II Ml 41 I 1 I i I ill !1 in K 7 WlTSIiOnO, N. CM KIUDAV, JULY 18,1902 VOL. LNO.iit- inn IM OiS ASTER scores of Lf ea Killed bj a Ter rific Explosion in .a Pit at Jchistows, PARTY OF RESCUERS DEAD Hersx Efforts of Relief Parties Heartrendire Scfries'at Mine's c. Surv.v:rs . Jo'u-tfiwn. r;i.Jii:nstoTrn !? strain Ih.u vkitwl I'J" ati ti!iatiiuj; dif;i;r, oidv ! fr!"b:ful tluta t'lf awiul lamiry of M.Hy 1', in of 5;rV ,', 1 - ' - Catw'.-r'a Sn-tl r,.;l,1i,y n U.;- mill 'iul-av: nudor V.tiiH.:iu'li.!l. ii:d ti.r if tlca,l ; ""' K iVv :y rca: men. . I'r.siuttit Io well. S.acii..ust' ... .ut Sidlyvviti,; .statement : TIk- dis.isti-r is an awful ol ... ! -9 ea.us -u;.My unespectt'd r.iiUe i... 1 0' U ii.-i 'sen ry ci'tid.tiou; L: vu-d i;iU!trei il'i' sa;- Ui lite thirty "urs that tic Kriuut a.';o;m- i Hiino lias Is-ra iu,;-r;-tiou no io'i-i-i)t. bi ovcurwtl. The vet .iU'lefiniiv. but 1 it Wii C.4t.ed by OSC'I iUL' ir.i;.i Af fiftii i....'idi:J-, wtdt-b was iiot b..-::i w...rk. I becau 'fa gas, iu'. t ;h.' ixih bcatiit: "T'u- iiuaa-r of casual; Phicd at iS, No list f ti i. i-4 and ti.raineu the d.'.al lii.IfJ' iii.t be' i-:i. ili.'.j'.ri'.V t'f l i iH v.eiV f..;ei;ii Mire kiidHii 7.!y,i.v i i.vU atd Iiitilje. i'l.w:.;.. w.y tii.'ir !::.:' yViT be known, is ii'.i- !'t"'i!'i r "V i fs d In t:!:- for i:"i;u: " ho em r . ' I. ten ,!v "Xl tl i down by li..- ixj.!i.ii;a. '1 in-yw. ,c Aim led ill groups of live and lli, V.'.til i their biieldcK :iid tlie rr;.i:iao ,t flielr lunches Miittercd ocf t HttU.-it livi j -deitllv tltetr lives tVt'i'i lltl!.)"cd out iiiie.i.v linn eii-Mit. nis f .-in Aeu uiai Somo i-odics may ueyt r ;v .,n erc.i. (Mitside of the pri.periy I.jss thss ea- fasM'oplfe wiil tsi. I he Crttolirbt iSiecl I'ompauy n biii-e simi. The company- a tor many years pat pant to tne Ulliily Of 'every p 1,-oa killed ill iis I mpb.y M doi I, mitsiUe -o wlu.i it 'X-J tided lor medical purposes and it pas p.u l to cry man woo cs! an ej e, iti:b,' or bei-auie ttiierwle i-ariiitlly i Wij ie tb'-if uiii'K. M-nams '-' ; j j;r,. (i.j'it.j. -had ti it v;t!erc.'. Tiiofe Ji.cy j It w.o praetiiMliy ctri.-jlu that my li- h;a:'' imn'-cV lo us." , i f,(i-a i'.u.-;,:'!-5it and tiu a nUfiiucd ent v.-, mid have So a trial jury, build ir s Mated thai t :t:: a we:V iu tUe j fonvard-wlicivliicy did noiKii uy- ; At that ttiio w- siodl i-t-.'r.ly '.ncmiru , rhiliopim-s. fi'-t-;- at. i be. uae of .to- tlisast.-r. Ma,! M!.r;i .H;lji. p; -y w.-udr-rejr! jt.tvf a u!l t-ho-evi;t".jce to !., ProimUt in by the I -AveoiHiniK i la- fi'tllowina dar uha-t.. w :v k:jovu i ... . i , i-.-.s.'. ',.-.! -., i m-.u.!.. bin .viii. i!.-.ito'..-t:-K. j- i!,t.iiiis : rM.vfi':cs. v tl An ot'irr wt-tn-ii--, t.-, rr i .t S the-v.arn-man look -eii imsre fi...!i,b -.to ' e raid Vo'ir htui.Yd.; 't 'he- nine oUk.i.lsj' j ,..,, (',:.,,.: 'A-.'W I es.vr-.l ' th.-n I' do. s r.ow. ' 'V shall show jlmt mem.. ... i . , , , ' .. . . 1 A li . ii ... , . ... ..I . .1.. r .T. ,-t. . r ..ri i I :. .1 II J t ! 1 1 . ' I H : 1T(- 'Mill . . . I . ! I .' 1 i . i. . i i t ! i t ' - . 11 .'lli " . k. .,!....! f tvy . . .:t I . . , t - r - - '. T !.' I .' T. ' . . ..O '1 . . AT-Ja- 1 ' . "Mcir-d. i av iau eifihsy -vii t to tc'ac-j nj.-njase. .-liuiidids of times l gave f c.-inu- wlaaixocvcr. i am md at liberty ; t!l !'"' ' V-ttflt-d for. inn I' .: to-ordinv ! X;i 'uh; bit; X;w s!i,.V.r'inst.itt-t . I !.U t.'d what t'ttft her action I- sll'lil tnli- . "'--i'et to tho-. y.'iiw We.M. iu"lcir:'.. .0 1 :.e ! J,,, ,.;:, ..j. f(yfn uahl l.i:;:iiy ' 1 ; I :ni'a'l 0 Vi, i, -Ih.-r 1 sdmll seek : tlU. .W.etk. VVV C.C.'d, bU! the' 11.: '--j... ... .),.:). ., ,,' ,, ( ,..f.,rv " ' , ; 1 ll-i .ro.V S 1 .'j. ,i U.i'oil.il li Wl'il of lshitHl -.t . . . i. ... . i , ,. a 1 -...... i . . . .i r i . i ... . . . . . ' .. . .. .. . -ii.it';.. : .j t ..... .- i .1 . .j I ! . iiy-i 11.' , il '.. I- 1 H . .til. . i. j '. . i.i.. ... .i mi. . ix i . - mi . . .i : ..U .... i...i II..'1 !. ' . i 1 . . I ..... 1 I .. .. ' : 11 1 1 i....-, i....... ... .i - i s :'. i .y ..- i . . - i'.. . ns.- looi. oia. i - o' ' .u..i lat.-i.. Hiid o!ht;!- v ., i a . u- iwu; i j i t ae iv at, i i.iL hrad.Oi:. oUt-balbi .Ti.-titi'ili!tt.-t--v.-.-iT r;-Uiit li .hi lo-Iia.s In ... niitc. u ar. i iit'.b'f'f.itrt the 'xi'bi'.iou. Kevcral loxoji j any day sine- the si, . iran."i .i.-.ii .. -.- o" . ,';" -,',.y!- inuviilU" i.y i lie camp o. fros.V r. . a c.ie y. ui'.i m -onl.f ntootitir ro ?-' 1 . S i i ...i n i .. '.ii a.,-... , .i... itne-ii.. i.v,-w i-ut'.-.r .! Fl'oiU flic po; .( '., f .li.e bi'dtf-S 'f -ii i..r'i..l.. i ;t.r ihi .Miio-.i.iit Altii' a ensttrover-v a! ...,.. .1 1 . ',.. .... .. I . ... i .....!.. " ' . . - . . ' .. ' i- . . ' ' . liru.M. i- .lit- i. . t.i.r ...I', . mi ..-'.4 -. lllllie the I doer-s Wi l.'ifir ..melie- hen m ! l Jisijibb i), the sinii of It is nmh-r- l 1uM.d tl.'is will not be deviaii'd Ui; I ( Measures for relief of tin- si'-ir-'n J IV Wilits h:i e .'tlrciiily been take I ti. As, I lair as can be learned there v., is Hot P.. .l..v.,.. i.u.i i...it.s kill...! r..t -were Kims and Slavs. ' The explosion occurred lu wn.1t is ktnovn in the miners' parlaiiei us 'the ""Klolidike," tllder Wesilueut 111!). There are two opetiiti.t;H to the mine. One Is near the stuiie bridite of the IVmisylvutiia lliillread, jik-t below tiie depot, the. other at Mill Cnvk, four nples nvtiy. Ail mines m tur xhiiuty. Were closed, and tiieir miuers xi-nt to help iu tile rescue work. The se.tifs at bold opennm were iiciiriretidiim'. The exphisloii occurred at l2,'o p. m.. and it w'vs nearly an hour before miy ceiierat ktiowledite- of what had oc curred reached thl.t city.' . . As soon as it wan known .on the sur face wlui I had occurred Marshall b .Monre, mlniK!: en-rliieer. and one of hU UHtthdti ins, A. tl. l'rosper, proiiiptly eli te ret! the mine nl the main oneniim. and were followed in a short tinie by Mine Snperinlelide.n tleor-te T. Kobln A ml. Arier much trouble they .reaeheil' OIlC of tile telephone.:) loe.'lled ill t lit1 . mine, and reported that ii was Impossi ble to find toil the full t stent of tlur disjistei'. Their provo'ess wub slopped by noxious tin si's and they were oblimed lo escape through -he Mill Creek exit of the mine. It vns by tliis exit Unit al'tii.ise who oscniH'd from tho mine Sot out. Iu the meant ime tho terrible, uewe .jimtd like wibllire all over tint city. In hundreds of homes there Was the most pathetic sceues. Mat hers, wives, da lighters, sous uud relatives were Vranilc with grief. .Sobbing . wonieu and children oon iHsselged every iu tratii'o of tlte mine, praying Unit their loved one might come forth nlh'o from the dark caveriiH. . FacJug nluioHt certain death. Mine X'oteiuan Harry Iludgera, bis assistant, .Wtlllain niarich, und Flro Bohscs John Whitney, John lletalllek and John Thoman. entered ot theVVlvstiltont opening, and Vtt 'Pii of the noxious gases, proceeded into the depths of the mtae. Their effort yas iu vain, and Ui taw uuu perished. li their heroic ut tempt in nave the lives of other. -At 4 o chick linn wlo had e- e:i;ed from lie u.iUe-Lb-hard l-eunott j i53!'. John Meyers -went back uvu ui i s ( to f i oat assistance tould le ivu-j tiered, but tli- frightful damp droej . , . . i itby. , . ti ............. lllt'lll 0.1CK IUU """.liCy '1VM JllvWiKllV, when - finally, after' a desperate strug slv, they reached tlie outside. It vaa wiih difficulty That liny vvre restored fo a uutuial condition. Tiifir story of the situation in tho mine made it clear thui rcf-out" work eti'.ild cot proee,d from the Westuiont j .;euUg. and tha -hasty preparations j weroade t begin that sad mission j a; tho'MiH'Cret it tumuico. The fifteca-year-olJ son of Harry j Itqdg. r, wht-n be heard that hi father i had bet-si uvc'rcoine with aftyr-daiap, j started down towan) j,ijUa.J'.'K14ik't-.j to help rescue binx af po-Sible, and ho i ha-l. uo sooner entered tie drift. wi u j tiie deadly 'gas almost imvrcatiie" Ait-: lid r.ud be had to !o oanie.j back. His i os-ugue prop r tided whole length from j td umuib.' and tliUjut.-u Jiad. to .force I hi Jaws apart with Mick to pit-vent You;r ItodVro. Mho If om- p!iv"d in the luluf. 'm ttt!!'!l-i tiii-' i U i-ecajvtl throUiiU tb'.vMill Crtft j rw,r. an.a:ratt f.-msin ta 1" A) n-; ur. to rv Usi fi:- Mdl t'rt' -ti ''"Jy -fUr I'-wril'tlialitri. I h. nri' UiMi. crtta up. i o mt was m jjiiv t tii'V whi-'ii xi'li'si'iti ci urrt'd. i'liis first tbouulit ir. for t.- cafi :y ! of tbf m-ti r.fcd r hi vhara''. Witli ti.e l bi hi tf u K(,Si4 lt :iu effort wast M.-iticto rfi'l-' afi'iv of tT.c s bat ton 'jil'iS'r:" Ail tee wliiK' tho fasal. tit ' iVitii was i-l.i-iii.- aroiiu-l tbosu. T-iii did not fsltcr m racist into i ,.. for f.ii ist.nt. but taitNt. of di.uc'-r tla y Wvtil. , Ti.e thoili.;.:. ' .Save the n; u." wa paraiuonut.'. Thi'ouph .jljeri.e., into he.id;ns. w.iiuin- :il.d iu lpiac. the two turn went". It jbcrts fell." but I'os-i.-r stj ji it d ?, whitiier be b'.'.rU.v fcni-u . Ia the ltj'ds! of the. laucr be tin-; lVwell ;;ili!th a V.tv I o.-s. li -had faced what' si e!i,-d' cc; t:Uu dv. :i!u in u effort to rave his men. Forward t!u v-went: tra-iiiti a e o;- ! rad.t iu?o a vsil !e pia-o ; s:f t Im;!". iilvluji a,w..rd f warnitt-' t uiit:! i.Uiirui i-mluratitv co.iid m;U;.i t..c str.i!: :io longer. ' Fsli ta;.'jr-re.t into a t;'-a Uli b'f-r.ittt v t ; eo:e A I bad rdl went hack' to 'rosette the less fornumn. and nearly I.-.-t our own lives. We ut ... tiiMii -avo.l l,!s life. I ttid Hut see -my father,' who v;s strimiilim,' to net out. I ib'ii't thinh many .ouisii'.e e!' i he drivers escaped." William Maboim was lu tbe upper nan of the mine when - the, explosion ciime. "'Die nrst I.ktiew of the ti'ou- ),,, w,,s v i itimim; -f ,.-, wlmt K'kiiowi; us the dip, oi , w-.;' section. - Tiiev e.iioe .ruimimi v. j;huut bats, coat.- and some with. .lit ,,,,,,! . n,,.i , .. .,.....,),!,. stare of ex- i.e. ......i". i, as. 1 . ail l-i no-uiiu r ;), more than ten cam,' that way, ami , i.v ., i t, ...,.! ... i , "im ,n l.e dip. Solid walls .iif i.i.tsoafy. fhiee f. ct tlirntt-rii, were torn down an thoimh barrier.; o'f paper. The rum's f tin mine were ih !iiobheil and not a door remains siuiidini.." Miners who left by the v ay of the Mill ('reck entrain e biouubt hurrihie stories oT crawling over the dead liodies of their comrades The mine has been open fur about bi'iy yc,'..-s,. ami Is producing :;oni tons pi-r day.. It Is the property of the Cam bria Sieel Company, ' p -tiara I oi'liees in I lu Arcade Htiildiuv:, riiiJadelphla. Harrisburg, Fa.--Governor Siotie has tiircct,.sl .JamiV F. Hoderick. Chief of 'the Stiite Ittire.iu of Mines, to go to Johnstown, and invesilvrate the cause of the disaster at tue.lto'lllng Mill mine, Mr. liniieriek wi.m to Johnstown and immedhiielv begau an Investigation. KILU'D IN TORONTO FIRE. ttall fiilt. lOirjInif Kit Ih emeu C inter Ton of Hrlfk. p Torouti, tint.-rFlre In MacIntOsli's Imy mid itraiu Warehouse on l-'rotib street, i lN-siilted In the death of six liceiiien. They were lighting the ihimes when a -large wall-collapsed, owing in heat, and buried 'them. The .dead nivr -David Sec, twenty-six yearsold, mart-itol: , 1 tarry Clark, twenty-six years obi, .married; Adrila Iven twenty-live years old, unmarried; F. G. Itus sell, tidriy-t wo years . old,, married: Joseph Co'lbird, i, a ret a Iter ,-f lire hall; William Taiga rt, ' twciity-eigbt years obi, niarrled. . i The men climbed I lie wall to get a' better position bi . esUngSilslt the flames. .Just i the wail collapsed they jumped twenty or thirty feet, but were., caught under tons of brick, which UJllcfl'theiu Instantly. " .- Maallalia KtiicctK Knoiiuoui Vhrat Crop Thomas Gyeenway, fornier Freudov of Manitoba, nays that although there have been heavy rains the province will liavo an linuieiiHO crop of "wheat. It I reported that the wheat crop Will be lictween aevetYtr atJ H0 miliijli bushels. - '', . .- - 'v- t'u- u.c i.-,)riVi,r,t jhey-went;.ira'ifiit a e .o;- ! Attcjrtlo- bad was cleared. Mr. Miles ' i'p; lilvluji a,w..rd U warnim.' thtro. h::r I expected would- happeti has ; wni ai ' iio'f.l 1 iijieiii eu!nW:i:'e.. cioi'd Mt;U;d the ' Kami'. Ucd. i .!-",-row l.;.s o.-cU bt-bt. It 1 Jicua ai : str.i.tt :io longer.' I.saauspi-ei, tuvy wouot .s.nc ei tni i i r; ioos.sn n.u- i,.c " iu ' ta;.'jr-red into a heading where tXit--' Jay tare .my ease at this time hen : OlSBBOlElDFfliifiUBOER His Lawyer Dec!;nrd to Call Wit nesses in His Defense.) COURT'S DECISION APPLAUDED Th Prlrnrr Iot f clf-Conlrtil tli IHmrlrf Attornpy l)r-lrrd Tbai JI Llrd JuMire l oMcr Sai.I lbt All tU Kridrure I'olntod In Unt lirrc:lou Stimrnt of l)iliruw' CouukcI. , C,oi Cr-iuud, I. I. Louis Dlstww went back to the Ilm rlK'ad Jail a pr'; oiior, ivttntaitted for 'i ho action of thts .ntjLj liraud Jury n thrrhargt? of niur der hi tho caso of Clareuv Foster and jarrah 11. Lawhiico. The hearing caine fo U sud len P2d;tir. Mr, Miles, oouu. M for ibo yuns .iau, put in no do-feu.M-. sa'yli'ir 'tU-tt So- would wait uul tb- triid ,-f the casv to dt k. as bo felt sure that no luatter wbat ovideiioe ! iid'lut-td, bi vl It kt would bo Lld. I; 1 -saotly a no ctb ax tlito' li brv.v, r"tor j:nd '"iJiwic" Lawreiii-o b tl--e t tide in two of the tho Vut'.Te ot party Tiana n;tv l!;iy . ok hi x.;:jii.i;i.:'t'nt coolly. d he i-uow any eiaotiou or liisiirov.- t. Oniy once d esciteuicnt. j nat uts wot-n intrii tx Attorney Sinitli closed bis ummiur up lily sooutiu'at lUsbrowi "You IKd, j yoti'Lnow you lied"- lisl.row gripped r ; the iitnis Hi' hij-hair and beaaufoT startled more thaii a?iytliiuj: ;ist-. Sher Iff Wells and Mr. Mile nlflced their liaml'i o.i l.i.-!rw ::i.d.bat back la his i-hair. .ia -i I ,ster ro rre.l tno case-very flliij i.el'ore ::!iiloirK(-!!; 'tin- coniniitc nun'. Wieu decision was :;u- nvt;i.'cd tin- C1HA d in the ball bur.-t ir.t'o cheers. wd there was n.ui.ii ha-.fl ct..ppb.. iVjittfy.sshcritj'i tried to stop tile U-iitoUstryti;j, , but !t was con liriuel xr several minutes. Alt a-d app' I irr-t r tli.m .-a -:. Mr.. S-tmit.h sei';'.l witUesses !---. ii amlned. our i:,e admis- tbe pt oceetliits;s ix'f.j-,' th.- 'aroner, which had been lihd '.Willi ..lUMiee IVstel'. AtiOl'llC' Miles moved for the dismissal of the pi-holier from custody, en the ground .hat no evidence bad b. en brought in to connect l.-.ii.i witii the crime, if at.y i crln irioi m. u etitaiiiltied,' Mr.. S:tiiih' Keehiied tliat he had traced the three t-i the water's edge, lie Warned to laiiCSy.. Why 1 i.iroV did nut -go en the stand and tell his story. The ! list liit. Attonn;y 'dr. red lit to to do so. Takin-,' uji the .statements ufade by l.'isiirow to ditferent pt-rsous on the day of the tragedy, Mr.'Miiith. shaking his! list i lose to Idsbroxt, ffic'ute.l that Ids-b.-o-.v lied and he Ut;e v.- be li.d. The Jr.stiec si'i.l that' the v ineo pointed in one d.rei'tiua. While, .Ver-baps,- he said, the eviih'iK'e was not-'of the strongest, character, there v.'.is'lio ibiiibt i hat there had been somo cr. inked wo! l sona where, and ths.-re re mained much to be .explained that should In explained find should be suhmiiied'to tiie Grand Jury. There fore he committed the prisoner. Alter, the rormal, papers had been drawn Sherlli' Weils took . I dsbvow line'.; to the jail In Kivei'hcad. to le- litaiti until the fall tynu of court. ' WOHCAN'S OFFER CONFIRWED. Aituilralty Can t'oiitio.l 15. Iituli Ship: In t'omliine I Or I-'irtv Vaunt. In the House of Commons tiie Far llamentary Secretary to the Admiralty, II. C. Arnold Forster, replyiug to Win Cim liedmond, the Irish leader, eou JJrtued the report that. I. Flerpotit Mor ptf bad offered io place all .the P.ritish fchlp in the now combliie at the dis posal of tlie Admiralty forithi next jji'ty' years, nit'ivi'tain terms, i ;' p He rtddt'd that tile offer mild only be dealt with In, relation to Kriiish ship ping generally and the tl.tntie trutle position, which was- iH-ing very en re lully considered by the Government. itfl the fr DEVASTATION' BY SAND STORM- - -v- .' lleelaPor.l IVWrt Ai'it Ifitr nnd tiOO.tlOO Iiiihko lti. San Frandscoy Cab For three daya a sand sttirnt raged ia the Indo Vajley tr the-Colorado Desert, and tin arti ficial oasis of IKK! acres, made: by dig ging arteslau wells, ha'a .been, swept clear of vegetation, the loss being tK),0tlU. r The. desert had boon planted iu mel on, and oU carloads of -melons, worth $ttl00 a car, were almost ready for hlpment when t.he'f?tor,m broke. Dur ing its progress tht thermometer regis tered I2U dogrefs lu the ehade, -.j 1 . A Hot Town la llllnatt. TtWorctiTy Teichfja i0o"0Creei at Metropolli, 111 - - - REPLY OF THE VATICAN Settlement of Friars' Land Quest'ons by Arbitration Froposcd. I'ln J'hilipjt r.r tiovruiiirnt to liny IJind of tlvllsiout Or ter. th- Holy Sea r.i.itiie. Tbi' answer of the Vatlrsn to tlif ui'te of Judge Taft, )voriiir of the I"j!l!piltsf Islands." otU'o:'i!lii re lijriotis affairs in the arobiiK'jiiso. tat been delivered to Jud'e Taft. The an . swor follows: The o.iutrai-t which the Vatican pro-pos.-s shall b'. signed by Ix.sb parties oonipri-cs iWt lxe articles. , Tbtf .'first article, ays tin; I'biliitpir.e Oovernnicut is to bny-ihe. lauds of the four rolijriou orders conci-rni'd. the Holy See acting as intermediary. . The second article dcrilen wbat arc fbe agricultural lauds to be iMinbt. The third article says that if mui': c.f these l:u:ds are possesscil by corpora tions the friars will pell their share. The- fourth article -establishes a tri- 1 bunal of arbiters. - to be conipo!d of live menibers. two of whom are to bo cboseu by the Vatican, two by the Ph i- ' ippine f bjvernnn at, and tlse fifth by the oiirtri' iutO. i1 l .IN' i tl'.'CUlt III IIS to the til th .tncullMT. be shall be elu.sen ia cuniuon acxed by the' I'ope and 1 1'r.sidi-nt Uws.vel!. ' The fifth, article provides that the iork . the arbiter s-!ia!l btiu on Jan- i;arv I. V.t i.1. Toe sixth article refers to title. deeds; ihcs.' will lu. transferred to the l'hilip p!m? oernn: iST. Article 7 sets forth that payment is to be made in Mexican dollars iu the period of time proposed by Judff- Taft j 'la bi ir,.- of July. '3, interest durinj; th- period of p.'i.vmetit. accruing at fuur percent; 1 j Article H with the transfer to th.vclmrcJi of aacieat erown lands with celedastiYrd btiilditms mi them. The u nV.lt v-riU ie pttoP'os aniieaide acrotj in the matter of tin- t-xi-'!iim' i vhiiitiable or educat;on;U trusts. vk-hieh a ro jn depute. In tin- event ot' a fail- j u;v to ;m;.v in h so tirttf.-rs recourse i ki to be had la. the arbiters, to whosu ot', iPi-.' o ni' s'.mt.iitica. tne eas. (Jie of Sati Jose at Jitilnlla. ..i ti-mli article 'provid : for'arb'.ya-" as to tl:. Itiiiemmiy" tiie I'r.ited s shall pay for the eccleifiasiical a.;: used win; :ii the war ia ti.e ; tovtl;"e rh yfiith article, tlin i ie triHUial of arbiter. are i by She lT'U;'i.;::e l''cni- j cbires fiat the Holy Set livvii is 'in its ' ii ildilh II. i Pia-re of fUTioii- w ta e. shall use a If Lto-iiieati.-u of tl:,- I'h'iipj assl'in favifr d"-re',L.csi.on rf tli, i sta .li -i.- d Government, it siadl preveat political i'r-,n -n on ice i.'i rt . ;av .va-rsy. both .eatiiar and -Veen!;1!'. THEM TO SEA. IJuerr Ttilli- Iliiin idn In tit fjult SillCB It Cut So suit.'. New Orh aiis.' l,a. Fiutil all. parts of this Mississippi Sound and the bays and bayous oft viie Louisiana and Missis sippi coast ciime wonderful str.rh-si.of the unprccedeined saltiness of the Gulf yaters .and of the appearance of d"ep wart-r tisii hitii.erto ii'.iknown hel'e. The belief is growlug that the olcanic dis turb: Uices lijaliil'i sled by 'the Marti- idipie disasrer ale the cmis'e, I land, llarrisou County, MS: her of devil JWh, om of then iug thirty feet from tip to been liarj'ituned by iSslicrmi ; has also ineu aa' invasion of At Horn-'i . a n-nm-mel'.sur-!'. have There ittatoeat- mg sbarus. A yy.ny if geiiilem.-n from Xt-w Or-lean- 'while fishing on Ship l.dattd fas. iciied tle.-ir three beais. t.vcbcr and steadied tUeju with a h'.'.i anchor. A shark been me entangled- In the au- clmr, car: ied all throe boats .out to sya and ilnally wrecked them eti the shore. The li-hermen narrowly ' es cape.: wiih tiieir livt.. Bl'OW VP JLJTO ESCAPE, Pilnoners I Dj iinmite, Itut Jailer HolJd -"'Th.'iti Id ClO't-k W it It it t'.t" ol ver. ' St. Joseph, Mx Forty prisoners con linei.in the county jail made a daring attempt to' escape by blowing out the tear cud of tile Jail -with dynamite. The hnildimr w its badly wrecked and one wing of (the court house shattered. The prisoners had gone into their cells and none of them was. injured. Jailer Thomas lushed to the scen, the minute the explosion occurred, and. re-, 'filer in hand, guarded the hole torn out 'by th" explosion until assistance arrived, thus ffustniting a wholesale .delivery. .Not a pflt'onor.ot away. James Fladcs, under a t.-n' years' s.i-n- leiiee for highway robbery, is believed to be lli.' prisoner, who ,dv fivrV-t'd the dv l.i'i k Allen, uiu'.or iiiimlte, assisted 'iy sebtcuce for the same crime WAS JU3T A3 OLD AS THE U. S. , .... . .. )ii,iih f a IVuni'iiat'P t'i;r.t Who AV . Umn u Jaty 4, It 16. ICiuixvillo.-Tonn. --Ferry Chestmy, the oldest man In Tenuo-ssee. died lit. ids home on the smnmlx of toppcr K'.dge on July 4, at the age of I2d years, the day of Ids deal being his birthday. Chesney was born in Virginia en July 4, 177ti, the day liulepond'iieo -wns de clared. As a slave lie behami-d to Jon nthun Jticksou at Clarksville on thy Iloauoke Uiver. When be was twelve years oltflH' was thrown into the pres ence of tieorge Washington while at tending Ids master. ,For tlfty years ho had iived a liir mit's life, and It was several days after- hl dfb whnLlit.bodi-. nvasj Ui covered. MINOR EVENTSOFTHE-WEEK nAMhTnM'Ti:s!t. rv M-!dy will rtnlutv Svv; tlip liavii! l'iriv of tbf wa.-t and a iti.i ti'.- rbllnip'ii.'i. h win iv OiV'U'jat ! :!;;'..!liu:i vl tjf Ai; ; etjuad'.v!i will i f i;:.civ. Tb-1 War I-'epas-Taini censured Lieu- tenant Arueld. -l'ctinh Cavalry.' tvt failina to prevent cruelty to Filipinos j by bis laetj. but acijuitel biui of direct ; compiiciiy ia such practices. j The Preside!. t isud an order forbid-' dins pcrst.ns in the classiiied Civil iserx ice to use outside inlluetioe lu so- j curln? promotion.. j This tlovernuietit received and will ; grant a request from China to use its j Kood otli.us with the I'owers to s.-cure , tllo evacuation of T)en-Tsln. i " (irK iDOfTED ISLANDS. I .The t.'ardener.iDpdry at Manila was ! closeJ. Major Cardtner rtfnsin to product aii evidence ta support of bis I charges of cruelty against Aonerlcan ; filers. j The Sultan of liacolo-Mlndauao. P. : I., sent an lasuliSnply worded letter to ; ti,., eominaiider of the American extH- j dltioii to Lake Lauao. in Jlludauao, iu which be threatened to begin offensive j operations in August. The fc'ultau wan stretsgtbeuini; bis position. DOMESTIC. Another suit tras brought against tlie United States tftivl 'Corporation ro pre vent the conversion of the preferred stock.' Jumping from the Itrooklyn Krldge, an tmidetititied man Committed suicide. Financial, ditliculties were believed in lo it sponsible "for the suicide of -t . oioiiol j. IK beltoa. Deputy yuancr- matei--i letietal of the New Jersey Na tional Guard. Chicago financiers believed that tlie Standard- 'il Company was back of a movement to effect a consolidation of the brg packing-interest on lilies t-imi-1 ir to the Northern Securities 'Com pany. I 'ft sUb-nt John Mitchell of the Cuit eil M ae Workers failed in a bnal p- peal to the heads of the Coal Trust to tid t strike' bv arbitration. - Two youm; men, Walter Arnold and rau, nnkuuwu companion, v ere drowned fwhiie swimming iu the Mauuiee Kivcr, . j near 1 oiido, Ohio. ; Th.' t nvn of White Horse, an t Id Indian iradim,' post m Woods County, tikla., - was -destroyed by life; loss, sliio.o'1,1. a. V.. I'hiliips, a fariiier, was fatally burned. '. ; A farmer named Gwynes, living on tiie Stappey plant ajibu near Amorieiis, Ga.. .killed a ii"gt'o farmhand, daiu.-r-iiiisly tiundeil a tie-it Wtuuau and was himself shot twice as the result of nit altercation wfih the negro. (in l:i fourth trial for tiie uttirUi'P of Owi iolb s,-. John Farr. at Hunjlngd-'ii, W.' Va.. escaped cotivictiou by the jury lisa .-Teeing. Ai:thr:iciie coal operattirs made-. their last, move toward resuming by-inviting obi employes of one mine to apply for notk. The complaint in the 'Colorado courts tmaiiist the Smelting Trust was post I'omd until fall. IL-avy rains in Southern Minnesota and Sitiiih 1 'akota did great da.uage to crops and property. ;The engineer and fireman of an ex cursion train were killed at l.ik Kap- Ids, Midi., iu a collision. ! Tw.i horses valued at l-'wned by" d 'r. Geot -,- 1', fiS.Ml From and h, of i:ti hosier, N. Y., were kilic'l by 1. lit- til tig. .' Tcii-y. ar-idd Susie I'rar.ier. of I'a .'.ticah. ivy., charged in court with kill ing h. r uncle by shooting, claimed jus tiiicatica l;ee:ii:.-v lie was beatiag her ..'.Uht. ' ' . ' llathcr than return to New Vork t'ity ok extradition proceeding. Will iiiia M. Until) went to jail ;ii Mansfield. Ohio,, for an imletitiite time. FOREIGN. Kicg Fdward's recot eiy was assured uud l: was. said the coronation would occur bciveeen August 11 and lo. Mr. Chnmberlaiu seere!y cut his scalp lu a t ab accident in London, be ing thrown forward- und his forehead bretikijig- the glass iu the- window. The Madrid express was derailed, owing to some unknown cause, near Guarda, Fori it gal. Nearly-nil tlie cars Wvfe wrecked, sis pel's, his Were killed and i wciu -seven were injured. Tin season iii London was expected .0 tinisa i, recovery.' i.iirtly, u wim; to the Kit iHlsillt s the l.--..'Hlor Suv.-k Lx- Ciiatige w ;is. n .l e.iccted lo tvv.ve Ul- Iii Scpit'ia'oer: lhrliu's Wii'fiiif td issued ti warning ag summer wci-tla-r as poilee auiiiori; :es ' idist iccl itrink-.-i :'n lu iiig, iiijur.ous to iie.n.ta-. . . . ...-.'.' 'i he o'il, -i.il fyiiils' ui i""lifi-?t'!ania. .Nor-'-way, of Aciiija'nl llo.'iT.t -en's lorf; d-j-btoerijig at'paratr.s. gave e-Xiclhiii re- lulls. . .', . Itegi lining tpjxt Sepiember a v. ccM.v express tra'.u will . leave MtWoW for Fort Arthur. .. Twenty-nine "rus!icai'(i'-' cadets of the Loyal Military Academy, at Sand hurst. Lngland. left that iittsi'.iut ite.i protesting tli.it t'aoy liad not .been" cou uecteil with the fecciit' iuxt luitary Urcs at the College, ' The Gorman Government decided to start a system of motor cars hi Ger man Hast Africa, supplementing the main railway. ' , IritBh-Amerlean prisoners of war will' 44eaji-th4i-aijQe avttwip Boer el--lottv-tishtvrs, , ... ! CORN SOARS TO 90 CENTS Shorts in the Ja'y Cp'-isn Squeeted . 'cr. the Chicso Market. Vtlc th- Slurf lstc.. AVhrn St AV Il tied 5Iltli:x. I'rbind the .itri Crowd. Chicago. Shorts iu July corn wera fijuet-zed again, and the cornered deliv ery went up to IK.) cents, tbe highest price since when tin market touched $1. July closed at S4 cents on the previous day, an advance of 7 ceyta over the previous 'close. Opening bids were from 81 to So cents. Shorts were the bidders, and by ruuuinj; the market up to w cents a little Ttorotv noon tney got approximately Uot.Mni bushels. It Is estimated that lu selling this niuctt the manipulators of the market made a prtlit of $.iii.' as most of their line, estimated at I.'.ih) i.oon bushels, was purchased between 01 and C5 cents. No escltetnent was evident in the plfcr'although all were interested in the problem- of where th.. Gates coterie would let the price advance to before casing their strip. The price already i far. past the maximum at whieli l'Milllps allowed shorts to settle in Ida first atid'most successful deal. Shorts who have covered have paid heavily for the privilege, and those who are still on the wrong side of the market are generally believed to be in the most A-rlous predicament of n decade. Trading, however, 'was not large.' Toward the latter part of the session there was less urgency to buy, prices reactcel. and July closed at S7 cents. September corn opened 'i lower to hi higher, at CC to ;J'J ,ut on ,-tV st.j. Ing declined to.Gl".,. Crop advices were favorable, as also was tlie weather... New York City. New York operators In tin- '.rain. market contjnue.1 to watch with much interest the further ed vaii -e in the price of July corn in Chi cago. The same option was iptoted. in, the Now York tnarisaj.ai 1 Si .j ti'uuW. low- the high tigtire recorded at'Ane tyne it) 4 l.e Chicago pit this clearly showing the r-.rtllicvUity of the Ch!eag. price, and as bein due, not to this year's crop conditions oo prospects, but to the short interest in July. When the high price of !) . cents was reached Ftime small sums of money changed hands here, 'these representing wagers laid-!!. at the l-vhe of '.Ml cents at least -would be reached its' a result of the CrtlT.er." Aec'oi-.'.rr..: to the g4.r-.-ip in the Street, the Gates pool engineering the rise cau command a capital of at least S'VOUit, .; fcr lw pr.; j . br;dal pair arrested. ... . - - 4cruKnl of roiaoniDi; His I Irst Wife anil llfr First 11 usbanit.' 1V1H.IA. HU',. 4,11.1. -V i , ni'.I 1 44 4 4 0441 Iloaue -County says that Howard Jen kins, a mechanical engineer from I'itts btirg. Fa and bis wife, who had been married only thru, week were ar rested for murder. Mrs. Jenkins is the widow of John Fleming.-The- warrants were Issued at the Instance of relatives' of Fleming and the first Mrs, Jenkins.' The defendants are said to have con spired to murder Mrs. Fleming's hus band and Jenkins's llrst wife in order , 7." .,. .v-,-f !l ., 'I- ,, t a .... r...i.. that they might marry.-. Loth Flem ing and Mrs. Jenkins died at the same I'time, but no suspicion was aroused un I til the widow and widow,--were mar., i ried,- It lias been sworn that both Fleming and -Mrs. Jenkins died from ! the administration of '-night shadi , powder. ' . " ' . j. Mrs. Jenkins is a member of a prortl ! netit I Inane County family.' It was hero ; that she met Jenkins, !i who had then j lust i-ou.ii' from Fittsbm-g in the tuter- est of a new manufacturing enterprise. KITCHENER WARMLY PRAISES BOERS Tills lit Docs in Vuli-tilctory to (lui I'.vlt 1 ' 1U Ttoi. . . j. Fretoria, South Africa.-I.ord Klteh- ' - ' " i . - extolling the conduct of the Fritish ! soldiers in tlie. face of great hardships, land difficulties and against dangerous ' and elusive antagonists, commends thtj : kindly rind huiiiane spirit lisil:ijed iu .ill ranks, and ends as follows: "This message would be incomplete were uo reference made to the soldierly ptalities displayed throughout the cam paign by our (piomlam enemies, and tin' admirable spirit displayed in car rying out. the surrender. Many of hose wh contended until the end have i -x pressed the hope that they may have. in the future, au opportunity to serve ide l-V side Willi His Majesty's forces. N'iDCET SLAYER DECLARiO. SANE. (ill ! X ho Killed it Married Man Wilt Unto to I'lice Murder I Iiin'ie. ltoston. M(.ss. -Nina 1 :uii'oi;ii, 'the dwarf girl 'ho -.hoi and killed A. 'J. -Kn ery, a married man, at' bis home iu South Framiugiram last May. has t-e.eii prouoimeed . sane by Dr. I'li-.-y, the aUeuist who has been uiahiiig au ex Itatfstive. study of Iter ea-a-, 'licit see is not' wholly 'sound tfteuially was up-" jiarciii rroui the ttrsr, out that she was so insane as to have la on irtc-.poi.i- sioie tor ner acts rirn "tint 7trox.trto tue saH.sf.-tetioti ef itie SJ.aU.'. - .-. TIiom fa mi liar with, the history of Mich cases In tliis S-:.Uc, however, say It is moral certainty that ti- .liny Will ecu Vict Miss I bill! li it f iK'ltber, ate imutier. i It is estimated that the t'ates syndS rntirln $S;lt;ftt'Brcairc0'lufr''TH.',a'5t Wtt deal , .