1 L1 ; sZ til MAk - vjSr fvvV' 'Art I I'lXTSBORO, N. C FRIDAY, NOVEMBER T, 1902 an ires, VOL, I. NO. 50, trill rtltl - ti !H 'i 1 en 111 Ml ill UlUUU III i V i : VOLGiO SPREADS Ri Flames snd Ashes Dev.is'.a!e ihe Co! - ice Zsne in Gra'roa!'a. THE SAXTA MARIA ill ERUPTION T tto..ttnd Irruption titlmi Onei. aJNinan'n, V1tp mart- 3aiai Art la .r-t ftancar s h ltf tti .mU. H.p a (nlranlr Staler. Pan Frawisee. C?l-Tbe enUre pf- fc. oi ttisnlMMta ha been slo- traycl by six! nsh.ee. from the volcano of. Simla -Maria. ' Kniif)iis tbreaton the dosmn Coti of -every liv Ipr thing -wltlitn wm'ii of tin- fume nd tiro iltst jwtu from ft burning ntounuiht. mecorOdng to a cat. d's 1at'h t C.tl Lrothere. itiriers. of tills rlw.. received fro-u '.Gicb- roffe Iiiatifatbii in O.ietfniatx Outs- i:!e gjc dctuifc aw t,'I,er.. T.at "Mond'tv." said Leu's ITIrH---:. f Cr.stie Brothers, "1 v'iivd u u.- rva rewi'tatrve there 'ask in; c-tr vr 11" the ernf.lion O? S".iita .! ai 'a. -tnd last night I reeeiv.d in nP.y ti. is -c.-!cV d's patch "It is fra-V .I.norai-.a.i ! lroh.iVi,V visk -anie c relit ion. ? stone detifrovn 1. Our bvts nt" in dan ger, Tiir.'iJ-r n-'esei . ;!! .' .. .' "Tit t'o!Tv dlsir.et referred to." raid Sir. Htrcb. "." Ci Cu.i and O.-sta -t--mia. T'tev ajp tii" !'::: -! !nii?tt i'lns 'a !': ";":. 1-; . 2 ' '.".:' fw ilfjitri't '!-!.-!.,.' !. . :. ).! WW so !nrti,-?-.-; 41t..i iir,i r :! r 8tft l.'ftwt-p!) 15infl!n!u 1' triiT)S; '?! in I!1?- it.'shUttr-. Iioujt nuiut liki'ly t li !.-; '(i;'".ii ;iV fail fVi:pt. fr?,2! "r;n-i 1 , d ' tBa!2-t. Til.- Vi,!t; lu !.;:-, in 1 Ti i;-.!! fur iiiaiiy ya"s. . - "I lS- !-f:rl- ist.! Aiir l -:i t !it- lia'f ni;:n pr,r:!'!'',t'.,' r.-,,'k 'ii !"( on'Mry. 'J o Vf !,:: v r'- .iwiir Wahsrvcn. fv C A ;"; from I'uT'i'i.ri'.i wrH vviwii,; (n St;rt liev.artiiii'nt ' ?! 'o"Vi', :?-! McN.iliy rtxin!nr i!t V .inf'wi f fli1 vi !'-am nt Smu: M.-ti. s1! Imc vnirRal'.fh.-in'i. ,m;m;-.: ;i oily is rmrl w'.fh nix luc1n"( ( vn 'MiiV HisilHf-t'; iliKt t!' h t;f!.H- til itvia tio!w 011 t!u nit ss !" nr Tinripit 101 th ToU-:i". id hit drtioin :i!is f:.tn tli" r'lSfif i'tin w'iti' Iinri 111 Hie i :nV f.ii.' Tlicre htivp Ic.tt frftHMit a: !i iiHk'C. anii snoiiiiT rt,ti"n 1 report- -'":',; t'itin(,'it prc.ai:s. ft .c'k taw -f v",C!?NTIST5 l'D CTE3. J'O .ir ue Sf' mt X l t"r allnWv Mit( lnl Trlt. VVIilf rHm, . T.-.Toh" farm.: T.Htiimyi, 'John tinntr 'ivl lili ifori't.'tl'rt i'llutti.v, Jitin Ix-'!! ii!!rpil liy i!n (;rn4 Jury m t"he l.fir-.;c of, iuui!iitit:!:i'r In tlsc i"r-oijJ 1"-'.t'. Thpy vcr not Tr?rrf'c(i. k tl! t::iN irivr-o for their j ! arai't-i fontiiin-ti hnhl iiiM null) foraiaMy !!ti:ii.xi'.t liy Hip roiiri. The ijulirtmrril ''.'"li "I'.'vs lmnl.l In itiarit'tl tir.it ",!l5in fflvroll throp. John ''s'ii!i!i')v !id i ii'urtrirtmi. niml).v itiit nii,n-':('.:i";v nittl ff!onli!i! ly imi-ii' vlh ilnii of Kihwl )iiiin1y. frrri'il kvcu ytir. hv ncflivtlns lo jiffi Virto iiirdit al .nrfri'l:ini ' If ronvictoil 'n lh ilcppc of 111.1 ' Itjar.l! liter, nil throe tiuiy lo ssontiiotit tl kiir t nun In i)1oit, 'I'll l!iw!or not nllnw rttf - Pirt(iii ii'u' nia-ri.iVfiSo iiiit liHiinde, It liiriKirie.i a p.'iuii tprra n' llflrcii yoiiN ;r a lin- f $1000. oy l.t.th. ' . " EDITOn AND REPORTER IN JAIL. rnlilUlif") Tllmn "n a Mnnlrr Trial Irlll)) ,1 nili-' Dr.lm. Xt v. Orleans', I,a.--M. I'.. Poster, fdl ter. and Abbott, renorler 01 toe Hous ton Chronicle, hnve be: n fired and sent to jail by district .ln.H'" Giih sie. f tiie llonsloii Histricf "(;;vt, f,,r pub- lisiiiie,; the testimony hi tiiu W'lllia'.'is imirdcr eae. Jnde (fiiler.pie ioMhib. .11: d the publle.ilioti 0:1 the ground that ihe re mhrht lie a 11 civ trial mil thai the publication of the testimony deliv ered would render ir liliiicitlt to st a Jury in a new tr'sl. as no juror could be actvpud who had riml the ter.!i riony,. The rli.dit of ihe Jitdce to. Issue such an'nider is acknowlrdactl by Ihe law yers, bi'.t I hey think he. acted unusu ally in iissuinlti'r thnt . 11 .capital case would result in 11 mictrial and in pro Liliiliii the piililic.'itiuii of tesllmony. , , IjioKiiFil lii t'i S:. I nonnor, William Card, who lived nt Alexn'n rtri.i Ihiv, was drowned in the St. Law rence lliver while crossing 'from the Canadian side In a small hklff. The boat wii capsii'ctl ia 11 terrllb; Kale. His companion, who eluin; to the boat, Wiia r Si'in J. Mr. Card was forty jcar.i old. ., Krir No l oefci-r t rii' onclUl.ln. Tt Is a';s,'i!cd at Brussels, lleljrlum, that Mr, Kftis"V has nliaiidani'ij Jils If recttici!ati!i nitlltrde, and that ho In tends to si cU pi.ri.ii;o:i to return to .Soul It Afrna. snw un t-'mcuintii, llnnsed lllinMlf. After seeiti'j an execution Hmnnmic Cruinp, a nevrrn boy, showed his play mates bow it was done, with the result that he.haw;;cd hinmdf at Ox final, Mi's. folllirlun J'.lnwi Out III Ileal un John t, Mor-cn. a leader of Ihe rtri:lslit-nit"'- Hemncratle nulv iu I Vifiula, bkw his bralus out n't bis t fijeucn In orolk, a. SCHWAB'S PACE lb FAST Sieel Trust Msgnalo Amwfes Europs by His Recklessness. ttatiu Knni liKrl Him M Km J Mark, and O U luferred t aa TIm Mad AnHsrlcaa." rittohurff. ra.-Tv liicpatfli priuti from Its IondtiU jrre;ponlent: '"Th ooiwlitma asul actlvn of 'C M. Schgs rjvgjj' f ti rmtoj stistcs Stwll-orr'riiiioft. lm btciuie the ohi-f loplr in Ininrtoa. The T)tiiieTitiU press t'onvtys furtfaf r ilet.sil. of hl eoin "Wirht Breretiii; inditJcn -Jxi Koiu anil ihs li.ili;. n provjncfa. "Thesx- lnv-e iK'i-'u Nuiipleincnted ly lirivtie letter received by siu Ampr- Iran fteni Eoiiie. ;eeir!llllZ to which tlie Aii:erie;Yn iiMirj-nsillioniiire and nttxturtfer is jsjia-.lnip mvtey with a tpoUIckmk'w frtlrly rrunsios to the Ku. Tnp.-nn mirA. It !';atl.i tlil lotTer Hint JjaJf the pri.f,-sieti:il liejrars in Ita'y are .txiisis ?lr. Srtm-ah. who Ua : i'.te at t.' ' Villa Iieste.' lor ivii'u li he k nay in. twr day. an un-jn-i-f.!:-t rati- iu Itslian espltal. 'Th;' Aiii-r'e.'ia s;.,.; kin-s Kloliitely Yel'jafs . r-.i ry. H" in trainually on ihe :;.. Wiietl ,e i Dof i'twrtl'rlns H sf!.ee':!j Ke.!m-r OSt I.:;ke Cctliio hr ri.le .ill 'lay Willi M?. Schwab, his Sror. rary. n !iy!eiii, i rnl a ujas-ieiir. In niHui.'.ij rc.rcliuiwits lo imii iitolur arn or tlie sirifiAi (ind irost ee.tly type lie- t'liii! Stinci furti. vuiatl hrerz KtSttlelK'. , 1 "Trufliuii -.R "special trains over thp r',itliiii K" oni a iiKiiii:e. nti1 ilrlvlntt j!-t:-ifA-'a!klna ad N.it:n; have le-eonie t, ir-l r ' the !n.v. I' is iii;-!-ft o.itij. s:,.-.-1 t;e";.i:(-ytu ra.-p-. o" Mr. 'Sc'.iwi-.h h:!Ve !"":'ti th- enn'-r .' tB t itrrv t-lis tiftlfVtw of 'lie i'.-'! 'orpor.it Son. "Ml. Seltw;i wij! tv.-obMiily icm mi niiihci , e with TV'V I.cn, ';! it is. ri: rjnrti flvtt he v !!l ?oi;itv u !nri;e fmm f ni!i-y to th. "hi:reh Tiie Jeie; eoiselni'io'. '.. afrsM Tr. Siiv.--ui will no' , ' 'frt!w a rru'iil ri cove,-v. 'lis fri"ti-l'i Met Mief-'rtnut r nuder . areat nrw.'.n. owieg in hl. Incefissnt iv.-U!e!-r.i'. I niliU-f"!?!- lie mrjjr he tn'ii-n in K.trypt i-r ever, a r.ojni -i.'ie n crJit iu ll't hti tll.'U n!l:l!le ot xi-lle Will prove ifrvr llei.il. is trirov iZ laonej away 'ikt water, ftali'tis never met si;ch a man. and- urttfessiona! b-'Siar repird his stay hen as h -ens nee of a i'fet'irie. It ! mhi dotlht" d 'that he n-lire wealthy. When tie appe-trs it) iiniiii he altt-fts alrtio'.' a sreat a crowd a Ihe Hit-? hiinsclf. I?e 'ferreil to everywhere as 'th? mad A inf. Iran." " FOUND CRUELLY ' SLAIvT"' ;t inB iwr tii to,i,Bi ninu r.uti i tfl KnlfrMrn. 1 H ad'e..;. 5as.--A huntsman-: dos- ! found tin- body of a i ituth r I T.oman. lust eff tile Jiijrtiway. ti :he "Wake field line. Walter T.ieKe. w ho., ilrew iiiui t5 ihe piaee, found the body to be warm and with sir. r. tends in the bead, live ef thejo 'rem pistol bit'lef?. v.-Vlle the sixth, which hf 1 .a h d the lefr ear and ph'iut'-d Vvp ii.tn the reck, had bei-a made by some slniVj ins!n:tvent. Thri-ie was Tecx. indieatb'tt that the' murder bad been eotatelttwl elsewhere and that the body hjTd bi;pn taken from ii.vWn-.-cn and ilra':,.! into the field where it was found. COpD YEAR FOf? POSTMASTERS. Mom Than 3.10H Aitnnltiiml to rrin.!-n-lial ta!ra. W,-shiH'-ton,. . ". total o ""70 Pr.'sii'cti' ic.l .-ot masters were appo.'n!. tit last year, accor-btir to the antr.tal lvtsirt of '.i. fi. I'.ri icjtt . ' foiu-t h assist-, nit postmaster ct;;:.'-.!. This is the largest number annoinied in any one year in the history of the 1 a-t::I se-. vice. 'There were" ;cs pnstottiees.cK t a hi: shed nad 1:C,'I d:scou( limed. .The niililUcr of piiOof'.'icet i:i ihe 1'n ted Strtey, .Ifsie :t. was T..,:J!. of wlrf-'.i ".'l were (irst-vlavs. pi:l secoild-elnss. '''' lhinl-cla.s nnd 71.1!'.'! foiirtii dasti. i;nr,riarie. of poslt-jlit.'es and the ;,,!,.. bcrit of ui-iii are on the in crease. ' . . Klllrd Wlf mil II on .fir. C. W. Hooper siioi and killed liU wife. I.uyeKa Iloip ami then "killed hlmsrlf at Indianapolis. Ind. When found, ill- woman ebr,chl a divorce decree 'which n warded l;er the custodv ef I heir four eliildren. The couple ball .itlsl emeriipd frnni 11 lnu-vei-'u ai,.i when Hooper fired Hire" shols at his wife, all of which 10.1k effect, i.nd then turned the ' weapon on hliliscii. Hooper was forty-six years old and his wife twenty niue. Arm-lnl on a t'liarjn t tiinbczxtrment. Cornelius T. Gritlilh was arrested at Washln;;io!i, 1. C on complaint' of Josepll Howes, niaiia.cor of ihe Wisii. insrtoii branch of the Ko,ulinhi,. i,fe Assurance .Society, of New York, on a chaire of embezzling Slolsi. Critlith ns an emmoye or (tie company. He admits n shorta;:e of SiJ.KMi, but . miva be did not steal .tiie' money, but nd vaiu't'd it to ngt nts of the co'iupitny. .Iiu Tnt KxpHUnion Srliriiic, The Jaiamse 'Cabinet has adopted Ihe proposed scheme for naval expan sion. It provides for an annual ex-pci-dituronf SS,2.1lMH)t for ten years. Krwn Amtiinr Aiiatin Cmnmnud.' llear-Admlral llobley 1). Kvatis has nssunietl I'o'riiuind of the .Wi.rie stpiadriui. t'.arglais Itnb an Iowa Rank. Bnrglaii secured . $uin" froiii the Iowa State Batik at Bes Moines, Iowa, nd escaped. MINOR EVENTS OF THE WEEK WASltmCTIHt ITEMS, , fpEotiations for irnviil stations at 1 toon to be opened with .the Cuban Got 1 ernmont Advices rooeivrd by thi? Ftate De- J'lU ..... 1 1 V ..... .. ... . .. ' - . . of the I'anama Canal treaty nej-otla-j tlous -with the Govorumeut of Coloin-1 Lia. I Captain Chapman C. Todd, recently In eonirnatid f the cruiser Brooklyn, j will te retired as Ucar-Admiral at u;a own request. Secretary Koot approved the adop- lon-eftoppearWj;arxiai:f sriJtavvUUiUiaiJvJvia LA l;i-vu eaJ44HHie.V Inch jrniis. which hs been bitterly .op. posed by Genera) Miles. The transpirts Hancock. Relief and I.awton were transferred from the Var to the Navy lepart!uont. ..For some time past Germany has not riad s inilitai' attache at her Wahinp t'vn KuitiHssv. It has naw been dechled to fill this pf- ' . The Anthracite al Strike Commis sion Held its first open sevstou in an Ipton. 1. and otter yeannji Mr. Hiier ana tr Mitehtftl adjournal, to meet in Sera a! on, I'.t. 1 1 orK inOPTKD ISI.ANBS. I Thfie 'have Veen in-rions Twilitlent riots In Porto Bk'a wultititf' in some I Joss of life. (Jen-raV Surr.nej' is aVmt to start an i exneiruiMt from Camji Vlems asainst j the SulHin of Rdcphxl. T. I. i Cholera is painiiic a stron;: foothold ; 1n Mindanao, but has disappeared from j Manila, I. L . J Ctist'Rus rerennes of ti T'Wlippine for s"r n months end it c July 31 were ' foalMCi as retnpanii with ?1.'.M.- for : In- sarv.- iieriofl in I'.Kll. Pc a n- e Ic!ri;.Tv 11 Prrto Itican. wrx . at llonolnin. Hawaii, fo.' s: (:!''' ineuey jaod jew dry Iruju Gen era! Xi il's. Dwn r:snr The rr.eiitciy nrirrc:!'it1i"t: 1 lie killi:: -f J. P. .it KfM. fii ? was clear! i'd up Jo-n .eurreudetvd and -enf ilfc-'dseville. la.. 1: brother f'etcr ti:e critlie. The Mer.ic.1n O'lrerB'fcc.nt i t;e'.'o Tiat'njr ., it li New b'ii baiikcr for fa'A ; place its cvirreacy system a a core ststle basis. Lafayerte Hull, -at I.aiseaste:-. CiJilo. w::s aoi ntally )ot d;afl whiie ht i: sieiotliiii try t'larent e l.ooiuls, a frleuii, who aiterwr.rd atiiaupied io kill hfen- iFaniers -and teleyr.uh Ihvemen had a btile at Kochester. N. Y.. which tk . Sheriff bad to tjilell. ;en farmers being liurr and thirty-three Jlnenicn arrestnL ISlsf.ops Slariha and Kraue were con- ; fe'-raid at- . Use cathfiiral in t. Ta;;!, .Ml!:ti :'-- - - i Seven t:u-,n were s"T'rciy Iturt nt I Chicago in a r;ot eausd by strikers pnisrferln;?-witii biil porr wfcn ha I i tke'j iiK'ir plar' f. ! Tl: lin.nlior IVyotnins. tried ifT ihe j racitie 4-ost,M'i)hI ll.s knets. j Ten citfeens of Bowiins: Gre n. Ky., w-ere indleied for preventing regln'ra i t,;nti of colored voters. Hnrr.f d i "eath in their home. Will ; lam, Albert ar.d Jut'.a Wii kii.'ssaii ,rui' fotiiul r.t f:ikl'.orit. Wis. The pwiotmv at Gy;-ttr Bay. I,. 1 : orderej ojisTf J on Sstnday while lite 1 President was at his Mimmer home, j was ordered -to lit cloned 0:1 tin? Fab ! iiath, ! After fatally shooiing Mrs. Charles' I A. Ci oi rr tit Pi'.cMo. Co!., beeause i:e I refused to marry l.kn. Prfdericl; Boh I rts. a wealthy fot;iidr, L'i:i;!, killed j-bnnscif. ! 1 '.liti','.-; ef the '"hoodie combination" of inca.ibers of the Nl. Bonis House cf j Holcs.itf s'vr ere told by John K. Mur I roll l;i the trial of IMiauud Bcrsrh, in j. Bcnis. Mo. j Seven of the silver l 'avs used in the leoni'ivatiioit service at T runout Ten-., ; pie, in lU'stett. Mas., ivci', stolen I't'o il ' the room 111 which they had' been kept f,.,r trany-years. The K'sntii-di t.Vji'-n! rflh'in'j; of the lla:,' o; c; sti:.".i wb.h'ii was t c l'!:'. A a roi.iili ef ceiiiii five blocks In the cent: Ga., ,',';i uiidi".' w.ili' ctliciatcd at ti: the Cuban Cen . tied at Ttt'ia;::!, .ted Ite.-.vy rains e of Ibnilisvrirl;, . at:d consiiiera- bh ii:Mi;t'.;.'e w as den .Mi. alcte disbelief 'in the first chapter of ficieils was dcclar.'d by Dr. I nid ,G. IlK'.scli at Chicago. In a senna;'. Ia i lie grave roM.-.-ry seaudal in In diar.: "j.olis, lud., lite physicians -were Indicted. prattle Norrts, the novellsl, died from' the oft'eels of an operation for appcu Uiciiis, in riaii Praticlsco, Cal. - . rom:i(i, The ' British Admiralty ordered the cons', ruii ion of two new cruisers, which, it in claimed, will exceed twenty-six knots. j. .: , i; The Irish members of the British Parliament, having gained . their end in forcing the discussion of coercion, have abandoned any further ila. metiiary campaign pending the return of John B. B. dtnoiid. . . , A'acfiijin art collectors wore told to reaioe within six monf hs'thclr cshib-. its b ut , to ihe South' Konsingtou MuP ncum. , -'The Uiili'oad CottiinissloB of Cuba granted to tlu; (tuba Bailway Company the rl;hl to register $1W,000,oiio ,,'f stock, - Cholera Is decreasing In Soutbvrn llussiii. , Archilucht'ss Bli.tln th of , Austria was bet rohod to Pilnco Alovse vcu Bicliifiisteln. It was reported in London that J. Pierpunt Morgan had paid $'.'5,oihi for the manuscript of BusUIu't "Seven latinos of Architecture," WlTCH-KiLLER TO LIVa Death Senlens of a Red ?'an C m mutsi 'ti Lif-J Imprisonment. Edncmtt Inrt.aa Forgot Alt of 111 i.-rn-tpg. an4 Went Warpx-li, MurJf.rias Tare IVilchc." VTashingwi. '-. .'.--r;v"-;lI' !i Ttooae. veit, on the h c Attn: " -iU-v: ':tl Knox, lias -ui:n i:cd to l.fe 'iiuxiilt-uia-nicut the ieuteuc oJ ii'-.-ii h iuiii(.-cd uu Solomon Hoteuia, a fv,!'-l.'.)c;i?il C1k.( to death for the mu. U i UifFu whom he believed had bt witched UIs -LU ureti. The case i on of iic uw-i re markible that ha ivu 11 i;.ieijr'.d to the Iepartme:it of J"t: l'ot.- uia lost several !iiUireii in juick sv cession two years i:ge. 1 : 1 V li" iu re! veil the idea that C; r.uiu tierv.Ht were witches aud had t. !... his clii' - 1 dreti'a livet, This deisio:i and a need deal tt bud wheat v were re.'!iior.s)l.ti j0 mu-nU-rs. ; j Hoteiua, ahhuush a Choctaw Iinliati. .la said to be a man of bi?h edii'-ation ' and, of mitch tnf.i'ence aint his pen- pie. lie has t e.n a lawyer. uisc I J'resbyterian mitiMcr auion . tli h.arUaWe "nnl a wfler lie iiiti-'io'is 4u ltis ttiiie. ursolic whom be is ranked as a wealthy man. Soon :t!t'r the ! cat Its of his children, Mitli th; i'Va in his mind that wbehes ...... :.c, f .-. H't startel cut en h niissitm of revenue. He shot nnd killed an Indian wtvin r.ntnvl Vina Coleman snd wmi"'cu tw cf b-r chl'.dren. He then killed another v.-oie-n whom b- lu-lipvcd lo Le a v!'--h sv.-l ::' ;:i fata3.lv sact n ninu. on the chi::.e of tiU'Mer in Gis last two -nscs v, a sicovii.tt on tue ' zrow.d !anity. but was eetivlcti-cl tif l nrsrder '-? Vine Ce!e:uoii. He ; nie'c:id i ! t.H v jpie o;' ihe puritans in j Jnstjfiuation. bin rras seieuewl('o he ; Lan-ieil last Kel-rr.-r-y. .Ths case v.k t;;i:c:i t- t'c' I'nitcd StaU's Suprrnie "fersrt. I v.t the .te.d': 1 utetit t n:rc :ni'd red llo.'m.i wrs .1 ' tew days ae -:i.tet)'fd to die Decein- I " S'n'-xt. ; Attorney-General Kr.d:: . rf conunerd ! oil the toniiautati'jn the er:ten .' ti i liTe linnrisoiitncat on the trrnnn-1 IhtM. ' :-l;V.o-,"'h iPsanVy l:rd not rr:t nroved ! !i v.s nvite evblent that nmhr iiie I :ad of distresi, and the irSuen- of ! lioiov tbf re had been a revival f snv '' are Instinct", bnt for nhieii tho Ind'an ' sh-ntld not be li!Vl to aceonm with th.e j I'ltTtnt' enaity. The Attorncy-Gn-J era!, however, urges flirt Ilntetna be held In pritin and ihat r.o fur;'li-r en- I'llea'.on for clean v. 'v be coasWet ed. Ir. BlcliarVor. of tT:e Govern .vorr I Hospital fifr the Lisr.ae. v. ho exa;; - 'red ibt patn-r in the ease, veperte-i fth'lf while tr;?rr( v.'fc no evb'eW-e of J the iusanily of IIoTin;t. excrntin.c his 1 lielief . in wilchcs. tH sp ef w1i:ky : t;ronght 0111 racial 'clnraeteristles -' .t 1 tcutal rarrre tlr't li.ad not been ohl'i , er.ttfd by education. Tiie ntvage '.-h-ir- a"?ot Isiics were Teiiewe1 and struigiii i tn1 by the use of inio-iisiVi. j FOUR MEN DIE IN A SEWEH. ' VTorUJi0riHmS b Sulnhn-ete't Ity it TO,- 11 ! at Niagara FalU. i Niagara Fails. N. v. A gsuir of a-.e-.t Wiirkirg in the tuniic! ;rui:i wwi ; e:: ; totis'.cil wetv overeOiCe by Mllli'.Uire. : d 1 Iiy.lrogen pis. I'mir o 1 beta sr.- dead : tr.i! thre? th"r .v'e 'iu tlc hosT.ital. 'The dead rrj Br.v.t'uK'e Pishcr. 'Gee. j;hudc,-.lla&t wtin.on, cf .Nlage.r.t ! Fail.-'. a::d Wi!'.:.-.:'. Bradisii, oi Ton:. I v-ardti. TI;-? t!::;::ci tru'i'. :cwe,- cxie;;i,;i is , s ;cn by nitte feu. ar.d U W.'.v. Iv.vi!'. I nt a depib of forty five fee.. Ji r.ieti .were In a b vMiit!'; "oil f'.'t.' f.'or.i ': Twenly-rotirfh sire", ft. w)i n Co, Bhi'lrs. colored, was in ercfiiiit. Ils , c..np.".t-le:is startr.l to tatte IiliJt i.i'. J;e ' haft v i:c! he i ee!ed au-l pli:'jt d 1.1 ' the l'.n'.o:i'. failing ia'c ly t - lie : died fr.-e.i tue eff'-cls rf lL. !'..'.l :V. j s'afi'ecatina, v , ; : : A Df -i.ni of tan Strlk t'innoiili i. The first ;;np..r:l!i' art ion by il'e Al il.'.'.iciie Coal Str::o Co'ttiuiss'.oii. who '.1 Is tc 'l;rail!i.; ihe dlfrerenc.'a cxit't.g b'..'V, v." .i 'ti e te.i c.'.i n:A tUelf -c n-p'.,",'- -', viis irki 't v.'li' :i b was . noun, d by Car.'id! I).' Wright, the p. ivdcr of i'ae Coiuinlsj-Icn. G:ii !f a";. a'.var.l alYectlng the exciing r;:Y'i' wsws shall be made .the ri wm d bo efTft-ilve fi'turi Novetnb.M' 1. It v.-'im I fully i.-.i ectcd that ibis t)itpstloa woid- cr.me un before the are! I rn tors, Icit theoction cf the Conitnissh tirrs shitti ! off any possilde eoiilroversy 'that clvh tr tide niny have desire' U rttii-e, 3fanilu l'Hprr Sued For I.ibrl, The cJifor and proprietors ol. ihe Lihortas. n Spanish mwspapt'r at Ma nila, P. L. have bcui sued for libel at Governor Tint's instame for an attacl; on General J. Franklin Bell, who has becu ordered Untu '. The Liberia ac cused Go,nor,(l Bell ot trying to steal S:.'7,0'K), tho proliis,ojf his plan for aid lug the Filipinoi in ids jut i'-d!i tio:i by selling rice and supplying the pre"!i with s;vds nd farutiibr liiipl'tm 1:1s. Mtin Vtliiro Vlcitcd Itn'.tvn. ryae Crow'u P.imv 0.' Slam wi xvtiriuly weleciucd ia 1 Bo.-ion. ;,,.. rnior I'raue .find Meyer1 ffdlins i..ii chilly rrcehtd litni. St.llloyt I'.il.l I"iir O.rn'i I top.' The price paid for the Whhr ,k''i'r' Line by tSte 'Morgan slilpph:;; ciui;., uailea wr.a f.uS.-IHiMSd. . tro.wr.ail Hiiiikk IIhiiu iI, 1 The fatneiiii Crosstmiu Ibtne .Mcvarolrln Bay, N. Y.. !::; been uroycd by lire. et Auitlilait Kinerior's Narruir li.r ipr. " Biiiperor Frauds Joseph of An ..-' il narrowly escaped Injury by hi horse ruiiiiloj away. OUR THANKSGIVING DAY Thunchy. Koverab?r 27, De'ijnatei by President Rooseve'.t. The Tar Jat Clated, Froc.lamatloa hmjt, Wa'a Om or r- aud OvrrB jrloc Plenty. Washiuion. I). C I'resident Hoose velt lias issued the followius Thanks glvinst proclamation: "Aceoruine to the yearly custom cf ouv iHuple. it falls upon the i'Msldeut at- thieaton ta appaiut a ..da yof fesil val and thuuksiiiviiig to God. .. -Over a century and a Quarter has passed' slr.ee this country tool: its place atnou.s; iiie naiimis of the earth, aud ik'.i-'i u; tint time we have had. on the v. hole. 11 l e thankful for than - ! l.-w f t. 1 1 . tut of nnv other neo- pie. Gc!ier.it!on after generation his ! ltowh cm hianhj'id and pass-il nwa.". . Kach has had to bear, its peculiar bur- 1 ileus. -Hch to face its speeilil crises, ;:! c.:'li has known years, or print iristl. wtten the cctiiitiy was menaced bv malice, dof.ns.i:- or foieiu levy. when the hantl o.' tlie-Iord was heavy p!t it. in nvusnf or 1100a or pesti- j 1,...,.. when in Iwtlily distress and tin j (.-TiiKli 1,( sotti It paiu lUf iicttauv ui folly si:.l a fro ward Hear.. iV. . :-thci uecade by decade, we hue sirus-h'-d onward and u:wnr.l: v. now tilniiidautiy er.ioy uiater'al Vii o .. (.... .,r.i..i, ti, tMvor of the Most Ilitrli we are siriviug eanics-at lo iiciiicve moral a!M smntutti iipiii,- 1 ;n?. The year that has just dosed j ,Ms h-H-n one of pence and overdo win:: j,i,.Mt f. Rarely has any people enjoyed j CrniiM' tirol-'iieritv thaii we are now en- iovim:. Tor this we p.d'-r heartfelt ,1:1,1 soiciiin thanks to th. Hivcr f 1 G 1. and we seek to praise II 1111 not. w.oils onlv but bv decis. by the way in which we do our duty to our selves and to our fellow men. ("Now. therefore. I. Theodore Itoose i clr. Presideiit of the I'lilicd Sttit-.do .iTcliy designate as a day 1 ? -ctieral that.ks.f.iviug Ihttrsday. t)i,' twenty 1 sevitith ef the coming Novem'Uer. and I do, r " ..i;nmeud that thioU'jhont tie i land .fhe people cease from their o:di ' r.nry occupations, ami in their several 5 bom' s and places of worship render. 1 thanks i;;.to Almi'.-hiy God for the 1 tu.Ttifo'd blessings i f the past year. ! -In witness whereof I have hereunto ; set my l and and caused tic neal of the j Frited States to be arnxed. l)oi;, at the city of' Washington this i tw .-tity-tiinth day of -October in the ; year of our Bord cute thousand nine ; i.nndrrd and two. and of the Indepeu i'i .('. of the Fnitfd States the one '. liii:tIi-d and tweMtr-seveniU. " TIIKOHOIi:-: B'lnSKVF.BT. . -i:y'tl:. President: JOSIK. 1 ! A'Y. Sec rc:.':;y of Sia.e." .'; '.', . DnOWfiS DAUOHTcH IN EJATfl 'TU3. . , Iun Mnllirr Tlifn U:llt XVoimJ Hrrfrlf XV'itli a Itaioc. Niagar.1 Falls, .'. Y.-.Mrs. P.Tr.iel M. Lynch .drowned Iter si::" yi .ir old da ugh ler Alice iti t!e bai.'i Uiit and tlr n rt tempted suioid'. ly tutt!n'g her throat j with a razor. j Mrs. Byi'.ch had l.t the State ' Hospital, but wa it. u .-iif htuue In anv , tinprovi d coudif ion. 'h( r ni mbera i, tli1 Uo-.'i- icld went ta i-inreh and M's. I.yncii tilled the tni with water nn-I th -n held her only, child 111 it until t .f ; u 'PL is doiie she severed her wind- 1 iiie and nitide sevrral o l.cr cuts oti l..r tbroat. She then wont to th? ki'c'ii 11 and asked the servant fov help. Th" girl van 10 tin MreFt ttet seci""' assistance. Neighbors found the denl bc-t'y of the chiid in the tit'j, rnd Mrs. By::cli was taken to ihe hospital, v.'hi she was found o hk fatally !r. je.riiL Tl:e woman's nil'utl .was nt.'S'.d. tied by tiie den Hi 0.' a daughter. CAPTIVE KILLS. A BCY. r:-r 1d11mt ClotM Tt d iwi en the I ad'j ! ! .'Suit. I ' .Hot Springs, A: -A: Hanpy Hoi- j be.'.', a resort near li re whiels. among j the:' attractions, in.-lmtcs a ' jtoo." a 1 i bh-ck bear fatally Injured Ibdcvl to- ! ! tu:,i. an .'e.'ght-year-iih! ! boy. I ' Tli' lad was tiitssing the aiiinnil, !, ' ivhich wns cbnit ed. but came too elo.-e. 1 I 11 rd before the spectators' could inter- . I fere tiie brute hud .tl.e boy ntgie-I b j j bis bressf.' Then th" animal' closed les i grey t jaws on his orl soger's l.ea:'. j i ' A k"eper prl"d tiie ticu 's uiou-ii open j I nnd released tiie boy. but lo- was r.n- I couscous and living from scleral trac- niros of the situd. .. LOST LIFE TO SAVE OTHERS. Man Killed Try Ins lo I'rrvent Hoys From lloar.linB a Tialu. Brovidenee, IS. I. At the Acorn street railroad crossing Walter II. Wil son lost his life while endeavoring to save three boys from death. Th'"-e youngsters had' ventured upon tl.e (tack nt the crossing, apparently in tending to steal a v'1" upon au up-prna-hliig freight traisl. Wilson, who was en the train, nv fee r great p"ril and ewung himself o'f to S3'e them. As lie did si he siritck a post, was hurled under the t '. 'ti ."ltd so tillered thi't he died In the reiouHnee. The boys, warned by WU- j son, were not hurt. TiSrASE CSRVS FROM PATIENT. rtii'lrtnti r.Mluiit rl lahrrmlar I'rrltnnlllt I join IIiOtiil Ininatr, T'ld'adebihia.- Or. I 'atticl B. Hughe., c5 ief resident physicl.'t!) of the Ph'la iV lpltia Aliitsluiuse, died of tubercular ocrltoullis, tit" germs of. whieli die.ise he Is bel'evcd to litr e ci.ntrncted from a 'lati- ut i:i the hosvlta!. ir. Hughe! had au tutertpttlonal ri n u.iiilon as an nlicr ist. He devote ! bis llre to a study of insanity and lite at "elloratlon of the condition of the cihninal aud pauper Insane. DEFEAT Or bK.Sc URIBE The Colon1; 1 R be5 Liider Sur- Wi.h 1300 Ktn. ieiia..s , iell at Ctansra. Tt W Urn Tl'aa I tcated In KatJlr-T retalta Col.in. oral Pin- : . briiiirs ; era I Cri V rendered a! I O.r.m i- an rurt'K.at Gew .1 ;r.r here. -to tic- vT.""t Gait 3en ;ii, tin- rebel, tender. nr f'iera-ra. te;r;ee with l.'ioCl mer1. ten ;'eet of artU'ery. 2300. rillcs aua"K.,K') f-artritSSer. The Colombian rrni'trfiat labwrtadnr. fortnerlv the British se:t!iiT Bacns". has been rccluCsteiied il Murroijiiin. rrewident Ttiivti xvai: .Atn r. rs koit. . Colo-ntiian 'Let rwnt Ut r ffniiir of rrll.B iri. Was!iinr;ntOii, I'. C f lfticial eonSSriii at'.o.'i wa received at th Colombia tt ; legaCon Icne f r mi flip eommandinii otlic. r of the C.-i'ottitiian tmsTW 00 the Istlmiiis of the pres diHjvtches frttii Panatna aniionnciiig tiie swrrender "f General Prile- I'ribo." The telegram re ceived at fhe Vfial'on fs as follows 'Panama. Cribe l"n and Caatillw surrendered at ,Ciit.iga rit! large diiatit'tv f amis aiKt a niinwiltion.- Per.lo.m'o." General Cat:Ilrt is aisrt a promiaejpt icaih-i' tf th iusi-, o f-;i'T--The legation official Sf tb'at tin 1 urretulcr or t roc t 111 r ana aitiH nn'Mis the end of il-e rei elt 'f the Bib er.-ils against tiie CinsrnraMcK. TImt jevolutionis's have now Ies than SOW 101-11 In fhe field, most of tfum being 01 the Isth'inis of Pan-iitia. and the sur render of their mof prominent leadens w;;i probablv result in tiiir imuiedlafe i:si,aitdmer.t. ' The revolution '11 Cv'ombia 'afarter lust ihri e vpars ago. and Central Tribe I Bribe has b. en one of its leaders from the first. Before takfnar fbi field be was a lawyer. A a niemter of the Bi'it-rnl party he joined in tb revolt against the rub- of tfie f'-onserrafiTes. ' He soon won fame aw a Hgbter and got the tit'e of General, He has lieen called the "Second Sinmn Botiar." and has been credited wltfi a desire to re store t!n Great Colombia, a fh feiler--ation of Colombia. Venezuela acd Ectr ador was known prerion to IKM. Boring the last year Bribe B'nbe baa led his force witli varying snw-es., Keeelttly he attacked Cienagu. In tlw S Department of fagdatetia. and was- j rout id after a batt!. that touted four- teen hours. It was predicted then lliat? i he would fee from th country. Me hi. a not eiigagc'l m rjy of the CgNtiitg j oil -the IslhlUif. - - ; j RECORDS OF TRIALS IN U. T. AFMT J Wasli.imli.il, P. C. - The. repjf ! f ' i General George It. Hv. Jud'e Atl'.e . cate General 0 ta-.t Afv r.r.'jHi 1 txti. luring iS;j year e-ddfin; it S air teen, c-jiainlssiore-l "I TI" by eor-rl'-iuai'tia!. Sx' w-r ir-MJ;t.?r. Tw. -ade:a w'i' tt'Ie.! -r..-t ii: '- i 1 no n..miie- or c.Ti.d wo oon-',- was -if;-. 4, tY retir.vt ii : bring ttisar.pu, ?rl. 'vML' i'd uircd ji; aentihti,; ?-"aor.orb' j .1. 1 ', ""I"""" rwr. eaatcA men. I T ea:h so-..f,ni::..5 w,-ce fi::etcisI c:t Kjjht i li-.ow. j ! seutein -; n etceutetf n 1 th.'is- ifires. fii J hi fc..P wec- o.tj. ! i.ir.i j 1 1 dlsl. rt.tiU-i i;icf!argV..fr. ; ftltf;. o' al pay and alU-vrsvr'tr rrA I i:Kpr:sui.1.ieut at hard Iai,er for ;, j nr. I 'i o-.'e t 3. erirt t"rw of :". : i ear''.- . ' . e reoenii (,,' ii.il -:gfy commit. V "it ' 'lit 7Jn fi-r--ot;j T.--rf" tt led, iK-in;: 1 .: than in th" j.te ;(d'. yoor. Of Kutiiler .t7d were c-.-iivlefed rt tr-re r....i;titid. I Math t'-v-fc;..- tx e Jiv.pcsed ,iv tuilftary finrn-ieii- n'ootit, 2.'?. c u-.e: mutiny nf! tytii.-et t'ue PliiSlppl.ie I '.-la 'J'-'. ;..) ttj- r -;.. 1 V'.'VJ ere h:'hT i't US r.;T c.v A'VAY, . Itanirl.t. Caimc tliw Ver iviifv t Ki ST.trn;ird lir Knxya-g t.vtr.. V'.i5dii;.;ton. I). C.--Sj..v'U:t Saawr ' -'i's ii to be dt't'ocliy niider,,'.id u::.t I. ' is not git itg $ ta all wJw may i app.y fur that xe.ii'. iff f,js rvived bushels of left,-'-. r.".ns,r.,'jrg that I:.. kit .dly forward 5 5 f, t!ic wriirf. Wl i!e the money market wa. Cv'it ftinl Secretary Shatv w rntiitc i.i'ghts t'siislug plant fsit- Ita re-Ikf. bniuomua paragrapfter trrof Utat V.r. Shr.'.v was just rn- TJiic tit t --Ut I oisi'm- uoi ui.Y je ijiic a fte nan in i.rrt' j.Va!l Street, and ih.-ij those la nreit I v-'. r nppbed to hint wots!-J ree?t,i f : f.-.eh; When the parag'vapii got v,v!i ims i ouhi'ltm the l.'ttet",! br-gaa to 'one in by the dotnd.-i tls. S-ert.'iry fluir I:..! ", tic denial will svgn ca'ch ttj v.-i-.u the fa!-' n i f. . CCiS TO fiff 7CtrrH Af"T CA, fii i . tnt r CI ;mi 1'. r rl? ft' .11 fj,mi I it't.ntal l.'i'iMrai f,t Vp4tm ' t ti-l'vrt.--(VT.efi..:! Sc-revary Cham-be,-: it, i h-is i.V.'ic'd ie,-ittuiHf Ut visit Noiuh Alriea -.:t:.l evari.'to in the r-t't t'o- t'oid' ins fa'e cu'cd by lb" tmtuiiui--t'.i tt ef the war an I th" M'nt of a fill its In tlt ne'v. n'o::.',' . Xh; tdatl lias -tiie' lull approval !,. K.og Pf nt'.er. Baifouf. rud tt- Cj.'oief, . 5r. Cbitudcila'tt xwf.uir t et for iot','.h Afi'l-M i.,i'rl ti,e ri ! ' No vi; ether, rod to rent'"' iff exrljr of '.'areit. iV ,'.i.t o !? -t ..J,rtfv Ca:.e. Natal, the tirawgi. Ilinre C and tO'.t '1' ramt va i). '.) :iiirr e difclly we'.couirj CLxtu-js-lAl