slod a tj VOL, I. NO. 27. P1TTSBORO, N. CM FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1902 RUINED ST. PIERRE Ita Area Swept by the Yolcano Tea Miles ia Lengt. 4 ROBBERY OF IHE DEAD Heaps of Bodies Obstructing Streets and Foul Air Make Work of Ex ploration Difficult, s peetloa of the Kutnt Show Only Ttewi latiou -A StarvUig Ox apparently liie lT LlTinK ThIaK la the City H That in lulojared HrlJ I Mat vvn Are Itad.Uld Nu Found Llfeleta by Dli Train ferret Mill IHatlngulaih. ablo la Place Funeral Serrtre and Prayers for the Dead at Fort d France. - Fort de France, Martin'". A viU to the site of the dennvycl city of St Plerre disclosed that no esaggeratioa as been made of the work, of t!tt ruc tion. An -area ten miles long and Fix mls wide tjj utterly de vastated by the fiery flood from Mont Pelee. The streets are two feet dec? In ashes and cinders which cover thou- aands of dead bodies, scorched black OF THB -. OF 15T.VIKCEMI CHATEAU, and shiny, alf they had been plunged In boiling pitch. Many of tbe"d wera never touched by the volcanic tire and ome of the houses and wood work destroyed show no sign of burn ing. The path of the volcanic torrent U marked out In a (strange manner. The vicinity of the shore, where vessels anchored, was swept vby a whirlwind of volcanic gas, which ripped, tore and scattered everything In lis passage, bnt left-few traces of cinders behind. On the other hand, the fort, centre and adjoining part of St. I'ierre are bur-, led under a -thick bed or cludem which consumed everything beneath it. The Hon Of ihhanzin, the Kins of Iahomcy, iftiio wac being educated' at St. I'ierre, is mnong-Uie dead. There is 'hardly a person of promi nence hero In Fort d France, w,1 iB not mounilng the os of vela Uvea. Hr. 1 T ' "A ,niOM PlRTpi7 ,51 l'icrr V : St fterr4J&. Fort tie, I ranee AltSS DE ARLE. MAP SI()W1.(I THK irRKiKES' HK'CTIOH Of TI1K lHH.v'u OF MiBTINIyl'E. Verne, who Is In ftttendiuiCG on the in Jured In the hospitals here, lost over forty near nnd diHt'tut telativeB In St. Pierre, to "say. nothing of hundreds of Intimato friends fhere." M. Chirac, one of the wealtlest merchants of Fort de France, 1 t over a bundled relatives In the an hilated city, where bis family b Mised for several gen erations. 9. are ouly conspicuous Incidents ' thuUhuoJi more. Tlv our W)iru- iliiog seen in ths city warft(111 it, tbln as a skeleton, AVhlley , y of one of the victims, W H I l r It-" .fve. ... ' X t!t.r'ki . . ijaa 1 l pr,TfacT-,.si"-vj v iarF r -.r .-mti i immmmmmm ft Ir-7s- a it whlch had ln recovered by a relu-1 tire, was Doing preparea ior removal, this animal stalked slowly through the wreckage to the beach, where it drank sea vator, and then went bac up the hillside. . Jhere is not an inhabitable house In the city or nearby village. Soldiers are guarding property from prowling ghouls, who are robbing the dead. They meet with severe punish ment trues caught: The fires In the wrecked buildings of the city are extinguished, .and repre sentatives of the commercial houses from Fort de France are discing in the debris of houses nnd stores in search of documents and valuable. The number of victim is so great in places that in the great heaps of eo:u mluglcd dead identification of indi viduals Is very difficult. The odor of the putrifylng bodies make the work of handliag'tbem not only horribly offenrfrr, tnt dangerous to the scarc-tr as well. Thus far om bodies have been found and discii lanled fniu the ruins. Uf these 50)2 have ticea buried. The work of 'learing the thorough fare will necessitate tlie employment of lar;:e nuiaacrs of uicu for.uuraj mouths. The' entire country all atiout St. Pierre was turned Into a chaotic waste. All the trees are either' torn up by the roots or trapped off and lie level with the ground. On the tlttse estate, near St. .Pierre, a few buildings are untouched. Those who .were la them-, however, were" ail iuUUti n'-au. Aoc.v umj ueeti euuwcjtieu, but -were not distisrurtd, and Uie iden tity of each, one of thorn was tasliyl made out . .' The body of an old raan .was found lyinc by a carriage, to which a pair of dead horses were harnessed. The'oM man was fill holding the. rein, in hi t'ar.s as though about to get in tin carriage when stricken down. A b.iy lay dead by his side. The' features of both were calm. Inside the house nnd behind a parlor door was the body of a young girl. Her hajr was dow'u and terror was stamped upon her features. A day of great solemnity in Fort de France has, been observed, where there were Imposing funeral ceremonies and prayer for the repose of the 'souls cf the victims-of the calamity. All the Government 'authorities of the island were present, r.s well as the otllceru of the French warship Suchet, the Dan ish -warship Valkyrie and the German warship Falke, and the Fniied States tug Potomac. --The grief manifested by all present was very keen. Many merchants and other InisiECP men here in Fori de France, as well as heads of the civil government, went to St. Pierre out of curiosity the night before the disaster, au;l were among those lost, . Great changes in (tubuiarine depths (I roud. iMartinlijue have occurred, A number of little islands have entirely disappeared. A depth of 2000 .metres is uotv found where formerly there was only sixty. A number of big spirals of emok.o are constantly streaming up from Mont relee. accompanied by continuous (sub terranean rumblings. IM'NrKIUNl AT ST. I'IERRE. Fifty Itobben Sent trf FIto Veari' lot , prlatininein, " Kingstown, St. Vincent, In" advices received here from Fort do France it Is said that looting nnd robbery are on the increase nt St. Pierre and else where, and that the authorities cannot cope with the conditions, especially as local political quarrels at .St. Pierre are Interfering with practical harmoni ous action. Sis thousand refugees are at Fort de France, lliotlng is feared there. . ' P.uslness at Fort de France has been stopped, the bauk there will not re sume operations for the. preseut, and money is scarce, ' St. Pierre fa infested with pillagers, who are forcing sores. The authorities are taking severe measures. Fifty of the ghouls have been imprisoned in this city, where the population wanted to lynch them. The thieves have been sentenced to live years' imprisonment each. , Troops have been detailed to guard the ruins in St. Pierre, with orders to lily upon pillagers, , ' The Inhabitants of the north part of the island are now distributed in the yar:cua Cgirletg of the fc,aa. R y t N AT ST. VINCENT lucre Territory Devastated by Vol cano Than at Martinique. . Entire JS'orthera Part or the Inland Ceo. ... ied With Ahe.ThouaiMU la Meed of AhUUdm. KIn.retown, St. Vincent A newppa per correspondent has just returned here from u visit, on horseback, to the devastated district of this island, dur ing wJiieh he 'traveled nfiy miles and penetrated, to within Hvc miles of the Soul riere crater. The ash-covered area of St. Vincent exceeds that of Mar tlni'iue, which the correspondent has also explored. The entire Lorthern part of the island is covered with ashes to an average depth or eighteen inches, varying from a thin layer ut Kingstown :o two feet or more at Georgetown. The crops are ruined, nothing green cau be seen, the streets of tjeorgetown are cumbered with snowdtifx-llke heaps of asnes. and ji.-Ihs rest so heavily on the-roof that in several cas s the, wtisiit has caused ttu-ui to fall in. There will soon t 5tn:i deTi:ule p.rsons in need of a- Mstance from the Governiueui, whivii it already doing everything possible to relieve the sufferers. "While fh& outbreak of the volcano on the island of Martini jue killed more person outright, more territory La -5 iiceu ruined !b' Si.. Vincent, heace there is greatcrtd tut:o:i here. The Injured persons were horribly Lunu-d: by the hot grit which .was driven a'cng nith trrwendous velocity. Twenty-sis p rsens who sought refuge i. :." :uo;n ten feet by twelve were ail killed. Or.e- pr'rscu t.n braineil.wim a l.t'e stone niti. niilcs from ihe cra- it Is rstimatcd that the. ocjjf-a !a Sroachcd from tea feet to 'tw. miles alcirg the const near Geofiietown. and that a se-t jn n the .north of Utv Island Las dropped Into il'.e sea. l;cu:ei!.-iat ic.-njamin 1. JicComici, djnui.r niilng the Ftiited States tu; poromac, nw In these waters, Isa1 called, on Governor Llewelyn and oi fered hi;o the i-yuipatby of the United relates and any assistance which it was in his power to render. The Potomac has also landed what she can spart of her food stuffs. -The subterranean detonations here have ceased, and the Soufriere re lapsed, apparently, into perfect repose, no smoke arising, from the crater 'and the fissures emitting no vapor. The stunted vegetation that formerly adorned the slopes cf the mountain has disappeared, h.ivimr ttiveu place to jtray-cohneii lava,, which gre-ets the eye on every side. The negro.1 who have remained ra the estates are half starred; and the Carih survivors are lcavintr their caves and jiillacring ahindeued dwelling Lo'us-cs and shops. Many r.rrcts hav he n n'ade for that otTensc. The 'deqth rat?- in the hospitals i.: still very high, notwithstanding the bert JK,V'-'i v. ill li iL ,nii-.'t ?' ..,' . 2 " A,(Jl " - T&jrL'.'v . SOrOOBAPBICAL Ol'TUNI OF ST. TIKnCK, MAtlTlNnjt'lS. medical efforts. All the, neighboring British colonies are showing sympathy with the sufferers here. Subscription lists have been started, nnd food and clothing arc being forwarded. While the entire community is than'; fun for this help and sympathy from British sources, on all sides are heard grateful appreciation of the prompt aid furnished by the Tinted States In send ing the Potomac here with, provisions and other things. " Mont Felra SU11 actlv. Fort do France; Ma-uMulque,. Great tlasnes of .-very - bright .lijrhr were emitted frdm Mont I'elee between 10 and 11 o'clock p. tu. They were visible from here. Thick, glowing red. clouds,. Interspersed with .flashes of light, were Issuing from the volcano in the morning. Showers of elnder, lntlng for twenty minutes, ac companied the activity. ' The people in the districts of Lor raln. Marlirof. Salute Marie, aad J.i . - V i gi'S ' 0M1TI1S OF-TORNAD III! Scores Osad and Hall c! Goliad, ' Texas, B!cwn Away. DESTRUCTION IN FCUR STATES and Uwolli.ujre Scffcred ! -ottrl, VTIronl i and I jwa pnd fro-.ifi SuMainrd Great llmausr Kuildir.go WrcckeiJ nt C-r".eana o:il AlVi ' -CUnulbnrts la Many Flaties, 'I);.las. Tesas. Advices .'51 1 tiou of two new executive rd"rs ciijt availfilde sources are that a d!sr.str;i:i j ping General Miles' miihurity. The cyclone has swv'-pt nereis Texas, cat:- i ti rt res.-tnds tlo; orders issued by i'r.-s-- Ing'a heavy los of lift-'and va djuy ago to property. f .,'..., " The cyclone is 'b?iived to 1 avc n'.g Inated 'u the ciuli' coiet nt a point v.l- most directly snih f Coiled ;.ud t, tiSve traVekd In a tioa as far as" Lonbeai-terlv d t. f- j Kentxi. jiy.' It Ifi. desolarloa behind In' four Sta:..?. t Texas t.C'.'ii!s io hvir s'liS't :vV yw. The town of Goliad was Avrsck d...ud many persons, were kiiied or w,umid there. The latest -reports frc-m Goliad state that n inci y-:iaht ' H'ivo,ii s wi re k-lb tl raid 10:i iujurcd I y t,ii- torncde. Tly nvi,, vty ;n : -; 5t:::I i-U" T,.! lug country' wtfl ' j-i-t.n'r.i.- 'i'U" storm swi t ihe city from end' to '!. r.nd djnnlisiel s..irt -:s :tol i ca dences, many ofvhi.h cannot lv? iv p:iiied. , The rtor.n sn:ck Goll.-d ."cnt "4" o'clock p. m... histrs- tily ah'otit 'ive j tu'n'Jtcs, !";viiiu' death mid dS.isi,-.: ; every wiict'c in it wake, it er.tne t'rjm rle s-t(theast withtijtt a Witni;t a::d completely deinT.-t'-siied a s! !) about j two blocks wide through the wh;I (western j.-art. of the town about' a ui'Ij !long. - Among the houses destroyed ar j'the Baptist church- anil. parsonaae. j,ust. j liullt; tfte Mt ihodist church 'and a ca? j ortd church. About one hundred houses were demolished. A relief train from Victoria.' Texas. tok dictors. nurses and meilicines and friends and relatives of Goliad people arid the O'Conncr Guards to the town, A reporter, who went with the party says the scene which -met the eye in i the wt stern part of the city was appal-. I ling. Between Church and Patrice I streets, which run north and south for j a distance of a mile, only one house j was left standing. Little damage was j done except within these boundaries j over a width of i!."i(i yards. The section i which suffered was the residence -por- I tion. the lower part LeiUg. the. negro ! settlement, while the upper part coii-- taiiit-d many tine residences. ' j At Corslcana three or. four hot:'e? -were blown down and at imblfti two ; or three bridges were washed away. The -storm extended from the Bed j r.iver to the lower Gulf coast, six hun- died miles. ' Golia l I:! the chief town rf Goliad i County, Texas, and has a population ' of about two thousand. Tt i on the north bank of the San Antonio Kivtr, nnd twenty-nine miles northeast of P.eeville. There are seven' churches, two public schools, two bsnkrj. and a newspaper In Goliad. mam Kii.i.i n ix wiscfNsr:r. Tow a of Freaton and Vicinity Swept hy a Water.pout. Troston. Minn. A' waterspout struck a few miles from here, deluding Oh eounfry for miles a round. Four un known persons were drowned and Alderman Con key was killed by Unlit nins. Th v dnmacc to jiroperty very heavy.' Near Forrestville. Michael WillMisrhr. a fanner, lost four chil-rr-'ii, his hotl?e and barn. According to reumts eighv feet, of water swept fiver Preston,- moving s; v. oral hollies fifteen to twenty feet from their foundation. The railroad tracks were washed out for four nid s, and the railroad station was turned around. n the L-vcl prairie in the township of -or;; many tanners lost a great tier.! oi sioei, M'iir. Granger about twenty buildings were, demolished. - WOMAN DWARF KILLS A MAN. C.tlU Him io Ull Uo .r r.t MotiiitUt ami f liooti Hl;u Dt.nn. ' South Fraininglmm, 'nss. Mis:t Nira Danforth. twer.ty-two years eld. n-drawf, living in West Newton, shot I and killed' Andrew ,1.. Kuiery. thirty years old. a lltemau, r.t. his homo li -re.' The woman was arrested soon after ward. She admitted the killiinr. S'lortly liofore mltliiiaht Miss Djii forth rang the doorbell (itt Kmor.v'.i h' lipe.-rlt Is a two-fencmcnt building. Emory lived upstairs. He answered tl:e ettll, nnd on opening ihe door wins fired at' by th-. Avonian, who stood on the step, Slie emptied 'three chambers Into hrr victim n-nd then. It 'la thought, tried 'to kill Mrs. Emery who had fol lowed her husband downstairs. The I murderer Is supposed to be Insane. j SEVSNTEEN.YEAFl LOCUSTS ARRIVE. 4 lite Vanguard of Ihe Army Aetirars lit tlie Smtt tiDonian tiinunito. V, ashlngton. -1, C "Sevenlecn-ye;.r locusts" have appeared in the Smith sonhiti gtounds, covering' the lower btnnehes of two btrge trees. Alfoonii. Pa.; ' nnd Nashville. Tenu., have re ported to the Acileultural-Departnieut that they also have found locusts oa park trees. Scientists of the Agricultural Depart ment say that within a few weeks lo custs will appear in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Marylaud, Vlrj glnln. West Virginia. North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee. Kentucky, Ohio, Indlana.'TlHnols. Michigan, Wis consin, the District of Columbia, am osaiuii la si ex locMloeii RESTRICTED IN POWER Miles Ca$i No Longer Ee Actinj Sec " '. '-fetary of War. CrrKl.irut l:Mli:il the Executive OrC.rV Ettiixin-r ins llli" to Ki t r in Al- lire of Secretary and A.Kintnut. Washington,' D. C Anoih.T instsntv showing the lack of bar.uumy au'l nr Jiality existing bctwe u I'reside-.'.t Uousevelt and Secretary -ilot on the ; one hand .ind'Lieutenaut-Gcmtral Mil'? Ion the other was given by the pn'.;i.-a. I blent- McKiu'ej- by w hich GefMf l I Miles beenme Acting Sccrer;;ry of Wa..' "j wlieriever the J?eerVti r'aiid "A ssis; u i Secretary were away from Washitis-- ton. The other takes away from i nel Thouing F. W.ntd. whts. ,rt. j rebit Ions with General .Milts )v-l-e, s Jlii? rights to Vieeoiue A'-t.u Atii.r.rus i ;,,.ral-bfn the ..l,iu:aut - ;.'.:. i. i ! swiNy from' V ushutston. niiu v. .-: i!-. rlsut hi t.i''iiieJialU t'el-.ii-l G:';e.'v'- sw j drt'-ws. wio Is junior t;. Ward. I,re'idet!l, . McKiul-yV orders p." i viifeii tbiu the LieutenaipGcn.-n-l i (,,:;- iiKiudin-r-ihe, nnd in Jus ict nT "the Adjutltnt-Genera,! of. tie Arijv, siuill j .: irm the duvics of. Si'!'fi'i:'.i ! ,.f T...i- .hf t. ry . .... ! retiity and- Assistant Seeret.-ir.v. tb-n- : oral Miics Ints freomiitie nctiii m . capacity, and t Jcnt ral Cor bit! : it:eti'iit-s tlone. . so wh'-u ' M;i-s was away. Fresfcu-ui t:oo : ur.ier is as follows: "Ti e executive oj-t'.-.-rs of Aug: V-1 iin-l Septetniier 2 , jteM.. ;; .;z.ii: ;uji! diioctin certain oi-h : p -I'i o!".'i the du:ii-s of tile Sv of ",-ir during the Illin ss or ten: ! alv-i ii'.e fro.u ihe w;it of Go e. iit : cf 'the Secretary of War, and iia- ! i siRt;iiit 'Secretary of War. 'arc ittei.K-d j ' to be no lonscriieri!tive, and are it-. -1 'j by i t seiroled." . . ! 4 Secretary Uoot a ad Assitnat Seeie-1 V lary .titger were oom awsy ir-i.n i WashiiiL'ioii. Secretary lloo, before leaving for Aunaiiolis.-issued aiiu;-b : i suthorlziiig John C. Sccfield. ( ; Clerk of the War Department, to sin ! i requisitions upon the Treasury and I j other papers requiring his signature j during his absence or until fh riTutn of the Assistant Secretary of "'War. The other order issued by the Presi dent relates to the absence cf the Adji. j taut-General. Heretofore when Adju- tant-Ceiieral Corbin has been awav 1 from the city, his duties ha ve been la : - j formed by the next raiikiiig'oiliee;- in; I Uie th partnieiit. who is Colotjel Wiini. ! t.'olone) Ward is Adjutant: -Gcu' -ral n r I Army llefob.piarters, and as su'i d 1 ' ivitly under General-Miles'. orders ail 1 ; in close ottl -ial relations with hi::). The i : President bits ordered I hat wheae-.a-i General Coriiiu is away the duties e ! Adjutant-General shall be perfo:-.i'ed i iy t ne senior omeer on uuty n: io i oifiec. who i Liettleiiatit 'oh'ii i An- ; dsew.-s, Assistant Adjiitant-Gcli'fu'ul. ! NECRO BURNED AT A STAKH. r.Ira, llcKay. Ilia ' Victim, Vatc-'.ieJ tt. I'prmreaud Heath. Dalias, Texas. A tievro, Dndh-v ? I'S. iu. win). It is 'alleged," crimltsnliy a.' saulred Mrs. McKay, wife of a sec foreman at Causing. Texas, vn-, burned at the stake at Lansing. ..According to a 'telegram-from Mall ville. the nearest telegraph station, he wa captured and taken before Mrs. McKay for idcutiucntitm.. His,'.' last Stnt'euicut just -before the'ftre was ap plied' wa.s: "Tell my wife goodby, aii'i I'll her hovy 1 went. Tell her 1 was uiiilty of the charge, and it till ueeune 1 en aecoillit of Whaley Hurd. ""'lie i-i- suadeit nie to t!o it, and sa.d no would-' j do the same, We planned lr jit iie.;. I section house befel'o '.li.ivlini S.KUf i day." ' ' . .:, i Morgan. It is allege. Mrs! 1 .Meay at ivtntuc. i.e was cammrt near .Mount ricasant ty a -,ist v.itli bloodhounds. ' ' Morgan was chained to r.ii iron ;u;. r, i nrotmd whicli had been plied so;'u. dry j ties. - At V- o'clock the ht)sliaul set j fife to the pyre, which consumed the J victim. The. negro., gritttd -his u-ctii ! and tried to be composed, stntiu-oHg and groaning only after becoming f:: teiisiole. Mrs. McKay, in a carriage, avuii d f the torture to the last. The negro's body was almost entirely t ous ra th irty minutes. CREED REVISION WINS- Itepot-t of the Committee .Adopted ly tli -'--- l'ri-l)t-rlm: Aum iulily. " " New York City. Almost ..v toe iiest.jieimu '-.eueriu -vsse.uo., ; liii.'iei 1 H.t" ; , , 'Ol t .Oil tut- e o o 1 1 1 1 ' I i e '. iii'rtMiu--u u n't IM-, uie t. uuicsio:i oi j Kaith. v'Thus.irter six years ttf coiiiro-1 versy, the i'resfiyterlan I'bun h tuns j itseit on record as tlisbelievart; in in fant damnation ami as ht-licviux that tiinn is cotideuincd only on t lie ground j of bis si'ti. . Thv position of the cotnuiitti'-e which 1 prepared the reiwtrl is that there Is i change In belief? ' that the- vo riling of the Confession of Faith vrgardlii? these matters was confusing nnd to , '.Mat.niei; Taylor, kidnaped in Ciiiciu iiwiny misleading; that lt warf wise to tin w delUt red to' her father at make Clear the true bt-Ucf of Presl.yte-.j Gr.joa, Urtly,' untf the two sailed foi: Hans. It was also regarded a d. -sun-j hoiiie. ' , 1 ble to take away from critics .-thir.i. n.diert I.b weiivu, Governor of ground for the charge that the Prey-1 1i(t. v;,.,dward Islands.-' ivportetl Unit tellau teaching was one of fatalisTfi. ' ' St lit h.-td been tlevtated bv tlt Apart from these- most tnlked-of mat- ters the revisers struck out of the Con fession declaration that the Pipe Is Antichrist. An Karthquake In Huacarr. There was an earthquake of several flINOR EVENTS OF THE WEEtC "WASHINGTON ITEMS. resident Itoosevelt unveiled a moo t!:::, nt in memory .f those who fell in the Spanish-American War, erected in Arlington' (Vtnetcry by the 2.aiiooal Society ttf Colonial Dame. ,. Internal reveuue t-td lections in April for the whole ,-ountry were $Jl.'.ai.tiO. a decrease over J '.'! of Sa.'kl't.SSO. , IIcjirost-Dtatrfe Iartltoldt intrtdticHl a bill for a ,vvh: equestrian statue to ! fit-on Stculiell to be erected in thl city iis a m-oi:ni;ioo of Stenla-n's fro ti.I-hip for the I'nited States. ' The oeanlbu I'ni'dic P.uilding bill pnssd the Senate after b.'.ng auieudotl so that the amount carried is' increased to s-ju.r..,!!. .Presidet:; itoosevcii.'s tleeMon to at-" Cpt KmiK iwir 'Wi'i.a tit's tiffer to pre senr ;t vfatue of Fre'tierick the" Oteat ' tr-the Fuitcd' States was not takeia without the most careful ctitisidertiliou. The submarine boat Aib'.er. the tinit of her tie. made her initial run ou it e.Mii:;sf opjjositc .Mount Veruaa. The run was siin'ossfti!. The noncnntS.'n of.Edrard S. I'.rrsg to ie '':as;:!-to-;::r::! -tii iiavr.:i;i vss c:!!ifjra)ed by th- Senate','- e The- War liepnrt incut 'w-i Inforntetl that tSeu'eral Kmoke. coiuaiamliug .the I e;tr1 1.iejit ol !!),' Ca-:. will isit Vs!!;iit;oa yrith -'is si;sf in ' .'ti ncf Jhtii wlili !ie irave',i;n:: of a i;t i or- iOtOlt t fit :r vvhj 'd'.l te.j, d in soldier r. nd th, hpam. Ib-riram '-'.- la" - I pra iji ;t!e (.'i XeUH! i-;.-ia of tilt? SCi! f !.( lit of Pi (!l:1"X;:t U'U d t a r-l'y ewi- A fa t::e .:,- as a :s -. ..a i 1 . Ne"if;au w;'s -ovt ri::;r i.'t u : I i ' i''-"'!l il ig nil -t!'i amt a t.e. on: At'H-ri ; l S1-AXI. lii cfiissiinh"V.i73r': ro aij.'!' of Ci- v, r a leot'ied cf ;n-i.ii,-.- vi-re ivu-.ti i iS ; l'-a:;iis of tea m- a. a ,4 : ..iirr (i t the : r p. .was IiO 1.1j. sur; : ;o;i. . Til 1.1' -f liiui'Ucit y i aei:. i i: Uiuvi cpid .'3S rUMllhfL were .vs.; nV i f.- :.. Th jiines l'J:ere in the I'll lip i:atui.ll '-otirse- :;!:s in Manila ar.J in t.he provinces. oiiiis of toe i'ii'-t Install i,i!a. were eiiipwcred io pun coiiuui.te.l at sea. e. in M.i n clinics l)(l5Ii:STIf. I n U i tit t d ice I- reli'-ii eri,,.. ) - Mo ti - - . ' -atior. M. i::a u:i. Pi Ir.nchcr t au.ois, at. e b . t iieli- t o A'.e 7 i ne ..;.i r. i for- Ma' i. t . . i t.'ei.y, was o, uie t. Mil 1 'v met a B t ro: cC.- ' il:': ao: i k A. K. .1 . 11 .MI h:m-eif A .m lot-le.- v S.'iujai, N. V. i:.. iy : iy, T. us i , 1 1 1 1 ll ;tK'. i ::a-i n: to ka.ed ineiled r.t C ,:::r- t:. s-:tn la-Mo W'hha.i ::'. :e of It: ti': d Jo Juan. " -BurjSars if lilt :: li.s. saloon at 'Chl-cagd w Willi tiieii' lnotliig. For- the luurue:' o ( 'i:::;;:ief aud.llcorge : !;:. were Iiangt tl at Wocd.' Tai',::-ie ,Af' . Mei ii di ,1 'ftiferetico i!ei try. fount!. i,-,tj tliJC ! !ltf : r C: The Siml:er:i Pr.' ! Assi.-ii.Wiy, ..lackseiii, j.ihtii.'ii:r.air,' tb-auui r.;i general v., d-St:Used a. new cutc- SI & .ing c!t..-:.ii on iee grouni is t'.-i, nut only iliat ihe old i. tie ior children, but fe'i'-i'-i'u .'.. ;;.. Sahii'.!- of all S.m.c ctaiiloye w rts "t i..- .Vfi'f-;:lll ..h-ili ,ii.: '-Iesecat .; . I " r.,. I t 'Sof.i-..Oi-.. .1, ,-:,!. r i o ,11 i'i! :-' ,:i work in t'n'ia. :i - i.o'i.ues. ' A!'!, do 'of A:i : : ! .' -.-'. Then- ' ' j L-.i: -a!' .-Vn.ina.'.v Ve.t ! :; ie-- ' f'i.,e :::-;.:-;::(-: .; ; i its ores- ' '' ! f o i- .u- e, . : ff ".:'' i ' I ' ): .:---: 's incrt'a-cd ten per i-i.-n.. I y tin; Maitic a i sot a State Board of Control because oC j I h.... Increased .cost- of living since Hit : i Beef Tritst advance.' t,uc price -of ; mi !l't.' . ' - j To esea tl::' wrath nn.I Indignation ti f i lie N. tv' V ir iutl4ir'.i !- ho-4'? e t Trust' has ., liijivrxl Its iU'adqu.U't'.'V tt New Jersey am! will carry ni its I'tisi- M(,. . j-!;,)(H uI(i,. h, Jer;y City itnd - j . 'j a. i I(i:il;x. t t .j. il; . ph-.ce at Madrid. !i wa-i attended by King: or.' eu Me.ther and mem diplomatic corps and tlu ! A bti ! Spain. jAi.,:.. i e. r .M Wine . tie.- :k'ej! Pre,-,:, was hi- 'na;nre cut I i ! a; 1. outlet's visit to i:hs vt, -l to be moiv of an utile thin at first supposed. at j.,.,.jUions. The- Island was covered with tlust ami ashes, which had de stroyed, all vegetatiou. Australia agrees with. Sir, Wuirid I.aurier us to the inadvisabllity oil x hard tiud fast' military agreemenJl te iwwti, England au'ler colonle,.-. am