( VOL, II. NO. 27. PITTSBORO. N. a, WEDNESDAY JUNE:!, 1903. "SI... AT:;: K 4 '$ si It! w s imnni OTHTC 1 2 KUftin OIM go iewy iicns uieanea rrom as 5 m Murphy to flanteo. 5 ... .. - . - . - . . W. A. Ijmbeth, of Thomarvllle. rep mecilBg Yaaderbllt university, won th thirteenth annual eoatest of the southern intercollegiate ratorcal con test. eonip-ttora were Messrs. H. D. PfcUps, of Atlanta, Ga, representng the Curersty of the South; Joaa A. Shshsian'.aa, of Constantinople. Tur key, representing Kentucky aaerer&i ty; J. 1J." Luton, of Ector, Tex., repre feclllng tte FniTersity of Texas; J. IX totflnuls, f Meridian, Mis-, repre senting tbe University of Virginia, and H."H. Lumps la. of Columbia, . S. C. representing South Carolina olh?ge. State Treasasr B. E. Lacy has sent ly expresa tin issue of fSit.(K0 four per cent, state bonds, maturing Janu ary 1. 1915, t the pirrcJjaaiTs In Bali more. Gowrnor Aycork xad Treas urer Lary signed eara of the Z2i is.- rrs a. u Hulwiuauyua .$1000 caci and 50 wer $io bonds., TVe bonds are aandsamely engraved. iV aldea lb aral of the sia. a worata hud drBS the outtid-. while a aaif 11 r copy f the samp ji are is on oath roupo. A eJesfcmetive haU i nn passed -r Lxixijrien Monday afternoon. The lorxa -started by dropping stone al.out th size of teutons, increaoiai: :n nua-brns and dirajaabing in six .until ground was ff-B-.pltiely ewverea. 3t u was follow.'! by a gofl rain. kfrk was ry ub: needed. The tiail oiuit liar done an iBUueni-e uacnait of daniac to the crops, Th Routhra "had a aerlou wreck wear Belmont y terdsy. Ttae i south tnwuiS train raa irno a detarlied see t of a frisht 5 rain. The vKae was thiwn from t trat-k and alaioeit 4ftui()!ished and vbe box -ara baJiy piinterfd. Enslr.er A. C. Orr of Ciiarlctte will ue one left at-fl Is oth erwise injured. The stat bnri1 of education in structs Col.W.R. Hodman of Wahlu son. N. C to cept th offw of IJayiua (Cade for the Stat' land in Canaret "ounty at CU u-d;i p-r a;re, and to lraw the nc-vary papers. The lands an Cartarct aas now les than 100,0w acres. Governor Arcork haji orfivreil a kii. ilal teruY of tto erfminal aurt to be ield at Wilsm June- 15, Judse Shaw prt!d?r. It is probable Citat the l men indicted hy tbs grand jury for the assassination of frcy Jones, the insurant aKait, will wine up at this aie. The mayor of Oreensbtiro has the -veto power, ai 1 he used it very proper lr for the first time Monday In vetoing a new ordinance allowing - permanent awnings arrows the sidewalk in front of the IJenbow bouse. There has not been a swinging sign or wooden awn ing for years across the sidewalk. The el trentti annual commencement cf the State Normal at Greensboro be an Monday. lr. S. M. Smith of Co lumbia, S. C. preached the baccalau reate sermon. nd Hon. W, W. Stetson f Maine delivered the annual ad dress. Died at Soaxrllle, FajTtte county, Tennessee, on May 23, 1983. Thomas S. Calloway, a native of Rockingham 4-ounty, North Carolina, and formerly 4louel of the Twrnty-sei end regiment North Carolina ttvops. Chief Justice Walter Clark has ac cepted the lnvittkn to deliver an ad dress before the Virginia State liar as Korlatiou on Aut;uft i'2 at Hot Springs, Vn. He has not at-lmed his subject aa yet The Hank of Llncolnton has been In rorporated with capital of SlO.OuO. The Ieiilor & rutteraon Turnpike rompnny of Lenoir has aUu Ix-en incorporated, with 200 capital. Avery H. fapp. a prominent and wealthy old bachelor of High Point, committed suicide Monday. No cause g.ven save weakness of Ms mind. Durham was visited by a terrlflo wind iorra Monday night. The park of the Durham Traction company was injured to the extent of fSOO. The first number of the Charlotr Evenln? Chronicle mado Its appear ance Monday. It met a hearty recep tion from the re.idlug public. Lightning killed two mules standing by a stable near Knyrtlevilln, burning " ail ftie hair "off tlinmr but dt(j"ndduni age to the building. , The seventh annual closing exorcises of the colored A. & M. college at GreeuuliOro Is on this week. The schclof Da very prosperous. ' . Lightning 'Btruca. a house In Salis bury, noftr-' Livingston college, nniL rent It in twainbut the family Vere absent. , The Southern railway has built' 'a new paisKenger depot of Pallida, which will bo ready far" the summer travel. Two houses were burned at Spencer yesterday. Loss principally cover.'! by itisMiiahi e. ' The Salisbury Rifle guards netted $400 from their.., street carnival last week. Pnvldson College last, week confor- red the degree of I L, 13:,. on Hon.' Piatt I). Walker, of the Supremo Court. The thirtieth annual commencement at K!on college is from June 5 to 4. ENGINEER OKR KILLED. ' A' .' Disastrous Wreck on the Southern -T- Rajwy Near Belmont. . Charlotte. Sidal. At 12:15 0"clocU Tuesday morning a disastrous wre.'k occurred on the mala line of the Souih ura railway, about 12 ir.iUs from Char lotte and only a abort distanoo from Bulmont station. Engineer A. C. Orr, a reeidesi jof Charlotte and a brother uf Mr. W. S. Orr. was fatally injured and an enfine and 12 box cars were almost complete ly demolished. Soon after the aeddont iwcunvd, Bu perin tea dent Eaker, left Charlotte with a fin of bands for the cn of the wreck. Along with him went Mr. aud Mrs, W. S. Orr. Dr. R. U Gibbon, toe road's surgeon, and the wife of tire In jured f wtnocr. Tbey arrived at the wivrk alKut 2:10 o'clock and soon thereafter Engineer Orr was brought bark to Charlotte ar nving here at 4:30 o'clock. The injured man was tit en Iniiuedl-tr-ly to the Presbyterian hospital aad a more thorough ex&asiaaUon ws made. It as ascertained that both It gs were r badly rt-ueln d that auijHi tatioa would be nece&ary. The accident was near the south for: o? the Citss ta rivt.- aad ibcroi io miles sottih of Belmoat. The casine of frs4it train. kr.-n as No. 72. due in Chariot about 11 o'floot, Itecaxne disabled at a po.9t two miles outh of IlrfjnonL No. Si, the sou!h bound fast Mail, which was .ote than aa hour lat. reached Bfinioat shortly before the SLidnight Iwsr. At that jioint. ordtrs were recelwj Itr the iine of No. 33 to proceed to the p!ae whrre Xa 12 was and aifiettark the train. Jost tifore No. 35 s ngine riched the trouble, a twetica of the frlht train berame detached and tis It was down gradis the wild t ars relied off at a high rat of speed. BefY.ro No. 3S njrine. In rlarge of Mr. Orr. could rewrse, the oar struck the jilot ad trjwbej into thw engine. The force of tte colMsioe threw' the engine fnm tb tiac-k. (he iuonoter ssed failing wsr on iu Kngineer Orr, who was at t! thror tV. went over with his engine and the fab, roahed to kindling wood, pinned fciin to the aa. Mr. Orr diod of 1 i fejurte,! lat Tuesday ftrnoon, after to gaf Joring. Fire at Waynes Hie. Asheville, Special. A uiessage re pel ved from Waynes vflle Twsay mornln relatwd the fMt that thai place had bu the scenn of anothci rtestnictlve ftre. The RtulcllK Hotel, a 3'Kroom frame building, caught fire about 4 o'clBi k Tuesday morning, and a messfige rrtrm there atnntt noon wa3- to the erfct tbat he building wk still burninsr some, nut that a large numlkr of nun had Tonght the Barnes with jlix activity ant erfeetivens that saved the building from total loss. There were not a Kreat manr niet8 in the building at the tim. av, the summer gt ason had not opened, and those who were in the bnflding gat out without a g'eat deal of difficulty, as -the blase started near tbe roof, and the alarm was given very soon thereafter. Thia fact also marts It possible to save pail of the ftjrnltBre. Thi? flro started either from a defective Hue or from an electric wire. The building, which was located on Main street, was ownsd by N. P. Walker, clerk of the court of Haywood eoanty. The los is partially -covered by Insurance, It will be re called that a large boarding house was cV-atroyed by lire a few days ago in "Wsynesville. In which a young teie graph operator and a colored woman and her child lot their lives. Burned by Lamp Explosion. Charlotte. Special. The explosion of a kerosene oil lamp danger.ously burn ed Mr. J. R. Brown, a farmer, who lives a few miles rrom Charlotte, near tie? lawyers' road, at about 10 oYloclt Tuesday night. Mr. Drown was sitting by a table reading when he heard a faint spluttering that indicated that something was wrong with the lsn.p. As he roarhed over to exsmine it',- the lamp, which was almost full of oil, ex ploded cloro to his brast. From Ins chest to his feet Mr. Hrown was satu rated with the burning oil, and tb clothing was burned almost off his body. He received serious burns on his body and legs. A Charlotte physion was summoned. It is feared that the burns wll prove fatal. State tit ws Notes. The eltv of Charlotte, has sold Its Ihfuo of $100,000 worth of-bonds at 103 to a northern investment company. "Tire "Hrpenrin the puso of . Tames Wil cox, cliarKfd With the killing of Misa Nellie Cropsey, which was to have been beard Inst week, wnsj postponed until today (Tuosdny). It is'thfl last case on the Supremo Court docket and there will da oral argument. , r.omethlng that very seldom happens took-..,, plaeft In Goldriboro - ThurK.iay evening. William Smith, aged 24 and, who U supposed to be from Scran ten, Pa., procured from the register of deeds of Wayne county license to marry Anna Wooten, a negro, who has lived there nil ber life. He failed to get tny one to tin the knot, nilth ob tained his license by representing him self to fco mixed-blood. He is without doubt a while man. The Woolen wo man is about 25 years of ngo. When these facts became known, several jming men advised liim to leave town. 7thout any unnecessary elelny ho ii:'t. ed tipsa-t ttHidirIee--siT.-- Sudtli had been at work in Goldsbora on tlia streets for quite a while, assisting in J tho street lmnrovempnta. ' . . - - , KILLED BY AN EARTHQUAKE Me!22?herd, , rmenia, Wiped Out, 2000 Inhabitants Perishing. WIDESPREAD SERIES OF SHAKES UakloC KIH Man TrkerTow Vllaitiripd Out and Olhcr. la I'.uln. Garrlaoa Art Victim triro Frrlt th. M.ock Kiehy Mile. Away rrvlr elite A.k. Aid. Cemstanilnople, Turkey.-Two tbon sand fciiicd. a town wiped out and 4'Mi honws in nei?;blrl!ij: villages grownl to iMtwdey by an earthquake thnt con vtilfed the country frolu Ijike Van to the i:ulan frontier and as far west a Kbarput oensiitute the awful nory that reached tbis capital from Meiax gherd, eighty miles southeast of Krx erwus, nearly a awntb after the victims were cold in eV'Sth iil the dust into vbich to many bnman dw-liiags rerre resolved had bcn scattered by mexk luc mountain winds over the tofty tablelands of Turkish Armenia, The mighty shock wrenched the whole valley of the Euphrates 8 if with the iwJMing grasp of some gisnt band, raiding the hivtr'n- river in its churning channel ril! apnareuily about to inundsv the broad pUttear.s on either side, swelling the bine lake to a team ing tbiai wave that threatened to en gulf ine nurrouiidiijij: i--jiitu..M4d jsbsk ir.S woods that bad towered titiee Old Ti-s'amf iit eiay ea.sil5. as if they fcud Ihh-b jrroves of sa pi ill 5 traasplannsl frt iu forent nurseries the year In'fore. !r was felt early n tip utornius of .Vpril '', and. wbile a ialf miuut was tte upaee if it deadly duration, the frisltlfnl effects were cot realized en ur!y until day after ?ay iiad ti.l its tale of terror and the tre:ubliug Mii viv ors raiue to bflie iiey bail hi-irte-d tba vast verge of aimic cosmie ata dysrtu. .... Melaxgjurd as a tdenireec.ne tewn In Ibe viihiyet of Vaa when tb uion arer Kllsturbn-e wteed it. but in lets time tban Is required to grasp the chap ter f borrow it level wiila the jdaln and its population of Includ Ins'ltHlustrious ethephe-rds and husband Dien and a trousi Turkish gjirrlsot cetKtnacAed ;y CoKnel Khnlt. Bey w: reduced I j a few dazed men -and women, whe jJttiiiibJrd over be ta) pl iant ma of crackling oil an 1 rrnmb llng wreeka:je, vainly cnlling os loved crew's who h:WI'perisii?d i" tiu:.e iliirty LwaindSOf 4iMiiit. tint Miiitture. the t.rocperot:K eitl"-m-ent smiled In the sleain of Asiatic, tmnsb.itre, the ne?;t it was a wilderness of -wailing Woe, no moiv.sug.vsiive Of hnnutn habitation than !f it hart van i):ed w ith tlKse other storied o!tis of the ple.fn before the vengeance of J ho--vaa. ..Not. one wall remained to bow where a humble but happy le.-me I:sd been. Scarce n score of those uioun: rin paiijn;en were left alive grope for safety over the puisinir enift that entombed their friends and kinsfolk. It was almost a complete arittiiiilatkti. Seven hundred Armenluns were dfflitn; il;e i-lain. Colonel Khalil and bis family, three other ottvern nr. a eighty non-eou:iiiisioned officers and privates were Uli'.eel outright. .Not er.e of the gnrrison escaped save Ll.v.iien-nnt-Colonel Tayib Hey. whose family died with the wife nnd cbiMttii of hi senior, and he went stark mad as be lettered about the ruins, see-king those whose dear affection already bad le fom a memory. The heroic telegraph ojK-rator In charge of the station in Melnxtrherd saw bis wife and siste- go down to death in the swirl of reding buildings. tMelity to M trust nlon-J savin his life, for. realising they were gone forever, be. dashed to rescue hU Instruments nnd thus avoided tlm fnll ofheavy walls- thnt llattetied the spot on which be had t.too.1 a few momeu's before. ( It wss only after many effort, wounded as he was by flying tlloi frnrj the roofs of the low Oriental dwellings, that he recovered a key and sounder nnd sneeeeded liuetaiil;sbinK nn Irreg ular connection with some of the near, est points. The wires werp down nil about tbe stricken '.one. nnd if v.T.s Im possible to get an answer from n:'y station more than it few miles away. The consensu!! of information was that at lcaxt 4JK dwelling bruises had been destroyed in various plae-p out side his home,, and that the homeless actives 'were digging boles in banks and hillsides. In which tliey bun-owed like foxes, rather ihati risk b' p!tt:J above ground. All the rmnmuuiile for many miles n round were in a staio of panic, the majority believing tho nwful vibration was only the begin ning of a series that would make the face ol the entire province one? va-il blank and mult in . th eviftetieu eU' the val!e,v's w hole populaliiiuV Althougli always nwaiv they dwelt ove n huge mvt of vob.'nivi:'!', the herdsmen and small farniers amung the Kuiihrates were. iuna?.il by tiso vie If nee ef tho earlhunke, 'i't ue, f rout Infancy they had been tausiht to .'(met tit intervuls upheavals that blotted out; existence by wholesuh am! wasted towns nnd villages. .Most of their liettKes, like those of .Inpsm. were built with a view to miiiJmixiu the tlar.gers of such dlsturliaiices, eo:isirttcted chiefly of clay and light timbers. .Some oi'Jliein lived jn eaves, pt nmeh as n piecjiffilen as from poveiiy. The nldev grandsires recalled tho construc tion of 200 houses on Mount Ararat, ninety miles from Mehixsherd. sixty threo1 years before, and rtirii.vT.iUl r).kins of 1sr. which the town of t- .?. , passed through tbe frightful .earth' Auiicruiiiu iviia iitzca. A.W. MAGHEN UNDER ARREST Free Delivery Superintendent Accused d Accepting Bribes. ALLEGED BRIBERS ALSO TAKEN Th. Acruncd Cifllsial la Kra.r.t From Offlra Ski. Hl Arr.t I. " a Craad- e atand riar "-eaiti S'jo.ono nailMora Kna.atlenal Drlptuitt. Are Kipect e.1 o Follow Tlie CltarctMU , W'ashingtca, I. C August W. Mae-ben, Superintendent of Fre-e Dellv ery in tbe rostotTiee Departiiient. was arreted, e-barped with ree-eivin bribes aumuutins to alKut ?22.sK) from Groff Brothers, contractors for letter box fas teners, and was summarily dismissed from office by Pust master-General 1'ayne. Maeben gave bail in $20,W0. nnd a hearing in bis ease was set for June 5. He declared tbat bis ane-t watt'a jrrand -stand play." nud. through bis counsel, eienied the e-br.res against him. The Groff brothers also were rri nnd re!onsil on tmii. Other oRielal are under suspicion, and it is believed that still more startling devel opments in tbe postal Investigation will follow. Postmaster-General Payne, iu sum marily dismissing Maeben from office, issue,! tbe follow ins order: "A. W. Mac-hen Is this day removed from tbe position of General Superin tendent of the free delivery service. His removal.' made by reason of mal feasance ou bis part in the discharge J Uie duties of hi omee. Th? arrest 'of Msrben "trf the clos ing act of nn examination which was conducted for three hours by Fourth Assistant Fostmaster-eicm'ra! Bristow, lusprctor Fosnes, who relieved Maeben trs chief of tbe free delivery division, flinl Inspector Meyer. At the eoueln bn of t!:e examination Deputy .Mar shal Springmtm was cslleri into Mr. Bristow's office and made the arrest. The evidence of Machen's guMi came like a thunderclap to the Pestmaster Genersl. wbei, while be was aware that the former Superintendent of Fre-e le II very bad been guilty of irregularities, liad never swpected actual diishofiesry on tbe part t" so important an official, and especially one wim bad been rec ommended to him as worthy of tbe ut most consideration. Consternation reigns in the. depnft ment. nnd it Is feared that this is enly the Iwninnimr of most fensctional de velopments wbbih will reveal ihe exit Mice of venality of nppalliii'Jt propor tions and involve oftMitls of impor tance and trust. - It Is -said thnt close urvei!!.'incp s now he'lu? kept on an other otiicial who formerly occupied a place of trust, and it is mi,n.,ted at the oflle-e of tbe Fourth Assistant Post-ntnler-Geteral tbat. fbi et-'d is not even iu sieht. Tlio offen.se rhnrcred against Macoen i shown in detail in ti'.e followlnc statemn,t issued by Femrth Assistant IVistrnasier-tieneral Bristow:" "A. W. Mae-hen, General Superintend ent Free Iidiverv system, was arret ed, cbnr.ffed with roeelrinc bribe, nmountlng in nil to about .2?.ono, in rouiici'tion witb a contrjiet held by Groff Brothers, of Washington. L. C. for a patent fnslener nsed n srert let ter hexes, known os (be troff fastener. The T'oslofilee .Dtrparlment hi the l.tt ten years has nsed nbont SKWl.tKKi worth of these fnsferners. nnd It Is shown by ample evidence thnt. for the last three years at lenst Mr. Maelien ba been receiving forty rer rent, of the amounts naid to the GroO. The transaction of the business was eon ducieil by Oilier P.. GntfT, who controls the patent of his brother, Samuel A., a I'lolleemnn. Postmaster-Genera! Pavne elves the frreab'-st credit to t. e work of Mr. Bris tow and bis Inspectors in ferret inrj out tlie present rase, pninonnclnc it the most expert piece of dt'eetive work which he has ever known. Maeben, wbile lefus'ns to make an extended statement for publication, said: "This will come out nil rleht. My. ar rest is merely n grand stand pin v." If Is understood that civil suits will be brought to vecover from Maehrn the amount he Is r alleged to have received on the cnr.'raeis. -s - tk ' RUSSIAN ARMY PLOT. Two r'lltrrv OBlrer. ronfe That Ttiy Intpiii'.cl tn thr-ot einie'al. St. Petersburg, Russia. Two officers In the artillery, named Grrgoiieff nnd Molostroff, rave lieen arrested. ; On thj? discovery -of incriminating letters (fre RMiieff confessed that ft had been bis intention to shoot M. Pobledonostaeff, Procurator-General of the Holy Synod, on the occasion of the Interment of M. Siplaguine, Minister of Ihe Interior, who was shot nnd killed by Anarchists, J but hi courage failed wlie'i be saw the vemrnble nppearai.ee' of Mr. Poliedo liostzeA '',,,,' Molostroff ( coft'essed that be liitom! ed to shoot another high otilcia!. It Is believed that revolutionary tendencies are spreadiiig Iu the Russian Armj'. II mul Jurtie l Ofl" ar f.jm lvn-, W. C. Clifte.n. murderer of Mr. nn.l Mrs,..loIm Church, was lynched Vy fi mob from (iilletto, Wyo. The mob battered down the jail door at Newcas tle', boldiuir' up (he Sh TliT and deputy, and burg Clifton to n bridge west of the town. Clifton's ho!td was jerked oti by the fall of forty feet. Almnt Secretary Keep Sworn In. Chillies II, Ke?p. the. newly tippoltit cd Assistant Secretory of the Treasury, was sworn in and assumed the ejutle. of his ofllee at Washington. KINOR EYENTS OF THE WEEK WASnlNOTOX ITKMR. The arpointment of Charles Ilnllana Keep a Assistant Secretary of the Treasnry. to euewd Milton E. Aiies, who recently resigned to accept the Vlr-Presidency of the Rises National Rank, w as announced at the Treasury Department. The Department of Justice Is to re open proceedings iu tlie Oberlln M. Car ter ease, with the hope of recovering part of tbe money alleged to be stolen from the Government and securing the extradition of Gaynor and Greene from Canada. Count Cassinl. tbe Russian Ambassa dor, and Secretary Hay received msny letters criticising them In tbe matter of the Kishineff and anti-Hebrew out break. The promotions of over "(m pos'al clerks were cancelled by Fostmasier General I'ayhe. Secretary Hay railed England's nt tentlou to a claim of tbe heirs of Chsrk'S Brown to mining lands in South Africa worth $j.ihi,u. which !ms leea peuding since be fore tbij BotT War. , on: AnorTED island. An honorable aevjuittal was civen CaitUiiu Carl F. Hartniau. of tbe Signal Corps, at Manila, charged with embei tling Government property. A measure safeguarding public mouoy was passed at Manila. There are. said to have Imvii elsht serious eaes ef dishonesty among American officials in the last year. Eighteen persons living in a Ssn .liian. Porto Rleo. boarding bouse and severnl of tlie staff and patients at the Maternity Hospitr.l were poisoned by drlnkinsr milk. .Ul were saved by aiouiaeU pumps. DOMESTIC. Arrefted for the murder of Joseph Ibibney. ecdored. I. Simnis illed of fright on the way to Ja'l at Chicago. Tbe national eemvention of master plMcber. meeting st San Francisco. decided lo continue tbe present system of apprentices. When Thomas Cboatte, a farmer, re. fvse.1 to stop abusive language toward -Kdia Oshani. at Jasper. Teen., Gen eral W. E. Ponnldson, a friend of CJrabam. killed Cboatte. The Wisconsin Ijegislature adjourned elne die. For the first time In twenty ! wo years the convicts at tlw State -Pe'tntentiary, Jollet, VU ate leether lastoad of la their cells.. After an exciting battle. Mose Hart, colored, was killed by cltiteim at Cor inth. Miss., because of Instating lan gnav.f he bad used during bis trial be fore Mayor Vonng. Diphtheria In light form prevailed at the naval naming station at- Newport. It. I., over 1" apprentice- being HI. In the contempt cases against tnlncrs Iwfore the Federal Court t Charleston, ft. C., it wns proposed te compromise liy Imposing small fines only. Senator Hnntm Issued si statement jnmouiicing that lie Is opposed "to a res olution by the Ohio. State-Convention indorsing President Roosevelt for nn rtbrr term snd adding that he is not and will not le a candidate for th uominatfnn. An elevator In a dancing academy at rtttsburg. Pn.. fell five floors. Four persons were killed and five or six were injnred. , Tbe shops and roundhouse of tho Sea fronrd Air Line, at Portsmouth. Vs.. weee destroyed by fire. The company's loss Is estimated at $750,000. Great damage was done to farms around Lacrosse, Wis, by the sudden rise of the Mississippi River. A log bouse occupied by lumbermen nt Campus, W. Vn., wns burned, two of Ihe occupants being cremated, while live were badly injured. Sixty-four reliclous exiles from France reached New York City on the steamer Ln Champagne, Torty-slx Of them bound for Meiueheu, N. j. The Rev. Henry Storey, n Baptist minister, was burned to death and his wife fatally injured In a Ure at their lionie in Richmond, Ind. President Roosevelt took psrt In laying the cornerstone of a monument to Lewis iiml Clark nt Portland, Ore. FOSEIGX. Emperor Francis Joseph refttsr.! tj. receive the Iialinallnn deputies who cnlled to nsk him to Interven to prevent further bloodshed In Crontlu. Reports at Yokohama couQrmed the presence of Russian trnopH on the Ko rean side of the Ynln River. Klug Edward's private secretary au thorized the statement that there was no truth In the reports regarding the King's ill health. While watching the inflation of a bal loon at PaiL?, Louis Efondell was as phyxiated by escaping hydrogeu git. The Austrian Government Intends k asking .Parliament to approve the ex penditure or iflS.OOO.ooo for the exten sion and improvement of the harbor facilities at Trieste. A great demonstration of labor nnd Nonconformist partisans iigiilnst the Education bill was held at Hyde Ptirk, London, ,'-.- The nrsen.nl nt snntlncy. fan Do mingo, was blown up. Ge'tieral Frias was killed and tweaty-oue men. were mortally wounded. General Botha announced that am-. I sty hul been granted to nil Cape reb els. Advices from Sottinliland, E:st Africa, stated the Somali camel c-orps operating with tiie Brilish e'oiu;iii:S ngalnst the followers of the Mad Mul lah, been me mutinous and tvbi'biy will be d.sl ttiitU"!. ' " tA30H WORLD. Cu.elnnait Ohio) building laborer have formed a nnion. ' Porters in tbe down -town stores of CbUaco have organ I wd a luaon. Denver CoU tinners have received an advance from ?:.riO to $3.73 a day. . The strike of the iron molders at Kt. Pul, Minn., will be settled by arbitra tion. Chinese coolie laborers wiM I expen sively employed in the hemp fields of Mexico. A permanent organization of blact smiihs helpers bns been forme J at To ledo, Ohio. In Canada no child, yonnr girl or wotr.an can lempkyed more than sixty hours n week. SuUstautial increases In waTea have be en granted by the xm blacksmiths of Brockton, Mass. India -Mpolis tli.d.) nio'.ders are out. Their demauds tor a tn per etui. iu crecse were not granted. It is said that tbe c-hildren o? labor e nuacd in tin1 various cHVUjtsiJbma of the L ulled Stated numler 1.7."i,ta.H. Several thousand men 4it Aberdeen, Wash- are interested in the contem ttlated plan to organize tbe miliuicn. McmtKrs or ttie reeicration i jiui cians have been forbidden to play where Government musicians apiK'ar. Toronto Canada) e;c?iir..;era aTC decided to ask for an increase from twenty-two to tweuty-tive cents ai hour. Montreal has row the largest loe-al labor organisation in Canada inJhe-l'lugsboi-i uieu's union, with iTWO ineai-lx-rs. Tbe Trades and Labor Congress of Canada has been organized thirty years. It has now become a powerful national labor body. The Brotherhood of Loeom wive Fire men has deckled to build In the vicinity of Chicago a $23.ms) borne for ligeel and incapacitated members. A Solomon at the Torr.stile. A modern Solomon ratr. to tne frort the other day in an Ka:t River ferry house. As ho passeVTInto tho place a roan was leaning over the di viding rail quarreling with the ticket seller. . - "I tell you the dim is Canadian,, and they won t take it on the cars.. I haven't any money, and 1 must take a car on the other eld. You have no right to pass Canadian money off on roe." "Can't help it," said th ticket seller.. "The money is po o l. A ay bank will take It. Why don't yon go . . . . i . . .. . i. 'i up ine Bireet aim yanjtc- 11 ; Th man said lie didn't have time, and they kept up tho argument for some time. At last it g.t tiresome, and tho Wise Man who had been lis tening went over to tha worried trav eler. "Le me sec tap dime," he said. ' He lookd at the coin for d minute and then gave tho man a good dime. "Old you give this man this dime?" he asked of the ticket seller. "Yes." replied the other brusquely.. "Well. giv-- me two more ferry it-l. .,.... ..IJ . T. A C .. 1 ........ . .1 t. .. Ill hfLS, Lin-; suiu.uu. ailfl uv lianded the Canadian dime back to tie discomforted official. New York Prese. SOUTHERN -1 . RAILWAY. THE STANDARD RAILWAY OF THE .'awsSOUTEf. DIRECT LINE TO ALL POINTS IN Texas, California, Florida, Cuba and Porto Rico, Strictly first-class equipment on all Througlr anI Local Trains, ami Pullman Palace Sleeping cars on all night trains Fast and safe sched ules. Travel ly tho SOUTHERN, antl you nrt assured a" Wafo, CoinCeirtnlilo anil Expecli tiuua Jonrnoy. apply to Ticket Agents fof Ta,b!ei, R elet ami genend information, or addi vs 8. H. HARDWICK, ,U. P. A., Washington, D. U R. L. VERNON, 'j. P. A., ' Charlottei, N. 0. F, R. DARDY, 0, P. & 1 Ashvilk;, N. 0. XO TROCCUC Tii AKavrcKu&tf-l'lSB. .