J? tsf id t. flVd lit M r -i . , riTTSBORO, N. C., FRIDAY, NOVE V"BF;R 14, 11)02 VOL, 1. -NO. 51, m 11 i it if i IIHIIU XJ a THE DEMOCRATS WIN The North Carolina Delegation in the ' Next House. EVERY DISTRICT IS DEMOCRATIC The Legislature Will Have Large Mi ' Jorlty 61 Democratic Members ea4 Senator PrRchard Will Be Retired. A a result of Tuesday's election In North Carolina a eoili delegation has apparently been Elected -tt Congress, and tho Democratic Judicial ticket elected by a large majority. Hill, for, .Chief Justice, received a considerable Democratic vote in soui sections, and carried two cottriUe-s -Cabarrus and Inooln .As a rale Clark vame nearer pop-Sri? the f ,t!l Democratic strength in the east than la any other section. , The election was without interest at, a rule save. n' the eighth and .tenth.' . congrewen eli.slricis. where the Re publicans icnde espec-lnl efforts la re lect Blackburn and Moody.' The fir mer appears to have been deft ted by a small majority , v. bile the return from the west indicate that Ganger ha' by about l.t'sOv) vou. , The elaim pf 5 Aiu majority for Webb over Hiss is th'j nlta '(Charlotte) dis trict is probably not ex;xatv,. while the majorities of this other Congres tntsi beside those omd wRi. in some instances run toward WOO. 'tho oppo-; sitkto te the 'Democrat sniOitntlog to nothing eiu-ept in tU eighth aad tenth districts. The news from eastern North Carv l!na shows that with the edlminatir.n of tli negro vote the Republican party practically ceased to exist eat t of R. i igh. ALL CONGRESSMEN ELECTED. RaWch. Spwiai At 19 o'clock Tues day night Democfauc Chairman Arm istead Jones., of this county. said th Domocratle fa'aj.-wjty was between S.'Ke) and 4.C0O, but that it won! i be Impos sible to rive flg-ird accurately before today. Ho says all Democratic candi date ran prttty -closely tcigi.ther. At 11:30 o'clock Demo ratie State Chairman Simmons a able to fclve definite news as to the election result. ' He said Utft Hftrrocrats had positively elected all ten Congressmen, thu! prov ing the aeeurf ey of hiss prediction," that they had carried the State by at least fiO.MO, the figures being 67.00O, but with somo Republican counties flot heard from, and that the LegisUtui" was at legist four-fifths Democratic. GFDOKR'S MAJORITY KM ALU i Raleigh, Special.--At 6 o'clc?k Wed itesday it was aaid at iK'raocratic hea.! qi.artfsrs th?t the contest 'between (J'tl ger and j;oody for Congress In th tenth diatrict was too elose to be pk'.t? ant. Vhe eause is Gudfrr's running behind h's ticket. He otiftht to hav-J won by a good majority, but it is now belie vhi It will be a small one. A telegram from Locke Craig receiv ed a fw 'n.ilnutes after 6 o'clock sail ' Oudger was elected by 250 and that ho had carried t.hs following counties: Huncomb. SSfi; Clay, SO; Jackson, 4-5; Haywood. 135: Transylvania, 21; Rutherford. G70; Polk. 2S, and that Moody Jiad carried Cherokee by 211: Graham, 25; Swain, 251; lfendwao.j. 301; McDowell, 173. and that Macor hnd not been heard from. Rctnriis say Sampson c;ca 400 JU-. publican. The Republicans carry Tyrrell for the HoDia. clcctlns i'r. Abner Alcxanler, but Ihe Deinocrais elect th other candidates.. The Demo cratic malortty In Cumberland Is 525. WEHR ELECTED RY 5.0OO. Shelby, Special. K. Y. Webb is elect ed to Congress by at lvt 5,000 major ity. R. S. 1'UINK. Chairman Democratic County, Execu tive Committee. THE LEOlSLVrCRE: Raleigh. Special.- Returns show the Republic tins will have oniy 22 of tho 120 members of the lower house aril that the Senate will be compoaeJ of 42 Democrats, 5 Rnpubrlcana and' 2 Inde pendents, with one seat yet In doubt. POCS MAJORITY, .SmlthfieM, Special.- Johnston coun ty is Democratic by1 2,500 majority. E l. V. l'ou, for Congress, defeats Atwater by 3.000 majority, many Republicans not voting for Atwater. Ed. S. Abel'., Democrat, defeats Jones:- Republican, for the Hon.-,! of Representatives, by 2.500 tnaioritv. Tan entire county Democratic ticket Is elected by 2.500 majority. Jones, for solicitor, defeats Parker. Republican, by .2.000 majority, many Populist rfi;sing to vote for I'arltcr. Thss State ticket is about ihe nfual majority. About i5 per cent, of tho vote of tho county was polled. Tl.e weather was pood anil the best of or Jet irevalled. Not over f0 ncproes voted. CLEVELAND COUNTY, Shelby, Nov. 4.-Of 3,833 regiefercl voters in Cleveli-nd county about ZAW Voted. SWtet'ti 'piccincta out of 111 &'-v. a Democratic majority of 1 .625. The Democratic. ... majority- in tha eniue couhty Is not lens th:in 1,700., About 300 Democrats acralencl Clark and 250 of them votnl for Hill for Chief Jvts tlce. lillTa total vote Is estimated at. 1.630, Dcinocints and Republicans. WehbV ma jorlty In the county ia l.eoo. He bads the ttt.ttct by 60. Hoey, for Senator, hm a majority of 1,750. .V,dxVELU Marlon.-. Mcl)o, ll. county will like, ly have two i!m!f,.rs In the Ugislv. ture. as MaJ. W S. Connelly, indepetnl ent. Is elected by n latgs majority. Mr, ' H." J.' Justice's T.iajor'.ty In tho cthstrlct Will be over 200. he thinks. . O. O. Laves 1h overwhelmingly defeated. Th-' contest between J. ei. Wenl,-"li!uw'crir, and James Morris, independent, for th i House, la close, both .sides claiming it, their vote bclnjf very das. The Demo crats elect all the county officers ejtccpt ehcrifl. the Republicans electing the sheriff by about 75 majority. Moody'a iivajority is about 175 in the county. In Macheli county, tho Republicans claim Hiss' majority is COO and the Stato ticket about the same. Yancey coxmty gives a amaR Democratic majority. HIUL CARRIES WILKES. Wilkesboro, Special. W'ilkea gives a solid Republican vote. There was more etcltement over the candidate for clerk of the Superior Court than any other county candidates. C. H. Somers. the Republican nominee, is I elected by 30R --- B. O. Mas- tin, independent Republican canaiaai?. Holton' majority for the Senate is 609. Bryan and Pegram. Republican canqN dates for the Legislature, are elected by a majority of from 50 to 100. MeDOWELU MITCHELL, YANCEY. Marion, Special. The McDowell county Dernooratic ticket is successsful with the excepUen of eaeriff and pos sibly the Legislature. Th State Demo cratic ticlU't its aia narjccasful. Moody's -majority 'in this county is 175. r-:aves, for wilc'itur. !s badly beaten. One Demexrati Ser-at r is sura from this t district ar.d probably' two. ' The Republie-an rn jorlty in Mitchell j co'waty is greatly :cti;-e4. ! It ia reported -h: that the' entire : Democratic ticket 1 elecied In Yancey ! county. J IREDELU ! Stater vllle, Special -The correct bn ! grtssloual returns In Iredell give i Kluttz a majority of 1.101. While the : otiitriu.1 ir-simo a.- io liio t ou.ii tiv&cv I is not yet obtained, the whole Demo j crattc ticket is electe d. As had been here tcfors stated, the Republicans had I endorsed many of the Democratic ! nominees for county offices. There ' were eontvt:i for the office's of treasur ' er. clerk of the court. Senate and Leg ; islature, but the nominees of the , Democratic party were elected by vari- oua majorities, ranging from 400 to 1, ' 100. ' - WILKES AND ASHE. I Korth - Wiikeshoro. Special. Black- barn' carries Wiikr by CO) to SCO ma- I jority. It will ta'te the tllicial count i to decide ,aa to J. . Ha.-kc-tt for the Ix'g'.slHture.' Ail th other Republicans ; are elected. Ashe gives Rlackhura 255 : Thoma. Democrat, is reported elected ' to the Legislature. j GASTON. Gastonia. i Special'. Th election passed otf very quietly hire. Both box j eg gave a gaol Democratic majority, s Tbn ccunty gave Webb' a majcrity of ! 1.45,1 f ,)r .Congress. Complete omelal i returns hae not yet b:en secured, but It Is safe to say that the oounty is Democratic by a handsome majority. I ' ' . LINCOLN. " ! Llncolhton, Special.- Clark, Tor Su j preme Court Justfee, was badly j acrntched at this. Lincotntoa. precineti but th county has voted solidly for ! him. which wilCmake his majority les than the balance of the ticket, but from present Indications he will have ia majority of about 350. The full re journs have been received for E. Y. j Webb and the county ticket which give ! a majority for Webb of 4S0; J. V. Rein j bardt. for the Senate, 33K; A. U Quick--j el. for the House, 303; A. Nixon, cleric, 1555; H.-A. Self, regiireer, 513; J. II. j Cline, sherifT, 433; and all the other j Democratic .candidates elected except I ttif township ticket m Ncrth Brook township, tho total vote .polled in this count v was 1S12. which Is considerably less than a full o.?. More ticket were scratched ly both parties than were ever known. ROCKINGHAM AND CASWELL, Reldsville, Special. Rockingham's Democratic majority Is l.00. Kltchin's majority in Caswell Is 917. Graves is elected solicitor by 3.000. Kttchtn' majority In the district Is over 6,000. CHEROKEE-. Murphy, Special. Democrats con cede Cherokee to the Republicans by a majority ranging from 50 to 150. The back dirtricts are -solidly Republican. WATAl'GA. Lenoir, Special. Only five out of 14 precincts in Wautauga have been heard from at 4 o'clock thia afternoon. There Is no "phone service beyond Blowing Rock. The Indications are that Watauga.give8 200 to 300 Republl. can majority. The Republicans claim 400 majority for Blackburn. I-enoir, Special. Blackburn's ma jority In Watauga is now claimed to be something over "0, running him 200 or more ahead of the ticket. DAVIDSON COUNTY Lexington, Special, Incemplete re turns indicate the election of tho entire Democratic ticUot by an average of 100 majority. ; Returns on the legislative ticket give McCnll. Deniecrat. a small majority over Walxor, Republican. No returns on the State ticket. Clark runs about with the county ticket. REPUBLICANS MAY HAVE DAVIE. Cooleemee, Spei'lal Indications at 10 p. m. point to a small Republican ma jority In the county. Clark Is a littli) behind the Democratic ticket. The Re publicans scratched Connor and voted r Walker, Morris Is against Page for Congress, but there Is nethlng defi nite yet. the Vote cxosfJ in Alexander. Taylorsvillc1, Special. The Demo-' erats edeet the clerk of tha Superior Court and possibly the sheriff of .Alex ander and later returns may elect the entlro county ticket.- - - CATAWBA, : Newton. Special. Th? entire Demo cratic county ticket Is elected by "00 or 300 majority over tile citizens' can elhldte. Republicans nnd Populists. Webb's majority over Hisa la between, 30t and 400. Hickory. Special, Nino precincts out of ijevrnteen In Catawba give W, A. Self. Democrat, for Representative, SIS majority over J. W. Mot'iRer, Re publican. The county Democratic ticket will win by about 300, U. Y. Webb, fur Congress, leading: CUMBERLAND COUNTY, ' FeyettevUle, Special, Koiirten pre-! clncta out of 23 in Cumberland county give th Denfocratlc straight ticket a I majority of 671. Clark run about with he ticket Slooomb runs ahead of his ticket, but Patterson leads the ticket by about 200. Prohibition carries tho county by an overwhelming majority, the Prohibitionists claiming 1,000. Tha nine precincts to hear from will prob ablv set each other off. GUDGER CARRIES El LT MORE. Asheville, Special. Biltmore, with Vanderbllt s manager. McNamee, lead ing the fight for tha Republicans, and Van Winkle, McNamee's acphew, leading the fight for the Democrats, gives Guugcr, Deaaoerat, for Con gress. 43 majority, and Reed,' Demo crat, for sheriff, 154 majority. Bun-r-ombe county gives probably ,1.000 ma jority for Clark. , KEWSY CtLAN'INGS. Tarls Is to spend 'IS.OOO.odo on new bospilals. Mountain IfUirel has le?n adopted as the Stale C'jvVer in Mat-cacluisctt. Th'cjo r e.ljaut 314 5:s: telcprraph ofliccs new ep'-ii lullie whole world. The new Hoxt'i' tiprisint; in Sshnan !s caiif-in nlarni aioiing the foreigners. Tl:c bavlior of ,t. j1wi. N. I'., ha not. l;cn ffe2i-a on-.' vitl'a the u';cusory of Di3ll. Fiffy thc-.i-flid por RoIm i f L'Uili.s's coii year. ISerlia.' f :.in:-l Fimts artcr tie Cli'ltV. ror-s iia ve' v:s1'di .vvr tiis o;.e o; l'ioic;.'. Vii- V 3 have Kp;-iiii u,- in Cer;;Mtt..r inniiufactuiv of faud-Ruto lri. Mayor I,o'.v new bnd'?et i . 031. n dct-ic;i of ' r.'..; I. to J net'.rly ?l,(o,KM r"duciic!i it I A tipv,'w'!a"fr for nrm ! Wl.ii. li. Jill, -.'ic.it j!-!:. i 5-o:'i:'.'i-.'jy trcaied. Is to pc pie. in plus will be be puiii:-lK'J ill '! t.Mi;(. I. 'iJV r -of- s'euml'-:,:tts r.n tl'? ?o !'i';-: i i ;.' in i -i to :-'the,-U';U U-te is a rail- Ui) IK :.( i:e '. in - v.-. y m i i: it Li ol"! Ucigiti-.i, t laiJy'aiiao-aRetd cr Antwerp, iiat the n"W o:'l 1! .'!'. ii.-- ! ;,vci! .l ie ;ii;iy, vt.utain in-'re tuan j :.-;i,ij!Ki.tj!X) tons of coal of good quality, j j It is estimated now that th? Stand- j ' nid til Cosiip.tny has obtained at least ! I'.wx.t.OJ'j tn ivs throughout the Ken- ! t.tueky oil fields, and has nlo bcguu-4 i the eoustructiou of a pipe line which i i will, cost at least f 1.0f)0,m i A notable development of the equip- ! ment of the University of California ' College of Medicine, to consist of a j great clinical hospital that will cost i ' jloO.OiM), has been proposed In a report j j submitted by a committee representing ' nit (nt".'nlil fiii-tars in tho universitv : adininhiratiou. PRCVIffc NT -PEOPLE. j rmni.-r Calfour ' twelve hours a fav. sleeps at lear? ' Ixird Ifoberis has accepted an Jnvita ! lion of t.'cjjc-ais e'oibin. Young" and i Wood ta yU-it Aitieilca itcst year, ! Sir Finest e.'.tsr.'-II. wf-om Lord SaHs ! tutry rf!!--cd to rui-; to the peerage, j despite Kin Kd ward's jcfsu- t, l.c;;aii j ib'e as a clerk. i Cornr-Utw Vanderbilt has placed n j order 'with ih H,r;vsh. .'Vs ici. a i.t' iitg ; schooner yacht in which he will von: j pete at Kiel next year. The eonfening o ihe ran!: of h.'rcd;- ry nobiliiy on tin Asiaib-'-oxplorcr j Svcn Hedin has evoked n vlohct cou- troveisy in the Swedish pres.. t Jntoes Stoke, bunker- ami philan thropist, of .New York t'jly, w;s decor ated with the Cross of tho Legion of Honor by Prei-idoiit Lonbct of Fiance. Herbert Spencer has ng.-dn declared thai he is broken by the burden of years, end has laid his pen down for ever far -us any largo work is con cern e.l. , Princess Theresa of Bavaria has been cloclei iiy (he Munich .'Geographical Society an honorary member for her achicveiuenta in tho line' of exploration and travel.; .. V rroft;:sor Ilii'th; who teaches Chi-, tut ! at Columbia, says the language is case to learn, but that pupils need not hope to talk freely with lauudrytutn u the cud of a low weeks. Viscount Kitchcnci's new peerage is granted with a very' unusual rouialu dcr. II soim litvt to f.ls mule children, next to his female children, olid In de fault of belli to his two brothers -In succession. Of all the Gou'ds George nnd his family get the most out of life. He ami his boya play polo for keeps', nud from yachting o swimming their recreations are really harde.iing forms of health ful exorcise. Of all the Vanderbilts It Is vJeorgc again, who, with his schol arly tastes, reaps most joy In the quiet of his splendid Norlu Carolina palace, Biltmoic. Toilet of a Lady Ant. A naturalist baa hoen making ob servations on the toilets of certain ants, and hr,3 discovered each 'insect goes through - -uoifct -wlaborato - .ablu tions. They aro not or.ly performed- by hcrse-If. but by aimi'iur, who, acts for tho time as "lady's n-ald. The assistant starts by' washing. the taco of her companion, aud then goes over the wholo body. Tho attitude of the ant that Is being washed Is one en Intense satisfaction. She lies down with all her limbs stretched loosely out; she rolls over on her r.ide, even her. back, a perfect picture ef ease., Tho pleasure the , little" insect evinces being thus combed niul sponged Is really enjoyable to the obaerver, ECHOES OF THE ELECTION The Republicans Will Control the Fiity-ciehlh Congress. 0DELL RE-ELECTED IM NEW YORK Th IUiili1lcrj. Csndidate Tor Corrrnor t K,lurn', y a Pluratity R- lintltran iiake Caln In the Wet and IteuiscrkU tn the Ksl t'cnui packer 1 burn ta fctii)lTania. AVashlncttn, l. C More completo returns from the Congress electionn show that the Repubiicans have elected 210 numbers of the House of Repre sentatives in the I'ifiy-eigbth Congress and the Dcranerats 175, giving the Re publicans a majority of 34. The of ficial count in Home of the close elis-ti-ieis may change, these fiirures sllght- 'tfv'.. a mi-it- iiii- uuuui nn uii-iii.ij? i .ht, .u KA,,.- f fi..,- wnicn are very ci vhich novy seem to lie carried by the Republicans may be given to the Dem- : ocrats by the otiicial returns, and oth- cr which seem to le Di mocratic may be Republh-au. In the estimates giveu above sis of these d.stricts have been irivcu- to the Dcuiocrats and four to i: i tue, ltcpu oilcans, it the it-iuw-rais ; kiould , carry all of these, the Repub- ; liijaus tvould still have "tHJ a majority j of 2. i Republican politicians are already discussing the organization of the new j House ef Rejn-esentatlves. although, j unless tl) President should call an ex j tra seuf-iou fori;ome reason, it w ill be ; more rhsu, a year before the newly elected 1oh-c is organized.- Not only ; must a wiv Speaker Ik elected, but tnefe must be n gciic.-al rearrangement : of commit tee pho es as a result of the ; changes in tin-- lueinbe-rshlp of the ' House. For the Speakership the names under discussion arp those if Repres'n i tativc Camion, of Illinois; Italzcll, of J.., Air m& -- ' l-NCI.:: SAM: "THANK H Pennsylvania; Payne anil Sherman, of New York; and l.i;t!cii"!d, of Maim. According to nil indications, .however, Mr. e.;n,non is likely to be chosen Speaker. The Republicans, when the successors of the thirty Upl'.ed States Senators whose terms expire o;. tho 4th of March next, have been all elected, will retain thek- sirong. hold upon the Senate. RcpuuIScar! gains in the West and Dy'iioeriule gains lit the East, -with ii few exceptions in l oth instances, mark the lnesvk .returns from the election throughout the United State.--. The Dcuincr.'its claim gains in Slates where for year they had no ("ougr s rlotial representation!!! Democratic, .vic tories more pronounced than ever :i re Indicated In the SiAnh, tin? Republicans appearing to have tilled only live, or possibly six, of the 12r scats held by the thirteen Southern States, In New York the latest returns in flicale that Governor Odcll has been re-elected by a plurality considerably smaller than the one by which Roose velt was chosen Governor. The rest f.f the candidates on the Republican Mate ticket have also been elected', wit two exception.. John Cuuitccn, the Democratic candidate for Atforncy Gcneral. who also had the indorse men t of the Pivohihiijou party, Is probably elected by n small plurality, ami Jn.Ino Grsy. the DctucerMtic cnntUdnte for the Court of Appeals. de.Vated Judge Wil liam E. Werner, the Republican ciuidi date for that ofbe, . The .Republicans suft'crd losses of seats' in the Leg'sla tine, principally it; (v,- York CI;y, w nere tii( lu'iuociats poded an unu-sr.t'.l p i Ufa lit; y lei- n.iii s i'io.ii. i!,vii. a .im,iie in- v.Meiiii.c. i iu iicpiunicui ii;.t ium nil . 1)1 OC W lil lie Mill sttillcli nt to elect a Republh-au as Sen ator Piatt's sueeesvir i tbe United Stares Seim'.e. In ihe State twenty two Republican and tiftetii leniocratic Congressmen were elected. In New Jersey the Deinocrais mad" gains, adding to tin to the Legislature three Ighf Awemb'vine-.i. The , Senators and t itepuiuicaus win control tlio l.cglsla ture, by a mn.iorliy of thirty-three on Joint, ballot. The Republicans elected seven Congressmen and the Democrats three. ,- . . In tho New England States. Massa chusetts cast the largest vote ever re- "orded for Governor, the total reachlus M. f30 fOi.T.1 u.a.v.. vfcfW O. . ftpproxl'i.alcly 300,000. Colonel Ga ton. although defeated by a Republl. can plurality or 27,47. made a gain of 40 per ent. Ui the party vote as com pared with that given to Josiah euincy last year, nnd rut an average Repub lican plurality one-half. Rhcide Island has- elected a Demo cratic Governor and Lieutenant-Governor for the first time in twelve year. The returns indicate pluralities for L. C. F. Gsrvhi for Governor and Adelaril Art hambault for Lieutenant-Governor of T'Httt and .Vi)0 respectively.- Th remainder of i1m State ticket U Re publican. The Senate !s ovcrwhcUu lngly Republican. Connecticut elected an entire Repub lican State ticket by 13.1W8. majority. The Congressional delegation Is Re-pnblicr-n. New Hainpsbire showed remarkable Democratic gains. Bachelder. Repub lican candidate for Governor,- was elected by probably less than 7MO plurality. Pennsylvania returns Indicate, a plu rality for Pcnnyparker (Rep.i for 5ov ernor of about 133,0oe. Of tlu thirty two Congressmen elected tw-eiity-elglit are Republicans, nnd four Democrats. Senator Penrose claims to have elected more than enough members pledged to him to insure his re-election to tb' United States Senate In January next. Ohio. Illinois and Indiana gave sub stantial R-.-publican returns, those in the first named State reaching nest to the highest plurality on record. The-pluralities in all of the four Democratic districts in Ohio were greatly rcrtuceo. and in tne ltepiinuran districtsincreased. The.,Cougr-.ssmen siimd seventeen Republicans "to' four Democrats, as in the last Cong'.vsi In Illinois the Legislature is safely Republican, and A. J. Hopkins will be elected Senator. Indiana made 'unexpected gains for the Republicans. The return's indicate that 100 of the 150 members of tint Legislature will bp Republicans. It is claimed that Senator Fairbanks will lv elected by the largest majority In diana has eve-r giveu any Senator since the Civil War. Michigan elected an entire Repub lican State ticked. Governor Bliss ran heavily liebind his ticket, receiving a ; .' a rs EAVIvKS, THAT'S OVER!" From tha Now York ViVr'd. plurality of '32.704.' William C. Mny bury, .1 iciuocrat, was elected Mayor of Detroit by a plurnlityof Id.". Wisconsin .elected the Reoubiican State ticket by about Tm.OOi).'' Lafi 1 lette. Republican, received a plurality of 2i;,"."i over Mayor Rose for Governor. The Congressional delegation complete is ltwele up of ten Republicans and one Democrat. An apparently overwhelm ing majority , for the Republicans in the Legislature means the probable ro elcei ion of Senator Spoonor. ' Minnesota gare Van'1 Snnt. Republi can. (m.OOD plurality for Governor, against 2OO0 two years ago.' Missouri ejected the DcTOocrntle State ticket., ThetV l appaivntly a snfe Democratic -majority In the Lcgis latnre to elect a successor to Senator' Vest. Iowa gave a Republican plurality for tlie State ticked of more than "i.Hh. The Democrats elected .Tudse Martin J.. Wade to Congress. lie Is. the first Democratic Congrcssmnti In Iowa for eight vears, having defeated Hoffman. Republican, bv Str-i plurality. Nebraska lefobably elected Mickey. Republican, for Governor by about 4000. The Republicans elected live or the six Congressmen, the Second Dip trie, in which Omaha Is loe.'Med. being the only one carried by the Fuslonisls. The entire Republican. State tie!:et in elected, although the tesiilt U clo;;. Llalio e'leeted, the ci'tcle Republican Stiito and Coiigi'salonal ticket:?. Rr pttblie'an lenders chilut there wi'd'' be n majority, of thirteen in the Loire! if are. . 'olernd, gjivo James H. IVatiody. Reonbllcan. a phn'alit.v oi" 40( for (.ovcnior. Tile I'll m I.Vmih r. ,-., t'cKet M-fls elPcTed. with the except! '1 j cr .,i:-s. Helen Grenfell. 1 emoc: iU, for Siitierintctldctit of Public Schools', j M'ashinatoti iravc a Rcimtdicaii to;: ! Jorlty of Hbe.ut 12.00:). -The R: publ.Vn e, ! will control the Legislature, which t sures the election of a Rennlillcr.ii i United States Senator. . Montana elected a . conltvd;:-- lc publican representation fo W-.h If.ir.yt ft or tne Legislature. Utah will give a Republican ma 'orit v fit Itn 1.1..,, A .-v, v.x .... k. . ... lrl!t lint,,, r. l ii.. . '. ... t4 t,i lHtj nie.;tirHrs or tt'e- Leglslaturo. thus assuring the election of Apostle Reed Smoot. of the Mormon Church, as United States Senator to uccced Joseph L. Rawlie Democrat. HEIRESSHUNTTHATFAILED Troubles of a Gentian Baron With K&rTi?9 Sjn; icila." rini.l Hi Auirriran Tr!j ?-lAm Wita HjfCt of OWtttt-ine f".i l Wif A 1'roaero-ioti !", fllarLmai!. Tb-riin, 'it; Bjrcii I" : i with -4W 'Se. caili.'' vliu: ;irrc.--'r!.e rcT.-'.Gons of on Mu- ii.-h!:ausen )(j;4--;M?rj fifj"ndi-. tuvneed hi-, jo.trney to the United States in IM'f to c-btaia a rich wife, have been made public through a prosecution for blackmail brought by the Baron against Hen ; inn dm Pincu, Moritz Mendelsohn ani, Adolf MendelKohu, thirc tr.idcsmea who weiv inembers of tire syndlcat The trial has just e-onie to a close, triik : the acquittal of the defendants. Baron von Mucik hhauscn Is a-nieiubcr ef a fa nuns Germ'aD family, which date, from 15-S7. The feMinuiuy shnwed that a-fnrnier..' coavict named Kissler. living in Stutt gart, leletraphed io Frau von Vuitjsow, a member of a noble family, living In BerPn, who undertakes to obtain wenhby wives for army officers, asking her to let biiu know if she had a tiileil otlicer on active service 'or an Amer ican fortune of S'.-VWUtw). Frau von wiili Baron von Muonehliu;rn. win i a Lieutenant 'in' the Prussian Artillery. Tiie Baron, aecordtt-rr to staretnents luaely in court, agreed to give "isslcr five per eeur. of tl.e money of tiu heir ess he was to wed. in the event of the marriage taking place, and be cueel conditional hiils for $:;7r..WO, O t!:e.e bills Eissler raised ' money i B erlin from a group of persons, v.biil; in cluded PincUM and the two Mendel sohns, and Paron von MueiK-hlianseu was provided with ;h cash witii whicfc he paid the exp;-;'c", of Lis ';oa"acjr. to the United States. Kisslcr's partner in this adventure was a lady's maid, who had been for merly in the service of ihe rich Amer ican woman referred to by Eissler. She preceded the Baron to th" Untied States, to negotiate the niarri.'!g;; but her efforts were not successful. The name of the heiress was not discljsed in court. . Baron von Mueur-hhstisen did make the acquaintance while hi the United States of Martha Washington Meckel, a widow of moderate wealth, whom, according to the German pceiase. he married on December 23, lsOS. Since his marriage the Baron has been liv ing with his wife on his estate, near Scbwohler. Hanover. - On his return to Germany Baron von Mt'o'jclil itnsen had to reckon with tbe hohb is of bis bills. A cemiproinise was negotiated with Pineus. and the .Mendelsohns, who surrendered Lis pa per on the payment of comparatively snifi.'I sums. B-iron von Mitcuchliausen afterward accused these men of black mail, and the utati'i&.was thus brought Into court. CHILDREN KILL THEIR FATH.P. lie ia Shot and 11 1 I'mly Ilraeted (o a Slraw Stack, Which la Fli-r. Columbus, Neb. Gerhard l'i.vt.e-,s, a farmer, living several miles tiom. cn?t of Humphreys, wnkil!cd )vr bi son Herman, fourteen years old. v itlt a Kiiotgun the boy had purchased for Hi fit: purpose1. With the help of two blath ers, August, ten, nnd John, eight yenrm old. Herman dragged the body of Ii! father to a siraw stack, to vvhteh ho set fire. This is the story secured by ?nerin uyrnes irom the three children, who are in custody Each child, told practically the :ue story, the variance being In' the e' ".'rte of (htipability accorded to each. Hcr nian Implicates his . yottnser brothers., eqndly with hiinseli'. while thev m.'t th -f blame em. him. The motive given rhe crime Is that the father, witls m the children had lived simw e. their mother's death, hr.d not ted them kindly. Neighbors Of iho -fliers say that they know of no. dreatiiieut on the part of the father. b. C0CD ARMY, SAYS M'LE. Fratnrra f the I.inulrnnnt-Rpnrral' An. nual Itdiioil to Scn-tarj- ltotit, AVashineton, J). C.-Tho report of Lletitetiaut-Genoral Miles to the Sce're tary of War for th; i?ast year is very brief. The personnel of ih,. Army is commended, and General Miles tie-e-l.ires that tile Army Is a great credit and honor to the Nation. General Miles calls aaention to tlio Incomplete condition 'of the fortifica tions, especially on the Pacific Coast, where millions have bcru expended in engineering and ordn.tnoc work. "And ". yet." he says, "tlr omnir.nds have not bech properly supplied with xn muni tion, electrical plants and other ap pliances essential to tho effective vs of these "rovHIicatlcr.s. (General Miles Coo,if pot renew his ree.ii!!iii-i:d;;i;on cf Ik; y,-.'ri- agaiitst the cauteen. and iihwhcrtvin the '.report Is three ntjy nteiiiJon of thev sab 'tvt.' He rge.-j the eorxt-Aietlon' f prep t qiuutcrs forariid-v :-i;r:b(.!:i. ' Dr.iwtiril SimViit, t r'( n tirlilo. Tbccas? of K. i v is- n !d. jhe nar w;is ei row lied t Caiuorielge, ' c.ovilicatod. "v;:s tccrctly u. X. 11., on - e'naa'ly, of J'pirted golrr; vard Jaw sttubut whtt in the' Charit-a i;;v.-,-. ; 5ltts . is b.e-o.iii .- :.! It was leanied iil.l! nursed ia Fas, tCii-i s-rpu-a'tic?-t-. Mi- Canibrielge. They conti 'csr ties: ii!s,iih to 1-v J.';t:sfie!if frre,!,N still lelleve lli-.Vt it was a easi of cccideiaal drownio 'IVIimk Utnlliir l er 1'crr. Vrhile deer iiuiuing near Piscio, rraniilton Couli'y, X. Y. Wlllla-n An-aam tlmt and Uilla-I his brother I 'Abrams, aged seventccu. uiWtalr ins him for a deer. - -. r