VOL. I. NO, 24. PllTSBORO, N. C, FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1902 PARDONED BY THE KING The American Naval Officers Prison at Venice Released. in THEIR VERSION OF THE TROUBLE lwlatd That Thcjr Wrt Not Iutoxl atrd Whri the lltrbBr IVcorreJ 1'ruUabla t'aari-Mrttal Aflrr I ha Official ltrporta Ara Kerrivrd ty th y Wrr.nimrtit orti rr ou Oh tea to Veak"e.TUe pardon granted by King A ictor Enuuacael to the officers of the United States cruiser CbM.-as. v iio liovi- been impi ironed here, arrived, and tho prisoner were released with out delay. , in. an interview, the officers wanr'y ' repudiated the reports from Itoir.w tU.it they vw under the- intiueuec of wine H tk time of tiii trouble, ami said that tiitj contrary, ibey were per Jeet'y wU'f. ut'-v.ut Doddridge .said: "V.lier the accidental upsetting of a table iu a cafe by luytclf und tt com ftanou tit 11 o'linii at uiiif, we werv followed and attacked iiy a mob, mid fU'O lUlluU'hiMl tvoliO'",, nr,.'! the scene, I, Willi my open liatid, mo tioned to. Use crowd to kep off. Tin1 police then kt?iid us, but tin' tiwij con tinued to be so threatening that our .l-rothcr officers aiiij a murine who 'bap- pcned to be on tin' jiij.zi:, ran to oi:r ri"i Ui. We acted oitiy in eif. defense, and agaiusl u iargt. l.oMile crowd. We did not strike toe police. 1 Mam ies iiiisundeistau.Ubg of the two lait KU;tge had boiijetUing to 1m with the u-ouiile. , 'We have be n allowed to remain to. irt thcr iu prison, (tut the room in vl-h we !a Lfcii iDirliu-.! w.inod w.tw After their Uberafiim. joiss.'d tlii.'ir li'n, t.Uil Uh; "t-ll ice. t.!ii' olj.ci'i-x V'ahsnpton. I. c". - Serretarr f Naiy ilooily luVx nwaol tie' ioiioMiti caolefnam from Captain l'aytou, uf tiae I'ltieajjo. dated Yeuiee: "Tarty released on pardoti. from Kilts, and are ou board " Nothing fuclx r . te done here i tii,? caat of He- d-cuetl ullbvm until the fall invegtisntioi) and report of Capiain liattoit supply the -.fact. .Neither the Stale nor tne Navy De partment U oilieiaily Informed a yet f what actually' oc-uried at Venice. In (he UKital nurte any court-martial im a Htatton Ik ordered by the com matidim; oillei r tiieie.if- lu this cane Cai..1yi" t.'ra,' of the Albany- but the heeretary of the Niny may hiiiiKelf or tier a trial if the fuel warrant such 11c; ion. "UNCLE SAM'S" HOME SOLO. of tha lllln W Kaniurl W li mn, of aun, X. II. Naon. N,, H. The V.'ilson ho'tie t'.o(. the;' birthplace of the original 'I'nele Sam." has la-en 'old nt aue tioti for Sl.Vt-i. The purchaser 'was C.Mi'talu Drrt-a A. 1 jambieU. of Wa.-h-InL'tou! ... "T tide Sam" was Samuel WI.on, the (h'cst of twelve childi-cn, born on tills la'roi. IlUihi the uecontl war with l-hiiand he and his brother Kdward Wfiv contraet,)ii for tJovernmetit up-' I'IIck nt Troy, X. V. It wiiii Ihe Wib sotiV Idea to label ihelr beef and pork pnekanea "V.. S ," and a Samuel Wil on wax trcnerally called "l ucle Sam." the Army ipilckly fifened to the nup pliev a "Tiule Sam'x.' This title: tpilekly wan applied to the Government and after the war wim used everywhere in -that ene. Samuel W'lUon died In Troy ti 1H5I, aed olnhty-elejit year. The farm wan Hold by ren.ion of the. death or the last member of the family. It wax owned by a Wilson for 1-2 year. Mooor suet EEDS LONG. Tha Oath Aliiilnlatfi ad to H nn a Bacra- tary of Ilia Navy. V.'ahiuton. D," C.-Wllllant Henry . Moody. lint tmccei'detl John I. Lotig as Seeretary of the Navy. Mr. Moody 'took the oath of ottlee In the private rixnn of the Secretary of the Navy. K. T. Ilanna, Stdlcitor of the Depiirt inent. Hdminlalerltiff It. lie then met the biireau chiefs, other otttccra.of the Department and the clerks, who at the name time naid Roodby to Mr.,LonK. Afterward the naval attaches of for- dtni embaiodoM nud legations paid their respects to the new Secretary. Mr. l.ona left Washinton for his home In HitiKham, Masti. Secretary Lout: and Mm, I.oni? called n the iTcnldeut antl .Mra. Hoosevelt to nay jjootlby before leaving WashltiK ton for Massachusetts. FATAL TEXAS TOftNAOQ. fltrurk a Town, IvIIIIiik and' Injuria Many and Uaatraytng rroparty, f Dallas, Texan. A fpeelnl from 3ran Imry, Texan, eonlliion the report of damage caused at Ch n Uoso by a tor Datttv. One' addltonal tfeuth necurred, nraklnit a total of eUht. Three of the flfty-aewti other victims tiro fatally Itijured. In lilen R(se thirty-three bulldltiRa Were totally deimtlisthed. and more than KM) person are boneless, and destitute if food or Klielter. Vllclief. partieg, ac companied by pliytuViam. weut wilt) iippllen. . . The ttirnatlo devatatM farm prop vrty ami crops tmrth cf tl'htn ltoe for a dlsiauee of live milen, autVfor seveu tnlkr n-n'h. - v - MEAT TRADE FALLING OFF Chicago Pecking Houses Find That, Their Business Is Pr-ralyzed. Attributed IU AcltatloB Acaln th fvt Trmat liirx'ltion In C'U Valort Uudi Intu MUltotM. Cbi.to.-pnt? of the largest pm-ken. ia tl; ljMiii atrlisdmitid!.v on' of th lest ported fatti'uiu in 1 'ailed St.its, said: - . 'i'.u.vluf it 'ill vroiti I -vfrr .vw. It i sini;' i;m,il.vi'.d. In f.acrliujt' is no liUKtiii-fs nt 'l for tht.r,:u-k;!is llOI'.vi-s. If tilts ,1tiVi:otl !il foil !1S j rfliii -i:i!?uiujiii'ii "nitiii:ii. I t'ou'l kr.urw wlTat will h r-rji. t'criain it i" 1 tba! it th 9!iJ.;aiou t'ontinac il. wrt is yvt io coin-."" . Wl:n ifturii Ix jrhi ia coiw in from the i'itr 'Wot tlic "t 'it rn-dtu-tiun i fiiui:ij;i.Ui. Willi tii 'juiiMMjiifut Ar- ! i" iicmou. wjh i fin uu'j me ioio.oo.- General Manager A. G. I-eoMid the Union Stock Yard ompany. .- j.rc- -I'd lvctvt at t lit' downward turu I of iHe iwnrUct. Tl)i is the m:t ttnva? jti!!ii: lr ak tiint oitr. m'arkrt hiif- fi-ivd iti iiKiutli," h.jid he. "and. occur- lit.v a it .!.. aiHl-r .miy Kormal p" i iilii On. tliis time or year, cau Im at ! trl'tnicd milv tu the Mwriiiii otrf-tiU uient in the ileisTftnd for meat that ha i restiiti'd fro'n wldecttread ai!at:. t; of this' T.'.-cf Trtit matter.' Tire bnxlueaii of tlie packing '''!! - j r-erni l:ai -alreudy tieen injured !y t;.;e ; limitation pl'ai-ed upon it by the t -j du -ed dcuiand for meat. It i. how ! ever, within the power of the - pm-kiri-:-j eotutatiii s to rediieo their force j to regnlaie their. bu-, m the im j le.fdiete "lid jirofpeetive ilemands f : th trade.. It -will, in fact. !i.-eo:r. a l';'fM;y, In that Vne the paekrr i will Kttffer moderately by the' liitiita- tln f hi i busisirx. 'while the farmer I am! f-eier' f live .'n 1; threii-.'h " j n ef St.-ues V- ill auffer t,-.-5.)'e:idn ! - bydepreeiation in ' their live rtock'." . Vj;P'. o: m irttt-R Ainu isv tiik rr.fr. AMornr-tielirl-l 1 ttl'14 It IliirO tu tlt Klil-iiif, Kansa City, Mo. I. C. Cruv. Attof-nev-tieneral of Missouri, ntnl hi" as- tdstr.nr, K. IV Jeffrie, arrived ia thii i city from JefTernon City, to rei vl- J deuce to prove that there i a Tack it;' lloiKc TrtiNt. Mr. Crow- said: j "There-ia a Iieef Truxt operating in I Missouri, and we can crmd It by law ! If the retajl butchers will help ihe Attoniey-lienrral and myaelf to ;tret evidence. ! "However, tile butcher? that I met f here fear the power of the pat-kern, and j for that renon It Is very tlilticiilt for j t ie to cot the evldetiee that U needed. " AMOS J. CUMMINCS DEAD. i'tirinnniOH, W!il h f'olluwed an Opera tin ii In Itallltuarr. 'raved, f atal. , ... ,, ... , ! lbtltlmore, Md. lieprcMentative Amos ; 3. Cummins, of New Vork, died here in the Ch.nreh Home and .Infirmary, lie came here from Washington In the inbblle .of April to undergo an oera fion. This wax entirely (ui i'e.sfiil and he was we'll on his: way to recovery, when he wat attacked with pneumonia. The end came. peacefully. " Mr. Cummins, wna' always a lien oer.'it. and was u member of Tammmfy Hall II tlrst wa elecled to Consresa hi I Wii. lie had been that body ever .ince, terms. A member of i servluj; eight CENSUS OFFICE CLEPK DEFAULTS. Aamit 111 A, on uu An Short 7oo tn j versily tit' A:t:eiica leslgued la the lu Cuar(iincK of Npcruiatiun. ! teiear of retreuelu ient. Washington. V, C.-H. A. Itarrtiwi!.. the ilihbursinK clerk of the l't:bed States Census Office, haa been summar ily removed in cousctpicuce of tlie dis covery of. a ahortatre In the accounts of his otflce. Harrows wan ttubjeeltM to rlld examlnatlomt by Director Mer Ham and Chief Clerk M'cCauley, and he Kve the amount of his discrepancy as 574IK), ami attributed the trouble to speculation. The Government ia amply cecured from loss by bonds aggregating almost fJUMHKi. ' CARNEGIE PLANS MORE LIBRARIES Naw I..t of Twaaty to Which lie Will la I. ooo.ooo. rittsburg, Ta. Just before Ids de parture for Seotlaud. Andrew Carnegie announced to W. N. l'rew, I'reHident of the Hoard of Trustees of the Caruegle luatitute, v hlle lu New York City, tuat he had cwnpleted a new list of twenty librarlea which he will give to various fitted lu the United States. The latest list of gilts will amount to -over Sl.tHKi.tKM). 'and the libraries will be in cities below the third class. There are no large gifts In the list, ami the lustltutiomi will range In price from f UO.tHHi to ?75.ikh WORLD'S FAIR POSTPONED. Tit Kxacutlva t'omutltlaa Hat f h,.nKd tha lat of Kipoaltlon to 190! ) St. Louih, Mo. -The World's Fair hit bceli postponed till 1001. Virtually this la tha effect of action taken by the Kxecutlve Committee of th, LJiulslana Turchast? ljaiositiou Company. T'itty. oue dlreelois of the exposition , signed a telegram to Tivsldent Carter, of Hie Natjjutl World's Vtlr ComniisSoii, ic tptesjing him to secure the Introduction of an amendment to the Sundry Civ. I hill now, pending In Ihe Sena le provid ing for the postponement of the exposition.- There will bo uo cessation cf roustructlou work. . . . MINOR EVENTS OF THE WEEK W ASHINGTON ITM 8. The IIonRe passed the Ounrjns Prb lic Kuildiugs hill, currying about fl", OUO.tKJO. - Sol Smith KusfiflL comedian. led In Washington at the age of fiftjr-four jettrs. Colotnlda filed charges aalrst-Mr. Hart, AuHTicaa, Miaitet In Bogota. The t'nlte- Slates Supreme Court will adjourn for the lertu Juue " Lord Kelvin, the distinguished Eap llsh scieutiHt. was keard iy the- House CoTiiiuittee 0:1 Coinage, Wciiihlg and Measures in favor of the bill for the adoption of the tui'trie system. rrorisiou was wade by the House Naval Ctuiiritiert' tor tis new war KhiiMiaelwIiiig two lO.ctUJ tou bat.k blii4js. OCR AIMHTKD ISLAM)". Cuban iicnjrts for eyen moallis er.ilel jAauar.tr 31' a Mounted to $1-0, jl, IW.; eSiKJrts, 2;.'J7C.riO.- ' The liody of Senoia Candelaria 1'al n:a. the mother ;f the Piesideiit-eli'ct j of Cuba, was b'tried at Dayaiuo. j tinevarra. ,wbo. sutreeded Lueban as j leader lu Saliiar, was taken by the ex j pditiou under Ceueral V. 1). tJraut. j at MoIl)kai; Hawaii. who was allowed to remain In Jail until bo 111 that tioth iiii touiti ie lom.r to ave bis ihe, -n si;lti-d in the removal of l'r. Hrchard j Oliver a resident physician -and i fiirreil t!ie re8li.-n.it Ion of Xunerintcu;!- ,., iOViioi! j Major Waller and Lieutenant Pay. ! of the marine co ";. who were trlwl I Ly court-martial at Manila oa the. ! clctrce tf cxce-Hlng nativesi of the lb Sand of Saiuar without tiial, wcrs ac tiit ieL ' P1MKSTIC. Htvrti'es L Unix, the ; M. Ilnru'es L' lb lis, the Trerch lep. i turer. told'the siu.'.euts at Cl.kas.') I tii- ve:ity that Dfv j f1 -, win u-iie was partloneil, wrote a co..f-!.)oa of jruilt. i No l!t5:-.e, an Itila.i, wan buried nt J Omaha. NVi., w'T.h --thes fitted for ' but !j Pot tttitl cold riina :. His f k-itdn J-fcai.l iiiey wcte la t;.nbi as to which , kpil-it laud he we it. Sut.f-ct)Hfu tci't cf Professor Rectn flb A. Fessi iidcu's systerj of wireless IMi'i'rapliy were uado tiu Uoanoke Isl and, N. C. ITitrs'ars aecureil T0: from the afe cf ItMUd & Wubbeu'ii sUie at St. Taul, Minn. A revolver duel in n pamWing- ha'l nt KH'jihc, Texas, resulted in -the death of '"Sheeny" Ilai-rit).- A jump from n thiril-stiry window cmh'il tlie life of Mrs. Maiiha'A. Ten l. II, at Itahlmiire. !d. . Government ot'lcials at Boise, Idaho, were- inveKtij:at:ug Sirrvcycr-lleiieral I Terra u it. I. The jury tryim; Walter X. Itianiiik j for Kteiiliuir Ud.ihh) from the niut at j San Tiiiueiiico, Cul., failed to agree. The farmers of Arkansas IsxueJ an sppcal for anitarice. The steamer- Trlthjof was chartered to tike uu auxiliary party to the Arie tic regie!) to titid Kxplor.er IJaldwIt:. Naval Cadet Cobttrn; tried I7 court martial at Annapolis, Md for manias false statemeuttt, was nei.uittod. , Vofitmaater Chavh s Me!;rhan, of Cg du. .Utah, was declared JftliX) short la his a'eeof.ats. The b ilh-ra on t'.ie tccbrat John An-' Wiro i,uwn uu as the tmr lav 1 1 Vovvlown--Creek. I.omr Island. John D-iiincily. a fireman, was blown to ijnecea lUtit. uud three otho;3 were badly fievcti proTessorg of the Catholic Uni- Rose Nagle was found gcilty of niur j iter l:i tlie t rst degree for killirg her ! hi sb.uid af their home, la Kast l'rovl- dciiee, 11. I.. In Novemer. Tlie Rev. Dr. Alexander 11. Vinton was consecrated ltishop of the Protest out Upisopal dioceso of Western Mas sachusetts. The Indiana Republican Convention uamed the State ticket. - Miss Marie Ellse Ross, of Brooklyn, wiis married In Chicago to James O. Harden, whom she first met on a par lor car coming Kast frjm Sau Fran cisco. ' ' Chief Justice Rlodgetf, of New Hampshire, resigned, hht resignation to take effect on July 1, and Judge Frauk Parsons was appelated Chief Jus-, tice tn ula place. Aroused by the murder of Peter Fa f nskt, at Chicago, 2KXI cltliens, mostly Polish-Americans, organised n vlgl llaiice committee to tlrlve out the crim inal eleiUent . " Experiments In R.uinoke, N. C, dem onstrated the UHity of the Fessendeu Mooresyster.v of w'irelesa telegraphy for Weather Bureau purposes. Berry Howard, who was tried for heom illclty lu the murder of Uovcruor (loebel. at. Ftauk fort, lvj, was ac-Quitted.- rORKlGN. General Count Corlolano rcttf a ffl Sau Martino. the Italian Miulster of Wap, resigned. J. Bruce Ismay. cf the White Star Line, denied that fiat company had been sold to the shipping syndicate. The notorious Algerian brigand Bit baud, charged with- a treat number of murders,, was arrested. The Dominloti Uovernner't will re duce the royalty ca gold miued in the Yukon district. The chances, for Iwwtnnt Govern ment measures tchig passed at this session of Tailiatuetit in yuglaad were FOR blX NEW -WARSHIPS The Karal Appropriation Bill Ea ' ported to the House. It IToTidea For Tvi 16,OU0-'lpa Battle, liip and Two 1,50IWToii Armcrei Cratavra of tha Vlr.t Cluaa. V'a?hHis;tou, t. C The naval pro gram for Hx-ti, as preft-utod In tha Naval Appropriation bill and accom panying repoit, was filed by Chairman i0!., of the House Natal Committee. The total number of vcss-elj of our Nary, built end bulMis,- is ICS, and the total '.o.-x will be 2.'ij.u,'J0i.i. The j'eport add: "Our liuval prowess.. lies clrjo.H en tirely in our 'ijjUiea baf.Usu.pt.. ci.:,';:t .ui'more-Jt. .vrtjisers. ed rA"i;i-iy-ui;e- pro. tected :i'UiM'tS. Ti.e refj Oa.- ;ij!i-s woulj cut but little .jigojv. iu -p.! mr,l war. ships of tliti.liaubj liac practi ti.ily alone tb-tcrtuicu the naval Ufivugtb of a natitu. "'Of 'sill the couu;r:es, Germany has been building fa.u-.--t. Her program, tobe completed in 1O0S, poj-sil'iy ia y.xK, .will sH"e her ihiny-ci-jht battle tiilps, loura-. n. lar;o cruisers, thiivy eifjjt mal!er cruisers and ninety-sis torpedo boats. x "Tiie committee v recommend that the' Trejiiiit m have constructed two lirsf-class baitleships 'carrying the heavier armor and most powerful ordnance, upon ihe trial displacement of about Hi.OiHj tons, and to have the high est practicable Kpeed and great radius of action, and to cost, exclusive of ar mor and armament, i:ot exceeding SJ.--'l.ti each: two brst-elass armon-d. cruisers of about U.SuO tons trial dis placement, to cost, exclusive of armor and armament, not exceeding Si.'ioU, ts.ui each, and two gunboat ui about J H ions ti-ial displaeemcu-. '''The compK't.e com vi ill approxiiuate !:::.! HUH)!). The-e b:it:'.ekMr.a ftn.I crr.vrs will la' I:T2t.-r liian any herero-T'ore- Muhorized ly Cougr- ss.'and tlie 'phrSs.jvc.tiun--r..ied by the Board of CoE!rt;e(j(,u have already cscited the favorable coti.mcai t-C the naval an- toorities i.-broad." Trovi.-b a is matle for an im rea e of the. tiiiisied l'jrce of the Navy by u:-b() men. The bill earras f7",fi.7J.:;!(',, Mhieh is lightly below the appropriatiou made last ye,;-. For armor and uruiament tii' bill provide for .'.i;IiiHI.ikh). This Is c-onsiiieraidy above the estimate, ow ing to the'rapidity with which the ar-mor-makers aro turning out their prod ucts. The Naval Academy receives $.'00,0X) to tarry uu the. plan of -.improvement. The committee falls attention to the h'ck of otllcers rtillicleut to oilicer the new ships, and 5'M additional cadets n't the Academy are provided for, 125 each year for the next four years. Kadi Senator, member, and delegate of the House oi Representatives Is to lave tiie appointment of o:ie, and tlie IVesident tweury-four. FLYir.C LOCOMOTIVE BLOWS UP. Tha Dotlxr Explml.-, Killlni; thr Kiielueer and l'lreniiin tirar IJover, N. J. Dover, N. J. By tile explosion of Its boiler, a-mile east of this place, liiulne '.ill, hauling the Hat kcitstowu mail Vim I a on toe Lackawanna 'Railroad, was demolished, and is. engineer und fireman killed. The victims are; En gineer George Trimmer, of Washiii!; fon, N. J.; Fireman Joseph May berry, or Toft Murray, N. J. The aeoi.jent oc cm-red near tiie car simps of the. road. Just as thi'i train was approaching tiie shops, the boiler of the engine exploded with a tremendous uolse, and the en gine turned a complete somersault, going backward a distance of tit'ty feet. The train consisted of three coaches aud a combination car. The lirst two coaches were derailed and fell over Oil their sides. ' In the first coach were three passen gers, none of whom was hurt. There jivere twenty passengers. 'in. the -second ifoacli, Including a' number of women. UU of them were taken out safely, some iof them being takeu through the win dows of tho car. A few were scratched mid bruised, but none seriously hurt. The third conch was derailed, but not upset, and the last coach did not leave -the rails. There were about seventy live passengers oujhe train. Coroner Hagen Impaneled a Jury of six men nml vleweil th renin lim of Ihn . . .. . .. . . k .. cagiueer amj nremaii. u.rt miner, mo dead engineer, was sixty-three years old. Besides his -"wife he leaves" four married daughters. Fireman May Wrry Mas about thirty years old. Hf leaves a wife and two children. MURDERED A CHURCH TRUSTEE. Alan W ho Kept HI IIt Oa In Churil lleaanted a llNtiat ta Itemove It. Hazletou, Pa.-Mlchael Cherko. aged thirty-eight years, was murdered about 1(K) feet from tho Greek Catholic Church at Freelahd during the pro gress of 'the Greek Easter, services. George Smith Is" under arrest charged with having committed the crime. It Is alleged that Smith, upon enter-: lug the church, failed to remove Ids hat,-nud wtleu requested to do so by Cherko, one of the trustees, drew a black Jack and assaulted Cherko."' Tho latter tan out at the door, followed by Smith. Cherko had not gone far when Smith, drawing a revolver, shot' hint through the. back, death being Instan taneous. Friends of the dead man overpowered Smith and took him to the station house.. The services came to an nbrupt termination amid great excitement Crtliunle MUinilua Ui Wiuuil.. , Libraries offered Savannah, G., and Southbrldge, Mas., by Audrew Caiuu gle havo leea declined. ... .'- NOXTU CAROLINA FOLITICS. A Lively Tilt Between Senators Sim mon and P it -lard. A livtly debate was precipitated in the Senate Friday by MY. Priti hard, rf N'on.h Carolina, by ne rcninrSi he made on politics and political nsethc.'.S in that State, iu the course of a dia".:-' sion or the Philippine bill. He main tained that the pending measure dt.it simply with the administrative feuturjs cf the I-ailipp'tne and iusietcd' that, charges made a,ss:nst ' the Anscrbn an- tlat lort.jrcs and takr'.tI.-5-j vvtre pct iced ;a the Islands wer'not ! relevant to the discussion. He raid 'thft j If the charges wet true, the tru'i'y j oufcht to be puaitbed severcl. ati-1. ur. i dmXtr-dly would -bo. lie so:petJ th.u t'sonte of the' nietbods etriployid ,by"'t!:o i opponents of t.ii.3,.,liill ,In taia --e,"r.trr t ought' to herefot med, and tol-i -f v. ku ; ia tailed the "Kind cure" iu North C- -iclina, the victim havirg his f.-e m.-.'.i-j ed into the sand to etlfie, isi.-, cr-.e vvi:';-: j he was being heutea to Ir.C.midat-! Vim j politically. This drew .the fie of Mr. i Simmons, of North Can-Has. wan i.e ! clart.-d that he never fce&rct of si'ch a j practice'. The debato thus started coy- ereo a wjtie range-or subjsH-ts roaeera Ing North Caroiica -politics. Mr. Tritchard declared that a ma--' jorit--- of the people cf North Carolina and of the South were in -favor of th ' proposition or the majority of the Phil ippine committee and he quoted The Charlotte Observer as a leading Hem- , i ocratic paper of the South, ia stip&ort j of the retention of the Philippine. "Does not the Senator know," inter- i , rupt"d Mr. Simmons, "th'tt ih" Chur- ; lotte Observer opptsfd the eiet.-tioa of Win. J. Bryan to the presidency?" I v'That Is true," replied Mr. Pritchard. I "but the papT opposed him purely on ; the Issue, of free silver.' i In response t). another question I Mr. Simmons, Mr. Prltehard al-l Kuew or noiio;'' in the Soma - K--t!ui)- ! I!' an or D -fhocrat -who v, as-la fe.or ! of "iniperialisn.." but he asserted :.,t?.t j a- majority of "the bu.-.r. -s.; mm cf the : S.'mth were in favor c? cxpausioa'. He said that a.licprb!ii an' vot r--r w-its 'tJiken' from his home at trljiht an 1 : beaten. Ms face being crushed iato tlx j sand' to stifte bis cries. J Mr. Simmo.as d'x-lared tli.it uii3 wjs ! the first time' he 'ever had heard of the J "sand cure." I!e said he did not believe the .statement of the witness quoted by I Sir. Pritchard and insisted that if 'it were time, the eand cure was not ad ministered for political purp les. He said that for six years he had been the chairman of the Democratic executive committee of North Carolina, and . he had never known of any cast s of out rage and violence for political pur poses. -Mr. Pritchard Inquired if-it were not a fact that organized bands of "red ! shins'; rode over the State of North j Carolina for the purpose of. ttrroizlug j Republican voters? "That organization," (the red alii; u), ! replied Mr. .Simmons, "never had for j iu object any bellicose or belligerent; i purpose toward any part of tlie voters of North Carolina. It i3 merely an or ! ionization for the purport of pi ore ef fectually organising the. voters of the State." Mr. Pritchard discussed at cons! br able length the suh'raee on .lit ion s and political situation in North Carolina, in the course of Which he sUJ that in the so-called '-'black belt" of the State Mr. Bryan had a majority of ti.ouo at the lust presidential election. "Either the colored voters were cheated out of their votes," said he, "or they voted the Democratic ticket. I don't say which." Ho recited what he denounced as "outrages" that had been perpe trated, he declared, by the Democrats of North Carolina, upon Republican Voters, bnt he said he. did not think a majority of the Democrats of the State approval of such outrages. He did not think, therefore, that the Isolated cases of outrages and torture in the Philip pines should be cited as arguments against the Republican pojlcy In the Islands. He expressed the hope that the punishment of offenders against the articles of war would be swift and sure as he believed it would be. Mr. Simmons replied to some of the suggestions made by Mr. Pritchard as to North Carolina polities, In the course of which he justified the "white people. In protecting themselves against irre sponsible majorities." "Doe's my colleague say," inquired Mr. Pritchard, "that the red shirts did not ride through the Stats and terror ize voters?" "I state," declared Mr. Simmons, "upon my authority as a Senator and as chairman of tlie Democratic, execu tive committee that the stories of out rages committed by red shirts tiro ab solutely and utterly without founda tion, I know of no outrage that can be traced to that organization. Except for polticai purposes the organization of so-called red shirts never has been charged with being an unlawful and violent organization." He stated that not a single red shirt ever had been arraigned for a violation of law. Prltehard read a table indicating that -Mr. Bryan lr:)d received a heavy majority In the "black belt" of North Carolina, "and yet," said be, "the Re publican party is charged with helnj the negro party." He said it was im possible to jllflcuss any subject In North Carolina without having the qu 'stion. of negro domination Injected. He declared the situation would bo ri diculously, absurcd if It were not s se rious, Af. an Instance of the political methods employed in North Caroline, Mi'- I'Vt it;i;l-.ui.iUd Uc.it an oati.-t-s.iry of ntC Democratic party' in tlu State had approached Mm." promislni: that if he LV.L.uard) would have ca tered a rwi prosequi In certain tasc of flectiiin frauds ihe proceeding of Impeachment cf Republican judges by the Democratic ifiidatu?"'ould be dropped. "It was proclaimed boldly in North 'Carolina," aid he, "that these judges, were to be impeached in order to g?t a Democratic bench to pass upon, tlie 'grandfather clause" of the new eon Ktitutipn." - lri' Pritchard --Indignantly cltvdined the prop-rsititm and said that, subse quently, brave and patriotic members of the legislature Democrats and Re publicansby their votes had prevent j ed the unjust Jmpea.hment of the i judges,. 1 - j la reply, Mr. Simmons asserted that the maa who approaches Mr. Pritchard J with ihe proposition to. drop the iia ' peach meat proceedings, was- cot in t he ! reumiest way an tmiisaary cf the'Dem 1 oi-ratlc party.. He bad repudiated the t ha:;,y publicly and he bad said so. in i fK&ianatios'of the neV State constiiu ! tiou he. said that while it permitted educated t:e?i oes to vot it was adopi.ed i "e,prchsiy for the purpose of excluding ( the( votes of Irrcsj'iie.ibl'e jiegrjts. In .; thy adoption of that constitution we I w,-'ra movfid by a hig desire to perpjet l.uate the Anglo-Saxon eivilizatioa iu i North Carolina." , LABOR WORLD. f , TLr. e thousand union plasterers hattf been )oot.-e,t oii't ii) Yyrt: City. Robert Howard, the celebrated labor leader.. Of Fall River. Mass.. is dead. Labor organizers are .at work-Su Ore goB. Tlie general-conditions of labor are good. The number of trade unions In St.' Joseph. Mo., has almost doubled iu the past three mouths. The (sympathetic strike of the tn firemen has spread in Chicago to the tugboat captains and engineers. ; Building contractors of Y'ountTRtown. 'duo. have jet'use.i the VigiiMiour tlav. mil v workmeu d; elded to strike. IVwtl, r workers hi Kaiisnt? have se cured an :.!i!:iial contiatt wbh an In creased sv ale of ivn?i's and a provision . for the !',N0 of a union label. Ice deliverers of '"licagrf are rettt less a;cl threaten, u-j a strike over griey a niics fiiiertaiued against their eiujdov ( rs... The et-ivtary of ihe Clerks' Nation-' al I'uion fepoiis .131 local, unions, twelve of which were added during the past month. Unions were formed in California, Ohio, Nova Scotia and Illi nois. ' - Un'on organizations in East St. Louis, 111., have increased their membership over I'm per oelit. during the past sir months, and substantial gains In wa;es have beeb gt anted to many of the tratles. ...... ... The Bartenders' Association of Great el' New York, recently organized, has for one of Its objects the disciplin ing of all members who drink behind the bar. None but liien known to be or abstemious habits may Join the union. The Slate Board of Public, Lands and Buildings In Nebraska has closet! a ihrce.years' contract with a broom and ilusfer company for convict labor at the Stale penitentiary. Tho com pany will pay foriy-rlve cents per day 'for the use of each man. NEWSY CLEANINCS. Mississippi has no game laws. ' The Granite Trusi will purchase the six quarries of Wisconsin. The Spanish war veterans will meet In Detroit, Mich., in September. Kansas City (Mo.) horse and mnlo trade last year amouuted to jfti&.OOO, t ft). i .- . i The quarterly target practice of the.,. North Atlantic Squadron cost. 17S,00U for ammunition. . There has arrh-eJ lu Paris a man named Hassan, All. He is seven feet six Inches In height. "Thi Kalser is actively engaged in creating a demand 'for potatoes to help Vis farmer subject. ' Paris Is to spend $.".0,000 in telephone connections between the different po lice stations ami headquarters. . Experts predict lhat L.W.IMM) visitors may be expected, to : appear. In the : streets of Loudon during corouatjon Week. ' . Vesuvius has taken to emitting vn poj saturated with hydrochloric acid, which, falling as "train," has done grave damage to vegetation. Acctirdftig to Cousui-'Generai Barlow Mexico Is u bad place for a young in experienced man without ample funds 'in any Hue he chooses to follow. . The woolen ns well as the silk .In .dustry of France and tho hosiery In . ditstry. In Germatt ate said to be1 suf fering Severely from Amerleiiu coiupc tltion. . Rec 'nt storms have done much dam age to the beautiful South Carolina monument on tho-Chiokaniahgn battle- Held, but it is not beyond repair. The monument consists of a large bronze palmetto tree on a marble base. -- A new giant geyser of Rotoinahann. N. Z.. Is attracting attention." A uuisa of boiling water half an acre In extent rises lu a great dome, from which a column of water and stones rises to UOU "feet,, while Immense columns of steam ascend as far us' can be seen. A Type.-f " . Tho man who speaks of "my law yer" la generally the one .who aska him a question casually when they-are tiding down towu iu a street car lu the-' hope- of eeUins legal tulvlce without"-" having to pay for U., Nvw , York 1 rreaa. . , ' y