fit iMl" Sr Jy &' . VOL. II. NO. , PITTSBORO. N. C, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19,. 1902 am HI PR i PMaF hi V CALLED TO ARMS! Yeoeznelans Summoned to Re- sisttbs InYaders Excite ment ia Caracas.. is iRBITRMION Jl.'c Trcprs'tion For a Peace l'I Se':-. foment Made Throueh M-o , iitftf Bower, Hep'y ei , the' Unite Stale;, f W,r,( -rosind. t 'tir.u w. -T.f V ::i"r.''e l4H ;;i.):wt''.ii":: are 1. ri.'fyjii-; i'l.efto ' a'i'.'";lu.,i-ji lie i.uli' of 'il V J'; ' anniei.;? r icin nin.le t With 'it;:i;o. !; t nil!) air :i';e .t;;. .1 ihi etj-.'.-i . I A io' rni ;i 'et;; ' ih .! cutd . IIU:S. ( .'.! !t''V-'i..ii-. '! r .i, t . e;.y c.-v . j- 10 .';.('; f ; ii i j ;;.'!' j '. I'll ':-,i.-.. .!.'.!-. :r. ;!.'.! ;t ;: .. .: fZ'.li-ir,,:! jii.-y ir;et i Is,- i ii-;, .1 AH trfojis :!. t. 1 41 -'i)ay:-a liVrii fa'ra-a. si'lit !) ' 1'W.sluMjt "t:' lis fit .' ui'mi!: iv ti'i.' 1:.:;i'eT !," lie-'ell.tlWt p.(r:y, e.iii In ii i'iV a i.-iM'iie.' a; lai-:i-catl-v. rei-.-t-.. l,i.i :'i:iu i'i;.'--.' him at tlie h. ;:. ! of tiie ireoj1. A l.i..:.-.- depilijU'Oi !:a i I f".t t ...Ml inisi 'oiiiil In t;lii'!' l):e lit il 1 1 in y t.'uvcrii iini;! t,i iNncrftl I.'elaiiiUt. wini ,m1y jo Mel day teas lalnin,' .'ij-aliw l"n fi IiUi t'asiro. 'i'l;e eiohsit en on the. pvopt'rty of Gen eral .Mmios. a re'. (,l!t: i.nii'iy leader, "Inis lieeu l';lied. Garacast. Veneinel.t - The Govern lliel.t. lian.- taken preseft Hiive me;) Mire at I.a Gum tea. All the diposii of cna! at the Niivy Yard tiud all the Urii ili Ciirii on the l.n Gtntyra Uailroad have lieen broitetit here. M-tmeriiii. Ini iHfi'ite the ti ansput'lntitHi of llie allied 'MroopH by mil. General Ferrer, the Jlini"ter of nr. Fiient ;ill day In Iiooh Pitt potn in tlie inmiWHiiin wiierr treiii'iies me to be dm:. . After a 1' ntf eonferenee with l'ret-l-rthni t'nui ro. Fnlted Htnteti MlnUter l?nt 11 obtliitled Nil order fur tlie liber ation of the remainlnj; Hritinb and Ttvti or TinaicitAii widiim. Gerniun ub.1ect whoVere held prison- n( and -an hour later all had been re leed. Mluixter llowen and Secretary of Initiation ilttftxell went to the Jail fl ve times and assisted the poor colored D.I.I. V. b t 1 . 1.. t nn.l thnctii Vi ward 111. Tbe drfeiiRlve preparations at the trateic uoints ou tha heiirhta back U. I '.r - ,' ' -'I r-,v i i f j of La Guayra are being vigorously pushed forward. The. deposits of pow der in the fortresses of Lavlgla and Sau Carlos have beeu removed. Great patriotic demount rat ions are being made, and every one capable of Itearing anus Is offering bis services. The. em bargo placed upon the harbor corpora tion has been removed. Wnshingio!!, D. C.-M!nis(er Cowen, nt Caracas, cabled the State Depart- - - 1 yprzzr. J 1 t' I! I LTt- I I l l Per I" 1 I 3: I; " 'J ff ft' W V ira ir- f:'j ti.fl: 't . .:-r :-i .'.l' r -'--.'-i!kTjtJr-, If:-'-: :-- DT'i't th:i: I'resiileut 'us,Tl. f y.Ur'n..!;.'!'! a:-U"f. hbii 'i , : f. uury ;:i iirw j.:u'; t- Kn:r?aii-I a!i.! . it: ' ! !i-y js:J:i:ii i' aii-'T: .'! v:-: I:- . ; :. .-:,-r--:i 1 i'.' i t .. : i-i . . t.':-l ! 1 ' ..i in v ;"' ii-fii.ff : !!.. fc!i;ve!i-;i-:T;;ve f :i'nt I "s!: :J .s-.a:r Ji:i).:i !;. It v,.;s ssrit'il U.'Jit tin' I'liltvil Sta?e o.Tvi- !' -: t:.:..J li.licrS to '.' t a v M It M-itlenieitt nnii ';-ifj: -v p'.i io do mi by. one .:.! K ' !l'.' 'i lit rti.d et i-ll then a , i'e.ti i i s, iii o,' iix peace pro'i..sal.s Iiy Fit' opiu.iiid.i fci.l.-! wiHiiil end iliO ni.'i.iir. Wluie tlie l'r.i'.Ion: and all of bin advi.wers would like ery llllleh in see Mmisier It im n siit et eil in hi.-: ef t'tirtf in have arliii ration of Gjo pending dHhVubleii agreed in. they are ome ttlirtt tiniiliifnl of his nicecfs, for the reason liiai the joint powere are under fitnd to have rejected a similar pro Wnl frimi Fresiiieut tatro before I he tKillbie bejtan. Itrlllnh AiWiro to Vrnrmtta. , . J.otnlon. ' Foretj;n Keeretary I.ans downe was the piitnipal jiticur at th. nnnntil' 1'iunnie:, jrlven in I.ondnii, of the Fnlted Flub. In tlieeource of bin Mw'orh Ilift LoriUhip tiald. coneeniirii; Veneciiehi: ( "I mlRlit add thai Venezuela' should be content Jo put herself on a moderate allowance in the .matter of revolution. In lex than Keventy yenra Venezuela him inludired In tlie luxury of 101 revo. lut Ions. Three revolution lii'lwo year seema to me to be altopether unrenHo:i nble. "I am clad to ay." lie emioltidpil. '(hut in Vener.tielan wfitern at this 'mo ment .German and llritlsli i wai'shipi and (tailors are actinic side y side in eufofeUi the just demands of these two powers." . Rnglaait Iau it IHrllm r. London. The Tc'orelj;u Gtllee nn nounees that the Itritmh Goveriimcut dlsflalintt responsibility for the ninkhiK of 1 the, Venezuelan 'Vessel off La Guoyra, wnleh it entirely attributes to the Germ an for.ces. MAO MULLAH REPORTED SLAIN. ' I Ntl Rtnin Hays WatKllU.I VMS ' Aden, Arabia. A report has reached here of the assasMlnatton of the Mad Mnllsh in Soinallland. It was brought to tbe coast by a native runner from Oarroro, by wst . of berbera. The Mullah la said to have been killed by a spear thrust In the stomach, Inflicted while he was praying. 1 ItsJI Muhammed Abdullah, the Mad Mullah, so-called, belonged to the Habl Sulletnan Oeaden tribe of Komatlland. lie was In the prime of life and only recently became a dotnhwtut factor iu the military and political sltuntiou of the Trotcclorat of Ronmtilnnd. ' ' VENEZUELAN NAVY SEIZED British and German Naval Forces Capture Four Warships. CASTRO ARRESTS FOPIEiGNERS All HritUh ni! fruau wlr,Jc' In C r- ran Atr"I-lr)TIi OnVotl ; . rnmi ut Irrtnl t'lilitiHtuiiin la the huui'.i Atiif ri iu liublM 1 lirlr Mir. itfr the itA!. I.nlui;.-'A d'spstrli from !aracas. VeuetU'l.i, tiyj-s that the euluiiilVMl l:r!:tlh"iul Cenuun fleets have seized the VeneeiicliU) fleet 'couiitowd of t'otir warships in the Larhor of La fJuayra.- Caraeas, VenBUia. AH German and Kriiisb. m1jeet8 iu t'araias have Leva arretted. l'resideut Castro -recuived a nevT paper eorresiMinJeiit, .and in .'reply t.) gueittious a!d: "The Ven.ezr.elan GoverniLttit h; 0't received any ui'iui.ituni. praicr!y Kptaklu'.'. but rather phuultaneous re : s from Great 1!:'.!;i;d atid 5er in ;i Ity - The clfliujs tJreat I'.ii'M'.n tisi;s tb't 5.jeraiinit t settle :m s-stiKi!. .:!'! x'.i ti.r i'i ti.jie e navtf t!Ot 1 T.ff.ilC if t:!- !ll. -Xvver Ji'iv- V.-4 het n prM!iti ii, Cri"xi: la h:s noi s'jik iitlv i!ever it t 'i iseirh til"'!. Gr;:( lii-it.-i in' net ion i.-.iher.-for; v;th nut juifitje;i!i'iu. "Tile' 'en'7.iiei:t! (overium lit eann' t dethlt on fnrei:j e'tims Ijei'ine lise ion hiiK tet-n entirely iut-hei1. At -present the only aim of the Govern ment, is the re-ostahlUhment -of puh!i? order, and other ones! ions must cec esioyriiy lie fuliservi at to thl objeet. Never. Ijeles. to prove Venezuela'is de Hire to settle all peudina 'l-.titns in a eoiifori;)ahl niHinier, the Government irsaid it d"Tee during the lust epxioti of 'o:vve-, d'uvd. Noveint'er creat ing a c:i' to wliieJi all pendine claiti't fhonhi tie referred. No ehtims huve ih-cti prc.--e:Hed to tUU eoiiitnitU'e. Hinl -'iio claims lrtve been -ie.i. Tlierc bit been no drnlal of Justice. Why. therefore, tientld' fnreijra Ghr.n ei lloi ie tn'ei v:.-i'e. th 'Veby our 'law a.'td , endeavoririjf to violate our National tiovrivijrsny? Wfeaunot nn.lersdiud this aetPm The roiTesjM.H'.'.eii! lie n niil io r'resi delit Caslie: "Whiit di) yon ini-Mid to do in 'view cf thi prencm attitude of tln p-jv-.'ri?V" Presidotit ';'!-li'. rerdi.'d- "'nr'-ii's-.' .ar ri.;i.t- - and -vpla'n to ti:.- w. ; ' ',;:: i ;; : li;s !:iv-: i v. I.'..- ii.ive I;- i i' v! ': our il!-; ; r: V.i.V. I! V...I ' ail-.i tie:lt tl ese ' II- in:i'.'.l I-;-, e t'.ii.ii w v-i 'y -e:t it'.-' !!' - ''' o; Vi-neu. un G. vi : m(." .Ti.e eel r:.;i.)r. tl'il a-Ked TVi"I ih'iit Ga;r.t what c.mi-v.. he in'cniied t i iii'siii hid tlie jiiiwi'in ile"l:ire a lii.ieU.'ide. Th. I'resiileut excused hihiself fhihioLsn fi-hiv' tiiis ipiestkui. Loudon. Gr.iat and Germany have presented - ultiiuattinm to Vene Jtiiela. which will lie followed np by m seizure of the customs, unless a sotis j. factory settlement is fortheoininR wit is j In h brief period. j The ultimatums have a time limit, iJnit tlie exact date cannot be aneer i lai'ie.l here. The Forelcn Gfflcc says. wiin regard to the time limit: "It is a renonable time iu which Vetior.iU'la. can satisfy the injured Gov. eminent. T?i-th notes are proctlcnlly hit -ntlcal. altliotiKb tint amounts of the claims differ. The notes jnerely reiter ate tlie continued dlsrecard of the Ven ezuelan Government of all our repre sentations, sneeify our claims and de mand Immediate action on the part . of President Fastro's Government In con nection therewith." Caracas. Venezuela. The British Minister, W. H. n. Haggard, and the German Charge d'Affalres, Von Pll-Krim-Baltazzl, left Caracas for La Gunyra, where Minister Haggard went on. board the British cruiser Retribu tion and Heir von Pilgrlni-Baltazzl boarded the German cruiser Vineta. Both the British and German lega tions have been closed. Washington. 1. 0. The following telegram was received at the State De portment from H. W, Bowen, I'nlted States Minister at Caracas: "The President of 4'enczuelu has pub lished a letter lu the newspapers stat Ing that foreign creditors must await (he re-eetabllshment of peace; then all promises will be fulfilled." DICKINSON CETS FIFTEEN YEARS The rfclladalphU aaUs-Ma.-BarUr Coavlcta af Crtaaa. Philadelphia. Pa.-Georg Dickinson, kllaa Wescott, who was arrested about ken days ao after a desperate tg at with a policeman, and who was discov ered by the detectives to be a burglar by ulght and a business man by day. Was tried and convicted and sentenced to fifteen yeare in the penitentiary. The police accused - Dickinson of nearly sixty robberies, but could ob tain lepal evidence In only tweiity Hve cases. It Is said loot to the value of nearly f 10,(XK) was recovered by tha police. DEATH ON THE BIG LAKES The Season's List of 140 Sailors Drowned the Largest on Record. I.afc Krie I.rait With the !. tf I Ifly uliir I.Um 1 nrrrase Id FataHtlr iu Ilia Ilrtull of CoIHsIouk. Chicaijo. The t'ftth harvest on th.e H'r;-.t lakes during: the fMko'i of llw'J has hern the greatest recorded, 1 in lives bavins boon hist. The fivures for the last feven years are as follows: '. d"ntbit: ISfiT. M; 3M.K. IO: ISV, lt)0: v.m. no'; jiioi. 331: i:rz, no. Lake Krie, which las-t year, had only 11 deaths eliare. uj ajraiust if. new leads with Ti'.i. Lake-Superior was tlie watery crave of 40, Lake -Michigan had 14. Lake Huron 2'2, and Lake On tario Ti. Ten Mii'ors were Jost in the iH trnit and St. Flair liivers. Notwithstanding the year's large to tal, mx more sailors went down wiili their sliips In 1!1 than In I'.mi. the ' CgttrfH i i'inu' .! and .ri.".. On tlie other (band. 47 men fell 'overboard and were j drowned during the season ust closed, I a biz itieiease over lu'. ; Los of iif' in eollision-i l:iere::f--fd j from j iu t i."j in II'-.'. WRAFPD. CHILD IM PETTICOAT. () in t. lot Snelrif oitiau Tunic Put on Malf-l'---ni-n Infant ja a Mirt Car. ' 0;!.tj;'i. XeVi.-IIy re r-r r.f a little fi t of kindness t i a shivering, poorly lad child on a stnet ear Mrs. Harry Gflrta'n, a wealthy" society woman of Omaha, is the talk of the city, and the comments are all bishly eulogistic. A few days ago Mrs. Fartan got on n street car -to go to her, husband's place cf busincfH to Join h.'m iu a the atrical party. She "atv on the ear a la borins man wjth a yoii'ie baby In his arms: the child was poorly clad, and scefce 1 to be half froz; ii, the weather being bitterly th!. Mrs. Fartan arose from her s,-at and calmly removed her silk petticoat, then, walking down lhe fish. siYe asked tlie roan's permis'nn to wrap tiie gnrine'nt around the infant,-. He made no ob jection, and shev tenderly took the young batiy in her arms and wrappeil the wfinn: soft petticoat around it. then laid i! bavk in thefather's arm". 'I'hen -he ouietiy tot.k lier seat 0 .train, the udii'irii'g. approving gaze of every person in tlu c.r resting on lier. . Mrs. Fartan was Mis Sad: Nash, the dnu-ih'er of ii;.- Secretary, and Treasurer of tlie Sn:;lier Trust. . DC fIRE W ATLANTA. i;iilit ittoifJnnroriEiif'.f'itir Bniit(t- ''' i;e'i Ncrty JOO.OCO. is.': .il. I ;i Wlpetl otil ;:;ii: --t . ":' 1 - Si-itis. s in Ft-- l.-,t ''i.e. ' '.:'! v ;i b'-s i ,::,i,-:f 'sir I .'! -" :i 1 i-fi ..f 1 ''). The n i' I : ii. - y i i t ) ; i i :. ,:i lie- ! :m. s'.i,.' - -.. .i--:i;,- .. . ; , .: . .!.'! v. : h' , '.;, ''. "..;...v. ..'r:.' Ji-' V;'' !:.''.'...,i.i.:.!.:.:.r't. r;;V. ' .' '.'i't, r :i np larj'iy t.-jiii iii ''. if pltysiv.aiis, -letr.ii-ts and ft eit.t. . Irtitlt ' biiildiaas v.csv 'e ttoy. d. 'The bvihlitig tn'.ioinittir ti:e X :-i ;.! Li'.ililiii'ir. on M-ir.ietta sire, t, ai 11 t as d. . & 'i'lit- Williams Hiitise, n small 'hod 1 iiieated oil the Upper Hour of the .Pi cobs Pharmacy Building, coutaiutd about si.ty-live lodgers, all of whom escaped. INDIANS SAW OFF MAN'S FEET. Then Cioatt Him to Walk on Sliinitu l' n. til lie Plea. Bissbee, Ariz. Colonel Kosterllstski bus received from tlie Mayor of Rio aipil, Mexico, a letter giving an ac count of the tragic deuth of "California Han" Hyan, chief of scouts under General Luis Torres. Ryan and George W. Wilson were sent out on a scout. They were sur prised and taken prisoners by the Ta mils, tried by a council of war, and "California Don" was condemned to death, Wilson being acquitted. In the presence of Wilson the Ya quls with dull saw cut off the feet of "California Dan" just above the ankles. Then they unbound him. and by goading him they compiled him to walk until he fell dead in the brush. SUSPICIOUS ST. LOUIS DEATHS. 8I1 Paraoni, Relative, Nearly All Insured, Pail Away In Eleven Montln.' St. Louis, Mo. Deputy Coroner Boogher. in an official, statement de clared that the result of the Impiest held over the body of Mrs. Karl Smith, whose death was the sixth occurring during the lust eleven months of per sons nearly related, revealed the fact that all of the dead, except a baby, had been Insured. Nearly all of the six persons died suddenly. The fact that they were in sured, and that they nil exhibited simi lar symptoms, caused tbe intjuest to beheld. . RIVER ABANDONS A TOWN. Chaages Its Canrao, Suddenly Cutting OB Water Supply. f Nebraska City, Neb. Nebraska City Is without water, due to tbe Missouri River channel changing. The water pipe which . extended Into the river sticks out of dry sand, and there Is not a drop of water to come through It. This condition of affaire has been wrought In twelve hours, and the town Is now two miles from the river. An entire new channel has been made by the sudden jump tlvfe river has taken far. to the eastward' of the city. The city la without Are protection, and should a blase occur, tbe entire town would be burned up, PIRACY NEAR MANILA BAY Desperadces Lei ,.by a'h American Rob Passengers cf $!?.00D. rttett Tlir!fiif( to Kill Alt Hann oa , tUe Jiric If Tlicj Kid Not Wvrp yuirl liM-apetl. Viet or !n, I-!. F. The steamer Shsw nui;,. fr.mi Manila, brings news of pir acy in the Philippines, the dcspradocs being led by an American. Tlie lei Jhiri'ja, from Fa.tanuau, Tyaba. Province, for Mnuila, bad beaten up the coast and was bcahned off Favite Cay. She had as. passengers five Fhi tiese merchants, who were on their way to Manila to purchase goods. In the night a sloop came alongside find six men climbed over the rail and Im niedinttly overpowered the Chinese crew, binding all hands with ropes. One of the pirates was an American dressed as an Inspector of constabu lary. Two of his followers' also wore constabulary uniforms and carried re. voivers, us did the American. The le mnir.h'g three , Filipinos were a ruled with bolos. On ihe pirates rrnchig the deck of the Marh-Ia. the leader .said Hint be ! w:- a hoard of health inspector, and in'ei -d'd to search the ves.-I for arms and ;iiiii:i unition. When n. cr- ws ov- "i iv, red ! Chinese v- ere lifottght fo:ih. nt'd at the points of revolvers were mad-1 to, give - up their money, alumt SlT.ono, Tin oiiates embarked in th.-ir boat again, and heading toward Favite. threatened to kill all hands ou the brig if they did not keep quiet. When the Maricia arrived at Manila the customs officers were informed, but 110 clew was found to the robbers. PORTO RICO MAtfINC PROCRESS. ' Governor Hunt' nurt Sliotra a Steady j ' Adanremeut. . Washington, I). F. -The report, of. 1 Coven or Hunt, of Porto Rico, dated i Jt'ly Id. 1fX2. just made public, is the 1 second one presented since the In.'iugu- ration etf civil government. It advises 1 the Priident of healthy progress and f steady cdvaneement throughout the isl ; and in nil substantial respects. It ; states that tlierc lias been progress in 1 comprehension of the Institutions of j the Fnlted States; that administration i in municipal affairs has improved: that j education is 'spreading its good inftu i ences; that more land has been cult I : vt.tted. exports and imports have in-icn-as il. new roads have beeil built, 1 ihe telegraph sysreui has been extend ed, the health of the pe.tpl" is belter ; an;', the '-ath r.-ne has decreased. Stt::t'.r is r r;r.i''l-'d as tlie jii-.i it j!.'il croji of tic ishiud. end It is siat'e,! Frit! the i 'P of lit'C is the !arge-t, .s"n : ii,e ever pr.iilttced. In comnierce iitl n ,.::- ; s"; (!!!' ; a 1 i'im ri'aliie in,' n" iii:" -. Tito vuJue of i:;i!-;r!s ;'r w. the - Fi:ed Sitn-s'for Ft- !,- fwl yc : r .;i'-.;i'!-.i :' TfV.:! j. )i.ipo;-i-! fn::i . !'. ' ': ij C li'Tit .'Mi5lli!;-il I I '.'.1'!.- .! ': ihe n pert I'r.-iiii P.m-t li-ct to i'..o Foiled, Si.-'P' tu th- s.-imo p-ei't-l .,.,, 1M J'S -,4o,l ;J;-;J in f,,rt,:g.j ccmiHt"; i.r.:C5ti., C.EAT KiLE. RESERVOIR CFEN'ED. Klit'dive Tutim Key anil DiirtietK of Cnu nanclit I.iitk Isnt tnne, ' Assouan. Kgypt The. great Nile ro S'rvoir iii. il. liam were opened in tiie presence of the Khedive, the Duke and Duchess of Coiimuight, Lord Cromer, the Brtish ng'tit Consul General in Kgypt, and Lady Cromer, the Minis ters and many other distinguished, persons. Tlie ceremony took place In the after noon, when the Khedive turned a key which put the electric machinery, in motion, whereupon the sluice-gates were opened and a great body of water rushed through them. The Duchess of Connaught then laid the last -stone of the dam. the foumbiton stone of which was laid by the Duke of Connaught on February 12. ISO'.). WHALE STUCK IN PROW. A Steainehlp Ttaa Into the Leviathan, Itreaklnjt It Hark. San Francisco, Cal. The steamship Siena, which has arrived from Austra lia, reports that while steaming at tbe rate of sixteen knots the vessel struck a whale, breaking its back ond cutting it so deeply that the huge body stuck firmly on the vessel's stem. The steamer was Immediately slowed down, but the whale's carcass re mained fast to the stem, and It was only upon coming to a full stop and going some litle distance astern that the whale was thrown off. Tlie vessel was not damaged. Town Spring I'p In a Night. Dagle City. Oklahoma, a few days ago, was corn fields and raw prairie. On the following morning It was a town of 2000 inhabitants, with a cimi plete municipal organization, a bank In operation, a dally newspaper estab lished, a fairly good hotel, four restau rants, seven saloons, at lesst a score of mercantile establishments, and no end of gambling housfs. It looks now as1 If Eagle City will' have-WO-residents soon. It Is to be a: division point on the San Francisco line. Mexlea U Pay Ploa Paad Award. . Secretary of the Treasury I.lmnn tour has asked the Mexican Congress to authorise the payment of , $1,420. (582.67 In Mexican currency to the I'nl ted States Government, together with $43,050.00 as Interest thereon, In ac cordance with the award in tbe matter of the Tlous Fund. The, former pay ment is to be made , within eight montha from October 14, and the lat ter February 2, 1903. BAPIbl STATE CtVtLNTICN. urge uamermg 01 influential inris . 1 , l s Durham, Special. The , State con vention of the Baptihta .of North luia met hero on Thursday with a full S attendance of deb-gates and many prominent visitors. Tl:e-,c were royaily welcomed and hospitably -utor-tainvd by the city. The reports ou dt nominal ionul progress I mi all part, of the Stale were highly en I titiutaing. !' I'leiay o session- were of mure thai j of nary ini ei est. : The report on g'-n rni education ! precipitated a discussion wLh h vu the feature of tb morning 'a &efian; lu the t ourte of the discin slon Dr. C. I S. Blackwt'll charged that oaie Bap-. j tist schools were receiving State aid. ; a thin opposed 10 Baptist principles, j it was aduiitt'o that this was true to I some extent. Hit ' -was the exception. not the rule. j K v. Mr. Piftmac e.fff red a resolu tion to instruct the Baptist Ihx s Store to pay to Edwards .ti Uriiightcn a debt cf contracted by the Jihitorical Sot let in the, j ubllcaiion of the quar terly historical papery now discon tinued, Messrs. JJailey, i'ittman. Huf hfcu) :uui IirouKhpin spok-? 10 this reaw-. I lution, which was adopted, i The' it port of the tommittee. on gen j eral education e- read, by Chairman i of the Committee A."w.s.t..r; as .f-rt!-: ! lOWS' '. "if at tivity-is a sign of iife, Xortit j Carolina is more alive than at any i time in lier past history. Fnti! recently j our State has been a sleeping giant; i it is now waking, and in its waking niomen's. even, is attracting attention j far and near. We can say" not bing of the State commercially or industrially, that more could not be said of her edu cationally. "Public education was never so popular as It Is, commanding, as it does, the best thought and energies of the best citizens. Your comraitteij recommends that this convention at- ! test lis interest-in public education by j calling upon the General Assembly, i soon to convene, to make, such special j appropriation to the public schools as j may be neccssaTy to insure a four j months term in each school district,, j ' "The interest in de'nominationa.1 i schools has kept pace with the. grow j ing Interest in public education. In j fact, the leaders in denominational j school work have all the time been I numbered among the vanguard of thu j forces battling for public education. If it is true that a denomination's life and usefulness are measured by it intelligence, the educational quest loa is tmc that should command the pro fotindcst considt-ration. Wo f:e(u -nt!y i hear it said that the Baptist onti xik ; in ' North Fa "ditiJi was never brighier 1 than it. is;. The Intercut of F: (ienoiiii' ' nation in education 11,1s u,v!, ih ? v';t ' look v-bat it i-. Take fr.-:s ::s V.'aivt ; F.irt Foip-gc, tip. I'Kiv.lielty at Kai , :'!h and !" riinneiv u.- .::-s'::':V::HtUl J ?e!:oi'!s, toj;cvi!-..T v. ':.h ?!'. ji.'ivaptj -si h.u-'s ma nag' .1 ! i '":!( scat , ' 1 1 "1 over iu' S:a;-. ! ; ill 'n.u ; ftom us .o'lr future .. a tu.'iitits.'iud- i ' We niCiko the f. ;-.'!;;.; (Vnir.iioit ; frojli the report ; Vve eon -pittee rni j century fund at ii; ! "! v .-.:) el tnit body: The cor-.; 'e . rn-ani.i ju'on C school work in tiie State will affect every fibre of our d. nnmj'iai fonal life. Baptint schtHi'Ia tn:tgh: iy iiXptist men and wotticn for Baptist young people. ' an.l ultimately co-tirdinat, d into a practical' , Hy:'ten, will greatly strt ngthenlng our cause. "YOur committee ludieves the tinid has come when there should be . closer organic union existing between our Baptist schools. Wo recommend, therefore, the eppointment of a com mittee of seven to report on plans and time of introducing a system of cor relation." Mr. J. W, Bailey introduced the fo!-, lowing supplementary report: , "The undersignel committee wa3 Instructed on last . Wednesday by conference of Baptist ' secondary school men to request the Baptise .State Convention to appoint a stand ing committee on our schools, with, with the view to,takitit; up the subject ft f.mnilfKT ftit liictllvilliAtiu Intn n t. , - '1 It'll, .1.1,3 V'VIl f l.f, 1 11. Llllia IU1U C. t tem." At the afternoon session, the boardst of m!Ktnni nrtil Sniolav Rehonl nml of education were reappointed. Rev: W. B. Reddish offered a report on wo man's work. One-fourth of the - mis sionary contributions came from tin women's societies'.' C. W. Blanchardi read the report on obituaries, men tioning Revs. T. F. Toon, P. W. John son'. A. A. Marshall. Dennis Simmons, TV K. Proctor, J. L. , l.ankford. C. G. .Tories. S. Gilmore. A.'U. I'ittman. R. W Rrooks. J. B. Davis, O. F. Mairt wartng. Joseph Bennett, Wm. M. Brooks, Haywood Morris, B. V. N. Sinims Introduced resolutions of svm- paihy In the death of Rev. .V. C. Nor man. of Durham, Rev. Wr. C. Tyret raid Mr, Norman's memory a beauti ful tribute. Rc-v. I. C. Troy and Dr. h F.. Skinner also spoke. Christian! unity was emphasized and the cou vcn'tlon rose and sang "Blest Beyfh" Tie." V ' A resolution, . introduced by A, Johnson, in favor of a StateTeforma torv for youthful criminals, waa passed. A resolution to raise not ex ceeding $.100 a year forWriting a his tory of the North Carolina Baptist was passed. Dr. J. D. Hufham will llkrtv be emploved. 1 J. AV. Bailey moved the appointment of a. committee to bring aboat a.mld sumni'r meeting of the Baptists of North Carolina. Dr. A. C. Barron, J. D. Hufham and S. J. Porter spok and the r.iotldn was unanimously pata- " ed. The com;itt.e h cO'Tipoeel of W. C. Tyree. N. B. Boughton. Neil John son.' A. Johnson aftd J. W. Bailey. The night session closed one of th busiest and best dayg of the convene lion." .