r V I . I I I 1 .11 El VOL. II. NO. 2.5. P1TTS150KO. N. C. WK DNKSDA V, MAY 6, 190ii. i v .1 4 I' f i 9 RIM ADD 1 8 LUL,U ttiVI " uu' t- -ifr m --.-.--ZZ?Z.V i Where is my irrindstone? Wberp la my rake and my axe? Did anybody ever hear . of, a negro stealing a grindstone. He stole it to sell or ilje he thought It was, a cheese. I'lt bet there are- twenty Begroes in sight cf my house who knoxr all about that . grindstone" out tbey won't tell. That la a rare trait not to tell on one an other. Who steals my young pigeons before we get up in the morning? Ye haven't had a. squab to eat in three months. .. , . . Mr. Cleveland' made a good spe -v la New Vork cm the raeej; problem, and o did Mr. Parkhur&t, but you can't make a good cltlrcu oil of a ne gro without be has a master or a Nn s J on whom he has to depend. Vy opin ion, from observation is that T u a k pee can't do it nor anyoiVr .-1hjj1. The more education, th , lesti Ja Vllnatton to work for a living. When; are the Tnsfceogee graduates? Just lasyiag around r -.teaching school. 1 read in jrst'.ruay's paper where a nf gro school teacher nan t aught in war ing made A fake list of hit scholars : and drew more mouey then be v.'aj nt- Parkhurst iKir ny' other r-ort'.i -:i man kw cnitirn nhut t jn- negro to tnli? ftitrll.geut.y fbont bins, Nor does this generation nf southern -men know much more. Nobody knows now but the .few o!d men who are left. Opt edfWrs uid ii-'Vjipe- uicb do not know. They 'arty all t x" young eni , imast of . tl.eui came from stock that did not wn. negro s in the old sdttv ery times. 1 do uut. assert i'ulf through conceit, but .it Iaim &n J -i astonl die.; me to hear noitaeru akerR and me editor from ih out9 w;.inj ' that since thi negro was set free hit j had made wonder ful progress, o:v j KMering that lorn thousand -yea: a hi ' had bren !th r a ssvato or a s'.av. .Mr. CIhvrb4 taitt "there is fctif. a J Krievttua athount rf imioi aee. a lf ad f amcuiit of YfoouKneAH nd ti- nin- ! 'ir.ru trnanav ht -iainess and thi !ft- s lesstiess intjrir.iuglcd v.ith tbejr eltizpnshfp." If Mr. Clvciao 1 had been an obi citizen rf ha i'nih he woiill have sa'l: , .."j furo fs'e doia a:nr the nru wa 1o"il'-, itiral, ifidiistrlnufi. and as intr l!!g'ft'''-.r-")mKpn',.! of the im edicacd white leojd" of the 'soatfl. Not a. outrage p.a coraicitted by them tiurlng the v.ar from the i'fv totrcc to the kiu'tuand.-.. Thtre was net. a conviet catiip nor a changing in all the Koi'th, T'e marrsajte relation was ia'tt fyUy o)er l, e9-l jujru' ' fani!ie" we're e)i!f"nt.'t? nn I happy, for noft or i'op.I! tad kind t;iajter and wt w s,;n hi i!. do in hr night and minister to their sick. Ba t j: vrut s hud to bii iuitished. cf course; and so Co had v. liHe c hildren, but It sddnni had to he done. Talk bout the ;,h:kli ai'.l the chains of ' slavery. It U a!l jot and" imagination. Uur rfaihin n hc.ve a huU'f until they ar 2t. The ticgro had ftnr nil h hi" life, and. as Dr. Park hurt l raid, most of them nci-jtd (in-', .nil need one now. sn l so' do thoitkands of white.. peopif. The fact i tk-Aura ht few people who haVe not KOt tt)i 1'do not admit that i have, hut I have a iiif.nress. , and (hat la the ssnte thjjg. Th?re is not a cb rk in it sJore. vheihcr male of female, but I ;;a.; r, lh.' ( onircl of somebody; not tetjii.tiktor'' oa a iali rCad nr a faSlor en. a ship n(;:' n 'pupil In the .i--hoola i:or n po!ict;n;art In the to:i.(, Nlno-tenhs if the peo ple In. fivitiitj y:itifries are subor rtipate to the Arfti r i t nth, aud , if ' locks like veryb'Jdy in Ikte. IJplii d Stales Jongs tin Teii iy Koosevplt, save a few bchiilet myself nnd soni'1 Mississippi bears. The obl limi? slaves fjot a good, fair dH8tio from oonbet - with 5 their maKtcra and their master', children and that. I , where they, bad the j.1 vantage of IV;e p.jor whites, Mot.t all of the fsmt!; scrvaiits : could read, rid withstanding there- m ltw- for'' bidding their Icing taught, sh.t'-klcs aud chainit! Where hi tav grindstone and, ni ruke a,nd my at? The negro, especially thosa . of the e opper col ored type (I don't rnenn nutluttos) are tiaturalhorn m ! han!( s. We bad in Oenntift-- Bofe' negro ear pent-, hlai l.npiths i ir' Bltwrnakefa than'' there wer.e whiles of the inrnc trade. Tlieyr. Kind of Miechatitcs are ail incr the Hiat- now', out tiiey OKtin cotu; from Tuskeepi'o. Vuv several yi r. 1 have ho'i , looliTnit ' fiT 'lafmilng graduate of 'that fc hool or any othW in-gro,?eliool,-bat lic'ie. not fouu j. en. '' '.A Ncwii'oik tttQ IH ,IK'.-TOi,;ion ago that. I could find fifty of th. m as waiter in on hotel In New IVcrk tky.; That iu ail right. Th niQney for ' thoir r' Jneatioti - etmo from r.rp titer nd wo tan tsparo the who'll tu:nout. "Jtiot omi-fcid ivu:i. noo4S3 and . Ir r.cfrace and; wcjie t.ousnol jcr.i s brBj.id tro white race yuca their shtckles wc-ra knocked offf'5 On. my couctry! where If. my RrKisloca? B fora tbasa in.c?i:.ry i ahtsWfci'Werci knockae: of,' our so'avca wore ta obedl ent tnd la'Af-ai)!dtns v,?a did not s:eul a I risen, cud now there are -Moo in the chain gangs tfOeorgia Von let ful tpry'V" Witht all their t;puentlnn th are riuanpV, lMir dlrtif aud ten times more lmimual" irt their do tue.liiY relation;! than ever before. And yet somOf southern editors boast of fhili' actjuaitiiih of ruirty and run' It' tip in tie' . : millions. Of vmVse there art; some g(n)d nnd some thrifty cntrcs who, have iuad money, but jth',are P"t f pei-Vent. of thu mni;i?, Oib uegro lu thi1 bjwn Is worth more mincy than alb thioje it, The cltiv.s ar i mi or VHf iiOniJs i wn pwi? era;s - and steal and snatch puisea fiom ,wa , men and burglarize housee and keep i women ahj children in a state of con j stant alarm. SteallnR Is a much .a sat e, trait with them as It is among ; the Bedowin Arabs. Wh-re are my young pigeons and what 'heroines of my stove wood aud coal? No our editors are too young to it alize the difference between now and thtn. Why, my faithful man sfrvant Tip could t 11 them more about slav ery than they all know. Did !fevcr whip Tip' No. never. I iiCTer thought of such a thing. I merer whipped but one of my negroes. My wife's father, Judge Hutchine. owned over a hun dred and I never beard of him whip ping one of them. He had one very bad negro who got mad and run away and sta.ved.lu the woods a month out of spite and when he got tired scd ame home the old juflgt? drove him off again and told him to stay ia tfie woods,Mhat he didn't want him any more, but he finally -be-ggd his -way back and gave nc mar trouble. Chains and shackles! Mr. 'Lincoln knocked them c!f of his. There arc many kinds of chains, but tlu chr.ins 'f slavery were not to bo compared w.ilh the chains of the? chain gang or the hiiins of matrimony that trany a poor wife is suffering f.om. Now-4et iis hear na mure about : hi( lies 0r about the i:egro bcln? a thousand yea is behind the white man. The truth fo the old-time iKpro was morally a thousand ys?ars ahead, of here in slave ships and sold hira to l.iecause they could not use them at home. But the Lord is merciful r.nd we had rather endure tho negro than listen to northern 'slanders. They have just found a mare's r.cii!. if it has taken tben forty years U re alie th'.ir ff,rf!y. 1jw long "V,i!l it take them to pay ub for what' they cvvin died us out of? Wfure is my grin i stone? Itras an unshackled n!?gT that stole it . and the folks that un sliackled him ought t pay i jr. it. Hill Arp in Atlanta Constitution. STORIES TCLC CF LAVYEP.S. Cood Talcs Culled From En"lisi II- luitrated Maeszir.e. H'tue intrcstii.r as.c-faotei aud gos sip, ne.nr f.r.d old, of the Jaw courts are given in t'o- Ki.iish l!t;i?trat d Magazine. The? writer of the article, Mr. A. J. 'Hush!, wad once present. In court when a Juror who opened th bail by aylii"Tish cr.'iV, my lord, really lis i-i a natsheil," rec eived the reply, "Yen v.rncU it then." Thero have bi-'ti tunc1 when t Sever wit nesses have got t ie hotter of Toui.s in a sMrmish of words. When the farrier was asked where he get his Vnc.wiede of the mare's age from, to saM: "From the mare's own mouth, jir." Irish la'wyers ara generally endowed by Lame Nature with tjuicl; wlrs. Attopt; them all, perhaps. Cur ran held the pa'tn for Jishtness and vivacity. V.'iHn- comeone told him that no student should b called to the bar who did tot possfc-ss u landed tjitat of his own. he retorted: "How many peres make a wtseaeroi' tsut n was a Siotsma appropriately enough iMnl Druiigl.am, w ho, seelnj; his hordes taku rl.,;ht, yelled to the each man, "Drive into somcthiiig hean!'' Point Overlooked. KuperiiitcfHlct-.t Smith of -the 'Man hattan eievated road was showing a Western railroad maa over the sys tem the other day. When they ranw to the junction at Ninth avenue and Fifty-Third street the Chicago man re marked, with evident' astonishment : "I don't see any derailing switches to prevent collisions." "(roat "Hr-ott. man," exclaimed the Manhattan tuoit. "do yo'i consider hew far a derailed train would have to drop?" '111 NOW t) SALE VIA Southern Railway To all tli i;rincif!i Winter J'irts-orts, st , VERY LOW RATBS The Tii(rtn of ths South, Southeast and Southwesti also Cuba, California and Mexico Off msoy IndaoenscBts to tlis Tuurist. f , Some I'rominvnt Resorts r ft. Aaga.'tlns, I r.lm I)esb, Miami, Jaok. tunvllii', 'jau'i'u; 1'uit 'in ni. Jiruu wicif, hv(iOli, Tbonisxvills, Clifltiiri, Ci'imr.l.is, Alkou, ' f ' . ugUKls, riuilidti.t nrndun, avitnairvt;)e, Ahev.il , Hot epriugs. r "THE LAND OF THE SKY," " And "Sapphire Country, Tickets on CtAt Pp j "and Inclndjsi April irx 1 limited 0 rvturu vuiil M ij al. Vmj. Stop'Overs ' lls-ed (t ImpoitiuU points. THROUuu si.i:r;iMN(j CARS Of the blghnxt tanurd but ween !! aud r'.nris. prlnIrl D;nlii Car Survk-e fncxcf lied. Aik nearest Ticket Annut lnrc Miy ef "Wintoi lbiiutt u a jiiinmicr f n:ul." W. A. . T rk, l',ik. Tuill'K M r. U Sihiagluu, IK C. S II Hnrdwlek, tr.n'l I nns AiO'iil, U'i.hlt.t;ton,' P. a i WORLD'S FAIR DEDICATED Roosevelt and Cleveland Make the Principal Addresses. IMPOSING MILITARY '' FARADE The- e eirinoiiiL is Honor of the Vonif iaus 1'urt he KximwIiIob National I'rocrrn at l'icturd ,1a tlie Keorhe C the Prenidttut a oil lormi-r frml Kay Marred bj Chilly eathr Kt. l.uu!. Mo. The buildings of the 1-oui-ikuj.t I'ureba! Exposition were dedicated with viemonies which, hl-iliour-fh marred by disagreeable wcath t. wen impres'sive. The priucipai addresses iyer made by President K.jo.evtdt and foriuer- i'residinit Cieve. iind. Thfre was a long military and idvic parade ju the 'morning, with Ad-H'.fant-tti-neral Corbiu as tlrriud Slav b:il, and the exercises closed tvitli a .lihpbiy of fireworks iu the evening. J'ite cify was crowded with ' visitors trow 1 1 parts of the country. The weather vc;is raw nnd cold. th. IniiUoo-'s were In ;i crude :md uuiin isliitl condition, aud tberauspurtatiou facilities wrt; inadeiiuate. but despite oil ibix it s a day of i'ntbusiasm and eiiipiuy. There were possibly not more than :,.'m) grangers in the city, aside Woin the olileinl represeiitatiVe of the I'niud .States and varkuis .State and foreign governuK'nts anl the troo.is. I'rcoiiicitt Jlooscvelt. former President f'eveiand. arliual OibUms. Itishon Poi'i'i" and the ;ovennrs of a store of SiHtes tuck part in the f-e-remobies. TUeic were about 15 tS) troops in the line of ii.irr'.de. AdiuVdnr-tJeneral t'or I iu. na impijsii;: military ligure. ci-i-:n d u ;v.it deal of inn-reM as ;raiid Mnrshal. The trooos were the pick of the legnliiis-iul the jitHe militia, (lot -eri:,)!- Udell rode st the bead or the New York tr iji--. President lloosovolt a;id former Prcsidciit Cleveland r,--vii-ue.1 tha j.-ni'.dt . A- soon as the. parade bad passed, I'fi'i-idcm Jloosevelt le-eulcrt-d his car riage and was driven to a tent oretied near the Liberal Arts FulMimi. wheie i. took luncheon aed rcmnhud umii H v.iis time for biin to attend the didi :ii'o'i ceremonies. .. 'Ibe ceremoioes in the big Liberal Ai'.s Jiuiidiiig were imprf sive. Ibwid It. Francis iuli i)duc tl Thomas l. ar ter a Presid'ut of ihe day. and the vo-.-uion v.a..; delivered by ('iiroiii-'l Iibbeiis. w ho. in his rich rotn-a and red cap. made a striking pietnr.'. 'hcll l'j' yident l!ooevell was liitro elucfd he whs greeted by cheers from the throat of istuio enthusiastic per sons gathered in liw cnoruiotM ball. Nit .large was the bulidins and so great ibp crowd (hat only :i few could hear bi'ii. while iu Uie fur background many could hardly see ldm. KcniiziTig this, the President. Ioste.".d of staiidiu oil the :;-gu'.ar phi i form. pi-an? oitiddy oii the desk vure lb;- gjvel ;e-ted. Proiu this elevation, he liejau ( s,eei-:i am'd upreai ion approval of his in tempt to irive everyone a ciiance to see him. lie chiKed amid ilaiiidi'is of apphiuse. 'Former President Clove latid was cnihushistb-iilly vv b-funeil iittd eheen d to ilie echo as he coiicli:: ed. ' liNhop Potter proi.uunced tlie benediction. The fireworks display at night was iroi'geous. and rully :.'. HW people wit IK s-ed It. lu the evenlim tlie Presldci'l wai e."-' tertaineil nt dinner In the Administra tion P.iiildiiig, from tjje wimlovv of which he vvati bed ihf -fireworks nulil to o'clock, when he entered his train end started on his Western trip. President Ibsoevclt's address was, ill! p.nt. as fo!Iuvv;s: "W'e have met here tisrfay to c'oin jneniorate the hitudiedth a im i versa ry of the event which more tiiau any other, after tii foundation of the Cov eniiecnt and jilw-ay evceptintr lis pres. eivaiion. dciermincil tlie eiiai-.-tcter of our National lit'e-deieriiiieed that wa should bp n -treat eipamling N'siien in. stead of relatively u small and s'nilon ary one. "Of ours" It vvr no; with lite l.oit Isiitmi I'urchiise that cur career of .x paiisieil bertan. The old thirteen colo nics had' always claimed- that their vIl-Ios stretched westward to thy Mis sissippi, nnd vacuo and unreal thotij li hese claims were uiiiil they were made ood .by' compicst, settlement and tllplti. macy, they still servoo to give the Im messioti thai t i n -earliest westward amvcmeius of our people were Utile more than the tdlin:: In of already ex isiina' Naiioiud hi.uuthirie. "Hitt there could be no ilhedo'i about (he ne.iuisition of the vast territory v. iik-h in I hat day was known ns Louis. Iflua. I ids Imiiieiise retlon -was ad- mll(eil!.v t! '.(intory of a i'orelgu IVoier, of a Kuropwni klng.lon). Sone of our people had ever laid claim to fl foot of It. ' Its acquisition could in tin n'Ow ba treated us rouiulitig out anv exinina .clslnts. When wo sc. nnlrnd It we ntiido evident once for si! thst. -ps."!rtisl.v- and of set purpose, we emiiavked on carcor of cx panfiion. that we had taken o;ir place among thot.e. darincr'and hardy nations who i-lsk rnueli with the hope nnd de slro of wlnuim; )xni position amom. the grenl Powers of the earih. As is so often, the ciise lu nature, the law of develomoent Of a living organism showed It self in 't nc'tnal workings to be wi-er than the wisdom of Jhe wisest. ' "This work of expansion was by far the greniesl work of our people dttrlnu Lie years ttuil Intervened between the Vohmiiau of the ci.n.si tl tltioil uud the outbreak of lle Civil War. "Thu history id' Home aud of tireeee llltistiittes very well the I wo type of expansion which had takefriiSaee in am ieul time and which had been uni versally -accepted as the only possii-le types up to the jteriod wbeu its a Na tion we ourselves began to take posses sloii of this continent, "The niideryiog rioionsnes of each type of 'expansion, was plain enough and the remedy now seems sample client It. but when the fathers of the republic, first formulated the consti tution under which we live this remedy was uu tried and tio -one cxntld fowteil bow it would work. They themselves began the experiment almost immedi ately by adding new rsio to the orig inal thirteen.' . . Heing a practical Nui'.on we bin never tried to for-e ou any sect ion of our new territory jut unsuitable form of government merely Iweause It was suitable for another section under dif ferent conditions. Of .the territory covered by the Louisiana Purchase h portion was given statehood within a few years. Another portion- lets not been admitted to statehood, although a oeutniy has elapsed, although doubt less it soon will lie. In each cose we showed the pt'itrtieal governmental eeuiiis-of our rate by devising methods suitable to meet the actual existing iiveds. not by insisting upon the appii estioa of some abstract shibboleth to all our new possessions alike, no mat ter how- iiieogruoo iliis -siilt-ejrtio-n mfght sometSines lie." Former Presuieut trover f'lerelnnd. in his address, after carefully review ing the facts I;i connection wit Si the Louisiana Purchase, referred to the doubts of President Jefferson regard ing (he-country's ability to extend its limits by the purchase of territory. ColiiThuing. he said: "In view of the lotp lunive settlement shiee that time of this cont!tut!oual question t." every branch of the tbvr erntiieiit against Mr. .Jefferson's orig inal opinion and in faror f the Na tion's jmwer to a.;ui:e b-iritory as was done under the m-aiy of ?ssi, and considering tht fact ibat w have since that time iuuneBsi-iy.itieiia"l oursrea by the tieuisiiiou U'; otily of. itgh-boj-Itsg territory. Imt of di-r.-ut Is'.'tids of the sea. separated I y thottsstids cf miles f roin our home dtime.in. we may lie inclined to think lightly. of Presi dent Jefferson's scruples oom-eruing the acijuisit ioji of birds not only next adjacent to i;s. bus tndisriensably neces sary to our peace and development. "There were wise men near our Pte's. idetit in JSK who differed with him loti' liiug the Nation's power to acquire new territory under the origin.-;! pro visiotis of the constitution and thee men did no; fail to make known their dissent. Moreover, iu the Senate, to v.hieh the treaty w.is submitted for coiit-rin.il ion. there was an able dis cussion f its const itutiotuil validity and effect ivem-ss. "The Judgment of that body ou this j bnse of the subject was eili j'h.ilic.iliv declared when cut of hit'iy-oi:e vet s nveuty-l'oiir were easi iu favor of ooabrinatio'i. An nmeudmeut to the constitution was afterward presented to t.'tmgress, but its first ttpiiearaiice vvas its last. It docs not appear that the Presideut in terested himself In Its fate, and it died at the moment of Its Introduction. 'Thomas Jefferson never furnished better .evidence- of his greatness than when, just before the submission of lite treaty to tlte Senate, he wrote to a distinguished Senator who differed Willi him on this question:. "I confess that 1 think It Important, in the ores cur case, ro set an examide asainst broad oiistru'-iio. by appealing for i'evv power for 1 he peoiile. If, however, otir friends shell think differently, cer tainly I shall acquiesce with salisfae (ion confiding thai the good sene of our country vvdl correct the evil of const rttcuon, when it shall produce ill effects.' 'A recent writer em American, diplo macy, who is; not suspected of partial by for Jeffersonian )olilleal doctrine. gave in strong and gr.-n-eful terms a good reason for our gratitude to-day. ivhe.ti. pt referring ts (his subject, he wro'e: -"It was forttiniite for the future of America th:,i we hud at the held of affairs n in:" n of such broad views of onr country's future A less able President, with the samn view enter tained by Jrfi'ersoii as to ihe rcnstitit (iocalKv of the men su re. Would have put aside Ihe opporttinfiy. Jefferson put aside ids prei-oiieelved views as (o (he fundamental law, or Hibordinated them to the will of the Nation, and welcomed tlie opportunity to open up. I lie continent to the exptin-loti of Amor, lean democracy hud free institutions." "M' I'ny" Pril l'rarrrully. "May Day" passed with fat les labor (roubles titan had been expected, About '.'"i.tniii -subway workers in New York City struck for hUhff wsiu-es and less hours, oilier strike s,' i!,j ilireat ened serious liK-eiivcnlence to business Interests, were averted by concessions. All liiipntlimt stri'ie was' that of "iMKI mh In Hie .building trades iu Philadel nliia. Pa., for higher waes. The day In New I'liuhind was marked by no se i i,ni-t upLeaval in er.y important indtis- I Crops Itiunn'rcd hy Frost. A the result of now and frost the winter vhrit nop w-as tobmsly hurt iu Missouri 'nnd Kansas, while fruit aud ..veg table were rtilued with few exctp' !. Crftpa wfic also sbghily df.rturged In Texas, Nebraska. Missouri and Oiiio In tho'tiovthetn pare of New York tite cold "wave was general, with snow frilling In some sections. Itunnvidt Tour Kuiikk. , I'le'-i'lcnt ibxisevelt arrived at 'P p'ka, Kan., vvhe're he iiiltbcssed the Voting Men's Christian Association c.uivetnion and took part lu laying a coenersione. Karllef in. the day he si Hike In Kansas City. IHubkHovi, t'ormt l'lr. - l-'lsasirtms forr -t tires were repot i.cd I'umi lamii Island, In Ib'ckiainl Ctiimty.'' lit the Adirouducks, N. Y,, atid in New .lor-oy nnd iVnesylvania. , MOUNTAIN H in Disaster Vis'ls a Minini Tcwn in a Canadian Province. SCORES OF PEHSONS KILLED Var:u rhort S ttte Cnsr Hie l()un lVtiol Top of the Mountain Slides Iui Valley VSctlius rrimbeit to llenlh in Their lieite VVliile AsVeii 1 hreateucii by Flood. v YaueoHVer, K. C -Pro'mbiy ninety five perst'iis are dead as a result ' -i iityiteriotis explosion wldch tore 3 (he ton of Tu-.tie M'oimtain.-ovcrtook-ing the little tiw of Fiauk. in 'the IVo vince f A!b:ria. ;iiat jiia'-sf of reek were hurled down into the valley of tlia Old Man's Creek, sweeping away the work at the coal mines on ti;e Vide of th; monnlatn demolishing hou.-es !ii the town below. Many of the inhah 5taats vrere l!J.e..i in their bed-, lite r.'en at. the misie works w ere ail Wiled." snd tifte.il o." t'te seventeen men in the mine ee.ifted n!y by ettttiag Hc-ir w?y out through debris which choked r.i' opcuiiig lea c ice t mm tie- mn.n sintfi. Tlore wan danger that, flood would add In the disaster. The fork formed a greet date, behind which the witters of the creek pibd up, and it (bey should be let pjo.-jo ii was u t doubled that tlie entire t r.vu vvouH be swept away. Frank is a town of about It if in ftihab ii;i)jt. on toe line of the breneli e" t!ie 0;!t:!'n J ':!. itb- Ilailvvny over Crew's Nest Pass. lr bv at the etitrane" to Cue cr.t.vo;?. tile Freii'-ii Canail'an ComI Compjiuy lips been op-ratlng the on I de.v.i-s -in Turtle Mountain for Sibnut e'siiteen luotlths. I A (osrif-h te'ejvcd 'froni Prn".!; stated that nt 4.10 o'clock : n. tite town was shakctt with t-errilic fore ae.d w.-n shocked by load reports wi d .'-ioe.t i ions. J louses threatened to w pl over in the rocking motion. !u stat.tly t.'se wiioie town was nfoof. and soon the shouting of men. who wv-e vunnin? to and fro. mingled vviih walls of injured nml dying, showed ties a ca laslrophe of magn-tud- liad tafcu p!i-ee. For a time nothing was seen hut d t'sp clonds of black smoke, with balls of fire darting here and there across tie disturbed sectioP. As won jts tite f tst smoke eieared ttvvay it. was recti that thp whole side ntel lop of th" mcuntnin finmedint-'Iy at the back of the town hud been blown off. An Immense upheaval of about one mile by two miles Jong had takvn place. n:id what before -was a lontr swamp was sttdd nly tr.-insfornied into a ht".'e I'tount.iln of rock. The ditf-tioti of the own! ion from the mountain was north fttrh it'othcastiMly and in limestone 1 tngether. .-is tlds'seetlou of the country Is all Jimesiroio. The side of flip motin t.'.in en which th mite was w ark in-; ij rov,- nothing but loose fa!l;nr ro lr. As to the Cause or nature of the ex plosion many iiieories nre advv.need, some asserting it w:is due to gas, uthori that it was slaking of limestone, .and still oile rs dec;;riiui it vv.ss a rratti.-ir volcanic eruption. The Immense stretch of count'-. Mm m by the nnhenval wouM scent to lend color to the idea that there vv,-s a;i upheaval fot- a tii.'e or so. bur no explosion till the toy of toe mountain was blown tt;. The eomyany's mines and plant aro I ot ally destroyed, end (he new electric light plant behisf installed also gone. A mile or so of the Canadian Pa'dile tracks is also mm up. and the rails are twisted and bent In all sorts oi. fantastic shape:. The road could never be built up front there lo.'.ntv , NetMiy every cottage in tlie tllsit !. t Is now vacant, the ocenpnn going to P-iainaore, a small town seven miles distant. Uesene part ice- have been iu c;tni7ed, and a systetnntle method o, search nnd rescue Is lieing v!"j(U'o'.ilv carried eti. but very little hope is held out for any of (lie missing. rr.clnl Kcnort if niaer. Ottavvn. out. Sir V.'lifrld biiiirier re cidved the fo'-lowlng telegram from S. W, 'liatnl;er. President of the Hoard of Trade jif Fnink, Noriliwest Terr! tmr; "Terrible disitsier here. The emotion ef Tttrtli? Mountain devastated uilles o' territory, One hundved killed. Must have (ioveruoretit aid at once to clear (iMstate of river, which Is dammed It") feet high, and d-ruger to life am (Hoi.erty from (he lined most iaimi pent. Not one day distant." sir WlU'rlil f.am-icr n plied as fol lows: ' "S'er.y sorrtt-r lf 1 4 bw-a 1 1 new s. I Jitive given" tue'trut iieus t the llieiunted pifiiee lit Icl.tidlujilveS,. all tlie relict notble. I'lctiso send further dotails." ( Irvlns M, Srolt !(!!. Irving M. Scott, brad of til? t'l'.ion Iron Work, and builder of thr-fumc u bntilcphip OreuVm, died of pnra.??i tit l.is home in nu Fraticisco, Cal. He was o millionaire. Mr. Scott was a na live o P.nltlmore County. .Maryland, tied was ixry-lx ycarj oid. IU Wuvc held public ouk-e. FnTntitnnr In Vriicnirln. Preddeut I'hislro lias issiml dd ree detinlttg the status of foreigners . In Vcncniehi. Its provisions are d . 1 1 aud foreigners in thai, cotiiitvy ate much eNasperatctl. Immlgrjiiioii and Ihe littiodiu lion of foreign mom y ih.te Ul o expeeti r to cense. l Urvv Sullils In VVuhlnt;toti. Three pel sons "commit ted suicide ill WiiHhtite.'eu. .C,.bi ope. day .wills, ciitttolie at il. They were i.eouard II. Miiiiuum. Ouy Fv Padgett aud Mrs. intie i'lunituer. NQTQ.N.JTHE PROGRAM AT? V . ' , m ; - ' " ?4 Unrehearsed Tableau Caused Stam pt de from Part Studio. A IV w years aso a Boston woman .Wft' staying in 1'arif. and with her was a New York widow of the prim mest ly;ve. Among' their acquaint ances 1-y lettffrs of Introduction wti a Frencbrufu: who kucvv his Paris like a book, atid a Very .egreeable and de Ulhtful gertJoman Ja every sense of tie vii)!. .: He.'pnfwd to be eiiidn and fri-jiid, biaiuiBS..ntree for them to private jirttir galier'.es and studioa wht-rs strange; vurild give their eyea to go. but without avaihi One day n asked If the two ladies would like to visit nuo.ercBii's atelier," and thy immediately. Accepted invitation, at the same time suggesting that an Air.riran IrUn.d with two .. young .daughters, might join - the party. Surely yes, rid the group set forth to the sun! U the next iflay. AF-'.-eiKH-g the stair, tiio gentle ma n weot' first, tl a three ladies fob lowlnjr. with the yotsitg daughter in t.h roar., . A raj cs Cie door wai ar.f-vtred by "glrtrez!" and enter thej did to beooli three or four tan smoking, whlie a fair model posed uiuler' the Ift-ight. light In tho -alto-rf f ether ' I" ' There wa a ebrjek in the vernaett' lar, the young girls were shooed uown stairs ihe 0...,r hasscd te. and the prim Loston and New York ladies retired with much dignity to their cartiace tielow, while . t'aeir es cort "saw Loitgeroau about It;" Apolo gies were profuse, and two minutes iater the entire party ascended again, end tail tiajt? tbey found the room rr cant, not a ttare of (he smokers or ti e model, ou.the artist met tbem U serene as a moonbeam. The King of Denmark, who is eighty five years o-id. Is one of tea children, of whom three survive. The average tre of the ten is nearly seventy-one. The lute, queen was one of Ave who average, fsixtv-five vears. Their de scendants occupy or will occupy the throne of (Jreat lintatn, ttussta, uen mark. Greece i.nd ltaden. I'lTS txir:nra!ntIyeorMt!.NofltsornrTOai ressafterfnt day' of lr. Klloe's Ores': Nervol.e: t err. zcriai hottbioud troatisofrM lr. I'.U. Husr, bid.. Ml Arch St., l'blla.,Pa. Y" arp toil that it bikes two to make a H'irre!, nnd sifo tliat man and wife are one. it's hard t-j reconcile these Ute- A Golden Rule of Agriculture: Be pood to your land and your crop will be good. Plenty of .Potash in the fertdizer spells quality ,V.,iJI oad quantity in the har-. r.J .( f 'ilJ vc:-t. IU rue u ana we vvi!l Bend yon, ?.-,r-f t.f'A free, by next our money winning book 5. , ffimm mm There la no satisfaction keener ttan btinn dry rtd comfortable when out h tho hardest atorm. Y0UA3E SM: - - ' rtvVFD-n ' . "SttaxW WATEBPROQP ILED CLOTHIN MADtt IM M ACK OR YeUOW JO SXCKIO lY Oil!! CUACANTEfl. rV"tM e.itf'iin'.'niiiurii.ui. V. II hp w ill mit Kiicslr vou .'-fid for fur lii-i- rrlnl( nrf nf tmimit iwt hnts I Ceaulne otitr.pcd C C C. Never sold In bt Bewate cf im ecaier wno utes to scu jiueliii-jt, Juit as Hood." pAPUDLNF: Cour v CURES' Stomach - AND - . . Indigestion 10, 25 and 50c. at Drugstore. In v. tMlj. Vrmlttr . ftl U t.fuan't Son V lilt: LIi II. II aiivw" t i mail. C'iTfcsViJ Iffl Iutrtxs kali wobks, ii Niiau Street. 'f&Wfhf mm i wMmm 9 XlTft.'W... MIM' ?V!3 I