-V, Wlli li VOL. I. NO. 49, 'PITTS BOKO, N. C, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 11)02 11 A Year i m pi t. I 1 Ml ( H- It Pf 1 1! II t :! '( Ii ; .".-! i i iy jK : 1 14 .1 r BLAMED FOB A GIRL'S DEATH "Culpable Negligence" the . Omars Ajrainst Chrislian Science Beiicvers. HEALER AND THE FATHEH HELD The Cane ot John C. I .athrop and .Mr. ami M. uLiy, or White I'lain. V.. . to tlia tirauil .fury notiter of fu.l I.UJ Firm I:i Hi-r I iilU-Verdict of the ('unmr'i Jury. White flam. N. Y.--Tbe coro-Hr' Jury io -aniiti' iatrt the death of Ks- , liter tniuil'y decided mat cue ''tame ! I to her ileutb from diphtheria and ? 11- ral aemin. owing to the etjipatde j nesil;?e4- 'of Tier parcais, John tjnjui- j by -md Georgiani:, :i jntlqr; a.-" a i certain h-o-ealled.-uc;li-r uamed Join j (.arroil Lathtop, hi Liiiing to proved.'! proper tuedica ecre a r: 'I attr-nJarce. The evidence warrant tire faoldiu? of tbe three ' prrsons. tutder the lVc.il i Cod-' 'U a charge of ti:.uslaughter." i Judge Plait held both men in S'.'non . bail. They waive.! H'Ssaiiuatioii. ami the :!" will go d..'-' t to tbe Grand t Jur,. Mi's. (,'tniiih.v, who lias t-:rsiM, . ; tun be call' a 1 l)i-:iI until .'he! recover--, i TIis- death nf seven-year-old E i !)(,r ; Hunter Quimby h? mode n umber i of i-- dents, (if White phtsits indignant . at the tlrceii nl of dawr to tint vil- j lap whu'b I thns r'vca!fl. He," tr r.'sit". vi hm aught 1 piitlioria !'roni j It-r . is r:v.-r."i!S. an.l lmthcr. Is : not in iiiiiiili no lnnacr. A ik-w M-H) roiMirtfj, iLt:lt "f f '-'.:'.!! vin t- j ' tr!i whitil wall KsHr'r Qnin ht. ' 51 r ' Juiniby' fymi'St'm-i are ajiulj nt- 1 tSi'iHC fif tfllsi'.!l!-. .m j .".i-lri.. i!,i:i! y vvns t'xarulnc'l n Jif? lonw I'.v 'tin 'itpr. A r cnvil v i tak'-n ivhicli v, .n 1' vfTVf;'J-' ih ! ;rri!n? .h;ry. Site -)n' lt.-i,l st.S:c-l Aljit -rii" 1j '1 ' i It.l'i ?c";i-W for fn ';!!!. She I'.')'! r'--rjv"l !f-:mi fro::! Julin f'nvi-'t l..nhrfiu. ihp u-x ; hot!4 liiii: '"n,"'iv-y i tin Scrip- IUrf." ! ilcl'W :s-i .M:.., Kt!ly 'Science in! !Tt;!th." rjr tlV-v lv s-:t;1- Jf i paid Sim fur tin- .'r. :'. of s.. f- 'tbnt.it;) -iu t"ii!iii ".'it til! -wln'Tfin h instruction tictif ;;t lu r iiiyri' lliau a mris roiilin,1: of :l,t- fwol;. ' lrl j Ir;'t ci on fi'U'.t'' - siitl W "V ortti '..m- ; ilr. o.'tcn' vf-'-fivi-ii! ;!!-"-c4?r a fee. fch ; toiil f ho rt:"".nt l' '"ttfallns" so j (l.-ny -;T-.r s,r-,tt:tlly." M'hti ! ;ii lirctnie ill t'.i"1 'iit for I.atbvop. j ii 1...' Tbe t a 1 ; a bizher teavber t oi'.ie ( tbe i b'i'i's c.l'c W.tV f r ' "'j'i''i'i an fbH):.a an iniper- ian (J" !;iey?i- tt.!..sre it) !'..--t.,,-'i b:u! t'lfpiVl'tl Jntt tv -lion fj-oin Mrs Kiluy. He l.eiii 1 It --.!. Qttitnby. be .ii-1, ittiiii r" a ' i bi'rn" of tt;x;1ki. !I tliin eNt.luifio. the Hir1tir.ti S'et.c. e i 1 1 1-- i t trer.ttnefl of 1Ur-ae, i't ' tii.it .'il liin.ufi v. e"e "i rt'ors iui'-cb t an 1 (bat i oii'.mi'!.'-)!! tux! a broken ' ltni l" I'-tt' il in tin; sanit; way. . j ' "To nl it lei n'il vott n- i-"!i e i tbe S. .b ttb?" !!v!;i"! tb. i tivonf-r. "' ': n. !' ii. rip'r-ibtn . point vb w . If wan re u I In 'jf-.t ..ea-. 1 -'iti',1 ''.'." tbe IvPly. be y..py. lfci' Hi I'i hi.' 1V-ff-'!lt. I J.ieh a ; yr..M!nttjf ., .'. ill- . itf , 'I I , lb ; pet; il- ,'- I,' re, d i 't..l st or r Ill I' ) I II; I :;li -t txr.-.'T'l o'rts TVotyx b '.,;;. 'Wbb-li be Iiad cvitV'jUl;. retnl lecu'lr-, Tbe .'-' W'M br JlT-Wfl a fjo'.tlv rii 'ii- '--.'ti!'-. ft ) .tbl that lied.' OfMeer l!ireli,te:!V alsn find a ne -trs of pne'ei-diict nfrtthiM the parent.1 iind I aMii'i.ti fur fnHttre. to reenrt ease if rtiritUf-iotiM and IfifveiimtH I'li'-aast-... SHOWS EARTH'S MOVEMENT. An I.ilrn utin l'xaiyjMnt With a I'm it ii turn In Pari. rati" France. -An lutereotln? ex pmint"nt under tbe anspieot ef tbe .VhtriHiotnictl Soi iety of Frante took place when oenlar proof of the revoht tloti t.f the earth w;ix slven by mean tf a pctnlnluin. eonsisiini: of a hall weiubitii! (ixiy pounds, atraelU'd to a -wire, seventy yard In bnitrlh, to tbe lliterlnr ef the tbnne of the Pantheun. ,'i, t'battmle, ,iiiiiiter of Public In ilcti'in, who pi estded. Iiurned a string that tied tbe welshl tn a pllbir. and the liinni'iii pendnhnn "ttcrr.ilt Its . jiuuuey. Sand had been plaet'd in tb" tlpor, and each time- the in'tidiiinin liRssed ftver It n iit'w trnt k wan marked In recular ile iatlnii, tlmtt'jh the plane nf the per.tlnluin'o nwanj temnlnt'il un t'liaiicd. Tho xperiuieut wn oom plelely hWiWfuh A WOMAN'S DRAMATIC END. Cbarerd T11 ti Kitllna Ilur Fatlirr Mr. rttlr II all Kill Orail. La tlrance, Ind.--lrsi.. Nettle llall, of Idndtii. died Miihletdy just after lieins told that hIio wan tinder orrppt, eliai'ijed with the murder of her lather, tleorp yiehobiH.- Mr, Niehohvs wan fntiml dead at (he linltnin of the eellar Htrpt. It wan mtp ppned at lirst that lie bad neehlenlnlly fallen. l"t the manner of his fall itrutiM'il MiyptfloiM of foul play, and lboe pointed to the daughter, bin only lielr, nnd hev hnthnnd. .T. ...... A hrntlier 'of Nlchohi. nworo nut warrant for Mr. nnd Mm. Hall, and a rouBtnbl had Jnt plneed them under irrtt when Mrs. Hall tU backward ml so!red. JTf '!,. . . Ii:ll .-!,, t. WAR ON CONSUMPTION The Frogress of the World's Catn-prJg-Q Against the Dread Disease. Fieieh Srherao Irovei Sucrefiil After two Tear-. Trial -Saaitatiorj the Great Virapuu Work in New York. " lifrlia. OwBianj.-rTbe rrors of tliiv veit'ld's Mrupalt;n 'against -on-Mi-irniou tvr.s tltfribed 'by th- leader ia lite in tbe Ir.tontntiotiul Tnbtr rovess. vvhioli assiiblftl So l'i-ijsislnu I'iiliiuuciit Uuupo. TJit're v.-c:-:1 o.; Infill n'l-ont 100 citiiin lit ;iu tliorUii's jj PuiUtiSogical re'-arrh to lr,3!t .over the year's ' work ant! It? Jitnits. - i Tin fatcr of thf lay wa an ne couut 'ly rn' t''h;i!im-t'i. of I. Kb-, rran, of the bouse-to aotisc cn:;! !ts;sin5t tfci; lFae !u Franc, cspc cicliy tbe Bi:r.ij!;r as -.!.: )iys,h'm ranicu on Uy'privflio lcm-'it't'iici'. Ti'c S':tt--- pii'-t'oltiafp.-i in tliiii oi'y iiy sr;ii. ' ftoiii -Ih' itiijui:!! betting at t!; rsc..-. fsiclctit's liav( Ihtii funnci! hi :tc!i totrn. sn;ipoj-tt'( by Town ''.;ni. t il-;. t tiy 10 !!rt-nt tlif? ,v;.;i of !'"!M!rt';i! i!i crati:;p tin' workbis !;i-"''. an.l '-.ilii'civ.jy f.;jtjc;Ut t!c f:tr.iil..- t.tipjij.vi?; iu.mSU-;u? al at- t-r fll 1!P-Ds:irif s. ? ' ". t 1. i io ticsr-rihl 'he irrn t:ou n I.!!!o ninct.- Fcirt:a;y. lff'l. Th" i'i i ;T'!e is t ; v'v" l!;t t-rc't r.'Htf to till' lcFsi f-ri-,uly i;;fii!fl at." t'S hc piGic?' pip. ki ns to letiatlien s :iei;',c are v. .'.-' tbe t ; - ' l'IIirli :N'T- ti'.eir c ("wioiiiic lifo. Kve-y livilsriii;' :tt rsri:lar inb ! v. itl! cltb riil of F.v.r. attl are- wliltfwuhH. Tbe pa- iv v'ot'te.. brib'incr, n i- t 3 '. eilspbbir Btil o!e Weekly. Tbe s.-tTTi t;iry tbe fa milieu ibitie ;f br ir.tellicetit v-.inirn. :1 t f. ; tb;- K,;: ! of :, . TtM.t'n ho'-?,- io i!!:t';e a litr:' i f !y-- eihtefliion of li-wf. t?' tiy f-;t.'ci-.tl'r t:ivi ttir'Ti. ' Tie'; l"t j'iy f. I e st ..1 at tj.v. il j: tf.Slt'i'et :"i 'i:i) f' .t'f ii-.-p,) . 1 i!!SII'(!"t'. litiill fl.l s!p-. r relief (litrn b!!eti..s. tix- 1 tba; p;tt 1 he 1'i'fM hi riTtortttors ;ir 'ii i !'. :. " to tbf tn i tbe pevsovs ; iirounil tbetit; -eattsi t!:e rxpeetora l tor 'tbti baeiili. Hp. rh-ilinvtte f-ne! r:early t wo tm--' ! pra t'-e of tbif riiemc ;r."v. satisfy ; Iv.u r'xiit-. Many patient l,o b i 1 ! 'M en l ii.bf 'l nftcr uti.l lietped from otic to nip.-' sr.-iiitli. rcsttme-'J work. !iat intr i no bin 'ili in tbeir er.pectr,rat ir.n. am! ! bad iC'cul tit.' ap)eartini e of li"jb. In fvrrjr rdapee patient-! wpi :iiir.l aril li;eir ecunoiuic. life tv;li tbtet b -te.-t'i.'-jK 1. lr Van Ttynn. of nmsscls. y.'tiA a r oil tbe t:et Itier't ioti of eotikiiin'p- J :e; cri-es t) tb" beaJt'i anti.irit;e. "ice. Iianpy results of v.-liicb iiiiil tbe : pr"Vi'l)t ivp r!! rise,;'. iji-. olei il roiibl i seen I" V-'w Vnrii. whr 1b" e.-tismntt- j Itrr itean rat." Ij;-;f .t.-crcnr-.-.J thirty j p - rr-nt. in a few V'.'lt'-.' 1 Tbe oh'cct'o'i to untitii . ... . . . t:i t p:-.i- ; it Bpa'tist itncviilital lif.rty t:tn j i'-i.,oh:ti Mirccy. ni.'il niitrlit 'i-')t!r j partoun av.l ' i":tke t'.irtia ttw. an e: e:i!:jihii':- b.e.- tbc'v !tjiatiit. i Tbi.n h 'til roufntetl tiy iz- I'! til" pesiera! b -b ib 'ieCiJ ( (S;i i !: n-co-rSty it'T'-t ce?v p'iS"-'y I" in ITi; n ,'i :')'! ;ruv ,'otiil;. .v i: i.'ilii ' tub i 't w ;.,t i; in -r to ni! i c lib f en-:! I 'iiii-p I'.i'it. in I'tn'ticii. ere s''i'.';.'d e':i inV;! t'-rs ft I'rajft-.. Id V,'; eu tbe police fi'ion r : in which a i tnnsiiiK "I" ; ' ' men v,-re itijtj!- d. rs ra'd.-''. -. (;.:! s,i;.c,-i ;i;,d Tbe-e v, r-'tiiibk. i '-'. I i'J. K i r .fy :,-.d f ni,v!:i.; windotv! They jiiv.n:,',! tiu. in j:e,.-t !; o'iic, s. be lis am! ,?if nip,..,! i i.u, Tvy tb-.-w :iio i! uii noorii" s ef I',' b:-ii i ;" .'rn-.d M'til ry lire to bales t !! ,' eVaiifii ;;tid i anal. s nnd boxes Clontiiw I'll I ii ii-. I'ulntAil Out. Tbe crowds Unit have vjsiual flip rapitol B iibli.)- in Wasbin-ton to view t'j) shadow povirait.i or lYoslihmt Mr. riiib-y and lTesjib-e: lbioncvclt, paint. e'i in the imitation mm-hle wall of Slntnar' Hail, caused so mtli li ;umov- i'.nc.' u,e workmen that tlm picture U..M- neon paiuteu nut. Kllteil t- Slon Daughter' Wedilinc. .'ec.'.tlse he' filiiectt'd to be r iVioiiosicl fVirri; luge, linut Ulsen. livlmr near Alt. 1 i i. .Miiin.. killed bis daughter with u tutchi'i- knife. ' .' Decline In Cotton I'rlea. C-iUci price have declined fifteen t twi tit y three points per pound owing to bearish speculation encouraged by tl; ' ''p"citith in of further increase lit tiie supply from the coatluiicd growth ci'-Hc "lop crop." put tiie situation realistically is strong. The movement, Ihnugh liberal, shows a tendency tn tie .'reuse; eporls continue of good' vol mm, and spinners are Imyin moii' lively. ' limsJiir Snrur SAfini), Piinrlars et Siiiiiio frotu ibe bank al Summit,, S.. D., and esenped. Necro Tried ami Hanged In 'J'tirea Ilonri Jim lUiehaunn, the negro who con fessed to the murder of Dunenii Hicks, wife and daughter, a well-to-do white family, was taken to Nacogdoches, Texas, from the penitentiary tit Rusk, lie was accompanied by two companies of State inllltbi nud Sheriff Spimllcy. In less than three hours after ils ar rival there tlw. negro had gone through the iiinnaliiy of a trial. and was hanged by tin Sheriff, assisted by members of the mob. The mob tiuml'ereij. S!-'v.'ill hundred 'people.' H who plant! fruit traea muat Dot count upon tha fruit ' FEWER PERSONS KILLED A Year 5 dents Record of RailrDad Acc in the United States. Ennui Icabl Fallinc (Ifl Shown, Otrlili to Car CttM!!ftr.--Tmvovmr&t FraliMsd by lnte'riiiuto timjuit.iin AVas'ilu; rimt. f.Tif r.uml.cT rf t r.'tilniad uccii'cnis i ' (Ti'.iiiic tbe yctir i!as-iier .:t' in ti!iTii!' t'Htb'tl JuIjc lctin I!:t u ci't". was T!i, r.t-.:i!i :t "0 lnt. ;!'v-o;'i1itijr to a bul by V,v It.itTM.atf Cammls '.'! :tni! .Vt v.-civ itiinrc). (; o'1' 'ui"bt;.'i killc'l wa I'.rn '')" were train men. wlulf tiif It!)t:!.vl iiijtiil cr.sl XJ.711, of Svliotr i:.'it' wort' it air.iin't). Wliile lii!'r.' lirts iiccn sine I'S! a ?Vct Iiicrt'asf in t in- number of tncn en;;-"!'.'" -i t Milnwil. the nuntlK-r of iT.ibye- ki'ieil !!ow' it tlhntnutieti of sirty -eicb; t"r cctil.. eotniareil wiib 'b" !":-t'ns in it.e lasi yea.-, a ienrirU n'.i'e eril i'atir.riiiff rt'snl: of tiie Safety At::-5hi:tc-i. arj pa -s .1 i'i iiie fortner yt'.tr Ti. J i 1 1 1 ; ; i ti.'oti I" t.' tt'tiiiijcr of In -!1 birjcr. leirr l.o fewer Hi.- i.iit fi'tit. Thr eninloves it:!:2 H'fiileu' in w.ir; 1 in in roil n I ti i:"r' s v.-er,' 14.;. suil tbe 'in- i ;tt-c.i A s:;1 thttj ciity-i i !: i!!t"l ill ft .j v.-.-n .s.'V:. jtt;. tne f:: ! fti r.fls s,' ' Ih-M tuolo .;i tf inc ,t le finises of ac ; ebb'tit-i. tbosA owittj" fi ibe partins of j trains nccoeie fur tbe death of 14 train--! men, an ! tli,.in.inry of of wbb-b i th -in vol vins lb of the' ileath' ami -1i2.ThJ. or ; wiVtbinb-i of tbe 1k sre : ''b.ivx ;t iile to e.npler faiiitres. whieli the railroad cnitonief bate reported' iltlf t) sonic imliiMivii e:ine.. i Th. ri tiiii't for the in: three njontlt 'iii tb. f'.'e.'il .tear 'how subian' ial , !'i.er.'a-f- over ibe otb.r thro nti;ir:er?t : in tia-si. M''Tf! and etntiihye killed .and. '! iiinrid. r'.!:!.j;r tbat t'riod there were I'i'.M eoHt-ii:t :tfd' M! derailment, of iivbl.b 1" eolli-vions and 1.01 tlerail-ttti-nt n'ffi-i' d pnset!2r tns'nas. ' The dama'.'e to ear. (ti?:ti"it ami rejtd' -.d ainoiirtnd to St.m;:.S.'J.-:. or ;:n ' nvrare of !ws of ?S2 'or each rol lixioti and Sb'.Ci f..r f..T-h derailtuent. In ; titiint'.ra! in-i ht cot!y and fatal acei iii ;i!' within tbe three mouths, the report says tb:"- in some of them tbe. ! t-stilanat ions' of eattstei tiiveu by the railroad-; .ire inn.b'pt'ne. Iti two f ust s, huh on prominent rail roads, the cond'H'io- and firemen are 'reported :) brtvitlL. liebbet'.'i'elv "taken ehanei'. ' Aividents in which the re-sion.-ibilitT roti iti nu n ef very Hm- . ired xpet iei:ce n:;,-.in aii-e.ir iiiooiiu . tiie.,e n)tly enn1.". and tber i-t one ' ease in whirh atv n!u-'niau had bten on ihtty tv.eiity-itvo honrs. ' (in tbe otlur hand, one encriveman who fell asleep on Ids .!ijin had been mi duty only seven boars, ko that on : the face of the report there conbl be no fault found with the w.trUins honrs; i ini: i! is a fnir nnt siii n. tbe retmrt ! -a-. whether very b.ni; working hours, : M.inblii' d wiih the Irretrvtlarity wbi' h often is insep.i ruble from the freie.bt ' I'1. tin service, ih! net introdneo a i':'iiu 1 i -b meet of d;itt;er by Jcadlnsr to. !f nut' rm'iinraainr. i lu takins of vest at time . win :i tbe (buy is lo keep wide awake.. MOB IMPATIENT VITH JUDCiT, roiit lu'l H'n l Thirty tHT in It;mp, Twi fnifi met Uli It Itlulo AVy. fbiibis 'J'fV;;r Ti:,. m-'-b at ll -iiin. who file dick ,1 M ' i' 1 men ' w,v ii i ' i.uls . !::'.:ll. ! I ' e'l i;.e .; ; forma! it i by and ! I ' b s Oi Uv. who roll.V-.vi ,i w is. ami inv "'l.b'eds. Tile eel'"'. IO'.!'." t !le bed '.' i by I Mi.t.ii r fomii ;, p;t i-i e r i mi! t ! Hi) t .' ! I nd i ov. t. le in.:. Tbe 'i:ib"i,ien l'.;'!'.on nlive "sbicil,. ee i;t;i" trapil pole tuijoi' lut.l waived nil le o bum Wester and s aiiiiti b to 1 and a " by re'ic and a tele rl. Tiie 1 o nesroi' ml ri'liH in the 'aet ni.aiie-l tb"in an.! had ";;iivSMd a will Iticness io h 'uiitged bv tb" law ofllcer al otiee. The. tri-d .lu-lze ibouubi that the convicted men should have the ben efit of tbe thirty days provided iu the i t'cnstiliUloii. The AVheut Market sltiml Ion. Tbeio has- b;.eu tmiy a frnet iopal ret change in wheal prices during the week. The interior movement bas bren on a liberal scale, but much of tbe wheat going to commercial centres 1 of inferior ipialily, and In the North west a strong demand from millers Im inverted a large percentage of the sup ply from snipping channels. The mill are busy, and large sales of flour ha ve been made for export as w ell .as for linitiiM ie eoiisiimpilon. Cllv rmploye Kill lliiiwetf. John II, Wa.iham, a dirk itr the of fice of Colli roller Chamberlain at Hert ford. Conn., cnm'inilted suicide by bang-,, big himself in a washroom In ihe Cap i'.ol. Mr. AVad'nain bad been in HI bealih for some time, and it Is t'aoifght ho was menially uniiabiiii ed. A note was. found in the foal pocket of Ihe dead man and it said he was an nil be;;.ler. So far as can be learned Wad bam was hot in II position To beooine n ilefaulier. ' , . Hei lileil In Favor of tleriiiany. King (Hear of Sweden and Norway has decided the Saumuu eonirove!y in favor of Germany and against the' Fulled States and Great liritaiu To l'.le Money Kor Irluli i'anae. The United Irish League, In conven tion ill Huston, Mass., Loss pledged it self . to- raise iflOiijRH) for the Irish cause... : - ' . ' , 1 ' "" '" ' CaV fai.fona IteTolutlonary Student. The Czar has pardoned all student who wer tuilty of pailieipatlou in revolutionary street disturbance at Moscow. KUeai. NORTH CAROLINA SYNOD. Presbyterians Meet in Winston and Moid Profitable Session. The Presbyterian Synod of North Carolina was in tossion at Winston Salem lat week. It was an able body and much business connected with the welfare of the Uenomlnatioa was transacted. Tbe choice of Wilmington as the next meeting place, the resolution if Rev. Dr. Morton seeking to stem the tide of Sabbath desecration and the forcible speech of Hr. Henry, Louis Smith in the interest of Davidson College, followed by tbe solemn cele bration of the Lord's Supper, were the principal features of the session Thursday. There was no afternoon I Eesslon. in order to permit tbe com j mittees to get to work. After devo J tional exercise's Moderator Vardel! I called the Synod to order. Among j other preliminary business, the re ' part of the condition of Union Semi i nary , was read and referred. ! A. report from the faculty of Union Seminary 'stated that a desire of t-ev j tral members of the senior :ia.i'f j the Seminarj- to make a canvass in j the interest of securing candidate ! for the ministry was refused, because ! o fthe time which would necessarily be taken from studies, and also be jiause it was thought that more ma i ture minds should be engaged in tlri I work. The . faculty requested Synod 1 to appoint tome agent or agents, well I qualified." to visit schools and acade- mies in this interest. Referred. ! OVERTURES. Art overture from Fayetteviile I'res ; bytcrany was read asking that tbe ' time of meeting of Synod be changed i from Tuesday to" Thursday" running through Sunday into the next week, as ; tending to prevent the usual haste : and confusion at the end of the ses i sions as at present. An' overture from Mecklenburg ' Presbytery asked Synod tfi readjust ' as far as possible its system of col 1 lections to conform t6 General As i .S'-mbly's system of collections. An overture fro mthe same I'resby i terv asked for the erection of a new ; Pr esbytery to be called King's Moun ! tain i'resbytery out of Meeklenlmrg, including the counties of Gaston. Lin I coin, Cleveland. Rutherford and Polk. The primlpal of the colored Indus-j-trial and Mschanicar Instittite at : North Wilkesbpro asked- for pcrmis I sion to sell an acre of land belonging i to jhe institution. ; N'EXT MEETING AT WILMINGTON, i Synod then heard nominations for 'the next-meeting' place of Synod. As ! there was a long preliminary lull. Rev. : J. W. Moore, Jr.. caused a smila bj ! rt;markin? that If no other place wn-e ' available he would put in nomination I Kobe. Japan, i near which place Mr. i Moore is laboring as a missionary. Dr. ;J. M. Well?, of the First Wiming i ten church, just' Wilmington mi notni- nation and it was ifianimf'.is1y i In'sen I S.Vl'.rtATH OHSEitVANCF. i Rev. Dr. Morton .offered a res.dn ; rion urging better Saiibath observa vr.nce. It njcitrd'tliat the divine and historic sanctity of tbe Sabbath was i :adly abided. Sunday Travel. . maii.-t , and newspapers .wen- tinhhishinaly ! prc'atsint? the day. nnd e'l t!it-' Sab i ea'h deseertttion had a ba I elicit on ithe f-piritiiaf tone cf the i bt.rcb. Tb" ! fi . ' i ".n ss of spiritual life, in Gr- ! mm"' was hirceU- ilue to ' lax 1- . .. , f "i To- ; ti; " Sabbath prevailing, the.ro ! cct.li.--r with the death penahv n I in tit the Sixth eo-.niiianilmi'ti! -icn-n:i i ;i bn:t 'ife j.romls ' Fifth conimamlrm nt attneb'n.; to tie' it should be re- i nio'iii"reii tnai t.ne prosjici'n 1. 1 ..u 'Jewish nation was IntiniaUly a.-so-i dated in the Rible with 1h", keeuin;--j "if the Sabbaih. For centuries tie erlonistic '.burches have I'M. in in-s!st-nee upon Sabbath observance. There Was never greater need for an appeal In this behalf than now. There is a ceaseless growth of novel fea tures upon our modern . civilization, snd the greatest wisdom is roo.iiin d to ndjnt these complex influences to the keeping .o fthe Sabbath. The duty Is a delicate one. The church, liter a ture helps, but olher aid must be in robed. It was therefore resolvid, in effect. i That Rvnod recomriiend each Presbvterv to appoint a committee on the Sabbath to en-operate with Svnod's committee. 2. That the chairman of each pres-b.'fn-inl c Mnmittt-e be ex-ofhclo a mem ber of the svnotlical Sabbath commit tee.'' . 3 That Synod rcommends that. "I. the anrine nw ctlng of each Presbvt ! y. the" minlslers of the Presbytery ,be. in s'-urt''d to pearb special serio'i'B on ac divine authority ef the Sabbath. I. That the afternoon of tbe seron-1 il w of rmh session of Synod b" s t ap'ait to eonsider the miestletj f Sab bath .obsc-rva tire. Dr. Morton's resolnt'on was referred to the committee oir Sabbath observ a !"- ' ' TDK TWENTIETH CFN'iTUY F''NM Dae of the most Important mtt'ets Jv i-,,.foi'o svnod has not yet been t eaehed. .Two year. ago tne synou nv llaleigh (iVi'bled to raise, -within flV" vrarti. a twentieth enttify edtieatbnal fend of S'ino.OflO. fur tbe use cf ths va rious eiluoational Institutions under its control. Five-twelfths or ' this nwvtnt Is to go to Davidson CoPes : two-twelfthsv ... to' "fn'Wn Theologicitl Semlnarv at Richmond. Va.; and on ' twelfth to the General Assembly's e bi chtlon work (home mission school,, etc ) The remaining fonr-twlfths $i'jonCt- to be anoOTtioned otn n the other institution .of ' learning: nn rler rare of Synod. Thego InrTud the various schools for woman like ni- Institute. Presbyterian College for Wo men at Charlotte. Statesville Female College, Rd Springs Seminary, -and others. Tbe matter of this division i, yet to be decided upon. Furthermore.' Svnod at Charlotte last year arpoitit ed Rev. Dr. J. W. Stacir as tfavelins ape"t to collect this fund. Dr.,Sta;ie visitPd a number" of the chu-ehes hut afterward? resigned as these duties interfered too seriously with his regu lar pastoral work at Charlotte. Tb" annointment of his successor is to c. me up at this tun tins,-. It 'is nor yet .knr.n wl ether a sir.gie agent will ht t '.t in the fi.ld or whether the Synod v :1 be '!:v''-,.m1 into serrtlf'r.s and sever--ii aeents put t: woA. Synod's hpecift! i'rt:'rtit'ert is now ccntridcrin? this T.:r4.ion end will probably retiort to morrc.v. I! is com nose '1 of Rev.. I. II. F Cablweil. chaitlnan. Rw. Dr.. K. W. SnJith. Rev. Dr. J. W. Wells. arel Flders J. M Rr -r.t, of Wineton- Salfin. and .1. M. Mrlve-. or Onlf. B" si b.'s this there is another larger com mittee which has . charge of t!i! twentieth eentury scheme, consisting r.f one membc from each Presbytery, with Rev. Dr. J. M. Rose, of Lauria- burg, as chairman. NEWSY CLEANINCS. Cholerit i. p"3-'il2S rapidly iZa ra'eft- tine. The crusade against the billboanl nuisance is making headAvay In Uuf falo, N. Y. The electrical power transmitted 200 miles from Yuba, Cab, ban ifoved per fectly reliable. Minnie Schem k. of'Williamsport. Pa., Las made a ritio record of twenty con secutive buli's-eyes at 2si yards. Only 12111 bicycle licenses have been taken out this year in Montreal, as against 3";V last year and i IT in P. hit). Then' has been a ureal reduction in. the nunibor of Russian iron planrs. and "').') men b iv: heou thrown out of work. ' A P.rilisb expert who was sent to America'. 'i study American railway laelliods.' bas' ilcclat'cd thai the P.ritish roads excel American iu tbe matter of protecting hit man life. - In Fti"himl litirin-.: the -past monfli IJI.oO.'i work people, mostly miners, suffered I'i'iluci inns, in wagys. wbili otdy tto.'! obtained advances. Most of the changes were effected by concilia tion board or 'sliding scab s. Tbe Saxon State Railroad manage ment bas decided to put on supplemen tary electric curs wherever the pas senger trnllie 'demands frci-fm'tti -perv-iee, though it may not be heavy tiiiotih to pay for additional steam train.' Tbe ilemobijis'.atioii of the ltriish Army at the Cape is throwing bai k upon the English labor market thou sands of abb-bodied workers for Whom there is no apparent opening. Many of the returned reservists are in dis tress. Alderman Dowd, a member of the Labor party m 'the Dublin corporation, lias Ikh'H selected as Lord Mayor-elect of that city for l!i:t. lie is the tirt Labor representative "elected Lord Mayor of Dublin. Though now rank ing as an employer, lie is still a work ing I'luioibc? and a loader in his trade. LACOR WORLD. CarpetPers ; 'I.lllb'.etl. ( A usnv unie fbi-me.l a i Fa ti tiuc'pb. Can bavo or. of - .a. t iMemen' has be'eTi al. t II. li!" X.'.ri ik. a. have pe- WUgi'S. ri: fry are ' l'''-:;- :. irtue. ill In d'ati Tin if.i'fiM'or'c-.. F ;s in i .ruby Ol I.'i'.'i illg. A ha - enicn til i ll ef t'l: n'u:ii:. . t:cvv ;l a i paper .lii.i;. ma ib'fs n.ipobs, Did. Cliy I'r. peli'i'.tli.'J urn at Hartford, Conn., hav. Cuuiicil for ;;u. increase of wages. At San -Jo Cab. the strike of the budeai rii'i's' and sloiiemasous' helpers has becu sm tied- Every gold leaf manufacturer in the country, except olie, h;is 'adopted Uiu new union scale.' Step, have been taken to form a union by the journeymen Cambridge, Mass. barbers at Nearly Ksii) less men were employed at tiie-London (Ioi ks ami winnves uur- fag ihe past, mouth.. Five hundred and sevetity-si.t firemen cost London ifHK'noo a year.. Pails has 1712 lireinen, -but spends a total iif ipM'.i.HH' on them. A Cooks', Waiters' and Waitresses' Alliance has been formed at IJverett, Wash., the lirst union in that city to include wotiii u in its membership. j A in ov union of the cabinetmakers j as well as a union organization of the reed and rattan workers, "have both I , , ... .. , . . . .- ,, . i Mi ll reieiiuy loruieu ;u iiniiauupoi'.s Ind. ' In keeping: with the spirit of the age. he farmers' of the .north end 'of Utali County' .haVo effected an organization kuo-Wu as the Farmers' L'niou, at Lehi, 1 lab. ' ' Hawaii Is in a slate of great cotunier ei.nl ind industrial depression, caused, i! is generally claimed, by the low price of sugar ,'rtid scanity and Li-fU pi ice of labor. 'v Period of Deepest Sleep. The period of deepest deep varies from three o'clock Io five. - An hour or two-infter going to bed .wni sleep very soundly; - then .yonr.-nliW-1ci' .-icw ' gradually lighter, and it is eay enough to waken you 'at one or t wo o'clock. But. when four o'clock comes yon are in such a state of somnolence that It mild take a c-reaf deal to waken h ou. r DEJECTED BV A TIE VOTE Oenrnar!; Will Not Ratify ths West Indies Sa'e. .- RESULT GREETED WITH CHEERS Anion of the Ln'iil't'imi; on the Bill Pro tiili he Kitr't Ii ..tita.nre of the Treaty With the I ioIh I st Co i ii oil Ml oa cf I iiiiiii vN;.,t:ton l'..;uii Two Vniri Ai;. .Vote stood 'J'l to .'J'5. - Of-iieiil.a"..!!. Denmark. -Tiie Lauds tbiii. ill.- tippet' bouse or til" Ricsdap, has refused io ratify the sale of the Danish We-r Indies to the United Slates. The vote was a tie-,T2 to .12. Af'er tlie Laudvtlfliig had "voted not to ;ig;-ec to tiie cession of the Danish West Indies to .he United States tbe Ministers li -ld a consultation and re solved not to resign. They also de cided to si n.l a commission to the West. Indies to asceiia.n whst steps were necessary to relieve the present econ- o 1 1 1 i . .1.1 . , 1 1 i i- ' ' s :: t.s . 4 ! e. D.Uiisil isi.M tills llieie. niembv.'s who tveie opposed to t he saie ind their follower in the gal- h-ries vovifermisly nouiKcment of the chevred tiie au resiilt of the div- ls;oii. j NO SI'KI'KISK IX tVAMJISGTOS. j Denmark Kxpeeleil to Tire of Waiilae I IIun. Detlrit (iood. I Washington. D. C The State le I partniiiit was advised of the action of 1 tin' I.andstbing in rejecting the treaty 1 of cession. Tbe action causes no sur ! pt'isc. for advices from Coponha'i n I iudiiittd liiat the fate of the treaty i bnnu' upon the slenderest thread. j oflieiai. here are nor precisely ad- i vised a to the legislative possibilities i in D'-umark, -but assntnmg that the i action is final for the present session, j they are disposed to view the situation philosophically, in t tie belief that it ! will only be a short lime before Den- mark will tire of making good a deficit : in ibe revenues of the islands. i The islands ;in hnmd in the proposed cession have an area of 137 square ! miles and a population of about :12.MI. ! They are: St. Thomas, considered th. I most important strategically; St. Croix,. and St. John. Th islands once were j ceded to the United States in lSdT. for j R7.rdltt.tNK. but the Senate refused to i ratify the treaty. The present negutia- tions began about two, years ago, ami , ' resulted in the formal presentation of tbe treaty to 'he Senate during the i last session of ConsreKs. Tbe priie ' which the United States was to pay for the islands was S.TWtMMMt. j CARMECiE URCES EUROPE TO UNITE i Say It U It Only Hojie tn Compete With AiiH-rtc.-t. St. Andrews. Sot land. Andrew : Carnegie, w.i I'orutall.v I'eitistalb'd as ' rei i.ir of S; Andrew's l is. v-v--i iy. in i the ni-e-i ne r,f a i.'i i: and brill'.n t as- seme. age, o aliKoii pre-. Tbe ,!n,ihi: Laws sul'se Si. An in v.-;. .. !'. . I. . Doa- si'- -,' Doeior of iv as ci inferred -liy !,.!. ' l r ii" -rt-e U' -11 : !v -ei Ir '.. -i. WbiM b'vl, , e. Atnbas- l'i ic'esSlT sadnrs Choiite Alcxat.'di".' c'rab cf W.i-iiing- ",el O V of the II 1 .. 5 till el ial address siudv of the alien-, in the b-eey. with a their future. tvpiele Willi ton. and lb toy Wb'.)--. So United Males Embassy A lidn w .',-i i n' u'e's ri" i i en-.ik ii d of a I !:,' ' v e.impiirative frowih of i paths of 'iu.Itjsti'i d asce'ii si r '.king 1 1 ; o tit i 1 1 . a ry on In his speech, which wa lio i. a Mo stai isie s lioliiic pj oibecie remark. ibl.; team limin ror William .m.I important, ceo-, laps the most peri w is an appeal to to use hi-- iniiuence Inward t'lr United sio veil tn a1 creation- of tint of Europe, under tin j form of n political and industrial : union. In iiis way alone, Mr, Car- t.eiiio said, could Europe connuor the i fori i-!i markets' or repel the American : Invasion. France. Germany and litis j sl.i, who already had taken joint ac- tion agaiiisi Japan, would suffice to ! Insure a satisfactory union in Europe, j VICTIM OF STRANGE ASSAULT DEAD o Hope Now of Solving the Slrance Cana . N ot Mm. I i- ti u I . Washiugtcii, D. C-After hovering between life nnd death since last De cember, Mrs. Ada Cilbut Dennis, the victim of one of the most mysterious assaults in the hWlory of tbe District of Columbia, died in the Garlield Hos pital hi this city- Willi her death tbe last hope of a solution of the mystery has il'sttpmaired. Mrs. Dennis came here from Gettys burg, Pa., and married Walter Dennis, a Washington actor. She was found on December 10, insensible. In her bed room, il; r ' skull" was crushed. Ya rictts theoy'es were ad. aimed. a to ihe motive eif, the crime. luv mo di tiuiie clue ever was obtained. Robbery wa ftJgjgi'Sled. but rejected. Ms SHHI oil tiie' table bad not been Sakert Dv' ln r assail ant. In o:;e ef lie" Mvut-vafioual mnmetii be exebtlmed: ''It's a womatl." Sub srotieutly s!s made 'onuv.i1'etir,-y siiHenietits. She never recovered sul'i cietitly tot.ilk vtiiional'.y, - .. . Nayy Cost titl,(H10,0Ili) I .. eiu The annual report cf Rear-Admiral A.-S. Kenny. Paymaster- Jmieral of ibe Navy,' ibiiits- ill-it- iltiivie,' the n'"il year IDiC there whs actually expended for, the naval service SJti.Sit.:,'.';! Tbe amount eiipended on account of con tructlon of new dbop. Including l iiior and' material, was t) l.:i2.oji. Tie cost of repairlmi sb.'ips at.'houi au-1 ' abroad m-aalCSoitirt.

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