M Chatham Observer, A. M. M0OHR. i-khtar a4 Prop. : i SUIiRirriO.N K.TKS: Ou Year, Fix Mouth, t... jao;,.i.. l .. $ Fifty Cents, j kh j Advertising rates ressormb and ad known ..rv appUtkn. ' n'tfi'V fVT 1' to I.lvJ, i. l., i t-r T!ie5ntn mills are tsybtf.. lj form s irvst to te kgomu as un-, ; i : pw'"o.i 1 ' i trbjcb will include .0 coiton nns $urtH Carolina, South . th.tTnseo. fn" t":e nariovM Boi3thern Txt lie tx m p'i n y, ; of controlling pri-A a.nd s-tiincr j Every vhiv by ou;at t vote . competition. Thee rcill evaders the J n rati, ticket .this y,nr : . fay tlnnt they are o1ijrei . to uofor the Democrats twe -nin- h t j! ;. . .-, , 1 this ix trttdr owu prteetr-u ar.u ;.w ,.j whl aJwuys be i . , , ' IBonoy at luosei.t uw .uu-. n.i j ht combine orhre;ik. 'Yet, FYiu-ivj .1 .'....1',Jni'i'i,!i lIHflV iir atru iiiiu J 1 x j iii'."..", ...... kiu, ...... ..... (i - i 1 - talking: of th "unbounded I'-'"-s i.wlat ohi!dr.on. ' S-'vini th-t the o it f ia laawstnesj f.re h:v.r.ir the hardes. taae-ai. . . - . -y .- , . . v, i ap any entausi tssa these days this is the coed it i n of U) Suuth undt-r uoastod Kejubiioaa pros- ; 1vritv, inthe NoS:th trust arej"'? -. ".. ' being formVnl, thousands of men j uUln the . , are out of eiaj.ymeut, "strikes, snA vi.aa af.3 tiikir.ir alaee. troois i. Are being called 'at, uiu and '. nanaro binil closed and eveii ; i . i . .,1 f .t .:t?a : bcatHJi ut--u.K -..v , if fuel, while hungry men arVj togging f r living wages ? na xne i poor in the large cities are su5er;j ing for want coal enough to heat j -tiw.t-Y.-.v.-.l.i ir.fl tnp f',fi!'barons. ' ... . i . , . ,r w , probated by Lcpublaan las ! nre.-refar,g U listen to the cries : of distress that !id the country. LI4. 44 44.. . ...... - ' , ire. ...... tm i1i.i;l,.infi ! lu'-'sc are some ui ,uc v . mv..vv.; ..f the nooublk-an i rosi-enty that has struck the country wttbUus ii- a,t aa.i ai.d to.n a c - iso mud) force. The Ueimbhcan - - party went into power dj iou- ( bought by money obhuaed from trusts and forj "'rations, and this j the interest that the iK-op'o are ! laying ou tlicse aiapasga sua hClipliuas. Kepublieanswetaail over county two years ago tr.ung- .to, wake th'J une-ducated white na.n ; Id the county believe that if I jii u.l. couio., i the amendment curried that uneducated v. late man would ev- : -r vote aj;aia. but .- ery o.i.i is' registering and will vote.as they j ' ' , ' ' -A nlwaa have done regird.es? .d l' j Mi: ether : can road or . write, 'Hie trouble V.as tht.t the Kopub- ... . ..I .1 Jieanx did not A'aift to , lose the. negro V"te and taey were trying t' deceive the illiterate w man to keeji th negroin. If the ' 4 Jh'pubh-atis would deceive' you ! lw- years dgo can '.yu.i trust them nov.y . ! If you want to h-ar a Hepuba . W.n bhn if tbt'eoi-ii ,f hi- lii''d wtiae thua a. tti.rty a.ca. ' . . . .,, ., . '.. ' ' yep o. a inin va ..n. ( .a a oj ia- , . i , riie.J joeieiA:. --Aac ii:iaii,),o--.es : . i , .i t, ' bov m tho lap el his.- ni ;thCf b : , , ; party in regard to the-negro. It: , ..aivtarv .vj'Msiy .vita l.':e siate- , -Ion: a "iishtub. ovv ta;y nski . . . has the same effect, that attiag'. . , . ,' . , , , t aient t..ut ta laty o?i antaracite . . '..jibe voters to puia-ai'the Ulan-, ,,,,.,,..'. , ,.. ;, uog v.aa a ii .v uovs. u is a ; 'ioueht.-a. placa Their record ; has not' bei.ii clean and they don't u-at.t. t.- trv Ui d.-f.-vd it . be-.tti:s,'d t . . 4 1 t 1 I. ' . 1 i they know they can't. The mimes Of Jp'O. lour.g, (.liXJI'ge ' o liite- j liiid a t flush i . in the u.i0dof thoiitK.Je, ... . , r- lifter tliev lave been ,1,U 'V ';lU ; lH and now lorfed to doj Ihpm o; a"c'uant ef the amendment, they are try r ii'g t june as "Lii!y AVhileM, ' but they ought to sign thcni h.aVc.H "Ks- (hs.rg-:; Whites. Tiie -'Dcmocratie pai ty lis-rlv... , fii the jieojile , four months' ' lt;vl(K)s, increased the j;t,si-itrs of -the old sotuHt t and made ex-j appropriations for the, iH lri... nd ;.t!w.r .l.nnf s!,-. instl i tut-.nns, while the '"'R.?pulUet party in this State has never giv- len vtlnugbut ar rule! an J extravagance, which tia you; . r ist? A y'm ap.:cr' t.ds' lurtioa -w yoWut t vot. i-. - , . i . It ie now tM tkaiGem J. S. j Cut will uoi'be an k tive' faolr ! i. r , ' , . t m the' r;KM for tbf Sntitsh;p-" M.a;n iNOV v.oti.ui.fi.u"' n ;;v,r. .1. . ! . .. . ' uous eaiapU!?!i as tf? did. tw rears acr ', at r.s .,hr I'd fru?-. desire to sW'n do ;nv , t . v ; but hi'ia tae JojC.i .V'.jui ie tlu I-vis-; . :i . . ... .i )i ........... .. . ? t 4 . ... ..... ' jsu iv ma,i n"u n.u mi nrj; ro ,u,d . dt-s.ert.lr ,a'iiti the- f t.i ij .?.!:.. "in! tl.c. li uoss no ijas ior-iieu ii.o of tijo lie p u hi ic s have bt-adi l'.-a::chised. sc thev are .not at- XherP is GO bt thal Chat Denaif'ratic this . . , : war so it vuu want to bs on tee ....... ... r -. r '. , ; (a ,)(jVS nd ju, v,ir3 tbo vivU..ry , , . , ., Upsets All Prcdk-ti ar-.s, 1. V. Hm-hes was a Mfhd.uc f-r J . ouray i;irat D I'ont, , bil lt ; .,rtduu,i ,M cua.u -fonivc S:A -.a ..u-. n, wa- vh.t . ? ti.r5c fl.us ;. . . n .. :.. .1 .. . .i.I t... iic iivi.iw.cu i' i -'c u.k in'.c ii i:cjlu'i' WMH" .' s',,t'1 r.caru 01 vi. !sM-.ji iNv-.v t ianr.i ii tr trd it arr .i.Uii-'sWtrcd-e.K,n tt all -o kn w lam. 1 1 .- prc(,-ea-.ns t . an -i jiO'.ll.VviV ),'.'! .lunlt .. trao t .;nn i;,n tr().,',i,. (,v r, Price ,3c and $i .. ' a Kii-an , 1 ciai uu.'Ai. The Burr.t Cork. .N't'Wi am'. (.bv.-rver. ll"!i Cyrus il. Wat son has a happy way -of puncturing i Radical '.nse . tothh:g better ha tj,is Vvur than the hu- inuruiw p.cture Mr. Watson ., , ,, draws 'of the jdopubheuv party. ; . i '.- 1 iU ivport ot. bis sjieeea tne : " , ,.. i tt'O-story us ioii iv.s: -. tory as ioa av.s: 'We are ajiorne.'d .4a: a!, a(,ulUoi) f ro:;sl;i utiou;a ' - a . . lt. ; L : - tmendment, Mr; Watson wenj. on ; . i . to say, u.t.i we areuo i.a .tii. . s , ,. x ...it;..,, , ..... i t;.;. f not s.o ihe white Ivepubacati . , , ., . j leauei at i:a us iuo. i.o' -u e ..-.ni , L-1 1 f r . , . . . . . !ai:'t 1. 4 1 : L t " ioi it ana rej-'i' o wila us; io.t that . I u.'i . I UUCt! tot "l i :s ariotiier -ne- . , ! . . .... , ., ., , i : - ' I I Mr" Watsan; 'v. ho took the burnt ! x r. -w... co 1 a ( 11 r ; -a I) of t!iC II a" U1" WM' th . r i.ient, and they i;uirmetl aao viih-d wh m it ' v.v;s' being a , .v)() (i;d it .by turning till;iU ,,ut ,d,p(, v.i.-r.' '' . ' ' Natural Anxiety. trs ;. i nsi!v 1st: I'd j. j utH.k ssosaiid'n ton tie- Miti-u-! oltcn bnend han.m aid ba-ea j "'V-Vmv. s.', I. ,-e'c e d"( tor ,trru ). .s.i !i i .. -..a. .,-adi v t.y(u,i MinntM-etiUt O.U. .piif.vs tie nej.ais ali.jy' infitma- ai;i, 1 1 ni1 i.s danjt-r. Absoaiti-lr anJn eat I 1 Cv.u hv, hi, r o'.d-i, brotich'-ih .li't a'l tlir in. .-aid ... n train. i . i ! . M-di'.iti, Hanipton. (hi: "A b.' ' eid a .sa-iad e v bs jaM J-.f-b ii .n o'.a !,;,! t .siavsl. 1 intended tt aiO.e -av la:t look c ,MhnO 'ougi. Cure. St rialmed iny-yf''i.-;ir'ir .me uia -il); iicdal Ci. t I'dkinlon, , , . n"roro Our Regular C-ne-'r-cwcSenO " n. i i , Mr: FranbCnmpWH chairman .. I the Isew York v.eauocruuea jwnmte ha. tnyle public : statement in wfueh ho ,,s:tys t: at . . ; tae tMal.jitr si; v. ill insure oento-; rat US viibay in his-state, hi.. .tin' a unir,- t-Vvm. Me ' ' the po.-pIe wiUlK.M the reUKeA riy'rusM, for the. .lrc:il0,' l'a's' bri!- iv c-f Uu-vern-ir Uv, lirst ! ?r fll',r: or t,!Ul . - f ' ,. '.i ., i u d t s'av o-ir huucor tveu an ulsuia.sl f ivv.a'tT.dii:ir lh uuh-J- ,. . , , t unir. tor tUo jaru-r s rttuij: v - x . I'!:-!. J? Slifl'f.l'-M;! Vlr.-H.",.'!' T! IK,' ;y.-n itisru-dor at.d r,;oti wbou Uie;"1 " ' ' -r... e , '. ... 11- ! ! t the lu:u! v;.ufa would m ahs . , , . , . . ;.t . , t, . , , cmvernor J-u.-e s;prl the- vh.j.;' a, dd!a stth ,f tbe stut, to K - oald nt arc-out ,the PrLl.! '"d -'!: ivi'.lu v;tvhvii.! -appnarir t;4- '-'5? -.'.tl. .,1.:...,-Tj.!.": ''. J-- jJ ' Z1 1 iut 1 7 'ml7.( ' ! We r;ee,l y.-.r Jcitui assisttiuer, t.'u'.vj !-or Uvhli has !i at las rxv.y- , , J . ,. , ., . iff h-:-!p t.. iu!l us llirea-jh, I , er to :r,:pt tie toits i-tnlrc m ( , , ., , , . , .. . ; ,av lliu O. I ae trusts c-h-uriy MolaVw; hcru.an j. . j tie eaurt'i ; u-i-f. !-; e!jafrs j Piatt. Qu:t,y aad P. ;.).,. u v.,r o.:ie Ihv- :uij.-t.:i .fth-' di;Tir eiH'os S.;;v.t.vt! tlio. odnor aiit'i J II.'' 11' ' ! ! s" W'i.;': . . ji'.i t i.r-i-. ..pop: arctiiv- tioa. a ia 'ntlnaai at m .ertk mi- quarters tuts vuik-u tue at tenth t'i your tarresj iu.tit .the ao-1 i ! ti-ai u uie cpia-af-rsdrdn Mar- ! t;;o ti;ait;a t : rive t-rs w h- a .i.i -i. uii .-.. ii;s .jT'p'T y-. . i r. Mar kit h:j J a lett riit io do U" f?ut:J tiie fn'.l.ai-.:;:! r'-f-rrcd to. He .H:ts sima rcisii;'' iJ.r 1)rv,,,5;;, t f ,.v,ry r,,VHiry owner: u. course, it may .! jx..-.--iblo for the mine opc-ratiw-s : 3..m rt.-.xm.;.-. u.oaer i-ao;aeaia m v mstou last woof on a; a-, fci acq si re p wsossian "f ail .Ce t;f b,;"f,t ik. He va; at ' .x-A i ,... ...... .. i i. i h,e pr. : !-t a) ti.e Ij rated M-t!-s ! , , braa. fast tab' vf-cn t'.a-' t!v : tn,,, ord-r the ,v,t oX uit th'J.rV,. t: - be! c,JUlltrI,r,r ,sv . , . t ! " ,v'.; ,....:.,' ru - ;,ts to u.ua'c p-.,s,.;ssi.,a ,a ; i?lt . t;. V;t , , r;iy,jCi;,n Wrts'; .t '! I he !-.t i .. ,1 ,,,, 1 . ".-". , -OKI tiK'.i u: aer j-; tii - en tt. -o uk-o .n r ta- ea tb i ?"' t " . ' "U" 4 x 1 - " t ia as i;,te iu e;.,M i;:i.-e maitia :lh.'.'v'f -vvho refused '-a obty;'."M r . ;.v!ar..;.; s'-oruer wa.- cc.-ar.y a; tae; ' . 1 j Kenowctl fil..ae of the d -: aaaaa in repMi.-hci i rtadis f-ir! : taritT revlsios. is caastaatlv Ix-ing ,. ,. ', ... . . . ' , . ' a-cai.od a. ttasamgtor. and c:af..sn.gtbe greatest anxtety to; '.tae rej.moJie.iui leaders. Go-.'er- ;noi- Ui.illette, of Wisoopsit:, !iad ! hmatiy tnasia a ojs' state-;. ."'.it . , ,.. , , .. . . that t!) tan.' had C i,io? ioi Ua'al : n,v:i(j( ;l curtailment of tiie i prouts o tn-j trusts, --.vaea ( ;. - , T ; eraor Cummiiigs, of J nva, v.'ea . - y : i L "4 ,"" .dartpau.: taib ta.it t: tatail. , gen iii..servei -Coiiid (iOllbt tbi in. .ii ... i i. .a" 1 1... . a "l"" - M"--t "t-o uut products of the ' b'ai.ed ! ... . , ."tMes tha a at:es were too ii;g. , ai:o liiitt it, in .I, j- ui;tvol tia .,. . ui sa taii thay whi ir.M, iw.. i I . i ! ... . i . ,il. t1. n " iu ..."ii. ..in. . w ,., ;..: ., I ,..1 !..!. ,!..,,.': ao 'Ji "i ii.(iv.i ii.'-.'. .!i,il.fi!-,-..n, ,,M ... 1,,...... a v,i - v.. - . ' 1 t. 1 . 1 j , t . i ' I ei.. 1 i 1 a I tlctr disintegration, (aid d, n-. ial '"that i -f the tr-i.st.s by r.-via-y ; ! .v 'v v.it.iia tli e sa e is.o i or:'::. oia si:ii..ia oe ivmiovo.i at tae sl.oft session.. f t'oagiess, This ' i i.itb.'i' ream. no. laha' ian does nop! say mueh iaitaelf bat it means j lie., in1 i oia . iii'Miiiii suuuiu ia.1 ; :,M.m.: ut tj, r- --r nort Mission ot i i .-. . ....... ... a ,t .,- ..i I ! "i.jjo-.v. ii.it i , iuiie ; it i esse, ; i,.7-h trrjiri r tTi . . l"!'U"M' iU UJ . 1 J ,cmA tl.e Maeeu 1. and by tra,,,- Al Jy ret urns t) aslan-ion ull!lin- ti-.ttr to al in xUf ki.nl of , . , ..... n ; d.e Jiangs wuuh v.'hl Ui said tapU,t.,i h red) blood tl.M m.tlo yon I .'am bi-Causj id las. ucttei aiea; j i) not be pieds iiit to listen to, ! t iiim; i. i a , i'. un'.s, 1 iio v. o i a kivu ; t'...',,l ,-.. .i...a. is..-.,i.la .,.,.,! "'"- u'-, :'f-'"i ".,i Uiey ure more thu:xh'-ly tacusi! s reVha..on hi Il-'nablieaa v.iab " , ....... , -a the fall eleetjoas, Tha Demo -if mu i'.rw,i'. vnoo'-o...oei the probable re.-.tilH of the.: state- j t Aa Arkansas l&i-x's Ap?i?.l ' dboud.t !t" -Appeal. ' Bring u tors, swi?! or Irish; bring u cl.h k.ms, young or eld; hri.tr ns fwi.'s. or tk.rk or sorir . . fasts: btv.il u$-siver. Wins . K , J .V,1 o,; us .-v. . - . greenlaieks; bn-r, jus leakier, . 4 1 corn, or hay; bring us fn.at.nf ah j rripti.s, bviag us curn meid I5" day. n J-anyruats, , , .. . : , S,'l'li mot. rr the pajiers 'pr.t t :;.t t.)ur stnre oi'is t-iUst l settled, and the k ds must pr t ' "nd f0 n utu" ,S"l,,' t.)ur stnre hi'ls t-iu.t li'i ' ' - , . . ..... . ! oxn.'rt. tis'sti a utue r:a s" me to i.ur wmsUH'V .i'.-u y,u l i re'-c:e I Ijv. pim;no. .so pay fot jidv-rtisinrf,- sub;-riutitii, aiu'j ; ih 1 Jti:e: au k.-a tn uu'rprix ! : frtun wiau uu.i. if-.'t-jo.i a. striki i ii ra'.so am -in-. .au your pra.es la-tr i if yoiiT l-...-.t o a. t ue r;u. ; ana 'briu it .i aad strong. ,f?r-.,l-e li-.to IlisdlouAe. ?. 1 e'Oidua cf (":va.d--h . Vt , j a-s rolhwS ot hi.- st r.i.rv Jierth j t-v :rivas;w.. ' f t ioi..n c c., on a ;.-- ui-' i- u nt-n 1 r King s cw. .Lit; , Pii'.i br ;:ao i:.-a.!i? . bi tro-a- i .! aiit'Sfrd .nd ' ; iw mtri-. , cut,d. 1 i.cy...r .s.-aj.r.-.K-i-d. l.o.. a.o--1 f t (. K P U.-oVs ih sto c. , a i ir.l '.. was el'.i , tro-.-i la d to C44ai:.bia, S. . . . v... . . . stiii hi'-- . last Nei.stUi di.id he- j r.,re la-, ur. h d. Tee diM:ea-.ed ' "lu "'A ,:",,,!') ,.r a--prmnua-ia. laiaay in ,uth (.'m t,li:.a. -( nfossions of a Prl ?st ka-. , i ...jx. of ii., Ars.i ... ; -'-y,;.-, i'; yo us I vsihaad taai; ' ii.'lu-.--- Ja:i.'M-.ir. i roa-,aia-d a man-; ;"'r - v' "d tried ul ;ort; ;f -.(. !IO f i. f)a C'jt ;io rili-t. lb:lii th,-u ot f.l,ctr)C .Imtersj ta; t-a: I a; a ncv enn-d cf ft! ht-a-.c ihat h..-s- i.ail tat- u its Krsl' !';f " V:" IT .v.iut a lelia-; r.i,-ror iivcr and Hdncv j "! ' " " , " 'i ! -a. a! 1-.-, Mf- aai oi-.or.Jar or grma;;! ; Voi;-" .v..t j :c(t.-K p,;?j. is it's i aMr.u.tUd by (i K. PiJ.ia.'ton. On-! -' ; " i . A HnrriJiIe rc:t!i. j i j Mr. il. I-Yank Hmmbuekie, o- i ! ei-reer of lfie card r.oi!i at the ; . tt t .... ... ... ...-.ii .. .a. .t i .-line- t u e mou iu.u, ..ii.u -m.u , j met with en,wt horribi.. .death; , . . ' e.riv ion.liv morung m at-; t itHlinLr ta realae" a beit on a t aallav Waiie t:ia ri'!iehin"!,y was i ojiarati-ai J.lornbuclrlo wasi 4. .. i ... t. . .1 I c-.i j;; e Y L'1 ot":.iuH iiiu v. :m al a.i-')U!id tiie shafting with terri-1 : a-, r. ..... 1 .1 .,.r,.;,o,,a ' M . 1-11 r i U ( I i 111' ' V ptadanais machinery H.auh! bej stopped. ' W!i".i tae it;:fortnnate j ioi ji w,a; ''. ri -a?, -d, it was seat) . . .. , ... thu-t be was (pjib- dead, his ue. , . , . , , . . , , . beijur oroia-n -and las sh mho ... , , , , dis',oc:(t"d. .taorabneKM w;i-t a-n ,. , . i er ,' a.ive a ,:. i o. ;a.i i'.'aesa vvae and two children. ' - .. - - -. - --- The Woi st Form. . i ,a. :. , , ...... ..; i. . isi.iu.-'oe.v 1 ' ' 711 ...ea ;,,.,u ti:.., uvL-rs ft r.iel. :.. .... t .1. , I.. .... I i i ui 101 i iii.mj .. t v ' tVi-1 ood a I ova, . .Jfri Cicnml,. ti my, 1 1 , writt-V: ' I'oc a rmS: ! .if vaia, I was tr.ad-! .d vjih iru a- , i a slioii Jil'-u ov; hi.', v.racii mr , , .,'. . i .mo ate wor-i-ioaa. ;-a..-nv i was indnccd o uw il .del and li:r iiv hair be-ttU'-v I was cotnpli'lely ciirtd. 'J hcaitily iceoiiainial hod i to Jol biau'rc-. toaa Mnitstion a.nt in i , aavsao) svu..JJ" a !.;..? ilosc ala-r e it oar. Ifaa.;.a, , vh ,i ycy .:tU',. CiT c o .1 o .1 o o c n o "i ; . 3' ." a . .. ltV Lercaetile Co. ig ITTSBORO BYNUM. t f At the Eynum partmcnt. ?fh 1 FxlANKCl PCE, Pres. and Gcnl 2ianag:cr, NOO Vice-President. . J. E. ASWATEB, Scc'y and Treas. o 1 c ooirc4ioit5itoi?ooioVio'oiccC4iC4i?ioUcit;4ci54Cooito ( il) v4 ili iiji iii DON'T ANYWHERE' -a until ycu consider 43 ..; and. Intellectual aavantages cncretl ty r. I MOUNT VERNON 'SPRINGS ACABBiY, 1 a place for quiet study, thorough vorr , health, comfortable country homo-life, nd careful personal CcHcje.-Preparatory, R. P. JOHNSON, w? '-jj ISovs and prirlo can r ? --Ti X private families, in clubs, or rent rooms and board themselves at -reasonable rates or actual cost. Tuition at lowest rates for amount of instruction given. SPECIAL KATES TO MINISTERS AND mNISTEKS' CHILDREN. Address, R. P. JOHNSON, Principal, I. -1 .-irrrt TriTxrr-T cmfvmci nv.4-t,, i. -kt 9r. -5) H5E B8SSE!W. i-i th! ;hie to stop when in Pitts- j b-ao. Host rooms, best fare,! .most indite and attentive wcr"-: v ants. The only hotel that has a i livery near by. Kates are right. . v : 7 ' ; , I WlJ'f'W I IVf'fY l Alii H Lanitv j uiuu i"""i - - PirTSBCRO. N. C. Kes.'jts caiistanllv on hand R"odj to'irr.s, "iA hugjfios aud fast1 drivers. J. C. LANIUS, Prepr. Tvety piUnocto.a vithtVie kJrt Uouw. o o ! o ! o o o . o . o ,1 ft o V o " o o ft' Stores Store. ter has charge of this De- i lUi il virf xs vi l iif TO SCBQOtl 4: the Moral, Rsiijious cvertiirjht, wit Ji rail- ii Prcdical .and Normal, f ' f A. M., Principal board at hotel, in Dyspepsia Curo Digests what you cat. Thl' reparation contiilns oil of thfl ditii stanta and dleetiU all kinds of i tf.jinl. -itRlvcs Inst ant relief and tip'vet Ifaila to cum. It allows you to cat all' Ithefwiil you want, Ttiomnhtsormltivq j stonmclis can taken, tty ususomaiy i thousural.i or dvix-ptiru navo btii 1 curco artiirovfiryt hinjj im) TiillPd. ! unequallfd for tlio sloinai'li. C'tdT reo witb weak stoma -lis thrive on lU Cures all stomach troubles.! IrrpflTf1 only hv V. (I IrViTTA l o., ('hirritft rrtV.Al h..uhti'.ililJtlni.VU Li It.Ku I 1.. fUk.. .i . ai m 'wMF"4Tr uv i 0. ll.inikhigtmi, Kodsl fcssoKsia Curo 1 Cljtttts wliat you oat 1 : j