MHiifW .-.a- -v. 1. - t 1 ' - ' " i. " .' : - -- V ,-- 4 . " ,V .. ' " ' , , i ii i ' ' " 1 111 ' " - - ' mm , n i' i 1 ,'J VOIirli NOftt?; ,;;:.,;tMDA t HftitnAVrAtTaUST 15. 1902 . rEDWARDlGtOWIiEDi PipnalioBcf llie king and Qucca of Eoland T 7 .L? ' 4W- uTAS'Airrtin.v'iiMsf.NC affair toe vccarrcncs yas yne i urcat . , Treaertdous Crowds. . T .JT ."Hf4s-i. "fH T 7: TT.' . ft tllr coronets at Hkti moment tfic tiiafs xfgwned. approachoft? jB utter of nervousnesB ran thrpugn thdr ranks and foronet wor puii.fl out and jutted and pinched intpap' thotr facowJHVdatt rttht'Asiety ai)d thpn ail Hr feniia suddenly went up, artd ,vvruuet8, large and small, war W nv place. , wrne cror)ktd and ome Itrafent For the- nf 4ve minutes. Werwfkes "flisregarded what passed before tbrm; , first one and thea an othfr calh?d for advice endhPl and . K-r itliif. effect ould have eotitllfd Vv olimax that ensued the moment the crown waa placed upon Kin Pa ward's hcaL th sadden. fKiffilniUon bv. htmdr; nttrt lights making 1 llKihi;IikriJfc uf pricelcgt jewels, Sn-, Udrtiii tb'a i Va" crowa itself, to pprkl with basiling brilliancy, fThe in4JBUiiecBiinorencat oLthe feera,, "it he 'rlJK-in of tlunr coronets Ttipon fb ir- hiawt le ehrdfs.,ioud "UoA Favelftc Kns!w "ith8 unharmon ious, j'ft Rrnnfae rftroln Jhf'i- pent up eveu -PcrlaL. Ed ward ".VllUlU It ari e t Goo. cf tae Umk 7ii)4lor4 of (rrt ' pit "fUd,Vfi"'y&au(i Wiw BrWIslr .Mpwinlonsbtyrouil -tif .sf'at Kil' -iJcfenoV tifh'? Vith, EtnpwOf of In ' , 'hl was galftrday crowned without Lltch or fcv.n.v all xcsi ta the cd JL tUnrFt of 1el "'si out wita a iHrrcction Vrt;ii!V:V"r- Ah y.d IsM-k oC accident hai r!rl Vf tff pri-l.. of fi.ri- which tuarkod Quh:? AU rr.vccn e ARP ROASTS SLEDD. I be Creatof made ue icjr wicnor and He WiH Remain $o.-". 1 NO MAtUR WdAI i IS WJ ITTIN. Sledd, Bill Say, lust liava Had a Dlseaacd , imaciaatio t Wtocsi He bey, ivlth all i his- never; before, wt LiyJ things fcrt ua more tfcsa ;M? snos. If 1 write that .Kcytum U t-i teen tinndrcd xnllfio'ns of mjks ffoia the sun and it cornea out la print sis teen ailjllous it wviriUs iup, U 'o thst (lie d-kt.i- sefd up lia Hi innl It 4mi wtrt. W'- f I !kg -ir tht! tyteiuli t )cupw tnaua rabbit tad. a slit under its nose. If I write that 1 walked out Into the garden to frrmy caojer 3own, Meaning my auswv the typo thinks 1 meant my ehUt. cottar, and so changf the.spclljnfc to S'"nt hip jvia, IU u Uliii I rea4 aaieditor's '.iftnsc in a iew York Duver 1 fel betn iter, for he ay8 it is amazing how few i Of these mistakes- are made An the Rreat , :J dajlks that bav to be flushed ibrovsh is-, it t'.Y there la rvaded all claws ai imi rwo!ic-tion that cjf-'.y tlx Vtti! . . V with IlKhtnlnK speed ' a i . "tii, i.wt mioy rwsis in muuic i'uiui vwv. - - . r.f j wir mm lay lBarr.iWs.;!r. i ' prrsnre-on s auu v"" 'Ireaaers is tremenaeus, uui uj tbiuij. ; make any serious blundtrs, and the ' i telligput readers can jeneraiiy rwit oem ia his toiaa, And 0 r cti noi'-wbrr an more about It. 'Ar ro aom otiar little .th'inKS that are of 4- . Plk Una Suffered. v-.- A 4 and this day immV-A Ihihkfuln uJ.. ficuMUift .mriny ?or tnj,f man i ranwrtha. adulation of the; King. . Killed Cjf MsUring Tbla fwg was voiced tb utttt- 4 Cioaoft.' e!a!tirihS l.lshfpjf Cacterfcury when he in3evtc4 j tra fc-aca' WAiur or.ebday after ' Vhat a Monstrous Talsehooff & :TJ that the southern aegro Is dehamanK trt. ItlRht here la our town averjr nesro fnaAanl?'S fffiptel aC t4 wases. Wark!Bi-hf. rf'tfterf Wafoi! it ra. ip;inifn !U5u$y ijp5!HJjh': es and W3Ehercm" tend ttM-Mraf!- rrloymtnt and they are not r r" teated, but sometinn a'dare to be merry fcud.laugh. Wbere did Sledd et att that rot about klriiiff ar.a tursltig atldlicat--Ht th negm? W nerer hear o sich W'mr.jr Jui fefUiiU Jtff, iUlam, a truthful minLa 'H.JiM: .'vB keejw him on the rtreet old other, day taat he had .lard but cue path "uttered by anybody within a year. tr4 fmt- was a northern man to wards a flsfus-.wttlM.M i civil r.ihKTn Rrnm-n 'who " alVC tbeie shops the rnoet patronage. What ridicu lous folly to demand seats in, our r,iiwf.PR for?ihe nceroes. They "nave chun hea of their own that were built mainly by the charity of the white b!V THi rtfllTH -nnt seat In ur t huw bea; They. bee atUMow "ceir owu that we support, and they havfe ex-t-ursJons aa J baseball and watermelons and funerals and Daughter f Aimx. Mir da' 1 tiitr hin fara- uy and bi kidrid. He tlUnkS. Ji has fnn n (t mare nest: and for lack of comcthloc fresh has raked- up . Sam Hose again. He faments the Ivnchiogs, but not the outrages, and he proposes a remedy. Mr. Sledd can set this down that the lynebinKs will not stop until the outrages do: When a neexo dehu manize himself and becomes a beast he ouKbt to be li n;hed. .whether it is RELIGIOUS ARMIES AT WAR Thtr Toluiiteers of 'America rn.4 the 5alvati3nists at Loggerheads.' - The Week' DeveloimBt SnCrwal, s By Corrcapondentav ! ,s . jftep6rts( il rop aorrespondeni v tbo patet week in-aju:? wa'' Improi'eaetiS in .croj prope, a consequence of f.n-e shower,, V thought the rainfall wai i'Wl' W char arte. It ie remarkable that ample' Uv fallen in some section in jmnie- Uiatl fetfxlmity o others wbioii nava suCersd fryia WmBuous aroiifni. bringing about extrem (trwtr in tue coalition of w ops. Rains oocflrs4 Siany counties on three days of tw-, Week'. ceially July ?lst aad Augusi let, which' were fifl beneficial; the counties chiefly .suffering If am sever drought are. la the jeaet,'. Nafi. Eladen and Wilson, in the ccatral $Sf tion of the State. KUhmond, Alanunee, Franklin, Johnston nd Davidson, and Iredell. taJkirt and Hay. la Oiese,al 1 J p,,,., nd met..- fropB have surferea ior wwu ui -undent mbieture aftd feae fldwite!y beei considerably injured. Whera bowers accurrei, crops mived. won derfully, but a gencril raia over the State' is muchVedel. The tetnpTature during thp,.week arfraged about S ereka Mrg normal, with rnsxlmuni FiHjciUi'fi.Ti! Salvation Amy and W tMwrteeif are at U.ggerliiA lu Aliegii';?f t'Mce'rwers where iby mny liobl thrtV Opew lr meetings flte beiiivr banly 'f? f"1- a,,d "ly llH goFpeV of ' peace, , vUltb the litigant .M-li, baB prevented dashes over tliuir iV.e'U. J'ui-iiiff the Iast weet rtlatbmti bvf! the two rp.i- tloiw htive W.U sfM'red alinow f the breaking i.ut. .anil le seems t b further 'nimteasantiiews ft store. 1 0 lflie are essvutially cwoneut. The T;1nte. rs of America ttf r t.".ntr.ed by Jti'tlhiiTton HtHitb. lit t& uuarrel witli his fntberT tJeueral Will- h ui.u rs waawa -pra)'rf r. t arRli Treat light seeroe ' . Ifc-.... ,.J.v DA..I.n.. V, . m BTI IT 1P IlVIl ( uu lj iw filial v iui m - - Tor wlWe J ecu cry jth rftnf Heartfelt Uiur Yet tfcia I round at the park dtd.not prvet il bIr''frqrV;!foWt'e'fl,, o'i tiiM" "St 4 1 to ret abave i nrore consequents Just cow: Out .took the nrry-go- Lmjfn n -aonti to a house party. I tbiuk. That .,1 UVUIvpv - 7 - - . I, 1 ... vi. . . r.. r i in Mil riaihr. for tlie COOK iiUS u'.( J ir.i fi . . . . . ... - . -i tlttiTin T ' t iiH liiCVk U. V . If. HUH ail. 1: v. i - . ,;KyUt ' lf arcne hi tMngnx needed rMtMW a a" r.iiuiv piu:intitiu a'- ' (h mihSne ran finm u&der tHe CSB- I WWW servBBl ua ww w them a 41 nance to-see. Earl U.uvru.-j Mrvir' f.-.f fchs ad tfc-ne-irhrf r- iand we have, had a honee party our- , . " . . . . . i . r i .nvc.i mnnrnft f nivp nt-t.ii- bat no w are reauraa to lie fatnily af-flve and hav but lit ook arid aii g?t a'ftg jj tO hcartfest welcome of the asaoniblej 'mJum' ut4-Sereft-y- hijured; an -IV111 ( meals a day: -My" wife arranged It for owuf., iiere ronict fnofl oia "ft ynuag. ft lute .sl as .. .ki .'...1 elie f ra Mr-Vliiiutt had Instantly i'llek, M Kjttl&ZirrUi&iZ fcx fehtfiiftf! IfrH. regular I .xt.4o t Kb nlfcaelf, rofcn'W.tha j Sm!rh. ' tfih mimv. was jbMi- ! ile to c go on. Thhvte the sentiment of our people, and let Boston and the Atlantic Monthly aud Sledd-bowl; We are used to the. Kn iwg aga w had a lynching la Home that was tb. my riotioi): Th. beast was strung up io Jlroad street in the daytime and Fhct to pieces and no body was disguised. The judge lived there and beriff and town marshels and policemen and a military company, and the governor wasn't far away, but not a soul said nay. TUat.sults me ex actly. Bill Arp iu Atlanta Const itu- tiOBw : ' i ' ' mi lli variably lh4 ai$na fe fra powef of arl'ttn ifinM workman, hao oeca4 me to" nra tin Laa Bipve aad fill up the aVi ltfc ' i ilo-n acj.algbt1y bruiaed- "r 7 kettles and grind the cofle? end put on had' before him tbo case of d to: fe I : Damage at U2r!iain. Tthe hOIuy and then ring tne pen '"r paiT;Of opndence men accused of rob i -. ' . . . ..." , judge Showed Them a Trick. A N'ew York city magistrate re ..ahr .!., tu-e l.nM Durh, ial. A terific wind and I the m to gei up auu tog,a tarmcr on a viait to th:. ,""' v- - " 7 7,- ,ji. Ciarm hWwedues"av aftern'wn breakcam. baa ea:a mai:. ijw -p . f tpoUs'saya" t-PhlladelphJa" T alone and uUy "a1'. I The itsazlstrate asked inert a Ic u. Wl lutcliMr a hot W aarly j , hli badly and a large nnta- room. ell of course, I hau to ppbt 1 explained -or.e, . Irif h wfcfSn a he rode j bt cf. windows and awnings ware de. ap.sbmo "ff Simply offered" to bet ' him that tjeneral Sir AX-ed liUirfad .mvjm "ITV.r"',:?.;. .v-iie i 4 I ronld take a deck of eraj -- Wmnr:r&?pt Ammf.niTL u.ZAlnZ?'T: .o he could see . and make jb! aQie.nowd,s ft Itr&.-fiJfM V " ,.'7" -.'L.- n nnri thn f.irnl-i' .hf the veranda waa badly tracked "up lacks come out together. Ho I me- nlen. as , to K are mn'eh like those of flw original naa!;'.yUo, but there nre .tirtinetiv , iIifTcrem e which b:ive bcit iff Iwp from "irtas iuf!i';"l. in the pttfMdnr miud wherever they occupy oom'HM roinuV iWplnim wns made to t'r Poller lepitrUiter curc.'rniiig Ibe dim. u . . ...... ...... IJ ,. f.,1. j cultr. tint MUerinemn-i 1 1 A! - ." excused liint be v as Hot lu I ImHttifii. I .'f Oca cilli'ti 1 ItO PC rniH" nlliiwoil temperature otf degrees on- v- i w,rk()V t() . 'wberw they j jtlenseil. SO l"lt In ome loeuttips local ni-ua i tmnn.eiit i". A'tt to make a'fuliVroD of old corjj. J w .renidejjiy : ; then v-nn fK lui There ieestix to Ik' fW 7f (nr doubt as ti the justice if tin p.jdilioff ku, by Mr. MuMi. iml un less tbre i s:e .clash be.tveea Hjc . two ti!-gnn;xatidft.ll.n' U lit!' l'rcAs bilitv of pi'lW intertcreuee. The rl eue of the trouble U U"d in mys tery. Kacli party f-'ds w'lejit Uiat right U on ii si'le. but be !:o doubt that there is trouble. ... ' . - " FAMINE N-HCNEY PREDICTED. sbowers fell, Itsi bcoltby . appearance Contlntf,A ,.,,, Kal(i t ,ve u,pt tires which was too mncb Injured by d-ought to fully recover, birt young torn has greatly improved; lu many countita both early and liiie torn are reported to be in very fins eotiditsoa Still, and promise a large yield,' Ca the eara are filling well. Saving fodder on" fftrward corn has begun; Cotton ha3 not been seriously injured by drought and where r v.rfons points; ab;ng the 'rnt K ih ; ,u;c. fctlf The butldlng was own. I imce the rain and needed a rod waah-j . r'liccs.sion Lorj(Jl4Klt'JPMIIr riv'ir .i;ij; gldf .Mang m. af tfci iy. and j ng. So tnla morning 1 ..turned loose timnejTftn ovtjynir,7 wbb h he .. t . tM trTiUmeatVctfra jLpTfl'Klalicjt or. j u 'rtVa fnu-haa the atar-ple to" Carr w-r & -. . : ' - ? .. . . . ! . . . ... ... ........ .t.l&ui- to n'lpprcng the entnuatacm j MKlswi.ft chnrcn waa mown on, cair!-It'-wi. forthe-Kloe and Q we.1 ! Ituj-'a ot. abapt $;oa.: ThisJoss is ih :i'-neH ioohu... -1 qroufiiiom tne, aay, " aerever and henr,ver.f Tbeir That wqs alf) Judge."' "Wbat'B your name .' . i i.. .-f iinBtfi. i t- -nH n .1 aha t-n icnn mn i a- . . w i . r- m on t-'J -i'V-W-VvU r. H'Hf-Wf ruimupi;. jpt? nJAe iL nuu H4M. , irULO UStVtVU lilt-- p-JuavruiAlr..-; . Lii vialtUig at the . ilnt'i "o? tWf rv- e f rosea from my garden. We. let iter sitep j "And yours?" turning to the i ii ii 1 1 1 in r a aiaai. ii s ' w i ! I i . a a. ')'a jpstict wer t?n, Uie cheers Aett long jmd JbUdttoi4 specially waa (Hi t.o on th'e return Journey of Uie Kin:-: an,!" Quecjt to Hueklnghat )v!a e, i?i WbetmlDtstei Abbey, tht V-n; nt"ilwl-5"si " than 'hia vck, tinttf'Ji inatali' rs of tii noHttM j.htt lt4V,f aad the gentry bad fcattb -e w-tth.' lotften rrjnerv Atil 4rtb. Colonial rulers, -l"t;irr pnen va'es. and leaders froin ffte fuitlwrf .unrtft of the globe where the t' Jael lies,' l do nonon tf titc mcldent ''in the ervfee ju (lit AIM-- Will" live In tHe memory oXalil tio 'witnessed them. The flrtt ul them, which, almost developed in'o u dramatic 'contretemps. centered aixiun'.lhe aged nrebb'shop of ("ufi fp-.lnirjv Frotn the foiiimctitciiicui ! p erlcu .the arehblhhois hiMte r.r alest6lfncHl$.vA in iadJ-it 'ftr sc mcteiberlng the prayers. The book from which his almost blind eyes en deavored to tefta abooli lu Mb hands; Mri !(' hf iiimc frt place th Ufion King- Edward s head, his huge' frame, towering above the svated -J; .1 tburch. Blmoct was blown, down, tiniO!t ra'lofi Of I'OuV The lumber janl or i. l. a1;i-K was damaged to lt,e rx!r.t el JoO'or IT. The engine slied-waa lifted Intb the street flnllht' fl .ts,Tritritr I'ar. ithr-trrea,wer Hwo dltft tm the homo of I'ror. aia tiuV 't.'ui'xJ-v r151 Durham the twneltflr'tt-t'-nY 'rr bWwn tlovn and lr30k.,ilo;lias been Msistlng in tUi., wii Ug .vaa.. caught la ft.; He esenpe?!-ni!b(Tft i-vtfrr ,,, .WiivlfJa la !- aftt Pwrham cotton ilila-! laaaaged - the amdunt of $lrtJi)f a'he rtireitloa ff the atorm wt-frcniieit-,t( eist'anl Bt'eped to get worse cast of 'the city, 1, t ; ' tUgn llnt Hard Hit .V ,(. ".,..(.,1 trrin'.a.-nd - """hlabop of Winchester had Vo support him, while the. dean of VVfstmintetti 'ifrVvit a guarding hand under the rrn-n ' It was evident that the. archbishop" of .j. ,tf.:antt'rbiiry rouid not tea-b' Musi V ihead, and," nftcr grouping around ;!' Y 5'w Jnet about to complete the' , I ' V Important part bf tho cei emony.'wlten' r J, It aa dlscortred that na s " , 45 '" Ei.Jcow "-vlUi tba backvto tM fronti : :" SIowlv he raised it, but too law, 1 . . . 1 t.-l 1 I . 1.-1 I v Aoo onosr a4 uuiai uiu at jvui xty, I-l faro tfe King!;'; Amlditeaaln.tha. v bad grown to a pitch sf a painful nervousnesti." the archbishop fiiiallv tnanaged to "place the Crojrn Cofructly fr-'Mpnon-the -head bf the 'King. A' few ' "later eama tlni"Vl,lmag of his I feebleness, He "was ItncWIirig to do the ' 'flrBt homagi of all the rrbjijets of" the King. whfn. 0ddenif,"i(- almost faint, anA would have fallen upon " in ts ""no v erelan'x knees i bad not King . ? . m-ard tendarly, but firmly, grasped th" ,t4 pralata a bands nnd vlifteOtm i, his " feet. The bishops of London. Winches- ' fc,tiri an-l l?uj!bam usjiedvtlwir ?arr;:s rou(t da arcbblsbOD ol CanterbiUT iKIa' kissed his wrlnklad hafcW tha arrhhlshOD'l head fell HSCK, ma . feet' moved slowly and., mttfeanltajly "'' and thus he. was more carried t&aa led from the throne to Kijig Kdward'a thanel. wherb he was revived Tho Queen's , owa- crowning was on.t alnmle ..When . tllU ' f()Hl' lbiche8soa vent to hold a-eaftopy ovt-r ller.Maiestv's head. th .abichcaa. ol t - Marlbtilrougk aaflf tit l be. of ftivU "' land lad .tue-way.t They-pcrfonih-.l - th'lr "duties' excellently. As th cnu i.nrto.1 for which tho peeresses hfd long p'rnc Jcbdi namely, the 'putting on II kH" Point. RPf tnini msul m'CT Itillh Point WCllttCs- 'ky;iift flan vt'tty f , -doing .nt!4t rt'd iljr.nge al aonic of - the factV.H' :tn4 r'pmotfng trees in fliffef ciit parts of the riry. ; - ' : ; Th loriifl snioke stu-k'at tho Kiio Ctnthf v ff)tpntiy't' plan, "was blown down, demollphlng a thed. On the yard thft lumber was b tittered in evry Ai rectioui. Alarga smoke 'stack at oac of the rtie Homo ' ""urbltnre' Com pnnva plants wag riisrrranKed. The Clilmtnreji Rt Mr.: :.!. K. OrimeV rtsb dence wtie blown down. TiK'Titinitier of .ucsa unrooted. ctttUmisoa . .. blown (lou' Thi nuttuxw :X't Irer.a uprootea, cHTtoTfrs Montf do'n" Una 1 fenrc do Biolished vanut.t. he., .-ist! mated at this strrtr.if. ilamagfr Is rep wled on cv ra-v atrett. Thi ct-nm ht'-:"': the toin suddenly Whe wind wus f itTrhed by a heavy rain which I tei-alli ewept, the streets. A storm la tin unusual pr.rurrcui'o here. - Death of Mrs. Senator .Pritchard. Ashcvllle, Spc'i-ial.-MVa'.J. C. Flitch, ard. wife of Senator Prib nard. died at Wcarly notrr .TTTdij moT-blng'-ftt the Uarkcr Memorial Hospital, at lliltmore. Death did not come unawares, eithee lo the Pittient or to .relatives. he suffer ed ifw.m .OBttateia A 7ctncer. Shortly fterIerniWJht the hospital. one wealt ago, the physicians gave sbrne hope, which Ut all times lacked posi- tiftjncRs.Uhst fhe eanrer might not be fatally malignant. Later this hope was dispelled and a dangerous surglcarcp r?J n held out as tha only means by wnttn tire rouin possiDiy oe prtr loaced. This oneration was performed abiNut noon. 'For awhile, during the r.trcnart of the nlsht. a brief period o con'-velousnesa permitted Mrs. Trltehart" to kivjiiui' uartina worda to nuabarui .nA'dre'liUrvaa iTbesho' lapsed Into twv consckmsrtesa-again and in auoui two bouif , it .thea bi 1 oclo;k, the nci Tho funcraf iet-vices were conducted 1 tu t church. Sunday at 3 p. m up her room and makc-a ,up two beds and then sews all day for the grand-j children. But want that colored Vuia-J , party to break, up as soon as possible, ffir t Hrin'l hanker after ibis morning btisirter ai a tegular Job, MrsMlmma says she Ukes';t, and 1 think she docs. She has a good room in the uacit sin and good furniture and a canisvTJQ. lamp td read by, and her MVie Tiit.u- son lives with .her, and ,1 uon t kaov. bf any ' olored woman that bus a bit ter time. In fact, i know or tors or ro w ncgroeaiu town who, are oonteiuca with their situation and will cont'tu'e so If they ar? let alone by the nortUtru fanatics and. soutnern crar.KH. What traze has come over that man iSledd to cause bitti to-write audi a fool ploca for the Boston magazines vvnat go6d can It possibly do, even it it an true? ritit It is not true and the nrndttct of a dlsrasmt;' Imagination. ; i would write hard things about him hut for his .family connections. 1"W th'elr sake he had better have smothered bis feelings and nis pen. ine aubhui Monthly hasLnever shown any love for the south, and why he should select that as his orgrin passcth comprehen sion. "Professor Sledd says the negro Is n Inferior race. Then why dces he in sist that we give him a place In pur own churches and hotela and railroad cars? . ".'',' -".'' Jt was the work of the Creator that made him infer'or, and he will remain soand'ncithrf ednc,at"rri nor misce genation will ever ctiang it so un aa social souality Is concerned. Moses vio lated tho law of Ood When he maranen thatEthlopian woman, and he had todis card her, and Aaron and Miriam cbiaed hiiu for it long oftrrwardK. , Numbers 'nil. The story goes, according to Jo- sephua. that the Egyptian: were at war with theUthioplansandnad aitneren in feat in every battle 'until rharaoh was advised that no one could command 1ms ai my uxesfully but Moses. So "dimes was given command ami be matched with the army to the borders of l"thi opia and met the enemy r.n l defeated Mi and then marched on to Sabn. the royal city, and attacked the wall?, and i-hor-hta th ianirntfr or tne Kinff. si Moses from the window of her toet, and he was so handsome that Jhe fell desperately In love with him and sent a meseoger ta .him to say that if he muM marrv her she Wvuld surrender the ciLV and army to him. Moees agreed to this and their marriage was at consnmamted. Tften " MOFes reiru with his victorious army to Egypt He aa nnt taka with him t his v Kthioplan wife, but not long after, he. married Zipporah.s tho daughter of ,'cUin th Mldiaptte. ; ; - -...; i , '' So we must suppose that. Moses. nut r rled the Ethiopian princess as a war n,..Bir nn.l with no Idea of keeping bis promise. At any rate it , caused r ..... ..... n,,.l Qf es were eonuueuru trouble and snnme in iuc lauuij, ...... i.-.v w.hi.I tf the MaraU&U a UP- it bus done ever tne wuemver " - hereon mates wm other prisoner "Jack Devlao, your honor." . "O'Brien," said the magistrate. "I give you four ; years; pevine, I give you titrc years. And bow, gentlemen, I'll Just bet, you 1301) that you two Jacks do not come out together." , Brief Meatloa. j k' The Republicans of the fiftevi Tc::as districts have nominated J. C- Scott for Congress. " 1 7'"' ".' A "Richmond dispatch5 says:4' "The" boulder from Boston Common, given bv Massachusetts admirers of the laa Miss Lizzie Van Lew, the friend of Federal soldiers rTererdnrlflj? tile civil ar fnr the arave: of JMiss Van "Lew; arrived here today, and will bo placed irt position in snocKoe nm aui at bnce. It Is suitably inscribed. , The corporation commission Is pre paring with great care its report , for this year." It Is also' studying the wholo question of taxation. One of its mem bora sava it ia dear to htin that there ought to la a sweeping ; cnange ; oi North Carolina's system of taxation. . ( 'Ex-Judge Shciipcrd and George f.ountroe, ' of .counsel for "North Caroli na, go tc Pierre, a D., to appear there August ISth Jn a suit brought by that State against thi State to recover the full principal and interest on certain Western North Carolina Railroad bonds-'' "''f :;'if '''".' ':': ' charter has been granted by tne State today to the Simpson Hardware mpauy, at Wtniamston, capital 3",. Thp fstate ,ext-bock commission has not yet fcck-rted an elementary book en asricuiiur.N nor u vu-. - to: )' of .North S?P.:. - 7 n'oicccr I Ic State Chairman Miumons anncltita th following attrtsory c- mr mitteei a, A; Ashe; josepnua i'v Robert M. Furman. James 11. Pou and John' S. Woodward. 1 ' ' ; wnrfv jsiwakers are now In the field in the' great educational campaign In in this otate, , n.ako in an tw epcerui w. Thn hn eamnatm for the eumincr ?nda. ' 7: ,,.. .,.'. 1 i- has been 'restored; cotton l forming bolls' rapidly; In the drought stricKcn Sections shl!icg continuea arid-ruat has appeared. Tobacco is being cut and cured rapidly, end oh the wbois is cur ing well; but some farmer have been obliged to cut green to prevent' fifing, and this will give a light ;rop. tta nnto tonic f:iirlv well;, sweet potatoes "we will'' bo late uad short; rice Is mature 1 . , , . . n ... i.'A it wo- in ihrecnmK iuv ia v"- fihttfflc completed. Special rtpona twd 1 dlcate generally a very ;nrer.i..r t-.yi'. peaches are fearer sppiea uiu u , lnferror, and the late apple crop con tinues to fall from the tree; pears ore mmewhat better; grapes are very fin j Bid are coming into market in abund- lost. magis- in Their lllve,. . , O-'tit'va. N. i'.-Tbe -n et wcitln'r" Is causing a shortage In the production C honey. -which is HUeiy to resuh in .-t famine in that sweet commodity. 'Tf inlu kteps the beet in their hives, pwI nUo deprives them of food ).v wnt:!i inu' the liectiir au1 pollen from ibe flowers. A a result tl beekeepers M tlie newbjiorbood of Geneva report that their bees arc ill a state of nctiiaf jtarvatioti. and they. have bud to resort to nrtftieiaLfuod. They even have trou lile. Ill doing this on nccoutit of roving swarms of robber bees, who scent If! fond and take possession f the blvif. When they ou. t- get iu St i very" to get them uih. and n battle siisues . lxtWen the tiirbt fill oecupams snd " ' . . - (Sa (1 f 4 a , " ill" Jill t IMIt'l n. A V uuim.o-i. Farmers having bees will obtdia a , Kt..1.v..1nn tllP i-iteeiHTs liavr 1 1-1)1 ti. .liTiita !ii tliiV liIvi'M." If M- t-W 'IU 111. v i vat - - the bees"cau work thr-iibunt .the , month Hif Augnst there iu:ty be Ih.incis of .-v small crop of honey. In wuiie Id ealities the bees deHn1 for on jilauis bltnui.eaily .in the summer,-"and' thus the riiiny " se.ifliitr 'his directly aud t-cfiotisly affecfeil thein, Either 'rains or drouth is said tAhnve alfectml the hivs In nearly every tHate. A YEArf IN THEi SAVINGS BANKS' , v.r-.r. nt hnnev of good miallty. ftlUV w. . . . . .. , . . , ! Rains reitorted (in incnet.;: vJUo boro. 0.38: Greensboro, luK); Lumber ton 0C4; Newbern. 3.91; Weldon, 0.12; Saxon.- 0.55; Fayettevllle, 0.5.2; Hen dereonvllle, 1.45; Marlon,.' O.oi; Ual eigh, 1.43; Charlotte, O.tiO; WiJiuingtou, 1.40. . . State Newa Notes. Raleigh, Spfcclal.-Governor . AycocU Monday evening paraoned A. L. Haley, of' Chicago, cue-of the three golil" "brick swindlers, convicted at C.reensbJro. no case' the. swindlers attracted at tention all over the country. Some oi tbem were wanted in other States ior similar offenses. They were found guil ty thirteen months ago of conspiracy. nale was sriven a seven eontc urn in tho ueiuten&iary heiJc Dx.JllVW-v -- . - r, the unit ot au "Indian. crnot Aycoek gives the following reas ons for the pardon: "The prisoner is pardoned upon tho reeommendation of numerous citb-.ens of Chicago and MJ- eerttfv that they bave known him for many years and he ba always borne a -f unl the present, oncost.-. -commended by. Senator ll". jiois. and by many of the city-otflceia, of Chicago, and is also approved by the olicilor of the district u" .7"" Vrlftof Guilford county." It is vlenr ,V thnt the nrtsoner has never v!en charged with any ottenae Uetsvo, He is offered .cmployni' nt v ...:i it is represented win ai :scful work." 7 ' 7 c. He Gov- .. '.sheboro., Spectabr-A furious it wl-d storm his Just passed ore. , the town one new residence building las been "wrecked In sight of wheire t wijte tnd a 'phone mensage Just reeaived forms me that the. large new .. store bnlldini of Mr. G. C. Hendricks. SUP; Prior Court Clerk. Iacate4 eau the, j,t. is a ecmpleW A inptor .s'ur waa wiihin rangcf. thft buib'.ing ,an-t ;ia camttlctoly -ileiuolishe.d. I cannot i ..11 nt this moment Urn extent of tin- damhge To the town. Messi-s, Hendricks ad Cavtness have the sympathy of cur' people lor this unexpected loss. ' Train Pitched By W ater. Florence. Col'.., Special: A PviO ande special tram rrotu inc. r-a., bortnd 'to CaHforrria: and carrying 80 tourist, waa diU'KedJiist aa of Flor ence, near Swallows, tho wreck was caused by the train being struck by a tail nc '!ipr cicht feet hign-, coming dewa Peck creek, caused by the heavy rain3 in, the mauntama ujuui n vtfterday. No lives wt re tohi. i-.j " ' "State News. ' '.' ,. A cdunty treasurer matio a choree of Vi per Ventr commltslta on receipts of school-, funds in m-m - r cent, on the tate apropnation to s.hotrls for 1900-1001. He w.t. called on to refund., the State Superintendent rul ing that the commb-stou.'.'on receipt was Illegal. Tho treasurer in reply e cbued to refund anl said tho county bb-rd. by advice, of its attorney, all owwd him tin omnuiu. bad Die State Superir.tcndcut ha rciurcd t w trfatter to the .vturr who drcidce that Abe treasurer nnisfc refimd th commissions In nuitbm. 1 be oun tv board bad refused U) demand the ic tuudiugot the comeniMon. Krprt of Stiiie nrrlirtriteiit Ultburu ., "r Ilie Half l'nr. Albiinr? X. Y. Supcriiiteiubut F. D. Killuun completed bis tabulation show lii!.' Hie coiitlitiou of the savings bniik? , !)f llie'STflre nrtlie" i'liise ot business June St. ' Tbene lustltntious hold for , Mi po.-iiors tfl.(C.l,"iW,1S(l, which is nn liii-rease during the year of !"ij4.0ii7 j"Sr The n-'-.'regMte resources of Hi" jivingK bnnVs fs 1.1f'.7.fiS;5,:i.'17 and tbu aiiiouui of their siirplua. figured ou rlu :narket value of their stoelU iajtl fronds, U .ll.".5JO,3(i, wbicli Is le by "1.4.'H.-, ufej tiiuii on -July 1. I'.MU. Most of this decrease Is believed to be due to a de- , cicMse in. tlie, estlyuUed value of real state. Including 'banking bouses. The number of, open . accounts increased during the' year, by 1111,871 . 7flie busi uom of the banks shows a slight net loss (luring the year iu the ratio of growth.- The total amount deposited was ;'1K.S10.CS. which was nu in "retise over the 'previous year, of $14. Si'Mlwi. '1'be amount .-withdrawn was f.i5.l74.S', which was nil-increase of "Hl,r(i;.lS. The iuteret given by the luniks Hjiowk an increase from 32,000,- r4ito"ff!R4,j'sf;t!to. M ' " - '. ffAf AWAY IN HUSBAND'S CLOTHES. ' A ('level nml Woman Worka aa a Man na n Farm Jtear Itorhraler, , Chili. N, Y.-Ieputy Sheriffs called fuio v out io lutitvc a niui ou a enuji of chicken" stealers made the discov ery that a '.woman ha been masquer ailing tu n hired man on Spencer Wld ener's farm for most of the summer. Thu woman at first denied her sex, but after being landed In Jail on the charge of impersonating a man, confessed all and told her captors a remarkable story. The "woman has been going un- ler.the name of James Macdougall. She is small but broad -shouldered, and when arrayed in her overalls and blue lean jumper made a handsome, sturdy looking boy. Spencer Wldener, on whose farm the "woman worked, re fused to believe that bis willing and active youtur farmhand was In reality a woman,. He said that she had taken to farm work "like- n duck takes to water." ssi,e Kuowu as "Jlmmlo the Kit." ami bad wyn uiauy friends. Tlie-Mlcputy 'sberlff spotted her as a wiauau ' by the way ia ...which .she climbed a ladder while, they were ask ing (iiu'Htloiis about ' tho ' ohlbk.'ti thieves. hut will be done with her the I'ttlcliils do uoi seem to know.".

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