PITTS BORO, 2s'. C, FRIDAY, AUGUST 22, id&l VOL. J. NOai). REBELS " SACS BARCELONA Uap'uro Vcncz'iefca Qy After Jkr fighting snd Fillage Ensues. AMERICAN' CONSULATE INVADED After ;pl"'lnt: Teim. Iniir;er.; Hit Women and Kob I'oreluaeri-p Fftaenlisry Kl Lasted rlra Hay AmetlMw 3tfinWtrAk for Help. alio Wfti-.titu Is Ordered J here. I'or; o S;uU, Island of Trsmsdad. ix-mils f the CgltiJns at Barcelona, VoMrsnrta. received uere by ho;t -how tbii a terrible l.attlo farted n Ynn ,j0y. August. 3. ?nd that on the- fedbuv. Ins Wednesday the w?vulil;nlS Gte 4tjrw3'ler kept , J'1,,'h: won firing day and nigt.t. destroying tmvses ouo hy en fe reach the. cent re f the it-. At mid'algbt .on Thursday two-thirds of the city was to the puw or of the revolutionist. On Friday the (icrwsmuiit strong hold "were carried, and the last sur vivor of the Government officer tried to escape by t tic river to i'uc !). hut. failing in this they made one tasi Hand, after wblcti, at no.n Friday,! Hut surrendered to the revolutionist: commanders. General Francisco i-on- ngns suoi i iien, Auntue 'rionet nit: j.jitin .--n.---. j Martin Mareano. F.-esi dent of the State of Hare. lotia. and commander of tin- Government trooi t-li'ht "i licrals aud i went v -three coin- lu-!. The it l) lit hum- liened !:7, All rouelr.,tlte r-'ir were sn-fccd. aid in siene vi-vaiicc. liiotTensw- witift mnl children were lmtbre-a'iedastd killed. All stoiv were i;i;ny-;!, t-j'Piiallj tliiim t et.-iiari- to fofv-iiti.Ti!.. nii'l tla If!!i!t t';i';f ottif vims rr.juil. Tli' Ati!Mtt.u! luiHan fli-il lin(h f'on Mil.-ir M-fro i'i!l.ij2(,'l. and t.H- tYu.'stiw t J have avked for men of war to ote I ; life and proper j j- t'nitfd y.f'ttes Minister I'owen. at; Csraca li.is cabled the Fnited Ktats- : cruiser Cincinnati H go "to Fan-eiena j without delay a'.ui to i;ike-provisir.i. j The Topekrt Is auiboivd c.t I'erto t.a lielio. the Mnrietta Is on tu Orinoco, tlw liertnan warship Falke is at Cur-a-oa, and the Italian t raiser Giovanni ltnusAn and the British cru..-er Palla ad at La t.'nayra. CIIISIS IS KNtZi r.l t. , ! State, and (inrmtnr Heebte 19 , I.amt Murine. , t'nitrd Wnl.bt'io - At" t'r-"--tntmr jraTc MlniHter Bow ven. at Caracas. In formed smartnrent that thr. . -r- th Htate--IketVi trans intended to land o niival foit-e at , Porto Cabelltt to protect German tiller el which were threatened by the up rising now 1n progress. Minister Bow it ad'iscd that the Fnited State fnl low suit, arul int ructions wero cabled to Commander X.lehols. f the To'i- ka f to proceed "from La Guayra to Porte j Cabeljo to protect American inter. m there iu ease of an attack on the town. J President Castro's government mi Veuer.nebi appears to lie faeiug a crisi t tnOre serious than any yet rep.,rtel The capiure of Barcelona by the v-e- i ltitionists was the tirsi advantajre any 'mpi.rtance inr-y nv gant.i m several weeks, abiiough the steadv ad-1 . vanet! of General Ma to, the revolution, ary l.adtt. upon Caracas from the south played him alriloi-t witiiiU sir.k ina dintanee of the capital. Barcelona has about l.l.tsvt inhabit nnts. ami Isan important communica tive centre. Imnmuei as It Is coneec'lril by telegraph with all parts of Vcac tu In. TERRIBLE DEATHOFA YOUNG GIRL While Companion Souetit At. I, Sli liw ly Sank la Clay Near Trenton, N. J, Trenton. X. .L Ada Iteynolds, six teen years old, suffered the horrible death of slowly sinking hi a clay pit whlh her companions went lu search of -help lu compnnr , with cirl companion die was wading lu n little pond-at the 'rear of' the Interstate Fair Ground, and slm stepped Into a hole, the bot tom of which was of clay Her com panions attempted to rescue her, but finding that their feet were also beiti held by the clay abandoned their at tempts and went in search of assist ifViee. They were gone a half hour, and In the meantime (lie Iteynolds girl sank beneath the water. When her body was pulled out the clay enveloped It up .to her waist, the head being n foot under water. In her death agony idle tore two large handful of hair out, and It was found tightly grasped between her lingers PARENTS SEE CHILDREN DROWN. KfCtt to Heath In I'mleriew lletore At lantic City Crowd.. - Atlantic City, X. J. Daniel Angelf, nged eight years, and Oscar Augeii, aged twelve, brothers, of Pliiladc tpi'la, Were drowned while bathng in tiie turf here. The children's payent wore, on Hie ncneli, helpless. Thousands of slimmer visitors lined the beach nnd watched four life guards making n heroic hut unsuccessful attempt to rescue them A lifteeii yeat old brother o( the children was caught in the nu tlcrlow. also, but managed to struggle out of Hie nolo into which the otliem were svyept Train. Rtiuher Out 100.000. " One hundred packages of grwnWka. oach containing IfliMMi, were secured by iie bandliH who held up lbt iJuilin iou trulu iiettr Siivanim. ill. . C.LFAIR AND Wl FE KILLED Their Auto Ran Into a free by Rcaistde in France. Tho Hod-le- of the. California Millionaire nil Ilia Wirt Were Hurled IIiKh Into tt Air mud Terribly-Maiicled. Ivrt'ns, Frfincf. ' Mr. nnd .Mrs. Clinrlis Fair. A'-morirans, brother !al ulstw-iu-law of Mrs. W K. Viunlerl.il t, Jr. (Mis Virginia Fair), ver return lux to X'nris from Troiiville, .wl'n their autotnohil snerved and erashed into a tree; fifteen miles from tiere. Both were killed at on -e. Tho ihanf feiir heeaine iuaue as -n eonsejn'i; e of the 'hcM-lc. lie was hadly l!i.it.rHl. The aeeident oeenrii d fit HJOn o'cloefc In the afternoon., and almost in front of ftie Chateau I'iulmni lu Mat. The wife of the gatekeeper of the eUatean wan the iily wii! of 'he lfl!er. Site ay she notlcvd a hlar red attto- moWIe eoniinti alonj? the road at a tre- niemj.His paw. Suddenly nonwthlnir' happened, and the heavy machine sidewaj-fi from the rixht t- the left ide of the road for ahout sixty yards. It (lien dashed np an etnbankment. turned a epniplete onriault and erashed Into a Ids elm trV In front of the srate of the ehateau. The anto HKihlle wa eriinph'ti'ly wtveked; the front axle wax hrokeu and other parts of niaehlne were n:ashed. inelnd-' i leg the steering ear. When tlw auto- niotiiie tnmet over, tin- wlf'"or tlio irntekeeper ftays. h taw Mr. and Mr. Fair thrown high In tlp air and fall. The thanffetir. who was sitting ln-hind j th Fair, wn precipitated Jato a ; difeh. ITe taj.'ervd to hi f'-et, call j ins for help. The taiekerner d wife rn.i!i'il to his a4itane and aideit him in estrieatins ' Mr. "amj Mm, Fair, who w-re buried i beneath t!i wrnked machine -mri in the throeM of death. I'oth had ns'' j lai.nd- jriatly ln.inrie and were 'al- mot nnreeornizatde. Mr. Fair' head id , : I t ' fcl (1 l.-t.v m t4 1 : (T 1(1-1 1 1 i K ) tknll was split. Tln aevldeut was evidently due to the bursting of a tire. . At the time It ocmTed the antctnobile, which was eapnble of riiiining seveiiiy'-four .miles nil hour, was going at the rate of sixty- two miics an hour, Charles Louis Fair was th second !n of tho late Fenator James L, Fair. He was born in Nevada and passed his early life in fcan Francisco. His wife, whom he had met In Kan Fran cisco, was u.vlve of .lersey City. She was known on the' HIojk; a MatnU Nelson, but her real name was said to be Carrie Suutli.J.liU-fjitnilv-4isn. IH'OVed of tho iiinrrlnire nllli.iM.rh It ym u,.nerally admitted that he led a nm,.h ln..r . regular life after his mar- ! tlage than he hud led before. It was J he who broke the will after the long litigation over rhe Fair estate nnd he ! received his share of $7.mki.'hk), just ai the other two children did." BURIED ONE MAN ALIVE. ' four Amerlmn School Teacher Shot ia Ambu.h In ttie rhllipplne. Manila, P, I. The Army officer in charge in Cebu has s;nt in details of flic assassination of the four. American tJijfi teachers. John F. Wells, of Ifoviib-nce, K. I his cousin. Imis F Thomas, of the same place; Frnest Mcsrer, of Clnclunail. Ohio, and Clvde t France, of llerea, Ohio, last montlu lie says the four teachers were am inisucu m ttie mountain':. I wo were killed. at the fust (Ire, and ohe was shot ii the back while running. The fouith escaped, but was captured afterward. It Is suspected that one of the teachers was burled alive. 1hciiu"(' hi!i wound n as not fatal. Two of the bodies were buried deep. The others were disin terred and eaten by-dogs. Anthracite Famine Near. ueporta from main cities Indicate that a general anthracite famine Is near at hand; the pople in the anthra cite district have determined to use the power ol the ballot to end the strike. Lending coal operators held a conference til l'otisville with a view to resuming work at the mines. They as sured. ,1. P. Morgan that the strike could not iast two month, and his coming, it wns said," had stirred them to act toil. Mob Attacked Waaherv. Attacked by a mob, guards of ihe Warlike washery, at Dtiryen, Pa., psed their lilies and put the strikers to flight, The guards and men employed In the washery were arrested. Several men worn severely beaten and one was sliot. The washery wim badly dam aged. Nina Iran for Farmer-llurclar. - -- The farmer-burglar of Chester. Vt.. Kx-Kopresoittatlvu Clarence t Adams, who for upward of twenty years had plundered mills, stores and residences In his home villaire undetected, ha been sentenced to State's Prison for not less than nine nor more than ten years. SIOO.OOO Short, Ho fnnfeMr-n. The oldest building and loan' nsso t Inticiii In Passaic, X. J., the Mutual. Is' hi Winds dlllicnltles. William Mal colm, the secretary of the association for twenty year, has confessed a shortage In his account a of over i(Hl, 000. Mnkolm Is also City Treasurer.. L. It. Mar.h lllet In Unlet Strep. Luther It. Marsh, the venerable jur ist and widely known as a splrltuulist, tiled n few days ag.f at his home iu Middlelown, N. V. He Was ninety years old and oijt'a a law. imiluer of Dan'el Wei.'!.,.i- - , GAYNORANDGREENEFREE Fugitives From Justioe in the United States Released by Canadian Court WanUxl in Connxctioa With Fraud lu Harbor Work Fur tha 'nlrt Govern ment luvolrlnc Million of Dollar. Quchee. Con.'ida. Jndire Caron, .of the Superior Court. releflfd Captain IJ. Greene and Colonel John t . tiaynor. the American extractors who are wa'iit.d in the United State for al leged frauds against the Federal Cov en, m-nt involving hundreds o thou sand of dollars. Judtr Caron bawd his decision in the cafe upon tlii nlseuec of dates on the warrant under which tin; prisoners were flrt an-ejtted iu gnebec: discrep ancleR In tin- charges on which true billH were obtained" ns-'ainst th prison er in the Fnited State, aud diserep anch between thoe chavge and the cliarjie made in the application for extradition. The prisoner were at otn-e released, and reeciveJ the contra tula lions of their friend, aud the court adjourned. Dieappolnt Kx-Caplala Carter. Leavenworth, Kan. Oberllu M. Car ter, the ex-Captain of Engineers con fined in the Federal iM-nitentiary at Fort Ijcaveuworth. expressed bitter disappoint uient when he learned of the Ciiii.iili.-iii flntiiorilfe. Carter confidently expected to be taken to Atlanta as a witn.-ss In the trial of Gaynoi- and t'Jreene if they were extradited. He has always con tended that he would be cleared by a civil trial, if ? say be is the American Dreyfus, the vkiiia of a conspiracy of army ollic,i.i!s. Carter wanted to testify at th trial .of tin two eont rat tors, as lie says this w.onld have a mounted to a civil trial of Siuisclf. ' WaHhtnton I ltf upolntej Washington. I. C The decision of Judge Caron in the tJrtvne'aial Gaynor cases w:,s a decided" disappointment to tiie Government officials interested, as they had hoped for a fa vera Mo out come of Hie efforts that have been made to secure the extradition of the two men. TUG BLOWN UP. FOUR KILLED. The Jacob Ktifer Dtstroyed at New York 1Y Holler Ktploaion. Xevyr York City. Four men were in stantly killed and four others were Injured by a boiler explosion which tnterly wrerked the tug J.tcwtr Knper, and which almost sent the cotton laden lighter that'the Kuper was towing to the bottom. Of the nine men tho two' vessels carried .only oue escaped no hurt. No one knows what caused the. boiler to explode. Tug and tow had reached n point midway between Bobbiu's Beef and St. George when the disaster occurred a roar, an acre of white steam, ami flying through it- bodies of men rind thbris of wreckage, which splashed into the water for a hundred yards around. The dead were; Harvey Johnson. Soilth Brooklyn, Acting Captain; Hen ry Mayer; fireman: Louis 'Conch. South Brooklyn, cook; Kdward Dee, a deck hand, body missing. The injured were: Christian Doer, Lawrence Han son. Charles Jones. Kdward Larscu, Williai!, IMidy. Nicholas Kaufman. COUVTY COLLECTOR DEFAULTS. W. O. ClarrUnn, or r.rldB ton, N.J., I'tes Owing K'iS.eoU. - Bildgeiori, X. J.-WIlllniu O. Gnril son. County Collenibr, deft town after confessing tlia't lie had been using the county funds for ten years. He Is Ex alted Killer bf the local lodge of Elks, 'and he gave It out that he was going to Salt Lake City to intend tin; nation al gathering of tho Illks. He left a note to be opened by his chief clerk, hi which he said he had been using the county funds sluee his (irst election as collector In 18irJ, and the nnunint had grown so large that he could not re place It. "He wrote that he would never return, and there would be no iik to look for him. Freeholders figured up his short age at $25,3i 1(1.07. What worries tho authorities 'most Is that Garrison's bond for tluo.ooo, with five sureties, cannot bo found, so that the county may have to stand the loss. Mr. Garrison Is about fifty years old. He has a wife and a family of growu children. It Is generally supposed he was well off, ns his Interests were va ried nnd all appeared to be paying well. NEW ZEALAND TRACYS CAUCHT. Outlaw Brother Kannlt, Who Killed I'unuluR I'olloe OtHcer, Taken, Victoria, 11. C.-r-The Kennifs, the Xew Zealand outlaws, have been cap tured' after a chase of three tnoiiii:s, which cost the Government f'0.000. These broihtrs, having conimitted ii murder, took to the woods. Two police officers who had pursued tin m wero killed, their bodies burned and ihe ashes placed In the saddlebags of their horses, wllh a note stating that other pursuers would bo treated simi larly. The horses wandered back to the police camp, and the hunt was con tinued with reuewed energy. The outlaws were surprised in their camp nnd their horses were shot. The men had to take to the wooils.bu foot, Oue stumbled nnd fell ns lie' was tun ning aud was ruptured without diili citlty. Tins , other,, being- smrc undort, SUm'Udeml, p ,- F THE WEB XTASWINOTtlK ITKMS. Etr.i?ror Wlil.iaiu will send I'ro'essor I'pluii s, the acuiptor, to Washitiston.in ftetober to erect the bronze stat'.ie ct Frederick the Great. The Government's monthly report shows ni!'I.v nil crops to be in tine eondithiu. c The Int.-'inr itnreau.of the War lie. partnient issnud-a statement siowiusr What. was neefimv'ishwd by American artuy ofiit-rs during he omipation .of Cnba.x ' Professor' C. Fi. Tlorehprcvink. the expiorer. is in Vv"asltiu?:ot:i. seeking to interest the 4'nini-ie luslitntlttu in a new expedition t: the Stmth I'o'e. The Con" rolie-of the Cnrreuer issned a statement Kijowinx tie Xrtt'nurd banks of tiie country to hi-, in e:: .client Condition. j The Navy Department estabiished eommnnieation between Washiu,!rtu and Anuttiudis by wireless t,elesrapl!.T.,, The Cnlited States srttuboat .Machla has been ordered to prevent the rebel Haytian "Admiral Killick from cutting the cable a Cape Haytien. It was announced that the expedition to Marcus' Island recently 'sent by a guano company had lsen supplied 'with arms and ordered to plant the Amer ican flag on the island and defend it airainst the Japanese. Fnited States Government has been invited to take part in convention at Berlin to form plans for stuily of earih- Ol'K AnOPTKIl ISLANDS. ' report by the Manila Board A of Health s-lmws that between March IfO and May ''-. this y. ar. there were 1'i'Ci case of Asiatic cholera reported. Of these s'' had a fatal termination. The h per colony on the Islsnd of Guam was ready for use July 1. StaTcerevits that the friars had Sold their lauds to American svndlca;es i were otlii;!ally dicredite,i in Manil-i. j The. chief opponent of the Ac'-rican j force among thy Moros has surix-ii-, tided. , in i The present sirenc'th of the Arr.iy j the Phiiipuines is Sl.'i.'.O, of which llu ! or 7.lft per cmt. of the total wet i-siin n June lii. The consolidated sick reports of the Army hospitals In Manila show no eases of cholera, a testimonial in. it self to the efficiency of the precaution ary measures taken there and to the discipline maintained'- by the Bo;ir.J of Health authorities. American capitalists are still active In Porto Bieo, and many languishing industries are' being revived. " ' JIOMKRTIC. The Supreme Court of - Washington State has decided that Lieurenan'.-Gov-ernor McBrltle is to, net as Governor until the cud of the term for which the late Governor Bogers was elected. Another" advance in anthracite coal makes the price s; a ton in New Yoik. The International Typographical Fulfill held its forty-eighth annual con vention in Cincinnati. It is believeVl that-thc return of J. P. Morgan from abroad will Iv followed by the announcement of a ccmbiua-tion-.of Southern railroad systems. The monument recently erected over the grave of Nancy Hanks, mother of Abraham Lincoln, at Lliu-olu, lud.. will Ik dedicated October 1. , st - ere host is rejioi rei.i m mt; norihwestern portion of Iowa. Dam age to corn iu some sections has been considerable. George W. Cot tot-ill, a well -known New York lawyer, died in his Adiron dack cottage from grief over the death of him wife, who passed awny--four Weeks ago. '.''"' John D. Spieckols: has sworn out a warrant for Governor Gage, of Cnlh'or- ilia, on a charge of criminal libel, the outgrowth of a bitter political tight., The Itetall Butchers and Meat Deal trs .Miuomii. t'onveution decided to take nu active part In politics and op po:' the election of nil candidates for Bepreseutiitive not pledged to vote for the removal of the duty on meats. A stogie twist has been formed with ftl.ntsi.tssi capital. The Chicag o. Milwaukee and St. raid and the Missouri" Pacific Builronds have entered luto n traille .agreement, John H. Twiicutnian, the well known landscape painter, died nt a hospital in .. Gloucester, aiass., where lie was under treatment for a complication Of disease. Governor Candler, of Georgia, nnd Mayor -Minot; of Atlanta, dei.vered ad dresses of welcome to the fiiKHl dele gates to the convention of the Negro Young People's Cbrlstlauaud Educa tional 'Cougross. - " "' North Dakota Tax Equaliisation Board has Increased railroad valua tions $1000 a mile. ' Oyster cannjiig nnd packing com panies In Mississippi. Louisiana and Alabama will combine. IORKICiN. reopltr are dying from cholera In Manchuria nt the rate of fifty n day, "We will resist to the death!" shunt ed the people of three Breton towns called together by the Prefect that he might induce them to stop-thelr tierce resistance to the closing of the, nuns' schools, i . In tho International chess tourna ment nt llniiover .la now ski won tiwt prize; PUIsbury took the sccedid. The Cam of liussla has ordered the liberation of all the students who were Imprisoned at Smolensk hi connection Willi (he student tbsiurbauees which occurred lu Moscow lu last February; MINQREVENT80 LYNCH TWO IN MISSOURI 4 White Man and a Negro Handed on the Same Tree. t her Had fchot aqd Killed a Ij-ninctou Fa'mer When CMiclit in the Act of llubblng Htn Hen llnusf. tiex!r.gton. Mo. A cimwU of 1"0 I.a fayetie County fanners' lrnflve dowu the dtnir if the jail here at l'-d a. in, and fool;" ont Charles Salycrs.' a white man, and Henry Gates, a ncyro. ai;l banged theni to a tree a short distance south of town. Tiie men were ac cused of the murder of George Vt. Jtdiiison, a farmer, a' week aeo. - it txk the mob thirty minutes to cut through the steel doors of. t lie jail. The lynchers were well orgauized.; each man !olug his part. . A large' crowd', assembled while the mob was s t on n i n J5 t he ja u. - . .Tohuson was shot and killed iinst after catching Salvers nnd 'Gate hi the act of robbing his lieu house. He was armed at the time -and made an attempt to defend himself when fired upon. When the mob entered the jail Gate was found to Is' shot In the right hip. showing that Johnson's shot had struck liiui. The farmers rode and drove Into Lexington, and about J2.i$0 a. in. made their way to the jail. The I'rosecutiu-: Attorney of the county and several truard w-ere to tliu liiiilliii l.n 'iey saw that resistance to the lynching party would he futile ar.d offered no resistance. Members of the party were equipped with crowbars, hi j axes aud other implements v. Ith the prisoners lu their posses- j sien the crowd started for the ceiae- j tery, three miles from the centre ol i the town. Beneath a low t'ree ih! leaders hailed, and the crowd . formed j a circle wjth the prisoners in the mid-! -tile. The men were asked if they J wanted to make any statement. Salyers, the white man. wiio did not show one-half a imp-ii courage as , , did Gates, the .negro, said that Gn?o ' ,' had done the actual shooting ami tioit ! he was to bir.me. .Salvers pleaded fot his life, but hjs words.. were cut short : and Gates was told to speak He ad j milted being present with Salvers on j the chicken raid iu which Farmei Johnson was' killed. He said that he; did not know which of them had iired j the fatal shot and that neither had in- j tended murder. "We both confessed j to the Prosecuting "Attorney." he said, ; "nnd he said we were etpially guilty ' and would have to bang. I guess in;.' ; time lias come."' .... Mopes placed around the cnlpri;' reeks were drawn tact and tiie two were hanged- simultaneously, on Us'r same tree. The crowd then dispt -rsef''.' At daylight the bodie.-t were cut down nnd brought to an uuderfakcr's slm. here. In Lexington there is no popular de mand for the prosecution of ihe lynch ers. While most of tiie members of the crowd wt re lmnket! or disg-.t'sed in some luauner. many were ea-i.'y i'i'i.o.;ii'.zi'd. ENCLAfiD LIVS On AMtR CA. "! Alinul HHOO,eca,'IO -Moilli of Our l ond ' f'roiiift sent In I ive Vcnm. ,';;--!:i"i'in. 1'. ('.-. v,-p,,i( on t Lt : Iculni; ai iiiipoits nf tiivat Brllabi ; '. ly.id itiiwi inclusive, wltii a si-juiii- j e-atit review of ihe'tvnd'' condit I'ics mul j n i , o 1 1 .1 ii'?.. oct ,-i . c:i i ui' -1 ii.ic.i i-i.tiij. .nnd 'ihe'- Fnited 'Kingdom.' lias be n ' co'iupili-d by the Department of Agri culture. The Fiiiud Kingdom is ihej principal mark't for the surplus agrl-j curtural produce of exporting couu-.' tries. The report says that the prn- j ctucts or ngrnuitnie scut to that mar ket from all sources in I'.MH) reach- d the enormous vain ! of Sl,r7S,(HKi,t)iM(, forming sixty-two p.r cent, of the en tire Import trade of Great Britain and Ireland. . 1 During the five years mention' d the animal average value of the imports into the United Kingdom was Su'.oOS. VtA.m. of which $L4r.S'?1,7TC. tv slxty-tbree per cent., was agricultura'; $S-l!i,2.2,tMi.', or thirty-seven per, cent., non-agricultural. , ' - To thrR extraordinary import' trade in agricultural produce the Fnited State Was the principal -contributor, furnish IPK 'about thirty-three per cent., ot nearly one-third of the supply. TO MAKE AGRICULTURAL TOOL?. International Harvester Company With 10.000,0110 Capital. Trenton. X, J. The International Harvester Company was incorporated here w'ith nn authorized capital stock of $120.tKNi,(KK. The company is to manufacture harvesting machines, har vesters, binders, reapers, hiowcis.i akes, headers, shredders and all kinds ef agricultural machinery, tools and im plements. , ' The new company Is to couol.dntc some of the large agricultural m.ichin.' works of the country, chief among which nre those of the McCormicks, of Chicago. ..The Stiite's fee, for lib' tiling of the charter was .-M.tMio. AUSTRALIA'S SHEEP- DYINC. Terrtbla Diotiitht llrlvn Wealllir Herd er Into rotcrty. Victoria, B. C Advices rectdved iiy the steamship Mlowera from -Australia tell of terrible drouth in Xew,Sout!i Wales and Queensland, which has dt- vastnud the sltt'ei ranches of that section. .Million1 orWhcep have died. and men formerly considered . Wealthy have been iHihipelled t.i M?cll ciap't.y. meiil. sammd Mcl'.nughey, tli "slieep khig"' of- Au'Kf rallu,' K'it ov-v ti luiKum t"heep out- Of, his he ril of L-oti.tMMI. LABOR DAY PROCLAMATION Governor Aycock Requests Proper Observance of the Day. Governor Aycock has Issued a proclamation this afternoon for tho observance of Labor Day. September 1st. The proclainaticn in full follows: "Labor Day, line a proclamation: By the Governor. ' y ; "Whereas, the Itrislature of North Carolina Has appointed the f.ret Mon day iu September of each year Labor Day and a general holbiay,. the paid first Monday In September being the same day sft aside by the statute of the VniteJ States and the statutes of the various States in the Union. ' "Xow. therefore I, Charles' B. Ay cot k, Governor of the State of North Carolina, in recognition of said legla Intive acts and with a view to tbe con tinuance aud strengthening cf the good will w'hlch - xists - bet ween nil the people of this State, do request all of the citizens of North Carolina t observe Monday, September 1, 190?, as a holiday, ami that in every way possible employers co-operate vrith employes in worthy recognition of tit dignity -of labor and in the becoming obssrvance of Labor" Dty. Let there lie as far as possible cessation of labor throughout the State. I request that "all places ol business of whatever Cti u vv-I Vn.t,tc jtov ' fc j,tHJj &jt shaM be closed to the cnJ thaj those employed rrrsya enjoy a day of rest and thanksgiving. The day ought to be observed by fell people ia expre sicn cf appreciation cf these vho toiL for" upon "them rests the progress, prosperity, Kavct srgnj har-piness of the State. Let harmonvVxitt between all employers cn I .opl ,., s. aa footer and strengthen that, confidence' beewcen those who employ labor ami t''o-- wh-j ,yrV v.bit h is e-rtcntial to the pea, e u( tie Strife aid the best, in.eu : :'K i f ai! th- ) t ..pie. ,',; "In t.g'.: .r.y whereof. I have here unto m ;.r .hand and caused the ?!?at al of the State to be aSxed. Thh; the nth day of August. A. I)., V.t, and in the 127th year cf o-r iu d; pendent c. (Signed) "CHAS. B. AYCOCK. "By the Governor: "B. N. PEAKSELL. ' "Private Secretory,", ' rrniier! Mc 'tltts Postpon 1 The fcllcM-:!-.- fs p-att rf a i.fnlar h..t"r isattcd by the offices or - the : -X'h Cm olina. J-ar.ie.era.'.vSta: tA. sj. ...esi To .the Firnieha cf Ncith C1!- olii.u.: " At Ci January '.fr-ecihig cf the-. North Caroiina Farmers State' Aaso c Is i ton. a resolution was aio;tted that the annual meeting cf the association l.o hchl the third Tuesday in August C'cntulseion- r S. L. Patterson, who is a i.)';r,iber if the executive rfmir.niittee of the association, informs us that he will I..P awny, encaged In institute v.ork at that time, r.n.1 the .following Week-iAvill );. in attendance at tho iiKCtlne of Cotton States Associa tion Vf Crmmissk neia .of Agricult ures, in Xaidivi'de, Tenn. There-fore, it ir tlu-mrl.f I. st to hold the annual rnevt-in-; c;f the i'tat? Fat mors Assoclathin on V, In; - (!iv. September 3, in the .au.'t.'tmb.m u1: AR'icuItural Build it:rr in i!kt c i'.y t f Kahigh. be-rinniitft ot il o'd-n!; a.m. L Ib to Le hoped that e'.i'iy tminty In the State will hit ret;iM'r,trd ;.t -t-!;at n.cetirig. We hote to secure reduced rates .over the dif ferent raihvays for the occasion. Atastcr Printers Organiz .". Greensboro, Sr-eel.il. A largo nun ber of job printers at the meeting here petfected the organization of the North Carolina Master Printers' As sociation and adopted a conatltutlont and by-laws, electing. tho ,'followir.s oihcers: C. B, Edwards, Raleigh, pival ib nt; Osmond L. Barrfnger, Charlotte, first vice president; Geo. L-. Hackney, Asheville, second vice president;' Joseph J. Sttiiie, Grec-nsboro, secro tai'", The executive committee la II. B. Vainer, Lexington; H. B. Flam. Clia.lptte; J. M. Uccee, Greensboro. Ihe Hoard of Estimates Is H. EvSee nmn, Durham; II. A, MurrcII, Char- , lotte. , Prohibitionists Put Up Ticket Montgomery, Ala., Special. A com plete ticket for Governor and State officials has been announced by the Prohibitionists of Alabama. Rev. W. DC.ray, of this city, heads the ticket ns the nominee for Governor. A plat form was adopted,', re affirming all', glance to the print Ipala of the national Prohibit Ion party. flnssacre of 5chool Testhe's Manila, By Cable. -Ah Invcetlga- L tk n..ina01e. by .the . . constabulary.,, to. clear up tee facts In the killing of a Cebu .coachirb? party of four school teachers, . ihows that the party wa ambushed twelve miles from Cebu. Two teachers were shot and killed at. the first volley, a third, who ran, wa f lu't in the hac'tt and a fouith, who w cvittned. was shot in the cheat ..vniio no was pravlng for mercy, It Is suspected that tha fourth man wa bu-icd alive, us its wound was slight, end pn l at iy would not have caused his death. Dogs dug up two of tin bodies and devoured tho flesh. It I believed that suillblent evidences bus t e n secured . to convict all the pur tiupaijts in the cikIjc,