maw M II 1 I n hi i in III I . - II VOL. II. NO. 15h PITTSBOItO. N. C, WEDNESDAY, AFIilL 8, 190: SLSUTcir . V 3 1 111 STATE 1118 V SI a Newsy Items Cleaned From ttur !!: to ftanteo. MARKETS. . , , . , . Wh.-ut .. ..'.'. Bacon . ...... . . .... . ' )Vir.f; .'. ..- Si-:!.; , C-aiUtud P-.saMis.', . . i .' ;.!r, . . . ... .'42 '. .KS . . ..12 12 ..'.12 i--:r:n .zs . . . . .& 3 4 CauJi. live. . . . .. .' . . ,. tfA CHICAGO GRAIN AND FF.CCUCF. TUn grain and prevteicaij raarket v fBTi'-jicfd auiKl.-or 3, rkt and IftKiap; 'prtttW wore louer tii Woofid; May sheet bftlu;; off -1-4: tm lo'r J o&( "VinrtB 1-i'a:S; visions were twta 12 .1-2 tt 22 irt lower. State News, Ii p. V!t;,in and V. I". Ada..;, ;t It .'.n.k:.: .1 young siiB .of iar'.pc ln afjwsraaci, arr-:ne-l the l--la:nl li; tel in Ch-darc Tu--i i-iy i45e a warrant wa cjt tor Post-:;fr Hsprrtyr 1. X. Da-.!. Mr. '. urr rt.-?'i warrant. Thcst; I 5 if 3 a -suspected or U'i'.5 Sti!fy rf i,r?ft!;i: !ut, the pne-tlb e M V. Olive,, ia W"aye om'.y..'oi:-v -ia? . th pts.doSl- saf- atvi tak'.t.'' tae!frrm fr, tn numey and abov. . 5"'-' :! ?".",. i: !,iii-s. . P nJ Vi t.B an.' AtTaru ;r i ) , J viyw-oosly. bayia? tint w!-tk'? . hn-. hv-rn'c aril i.?..---; did on: tbioit it list in r ''V' :? ii.-w---!' t; r'iu:rij thci to ). ..ji.-i ciii!.i'a;.d; I hit ihoy t-r.' b-"Jt'j', J -a-orKias Ui.-u. and tUougi: -;n-uav !. hfiaci lo Iw a(;;i:!it ih-'M, !.! vft !,nu"!i of any wr.ja-i.i''-ia;;. C'. f'VH'.s-;.iOij(T '.'.iv .v !i :.:.;!! .1 bo'h Vt'r a ff.:1 or $' j-h. rs;i isar. to i ;-vv tb. Jiipr wr taKa t j A yc-iitic . "::- risTi nini" 1 H. H. I''.rr, who ;. J. is batr. is In. It -ch H'M. ia l-fJ'i'.v-'' th ' r.r:r In C'.iar io.' Wfc.'ifsiby ' Morn ins v!tari;cl wit'i Vcjn,-; tit, .nit In ibf 5-ou:v n w;l:f'".i ;'(,i';l ct V tf! Trr.:i? flr'ti ii 4b:!t -ity. I'. i'r;' did n 1 i.y !; :-har? . it" s.1'! i t-. .1 :i.g dr..nk .ai-J s;d :ha r-' is-l 7n" uow: fr -n Huntwri-k Tv-.:.m.r.y a!tvri!v. with is Ji's; j.d ; t v. an;t when t' i-anip.i- ttmscf nt-'t i-M :Ti:'n;t I.!- tvily I:;:d 2.S:"'.- Ti'!-r ..--r..- t yotfc v. Of. t 'I' ll t;' 1 1 i:- l rai' i ! t" V,' : : -,rt'.l thnt tV Santu-u 'iil rrcdvcJ fifty-ifv-'i ;:. r.- ! . tin y a;-" i - r' ; s' si i-s- it'it ; i .' (.'; "1 J;.t i'V 3 ' ' --t l I' en t, : w ir.ufl'-ti.; b "- usiw for t.''" : t;. t tf I'i t.notiv.' bni' bv? -rf-.'T'-. ar .. h'nd wit!s 9. ;-i. Tl'" : : l, . ; : (:; ! ! : -v n bao'y in' ' f ?-hi:tb-:i;.i moUj'-p,.wf-r, ar.! It ;.? ' . : ! that vhv :: jwf; rfr'-Ivtd ;! :ry M.ii;rai ly rlif-f the ;'.:t'iu: io.r, .; t! : I';;:.'. IJ, 'd ',r.--",i-.-'.'vo. Is I ; b.-i!!tt t'..t !i;,:;;i' t S. A. S i. u. . cu the rrty.of Orf-BKl.oi-a fr '.o.'.irH it.T-tJined by his i:dlo d.civlnw iii faii af, tbrfi-iHi t'i'"' fk't.fiu.' at thp (.;ra.'i.I n the o,-.'i:o!i of the fntf rtaiuitifiiit tivr-M by pii(;K of (';" i r.i U d s iiouls f-'tvira! w .-i s asu. lb cuma'on.t wa ;-i-rv.:1 Moadiy. bs; th't eora;dain ha itjt y c-t l.i:i fii,"l. It nc.Jht be in by tlir tn t t of mart. W'.ll llatria,' I he nwo rtwycrado. w ho has on ii ;re tlian one o apion terrnr!.'d tf.e. R-.t;'ar Vr- k t;'i tion of. Mi'rklenbfic c.ti:ty by ulnr the mid lKat to-w :j. wat arrcftcd W-'dnr lay in Xarf .'!-. and I. ':' in Jail hi th-f tdy. Wiil Ua'rl wanted in Mi-oi- . b'pi-urp f.';- t- tn:my erliifs that It would he -;r-c:''.l. !!?! JifTh-ttli 1 i n- Wrurrtt'1 'i ,"ltt in. iff wl'l be bright ht' k f- ("r' tt AVhde ! w.'i ; i'!' .1' ii ,u; jd n n-viviii in jrf$Hi v i- fit ft (.!; t-il H.i jitiVit rbiir. h In cast WiltnlBKtir.n 'TufsdHy nleht. Kev. M."W. Ii.-Vane. i !ord. of V.'il inlnKluu. ! t bis Ihhh .htiJi blimey, tthif'h ;;.' t!'d to the ihi'rili yard. Sitrak trirvc. fiipp d nil In the erovf jiii.i drov.; ','-n an, null away. Thi prop erty' had, ti'.it been rci tiveic?! next rnoniiiK. John C'pt'r, eniowA, wa tirride.1 .In WilmlWK'ort bfiore day 'Ve:ine-day i),iinlnp o!( a wirnint from I'lorcui'i'. . V.. eh."; yin-; hint vlib bttrplap-.f An dYicor w : r.irefcd Wedneiday nlj;bt to .Identity ihfi tu'jtra and takf liim hk 10 1 :'M''r.( f if he con S; lit (.(I to CO ywithout ; "'fitijn hr.ptns.. It was i t .t, te I In! rc't,'-o :t nr tiled. Id;;'. ,1. 5'. Morpun has jtone to the iild (I" 'ni-'ips it. KiMMiii in the Htrt.stsh' : i.ontrol of ih Ko'.iilifu, Paritb". . ' Liltlotoa t-Vtnale Colle!?, Idttleton. 1.4 prejiarlh;; tnr a great cnmmeiirer tnent the Lift week ' My- Hifhop A, Coke Sulth will jneaoU h anntml aer- mon. ur. v. -r . ueui, or nnnviiie, Tenn.. will cloliver th mit!lonary-ad dret8 and Gov. Ayrook will deliver lha literary address". New In Drlef. 0n thotiKand men arc reported. 'to have been killed or wounded In a pal- le betweon wiiKtman nauits and Turkish troopx In the Okrlda district of .Vi.eedonbt. . Premier Com ties stated In th Fptieh C'hatViber of Deputies tlutt Uti Hil'shitm enters were taking a threau xuizi aai vlokat nuitu,a. ' BANK CLERK SHORT. will Ee Prosecuted by the tailed Stales. HELD UNDER ARREST IN ATLANTA j Hallmati Snis, a Trusted Employe ol the (late City National Bards, j Charged tlcavv Dcfo 'cations, - Atlay-'a. Special. G.. Hallman Shns, coikH'tioB ('."rli for th ,Capital City Xjiioni r.auk, h:;s "b'vn p'.a cl undt-r irrcKt by United Stitos Deputy Mar sha! Sratt. v.xou a y arrant sworn' out by Preslient Spwr, of th-? bank. rcaiTing ir:ts with .;nibv.?;iing a uin tlned av fffarly , lyi.tMMl. Sims ia cow hd.i tt 'ihi? Piedtunct Hotel by th- dpnty marbUal. ,H. refuses t-.i talk about iiv affair. Tlw 3rt KUipiYlon of a shortagt- in Stias' arcouiils ar;.i. Saturday. Expirt artuntat:is innnfd'au!y bepan work oa toe t-x-ki 'and it v?...-, pooji discks,fd that lart'' ij!nK had bt-n ahrrn-i:t pi vartotw tiRSi-f.. I'l'i -;iil ins bark wv ral yrars. Th warrant was th?n sw r-rn tv by thp prtv:ii'cc ut ' (be batik. Sim bad b'ea iu h. nice wf th baJl; f..r fc yiar. and war. ...nsid f:d cn' cf iht'ir novt tru.-t ii im- pbt-s,. Hi. ---,i--d in i'j of Atlanta s-xivty -ad i, is was :x yjuns tiii'to vf faNhivti. Pro;cin ut ot.iiidf b,n' havf mc-ue a thsToush txaa iHatbiu cf ibi hank's cronddi:n and fcav etvi.n out a t'SBfd s'av!npiit that it U abo-' InUdy stif". A portion f-tl-c kf!:a t'on is cnvT-d' by Sims' bund aa'J 1st? aisn owns eotn' i-oii'T'y. wbirli will U. turned ov-r to the bank. Thr din o-im-s ftatc (bat thi- ;;-siou:it ;f tln to fai' aii-.i ha: bffn .fcprf-d to udiii!vd r.ruilts. Xatitnid Kx-a-i.:i;cr D' -aur-sii'ure ai.-:. staU .tint tin.' 1 ur.k Is In ho dair;r! Sm, who ims ad tail td his j-uUt. wu! be oros. '-1 i ' th.' t'rit. d i? uu o khm;i n.iiH.. !i is nnniarriod-aaj is tbp -! ri.. I. jSitiis. a !;ar.t of suburb;.. Kirk' .f At!at?a; ' W iihjsh 5tr:k? Over. f f. Un:. ' 5al. Afiei; f.;nr . taatths of erntioreisy between the jrr :vjf-s of i'i!-i W.r... ! t, and tbe s omclalai of that yst''!;i, during; whi.h ft or.'1'-time a strike war-- Unminent ard wa;i prevvnn d uy by at:i Injunctiju ! rettaining th em;d-.n.s from viioating (!'!; P'i.t?. end wl.b h i!ii::n. S;:;!i ! -V l.'.t V. i .. ';,. the .ii.-- .-. jtrt..1:; v,o CtsaUy aa.rr.t ;d and the ; ;ntr:v.ri'y iitisfr.i t .;t "y ...Hlb-d. Ofti i cia!i$ of the br-.i"uML,K;;i' rfir-'.-ntiitg i, ; ,'.: iidare th .f?:t!-;net. in futisfactory aud is a-wr-e;d j for org;.nlz'''S i'lbo;-.' The Wa'oash ofil . f !:is i'.i ' bire thai all differetirtfi' wltU ; th:- nudoyess h.iv beon tirally tcrici S).ited In a Katlsfaftory tnaiine:' a.i.i ; that their filiate r( !iiti; :ii ia nil piou J ability will be n;o'-t hariaon:.)ns. riiv ! following are the nrnhi points' ent:- braced in the si-ttlement : Twi.Ive ;..r I cent. i'.ii r .'Vi! for rondm tors, brake- luen and baKag" men in the paascn-f-i-r. s. rvioori and 1,1 per cent, f ir con ductors' and hrakenteu in th freight B"rvif.f ovpr the ratoa whl.'h vxintcd i Janiiiiry 1, K'l2. wet of the Mississippi river. 'or thp flretnrn, ini renbes worn granted on the Canadian linrs in ae-eordi'm-e with the Canada FnnthTn J division -of the Michigan Central. On j the lines la the P tilted Stated r.iate I rial increat-cs and ... ImprovrntPtils in wot king conthtlniu (on' ranted tli" llretnen. (Cant of-th MissiK.dppI river, the rates will be bfesta up to thin .standard when competing iin in the I tiaine territory tha II prant fiirnilar in j itukws. . The yardmen received a snb- matuim i varyms tn tiinrent loe.tlllieH. I'here Ik an entire. revision cf rule applying to ail classes of traiii rerviee. This wa; the main bone of contention mid wan granted In its en tirety; lit Hands of Rec river. Al run. 0., Special. Th" pbint of tb" Aldtimin, Miller Co., wan n fact urrrii of Imidmeiitn. .was. lain Saturday . placed in Uic hanui of a re- fiver, on application Oi " )n. ' Qcoruo H. Cronso, proMideut ef the companv. He and M. P. ' -Mcintosh, of Cleveland. yvre appointed receiver.". The liabili ties are placed nt. $l,XiiUtiu with usaeta exceeding that amount. To Ulcu Heavy SulJi'cts. Philadelphia, Special. The aevenih annual meeting of the Academy of Po DJ.lcal.and Sotdal ..Sdenec '..Will, bo lield In this' ilty on Friday and Saturday, April 17 and IS. The general topic for discussion will" ho "The Pnlte.l States and Latin America." 'arid men .promi nent in diplomatic, tdrcloa. both lu this country and In l.ntln America, will rpcak on the relations of the United States ,to Smith and Central America. "The polity of tlje Pnilel. jStateii In Conflicts Pet ween Km ope and I,r'!v Atuerlea,'' .In one topic to bo dUtcu-. -nud will ri'Mttlt. lu'. consideration ol -j Vftienit !ru qutMlnii. THE PfiESlDEHT IN CHICAGO te Dcjscct; She Monroe DcclrSr.e Ee!ore a Great Audience. WAMTS A ZZ li'AVY EEH1MD IT Thf C'ulvt-clljr . f t'iiir-ira Conff-n-. cm Him th" Weercp mf I.I..l).Iurlo "It In 'tour Thrancii Ti--nin , II "pi-nUn on Trixt. H-l Cumninitn the TIceBt Antt-Tru.l cij ! oqcivak. Chieaso. .IH. Wli"- President P.vwe. Ve!t swpp'd from h special ryrShtr v.-as :oicivi-0 by Mayor Jl.trrismi and a special rece.niiou eeniiiiitlee, jvit. t uiniioa a bue crowd, which made it prwia- known by chtvrs whieli emtid be heard across ttc river. The -proj.rat'1 j i cpiired l or the i'w dei' fiftcrn l.'tui' stay iu tbi city ?rvM,--d for an i:;. mediate tea to iCvsiiTiton. w'r;-u!e,'u iiiiitu to the ):oth wv55, a brief adtif iler- to the Mhi tieiili. r the .Vltiiv,-.e!:t rniveSKtly: Inrx-hr-tiu xu ttu Aud.tuifutu Anitfx, a trip t!.v I :.iro"-',;r f "h !-.. u- to rci ivc the dc "r.-.- f l.T. l !.-!iii;-t iii tin- Audiionirn r. n a iav;oj;: ii; ;!. t-t'i:i:..j.-., at wiio-li :iic Pr--iideut deliv-e-nl i'f:i. vf the i:ist i'rnil-.e.-'lit sd r..s.)s ' U;. teur.- vit ihe Munreo JK-e-iri'j-'. After JuaehfV.y the sian fir th I'ni vr.i.ty of a: toadc iu :.: ria . At ii-e a-.o: o.-o ii cf the univer-t-ity v'.'lHU.iN lite 3?;:ny ias by lit fai'tihy nud trsiee Jn cap and ''ii. I-,d -t'y Pa-dd'eiti lini-ifo;. A fe.v mi:;-, tiles' wi'iv s) f i hi 'io;,M.i;ii't'')ji.-'. and 'ho 2oO r'..''e.-siir i-Mt-:-ii .1 ihe l'resi-th-rt between nie of .;o'io ninb'ttt." of the n;.ivtrMiy nr.d Merau 1'ark A-ad-euiy i i Kt-!;t Tia,re. xv!ire Pti-f-id-nt Itatitv!' eoiiie.Tcd tic desre of LI..I. After :m hii'oriiiat ijiuoir. at wbi i l."'i ri'v.s p'.e;'e-it. the Prc;d'-ut : n-. c:i-d i, ti e A'.eiiii.'i'iucl. iX 1 ;ii!!".-'J:.1 :i . . : ' s ill a hall, ! S"':(tli.i; c.-ijui-ity of vvhi-h i ottiy .".k.. ;:-ivc j jitlmi.istie tovi ','.r.n to i'ros:.l"'iit H.i.-iy-veJi win U he 'epo' d. HJdh t!; tii.'c of .jh Atniiiorittni. II1'. ) tbo' pas-sau-oviiVs Icadiu;; ! I he had from the lower ii. r .'imiuc "d with !o:r dreds ef li.ct:. tvio iin.-.ide i.) hear a w'.ed of t iu- I'tvi-M-nt's address. . ile taid iii part : . " Is- a lttmovy old ;!::!. which rrdi: 'S.oc.ik wo t y and r'trry a bis ' stick: y.ia will uo tar.'. I1' th' Attn-ri- an uaiiiitt vriH a':; Voftly. iii!,! y-t bltibl. and k eti at a pitch of i.he h.h--.-,, training' :i .th.irotlh!,v i !ti-i' at navy, ilo- Monroe J.a. trine wiil 'sto i'ar. I c-: j no to ihhik over ; ti i .-s. "in t'l'- hist two yc.irfi, I a'.i hi: py u s."0'. we hs'Vi- l.'-koi I''::..; Miiu s in nd r,u c as r,-sar' .-ur navy. Too last i'. r j;-,-. --s. in ;i.idi,'i-.n. to -.notlb-f a -viis. icoiidi',' .'life ,'ii' :1c. v I'cr'uioaUh' lifiiiii::;. sl.ij'M itj-otl wuieb tile r-;i! o!ti c.i. n-.y of Miy iiavy 'u var t'ltia-'eiy ; i';j,ts. J -t !"rii i h-O, 'aci't cv; ;,ic ;c , . ;-.'.! ry a ioo'' !i ei:.-er ri d i i ; 1 i -; 1 1 1 ;i:ea o iaai.e ii.,' hio wiO'ijc h;iv:.. ' ; .. Navy Jn'nrrt- liicltl hs n-vii vi it t'.'tcj au;'..t:ii.-i:a t'e I e -a ei -iis! .: ntly t-xi n-Wt-d at se'i, v.'ii ft lie r .-it -iiin:-. atid iu liiaiietM-f s. m iii:;! j ii ir eib ot.. v as iihiiMi. ituo -. !iiti iiidi1 ciualiy v.' actin;; ;o erin'r, ha - be-oi Mea.niy intproved. : "J: i impossible to inoiro-.'isc a l.ivy at the oiiiM't .f 'war. No rc-cm war between r r.y nafions lias lasted, as loiijf :'.s it, takes to build a ha i tie fiiip. "To lay up a br.t;leshlp and only H'lid It auoai at the outset of a war with a raw crew and untried otiieers would he not 'merely a folly, but a crime., for it would invite l oth disas ter and disgrace. 'The navy which so quickly decided' iu our favor tha war of ls.'S had been .built and mad';-i tiicieni dttrin;; the pre ceiling lifte ot yea iv, "It Is too late lu prepare fur war when war has cm.ue; and if we only prepare suilleiciiily no war will ever come. 'V wi.-li a pnweriul and oU eieiit navy, nut for purpose of war. but its the surest j.uarynty of peace. "if we have sncb a navy ii' we keen on building it U we may rest assured that there is. bill th ? smallest chaneo that trouble wiil ever come to this nation: and we may likewise rest as sured that U" fo'.el;;n power wiil ever nuarrel with usaiiout the Monica; Dcetriue." lOiimrvrlt In Vinrunln, Milwaukee. 'Wis. President P.orxe-. vel't wits the guest of th, Milwaukee Merchants' and Manufacturer' Asso ciation at n bamiuei at the 1'lanUluton House, the ecetisioii being the climax of the President's ten-hour visit to Mil waukee. Covens were laid for o.'iO. . After the bano.uet bad been served the toasttoaster 'introduced the Presi dent, who responded to the toast. "The President of the United Stale!." The Protddeut kiivp his views on "trusts." President, lloosovclt asserted bl.s be lief that remedies for trim evll.s can be found. He reviewed what has been done by his Administration to compel obedience of laws govcmluj; trusts and the new legislation courted by the Fifty-seventh CotiRress. This legisla tion he commended a wise; 7 lie coun seled moderation In undertaklns; the reaulation of great corpora t Ions, and pointed out the economic benetlts of uffjrreirated wealth when properly di rected. He also highly prnbvd Attor ney -t.'enera 1 Knox for jiis -enforcement of the jtutl-trtist In wis, Madison, AVIs.--Covernnr I.nfollede nud Mayor Groves, nt the head of mem bers of- the I.cfjhdaturei- received the-Pi-t!dent here and eNeortod bltn to the Capitol. In the Assembly chamber he addressed th two houses In Joint fees sloa njtd 7W guests. . MR. ROOT ON THE TARIFF Secretary of War Denies the Pres ent Need of Revision. Trnt f'HTirot I'm Kltlm! lr C"linc- 1 luti. rtr liotdo. tVitbuut P.oston. Mass. i-etary f V,-.r nihil was ibe jrincl.-a! sptakcr at ilto haniMtet of the Hoiiie Market C'lob. la bis additss he voi- ed lie ,p pesitioo to revi.-ion of th- pre-ent tarifT. A great dealwf iTnporianej was attachni to bis arjruinetit in the mind of .lrnou'ooi s of tin Home Market Club, innsico.cb .-is it was assnnu-d be spoke fortiie Adtntnj.siration. Mr. Ko.jt sjioke, iu jiart. as foMnws: "Money is sr-iiiet' ht the uiont-y mar kets beciii'.se nllAjaiMHiou of jteople all over the riocTfjsiatKs.are iiKiiisr it. They've srot it in titer pockets. .ThTTc" ?ot it In the little ,-ouWy baiits. Tluy've got it iu the s.-adnis brfltks They are buying ibiuff- wirk Iii "A "The ijKestioti of, wbi-iher rb. tariff law xball he radii-ally .li.insetrSi-.noy an aeiiijeniie (inestkin. There is uo fetitb in (he t.-tr'ff Kchc-dub-s and no sa redness in nariii alar rates of duties. If do-.-s not foilow- JroMi -,la (ii-covcrv tt ,t..r.,... -.. ..... i. . - - . ., ,, ... , UK. I Jt .thoeid be jiniiieiliati iy chaitsed. Noili ins could be wore injurious to th- in dustries of the country, sh-oib! uud-i'staml tiint Tl: a tJ pa ip;c iff law i Uittiot be -ha!; jit;S4etl In- jiie.-enteal. There such tifns as jia'r'ial re can In- tin llSieU. , "Von .-a.-ii.c.t t l ;d of ' th'trust by revisinyr i,- tariff. If duties an kiWer.-d liebiw the point of ndecjti.-it:' ;.:',,' t !c.n. tiie independent nmnufac tur.r wiil u' to the nail first: the trust wi!! lie the !at oi:e to o. "It. dctenuiniitjr -whi-ti at'ol bow the process of tariff revi'tdmi shall It.- un dertakeit. two cardinal snl-j siionld be Observed. I'ir-t. it should he tlotie tojiy w In n Conr-ress is as fne as p..s sild. f-.niivtlo; ,d:si r;o b.--'s n-i.l tt nota tions of nM aetivo p-litii'.-! ! ea niTi:, h;n. 'lilt- st'iiii'ii rule -to lc .followed i's ex-jiresse-. ) th itt-rei.-.iloi! s-iyin-' that tie- lariff sinoitd bo V. vi:-i d by its frier.d--. If ih Amrb-nii t.eoole wish th:. pi-hiohdf of proteciioa t, bo maoitaiiied. tlien the .( which bf'.ii-ves iu pr.tT,- diia-al CI ioi! party aool-1 t.o the vo;- of -evi:on." SMial.-rr I.oduo .ils.i.yiioke at the !i:;n lU'ri, rtlxeuss-jus the tariff. Canadian reciprocity, and the -.vdaiinis-iratii-n's policy in the Pit'lipi-i.nes. KE'.V SENATOK IN A FICHT, M r. C'a'r of .Vrlcin".-.. m Coj.rrs. ctn tii' liriooliei Cniii lo I I . vis. T.ittle Ibo-I-:. Ark.-Vnited tr.r. v Ken ator .lar-tes-P. C'.iri;,- ,-i -;d ::,-te --etita-ti e iV.-ioi !:.', i:.-.- on the s i-,-,,t v. hen Mr. F.ri:'::h.-ii -tid: "l',,w lio you do. -iiaii-r':" i.oi lifoj out his l:r tni at thv Til not ha v.-jih you," she j t :l:.-T rcplie .. ! "Ail riL!.t."-'feu-.v '.;.! Mr. Unnoli-e ill h.fcretitlv. , ' What is 'ills yen have b.- -n -dob: ! t'eiio'ttib-d !-. Clark--. "; ins inter- ! v,'e)ii-ii by tht tK'ns'trjn'f and I'neil-dliuar-H'-'ith thiu-js that dot.'i coiieern yon." '1 am y.'t;r frictid. ' sir,", rospi.inlcd Mr. h-uinlisri . "and I have ttol said ;r:y t b;'ti-; that 1 would nor have said to ycti. I said ! t hou-iit . on bad made a mistake, and nay so cow to you." Ilpithots were (x haeyed, San'iior Clarke strtttk .Mr. Ilrundise and it p'tt rral mix-up took tdaee. The cause d' the trouble v.a-s tile publieatiori of an Interview in which Mi. Itnimlise criti- ised the Senator for not aeecptini; sen ator Perry's offer to act ns bis escort when be wan sworn iu as Senator .1. K, Jones'ji .successor, ... YOU NO COUPLE PI- TOGETHER. Took rarltollc Arl.l In the V;(r,l of r.rlilr uro.on'. I'nf.iri-lriiitc I'arent. P.itcrson, J. Thomas Frederick Stothart and bis bride of a few months killed then: -.elves in the yard of the' home of St jiitart's parents by ilrink .na arhoiic iteid. The bride" was for merly Louise I'husser, of New ..York City. Site and yotin.s Slot hart wlre married secretly a;;ainst the wishc of. Slothart'ti parents. It is thought thnt the-youtijr eoupb' cattle here on a bite train from New York City inleiulin:: to. ask fortrivciics. 1 heir courage must - have failed them and they decided to kill l hen-solves.- When County Physician M P.i ide called at the Stothart bonw to make an Investigation, the family at tirst dis owned knowledge of the pirl'n identity, bltt finally atimitlcd the facts. AY hen asked for the marrht:.'o c(-ri itica (e (hat had been sent to her by her sen. Mrs. Stothart said . tlmr. iu n tit of limrer, she had burned It hi. the kitchen ran;,o. CONFESSED TO MURDER. AVblow uf AVIUImii A. 1'ri.rlnit Almll v 1 e 1)1.1 the Killing. Ibuitror, Jle.-.AIrs. Mary II. Heer'nr,'. who Is l.v tiiir of n cancer, ami who has been cbarircd bya coroner's jury with having killetl AYilllam A. Decrim:, her husband, on March II, has confesstd. She says that she took the revolver froM--lKHeat-lL-llij-tnj!ttTW nud. went to tier husband's room VI ih the intention of klliing him nud tarn hersvlf. : . - Mrs. Deerinj deposes thnt she wn-l married twenty-otte yearn ago and that Iter life for the most part since then ha he on most unhappy. She Kays that IKering has beaten her Unmercifully nud lots .made life a burden for her for many year-). The Ueeriojis are w ealthy. t f HiiHilii Ai-U I'm- lieUn.l, Ty ii vote of 102 to It tiio Canadian House of i'onimoim has adapted Mr. CesHj-'an's resolution deelaiins lu favor of homo rule for Irmind, gt'',,S'Sm'!t2 BILL ARP. m a i April has come againa ' blcsuAJ jronth. for it I the first that follow the Ions and dn iiy winter. How in tijtirl'nR ia the (-.nlici-t. breath of spring, when nature, like a bluKhins ifaaid.'-is putt ins on her pantalets and preparing to ban.: h-r stlla n hair, what hat tno ciotis fw dtns rprhig up iu our oo.som and gu.h fo-th to all matiklu I. The cband.ets of ihe soul are flllei with ttntsie that is not. heard find poetry that is not. expressed. The tueet Bonth wind 1s biealhiiiK uptiti the violet banks. Nearly 3.000 yean; ago Solomgn felt its ftrnial Influence when he. w.rote, "The winter has pasped the rain is over and y.ont the flowers appear, upon the earth the time for the singing of birds has come and the voice of the lurt'u; is heaidlin the land-" Now boys, j on must not imagine that the turtle that KOiOnicai h-ard was this ugly, (tawli'ng hardshell ihing that lives iu muddy water and lays its egss in the sand. That is properly a trrtoUe; The turtle ';!' Fgypt and England is the same as ottr dove. It has a plaintive, tifiM tietir.'s1 r.ote and In d voted to its iiiate. ia the si riptuie ii is a s.iae.i bird and an emblem of the holy 1 woub'l not shoot t'ae for si! t and y t 1 r'tsrl rteently-where some-hunters In -somih Ceorgia !.i!V-d 4l-'1 iiror.e day. Ihe Ergllsh pofc'o always say tnnl vbea they mean dove. Cohisinlth, speal:iag of love, says it is "on eartn i;n:?e a. or only lound to warm the turtle's nest.' Hut Solomon eoalda't write such po etry ou fpring n I used to know. I think that lti.i:- v.ijtjbl sstit the beys b- 't. r. H i-s ! bear a him bird sing. And that's a sign or'-coniins i;pring, ' The bull frog belters in the dif lies ! llo's t.irowed awcy his- wiutr brin lies, j Tie- lir.rar-1 is sunnins hinis-.?lf on a rafl. , - j The ! .t!b b1 'Mta k n bis now-born tail.. The i:.t--:v i.-j plowing his Edubborit") nmie An i sr. liy hollrr-t. "flee, yo-i fool"' A'l.S nil th,; dirty little siiioci;.. Are .:;ssj:ijig ba;t and t-atchiu'g rain- ' ta ; s. ' , i ' i . ' f ! A n l o-fourth at!-i ;wi fifth and so in. fidomc-n uident' wi it, but it's a. fact ! I'lOiTtlii'li'Ef. ' i Pat what A;.ril?Two thoiis.nd j yt ara ago it was .the t.ecoa-J month in! the year.' ltn Julius Caesar got proud ! and vail an I stuck another month in fa 1 tr.'u 'i it July, and bis adopted sun, Ao;";st '!.-'.. he was as good as .lulh.s. and ;.o ha stuck one, in and :.ib'l ic August. . r.:i:l that ga've as :a.o day.--,, whi. ii lacked tive day.-- of makiitg a 'full year, .--a thiy had ia iv.' c;." u t-re li.ay ; each, of .-u.v. ral c oral s". April anient have but twenty--nine d.ivK tin.l they m:o!- it thirty. I.iit r on eld N' to. ;).: tyrartt 'an;i f.d dicr, , a-, e al:t:-A att-i r:ai ! .be was jast as 'reat a man as ray of the Cae.-i :ts. :,: ! so he d t-ie r.atr.e of A- d to ICt ri-tntis. tai l it rftmt,rii d fl::;.' wry for thirty- years, until he died, anl tiien it put back to April again. Apt 11 wup tijiit.'.l U otn the l,:it!n word ;t?ic-i it", v.-bie'.i means to o;;t ti. for then the earth bt'gina to o;:ca a id the ?ra.-.4 and the fi.iv; rs to tpring uj) and th-'. little leaves to conie -forth l'tont th" buds '.ut the t ret s. The old' Anpli.-Saxons ealii d is Oostr or Mas ter rnonth. The l.'iatch called it grass month. The fooiish castoin of Aptil feolitig people i.till prevails in rr.arty (Otintri 'S timotig th- young peo;-!e. Its origin is unknown. Some say it Is a relic of an old hiateri festive!. Same stay that in the middle a.fes they .iet"d a play taken from the life of Citriiii, where he was sent troni Annas to Caranhas and from Pilate to Harod. nr.d so an April fool is-one who js t.en all aliout on a a en an I. as, for instancei for Fiuiii' pigeon milk, or for 'a bcoit giving the historv of Adam's gra.nd-tath.-r. or to stopa horseman and fil him hit.; saddle glr(h is on-buckb.d. meaning unhm kbd, so he. jo'ts down to btiikle it and tiny run off and stho-it April i'ooll The ilmdoos,- practice i ho same Ih.ime, but their AH' Fools' day is the illst of -March. 'My folks killed a snako hi -the flower pit today and before I knew it our misrievous school girl ha t coiled it on the front steps and everybody who citme cried out, "Ilerc'is a snake," while the children watched from the window. The snake was dead, but the foola were alive. Sly wife was ? pen dins the d;iy in the countryand knowlijg b.-r honor of. mtaki timy tel?phont.i her. "Snake In the flower pit and grandpa, is a fin II to go out and kill bltn. lie says you told hint to stay in the house. What must we do?" Shi( answered promptly, "Kill him! bet your grandpa vJ out ntid kill him and' look for his mute." She nlwnya Itisistn that every snake has a mate. Maybe' It luus, but they don't go about together. l'Jven tbp mother leaves her young as shon a they nre hutched or born and they have to shift for themselves. Some snakes are oviparous and lay eggs ami some nre viviparous, and are born in their ni'rt b cr and conn' f()ftl"TrTiTil"Tu'F mouth, lle.t nil ana keg are horrid creatures and the curse that is, upon tboirMs n strong proof of the scrip tures. "And I will put enmity bftvt'en then and the woman (that la. thy wife nn.l between thy seed and Iter seed. It shall bruise thy bead and thou elm It bruise his heel." Win it n:y wife, came home . they shewcl h -r the miaU'e (it wjaa n idriptd garter litiake), and told lei- we , on), tat lit! 1 " it t in ite. bat I tiio von.; to pat ttila-cae back lit a day cr C ii.imd Usi: I iu. a '.tin for a matobu't I j! Ih bhn won't go lu that pit faay more Ciia jummer. . But there are worse things tha Mtakes, I waut to know who started this? late move to idolize and ovate the memory of Henry Ward Heeehcg is New York. It has been forty-four year sin e he sent old John Pro wo to take the arsenal at. H.irpers Perry ancl raise an insurrection anions our negroes. What did they waif so Jong for? How come o',d Grurer -Ch -.eland - into It? AY" hat did oh! I'Hirr Oin to command his admiration' II go; old Brown ut take all the risk, abd he asd thirteen v: his rotnrades vere buns?; for it, and the negroes wonldu't rise at" all, Perh"r and his t-is-ter did u.ore to pre cipitate the tcrribie war tbAn all otlier' a uses - oiu'mn.-l. I,- old Grt.ver lauding bitn fop thatT.Tb- ii a heruas old ec.itin diel debauched tie wife of an elder in his church and Msite d bis home and bis happoness. That. was!twenty years fcgo. 1 .oider if Grover is orating hlni for that? are done with old' Grover now and forever. It him hunt ducks if he wantii to. We have no use tor presidents who hunt dueku or bearor who love Peeebor or love the negroes better thanahe southein white folks. Great heavens! Are they fixing for -..notber war and nave -we got to whij 'tn again. Thankgoodtii-sa I'm not s emit nor a bf,ur. So I reckon I'm safa. U ill Arpiu Atlanta Coustitutiou. Will Get Increase. Piet-ver Sr.eciHl ut, iv. proval 'of Genoral Sianager Hardin?, an agn-etnent has bet. n , reached be tween 'Manager Kd.son. of (he Denver k. Kio Grande FUilroa-l. and represen tatives of the Older cf Railway Con rim tors and Brother!:; od of Hailroa.I Trainmen. The new si-hed.ile gives th pa.isrii'igT :lo.l trainmen an approximate ia reaso in wages of 12 per cent.. and tutght n.ea un itic'reasu Cf li. per t- C!. Four Burned to Deatli. , Raleiah. N. C., Sp-c!al. A s'peeial from Franklint ai, N. C. says: "A ten ant house on the land cf I. 11. Kearney, iiboui two miles west of here, was de stroyed by tire Saturday, uifcht. Ths house -was occupied by Rufns Daniel, colored, bis wife and seven children. Foiir of th" child" en who were sleeping tip- oai:." w. re ia. rued to death. Ths r.o! was f3!'ing in hef-n'e the occu pr.nts of tiie btw-er room weie awaken-' ed.' Tin re w, t ' tas .wiulows in the up. per , r-iotti and ,t bo i cjAii'lreu li"ing cut of.' from the i-fa iiovay sw-ere-uffo! at.ed." Chincoteague's Wild Goose Farm. What is- said to be the only wild Roose farm in the world is located at (ihinioKiacte, says the Iiiehmond Times. The farm is a never-ceasing . object td It! tc rest to ta vi.-itor and of joy and profit to tao owner. There me !,.jw bet vtc;; three and four hun dred RcesM in ?hi 'lock. The progeni tors of this!,- flock were two whi.h ivir-.. "v, itt.L'.ci" ir. shootinfr, tact, tamed and us, d as d. coys. Too annual silpmcttts frotn tht farm now are about 4"0 to w'io fowl. Mort of these ;..rowi!d gfvsre, but t'aero are seme Japr;;.i.--:c titK-k,. br-ittt art j other fane. The f't-ese br-l:-..: about J.1 s pir. lu satiimer t-.ey fit d on ths irar:-lies of C'.iicitft:-a-'iH' ami Assa teague. hm as the -old weather comes on they t-radually gather together near tiio owner's risuience, where f. ;d is, provided fur them. Mingled with the ge so are many kind3 of birds and fowl and fancy breeds of ohlokem and ducks and even some swans. Particular care Is being taken with the swaii.i and the experiment of tloir culture bids lair to be u suc cess in every way. Ill KOAV OS ikU.E ' ATA. c ..n n iuumern railway To all the frirelpal AVinter It-ports, at VERY LOW RATliS Tin) r,e(irt of'lh? South, Southeast' and Southwesty also Cuba, California and Mexico OJur many taitiioimifi,tM to tbo Tourit. Some Prominent Resorts Are St. Aiift'tsUtin. I'hIoi lleiidi, Miami, Jaebw soiivUlu, Tutupit, Port Tmti. , Iiruti-; wleK, siavannnti, Tbuinnsvilltt, t'l.tirlenton, t'libittilda, Aikmi, Aiinustii, I'luihiirHt,(.titmilo, buinnitirvlile, AnltBViile, - Uot priiiK), "THE LAND OF TUG SKY' And ''Sapphire Country,". . Tickets on Sale Vp to and Ineln lla April .10 m, tioiiU to Mturu uutll May 81, l'JW. .i '. StopOver , ;, , Allowod at hnportnut points. THROUGH SUHCPINO CARS Of tiio liijjliost Htti.idrtr.i bxtweon prtiioij-ut , Jttil-a and losiirts, Dlnlnj Car Service Unexcelled. AC nearest i tciftu Afft-iit, Mrenpy Ot "WiuCe. IPiaius lu a Kumuiur Laad." . W. A Te.k, S Ii HanJwick. ' l'. Tmffl.t M r. ' O-n'l Vf Ac-ui. U itohiutwu, U. C. WtLituatuu, I. OL,

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