. bunting for water, was fired nmm t -i"j; ran?e. Licutcuant-Colouel Fmuk V. Baldwin with a.baitallou of troops and a mountain jruu, weut to the assisiau of Moore's party, and drove off ihe Moros, who lost sevn men. The firing was at IPsj yards range. The Moros, who are Moslems and fanatical, were flying red flags at their villages, meaning that they intend to fight to the uttermost. Later Sultau l'ualo and a force of na tives attempted to reoccupy the ground gained by the Americans, but the Moros were forcibly dicperseu. Datto .f'bleft . llannsl, has sent a jf - ptlou to theAiuericaDeoumiaader ! fndcrmg the absolute submission of j nien under bis control . , , . V "V ' f eknowlegded the recent from ash-! n?lou J tnrut-ttoas to withdraw hi j ' roups iroiu .imuauao, out lie urge j I bar. owing to the present state of! affairs, the withdrawal of the tr6ops will result,, in the absolute lo.s of ' American prestige among tho Moios; In Mindanao. His orders, however, are j explicit. j Lieutenant-Colonel Baldwin and hi j forces are beyond the reach of the tcb'ij. grapnie msirucitons ir.oiu tasaingiou. Doping 4o avoid a religious' war. which the Moslems would probably' be glad to wage, the President desires to etbaust all otlur means of effecting the capture of the Moros who murdered American soldiers, before resorting to arms.- Meanwhile, however, that por tion of General Davlss command which was selected for the journey will still be held in readiness, and all preparations up to the point of actual departure will be made. BISHOP NEUMANN'S TOMB OPENED Body Viewed After Forty-two Years, Pre liuiluarj to Prelate' Beatification. Phlladelphia.Pa. The tomb In which the body of Bishop John N. Neumann was placed forty-two- years ago was opened by if special ecclesiastical court, the proceeding one. of the final acta preliminary to the beatification' of the prelate. -The disinterment Was made Jn secret, and was for the purpose of identifying .the body .of Bishop .Neu mann, and to ascertain its stafe of pres ervation. ' .. r Two witnesses swore-1 hfit they wit nessed the burial of . the Bishop., and two physicians wrote a minute, descrip-" lion of the body. It .then was placed In n -new, cofliii aitd refctored tp-.t he vault, which was 'sealed by Archbishop The evidence collected by the eccle siastical court during It. Inquiry', which has been ill Jirogvesi for several years, now will be forwarded to Rome. , ', Bishop 'Neumann was born lirBoiie ruin In ISil and came to America when fhe was thirty-two years old. He was made' bishop of the diocese in 18o2. DR. TALMACE LEFT $300,000. Onethlrd Uoe. ia th.,Wtl.)W, tlie .Ke.t - - to the CUtldren. Washington. D. C TJio'will Xt the Rev. Dr. T. De Witt Talmage has hWn filed. - It leaves an estate valued. at moro tbau Jo(Kl,(Mi0, of which .about -ui).Whj g in personal property. The Washington Iajuu' and Trust Compaiiy 1 liaiued as executor, ." , Tho" will givca the "widow's t'hiid" to Mrs. Talmage,; and the 'remainder, share and- share alike, to his children or their lineal descendants.. The gold enamelled ten IserW-e viv- sented to Dr, Talmage by tlie, Em- j peror of RnSsii Is given m ihe'-w.Ulow i jiud at her death to. the oldest stirviv-' 4ug child,, then to the next oldest, nml j so on. -; " " . i SAM M0Y IS DEAD. t'hinauinD, Said to t Worth '64.009,000.' l'aaies Awhj- iu MllwukK. Milwaukee; Wis--8a ni Moy, one of the. noted Chinamen "111. tho Cubed State, died of pneumonia at. .the Ho tel Davidson.- - " , - iKaiu Moy's death will be felt by the Chinese throughout the I'nlted Spates as a serious loss, its he bad done 'more for his rairo than 'any other Chi'natiuin lu America. For several years he had been engaged In the tea business, lu Chicago and had aecuuuthUatl a for tune csilmated at If i.WKi.tHMi. ' He was a remarkably, welt-educutcd' tuiiU tor ou of hi race. fW YORK DAY AT THE FAIR CoTemor Odell Speaks at the Expo sition at Charleston. Twice Nominated l or the - Presides-? ia 1904 In Speerhe Me ltcl;ui . Jln barb Anibltlea. Charleston, S. C "I have no present Presidential aspirations. Having laid aside the mantle of iiractlcal politic and tried my bcd to be a Governor tf the poodle, I ask the people, if they desire to reward roe, to send tue as a delegate iu the uest National coaveu tiou of liepublicncs, f,o tbat I may cttt a vote for Theodore Ilocbcvelt to suc ceed himself. With such a commission 1 shall be well satisfied," . - Such was the posiitve ia?meu of Govet'uor tide!!, tf New Vork, in 'a speech at tile Kxposhlcu. His utter ent'o was the lu jrc pointed iu that he had in preceding epeeckes of iui ro ti uctiou at'.etiu.ug the tvreittotiics of New Vo.k Stiite day, Iweu Iwice uofu United for the Pj-esiduy in liot. a uoitiination tt hlch he took this une quivocal way of declining. Ou the veraada of ihe New York. Buildiug overlooking Lake Juanita. the exercises of the day began, at tiocu, iu the preseuce .of thousand.! of vitors front New York anl iracy Suutb-r:! KJiatec. Besides floveruor Odell a dozen' Tim bers of fhe New York Legislature, many members cf the Men-hauls' As sociavicn of New York City, sad tho New York "State Monu aent Couiiuis sion, beaded by -General Daniel -E.-Sickles, who was om e litary tiov eruor of thj two Carolinas, were pres ent. The speech of t'ae occasion was that of Governor Udell, who was greeted with great applause.' It was' duriug this spoecli that 'be made tlie state ment concerning a Presidential nomin ation. Addresses were made by Speaker S. F. Nixon, of the' New' York Assem bly, and Senator -Ellsworth. Prpsidout Mead, of the New York Commission, made a s-hurt address, turning ov-r ro the Exposition Company the New York Bnib'.ing, which was received by Di recttr General- Averill. After the exercises Governor Odell, riembers of his staff .and their friem's repaired to the Woman's Build:ni where a luncueou was served by tit Woman's Department to the New York party. " f -An elaborate- banquet was tendered the New Yorkers by the Export Icq Company and the people of Chariest! n at the St. John Hotel. Governor 'Odell and Lis staff left the city at 11 o'clock,' p. in., for heme. NO VIOLATIONS CY BRITISH. , .Colonel Crowder' Find That 'Mule Ship. - inente Are Not literal. .' . Washington, D. C. The Important fact found by Colonel E. It: Crcwder In Ills investigation ht Port Chalmette, Ln., and reported by him to the Presi dent, are;- ' . , 1 There is no evidence that soldiers ore being recruited In this country for service lu the British rainy in South Africa. . 2 No' evidence, was1 presented, to show that arms arc being shippedrouj Port Chalmette for thctise of the Brit ish soldiers in South Africa. 3 Horse and mules are being pur chase!! and are being shipped in regu lar manner, only such upe belnS made of Port Chalmette as Is necessary 'for the shipment of the animal. , t'plotiel Crowder presents facts which It-Is claimed, on the whole, fail Xt show 'there'-has been' any" violation df.the laws of neutrality: ' , , 200 persons Billed by earthquake i . . . . . t "., 1 Fire Added to the Horror Ki.rleuced ' iu Giiutrmalit. Ctiatemala City. The' details which are Ijeiug received 'here of the earlk (lUalie "shocks which were geceral Ijt-otigliout Guatemala on Frl.layv Sat urday and Sunday, show that Solola, Nahuajiu Amatitian, Santa Lucia and Sun- Juan were seriously, damaged, and that tjiiezaltenango was partly obliter ated. .' ' - - " ' Fire added to the horrors then. Two hundred' persons were killed, mostly womVW; uud ninny "persons., were In jured. At the capital t liree 'churches were slightly damaged; The Govern ment la relieving the siierers. Quezaltenango, situated about 115 miles from Guatemala City, has a .pop ulation' of 2.1.000, Is handsomely, built and well paved, and has a richly decor ated iathedral. several other -churches and a line city hall. . CASE OP LOCKJAW "CURE?. Mail Tijfttoil Suroi.iriittr t a l'Mlud-t-pf?li Hospital With AntHoln. Philadelphia. Pa. Edward Moore, who, was admitted to tho Samaritan Hospital, sullVring wll.h-a wcll-tlevel-oped case of tetanus, Imit been dig-' charged as curedl The attack.wits ten days advanced when the.' patient was .taken' to the hospital,- and 'hi, llvovt-ry Is i-egartled as one of tho'moit Uotable ou .rc,cerd. '.: ; . ' - Ovetva month ago Moore' waa strtick In the tactrya swinging glass Vlooiv cansitfg an abrasion itf the skill, .Blood poisoning set In,' resulting iii lockjaw. Mooro was. subjected to the 'antitoxin treatment. During the first two days the nutitoxiu was injected Into the snlnal eord very two hours. After the lupjii of forty-tight hour tho number of Injections Wa reduced to six Iu twenty-four hours, and for several days'strepilooctie. was alternated with the uutltoxlu." - MINOR EVENTS OFTHE WEFJC WASHINGTON ITK. "US. Captain J. B. Coghhtu, L". N., was nominated to bo a Rear-Ad tuiraL s The Senate passetl $7(i.nm,0tJ0 Bivcr and Harbor bill, aildiug fltVKHl.UW to the House sclidule. " The terms of the protocol with Col-. ombta providing for the ..lease of a strip of land for the'Panama Canal . to the I'uited State were made public at the State Department. President Roosevelt ordered ea bled to Hrk'adier-Goneral J. Franklin Bell tlio L-vatifleation of the Amerlenn ioif- ple" at the reeults of Ids esmpsign la f Butangas aud Ijiguuu I'iovuiccs. or norrru inssas. The -special election" held t Hotiot.. lulu, llawbli, to choof a successor to' Representative A. F. BllflJHau, result-.,, ed la a victory for the lUpubheaa can didate; W. W. Harris. . Cities in the Pb ilippmes, were au-; thorixed to appropriate money to fight epidemics. . . The .etjurt-rtartlal-. to try CroneralV Jacob H. Sdiiih was samtnl at Manila. Gouiales. the insurgent leader, ajrneil., to, obey Malvar's order aud will sur render, thus lusuring fv'aee In the Department of the North Philippines. The Insurrection In the Island of Mia- DOMrSTIC. A jealous lover of a servant girl wag charged with'dynauiitiug the frcnt part of the. house of Professor E. Maglott, at Ada. Ohio. ... Led by Ernest Rowze, a nptorlou " Jail-breaker, eleven prisoners escaped from Jail at Princeton, W. Ya. , .1...... 0 1.1, rAH.,.I.H'a...l0lni . 1 liui i;t-iiri, luiuirr ormioii. r -police -lerk. was indicted at Cleveland,. j Ohio, .charged M'ith embezzling f'JtSM). J Insane from bnooling over a debt Albert Fieliu si?riously slabbed 1)18 . wife aud killed himself at- Cleveland, v Ohio. -. '" M. Santos-Dumont was In St. Ixiuis, , Mo., and said he would not build a spe ! elul dying inacliine for the World' . Fair contest, but would cuter those.be ; had at the time. , :.-. The. jury iu the cae of William St rot her, colored, 'charged with mur- j dcring A. Dean CoojM-r. millionaire. at . l St. Iuis. Mo., disagreed and wa dla-' t charged. ' "' Fire swept over two blocks In Kan- sas t'ity. Mo., destroying jdxty-ttvevot- ' tages. two or. three small streets and v ' large number of barns and sheds. The loss is estimated at fl2o.t' s. v, Charles M. Schwab, of the Steel ' Trust, broke the auto record from Phil adelphia to Atlantic City. N. J... cover ing the slx;y miles iu one hour and forty-elgbt'wiuutes. ,. Henry Duulay and Tom Kecler, two colored miners, were shot and killed -by Officers McMath and Strong, who attempted to arrest them at North Bir mingham,, Ala. ' "John P. Davis, a newsdealer, oft Pa- ; coag. It. L, lost the sight of bis right eye, and his left eye was also affected by handling the colored supplement of the Sunday newspapers. ; .', The Van Wornier brother. ' broke down and cried bitterly when taken into the death house In Dannemora Prison, at Clinton,. N. Y." - : Clean up operations began In Daw son, Alaska,' and ' 4mhY abandoned claim we're reataked. The caving of a sewer trench at Hamilton, Ohio, killed William Uort ami John Sander. - , Fifty-thoi":'nd dollars was left to John A. Dowle, head of the Zionists, ' by the will oT Frederick Sutton pro bated litChicago. Robbers took $HWi in stamps, f;fc3vV hi money tjnd Ifi'to iu jewelry from s the postolllce at Eaton, lnd. . Governor Odell's- flf tiu n-year-old oft , - ' had his right leg" broken by the fall of a : : horse at bis home. In Newburg, N. Y. " t ji.Juring a--salooa-i-;-i,trw- at -- Detroit, Mich., Edward llawhy. the proprietor, was killed by his brotlier James.. . ( ..:.. A Jury at Ottawa, Kiis., actiultted ' ' Marie Stanley, eighteen year of age, -charged with the murder of Jamea , B. Booth, an aged war veteran..' " The South African ' war exhausted " the supply of small inules lti the West. '' Nebraska. haa suffered from the high et temperature ever recorded ln April. , j The high mark of ninety-live degrees, four above any 'previous record, waa reached at Lincoln, .Wheat is being damaged. . . Great excitement rrevalls al Jelllco, . Teun., over tfto striking of oil Within the city limits at a depth of Unit) feet. lORKIGX. ; , Tlie neat and provision trades In Great Briialn were iu a disordered condition, -owing .to tlie operations of Urn Reef Trust hi Auiojica. . . , I'ietro C'aUagno, an avowed annr Chist, was a caiitihiali) flir a seat lu tho Italian Parliauicut... " . - . - Foiciyti nu rehutus in China opjieseil the pi'i'posai otihe lii iU-h Cumulation er of Tar('u's,:S.jr Janus L. Ma(.lway,,io ubolsh the, bUeu tux aud iuercueo iiio custotiis duties.. : , '". ' " The Co'b'deu 'Club issued a manifesto against the imposition o torn' dutica In England. x Lord Charles 'Ili'tcsford will contest the seat iu lilts ib'iush House Of Com mon representing ' Ooiwk-ti. " There tiis' sharp ; fijjjhting between Cossacks and. tlie.-police uud the popu lace! of LlcUiUifors.' ,- ' . ' U- CU.tiies i'like expressed hi coh lkleuce that peace would be reached in South Africa us a it-suli of thu presuui Uevtlutlon. ' '

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