ft kvr 3b PITTSnORO, K. C, FIUDA V, JULV II. 1002 Si, 8 A?::: VOL.-i.NO.33. I PAGE IN THE PHILIPPINES Amnesty Proc!arnei and Cjv.l Gov- v ernment Established. ir. Y . . i $ -. ' PRESIDENT PRAISES, THE ARMY The Amnniji l-roclauiation Read the Fillptnui on Independence Injr.-rr- lou For 1"kM Wfc Here I a 1 aenrrec j , lion, Except the Moraitl. Mnirt Take i Oath of AtlElanr Ch afire Relieved, t Washington,' D. CIY(Wt Vptm ylt has formally declared the restora tion of peace iu tin Philippine nrcbl lulago; he ban placed the Mauds under oiipi4'te civil control, and "m .extend ed grneral tannewty to the Filiiiu(-s - H;o have J.wn lh fi tx-lUitu: '" Those Shi-ee thin;, marking one Of the most Itutwtaat chapters iu Pbl?ppine bt terry. w accomplished through the l.u- of Tln-ft? separate order slid itik lamutkus, one by, the President over 3ifc own signature, extend'ng aniuesty; through Secretary ICui, by the President"" rder. relieving General tCliait'e.' from Ma'dutk as. Military "Governor, xtl a third, which lakes the b.ap-' tf a general .order addresretl to thf entire army of the United Slate, in r"'-i r t-r ifiii jvkitwi to express tlx- President' nigh apyre 'a ;.$ of the wort It bus " accotn "ilislwd both lu Culm and in the Pbil . IpflltU. "A ',, Tit- amnesty proclamation U as fol lows:. i'.v the Presl lent of the United States. A PltOCLAMATIO.. . "'Whereas. Many of tho inhabitant of the Philin ine -archipelago were iu UiM'.rr 'ctioti ataiDNt thv autugrity Jirnl sovwispty of th' Kiiivdom of jmm! t tiivcnl ttiHw from August, isyfj, until tb' rUii of tbt fir-1jUH'l;ic that k!;;t'l m to the rai"i Statu of Aran la. and since uh --rii u many of thn p rrna o eugic'-d iu luttiimi-tlon " hate until rwvntly resist !-d tlw author-. Hy and svreiirnty of United States; nad- VUi'r, Th hrrHii;in ajrnlnst the HuUiWlty and uvereijrn'.v of tt? i;u',U'd States is now t an end and jHWtV ban leu i tabUth .1 in all jmrt til ilie MrebifxiaKO escent In thf coun try Inhabited by tb..' Moro trjbi, to Mh.eb this K-iclarnation dues not !ly; und .'U'1eie;;, Iiiriijr the eonrstc of the . Inmirrectlon aifrtiii.t th Kiuedom of lor.i :iutl acniinit the overtnuent of . th f'rtf:el Stati'S, MTsoua ensaged Hbfreui. or ' tlntf In ympathy vitn and - hrtTrTtfmr; "arm m tt tPtTTfla try ' Hi't I - la - ioiuiion 4tt .xb lawnf -lvlliB.l wtitri'f. Iitt H Is belle veit fWb acta fcnorally t'-firnnilttel in lirnoranec jf t '.;i(" la we, and under order liwjed by i iii; civil or military inaorrwtionary .leader; 9Dd,' ' "Whereas, It'll deetiMHt to 1 wke end buniane. In accordnhee with the lien-t-ci'nt pui-poen of tb Uovprhtnotit 'f tlii I nitial 81 !.' toward the Fill jiluo rt'ord, and conductive to p'ace, rrfer,und loyalty mi long them..') hat the 'fltM-rw of tfueh aet who bnv not nl reaf.'.v! suffered ptinishtnent kIihII tiM" lw hebl eriniiiiHliy rcsponslMc, but dnill I roliered from puuifhmenr for par ticipation lit tbee iiiaarreethnia aiid fcr tiulawfnl acu f.unniUt-d during ! ..rourxp thereof by a general aui K!H and pardun; . "N'jw, tlterfonv bo It known that I. ' i3oic ItiHiacVelt. I'rcsldeiu of the l-Miu'r Mfaten of America.' by virtue the pM'cr and authority vciuhI iq 1,.- -the (.institution, do hereby r,rd( f1i,rnd declare, wii limit rcscrva- tlon or (vU'liHon, except as herelcafterl ' Iifovldi'd itill and loiniiSete pardon ! amnef X t-B person In the Phil- " Ippine nr,flili)elab who have partici pated in til" Insurrections aforcald, or who h;ive'v'n aUl' and comfort to ixTfmua j,.',ltiflpailns In aald lnsurrce tlons, for ha uffctiMci of treason or edition, ail'1 1'r 011 offense iHtlitlcnl In tiieir eb,ra,"r comnilttcd in the conrxe if mfch InsoiiTCtlonn punuiaut to order ltV'l ''T tltcrlvil or military 1ntirreetlou''J' iithoriMea, or which of internal political feudu or on between Filipinos and mis or the Hpanlnh authorities. fhich resulted from Internal pollti- feud or dieneioiis amoiii; the Fili pino themselves during cither of ald inHiirrectionji; "l'rovided. however, that the pardon and amncRty hereby irranted nhall not Include audi persona committing crimed since May first, nineteen hun ttretb ami two. lu any province of the archipelago In which, at the time, civil ?ovurnnii'Ut -W eatabll-died, nor shall t coocludo such persons as have been heretofore finally convicted of the crimes of iimrdcr, "pe,. 'arson., or robbery - by liny inilitiiry ' or Ivil trlbtiuul or(tanitel tinder tii authority of Spain or. of the I'nitcd Mate of America, Imt for which apeclal tipiilicatloTt may ho. made t til.) prop'!' UUi IliH'itV for pl.lVdon by nny person beler.'iinii to I in? est'-mptod 4iV'ev--lueh.iit4oeto'y tin ifK'tttv- J its t en t w i I in ti iiiit "nit J'" a 11 d Til si Ieoj will lie liberally esiended; nud farther, "I'l-ovlded. thai" this uhuietdy and panlioi shall not n licet the title or rljlit of (ho (Uivernment of the Ihiltcd Ftat- or that of the Philippine Islamist to any property or -.property rights heretofore used or appropriated by the military or clvlVnuthoiltiea of the Gov ernment of the I'liitcd Stntes or that of t!u PujUlpplmr Island organized un der authority of the united Mates by ;way or confiscation or otherwise; and, "Provided further, that every person who shall, fleck to avail himself of this prctftniatlon chall take and auhxcrlne the follow lvt oath before any author ity In the Philippluo archlpeluuo au- Ttfl thorizeii to dminiitr onti.s, tiauie- jy: , nuleuinly ewear tor atllrml that I recognise and aecepr tb su preme authority of the United Males of America In the Philippine Wands and will maintain true faith and alio glance thereto, that 1 impose upon mysvJf th obligation voluntarily with out meutel reservation or purpose of evasion, so ticlp'iue tod.' ' "Glreu under my hniid at the City of Washingion. this fourth day of July, in the year of our lrj one thousand uine h'.itidrel and two. and In the one hundred and twenty-seventh year of the Independent? of tbe United States, TIIKODOKE liOOSnVFI.T. "Hr Vie President; Klilm ltool, Secre 't.try of War.'' The l'rel:etit' Mt I!aitr Kmm at Manila. M.?n!ia. President HouseveltV am- nestv iroclaniatlot rva,s read in Kg-? ami Siaol!j fro-n a Jl'ist-firai't d ; stand on the I.u'K'ta after Ji .parftdc oiiwamng i r tu:d FUipinoa.- Arthur Ut,uai tT0- . AnierUar Fergsiu. Sei'tetary to Cocrnor Taft, wtd the pioclamatioi in t!w. presence of it t;nalt sothcrine. th heat having dl.si'-!ed the crowd when the parade The priw.pcr freed by the proclanta lioin 'Stlnntt. d to nuivil- r 0n. wer- rt-h-ased wirlnikit ecreuiouy. Mauy -military prisonor luid prevlaiudy Ueu fre'il. Au'uinaido remaimd In tin house which h nhvlteivd him sinct his capiMtT, lie U Mpected to vilt friend briefly -:md tt;-n depttrt on a The exiles the Island of ;uam will reftiru Iwre on a sicial steamer. Tile military . have surrendered con trol of Biiatiga Provln.ce to the civil authorities, end with Ijiguna the prov ince Wi organized and tjencrat O.llles appointed Governor. Every provitic' lit I.usiti Is now utn'.er t-lvB goveru iucm, - MYSTERY CF STOLEN NECKLACE. WratthT cr York Coapla Arnl of . ThfK at AlemaiMlrta Bay. S. V. Alexandria Hay, N. V.-Mr. and Mrs. I,. I., liichman. of Nw York City, wero Ilnfd uiMbr iirrctit Uere, chaiged vv t calinar a l an iwKiace taiueuni -.-) and cash amoimtlpg r trotu . Mrs. rnHt Hagarona.UelnhBrre. wlfei of Dr. iKdabarrc. of New rk City, j liie D. hibarres are oniiwur wmcj. , are onvneir Honey moon. ' Ulcbmau is a tail, line-looking man ami his wife Is a beautiful worn-1 an. He t a wealthy mirror dealer In New York-City, and was traveling fori the benefit of bis. health. j The Inlabarres and the Ilichman j arrived in the evening rrom New York i City, and registered at , the Orossmau . IIouo. They were assigned to ad- j Joining rooms. A little later Mrs. He- labarre left her room and tvent outi .MpM. . -Bfor -Ujiv .l.iw,i ifiembered that she had left a small j handttnr In-her room containing the She hast- pearl necklace end money cned to tiie room on a chair near Th handbag was! a window, but the! necklace, uttd. money hud been taken from It. The window near the bag was .en nnd looked out on a little veranda. -A window of the Ith hn.au' ro'orti opened. on the snme verandR. Vli 1 1. .In tin rri. Iuillrti.il lur h 11 kI in Till and lie suTiimoiied policemen. County Detective William Jones and PoJirv man C. H. Wilt made an Investigation and. then arrested the Pichtnnns and searched them. In the bottom of Mrs. Ktihnian's 'trunk they found fhe neck lace, and they found money sewed In the lining of her dre. She protested tearfully that sonic other person must tnaoKOuru, watson, t-ouuiwiei. and a have put "the n-'cklttce in her trunk. I tew others, "America," "For lie's a aud that the money sewed In her dress Jelly Good- J'ellow". nud the "Star lining wa her own. ' Spangled Pansier" were sung, the g.tl- The Hlchmfins. b.aring Waived exam- lerics joining In the strains nud en Inatioit ami been held for the Grand j Joyiug the untrsuiil tleuionstration. Jurv. weiv tali-. li before SuDreme Court'' , While singing "Jo'liy tiood Fellow" the Justice Pardon C. William, In Water town. They appealed with their attor ney, D. W. Uin'kmoro, of New. Yolk Cllv, find John T. Delaney. of Alexati. drla Bay, and after n lengthy argu ment, Juailoe Wlllhims filed the amount of bail .In the sum of Jf5i00 for each defendant, Mr. and Mr, ltlehtnnrt then were re leased from custody,, nud returned to New York City immediately. It was ald that they would make a Month' trip to the Wet. visiting Yellowstone Park nnd various place of Interest on the Pacific coast. FIVE STATES STORMSWEPT Damage Done In Mlrhlean, WIconln, Iowa, Illlnol and India... Chicago Mlehigtin, Wisconsin, Iowa ami the northern part of Illinois nnd Indiana were swept by a furious wind and rain storm. Heport from various place show that at least six person were killed, many Injured and great damage dn- to crops and buildings. Near llochester. Mich, a Michigan Central freight train rail into a wash out and was wrecked, two men being killed and several other Injured. At Momence, 111.. live men were seri ously hurt when the -wind blew down the "b'uller house of the Chicago and Pastern Illinois K.'iilfottd. It is, esti mated tbtf $riUH;) damage ' wa (h ue there. ' From- various places hi -Iowa come report of, i he heavtes'l rainfall experi enced In that State for several years. The. .raUroritisui-K;;;' to be the great est sufferer. "' lit the eottthern part. of Michigan the storm .assumed the proportion of a tornado. At Flint, too damage 'I11 casllv reach $100,000. No Kitr. fleaalnn of the Senate. Representative Sereuo K. Payne, of New York, culled on President Uonse velt at Washington. After leaving the President' ofHoc Mr. -Pay tie predicted that there would be no extra session of the Senate this iinniner or next Mil for the purpose of considering a trctty of recluroclty wun i.uua. . THE CONGRESS ADJOURNS The Closing Scenes in the . and Senate. House PRESIDENT VISITS THE CAPITOL Philippine Clwlt (Soverninrnt and tI Appropriation Mllt App'uvr.t Mmi her of ( llouta Slue " H Jolly Md Fellow For the Speaker lic nifled Frceedlnc In the -Senates - ' Washington, 1. C.-Quietly and lan guidly in the Senate tin? first session of the Fifty-seventh Congress came to a m -?ii 111 Tiuiw-t-jv 4 . . . ... , a tiua ll3-v ' "our jj uuiaru for thwud.. without ?ven-tlie usual crowd iu the galleries. In the ) House everybody was lively, and there was hardly a moment of the day tvhea I the occupant of the galleries did not had tMnicthuig worth si-t it and hear- iug, and at the end the Iitifran-U st vants of the people frolicktd and sky bilked like a pack of schoolboys at the beginning of vacation. OutsJde Of the agreement to con ference report nothing of great eonse. quence va done in either' body. When eoiiiBiCDt was occasioned among the ) spectator by the appearance or ena tor Patterson on the liixir with a long t I t-iieech'on the Philippine question. Mr ! Patterson ha talked more tiiau auy j other .Senator during the ses.-loji and people of port!ug proclivities had of j fered. bets that the last day of the sots- i-ion would not go, by without a long j iMevh' from him. The conference re j iMtrta on the Philippine and Naval Ap j proiiriation bills were the lmjxjrt int t iiusitiesses, and they were passed with- out Incident. At a.lo In the af teruooiT the resolu- tint, ,. a A l.iiirr. at T. .'Ill ii'.'liii'l. vfi pil(;st.j Tlit. laH tx,.cutv. st.ssiOI) he- &n at i S) alld jaed ele veil minutes. 1Jy tujj nmv M the lluslut.M ,,1 l)W.a t.Mml up A W8b takea until 5 0.oWk auJ the rrowJi lu the trailer- . . . f , uj aid not come back. At 5 o'clock President Frye took the chair agulu. It was a dismal ort of a haVf,hour. Not more than twenty Senator were present, and. except for the announcement of the passage of bills, no business wu transacted. Senator Cockrell, In accordance with bis custom, presented a. resolution of thank to the presiding officer, to which fr. Frye respondeU Jn p Utile specci). tind then at O.-J one minute ahead of time -he--" declared the Senate ad- f Juln'- Everybody who was still iu lu;;l"a'"' 4 uul,- , , ery differeut vyas the closing day iu liie nouse. apiuc iitjiu me comer ence reports, the business of chief im portuuee wa the passing of the bill to promote the efficiency of the Marine Hospital Service and change Its name to the Public Health -and Marine Hos- ! l'"al f.y'4-' But there were plenty of other' bills, mostly of no Importance. After the llou.-e adjourned a striking i fcene wa witnessed. Speaker Header- son's worx'.s of thiifiKS w'"re ringing in .1 I ......1.. .... .... I .1. (.. lllvlIllaUi III v 111 till Ot If. lilO llll'irco.llll- nasm round cxprcs,,ioii in song. I inter the lead of Heiireseutatlves I.esslor, mciiibcr Hied by Speaker Henderson, who took up a position In front of the pit. and each Utie in the crowd shook his hand and wished him a pleasant summer. President Boose velt, accompanied by Secretarit Hay, Shaw, Moody, Hitch cock and Wilson and Postmaster-Gen-eral Payne, went to the Capitol In or der to facilitate the work of Congress, and In his room In the Senate wing of the.' Capitol the Ireldent signed the Philippine Civil .Government bill, the Naval Appropriation bill, and other measure that went through in ' the closing hour of Congress. Arr-uorniATioN'H or congkkss. Chairman Altl.on'f Rtateonent Show . Total of KOO.193.M37. Washington. H C. Just Itefore the 'Senate' adjourned finally. Senator A III- on. Chairman of the Committee on Appropriation, presented a statement showing the total appropriation for the session by bills, a follows: Agriculture, $,2nS,iJi!tt; Army, S'.'t, MO, Khl; Diplomatic and Consular, ?1, Pr7.2r; District of Columbia, tjts.twT. fi'JU; fortifications. $7,20S,U."ir; " Indians, f'..l4:i,!Hi2; legislative, etc.. $2ri.:s.;:si ; Military Academy, l?2,(L.i'.:i'.'i: Navy, SVS.C.Ts,!;.-,; pension, $iai).S'-.2:'"; Postotlice, J?li:S,-l.'hi,rip,S; river and har bor. $20,720. -1 12 (e.eluslveof contract authorized!; sundry civil, .o.VJo.li-V.i; lletlclelieles., $yS,t.'lli.!l 1 ! mlseellMiit-ieis, $2.tioO,i(H); Isthmian Canal, ."lO.l.'io.n""; pe'rmtinent auuual apprnpi-laiious, $12:1.021.220; grund total, $sim.1!K1,s:s7. The tolal hist year $7;'.o,;!;iS,."75. Chairman Cnnnon, of the Housf Ajt proprtutiou t'oiumlttw, presented In the House a statement of the hppropit a Hons, showing u total of $7J(.t,0ti;;..s:,,7, not Including the large amount thai will lie required for the Isthmian Canal nnd public building ard 'river and harbor contractu. 1. flenerat Cronje Take Oath. General Cronje and many of the other Boer prisoners lit St. Helena have taken the oath of alleglauca to King Edwurd ' j '.. MILLIONS FOR CHARITY Aped Bachelor Gives' a Fortune 'to Found a Public Benefaction. Aid For the Cnfortnnat and a Pptemlld rrovlkion For Poor 'n rmltwnU ! In Mother' Mfmory. I New York Cit?.-A modest roillJon- aire. .lohn jl. Uurke, w'ho live in this ! city, ha -conveyed $4.K!0.U0( in real ! and personal projH'rty to the Winifred I Ma'sterson P.urke Itelief Foundation, a i'ottrporatiou be has founded with a i view to. liocorliig his deceased mother , and to 'aiiie' for vr persons who i bare bern diseharaeil from hospitals ! before, regaiulrtr u.fc'.'nt isticr.gtb to i resume' tpeit oc-upations. ' Besides -Mr. P.urke. the trusters, are 4-Ahra-n- !. -Ifewht: r William" HtjWjafd 1 Whit,.. Edward M. Shepard and Frafik ! Mur.-is. Tie property has Iw ti cou, I vcyed with the sole provision lhat the in'eome less the cost of administration ; -tie reserved to Mr. ' IJnrke during his lifetime. Aft r his death it is all to be f dowted to the purpose of the founilii I lion. By the conveyance in h:s lite- linie Mr. l.UVKC, who nas oo ihmjim tvlatives. I'.ss made- Impossible a flubt for his es'ate after his derlth. Mr. Tiurke Is a bachelor, who made his for tune in the South American trade.- The trust deed by which Mr. Burke conveys hi inoiion peeifie liai benefits of tlk? foundation shall be re servo.1 for intelligent, and respectable men and women, who in consequence- j of sichness. or discharge from hospi j tals before they have recrainedstrength i sufficient to earn their livelihood, or in i consequence of 'other' misfortune may i lie In need of temporary assistance." I ITans for carrying this Into effect i have already been devised. An office is to lie maintained where applicants i m.iv make their wants kumwn. and ar rangements '.vill be made for the prompt relief of ever case which, may em to require assistance. The spe cial object of the founder being, however, to benefit convalescents., pro vision has therefore been made for the establishment of a convalescent home upon part of the real estate conveyed to the trustee!., which Is "in the imme diate vicinity of New York City." All persons needing rest as a means of cure will be eligible for admission to this convalescent hospital, and that, a far as possible, the self-respect of th. applicant will be carefully consid ered a moderate charge may he made. In ra-e,tbe patient prefers, this will bp regarded as a loan to be repnid without interest and without security. NEWPORT BANK A WRECK. The 8horteeot Cioililer Sherman Amount to :i1,093. Providence, It. I. - Albert S. Sher man, who committed suicide in New port a .'fortnight ngo. had completely wrecked the 'Merchants' Batik, of that city, of which he was cashier. The shortage Is $:?2d.00.1. Depositors will lose praclcally everything. They had $ir,n.(HM in the bank. Liabilities include deposits subject to check $12'J,rn.t: due ' depositors. $2S,- I'.OO- n.i l.-ifiL-c niiI friKf r-iiTon:l n ii .-. ?',,VM,; ,.,1,-ti Meatus of deposits ou't- 1 standing, cashier's checks out- ! stiitiditig. $l."i.lii. . i Aside from the bank property, val I ned at ?S)0. scarcely $liitH' worth of ! securities remain. The cash on hand out of Die $322.;ti. capital stock and deposits was only' lloo-.ti-l. The complete wreck is believed to be duo to . Cashier Sherman's extensive bucket shop and other spepujations. His method of -obtaining money for the piirpos-i -were varied. Deposits would be entered on passbooks and not on the. bank boous: amounts .would be. deducted t'rcin balances due depositors: loans were effected without sufficient security;' notes "were handled iu a pe culiar manner. A four per rent, dividend was de clared as late ns Januarj nnd frild iu part out of the assets of the bank. CARRIED UR BY A BALLOON ROPE'. Man Paneled 3000 Feet In Air and Came Down Safe In . Ireetop. '.Mil ford. Mass. Louis Ward, of this town, was holding one of the guy ropes of -Professor -11 ell man' hot-air balloon at Hoag Park when the baK loon was released. He became entan gled In the rope and wu jerked into the air head downward. He remained In that attitude only a minute or two. Professor Helliunif, leaning over the edge of the basket, gave him directions how to act, and he put himself lu an uptight position. The balloili went up .1000 feet and Helhuan, after tolling Ward tb keep cool anil rrfftig on, dropped in his para chute and made ti safe descent,. The balloon slowly collapsed and lu; gait to settle. It brought up ou top of a, tree, and Ward, none 'the worse for his tl!!it. reached the ground a mile from 'where he started. A crowd of td persons at the park saw him ctin rkl1 '1'' ' " ' PAY FOR M'KINLEY'S DOCTORS. (Onitretk Appropriated H4.V000 hi: d S3!),. "', 000 Fur Mm. Mt-Klnley. Washington. D. C.The General De lieioitcy bill, which was passed by Con gress and approved by the President, contained a " provision appropriating; ,';o,(KX. the remaining amount of Pres ident, McKinby's sulaiy for the hit-t hseat year, which is to lie given to Mrs. Mclvlulcy. and $45,000 to cover .the bills of' I be physician who attended Prcsldcut McKinley at Buffalo. This sum also Unhides the claims for burial expeuse. "As soon us President Boost volt signed tho bill word wa sent to Mr. McKinley that the paylneut had teen' authorized " THE COUNTRY'S FINANCES Treasury Surplus Larger Than' in . Any Year Since 1888. A DECREASE IN EXPENDITURES Available Coh Balance Stand at 208.- C30,03"J, I-arjer Than Ever Before la the UUtory of the Covermnente'tock ...-of Cold. GOS, 173,412, Blccer Than That of Any Country In the World. Washington. D. C At the end of the fiscal year the available cash balance In the United States Treasury is larger than ever before In the history of the Covet uncut It stau Js at $28.3O,022. The esctss of receipts over expendi tures for the year is also very large, the TreLsury surplus of $:2.1!t3..'Uid btiing larger than in any year since isss; and exceeded Iu only ten year tiincc the foundation of the Govern ment. In nearly every one of these ten years the revenues of the Govern ment" tnld been bwelled by extraordi nary taxation to meet the expenditure of a past war period. ' At this time, also, the general fund In the Treasury is 'enormously larger. than ever before, tho nmoitrt'h.lro rnre thStl ?2!V"l'V 0, as against about $1GS.W00.W".) one year ago. The United State Government now ha a stock of gold in the Treasury be liereii to tie larger than any similar Ftock anywhere In the world. The u mount of gold coin, bullion nnd certifi cates in the Treasury I $t;oK.lti:i.412. Added to t-hi I gold in circulation throughout the country which raise the total1 amount to not less than $1, 2'tO."K,.0'. Aside from the great lucrvase in the available cash balance, the Treasury surplus and, the stock of gold, the nota ble thing In the condition of the Treas ury to-day are that since a year ago the amount of national bank currency in the Treasury ha increased by near ly $2.000,JOO; the amount of standard silver dollar, silver certificates, bullion and subsidiary silver coin from about J32.0O0.000 to about $39,000,000. and the Government fund In nntlounl bank repositories from $101,000,000 to $127. (ssi.imo. It w a estimated early in 1901. at the time the measure for repealing the war taxes wa under consideration by the Senate Finance Committee, that the proposed amendment would cause a falling off in Internal revenue receipts during the fiscal year of not less than $40,OtKi,o00. The prosperity of buslne lias been suih. however, that the re duction In Internal revenue receipt for th-i fiscal year bns been only a little More than $34.0.000. The total re celpts of the Government from all source during the lat year were $503.40.1.181. Of these, $234.5t3.927 Were from customs, "Tfn Increase of nearly $10,0O0,0ot over the "record of the year before; $272.r03,214 from In ternal revenue, and $30,445,046 from miscellaneous source The Increased surplus for the year was due, however, not so much to ln creiised revenues as to decreased ex penditure, the total disbursements being $471,211,707, a against $509, lKi",353"l.ist year. Owing to the practi cal cessation of fighting In the Philip pines and th-j consequent less expen sive administration of the War De partment, the military establishment called for an expenditure of only about jll2,tHK,0o0 during the last fiscal year, 8s against about $145,HHt,OiMr- in tho fiscal year of 1001. ' The Navy Depart ment, on the. other hand, cost about $.".ooo,OitO more this year than last, but tho payment on account of Interest on the national debt Were about $4,000,000 less, and on account of pension about li2.tHiO.OtM) les during the lastear. The Treasury officials believe that tho outlook for the new fiscal year 1 entirely hopeful. The additional re peal of war taxes, which took effect July 1, Is estimated to reduce the gros income from Internal revenue by about 5.000.000 in the next twelve months. but on the basis of thl year's receipt tnd expenditures there would still be a surplus on June 30 next of at least $17,000,000. ARMY PROMOTIONS WERE COSTLY. Root Clve I.let of Those Retired ftooa After Receiving New Rank. Washington. D. C The Secretary of War has prepared a statement In te sponse to the resolution adopted by the House directing him to furnish the names and rank of officers of the army promoted since April 1, '1S98. "who have been retired within one year of their last promotion with a higher grade than that held at the time of their promotion." The list contains the names of forty I'ojilc-'! promoted and retired as briga- tlicr.-generals, thirty-eight of whom were promoted from the grade of colo nel. lu a statement prepared by the Pay tnr. srex-.lijii.ci:nUtiis: felii'.WJLllta the to tal increased expen.se,. of' these ad vanced .retirements is $25572, that sum representing the difference be tween the pay the officers named will receive by reason- of their 'promotion before ret liniment and tho pay they would -have received had they retired regularly on reaching tlte n&e efvsixty fouryears. Trade's Volume tivinarkablv Larme. Domestic trade I quieter In some lines, but its general volume continues remarkably large considering the near approach of midsummer nnd the dis-. turbiug effect upotrmany Industries of the prolouged BHieiis'oa of thi anthra cite coal output. MINOR TENTS OF THE WEEK WASfllSUlvIN 1TKMS, The' Senate Committee oa Territorlea was authorized, to sit tluriug. the nicest -of Coiigrvss. A pardou win granted Gilbert B. Towles. of Washington, D. C, by the President, while serving a jail term for forgery. f The Navy Department will detail the Panther, nnd Montgomery for re serve practice cruists this summer. Admiral Dewey, testifying again be fore the Senate Committee a the Phil ippines, described Agnjualdo as living like a prince on bribes rcivivcd from Kttain and the proceed of plunder. the Senato Mr. Teller presented a petition from Estes G. Bathhone asking Congress to investigate his case. The' Senate postponed consideration of the' bill admitting Arizona. New Mexico and Oklahoma -10 the -Union until December 10. OrK ADOFTEU ISLANDS. Major Gardener testified, rii hi 'own defense that he pursued in the Philip piuc, the-policy he thought was indi cated from Washington. A detachment of United State ma rines and a force of the native constat)- ulary had an engagement with a large body of Ladrones in Moron g Province, . Luzon. One marine, and seven La drones were' killed. ' American seuimel -kiilea two Moroa who were acting in a suspicious man nvr near tlie' American camp on the Isl and of Mindanao. Conditions in The province of Albay, P. I., were shown. to be prosperous. .Brigadier-General George W. Davl. lu commautf of ilier .American force In Zamhnangn, Mindanao, was ortlered to Manila to fake command of the Depart- . uient of tin- North. Brigadier-General ' Samuel S. Summer will succeed Gener al Davis in Zamboanga. i. Lieutenant Colonel Frank D. -Baldwin, from the Island of Mindanao. P. I., n-ported that at a conference ' at -Baeolof the Sultan urged a policy 'of friendship with the Americans. , .", DOMESTIC. For causes unknown George Van Houtcn. one of the best-known railroad men in the State, killed himself at Eagle Pass, Texas.. Several thousand sheep were de stroyed near Durango, Col., by forest fire. On purely circumstantial evidence. Joseph Coleman wa sentenced at Faulkton, S. D.. to life Imprisonment for the murder of hi brother. Hecent purchases of trade rivals by the Armours and Swifts were thought In Chlcagt to portend a giant consoli dation of packing companies. The police of San Francisco, Cal., ar- , rested J. P. Spenc of Duluth, Mlnm. wanted for embezzling $ 1400. Major Ira Shaler, the subway con tractor hit by a falling rock, died at New York City. ' . While traveling around the world Ai Boyd Watson, of England, died at Kansas City, Mo. Miss Christine J. Nisson, of Jamaica Plain. Mass., believed Jane Toppan, who confessed to murdering thirty-one persons, tried to poison her lit a hospi tal Samue l Brown was hartged at Green ville, Mo., for the murder of George lllehardson in March, 1900. Michael Powell was arrested at Troy, Y., charged with murdering hi Infant thihl. It was (barged that while In toxicated Powell picked up a carving knife and butchered the child in ita mother's arms. The Catholic clergy of Buffalo. N. Y, took steps toward forming an organiza tion within the Church to combat An archy and Socialism. , - The Ohio Supreme Court sustainea . the Willis Tax law, levying a fee of, one-tenth of one per cent. on. the sub bribed capital of private corporation. Anthony S. Sherman, cashier of tho Merchants'' Bank at Newport, who shot himself because "tor ihortage. Is dead. ti t?, . The explosion of a portable englna nt Mount Vernon, Md., killed the en gineer anJ fatally Injured four other men. The Ohio Supreme Court declared" the law under which the Government of Cleveland Is formed to, be" unconsti tutional. The junior faculty of Chicago Uni versity voted to separate the sexc. The body of Jesse James will be "ex humed at St. Joseph, Mo., ana Tebuned in the family lot near Kearney. President Charles O. Day, of Audover Theological Seminary, aunOuuced that the trustees liad" votel to have , tho semimiry remain af Anuov er. FOREIGN. Cholera has appeared both in Toklo aud l'ekiu. ';,' Lord Ileniiikcr: Governor of the Islo of Man, who had been In 111 health for some time past, died iu the isle of Man. He yr?sliot'U iu.lVl2. The French .Minister of Justice de clared the Humbert swindlers will -bti arrested and tiled. , " About 1500 Caundian troop sailed from Durban, South Africa, fur home. The yellow fi ver epidemic near -Coat-saconlco, .Mexico, eoutiuues, four Americans having died, , Three brothers named Wamboldt were lost from the fishing schooner Iselda, from Halifax,- ou the bank of I.ahave. King Oscar, asked the Swedish Cab inet to resign and former Premier Uo-. trom to form a hew Cabinet