w ill ! I i VOL; I. NO. 41. P1TTSH0R0, N. C, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1902 ?1 m nrnimiinnir nrnipp oaih riivin ii 111 UUUVMM UU11L V Vll I JLll 1 1 vlli The Proceedings of the Meeting Held at Greensboro. Greensboro. Special The State Re publican convention niet here last Thursday. It was largely attended and the nezro was coaPDicuous by. bis ab sence. will agree that in the future no effort will te tns to test what is krown as the, eonnitmioual ainnriiient. The 1s- ! ed br a DcmoeratU- Iiesj'.tlatiire. He In sisted that til1 'FoisullMa and Keptibh i"ns slicnilj be fJii-Cd out of power, and that the D'-mo-ratd rhould ag:nn W cuti usted with the manag'-mtat of .;;r Siato a.Taua upon the sreuii'd th-it there was a mkUss evpeiitiire cf the People's money. One would imagine that after haying made s'.n-h an appeil, in the event 'of success the Deniocrat ii' party woal'i have cut down rather than increased our expenditures, but such van not the case." THE DEFICIT IN THE STATIC TREASURY. " . . ' A tabular statement was produced showing that in the three years, and 1S9K, under fusion rule, total receipts had been 13.86.08 31 and to tal expenditures $U,s3:!.7S2.7, leaving I.DOfEDENT rC2 CGNGIiESS. nr. K. R. McKlhan Announces His Candidacy. Fayettevil'r, ?ptial. Edwin R. Mc Kulian. of ruicb-'ilaad county, ha an Ecuii'ed hircifif as an Independent Demoe artie raii'li late for Congnvs in the sixth distiici. He resign. d as n-e-retary of the county Democratic- exec utive committee, and Las puUish.iJ the following card: To the Voters of the Sixth District: ' In a government by the p-op!e it is right and good f or the people, to di vide. For more than thirty yers un natural conditions forbade a true., and a surplus of iA:rj,.si. wane in tni suance of th document to which I re iWcp rears of Democratic rule. 1VJ ice mote imponuut ac-uuu- vi j i uu uui uriw iuj a.-utr:uru m ; mM and l0J, tne total receipts naa i unhampered division with 'safety. In North Carolina, in liK'fi, (hero was a 1 "-n J4.7fiG.4yg.03 and xi: aaltures $4.- .-2i?.'iii.l0. leaving a deficiency of $154.- jle $.-ii.i.419-77 more than was collect - the convention was the endorsement of j any quarter, in so. far as 1 a an p-arn the caadida -y of Tb-. X. Hill, of Hah- J Ha nianifi sto fdl fiat, and !:a lia law-fwr enter Justice oi tne supreme , :ie iuoj-ci c: urj. n riou'uie as j n- Court, and the leaving blank th notoi- Jnent aroocg the small beys in ti e d:t- ( " -jji i obseM-rd by the forego nauons for iw ;ciate Justices. Iiev. D. j feteiit roct.oi.s of thf; ftate. . . . 'n table that und r the three years of A. Uon was nottuntd for Kuperin-. i 'During the coiiBld.'ratioa of th' Dnii4'rntic rule tvhtfh we have teuJent of Public Instruction and D;. ' f.mrnjm nt two "years ano. P-r.ator ti,rv haVH ..oMr-cte.i (rim the oe- H. i. AbUOOIt lor Viwpormiiwil vwa- ' uimi.'u m;unii-u a auir"" wca rr.issioner. The convention 11 n call d . was signed by l.i2 piotninnt lawyen, to ordt r in tb ojwra iiutinf. at 12 brit pjias'iaph of whn in ai,;'ol oMi.ci; by StJie Chft'.rman lrit-hard. j the undeisSipied lawyer For hi.lf u hour bef re the time 8ri uu 3iler f the Srth C-niir:a 1 r-r. nf- Xor t'i ifetias th dfit-saitj, gather. 1 ' ''r havinc; fxnnued Aad'tvr.h ! e,l in the haJl and galieiie and IbfoneJ to 'tie pmvij.i- of the proposi'.i auvnd- i the rnuoie o: tne nana imim , . i 7 the BJm firix- under R'.blban or f When Mr. tr r:i'ihcdf j i. i; e jt &t Diir onituon " that t!- eaii anvj.dment :$ tor in on- J fi' t ( !thr wih xhf :"3tf -r Kr'Jit.iJ ! cn-titut!on.' This Hj:cr,-.i nt was i fc'im J Jjy s;t h lawyers sa il.:s. ' ' Ml. IIK'1.1. JJUW .M.-K XtJ'". t m. n. . s .! in s, .Kd'Anrd i'ou. !e S. Ove:nun, i'i!tiAior F Ulattz, ' Jtbn A Hea-it"-!. T. O Pliinr.er. M. I- J.i'4ce, an 1 LLIONS BET OM IvACES Increase of the United Sla'.es u Area,, Wealth and Products. 5i3.2CO.CDO Watered at Sarstog Luring- the Scas:"i Jest EndecT. STORY OF A CENTURY'S PROGRESS Kookuiakftrii II1 Not Kemp Ik llamaf iilsif Whllury f on liM mtws. ,cd ;n the same length of ti're unje. fas n or Republican rale. This male : t"it a!, shows that ti ey have ' rx pirJri the enormous suu.of $1.C2, j..i.ui more m Ut- tnree.yoars oj ,,,,, .'OUHUt nation for the purtos I'ritd'ard tapr"d tlie taM rjxi ca'.ie 1 for onltr th a,tK')ijii!a?" bifinn- cjutet. The ( Iia.rujaa . introd-jii'd Mr. i. D. IKurI.iSii. wlw vtiionied the tonven' tion JiT 15 re fistir.ro. 6ENATDR I'HITCHAIUVJ SPEECH. - The folio it k i-.' a n-- i f.f SviJa--tor "IMlcnard'n speech: We have ric'hi'd the prriol in our j hif-toiy vilun lb" iau:s f a poilli. al ; cairpaltfTi cbou'.J be 9Ca!i- rt'1 frc.:n a j buFini ks -sandriit'.t. The l'l lin-'r.a! I cjx;d.tiiina" in' Lh" c;.' U:-y fnira Harris on's ju!ff.:n!2ii ration t iht prtsviit ttrue were then n viewed, sad the prevalent prosperity imribiited to Republican iule fa t'-w nation. ' There were 4M nitife orio:-atin chartered in North Caroiiha under .Republican, national al- '"(;::'; wirjld infer from Sen.i'or Sim mon1' fc.fiueii: iiU that ti'crt was not i:i.':i-.:s in apprf'pri'tt.oi!? fr any o! ;'.i StRTi- 'lnsMtut'f Jia diir"::i:; KipubK- t'rt ii'l l li er fulfil ,1 vJ lrit: :.. 1 call altentloa to the fact o'vi :s .and ;j with the tunny h;i ui i-enatni Sia'-iofu. Oovrnor prvn Arcock st J the if.ii. r"! of tb1. lv-mn-.rrt'ic ; m 1 1 , .In tlj.it t'wtuut they ;:nd thit the prnpev-d T'-.unt s tio; in I'oniiit't w:ih emu. ..ite or th' l' v'iraJ cenMiUiih :i, ani that Ste ad;.p U-u would fftrcver settle the negro' is? i ,' sne. IT they were not reisiaken what t iisrm c.(V.ild come to any. je if'sohie i colfre.l man should 'decide to test its ministration from Ma.rch 4, J$i7. to 1 cunstUutionaUty, It eaamit.&a passiW Mtvrch 4. iSK'l, than from July 1. 1813. to March 4, li7. under l;iidcratic na tional f.dmfnihtration. "in this con nection I call attention to the fact that from Marrfe 4. 19'l, to March 4. li'.C. there were 253 corporations chartered, an amount almost equal to the number -chartered during .tho foar year of Democratic, administration.' The Senator tnadev "much of the fact that the cash balance in the national Treasury wa, on July 1. this year. $'JfW.fi30,022.fi4. and hh wf-d that the thflt J?eat"5immcns 'and tlie other J:fitinpu'hed Democratic lawyers e.Mtl'1 b m'staken abut a grer. consti trttiosal (jiipstioii like . In otlwr wds.: if the. Democratic poiitJciaoa and the Democratic lawyers were cor ifX la their opinion aiwst the consti UiCional . ajneadiuent tw yeam, ago, Senator Sfmmoaa need wit be alarmed in ib slirjiteat dgree-'lKMit the to f the amendment. ; : , "In this (onnoctibn I dir to call attention 'to the fact, that every re;- ;';;t ttre. was an lncrcis?d nppiopria n fflr hf year lyiS fit:" -t.h f- D.;i.' I u : b and U!:nd new bni" linp-and re-.'iif..''-ne tie old on", trhi1! amounted r. A'Z. Tli"ie was tL-ii an in.reas fi r th' J'-:if and JOusnb .V.yhnn at Mj' i :n'(a hjch ariiountej to I-0.MW Tin u- v.-js sn ini-reabe'in the appropri riti.'a fur thi- insane Afeyhint ar liil fid'J. tor the .year J9S of .$20,000, for the Deaf and Dumb Asjiuoi at Monwa- .ion w au.aM, ana in increase oi change, and it was proclaimed tl:rf.u::ho;it the Stati that thereafter h'r htors rhonld and would be free to divide, every men accrd.ng to hia !es. On , Mon lay, Ap-ii By," lino, this was proclaimej ' in Cumberland by our picbent honored and d'stin KUii-hed Govrnor'and, in introducing him in this ity'cn the r.iiy; of the privilege and honor a'-oricd nie ns president of the white suprem acy club. I (uci' l after..:', n, tin i ' tally enipbAM-'i this hm. hf and cihefti laio:i-.l hi in,; tiii-s fin'i-dom tu hr riphtfjl eh.-; lora'i TI. r'turns for Oveni'tr and t'n1 G'-neral A.ss(rnb1v in North taVdns i.re n lasting "reicTti.' For t-saii-n th.-ie now a division among the voters of tie sixth ftT.gresi.ional dir-trici. What strpnth it tepri'S-nta now or will f'-'ieafifT prow to rt present and what Mm final 'result will bo it is not arkii in hiiman knonlcdKe to t"ll. Wht-n 1, heretofore, r' piVtfuUy anni);::i o a; 1 now lo. my ecu iid&cy for this h:,-h honor, as' your rtpresentaUvi: in this distnet, no man csui realise mo-, j y.?:r. tnan 1 to tne impdrtauc? of the step 1 li Train j If.nrtuirut rinri'stli N. tlon'g rS lth nt 94.OII0. () . (1(10 ! ' VhIuv of Our PonteiiHloiiit. Iiitn-eiiftvtl Hiirtrfn Vn and Aria A nnus) C)ua1- ru.lr.l Mtii.tln About Acrtrulturx. T'aK,i',i!,oii.M . ('. A mm in-.; picture of rtiiii'riom in the Vmu-d Mates nt ib'ceHiiinl iiiitrvjiN hum ls-t,i to IS'o, iu:l aiiinijilly from to '.!. in pre ''litctj in a mii; v Ii is--i!,'(l by i!:e Treasury It urea u of tftatnitics. The area lias -crown from ViT,S-14 s'Minre l.iMes jn lo1) to ".oj.l.'V o sijctire m.lfS in '.C exclusive of Ala-lia r.t'd FarctoKa, X. V - Thirteen ic'Iiloii tiro lr.:i!ii, i-ii tJ;iHiiun! u.-ii.-irs is (Ik iuot C(itisc: ative estimate rriveu v -urts I of til.- iiimmnt wa-red at tin Hjratopa r.'ici' 1 1 in -k liuriiis the seasou vLichi ba jUSfWldVJ. ' ., .:, : !,- . u.i;.!.-' "lri k II. .M-Ou-iei' tf vt tin' npi'iii if that Mt least frV.ijMM a cJay, ou an cerate, has Ixtut plsc-ct witli i.iKers. I..o'niti'.ker Iw I'll- ' 'i handled Wir-Mstrft ou' iay .'lie i-lan Suites. The p'lpnlaiien is .,(', in liidomriup to the I'uiteil ill l'.lDO, frofu ; vvbVdi ! I'.t C". j ,'i'hf. total -vcalrh ' i $7. odd d.ni.ojd iii l.'id ! S!l( Hl.lll)d.O(il ! (!.!. 1 1 :ilt!i j 12:3." iii 'ltust. i 1 1I :1 Kdll Til,. i c.'ti'i'-1' : iii !io 1 ulv ceius per :..i.'i7 per -.-i j tin. !'', iiii:;i!: i m'onn mil ! '7':.t's j faHitu per was ...,,v . ;i',i est ill .mix! til ' i:; IV i.i'.. .?..;. it lind rniicti capita: in V 'im; in 1v t the war. raoh'Iv until per ,f ap'na .in 1 hiji;, niA'iin.' .ifi-r the 1 in 5 :l to Ii : it. hem: S-J 7I. an it i '.:;; ttraoiiaii a r. i f. is No matter what the result may lie Republican had managed the affairs Ur in North Cardina at te next e;,c- jeui win ii;- rontroiieo rj tnai par' jr. ii. s f r De J.' mocratio psrir to fay i how many colored people shall 'vols at . i. . .. ; i .. "iKiiug election, ami no ore oi the government with POfisnrntnate skill and sbifsty. A high tribnte was paid lo both M. Ki t;!cy and RooseveH. The Deni'xTa'H' party was severely ar raigned . for lis alleged nitunk upon - American aoWier -In- the Htr Mppiw, "The ptwitioa of the i:i-;urH:n party with respect to the Philippine ooestion is that we bought and paid for tha .j !ng attention, from t.ie real ssue -n She- -1 KtfAv, this better than , Senator Sim i rwns himwdfv and r y a'Hiipi cn bis ; ;.:tt to raise the negro, cptectkia'a': IhU : tirae if dotiA for the porpi s of dlv-;;t- for-thfi Western Hosoital at MoreaE-.) " ua" --wvetntspr. it nas pooa Mia, aa'well as an increase of $3,525 for Sivcn nt more than ,nce in life to the Deaf, Dumb and Blind School At 1 '"me out among the foremost aid the Half !yh. i-few in bwiaif of wmemcasure or opin- " After meeting all -these increased - ion that proved to be- right for good, expenses, there was in the State Tress- If ft be so in this let us hop; and ury January 19. 1M1, when It wa- th&t I may be given strenpth to tornad over by Treasurer Worth to Mr. do my doty. It I have misjudged pub Latr.K cash balance of1 $37,528.36. Thij c sentUuent, if on .hearing me my is a" splendid showing and is sufficient; vi?w not sustained, if I staad for within itself to convince tiny fair- liberty and freedom that is not desir miu.tal person that the fusion party I d nnd( you eeeUt to reject me, 1 only while in power administered our State! aik' that you reserve too severe Ju.;j 'nffairt In a more satisfactory and eco- j nient until time shall have put its seal nomieol manner than they ars belx-g j uiiou It. administered by the present adminis-j E. R. McKETHAN. tration" ' - Jtr- McKethin is a young man of . The defidt now. cdnfronllng ll?ifa i. raftrker-aT)fmT:Tcrtgradaantif-Treaaurer is estimated at $450,000. -Davidson College and thy University. CAl'T. CHAS, PRICE PERMANENT j la 1900 hp led the legislative ttckffl. f CHAIRMAN. j his county and is the abtiior of ibf The report of the conimlttee beint Lbill. that gave Cumberland prohlbiiksa adonted. Cant. Charles Price was nam- KHe cornea of a good old Curoberla&d Philippine Islands, and we own thepi as much as we own any oth"r territory. We propose to nrtaia them and t give their Inhabitants the very best form of government suitable to their n-cesi- v v in this -nifisigni There is no who favors nftgro -domination. e-uiaiorlty of th'- tolorcil eonl. of North Carolina .ire cpnservative, i tiiotic and law-aWi'ig, and Senator : one I fx.. tics as a people. The -acquisition of j Simmons knows that they do not want I negro domination and his efforts at this territory by our government will in the end result in more substantial bfnefit to the South than all other sec tions cf the country combined. What we need is a market for our surplus cotton and cotton fabrics, and the Orient Is a country whose people are by climate and habits the natural cus tomers of the cotton planters of-the South. In the Oriunt can find a ready market for our surplus raw cot ton as well as our cotton fabrics and the Southern man who stands in the way cf the extension of our trade In that direction is either very short ei as-permanent -chalrmaa and R. II McNeill, swsretary, by the committee on organization, composed by W, P. By iiiiiii. W, 8. Hyams, A. E, Holton, Chas. McNamee, K C. Duncas anil IX 11, Ab bott. The committee of platform was an nounced as follows: First district Harry Skinner: second district, E. M. this time to create a tPce Issuo do this ! SH-ard; third district, I). H. Abbott; uass of people a great Injustice. ' f "The question now in ns to whe',!:r or not oar Deiuomttic friends will s.t ! in good faith with respect to a solemn ptedgo wabli ihej', made pa ?v.;rj stump, in lha Ptate. ! "The issue which Senator Simmons seeks to raise with respect to the f fotirth district, C. P. Lockey; fifth dis trict, C- A. Reynolds; sixth district, T. j A. Sutton, seventh district, Z. V. Wal- j scr; eighth, district, A. H. Price; ninth district, D. Ij. Jenkins; tentn aistitct, J. J. Dritt. The convention then took a recess until 8:25 -o'clock. The result of the hot fight in caucus stock .and has hosts of friends and rei- i atives in ev jry township in' the eoua ; tv- Uy profession he is a lawyer. Mr i Kethan is proud of the distinction t '. being the only Spanish-American war, volunteer iu the last Legislature. In (the recent connty convention Ik ;se j elated boldly for a minority reprosen jtation i.n the congressional c-onveti-J tion to which fce was not a delegate.'' j It - iA said hc,: n that the Republicans j will endorse MtKethan. His friends j .believe he can defeat Patterson, the Democratic nominee. amendment, at this Juncture of our of- was the winning out of Senator Pritch faira cannot be consistently urged by i crd by the adoption by a viva-vocarotc the leadws of the Democratic paVty. He j bv a harrow majority of the following seeks to avoid a solemn promise whii h J resolutions which will be adopted to ll and all other Democrats made in the niikt. flighted or willing to sacrifice the best f campaign two years ago,- to-wit, (bat j -Resolved. That, whereas, the Re- lntcrests of this section In order to the adoption of the coristitittiorml' , ptiblicah party desires the elevation to create a political tsstie." The Philip- amendment would eliminate the race ! tbe bench of the best fitted, lawyers oi pines are the gateway to the Orient j issue In, future "campaigns, ami would the State, regardless of .party affilia and contain splendid' trade posaibili- enable the business men of the State i tionsi the 'candidacy of the Hon. Thom- to exercise intellectual freedom of j ns H.'Hill, of Halifax, for Chief Justice, thought. j 0f Xorth Carolina, is hereby endorsed "When the constitutional amend- aril we, the IUpubllcans of the State, meut waa adopted by. the people of the j convention assembled, do earnestly State, it then passed out of the realm recommend him to. the people of the oi pontics, ana n ponator,; summons, State fof this high office. uovernor'aycocK and tne ottier leaders ties within themselves. THE TARIFF. .Senator Pritehard ridiculed Senator Simmons for saying in a recent inter- : view: "So far as the South Is coneern- ij fd. at least, the Democrats recognize the silver question as temporarily eli minated from national political affairs. I do not say that ll is a dead issue, but I do say that It must slumber for a few years. In my opinion the big issue In the next campaign will be the tariff." In 'St! tho Democrats found the tariff an embarrassing question and let it "slumber awhile," and now they find the sliver question the embarrassing . proposition and are going to let it "slumber for a few yeais." "Other -sectinhs of the country have become prosperous In consequence of our pro tective tariff laws, and have accumu lated their millions, and now thai they are in the, full enjoyment of the bles sings incident thereto, it would be in- of the Democratic party meant what they said two years ago there can be no such thing as a race issue in the present campaign. The Democratic , administrator, in tle State was attacked as being incom petent, and the State Auditor quoted as apologizing to officers of various co operations in the State for the oppress ive taxation laws. "I am informed," said Senator Pritehard, "that a num ber of business men have left the Stat( since the adoption of the present reve nue act rather than comply with ihe many vexatious provisions which "Resolved, further. That it Is the sense of this convention, that no nom inations for associate justices be, made at this time, but that the executive committee, hereafter, is empowered to take such action in relation to the same as shall socm best." HILL ENDORSED FOR CHIEF JUS- T1CE. When the convention assembled after supper, Mr. Seawcll, of Moore, offered n evolution endorsing Senator Pritch nrd and the records of Congressmen .,oody ana uiacKtiurn,. which was it j unanimously adopted. Assistant Dis- tontains. and that within the past year met. Attorney price men onered. tne Quite a lante number of cornorationa 1 resolution agreed on in the caucus en- equitable and unjust for the tnlted mcl a capital which properly be-": vu."" Km, d.. . .mitrv.f luritr ,ri,,,.. i longed to North Carolina have been leaving blank the nominations for tion which would necessarily carry"' tbrj9 to go to Now Jersey for the jfor- Afsociat Just cc s, which was adopted with it a general reduction in s the?' r'e of ; securing articles of incorpora- j lt opposition. , , ( prices of all raw material, tho most of ..tt.on. In consoquence of the unjust pro- j .; "g- of Alamance, was noral whlch la to be found in our section." 4 visions in our laws with respect to such !lt'l ror Superintendent of Public THE CONSTITUTIONAL AMEND- mattera. and I have been told since j Instruction by R. N. Douglass, who, Jn ( tMENT. " i cowiag to Greensboro that for the ! answer to inquiry, vouched for his Re- The eonstltutlonBl Amendment and same reason several corporations . In t puimcanwn ana ne went tnrougn ati the negro question were referred to as Guilford county have within the pnst follows: -, ';! six months surrendered their charter "Senator Simmons, a few weetg ago, j d obtained charters In the State of Issued a statement to Ihe people of the' New Jersey," The revenue law was at- railroad commissioner and he wag lght. Assistant District Attorney Os car Spears, of Harnett, and ex-Judge W. P. Bynuni named D. 11. Abbott for Judge David Scl e ck Dead. Greensboro, Spertal. After years of 111 health and a year of complete inca pacity to take part in the affairs of life, tx-Judgo David Schenck died at his residence iiere at 6 o'clock Tuesday Rfteruoon. His death had been hourly txperted for the past two days. He vas 71 years old and ever since his re- movabjrhere in 1SS1 . from Llncolnto.i. had bpen prominent in all public affairs matiy esteemed and beloved. To bins, more than any one else is due the preservation of the Guilford . battle ground and Its becoming again a na tional historic spot. In lSNti under his guidance and indomitable persistence was. held the first Fourth of July ce-'e-bratlon there and tho Guilford 'P;.tf)i" Ground Assaciatiou is now one of the j nu'st patriotic corporations iii t'ae I'riltd Etat. s. many buildings;', monu ments and Revolutionary relies being in the park,, the whole owned and paid for by the-association, of which Judge Schenck waa always ; retained as presi dent. , . . -7 .in !:.' Tin- im.iiey in i-iri illation .nieinn'i it to M;'.S."i tier ."Miir.-l in 1 Si V i nti.l in ! S'-'.-l'J per en pi lit. ihe liiu'iies 1 point that it has ever readied. !;. j its- !n .savin? htuik amounted to i l.ls.r.Tii la lS2,'anl 2.r.ii7.oiM, i$i if il. ... . j The inilivid'wi rl.-posit in Nat ions) ' banis have grown from .ssi.0H,.S7:t in ! lKTi to ?:?.ni.C!N).1!Mi in PMC. The nnmlwr.of farms increMsed" frotii j 1.-1M.073 iu ikx to ."i,7;!,i;r.7 in 1;iO; j the valrie of farm anil farm property j from $i.oo,ooo.io to ?2.o,mi.oiio,(i(H). ! and the v.tltie f their product, which ! was not measured until 17. grew ! rrom ?i,vr.s.oot.(SNj in that vear to S:'.. 7;i.i)0.iior in Vmvi, The vniue of fnrrn animals inerens'efl from !?.1l4.too,tXHJ in 1,S."() frt -2,!iS1.0lSl,lKH) in J!.oo. The vrne of the tho duct of the tn.in-.liiiiiarr:itjr.ind.;utu:U-jL -rew il-o'ii .1. o'i ',iy'i mm in t.. t. n , , .i-.ci iM-i it! V.'K the Tlmber of iri cniiiloyet! Ihe-e'is -froin e-s-lh.-in l.tHgl.'U'ii) Im tii.it pi-rlofi to r,,7."(i,s)d0, . NINTH CAVALFY RLf"A?.Fr?. To ir.tiirn from 1h l'lilUe(idn- .,ti ti e 'I ranv'O't !.. j Wiisii!ii!rn.n. I. ('.-. ettr.t! f'hnfu'e iiiis i-a'ii.'i! the War Dfp:irMi:cTJi il;at be ajitl iii sr.eecssi)!-, Geucr.-il liavi.--, beljevo .mother r.'g'hnent of . cival'rv, rwHjte spared from duty in th. T'liii- ippines. Tie necessary orders for this have been .srlven, and he will send home one regiment, ami the heinliiunrters ! and six troops of the- Mnth Cavalry will be relieved from duly ami sail cn the Logan for San Francisco. The rest, j of tlie regiment will sail two weeks ' Inter. The stations for this regiment . iu the United States have not vet been i designated. It will require cunder- '' able shifting of troops to provide for it. ! The organization of n Inrge number : of batteries for field artillery was- an- j thorized nt the last session of Con- j gress, and ;.iese were assigned to qtmr. i ters and stables formerly occupied by ! cavalry. As the accommodations foV ,' these batteries have not been eon s'rneted. it will be necessary to ( rowi) ' the cavalry regiment considerably to ' get tiieiu under shelter for the wiiifer. :id it' may be lie.essnry to put seme j of the organization iu camp, as was! recently done with the miiiv Seventh i Cavalry at Cbiekamauga Park. ' " j ice ixi!i M.'iii, tui.il le.,.i- iue jeord ji few cloys later ! by h;'h.;;,i!4 fl.Vt im . ort-lantti iit on ; nTia'n in) i jt-nriy ve ciatlf- .itiHg , bad been w."gi'i-id. Tlie McCsi-c u itm! ' t!i" ri'm'.-'ii st.iJemeiitH nr,- rcj-inled - li'M.e.-'i.y ;s tlie cvtiMr slice and the !' eM I'loiie. . ( ' ; ' 'i,,-. ! 'I bes,. ;i-."ires d. not t-ri;V acjr 'p','ii:iie leu wh; h may ban.-'tMr-eu l.M.M'.r The Ga!e. !!;e 1'rsiV .-n;il ibcf I'dii.n,-; -riii!.-." liavi lift the i.'ioJk" ' si) I 'i! Al Miles ;i:;i; tii'-i! .fii HM'U il'Mi;- Misl.-.esH. for vSitf iWC'll- ! i -'j ii.-iv e imt ie;"cl tite bar-1 i.i- if l !.'.'; e.v'i tii3. A mvfut i. i -Lii!" il.iiw ;rcP thJit lift' I ii' ;!.e ii!'-lk.vw i oct.it (T.int cu lien I ,t f I I . a HI I rt Thi-i vvi nM irive- ibeve only "1 i i lite ,i '."inn cf tv1j -f tliust ii ;li b'."! SIo -iHtii fn.-v:wjies. iiriiest iiidiviucnl wiiwif on a ;'- -i-iti'i-il f "l-nslinrsr v, i.i-t j-,. i".--!:-iii tip $.:)ixitK 'V. il.-i-i Im has ifsr.oY miser- -t i 1 HI. s..ii::, I'll, I." ,?oh sM ui; every liookuu i! it o. n t'i. lirii :t'o!i of win.mii fed im a si(!!t. xJwivvcr be . i. cbiei ct i'ijf clis-t!.-r" I.jfSAt sum ii !?!. ti nshedl l-l.-i i 1" ,.'i'.o.'! on Mali CliaiM-eM'Sin- clay 1 he left ftir-l lenver to wrests? nitb Os--J good tor (-(miro! of "ttltv Cilrtl Fotl-' ! jfc Iron ConipitnyJ . John A". Drake brrr once or twice i picki?te.l. $4i.t0 as a dsy wiriiiiugs, but lie ami other Westprww let Iie.iv- ily by backing Articulate. tsrg. ivbich j litis proved a sore disfifipointoieut tffli' I Cbleiigo and St. Lons plungers. . I At the close of the last isy"- rncinff: j Presiilnut Whitney excliti ncrc-d roiigrat j iihuioiis with dirednrs ztncl thtr to, j terested !u the Santtog.t A.Kinio i upon the completion of the d uivt sue-' j -cssfi!l season on record. Few Juilf an i hour President Whitney enin-r ffC i knovied r 1 or dcd-'.,r Fhiho"-'? .'ni-ilecl ; :.: Mi.'! by-the P-ltiiotf!.: "Tf: 1 rkfi, V:;sn:, l-'o'i-irshe;.. Vc'i i'".vy . ers in, . ley jiiidr c nvn Ill's o'-nhfe h-.-ni'.irei.ifuf of tit,,. ,-;:r.,i:rs uf ir.- cor-;.l'",--!tier. . ....... ,, '. 1 k -asiifer, A'td'rctr ,' il ier cr ' Wi-.en (lie (;J;ks ;?!-.. !nilr-i : !''-'!'-.w;i! no; l:e "far n-oH .V -;i:-.-:'ist K.7(;o,io in i:ir.. Ti:c ;i -r ;vii- U V .j i 1 1 : 1 WiJI fC n-., -i ... ; ' "" I :s v.-ni he ..'evofftf in y-firii'i!;- siflbli's, ;:-;.;i?;i:jr' tr.ic-k ; uiilier ililU'OVi-nicnis. ' " ' VlC: vt fbe !'.iar few !ll:i. V.'HATt- Bll Wllll.l CHAVE HER HAT. ? 'tilt t'nclfi m'i I imt, ami Old. Wnsliinstoji. it. c a ynnrer tvtunii pro-s.r:-,-,;,.,. (n-trie ".ovenimf;rrf I'rifit iiig Olllee has "iven up her (il (ji'.Vr than change the Wyl-.- i,C 4niu w tu r lift It-. , j ie rnremnn o' (Tie press rc her she must charire ft or nnif" ....!... 1 ...I.I. f . ' , - ninii-:i iir, ner duly as a ?:- foM ; fl- In which he undertook to show i tacked at other points and the sut-' nominated by a riflng vote, he had discovered a plot by which i ment made that "there la a growln-i R- w, rimberlake, of lTankiin, State that hi-i had dtHcnvere-1 a nlnt hv vhteh I mfnt made that "there Is a crOwinn the colored neonls are to rise un dur-1 tendency on the nan of the Denuxr ule fur'n district: W. S. OT. Robinson, Im thn month of Oeteiber. and com. i Dartv in North Caroliria to disciijilnate '.f,t Wayne, sixth; II. F. Sea well, of pletfly demolish the white neonle of against private corporations. i Moore,' eighth; Ai U Coble, of Iredell the State. It is not my mimosa on this ' , "Whereas we come to examine the . Htarnuca. or foray tn occasiou to undertake to answer in dc- Aiiaitor s reports with respect to .. re tail the absurd statement which he. has aeen fit to make, but there are iom ft tr.rea (if the question to which I de lie to allude briefly. He lays that tho negro question can never be settled in North Carolina uutil tha Republicans eclpts and disbursement!, , we find a condition of affairs that- Is calculated to alarm the taxpayers of the State, In 1898 the burden of Got, Aycock's song was the effect that the fusion ad ministration had collected and expend- leventh; h. H. McNe'll, of Ashe, thir rnrnth; O. B. F, Blythe, of Henderson, fmirieentli; C. D. Mash burn, of Mad ison, fifteenth; Baylus Cade, or Hay wood, sixteenth, were nominated with out oppoaltion for Judges of the Supe rior Court' ' : "' State News. The new State board to Inspect pub He institutions is now examining the Hospital for the Insane and the Sol diers' Home at Raleigh. It eppenrs that in some counties there is a'nost a complete failure to list incomes for taxation. 1 It Is said by some Republicans that they will endorse n. Frank Mcbane for Congress In the fifth disttiit. - Robbery In Oastonla, , Gastonia, Special. Some time during the early hours of Monday morning a bold thief took from Mr. F. M. Fajs soux's bed-room property valued at $130, including a $100 gold watch, n prize awarded to him by the Mutual Life Insurance Company, $25 In money and a $0.60 pair of pants. The watch and money were In the pants, which hung at the foot of Mr. Fayssoux'g bed and scarcely more than an arms length from the window. The thief probably did not enter the room but reached in with a stick or pole and "fished" them out. An effort to prorure bloodhounds front Yorkllle was futile, and thus far th culprit haa succeeded In baffling: tha poltce, notwithstanding their strenuou tfiorta to apprehend him. MESSENCER CIRLS DO WELL. CtileaKO Branch of Hit. Wont,- In Ion lleritlei to AbolUh tho t'tc or t:ov. Chicago. The familiar messenger boy, so long identified with telegrams, Is about to disappear, so far ns the branch of the Western I'nlou Com pany here is concerned.- This has been iltially decided by the locnl officers of the company having the matter In charge. The latest strike of the boys, the'-. third disturbance In a month, forced the American District Tele graph Company, . w hich supplies the messengers for the Western t nlon, to hire 400 girls to thue the strikers' places, and nrtec a trial of ticarlv a week it Is declared that the;r services are satisfactory Tlie girls are woik lug in the business district and the resi dence portions of the city during the" uay, i lie night force Is. made up of young men, not boys.' y 1 1 cr, .Sue sipnealed to Prfvniv KhkMts. v.iio is lookinir after .-t'.i'r's In the absence of Piddle Prion"1 tv'fi er. Mr. Uleketts courteously .a.e. nr d her. - "":;L"7 .,- "I h in sorry, m.-idjim.'1' p- nn'u''. "Jfi.'it' yntrare Iiaviiig serlmis din'ewKCTF with Mr. McWbnrhiml. "I wtinjd uol .-.rreiopt -for anything In ifi.. wwld u r.-r:rtiw to you how to wear yonr IWiir. ivli'i P. 1 ani sure. Is most nffrfict ivc. Vut 1lic comilaint is' Hint your hnir Ip.-Vrc wiih the fecdluiT of 'flie prfff iimT earses the spoiling, of irtany u f piijiev. ;,, The .voting wmi a-, went Uotii4.. ' - r i r I to Jei L jf JUDCE IGNORES ACE LIMIT, raid well, af Arkaa.a, U SerniiiT, Rut Thinks Ha la Qoo.1 Tor Savaral ar. Yt.. 1 Little Rock, Ark. letter was re ceived here from Judge II. C. Cnld well, of the United Stutes Court of Ap peals,' stating that he had reached the age limit of seventy years, aud thut he nan nuaiiy decided not to retire. The Judge says that Le Is enjoying the best of health, and believes that he Ih good for the bench for several years yet. lie say he bus uo idea of resign ing, whether Congress passes the In crease Judiciary salary bill ur not. Judge Caldwell' hosue U iu Little Uock. Millionaire jones" w.e . .,Yrn lti.(oi.Ct.lrHc., M,, ralMtt Kuaa to KxUrt l'lmili. Chicago. The mystery unrroim me supposed (iciitti cif "Pliilelwr miiiiomiire ' ot Huston, wlmw .tmli notice recently upitenrecl in fim-i-'go newspapers, was cle;rrecl rj .y the conression of John A, f, Tr, m" Iwal real estate broker that be Ihjl uncut e.l "Mr. .rones ' in order la mtmv real estate coinmissioiis. , He pianiicd n ruse' wliprrliy "Mr Jews" was to luiv eiini-i.-..c j cago property for ij .icf puivoV . An ngiec.miii was ornwu up bet we. k Hie aui-poscd .lone and a rc-ul ctie wh er and eoinml.we.u Wlls f0Ui;Mf. ihesf. pioiii,s.d commissions were of fered as stn-ui liy for n Iojiii. :osiir ifl whs cast ou Lee when the OtiU twtkv nppeiiied. ' lu evphmatioir. f wiici nu old liutti. said that be fel iur tic could have sold the property te ium one If he bad bad i;,u,j. u Mut uo prosecution will result. LAVOSL'PS KILL" HUtMOaeoj. .1 ly tka ISulu In two laillan Tmh Ci (lnailluwliiR f 1,, Calcutta, India.- Henry rains lunr caused the Rivers K.igimutti unit Vmh tiumatl to overflow, irioew. laudstlps have resulted ami ImndmU ik.i,.us u the cities of Rlmtguju nii buve been killed. . The Baghmatl and V.SNtunt arc; ulbutarlcs of the Gaugv. Tie dated region g j ltti! K.UltWte ItuidostNii.

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