n n LAw .c t m x ' VOL. II. NO. I, PITTSBORO;N. C, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1902 SL53 ITa. jT m y:w" .v , m i i.j ice y ii4 in if j it t i is 1 ' VULOAKO JffUEEES COMB . Reach' "San Francises' and TeH Sbry d Devastation and Suircri.no-, THOUSANDS OF 'NATIVES K!LLEl IlantaUn JJrld Coder invent Cent of AkUw. ).n nod SkivI HfU5e K raped Out tu Vtirir Mwtbea rnU of. l hlrvrl !wrm'mr t'.w l"nlate" tion Martlott t"rp nrlwMr. - ' a ' Pan Francisco, Cal.-The first of I be J -.from the devastated laud of 4,,iientr!.I; arrived a the roie Mull fiKtincr" City of Fara. They n? from the districts from t3:c Inland and traveled over a country laid waste by fAiv.. fishes nnJ pumice br Tore' reaching r railway istatl-m. Tber tbeu made the joiriH'T by rail 'a Oham lerieo. and there -Pick the steamer' to Sao Fran."i-. The retire mBih! on No" .'. , T, when the volcano was Htllj . .They a-ipJ with little utn the- Uli!ug they wore. ir it'ttstetvtslaiiii confirm tvttiriea f ihV'bms of hfe. . They -ay that t lie victims fr the, jiso.it part Were Indian, tboussu-'ds tf wjuin! were asphyxiated or buried in the sano. Miies ot pi.-ui-talions an- r.nler ash, and nhbne TuUs is tb Jot of many planters, whose nil w hs invested m the FJnc. ' ne refug"--- cuims Jr:u within half au bom's tide (if ;bith! lirtriiii.s. aul ttrinj; i3frnatkn timt Ut tin rn! nsnt f ri !! r? bw nwriuaiff tti- liiwhtl ' 'fi!'iii', rohlnne an4 taisnicrios ret . 1h ral nl lrtlK till' a!-Hi'"r!ll Stl'l .H"SA'iat" ! j 4a nt aiivtfii. T!w irii4e It-ft Cx-bitu! n t5i pJat.-itiH'.- If is 11. re in iiiijjjjfr nf ';; fi'iitit Marvaiion. fr tli f.ml ir-p!y ha ho'-i .tu off. :ui'l th-i' U no iv a v to .,$ a! fi'l1i- to alt.-r !. avU:s (M.. ;rjt -i'ay!r t t.;iiiiiv- xr i'di-rii! fnafhisu the Vai!?r. VS--n t!i.""vf '!U off b of i;u.tt-r.iAla lUf olurle a to !w Ti'r-il with Ijlis j4h'. At ")."!, f;-r!fv tiiTi wrS alxit lalf an m-h -' ah M-pr fhtt.fs f I 1m? h'r!f oit'l the srotithjvvais rtf-'WiI a lv a tn'M'..irm.J(',.- ili- fali:2, lt!itrU'rt wr f-iKt'-ii dsya aft! 1 1. t;-rii "f ''" mountainAll lli vfr'jorv atniH I'.tliiM -; 'Sau f l'lKaiio Nuf r.'l I:etrtliin5is niv iiv'cd :,; ii' ;.(.. M'iny of t!.i jiiau- t.".1 !n wmi' ii'!V iH! until-!- frr.ia live lo j( V( 11 fi-'t (.f iVI.fijtaijil all lioix' at t-riv V'-'r-Jahnina th'fa lisd 1.111 slwn m. 'J'h? tili; tcl?iil:oi'5ii0!l for mih-'a v a l'i'ru::j'.' wi!.lrn'M. N. s from last-rsari2) mh! uiat ihtro aiitl mary more witv sUitr cti to iilc.if'K fui'tiicr 'away fri:u lii o!- (alio aota Slaria. f.'as-ij.a fnrttsvr '1 iirin'i;Mi frcui St Mat')' f tli ff't- jli.ji vvcre vithoitt"" br-tif or :-.eIter. and th.lf eondiiiitti w,t pitiful. At that pbo-e- no-t of the 1-nddiiiCM bad Ix-cn hadly ilaraasod. if tm! eoropbooly l?.vtroy'd. by 'he fien-e eartlupiake that etcrnitipaliieil t!:c ' ormtiots of the -vuiratio. Vben lU- hii wnr.l a;iii fruni M;:r.iit-n.niui. tifsun i.iv nfi-'t' t!i tiii- crttpi h-n of H:iti!ft Maria, tlii- earth had bun lit i:i'-t;t;if trriiilililitr.- , At ,"i)!niiprrico a niodesi ti!tna' of 1hf b"1 to the ci.flVe crup plact i- ii at J' i.'jijn (jaiiiials. , '. . i RCOSEVEIT AT MEMPHIS.' Tli rrld-?P Make. Four rertie I!e rrption lo Ornrral YVrlglit. Memphis. Tcjiu --Although the fe tivitie of the day tvlehrated the hniiie eoinitoj of tJcticral I.uUe K. Wiijrht, Vlce-iiuvernor of the l'hilippltieii, 1'iesi dent ltoo.-.evelt' prchiuee wait the over uliadovvins feature. He made four upeeclot!. t F.xcitrslon train were nu, and n number of dlntlnj;ulshed people weio preoent, ittuoim whom were (Governor Benton McMillan and Ceuerul 'Joseph Wheeler. Imniedlately after lite Pivaldenl'g nf rival there was parade lo the tlayoeo Hotel, w here a hreakfant wan tendered to the 1'renlditit and Oenernl AVrlght Jointly by the women of Memphis. Iu rexponxe to a toani proponed In hit honor by Jude llammoml on behalf of Mm. Hammond, rrenldent Koosc velt responded a follows: "I do know of Sunt hern women, for I am the on of olio of them, t.Vp phtute.) .Now, one word about the women of Mempbf. That you are charming noen without nayim;; iiny one can nee that,, (Applinife.t And that . you have thO I'miper liplrlt, I m certain, after hav-. Ins: llt-tened to Mi'. llaiitiaotid (lin,et Via the JVh'U'o w hc.l 1 1) say." (AiidaiiM' ) . I't-cshleiit Ibioaeveli aluu paid n h!;li i'oiiHliineiil Irt'tJetiiHttV HVilslil for liU wrvh-ea In th ' Fhlllppliie..; ', At i he ciiiii'laMOil of the I'lenhh'til'S remark' the audience of more ih.iu :iiiiu iMi'ued In ("Inj-'im: "Hod l!ti With.. .Vim Till We Meet. Attain." At midnight the l'rcxidcit ,;-,il ynvly left, for Washington over the Souiheru Kuihvay. , ' J It'll I'lnat FiiuR Klnrtii For t'lilnn. The Mart o,' v'u Tips F.'itis from WiiMhiimton for China wan the occasion of in tit'h ceremony. Mr,,Wu prneeeded from the t'lilnem.' Legation to the rail road Hlrtdou in company with the en tire. Legation Matt and a mnnhcr of FervntttH. At the ntntlon tie took leave of bin Kubordlnatea In a formal ami d!j;nlllrd manner. Mnie, Wu linn tfone to AUanth- V ty to vhdt her son. Tiny twill pfl to China later. WORK OF THE LIFE SAVERS Faots Contatnei in the Annual Re portoflli8 Cenf ral Superintendent Of 8000 Prrtoni Iinirrillj lr the Se Store ThdO Mncty-nia fr Cnt, tVfTr lteruI Dminc tK Vrnr. T!ihislon. n. O.-Wbnt, tit Life- JSavlus Kcrvice tliil dnriiis 1JC in rvs ruius hiim.in lir-ins t 1 jircpwty, ira IHirilU(J l.-y the s, i toM ia tlip an nual rt'iurf f the iipjwrn! Puii.'riutfa- The iMinil'r if 3'sBSH,-r, to tsncti fnp!ijM t's(-Is wtj or mfli-i than In any y-ar 1'fw. xwin ISyS ami I'.WI. TIip vwt )a irr3(l 3M-4 r ftin. of wh'tiit iiinrto 'ti wcro l'.wt. In (idli1on tlir- vrW.'f vf i-as'jaliis to nmln'ntiK;i'! craft anilliuata. row lrfats. (. -ii ( in? 75 persons, sir of whom jitTirihfil. Th' toial loss of lit tlnrf-rt. twctiiy five. v.Uk'b is far Ww tl;p satxty!- a.v vrj'.m. ,-Tli cslimati-d f:ih't 'of th? 1sr--rornifHl vrv! was't.rif! s;nl that of their mrjocs srti3;:!i.:',s;i, mnUinir a total of f H.:s:j,iift. Of tills ariiiiiu-t, fl2.12-i.2Li wasavf.'l atii! J?2.2m.7!" ht. Tht attiOMUt of ifjin-rty JiDjr Sl!il srraly cifi i -'i-il ih.ii ,f any jirr-' rimts y :.r. owing to the bunm! nm of lar!i rseln involved. No li-fs than fifty-four vs.'ii of itior' tluin !- tons or!fn, ot wftw n nuiniHT thirty-thro were ptf.oni'S'n, sufft'r1!! disTor. Flfty-oiie vsso;s wi-re to tally Ui. Thf valu. of the nuilttfimientej ' Tf l that ! wrer'ipj i !itiiat(l at ?174.l"o. .f whii li vt?re sar ! at.d'Ci-ir. wr lost. Tin- lifi'-saviiis t?vv4 tip) and siti!d iii Having 4"i4 itiiinrSni'd vsfmels, VKlut'd. tvtth thtir jtfso-a; at fS.StJT. 22o. Tin Twa MUft affurjd Mial an to Wl ot3iT r-tIa. fxc3u; f 2"7 iDntauN'xia wUI-b ',f-l' rmiuSti loto dfiiuf v-frf. -warnod o!T Jy t) MtitliMaXpatrolwion. ThXyotxtrt tll tl story of 3o tttf-rxw niomhor of tltpv3tn!m0r "rp off tli y-orift of Cjt!f 'ud ou Mar'-Ii 17, and aJ,n: "A iitDVftm ti ,to-raiv ty popular t!( '''ri!-ii!i a fift.3 fi r slio rtlif of tb. wfdf.wa &f i hildj-'-n left rti-pt-nil-t?nt :i! l up' (3y . n fu'td in th ronii-r.t!-Ju!t of mwri tlian f S'.'.wt't. Many UK! ti time ors.-atjIzaUiaK jrave t'uitixr t-x-pr!wr'i;5i to tlio ffinwal t8jtijat of tb' conutvy tltrotjsh iHtiriip and ''jsH'itiorinlK to Coi'iiin-is for lis paitts of a n.'liin'S''t provide, for Kimilar fas- in, thi fttrnro. A IdU ww In tro ll u-'tv in ttip Hon? of i:pr'ntatlv tr lh." t'otnwlitw on !i;ti rs?a! and Forriii (i!!invr.e. r.r.J the hn;u i t'!ni';!y titinfi-l th.il it may- le Hima law." TIm P' t xpin1lU!to of tiii' mai:ten-Bn- of t!u K(fvk-c ilunug ti:i. rear was fl.C!.y2. C0DF5EY HUNTER KILLS A MAM. Sou of Hi t"iiltd Mat. Mlnltt.r tr Itiiatfmaltt lit Trntihl.. VVastiiff'.-i.'Xt, 1. C. A t icjraiif re- ceived at the' State I lep.nrtinent from .Tame.'. M'.Xaib;. the I'nited Suites I'oisvcl - ii'c!!cr,.l ai (3uaten:a!a t'ity, -U!tHli!'d the luirmat1";! that W. liodfccy IIiitr. Jr.. a sou of the Fid ted St.-ies Minister to iiLit- 'iiala and !! inJnra. had taken refuse In th.1 .nn-riian lent'ou. after bavins shot and billed William l'it-c:-:.Id. of Ht.ui.I lhip!d-. Mich. The teli Tl in dicated that James l. Bailey, of Ken tucky. Secretary of tlo I'niieil Stateq b'trath-ii at. tJu.neaiaJa Cily. waij Smpii eated in the affair, and bad also placed himself under M Inl.-der, Hunter' jiro teetlou. , ' 'oiiubfencrpl McNally said in his tnea:e that yotnift Hunter Nhot hl victim four timet. Minister Hunter, be said, claimed for b!a son diplomatic i mm unity from arrest, and would net mirrcmler him to thet Guatemalan nu ihorltie.K. When the f'oiisul-f Jeneral'a dispatch wan tsenl irreat escitement prevailed around the legation. At ,the State Hepurtment here It Is ald seml-ofllclally that there are prece dent aupporting MlnUter Hunter's ac tion. No notion will be 'taken by the Government in the ene, however, un til the Guatemalan Government make )t formal demand for young Hunter. Vnul MoNally has been asked for a full report of the cane. HE WASA " WOMAN." Arthur Carver, Who MaMjtmradei n Feinalr, Marrlrt. Rockland. Me. Arthur Iwlle Carver, who bad been represented im a mem ber of the female ex for thltty years, and who recently startled the commu nity by voluntarily ackiiovvledlni: that he la n man, has created another stir by marrying. ' Mr. Carver, who ia how 1n bis thitty fijst year, l a boh of- Mr; and Mm. Geoi'j;!' 13. Carver,) who ii'Hlded In this City until a few niontha ai;o. ' Tim real .reason why the, j,iaretiig ehone li) have ''their mm ti throitfjh life ria I.IIli.Hi t3. Ci'ivvi r have never heen revealed. In bla, statement Car-. ver cald that he had beea iii!iuiiierad ln;; for more than ion yeart. tiaiun hi WlijllfH. POUND S3500 IN A SKO". t'tilcnijo Mrafiiinl.fr Itrpttlvcet I'lfteva eiil lrf llRlurnlnt; Ilia Mmipjr. , ( 'hleilKiv-'-1 u a Hliiie leH lit b!s Mlop V ba repaired Axel Soreii'iin, a etip pled hoe'iimker of thht elly, found !;;rifi,,The money wn In the jmssmdon of KovetiHon for JuJt two hotirn, when thi owner returned, wtylnn: "1 think I lost a little paekaKoln here." On dcHcvlhlng n pockethook In which the money wan rout allied Snroneuii re turned the properly, and 'for his re wnrd wan paid llftceti cents for the work In repairing the shoe. CRASH RUINS HUNDREDS Millville, H. h, Cu1.iirs . and Loan Association Wrecked. $105,003 LIABILITIES REVEALED j Til. vpre'titr.T f tw Cowra Has Die j ertx-arrj Ttn . l .lilntf. triHC trM t M.ijr Jir lrnnl-No pUn11nn rf M.nl-. Stated That DiV ' ldetid Wr raid Out of tli FriM'ipnl M ill v )!. X J. Si:wo; at small for ; tmiis li'iui .h' :;!.; ..i-"d us a. ri uSl of f th wr'fkin:; of tiic Miiivill' Mtot-k ; KttiWlng AFo-lntcn. 'irust fund? lo , lous:iicr to vvidowji ar.d orphaiiK Lave i l'vf i1'-"!; ::: d. Saving;-, in wuae i civ.fr thp result of a lifpiittu of laWr, ;!'' ynt. St tick that has regularly paid tit vidi m's of i.vf ji;r ci'tit,. t'.iid. ; vvhit h was Wt-lU-yi-d to W worth miffe i.thao !!. jiar val'if. may hp' caftindy jiv. iped ou'ty ai;d it oorifihtlf Is not M tirtli Blurt; tl-a!) fiiiy Ofnjs oa the dul- ; Kii-hard L. IfowJf. for thirty yeara ; n ti tipwrfd v'-Mynx of this iiy. possfs- ( Kins tli' fullrtuifidfttw of his iH.-ish- ho:, ha ,.fl!-i"n: dcd. ai'kii(jtvlpd"ii)ir' r li( il) tti J tltijt- tf i 1H 1 jtS'l-UJ Vt i t lie ixUi-prii of whl'-h he was th m-c-! I't-'J-firy. A few days ago hcywas ie- oi'.m-f d liy rovds of imich'cXfited iu- divkluais who throJiL's-jr the Ktreets. I In only act of reparation was the voliveyiu-j of his property hpfe to tile uiri-nis oi myMocii j-iUlIOUi-r As j eiutUin. Tbijr'i'roiwrty was c':iedtiied at a ratuajtiou of ..lt.it.o. hut au loves- tiicaiiorpTOVf that it would sell for no jyjtrc than ..".ooti. lllehard Howell was one of the oris- 1 j-lmititr of. the Stock Buildiuir Associa--. ! t:o:i, wir.cli was formed in 1S74. lie S wan made it Cmt (.em'tawy, and be . ! in Id that, position t if the day he myte- ; t rlousjy disappeared. , I i 'fiiej-e hud tieeu arne rjly rumors j a tics t. hot tio ):, pave' them s-enou ' iho-"'hr. and litth- am otion was paid to the absence of How.dl r.ntil be had i : Im-cu son several day. Then tuv , t'.noit were aked. and It wan learntd 1 that he had seiit 1) Geo -ye II. Ijinsley. ' the Ir"3leut of the Association, a package containing deed to all of his ! :propi :t-ty in this part of the State.. j;, It was feared that the association j wa In (.i-rioud difticnlt'.cs. but quiet was restored when It was atiounced t that Mr. Howell'i! property was worth i yixjMHK A meeting of tlie stoi khold ! era ealb-d. and tliere was a full at-I- tendance.- Many went' "there cspectiha: j to hear had news, but the worst fears I of the mnst pet-wiiidstic wore far more than realized. Although the officer j and director of the association 'were' i present they would not talk. They j were reptf M-nted by Walter Bacon, of j Bridcetoli. who had been -employed as ' counsel. " i Mr. Bacon said that a ohortajte had j 'eon cn'810'.LilHriilg the lnut niimth.--1 ' Me ii hj. d that fpr years the affair of . ! the association l!ad been in bad shape. 1 It wa thought that the income of the ' ;-nso( jat.'oH had been close to ?.".2.Ha year during the lat two years. Instead ' of that It wa !mt SH.i'fNi. Mr. Howell, who had '"chars? of the ; bcjihkei j.inir. had made a practice of crediting all money lvreh ed to the ac . count of prolit. . ,o when loans' had lieen repaid he had added the princl i jia'l io t It; profit account, mnkinii it pos i sihle to pay the inn rest regularly and keep every one pleased. Ir h a" fact j thiijir years the capital of the anso ; claiioli has heen used to pay dividend. I Mr. Bacon closed hU remark with j the stif-Tos'lon that" ode of three conrsen must be pumtied. . If luinlnens Is to be continued 'the capital must he replenished, if businesH !.i not to bo ! continued baiikruptcy hotild be ae- ccptcd. The third alternative Is the j appoint ntent of a receiver. , One if the stockholders asked that j expert be' employed' to go over, the i book and account a. Thin wan object- i ed to by Mr. Bacon on the crotind that ' there Is no motiey to pay the Increased j expense. The stockholders became : rather tisly, and Insisted upon having their own way. A committee was then ! Appointed, and nil efforts to have one of the present directors made h mem- j ber of that committee, failed. Mr. ! I.ansley.was nuked If he knew where j Mr. Howell had cone. He refused to answer the otiestlnn. The situation here Is pitiful. Hun dred -of stockholders, must of them poor person who had their nil staked In hc association, have beet! left pen-iiI'cj-h. Widows with children, who were drawing five per cevr. dividend from the concern, are cuti .-onre.l with the calanMty of absolute picrty. I t'.cy crowded around tho doors of the ntlM'cs of the ruinid conmany while the mtctliiv of thi slckhold'.'r'wtu In si'slou, many u tllein swllhing phi fully. . ; ? i. - CiUV-.r?v:BeERS' tiCN al; ' V I.iuiip of t'oiil nt Ili-nd or a rtritvo Mcam ' V.iiJji It I n leli ijti-. ltidJanap.ms. I ml.--Mrs.' Mi-.mle Wed ded, i if St. l.oiu.s, amiealcd to Mayor Ihy'.'i'.'tU ef lo le.'M'u fn.in KttiV.s f'.ir. tiill, 'the ;'rae rolii.i r. if the-lody of ber f sum 'alicr had hi'.'n sick n. '.Mayor lhn !; :l:er arranged a ivnfcf. oiui and t'anirell inai'i' a contldutif of - him, Gaim-cli recalled the - hoy" hm'l.tl, and said the l.'edy was? not tiihrit be-ca ;on if was too miuall, lie could only ,hc1 four limlles of children in a year, ho wild, to tlm Ooilenes. Asked if 1- w.is certain 'oi' (he cti?!', Cnntrcll tvp.ied' Hint if a visit wa made to the grave a . ltnun of coal would be found at the head. He placed the coal there as a marker, he mild, which would he ie.'ienized by all grave rohbera that tho body was undesirable. .''''' i MINOR EVENTSOFTHEWEEKi TrAvnirsnTox iTrnis. Th'rtiMrt- of lnpeotor-;iii(i-ral J. C Brwkonridc ga vo itl-rh jtralso to the Onerals opV'r-itins in t3so 'I'hillppJnom. and paid that pro-jre bad hoojojaatte in every dt pjrtnient of tL7 Ar:iiy. Lieutenant O'lrw I?. H3i-o. who has been In the Naval service for.ten years, ling t-i)diT-d b.ss ri-si-jnatioa. is a Keiit'ki.'!K. R4en- Err;-yr-?r cf Xctr Vovlr. an nounced his caad.3a',y fur Speaker of the Fifty -o'ghtb Coug.fss. The AwlKtaitl Keeretarj- of the Treas ury awarih'd to "W: f.. and C 5. Bar ton, of St.. I.ouis. tht? ountriet forlhe erwtion of the Cownmont lutildins at the Louisiaisa furobaw Kxp;sitioii. orn.iiiomii!.x. The riitiippino? T'l.-nhir Ty-'asnry Isa suffered a 3o of l.n."l,i'.KK) sold hy U dcpreehitioti ia t-i3ver. ;eceral Chaffe-. dt-clnnd ta the i Fnit'd Stales should try toxrt'muve the Sultau of Join a'id p:nnu hiia. The volcano KiJa'Jtpft; in JJ.twa.ii. ha brok'u out to ilvitHit inleut erup tion for the lat-fwenty jear. Ivilaua has bow 5T11 iittoraM'ttent aetiviiy Bince thcAUthivck of St. I'ierre. rhoh-ta I steadily ict-recFia-; in the rbJHpp!l!OP. Cntroller Jlidsrelfy eh.trtered the First National Bank of. l'orto Rico, an American inistiiut.o-f. GenVral !iles arrived at Iloilo. P. J. There were a reception and banquet In bis honor. A- further 1Hlir. in silver compelled the Manila Gover.-Vhii-ut to make the rate for 1 of gold. The old rate was to $1. Methodists of San Francisco. OaL. decided to estnlilish a Japanese Chris tian home iu Honolulu, Hawaii. DOMESTIC. - Because of weakness of h; eyes, Theodore Uoosevelt. Jr., has left Gro tou (Mas?. i school for a. short rest. Sixty-three Chinamen were sbipnefl from I'rovbb-nee, B. I., to Norfolk. Va, to be deponed. . Miss Celia F.ttleson.a poprlar teacher at New York :ity. took poin rather than face Investigation and possible dismissal. Because of the Exclusion Act. I.ieu-touaut-Governor Wright, of the Fii'J'p pines, was prevented from bringing into the United States bis Chinese ser vant. Cnder sentence of death, Charles Lenox made au unsuccessful attempt to break jail at Butte. Mont., having cut v through nearly CD inch of 'steel lining bis cell. The big pl'nt of Armour & Co.. in Sioux City. Iowa.-. was destroyed by lire, w ith a loss of 5if.f,iiK). I uring a ijuarrel. B. F. Rush shot and kilhd John Stevens, a railway con ductor, a' Greenville. S. C. 1 Mrs. Kefand B. Moliuettx is In Sioux ..J''.a.Llj S. i., pr-oirlpj tu' -e.H t.-.r divorce. - The freight blockade in the I'iftfjbiirg district lurcul Tt'JXMI men to remain Idle. Tile Standard Oil Company. lxH'.iuse Of ciiflji. i iiiiil Ot iudcpeudelit cotujia- ni's. forced to cut its dividi nd tfu. inMt.iH.H.i this year. The Baltimore and Ohio Baiirrad. despite the t ipclld it Ui e ! pO-.'SKMIO:'! for ' . tTe; iui;a;s. s4;ovs a net increase' ia eainitiss of $2,021 ,23T. President Mitt noli; of Cur T nitfd Mine Worker, tcstityit.g before the Strike Commission declared recognition: cf the union was essential to peace in the anthracite region. fUc said that $!,!VjMHh h."d b'?n distributed to the mei( during the Piriue. Fount t Fresidert Grever Cleveland said in Norfoll:, a.. timt Havld B. Hi'l's notiiinatinti for the Presidency In IfW-i was a possibility." Chfiiged with accepting an nnlawfuj fee. former Police Captain Moyuihau was artaigned in New York City, pleading not guilty. Frank ('. Andrews, the convicted Vice-President of ihe wrecked City Savings Bank at -Detroit, Mich., was sent to the State prison to begin serv ing his ttfteeti yeais' sentence. For embezzling the funds, of th Ger man National Bank, of Louisville, Ky., former President J. M. McKnlght was sentenced to six years' Imprisonment; Frank Brunner, a balb player, for merly of Eastern leagues, wa hiiot and killed by Charles Paruicu'cr, at Fort Scott, Kan. ' A dispute over telephone tolls led to John Southern being killed at llogers ville Junction, Tenn., by Heputy Sheriff U. B.(MeCiltuugli. The Minnesota Board of Pardons de clined to i !'i e I'rauk It. llamnton. serv In;; a seVcti-,ve'fl'r sente,nre for the inur er of Te otiard lay. ' Bobiiid 15. Moliiieux will enter l-ttsi. ness with, his father at New York t'lty. Tit" but-" snh't he- tiet!t -ttture- than 5f 100.00' t for ills sou's defence. ' ' 1 ouj.it;. P.'inee Fdwavl Of Save-Weimar, a Field Marshal 1u the t:: i.isli Army, died in l.i ..lii.n ,ii th a e' of sevcniy li '.ite. , '' The funeral of the reform Viceroy Liu Kim VI, nt Nanl.iti'.r, China, v.-iis the occasion a tin 'mpo.-ing tribute nt' .respect, en tlie part of foreigners us well as natives, . . .Vusti'iau conns decided that ti tuar r k fro of an Austrian subject abroad, may be Invalidated u uceouut of a dii lei'cnce in religion, Many hundred of human lives were repotted tn have been lost by the erup tion of the Sautu Maria volcano iu jJuattuiaU. TAR KEEL TOPICS. flatters of foment lo the OooiJ Old j v North State. The Moravian Sy nod. Winston-Salem', Special The Synod of the Southern Moravian Church met in the first of its feven sessions in the Home church. Salem, at 10 o'clock Tuesday marningHiHhaji iiandthalex in ihe chair. As se'-retary of the Synod Rev. C. D. Crouch was chosen with Mr. L E. Brlektneteia asssistsnt. The seats ou the platform were occupied by Bishop Hotidtkrfcr, Rev. James E. Hall o" the pcfvfning board, and Bishop Ch-oshbXof the Epiaeopal Church. Niflrlv vrrr rjn of thp ?,Ti ciifiifre- rtititma of the Southern Moravian Church was ij presented ia the oisning aerrice. The remaiu'.ng congregations will be represented before Synod closes. Greeting were read from,, the. Mora vian church in Hersautt. Germany. This paper was communicated by Rev. -JanoB-K.- Hsffb The communication frora the British Province was read by Mr. John Fries. Personal salutations were extended, by Bishop' Cheshire, who said: "Jt. affords me verjr great pleasure to 0e witn you. i am not .here by accident but postponed my depart ure from Winston-Salem in order to at tend this Synod. There has never been anything but harmony between your Chart h acd mine. In earliest Colo'nial days. a(,n the Episcopal Church was the State Church, the Moravian Church was cordially and officially recognized rod pursued its work unhindered. It has been particularly Interested ia the mission work of the Moravian Church. We loth hold the missionary obliga tion to the binding upon every mem ber of the Chun h of Jesus Christ. In behalf of the Protestant Episcopal Churrh of the diocese of North Caro lina Lext-nu your Synod most cordial jrreetinES." Bishop-elect Berkonhapen, of Central America, spoke briefly. H? quoted the words of the apusile. ' Though I am unknown, yet I am well known," aiPl with this sentiment in his heart he fe!t very much at home in the Southern Moravian Church. The Synod extended Its salutations to these two distinguished visitors by rising as a body. At the afternoon's session report were made from the various eorgregu tions and Sunday schools in- the prov ince. These ere decidedly creditable and gratifying. At 4 o'clock a musical" and social reception was tendered the Synod by the faculty and pupils of Sa lem Academy. , A missionary meeting was held at right, the feature of which was an ad dress by Hcv. Herman Berkenhastn, Llshop-tlect of Central American- r.iis- Board Makes Final Report. Raleigh, Special. The board of ex aminers of .State institutions filed' Its report with the Governor Tuesday. The total appropriations to these by the last Legislature were $71j.UoO, bur the board recommends only $.;0,(Ke), a decrease of $115.GT.Q. Thp reduction is mde in the amount for permanent im provements, very lew of which the board leecmmends. the total being un der 175,000. Of this amount over half, or 110,000, being for new buildings at the Agricultural and Mechanical-College to replace Watauga Hall, which was burned. The Council of State had authorized the borrowing of money to meet this work. The board recommends a new water supply and sewerase. 1 h board also recommends $75,000 for pei manent Improvementa at the State Normal and Industrial Collene at Greensboro, and a small sum for Im provements at the State Hospital at Morganton. The purchase of more land for the farm at the the Central Insane Asylum here Is recommended; also new waterworks and sewerage sysjeni for It. The board earnestly favored con solidating some of the seven nemo nor mal schools. The report Is very favo rable to these Instltutloba, showing ex cellent management. Mobile to Have Modern Depot. Mobile, Ala., Speclal.-Tho- Mobile Hallway Terminal Company was or ganized hpre with 'Samuel Spencer, A. B Andrews, W. W. Muley, E. 1,. uU!i. sill and others of tin? Southern Ka'l waj', as directors. K. L. Knssell being elected president. The Internum is to build a modern r-tjle depct with ter minal tracks, yards, etc., estimated to Vest $30i),0iHi), Fatal Bolier Explosion, , Monroe, Special. As the rcmilt of a boiler explosion In th' county Tuesday one nun vwu. literally to. a to pieci , nuuthor hurled through the roof, of a house, aa.l a third ba lly s aided. Mr . 'T. Ta.lhv.U. a well-to-do fii nx r of I-i'iie's Creek township, operates a pin ning and milling (.oitidiabetent. Tues tiay morning t wo vt h'.i gons'and a ne gro hand were at wort. The' oldest sua was standing Just la front of ihe boiler, the two other men near bj . when Ihe explosion occurred. The nu. fortunate man hi front of the ..'bullet v. as toin to pieces. His brother was thrown through the roof of the engine house and his b g .broken.. ml t hf . col ored mini wis Scalded, The friements of tho boiler wero strewn hundreds of yards. AnB'-Saaon Cmaments. - J Som interesting Anglo-Saxon orna ment found on the skeleton of a wo man due up in a garden have just been presented to the Saffron Walden Museum, says the London Express. ' They include richly ornamented ank lets and wristlets and a necklet Tho latter is composed of on- pair of spherical rock crystal beads cronsid ered In the early Saxon times by tha wearer as i?reat charms a pair of glass beads, a pair of elongated beads In Ted carroeiion so-e. a pair of chas ed ancient silver heads, a pair of bronk.0 pendanjs ornamented with Saxon chasing and filgroe work, and a plain bronze pendant with four open jogs, as though it had contained cboica stones. . , , - A Cavid Harum Trade. There is a citizen invjjw York who dec ided to treat niinseuNin a horse ar.d runabout, in every cavbe in sisted upon ki.ov.ing the attitude of the prospective purchase in relation to automobiles. 1 don't want my neck broken daily." he would say. There was a horse that suited him. "I caa warrant him on the automobile question. said the Jersey farmer who owned him. "I will guarantee that he will pass a dozen an hour all day long and never look at one of them." "Win you give me a written state ment to that effect?" "The Fale was made. For once a Jersey man had told the truth in a horse trade. The horse was blind. - Cught to Take Warning. Fond . mother Now, look here. ; George! I w&i-t ou to break off with that girl. She Is very pretty and ail ' that, hut I know her too well to want s you to' risk your life and happiness by ! marrying her. Why. she knows no ' more about housekeeping than I do about Greek not a bit." George Perhaps cot, but she can i learn. Mother After marriage is rather late for that. George. Georgo But you said -nars elf that you did rot know a tbi. .-.bout house keeping until aucr you were married. Mother Very true, George and ; your popr father died of dyspepsia i twenty years ago. Stray Stories. Origin of Ham and Eggs. When Noah had all the birds cor railed An the ark, Shem, Ham and Japbet, his three sons, made some famous col'eejions of birds' ergs till N ah found out what they were doing by catching Ham robbing, the great : auk's nest. It was shortly after this Incident that Noah made his famous ! bon mot about Ham and Eggs, th ; exact wording of which escapes us, , but which was often recounted at the old settlers' dinners In the vicln ; ity of Mount Ararat. Minneapolia I JoufhaL" ;'"; i We may boast of our history, we i may refer with pleasure to the blue ; blood that courses through our veins, but we will soon lose -our stand hit? in the sisterhood of states if we do not make a better and more aiecpnue pro vision for the education of our off . spring. It is rumored that the Paulding '. County Cotton Manufacturing Co., of Pallas, Ga., will build an additional mill. It now has a plant of 13100 spin dles, using steatnpowi r and manufao : turing yarns. Capitalization is flOU, : ooo. . Cough B I"My'ifehadtdeep-seatedcough for three years, i purchased two bottles of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, large size, and if cured her com pletely." J. H. Burge, Macon, Col. Probably you know of cough medicines that re lieve little coughs, all coughs, except deep ones I The medicine that has been curing the worst of deep coughs for sixty years is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. ' Three : 2c, !c , ! A!l drarrirtt. Cotiult your !in'tui. If lie nil tlc H, then nu hi iim ,i.vi. ' if ho t is y, uni lo tk" It, thou ilun't t ii it (t, Il uu Leave It with Inm W- ehi . J. C. AYKK CO., LmU, Mum. --smw Ciarloe stamped C C C Kever sjlj la bulk, beware cf the dealer who tries to sell "Wiuctulag just as good." ' !3fJSO Yohhr Mon -on.'o to HiVifT fn- coi.il i i.ttlina aibvh t m il BiiaiHiOft Iu wntliiK uiulir a Ji.OOO ' "Hit t' irumj t!- I'.ujou i tbciv. Hie Ga.-Ala. IJus. College, MACON, GliOBGlA. cm DYAof -.f. P WIM, ii MIIMIiH I i ai

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