ham Observer. IE, Kdito nd Prt.n. I ' ' ' . IPTIGN. RATES: .:'-.;.'-. Cnie Dollar. - ' JTifty Cents. '- "ti . ' ' . ' """""" ; i lin Roosevelt flw Wfrsle iN-fr Ffojtressi,- Willis ng rates reasonable, n'o ti appo-catkwv. Jay July .8 k scuoulyear c1osirg 'i wsttheciKil fund iuty over two doMars hr services of Supt of ? lii under fus man i . . i cot less man u day. -Chatham Citizen foresaid iwt hl de truth Instead of )Xlui- lal and niisrepresenta- 'alJ have fouud' by going l-ords that the Ex-tsupt. 1sthau 1 lr day. 1st year and besides he fed u do wars the fusion ft undone. f idicstkns are that the 'Mr' Cleveland is not to idered f urt ar as a in esi pposiUUity audthe sooner be tb'3 better it wiii be fo.- icratic paa ty. There are 'of other men just a good this prejj Uses, bis faults 4 enemies and who can nd more reseet and re- 'mo re votes The man w h 1 tiAir nice the name of 'nd or Bryan , for Presi is either misguided or nU ng for the -Licit it the I . J 1 I. .41. craiic piny, jjouj if !men and bava sr'eJ their ol a new man is needed to The rotteness of the i:e- cn aim n": t atkn demands Inge and if the Democrat 41. a irrii Tnn tl"lr li ,i uaK: viic f 'Kuv 4.... . . . " ' ssibility of a Democrotie ident transact ion came to liajli I iday that has never been sar 'ied so far as legal c rooked -'.l is concerned, County r The too-too mhriireTs of LTres- U. eU'Uwve been f ind fit sa- inir Until- ks iia jRlilk"iun and as a wes-ident he Mlinir'i-rtersthe office iipmi a plin wholly differ-- iit from ft jx 1 tifian, believe mnstof tlw-se magazine writers are srif derived ' beeasser they think Teddy run his ud mini stra tum Toi rr the breezy line of .f his early taTk against machine . methods, - Bk' Jur life, 'It' can give Mark Harm i..inWs upon poll lea. nanygermnt arid roanipB'ation. Nobody in Waslv ingum is dtn-eivedby thtw irri desnt dreams. They know that Mr. KoeveIt!run! hisma- !ihK npm purely m;whint i'nies and tln-n hitci.es to a daxzhng meteor to fool the people. Tt sh.;w veteran and nj par tisan rft?v. pillar correspond ent view the iTesident's politi cal power we take two extract1 fro;a au artic-lo by ".Savoyard in .1 esterday ' --Washington Pos.t! He writes; li.Kisevelt dosmoates his par ty more, .completely than any Kepulican President since Lin coln. We may say that, he is tnoe completely master if it than Lincoln was for there was a rovolt against ll.inti that went so far as to call a cwventloa and put a ticket into the field; but Lincula was politician enough to knock that movement in the head. There was a rebellion against Grant ana it was nearly a succesf ul rebellitn Wnere is the ltepubliean Senator who would defy iioosevelt as Grant was detiedy We have seen what llaeua diu when he was order- led. where is the man in the re publican party b Id enough to tell Theodore Roosevelt that he is mvrtali' There is a Xeg'm 'nt f them ready to persuade him that he can command the tides, General Jt.cksoh ordered th" nobiination of Martin Van Huren fur Vice-President in 1. II ttoosevelt set-s lit Iiq ctn na ' the inan t-i g on tht picket with hiin. There has U-eii stouething in i.o nature of a hint alut : that Senator Ld who i to this ad inir istiaiiu what lei.tnn wa (Frow Our ReuW V.m--:wfnrtmt. ( -'June-iO 1 .:) M r. Cr C, Wright, naraber of tk, tttafe Board of Scii Ex ? aminerauimuliLSuierinteud ii Kepoblvcans' , fa Washington- ent of choU fW county oi -Wau to be jubUut over tl r,v . ... ..i .if ilia. l.Hvi'. wmvention, jn V l ikt'", vv t a tjoeti 1 1 iii.-ngu (, , . , , W '-' ' i , . t I 1 ...1.AM t1 this wok in attendance upn. tlu iutvtiogof the Slate liourd.. Was asked yesterday as the. condition and progiMf public education in Vi'kos county, lie sid: Hie situation there. We are glad to say. is improving grad ually. I see from n5 anuual reiKrtTvmpieled last week the enrol iue.nt in the public schools and the average attend ant for .he iMist year, ending J u-e .ikHh, HQ'V is iafR?.' than ever before in the history vt the ctmuty. The jHop.j have recent j ,iy voled ta the iuel'ou of local tax for schools in the tvo dis trict in the couty, AYilksboro and lkK.mr. In one of these districts tie vote cast was unani mous for ciMls, in the other only two votes .yerejcatagainst it. Ue axe I'lauiiing an duca tional rally at aU-ct live or six different, points in 'he ccuniy The rally is U come 'off sometime during the uiontu of August. Much prog its ha beeu made ail along educational lines di-iiag the past year and the outlook for j the future U very gratifying;--1. tlic friends of tdi.cation.Hil over tht-ouuty. E ghte.Midistru ts id thecoun- Notice is tter'od. A.M.H00R3E. Dim nonce is lvreby strvca n , ltaHlt vawm-ik tbr puMi gewwlly; what le Mj- , i; crvw. V Wiicrr tiatel S.'e is the 1y Vive' i.cl '' " r" qi ihv n ket that i waihi iv u der tbe sh re d idanwe i of S5 ator Aliisorj. Uve obnoxious asser tiivn tnat th .tariff hau shclteied niopoles, which has; been . etiuu nated or rather rep aced with a uoudescxipt plank which is one of Mr. Allisons .aas-terpieces in the good Lord, g.d Deri uuv To the "Stand patters." tue. e nay be '"some Isatistactiou ia th:s elimuiati.n bat the g.reatious satalaclion falls ti thedemocrats ; who cau now ptiut t the fact : that eveji Iowa l as beeu swuag into line afraid tostaud hyitsto.. victious that the tariff is the "aiothef of trusts, aiid that every republkiau who favors a revisiou of Uhe existing , lai ui rates must vote the democratic ticke: o- stultify himself. After the adoption of the plat for tu Governor - - Ca mmius made a speech in which he rsasset tos las old time ,osition but in as muciius he U'd f-rst yieldetl Liis jK.sitioiuitid waived his. c.ou ventioo that prompt lowering of hi. duties on trust made goods was icipv-rative his subsequent statements w.U be received for what tiiey arc v.brto. president lkx'sevelt and past- master General Payne have be tl. pure unsflttlk-iated mcb ie.j r r tuivinV uitfli Ml Salve Hs to all baswn-. . Utaw rund thousand of cisc bi wnes ur. n Hot. ould not ifH if anv ttliier ir n in. M and th s tail hV. o maiv worihtesv townu'iicii-. ltt Ufa os. who ce" the- Ke-.!ii te Wilt's rtitrn Haarl Salve iirc Rcvcr MLaoitntiiie htc.ar.M! it ra ts Iwij sU by t. iv nihil U., Havana, that the treny foapn,i statio tcs rs ahnoM ccnciudtd. .we i'ro t ijial u-rmi proosrd rowf it is 3id are that the United S at-s will iV tne thouar.d a ytar rt for twe slalions. Ad otcs dfstmiu fcr t1ie station will be entered duly frcv. t he Uritu-d State will r.ndtriaki tc prcvsr.t snui.stirg. lie s iiiur.i will not be iis-d as a bases for trndt 'jt '"tA'd'n-i ine5, '..'t"?'; ': t4ll-; e.ny for U.e h!r&ii.g ' ' jlQf s to .ik ; Uis -t d , ta - i' li'' '' t ccnciudtd. Ue tni L )' tX':-&2iff tv have beeu consolidated du. iug j tw.en them managed .to cluse tue past year. SjecUl notice ,tua,V;-- ' news iioe ,jirti " tauedircgardiug the rft Otlicc luvestiuatiou and comparatively has bteu fallen where thtse cou solidatiou.4 have teeumade unu in almost every case the t uoril- A 'Marvelous irueutton." ' Wonders aitvtr ttas. A w? lr.rv .. has tvtn iiivtrUd .thari-tc a liapg w.di pancr. iht ft id -yf in vcnlions and distoreiies sttn.s t 1 unl.iiiitcd. N' tabic ia rg gte.s jiscoveries is Ir. Kind's New l)i ovf!v1t.. C nsvuvitu'O li. tus du;u i wrrid o' gtM.d tur weak Uu ano avtd many a iilc I na."o i..ve u d it aiI tuiMjUr 1 m Ut'onchitts l'ricuii"tiiJ ar.d t' - 4unipiu.i. ' besr ;; ct.tl vt r-H' t : 'Ii'aihtf bc-t an t m at rcliab c mu it ine tor it.rrat and -lin.ji troithh ( Fvciy c and J$' oo .buttle uj -a.itt-e i hy tl. R. Pi-kiiig'.uii Druj-.jj.i. fri.il b. tths rce. iU 4iLUt VICI J V140V L . . j .nnnt. n.,l Rveruifed attendance littleness of imp.-tame is now . . Kr.-tliiitr ii:to Diii.t- The liio&l at t'lCse places were gi-euwrr iuttu i . . everbefort. imir.ant t ubjects under inves- Mr. wriht was asked w hat j ligation at the prt-nt are t,e effectia his opiui-n, toe Watt's 1 chase oi sheet ito,. nadhoxc, oiii would have in Ins couut . PuUuihg ..f the same witi. ue haid: j wUu a ceitain I ateot jaint. ait. UUit ink tli ? chunire ImO e i t ,,4. ..-nt'i-Hl m.inUuIjinJ: cm Fall into line nd order your sew spring suit from th trtsrt Oat Eisel of I 'Strauss Brothers g CHICAGO. From start to finish good pi! fit ity Is the predominating teat- . .it Mvitw niilt ta ordr k by this veil knows tailortoe bouse. No detail is too anall to be given careful attention; your perfect tern fort l their sole aim. Call at ear store and look over the tplen did assortment of 500 latest and nobbiest patterns. Tevtll jute you prices that will Inter. est you. Yoar satisfaction, as n 'tlways, absolutely juaranteed. 'A ij .4 t4l Do You Enjojr t v? l ' tika tf jott uka Kodol.. Ey lie us f ua .Jane the rri -cr - .4 CiS i and oteed at'l a.i Kta- - t9mhs are s ctmpimeiy ftstojed to ft ' - . 9 T"4V Radir Naito. What nou o r.. , ,,t ,f,rn .,l3v 5 Ye. can eat whatever Tk., o Ai'o'. M.tv rnd . . 1 ....... j .tv.. .-.til 1v.rfi4.-n.a1we ol tne.r . )- a r- aa. n.o on- 1 .. neaun. . - . . , . . ,um fnc ,v,v .nd -hh, tr.p 1 ct fr .in It r nam. aLii'...' -ntih-on ;a,.x evsn ..rUT,fc!in" sod wijfc a poa I.oui to p ta in a it . 'f 'uipi'4ure sad enjoyraer.. An hat is . ri tkl.iham.i. livjoi 'U-r-iui :m0re-three fooce sr. sia e . and Te, Wrt. W..f. Sa, ,!rt 'rned Jsk; -- SS ItVU v. - - - uvmv r- 1. J lipr Ur' w , , would be for t;ie boiler. Th, Hi)y phica eh. tu lu, g.ve,u-jj;. v . 1 !' . IV y' ti distillers are al-eady c islicg m2:1t -r-loJ u'W wort., of .ciui t Ga. for infot.i.t.-..u. ito.iut ia t,nir . tntads for. otnei j fuld-ng paper a J'ur, one L;Ut busiuesh ii v. iiicL U invvst Uieii-j lA'uieii is uiii.:t oy -t;.o p s. vi:-r a' I'.u.mn rt made in tS) H -m t in rea- r form as county orders au lual y ffiadj but' were tyje writ n and sigr.ed by the old fusion imiissioncr and apiwav -to .ive been made in J. A. Gile's Jice.At the time they weretnadt le Kepublicahs were trying b 'iake it apjwar that their admin- i 1 omntint nf r&'J - It (ti sM Usauddolhu s were present UoJaeks.ms and (.onkhng s t 1 E t. . a 'for payment that wer3 tutl 0'--. nas saggesieu .-eia-U to exist and o' which 1:0 ! -1t v. ricgo, It would be a Urd could be found. Tin- W.r unique ncKet, otoov jouJU k:.ow v. iia'- l no lu-au 01 n vould u.) nest, and nob dy voulo know what the th' tail of itwouidsay next, "for Iioosevelt un do t'jirg.s and Iieverhlge 4 can sey things. It is ti ue that the youthful Indianna Senatoi is averse to accepting ad h nor trtat Thomas A. llendrick's twice wore, land Thomas Jeffer son and John C Calhoun didjiot disdain, but if Roosevelt says" the word Jermiah Ueveridge would as well make up his mind to be drafted on the ticket in the g od year 1004. He will name his own running mate write his own platform It w ill then be up for the peop'e t- defeat this strenuous political b:ss. IJe imagines he is a sec ond Cromwell, lie has ability and courage but he lacks ' the moral power of Old Ironsides. Nobody eAcept the President sees any f.'setnblitice in Crom well and loosivelt' e'xeept that ixitli desired tho--whole thing. CrtmiweJl wislnd . p-.ner for the religious and "civic uplifting of the '"people. HMsevelt .wishes JjKiwer because he loves iowc?r. NVwt and Observer. - s ala tit a-, up. I 1 skil do f y .u juioue.v. One iurni'-ure fact' iy i oil tec. Ahutii. u ia.,..-uia-j X(w..-t.l.' ,j..c.U t.'unMe l.ilr j wiil uot-pei-;il ui a lew r.aystn ; ttou van ce i.oati.tu Uir JU ,asV sr.;iv.-s. i 4'oi-lli Wi.lxsot.-ro. giu. g eiai'.ov-1 th.i :iiLe,r.:ii..g a d fi' a -iy t.a- meut to tja.li i uuiaoe. of u..u.-..; n ;rui.n, . ivo. .i.u j u. v'i.i . 1 .............. : i . ... .1 i. - ir t ... l . 'eu of. I have' not iieard ot any ! i,.ui d that c' it v.o..- uu of the dis'titteres iu.vn g out a the muuif U. J,i pap'f ..as u s u. ; the state. The fear one enter- ' wh? is r 1 : . ... .m! 1:1 t;i!.o;Ji k t 1 v. ..-. - . . 1 j, irinsunta that clrt i toed, hi aaair.cn is n ..-. - - - i.rr,tlaUve forn. ' C0- I ivd reconstructive pcj;eo. rail on I. . A Kotiol cure Jl!Stt:on. d-srIa anS ail r ; ihordars ar.air.e thereirsm. j, iUodol Digests What You Eat a. i"-t v and .nC i Pr.p.r.U bf C. O. DWTT CO.. Ctcgo. "U g lit'iiki igton tained that the met who haul the '. from the 1 money m the di-juor bsi:ie-ss ! Compauy, that liepisi? auv-- ! I,, n,.-.'. c.it K!,i. lit the Klatef.(i.Nf nil SiibV.v. is laigely iiiterer.it iio.:s uol uo-v exist. The impres j ed in the concern au susecieu .si.iti prevails that tliese men wi.l j that .Speaker he Cannon is al est their money i 1 other en- so, allhou-,h that nas .not been lerprizes wh ch will ghe Urge veriticd as the ii jiech ls have emi)loyinent to labor and will be Uot yet gair.tdai cess to Uieslock rsr dr.j. x. tayi.r.; "0R7j".yIHRiE. paYSI'.VAN and Eu'geou. j DlalNi J. X - . ..... i n r ittsDcro, p . tt tp iTsnoito, X. c. Prompt attention given calls, : Office hours, daily except Sun tratiou was more ecenomical 'ban the Democratic oties in or- Itr to hide the real indebted ness f the county .They issued otders n tyiK? written form and left no record or note of the p-oceedyig . . . .i . . r . . 1 ,1., - ...;n4. ed blank form in the cmnty or der lf'k which would have shown'' the whole transaction. It is not know n whether there are any more of these hidden trans actions and secret 'orders in "ex istence or not, thouvh there may be thousands of those mid night orders hidden awav. The people who own them ar not be criti cised but the men who filtered i -1 - - -. ... into this combination to deceive the e ple deserve lhe s-jverest. condemnation- It would not have been known for years that these existed had not the present com missioners dverUssl that they would ceaM to pay interest (jii all outstanding orders... Almost every month new discoveries 11 r made of rotten and shady trans action the fusion combination 'more rencineia'ive tothe whole county than the stills h.ve been and will have hj element of de moralii4.1ti011.The law is grow ing in favor every day, What effect v Will this law. have upon the political situation f the county I ask-d iff Wright, lie said: I think by the - time election is held next year we will have very books First, Assistant Posfmater Geneiat Ih ist w has announced a policy which i- likely t- make for improvement of toe pastal service if he is" sustii ted in it by the postmaster General un fortunately a "ery doubtf ul con dition. .Mr liristow d-jclires that the rural free delivery er- vise h is been seriously hamper- Jay or night. W-D.SIL.ER, TlOitSn AT LAVf, Siler City, d ir. f rom a. m to .':.' p. ui j Patients desiring work drt at I home will please write for terms, j You save per cent, and exteii ses by coming to ray office. Printed price list can bo had ott application. few, if any democrats deserting ;ed by the establisment of routes the party because of tins law. as favors to Congress men ie ;.),, o people think we will gain jgardtess of wiietiier tin; c,o:hU many more votes than they will! lion attending such routes war loose. At any rate the best opin- S rented thoir establishment ion is the party wilt not suffer Hereafter he is determind that from this ai d that the morals of I members of Congress shall have the county will be gre tly im -" j no voice iii this matter, aparl proved. The best poojile.- in from the presentation of the pd w ii!cs couhtv ar- deeply interest ition'f their constiy. ents. Ue ,-d iuthe education of thir -LiJ-Uays tlw hP 3 'or trill bi.i.i.l 1. ...a..!-. If .i rnHi;linjt'lir dre-i and tney know that the to ascei wio u M. u., ColTins and Lumber lor sah. We havoon head ready for delivery dayrcr night, ccffitsLof all Wade aud prices. Also fino caskets. Lumbar of all Unis for h'limn rou3h or dressed. B. Noe- It afcn harptns.that a ioiipte rrc nut ) ir m irriior when ntle I if, il-z "ofeconomv and t-omtveleurv were w,,h -sumption or a dec. . . .... ... .. 1 .;4tri Ctumha or Co ds. I here n danger in tins.' It i inarrytn'ff in lie hhadw. of death. Itmrmbate et)g:igel in WUm wilt it.Mnlr .- ' . 1 i. . . . 4 jJisiance letjos n eiu u.iiniein to the olii ciil acts of the fusion gang. Th" farther you g. the wors( il siiic-lls. There may be lio way to roach Out gang Oy law but tlieir i-ofTord continues to grow Cwoi . and wors nory - ho'ar.St.!(.i.t.e of th(. former fu sion liicers may tiavi prospered !, r"Miti of si'ioe of their shady t n .actious. ".' - ' ,ups fchould be taken to exdelnhe trouble. There is notiiing that wilt utt.v !y remove the daiit-r a Dr Kii)')i Ne' Discovery for Cno sumiti.r.nf ('oU;h and Colds - It is equally ttafe nnd sure for bung 'and .Throat troubles. Cure -is guar? o td b- ( I." k. l'ilkini,ion. Vt ire V cents and $l.co Trial D t hs still was in'mical to educatioiu.1 progress .News au:! 0 1 njrv.ir Tlie Havpiest Woman. fstne hard wor.tn) one The lw atkf action routes of servire Urfmt'd. l Only it ts n ressary to k -cp trie liowe'f regular a o in- o gans aclivC. There it nothing like lr Kinf-'w New 'Life Piilii P r thai THey render, service' gently )xt thorotifldy 25c at G4 K. I't'kinj ton's lrng Store. There is, always a best way do (ng ever ylliir g if it be t boil an i." Manners are the happy way of doing things. j,:ahners arc very ('(jntriuiiic-abh'; men cat"h them from each nth'-r,-'-nujcr''!' "' ''" ' n i-roundi tiir a Prooti ed route are such as to give some ground for believifig that iti will event uaily bring and adequate return tothe government add that un less such is found to both case the route will be denied- One Hundred Dollars A Jtox, is the v hie It. A. Tschile. .Sinn merlon, S. X. lares on DeWiit Witct, H.tel Salve.- lie says- " had the y hfc for t. nty ye.if.. 1 trifd tnaav doctors and irterl r.ine hut all f-u'-'d e.Kcrj-,t D.-Witt's Witcl na--;l Salve. It cnreil nie,' it i .t t'oittbination ' the heahni rop ertic of Witch Hael with attti-ei iics -tl nnoll ent'1; reii ves and n-t manentlv ures h itid bleeding ttt.Ii in'- and p""t mding piles, sres tutu bruistii, n etna h.i!i rlo'tim and ft fci.tu'diaW. G U PUtin-itou. I For Stylish Mp- 2 To-Data Smmer CLOTHING Call on -.eOiiatOKO o . . . The 'to ritt JOhnson Company,' v GREENSBORO lit fi . If X. c. v-ITheIJltrasac'" M 9 A o ,t o f o o .1 o . o S o ,tl o H o . o o ar o ar h! O ' o K o tC o K o V o " o ar o ar o ar , o t