ill 4$Sr" 4 nnm H s t VOL. .11. NO. 2. PITTSHOKO. N. C, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1902 I!: I 11 i i BILL ARP A chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy write to me for a list of the Georgia senators and representa tive who seceded In January, 1861, and also for a list of their successors in the confederate congress. But few men can answer these questions, and .Indeed the answer is hard to find in any book. But these women are-after information that is worthy of preser vation la their archleves and they w.'ll on know more about the civil war thaa the men. , Well, our tuts senators before th var were- Robert Toombs and Ben. MIL Toombs made a withdrawal speech which was grand and defiant. . Our representatives were Martin J Crawford, Peler E. lxve; Thomas J. Hardeman. Lucius J. Gart'rell, John W. It I'aderwood, James Jackson, John 'oueg and Jtwhua Hill, who resigned. " "They are all dead, N The members of tbm first confederal congress were Senators Ben Hill and HereehH V. Johnson. Toombs was lected. but had serious opposition and it irritated him so that he refused ts serve and" later m Johnson was ele teri, Toomhs salj. "The n;aua-r in sfci-B this trust has been conferred oa me re lieves me from any obligation to accept tJs 26 UIiieishe 5 Ills Crd 3 went to flBhtins. Tbe representative elected were. Julian Hsrlru3i?e, J. C Munnerlyn, Hines Holt. A. H. Kenan. -David W. Lewis. W.-W. Clark. RoVrt T. Trippe. L. J. Gartreil, Hardy Strick . land and Auerustus It. Wright These, ate all dead. "Time cats don art. Viota great and smalt" . A letter from another chapter wIj-Iis ., lnow rfce maiden names of the wives of thie pre14ents and the asm- '' the moJiers of the presidents. I tell you thee womes are in earnest. Fur centuries their sex has been nnJcr the Vn. Vou can't find a history of ryrj.i-. wAia that tolls an thing about wives or the mothers of great mm. anil yes .it is the mother who makes the men. tk-ontft.Washinpton'w .father lid - win n he -was' 11 years old and his moUuT trained him aul tautht liim sad plant ed within h'.in all those virtue that made him Rrriit and yet there are bt;t' few f our AwMdeaa jieople who know wk lis motber was. 1 have thre sets of standard yrlopvlias. but only muu&r tnentioa is made In them of the jrtttfbera or wivi of thr preside!. Who Vbows anything about the mother of Webster, Clay or Calhoun? J have found the maiden csroes of all ths wires of the president and the ewims of all their mothers enrvpt those f Zaeharlaa Taylor; William If. Harri son, franklin Pierre. .I.iumh Itiichanan, It. II Hayes and B'-n Harrison. Maybe they had mothers. Well, to begin. Georre. Washinirton's another was Mary BalL His wife was widow Park Curtis, uee Martha Dandt!dj:e. John Adams" mother was Susannah ftoylatoa. Wl wife was Abigail Smith Thomas Jefferson's toother was June Randolph. His wife, Martha Wales. James Madison's mother. i'Mv Tay lor. His wife. Dolly Payne. That Fan cy , T;i y u ;r -4cotfecr-w s it -r- to Zachary Taylor. James Monroe's mother, ICllza Jync? His wife. Kl'.zabef.h Kortripht. John Q.. A da '.As had a grandmother Q'jley, No mother is named. His iif vns ixiiiii-a Johnsou. Andnw-Jackson's mother, Elizabeth Hutcltiasoo; iris wile, Hachel Honel- Martin Van Burrn's mother, M:.y Hoes; hb wife. Han mi 't Hoes. William 1!.' Hurrisoa'ti mother tint named; wlfs, Anna fymnns. Ji.'hn Tyler's mother. Mary Ar-mi-stead; Wife, Ijetitia Christian. Jsniejt K. ro!k'i motht-r, John Knox; wife, Sarah Child rets. Zachary Taylor's mother not named; . wife. Margaret Smith. Milliard Filmorc's mother wa Pboehe .Millard;' he .never married, Franklin Pierce's mother not named; Wife, June Appletoti. James Ltuchanan's mother not nam ed. He was a bachelor. . , A'uranam Lincoln's mother, Nancy ILlnks: wife. Mary Todd. Andrew Johnson's mother (oo poor nd ignorant to nauie. ills wife, Kilza MCarlfl, educated him. t . . t.ra.nt umtner, itannan birup- out the latent ccuiaiitv of n Kiteli son: his wire, Julia Dent. cner: He is now des.-ribeil as nol-hnlf 'R. U. Hayes' mother ti it iiatr.rd; h: the bear he twe.1 to be wife, i,;ey Ware Webb. . i sir Wlli'icl U.nrler.'lVemler of C,m- J;ioifa A f!tire..tico m;iit.-hp t-1 , . . ..... . . ,.. " ; Jlallou; his wife. Lui'rctia Hiirlolnh. C'hestor A. Arthur's mother. Malv'.na Stone; his wife, Ellen L. HernJon. . (Srover Cleveland's mother, Anne Neat; his wife, Frances Kolsom. lien Harrison's mother not named; his wife was Mins Scott. William McKlnlr-y's mother, Nancy C Allison; his wife, Ma Faxton. ' Now, of coitrso If a man can afford to buy the separate biographies of theae men, thoiifrh some have no', bent written, no doubt he could learn more about their mothers and wives, but not very much. We know but little con cerning the mothers of Milton, Shakes penie, Cowper, i'owe firaj'. Johnson, Hood, Burns, Moore.Hyron, Cobir'dge or any of the noted writers of England or Srotliitid. The idea seems to have beenthat wemoo as a general rule wei'e of no coiiHeoiu nre-1 -except to bear iliil dreii and stay at home and mime litem. Hut that is not the ideii now. Women more notable position. In history.-and 1 riography, Mrs, Dp. Hurt, of . linins- j wick, htm In press a book devoted ex clusively to the mothers of the nciubh) 1 men of Georgia, the mothers of -. our I governors and statesmi u and ministers 1 and military hrrces, nnd I. know i!ie will do justice" to t'etm. Sonin time av.o ; a fretid: of mine '''cd nnd as he wis" a j mnn of omc note, fcls son, who is growing oil, wanted to answer Mrs. Burt's letter about hlB grandmother, and he told her he dldn'tkniwanything about her dido't even know her mai den name. He said that be never saw her, for ehe died vfhen he was a child and.he never heard his father say much about her. That has been the way, but it will not be much longer, for the elevation of woman to her proper position by the side of man andnot beneath him, la rapidly coming on. This federation of woman's clubs will assert woman's rights. This recognition of woman has gained ground rapidly since the war. Before that our school teachers were generally men and where we had women as assistants they were import ed from the north. We had five la suc cession in our towni One by one they got married and we sent off and got another. Our well-to-do widowers took a liking to them, for our girls wouldn't marry a widower and our young men wouldn't marry a yankee school mis tress. But since the war our own girls have gone to teaching and are found In evey school room in the land. If they. ar more fit to teach our children than .are the men, then why are they not 'etter ', and why are they not mem bers of our school boards 1 have ;t(.wn tiiu to ' be elected on school ''teirrfs who couldn't do a sum In the rule of three and dln't know whether algebra wan Latin or astronomy. Some of these same men are put on the com mittee to choose school books. School boards are not always elected for s fcillarsrfjp, bWfor sectarian influence arfd because they have an ax to grind. tope the young people will cut it out and paste it in their scrap books an-1 keep It for reference so that when tbey are married and have Inquisitive chil dren they can answer these questions. Every youag person should have a scrap book. One of our teachers was not long ago asking her scholars slvrt Washington. Who can teil me so;r, thiag about George. Washington?" and one of the boys said: "lie was born on Moirnt Vermont:", A little jelrl snid: "No. it was Mount Vernon." Another boy- said. "He was nam""! for th c'ty of Washington." and another s.ii!, "He was the father of ail fie country chil dren. and another sii-i: "Ho cut n berry tree down to get the. cherr'!;. arul didn't tell a lie about it nml his '.f;ith-?r never licked him for it. bt that night bit had tbe colic mighty ba'i." Sa3 here is' a good kind letter of sympathy from a full-blooded Cherokee Indlaa. who writes from the Indian Territory and esys he was born In Murray county and loves Georcia and her ieiplff. He asks about the Ho wells. and ssys his father knew the oil maB on the that.tahiocnee and always said there was some Rood viu,,;, im his veins. Well, they do look like it. I expect our Kvan came sideways down from old Powhattan, Just as my wife came from Pocahontas. Hello, Cousin Kvan:. we sre kiu. Bill Arp in Atlanta Constitution. PnCMlNENT PtOPJ-E. - $ T.otil Tennyson has bepti flppohifcil veraor- Seneroi of Au-tr;iliii for one r'iil States Atubasssilnr t. I'.i-j-laud fiio;ie U's-.Jtig to Eyyi't for the opeuin of. the Niie ilaiu. Krniicr.ii' Wiiliim li:w invitr-'l Cixnie lin. Hie 1'rrin it actor, ti) be a meiubrr of liTji next liiiiitins juiri.v. t. r.iun rrim-e KrulerieS; of Saxony!, me iinier u:iv itriKe ins ws iifioiv tiie kiiiu v. bile litw.t iujtr near ;-iib:befg. ' Th" Sultan of Turkey ii'ed the.tjtieen of the Xetherlamis are snid to be tho only total sbi;iiiiers aiinm.s Kui'opeaii sovereigns. ' Pmlerewskl ba ilceiiied to appear st flie festival In fV.iiii next Ociulur. ie fcj'iti hi dt i l iraiioii not to j!ay again in tlnil city. fir Kichaiil ,T. ";titw rl:bt. Miiii-tcr of Trade and t'ounne:'" oi' the Iomi;i ioii of Cai!:nl;t. lias been made a li i.'iv!i li Ivy Coitiiclllor. I'rinee Henry XV. of I'less. who re cnitJy v!.siicl the i'liitt il ,St.itK,, xaiil lie- thought '.Presliletit Jto'osevelt was fuil of eleelrie siinrk,--." I'l-ofoN')!- Wooili of th;' I'lejvjrhiii-nl. r f Agrieultiire, .hiM-beeti i;-imI,!!, tiioir li.i In U'-csteru Staiet sutily'tit; the dietary eouilitiou.s of nn u in lumber camps, ... Social Honking since his tv turn from f'owtli Afiica Hcciin to h.iVe bioiiL'tn' sua. will. II s kii hi short I v n.ii.... r,-.,.. puoiie me, the step belli); ur.'ed l,v bis physicians, who say that "he run 'con -tinito his public activities only at phv-nU-nl peril. Anionjj the multifarious duties as sumed by (Joveinor Tuft in the I'hllip plnes is the voluntary duty of' urging the development of Filipino music. Ono result bus been a series of symphony concerts' y the Kiznl orchestra at Ma nila. An English publisher Is bringing out a work in which the pedigree of the iniith family is traced . with all its ramifications. ,lt'i not stated how mtitiy volumes there will lie.. No doubt the Smiths are related In one way or another to most of the reigning and ail the noble famillrs of the world. There ought to be no eMi'tilty in tracing' their descent front Adam, wnn3 oU''M' 13 Buppostni by seme to have been Smith. At last v.e shall find Out what the world owes to the Smiths in the arts and sciences, in wag nnd pence, In society and trade, In jiolb tb s nnd tugolegy, , It ought to .xelte t'ip Drowns and Jonesc,- alno mighty dans, as they ; appear In city direc tories, to bo up and doing nnd provo their right to public recognition POSTAL SERVICE If 1902 Heceipts Amounted to $121,88,047j Expenses, $124,785,697. DEFICIT FOR YEAR, $2,937,649 The Annul Report of tU rl master Crurpl-Tbe Kstiamtcd tiirtt Forth Vrr KadlBc Jan SO, 10, 8.S4S.S3S Siui BeneBu f Rural Frra lliT-arrKlckt-Hour Day For Clrrka. Washington, I. C The anuual re pert of the rostinastericueral for t'ne year ending June 30 last shows total receipts for the year of $1211S,017.,(i, as compared with the -previous year's receipts of $11 1,031. llKi.S'.). The expen ditures for he year vrere $124, TS5, C97.07, as comiared with 115,554,-0-0.87 for the preceding yea;-, The excess of expenditures, $2,937, C40.81, was less tbau the previous year's deficit by ?!SS,077.t;7. The esti mated deficit for the year ending Juue SO. liXM. is SS.l'f.'.tvit;. Kfforts have been made in tbe past and are now b.lng made io better, wherever possible, tu?' condition of postal employes, the reiort says. This is especially so in the ease of clerks iu 12.kiij clerks pi:omotel on July 1 last, the ugsregf te allowance for these pro motions birfns about $l-H'.0OO. Fully 11,000 of. .these prouiotious were of clerks Who' received less tbau $1000 per milium. TlV working hours 6t clerks in the largepoxioftices wefe also re d'lced so as : t to average more tliaa eipht hours a diiy. The report eon lil.ii;: i Jural free delivery service h.ns le eotirf iiu et;ibtishel fact. It is no j longer iu tbe experimental st.iue ;tnJ uudoubtedly t'onitrci-s will eoat.'iitte U Juci-eane the HpproM'iat'iou for this service until fill tl petiple of the coun try are' reached, where it i thickly N noijii settled to warrn; it- The i sti- m.'ites of the lc!i.!rti;ii-::t are to I he effect t lint tlte ;n:ii!ali!s( territory for this service cuthi'tic.-s about 1,(hV,Ki srjiHile mill's, or ol'e-thirtl of iln- try'fi :tre;t vxcioive of Alfik:t. The 11.1."0 routes iMw in opera iion cover About etie-.-hiril of the n viiilnMe terri tory. The rapid extension of the ser vice. will, of ivrtrse. increase the deficits- - tiur1?r - 1he ii:;t three years. '"After it i completed the revemvs will ipiiekly u;d I ' . . ... i ici riit imii'ci o: j i i'm:ii iiwijiiii'iir whatever deficit mav be oeeasioned will si -adisiilly illiappi-ar. It will also be liitefi'stin io note that rural free i 'eiivery carrier '.'ivcil applh-atlous I ilnrlps the i'."..-t year for i;2"i,!ipl motley ' orders. : "Snecltlc in-irttioeji have i c.-n broueht i j to ihi' niteutl;n of the Mepartment I i vlii'Ve the pii.i.ii't dfliverliic of live j I'srrtck ituoi.itior.s iidticaitiig' n tempo-I 3 err shit in the market t farmers in- i 1 fitil'ng to i-hiji to the stock vards. bj'.l : enabl'itig t.heiu to hold hue!; their ship, i mom liil.liv" ti:;i;l.:el-j c!oii;(il thi ir ; r..)rii:il e.nitiiiioi:. .Ia .tveil to iiidi i vi-ltial eat ile ::jJL"r .. taure llfuiL -the. t 'tal i-osi if ea - v.-m 's rural b livery ! over the; o!i which they lived, j 'Tli" ii'imhiv of doo'estie money or- .:;);!. rMi.'jT'.. The numiicr of ::i,c- ! rati the (ll;il money orders J-.i .! liiirin War -was iolLlii. nmout-.titiir io 1?2-J.!i7!.47.'!. The tiumli.-r of iutcrnu tional orders paid iliiriu' t-ie was Si'7,tiT5i, iinuuuitin!,' io i ,720. It v-il! be Interest ins; t nit, i i1!lt ,i;0 niuoeut of tile foK'iaii o.-ibu Issued nearly four times a; crent e.s fie mnmiiit paid. 'I'iie fee at p;v'"n f'o; .'in uniiU' of .l'(l is ililny cents, and i' is recoinii!i1;i'ed that 'c;-.i;lr!;eu be pas"i nw non;: in uie i '.'partr:ent .o iiir 1 l.eiliice this f.-'e io tivcniy-:lve cc'.t j '''flie star serv iei li'eioti:in-i! der j the y ear i n.lcd .hu."' :!o. T. i'. by tea j of the cs!.W;sh!iu'Ut of itikI.Yo' M 11 .Iisery service, (nnoitntci! to SU.:."i.oj, ;..' j 'I.egjslijtionv'.s i:e. deil f,-r lite prore, i Hon of rnihv.iy . lerk v. oiie in I I be ili' liari.e of their duties.- Th's is ja inane:- w-Jiich lias be-n fully Y'-e- feiheir ill previous aiiiruil leiioi-is. "I.avi veat' tie. i.M.;!ni!' iit paid for flif tra:tsiorir.iioii of forelti tnsils the sun) of W,2!:i.i;'.!.-.,,Vi."- bi !!!' .it--: ! of. the jv.:vi"ls post ti:, report says: . . . . "l-'foni i lie -t:ti!s;ics apprnrs that the iiyeniot.. weight or parcels des patched from i!iis country to nil roin tries only s'u. hily e"xi cr-ds three and oiie-hiilf potiiiils. The avernu.' wei.iilit of parci Is ilespa idled I'l-tun this I'linn try to (iVrinanv Is two nml two-thirds pounds. In view of the fact that four pounds ns a limit of weight will fairly nicer the requirements of this country, the Second Assistant l'ost master-General reeoninieiids the tender of parcels post. conventions -with England. France, Italy and other countries of Europe, similar to that now in force between this country and Germane. jvvith the exception tbni the weight of iiiicci up iMiiueti to iour pounds nml ll'.ai-six mouth's notice be given to Ger many of the desire of this country te modify the existing convention so as to reduce the weight of parcels from eleven to four pounds." . Attention is Invited to the remarks of the Second Assistant Postmaster General concerning the need of n uni versal stamp, or some substitute for It, which will fiicilllitte Internationa cor I'l'Vponnencp. . Wiild-1la Iliiplintii Itrrnneltrd. Thpiiiiis Urn n Iff, Jr., nnd Manuel III eon Gnllardo, the young society men, of Mexico City. Mexico, who were nr reided nnd held by the police to pre tent thoni from lighting a duel, have Secured their release by shaking hands In open court and. promising the Judge that they would. abandon their dueling plnns. Itj-nulff was fined S1S0 and Gab lurrto $1110., which thy pnld. JtlETaODIST PROTESTANTS Close Their Conference With the An. nouncemcnt of Appointments. Asheboro, Special. The Methodist Conference closed Tuesday night at 11: SO o'clock. The new president. Rev: T. M. John son, turned off business at a rapid late. Quite a warm discussion was pro yoked by the report of a committee on "The Work of the President this Year." The amount of travel was left to the discretion of the president. The appropriation for church exten sion is $3,000. The subscription to the college en terprise amount to $:16.000. The Board of Church Extension is composed of C L. Whitaker, G. B. Harris, T. T. Hicks, T. M. Johnson, E. C. Harris, ot Gran ville county, addressed the corf erenc on the special work the Endeavorers have undertaken, viz: Educating a joung man for the ministry. The Endeavor Societies will take spe cial .interest this year in the district C E. Conventions. A resolution was adopted recopnlz ing the favorable attitude on the part of the United Brethren and the Primi tive Methodists to vnite with th? Meth odist Protestant ehvreh. There are in the I'nited States 1S5. 000 Methodist Protestants; 2S5.000 I'nited Brethren, VkO'M Primitive Methodists. A total of 4S"..000. The following is the Stationery Com mittee's report: APPOINTMENT OF PREACHERS.; Alamance. J. X. Garrett. Albemarle, C. E. rorlines. Anderson. W. R. Lowiirmi!k.-i Asheboro. W. A. U-)m h. E. G: i, n- i-i mil!;. Burlington, G. K. Millaway. BrcaJ River, R. I.. Mellon. Cal.iwr.Il, H. D. 'Garmot. Chatham, iinssippiic.l. Cleveland, unsappiied. Concord, unstipplicd. Davidson. J. G. W. Holioway. Fiat Rock. W. F. Kmnett. "Forsyth. G. H. Austin. Gatonia. unsupplied. Gilisonville. N. G. Bet'.iea. Granville, C. L. Whitakcr. Guilford. G. L. Reynolds. Greensboro, Grace Chnrcb, R. M drews. Greenville. O. P. Kouth. Halifax. C. H. Whitakcr. Haw Rivfr. J. H. Stove. Henierson Station. J. S. Williams High Point, Wr.i. Porter, ivc-y. H. A. Brawrll. I.a Grange. W. C. Kennett. I.e-banon. (.'. A. Cc; l. t Liberty. W. F. As'i!'j:h. Lincoln. onsiippliTd. Littleton H. ).. toive!I. Moeksville, R. L. Clinton. - Mai, .v.l. 1 t.!h'.:k. c. m:ion. Y. V. lie. . n. Monroe OliIv !Ii (Jrana.i tir.s'.i'u:!:;' , '.'. K. I 1..K . I'llr rinr.u' !" ar. I :.!t. i. -V. T,. IIuutT. 1 Fiymofitli a?! cMrr.tou. (" warns. i'S. K I Rr.tvPM.-!:. .'. K. Hi tl-.-n. ; hi-! ;?.r.d. W. C. il.-.rcri.-r.. Ilisawiif, Geo. W. llol:.:es. ; - Itj'-ky Mount. A. (i: rn::e'. ;ftxa:i;'iidw, j. il. Hov-'.-.r.d. Spring Church. 0. I'. ::irlry. f. ft, j. Thompson. Surr-. J. !.. Giles. ,. ' Tail": W'.'.o. V. M. Pike, t 1'. Sait.?. Vance, J. K. Hart-ell. Winston Circuit. J. p. Watson. Winston .-station. ,. I). Willians. Why Not. W. (,". 1. ist-itcj-. Ycrboroueh Chspel. V ,n. l.owi mil!-:. , i?. ?iinn:-'(n. Sunt ; Ci'-ciut. turnery, Flit r.o: !'. 8.;on'' Kick Pit iiwn'.-rrif-rary. I'i;:i G. . .A'.'. Hivr3.iU I.ibt'i ty Cire;i:i.' M;p.rrui!K T. '1. : rt' unei tuinicrarv A-; bGTt! SMt'n. V. F. Mdiov.ell. Siii.-e'rnumer.r Hahlnn 1 Circuit. P. A. HighfU, Siijm tnnmerary hnm Circuit. J.'W. Heath; upernnnuated. J. N. Gurretf; Superannuated. E. A, Plyk'r, Superannuated. .Chat- ' R?gistrars to H ; Indicted The Sunday issue of the Chariot tv Observer.. has a sued a I rrcm Washing ton, plating that (he fedora! anthuri ties will liiatitJte projeedings against a iiumlx r of icgisttats in North Caro lina. The Observer Rives the following: "District Attaney Holton was seer, by an Observer reporter and quest iou cd s to the contmti.hlc.'ition from th',' liapcr'8 Washltigt;:.:! Vgrrespondent. '-'Yes, ten ,or twdvo ngistrars will probatily be tn.ftcted," said tne (list-;., attorney: "Tb-:-to may be ot hers';'" I don't know haw many. 1 e.iu. of course, only doing my duty in the matter, an;' I shall take aeiloa only where the Uw has 'mi clearly violated. l:t thin p: .si cutk-n 1 am net a Republican or a."p;:il-ticl.-.n; i nm only the diiitrii t ntt'Ji :ie.i , who m determircd to ;h his Itity. " i he spodfie chair.' si anainsi th i'st -tu-s Is. that they dculec! tho li-jht i f voifng to ncgraeg who were tnl?,; to vote who were t-ehool . tea . )'c;'.i holdinu' a r:33t)t.v i"it;fite. an : pf-ach'-rn who cmhl epiallfy under t.i. i'u.Vii".:nl clniise." I lio ()i .soi (-r repoiter atcert; th 'co suiipfii'iias wt )-.' Issued in. .1 y. i'- tenh;,v n.ain.'.t Jphit' V.'. rcRislrar, fif itulherfoh't ei county ; u 1 J 11. MoKluney and I). II. Whip ',' l : b-drats pf CalarruH cunj'.y.".-. - .." iW 111 NEED OF OFFIGEHS Secretarv Mooiv's Report Shows There Wiil Be a Great OeficieaCi. WANTS MORE CADETS APPOINTED CS3 Officers Am Xrrdesi Now, and lOOO Will Its Wanted In About Four 1V"' Time Kxtrninn of Annapolis and In. creane In rromotluai Kecounnendcd -Tit Naval ProKrainnie. Washington, D. C-Secretary of tht Navy Moody has made his reinirt for the fiscal year ending June 30. The report deals with the hips under iou strUetlon, those authorized by Con gress, those in and out of eouiinis:u3v the persounel of the service and with the future of ' the Navy, as seen by Secretary Moody. -f the vessels under construction, the report says: "At the close of the last liscal year there were undef 't-o'ist ruction for the Navy by contract, the following ves-j sels: Eight battleh!ps, six armored cruisers, nine protected cruisers, four i monitors, thirteon torpedo-boat destroy- j ers. seven torpedo boats, aud seven I submarine torpedo djoats. The sretiersl i progress upon these boats, particularly those of the larger class, has uot been found to lie satisfactory. The battleships-were, tin the ."oth of June. r.0' from teu to twenty-nine months behind contract time: the armored cruisers j from four to thirteen months; the pro-1 teeted cruisers froui six ti eighteen mont'us. while the monitors were from j sixteen to nineteen mouths in arrears. ; "iMtrinsr tlie fisenl year the following vesseis have lieen Dually accepted: '1 ho b .ittlesb.ips Alabama. Wisconsin. . a'nd Hl'liois; the torpedo boats I'.ailey. Ibig ley. lianicy, ISiddle.Shubriok and Stock ton. The torpedo bouts Thornton and Wilkes, and the destroyers Ijjeatur. Perrv ami Preble have been prelimin arily accented. Hetween July 1. IH'C. snd Noveiiilicr 1. P.lrJ, the Thornton has lren liuaily and" the following ves sels preliminarily accepted: The moni tor Arkansas, the torpedo boat destroy ers Harry. Chatincey. Pale. Paul Jones, Truxtou. Whinple aud Wordeu. and the torpedo boat He I.oug." Of new vessels the authorized report continues: "At the last session of Congress the construction of tbe following addi tional vessels f the Navy was author ized: Two battleships, oue to be built at such Navy Yard as the Secretary might designate; two armored cruisers nnd two gunboats. In ptirsua ;i-e of this net the Department without U1,V rv-Tjvoil plans for the construction of tlie two bat'leshlp and directed that v tli ?: of ! beiii. the Conue'.-iicut. j,. ""--,",. ;. once ;l! fie 'vy Yiii'i!, 1 .v York."' oi' t - fnnire of the S;tvy the Sc-!, rcii, y sayr : 'If tin- policy of Nireiigiiieiiing our i' ever upon thej-.'a io ihejwiiiit.wki.'i'-ti -frTam-.TiiTiTi.rto the"Nati.n:il m-ed K not .'i!;.-.t;.!oi:ed. the Navy has mauifo'.d needs .There must l e .niih'i. net iiav;;l nnd en.iPt.g ftatioii';; more ships, rigiit ing .i d .insHinry; and an increase e'lieers and ii!,'n. "The most imperative, need of th- N;ivy to-day is of ndditioiml ottieers. I nnucl overstate this treeo. It. inv iu-s i the Insfnnt attention of 'ongi-ess. The j r."nilr:Nt nu Ion oi the Departmeui ! ! eiabarnssej nlniosi daily by the hie!; ' cf ollect j c. ?'''iiior ' s -' lii u.'ul : j i'l eflh-e. l the ship';, i plefeil. it i -is eai'iy s tielow (-oiii-ti '.iol r;"!''. This ' . mis i--eu apii,..i,-ini: fit's, and v:is de.trly ';'.p'- -! i! .-tnif t! by in v pyedei e.-'r It is ;ieute to day. mi.I. v, In n i 'already ntiihor'zed .are co:i: will be despet'iit it unless there :etion." j The re port -shows thru -at 'present i ther? is a, dePeleney of o7" ofllci's for j the ships of the avy. It -I'eaks oi the ways in which nnre tdlicers nay be obi alned. and aibts: - ' ' I theeefore caVtetly rceoiumeiid , that without a year's delay the mini j ber of niitlshiiiinen (it the -Academy he Increased suttieieiltly to mct-present ; and jiros-pective needs of the service."' I The report continues: I yi-'j'oni time to time diirinii the bi't' '"'forty years attempts nave been made by various foreign tfovoi-nnicnts. as well us by our own, to ntili'e oil nn n fuel for naval service. Fourteen.; ollleinl tests have ueeti made, from j wln,;h valuable iufoinatiou Inn been 'secured. "As M result of the investk'ai ions thus far conducted the Chief of the Un real! of Steam Ensrineei-inreeoinineiiils the Installation of liquid fuel appli ances without delay In at least a third of the torpedo boats anil destroyers. With respect to the birjrer war vessels nml particularly the battleships, the in stallation of liiiuld fuel presents se rious. difficult iei. entirely apart from the question of tbe satisfactory use of oil under boilers.' "In recommending that the (ioverii nietit obtain control of all wireless tel egraph stations the Chief of the Ptl lea.i of Enuipinent says: 'In time of wr.r the department will undoubtedly lied it neeevsM: y f comrni'ltie.'itc ly llieaiis ot W iieless leleyiMpiiy with cer tain reeehin. stations tilom; (he co:st, Nothiinr .should be pcrniilted to interfere with the transmission of ; s'ttrli iiiessiius,. nor shoithl It be po?!- b!e for titiauthorlxed pefsor.s to receive i theei." . i Dlnlrlei Atloriirr Pet Mm l:-enii-oir te.l. Fi-eshlont KooM velt re appointed Po. bmon II. Itetliea I'uiteil states lilsiriet Attorney for the Northern Distri-t of Illinois. Mr. Kefheii is ih- oiiieiv wio (LMthered the ureater part of the I ('eticp which led to the prosecution of the combination of meat packers by tlti Federal tJgvernmcni; ', "."..' Ee-st whets you It -means that h ti ly Jay That KYttvin will ail.Tv) tt th rest. Hp is Jnstic-rl aside by the burryiaj crowd. Unsought by tne U ne!j , forsot by the liro.;d. Ho tarns what tit tree. a:ut r.o more la allowtit To Uk: ft How v:r.u's "doing his best. rul Wh. never a crisis sri?s. w !k To tin- man who ts doing his but. Tbe pHncff: "wlin hti" p:e:dor, th' sage with Ma r'ul! eft fail to answer flic test. And. when there's u home ur a ttuniry ta . ti-rve. We turn to the man with tfcu hear: and the fcerve. The man whom adversity's touch could n.'t strve, Tht man wlsu ke;rt dolnir hlathost. 'VVasliictrt'jn tar. A Phencmenal Doy. A merchant In Chestnut street hat become very fond of an office boy hd engaged last Juse. The boy entered very early in the morning when the merchant was reading the paper. Th latter glanced up and went on read ing without speaking. Alter threa minutes the boy said : . "Excuse sine but I'm in a hurry?" "What do you want?" he was asked. "A job.' ' You do? Well." snorted the man of business, "why -Are you in such a. hurry?" .. - Got to hurry," replied the boy. "LeffschooJ to go to work arid haven't struck anything yet. I can't waste time. If you've got noth ing for me, say so, an J I'll look else where. The only place I tan stop long is where they pay me for it." "When can you come?" aked th i surprised merchant. "Don't have io come." he was told "I'm here now. and would have been to work before till", if you'd said so.'W Philadelphia Ledger and Times. When ihi evolution of history is hell back it results iu a revolution. Thnre Is more Catarrh In this section of the eountry than nil other disease pat together. Slid until the last few year was supposed to be Ineuratile. For a sr.vat ma&j- years doctors pronouneed it a loe;l disease and piiwerilieit local remedies, and by constantly fntling to cure with local treatment, pronounced It in curable. Science has proven-Catarrh to be a eonstlfutioual disease aud therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., is the only eoustitutlonal cure oa the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It Bets direct- ' ly on tho hfoo 1 and mucoiu surfai'S of the system. Tte-v oTer otw hundred d ollars for any cas it fails to cure. Snd furi'lrsulars and testimonials. Addres.4' V. J. Cur stir A Co.. ToMo, O. Sold l v Draifeist. 7.V-. Hail's 'Family Pills an- the ; J-.vcry man has his p: l!Tv s(ir,;l deal le-?s tiuii c, and it's gener !l tsi.'irk it up. rtt!v!.ir3 1. So Bts or oervoi iessatJ'1 diy's 1158 nt "' KUa bervei:'. 'ur,r-n--.... ...... ' - .rrfV lir.ii. it. iCi.isl, - ' ' - -T-, Kl ArehSf.. I hil..t., 1'. - Tlie an 1 win th- l,i- !i,.f .-, r.;, tcjd until you beirm t,j !aik tvtth ti lie all lier Mrs. WiiiaiO-.y's Soot him; Syrup for ehildrea ....i.i.,3uiu-uij.., reuuees iritl. rt uuii.auav - ain.i.'urns wi'.ul e.ilic ":. no iiila ' The of 'K;:4 ten lioiir n-or-king iijy. I:a c.Ubhihc! Ali frciatritS u-e batter not de ,15 .!'!"' .Jo l!?e tut Cc.on. color. Why . i it.M' lici:-. Th. ' a;iU'r.o.itc ' '0 pim-C, p'.ty d is li'r.'ted to a n;;ace i'ltv'f Cum Is the hest mod- In-j we ever ttss.l for nil aiVeailons of t!;ro:it ...ii.t luruj iv-.. Espstrr, Vaaburon. I is it.,, Feb. JO, r.'OO. A Ilciiincr take, oil Hreet rides a veir the avcrsgc, lij The Soiiilihiiul l'!in Miob F-r f. t.iO. ii.u l th1? South b hn (liat. for 2.00, sr-i I ne i.:oht popular hii,''i-;.Trule l.jdles" shoes for t ie price in Aim-ricu. Thev arc SoutUern n.a.'. f-.T .s-ivulicrii Mulds- up-to-date er. the. in substantia! mi iterial eomblneit with arte -tic work'tianl... t, from the ejctetisive riai.i oi iiiuo.K J lki-.v io.,' K'uburg, a. tie:i(i tiii-irBdv. in tld.i paper. Ihj.iie! ;ui, and he tna't help having a ito :ic "One of my daughters ha.i a terrible case of asthma. Wo triL-J almost everything, but without re lief. Vt'e then tried Ayer'sCherry Pectoral and three and one-half bottles-cured her." Jane Entsmingcr, Langsville, O. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral certainly cures manycascs of asthma. And it cures bronchitis, hoarseness, weak lungs, whooping-cough, croup, winter coughs, night coughs, and hard colds. : Three '.'--. esiu'li fnr mi o 'tlnary L eol.l; K. .. Juit r.j,; t ,.r l.n.u -hii.i, liomnr'. le-, ImoI ivl.ic. 'i,-.. f !, i.u.t e.-i.tU'luii-ai p lor uliruulc oi'd ; (. on h.oel. H .1. C. Ai i ll CO., Luno.l, M.MS. ' in in - i i i - ii hi i ism i md . 41). Coirg Hi It sertelw set-tns i:tt; eay . Thitt a te.llcw Is j jP -.- j nr K-. mnn, The deg catcher curti.iivd. .' a, labors Btiould t

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