A Yalaani Xree. A few days ago a company bought of 3. W. Adams, of PulUn, all his walnut limber, from 12 Inches up, at a good price. In cutting the timber they came across an old walnut tree that had been Mown down for at lst thirty years. End been threatened to 6e burned up several times, but when they made an examination of it they found It to 1 a blrdeye walnut worth considerable money. The company gave Mr. Ad ams &JCO for It. It measured 70 feet, and they will get $40 per foot, which, will amount to 32.S00. Dover (Ky.) New - Jews. In Jerusalem. While the return of the Hebrew raci ! to their promised land Is regarded bj luost people as a visionary scheme. It ' Is an' Interesting fact that the number bf Jows In Jerusalem has Increased within twenty-two years from 13,000 to between C0,000 and TOjOOO. An En- glisawoman wno has recently return pj from Jerusalem, where ahe haa lived for forty years, says that the old suburbs "of. the city, Ion deserted and ruined, are being built up at a aurJ prising rate, and that the Influx of Jews Is equally rapid In all parts 'of I Palestine, so that they are beginning to outnumber both Moslems and Chris tians. , : A Beautiful Skin Is rue cf the ctief requisites of an attr.xctlY ap 1 earar.e. Koufih. dry. scaly patches, little blls- t'"7 t-ruptiona, red ana unsightly ringworms iti -would spoil th beauty of a rerltable :n;.s. Tr'.-y are completely and quickly cured 1 t 1 tteUr.o. -M cents a box at drug stores or -i r : cents in stamps" from J. T. tohuplilne. Cascarftj stimulate liver, kidneys aad lx i is. rever sicken, weaken or gripe; 10c Deafness Cannot te Cured ty local applications, as they cannot reach th diseased 1 orti n of the ear. There ie only one way toiare aeaines.1, ana that is by conautu- t onai rfrue.iies. Deafness is caused byanio flvned condition of th mucous lining of the K't-UHchian Tube. When this tube gets in fliMi d yoa have a rumbling sound or Jin per l".-t he.ir.ng, aua wnen it ia entirely closed l;arness is tn.3 result, and unless the inflam mation caa be Uk-a cnt and this tuba re stored to i s normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever. Nine cases oat of ten are rause'i by catarrh. which is nething but an Lu- c-Tiea condition or the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollar for any cae of Denfnecs (caused by catarrh) t hut can not b, curpd by Hall's Catarrh Qara. Send for -circulars, fre. , F. J. CnrsxT A Co., Toledo, 0. FM.br Prvg-ri t.7-c. U&U's i'waUy Pill are the best. To the Soutmru iiaptist Convention, Al Wilmiuston, N. C. May 5th to Hth, 1837, lli.' S abua d Air- Line offers the best service. I'lk-ke-t routes and t half rate. In addition to The regular superb double dally service. It is rrojoed to run three "Baptist Special URin-" rrom jrirmia, r.orth Carolina, i oath Carolina an-i t,co gia, making imme diate connci tions with trains from all points ortn, fu..i, KaM and est. ror special li ket, ?lcp?ri and all information, address -r tail tn H. A. Newland, Ueu'l Apt 1'ass'r Dept.. fa Kimball Iiou-'v Atlanta. Ga., or T. J- Auderstn, Uen'l Ias'r Aft , Portsmouth, a. The Board oi Arbitration settle! Dulath's laundry strike. . Ko.To.Bae for Fifty Cents. Over T0.0u0 cured. Why not let No-To-Bac reir'ilate or remove your desire tor tobacco? Nuen muney, makes health and manhood. 1'ure puaran'eed. 50 cents and 1.00, at all ari'g-ists. . - - Sydney (N. Y.) silk weavers struck rather la& give up their union. FITS stepped free And permanently cured. No fu after first day's ie of Dr. K line 6 Great r. titvEKF.TOKEK. rreeSJtriai not tieand treat lae.teuu to Dr. Kline, 831 Arch St-, Phila., Fa. Mrs, Wjnslow's Soothing Syrup for children eininsr. soitens the srums, reduces lnnamma- tioa. allays pain, cures wind colic 26c. a bottle. Whex bilious or costive, eat a Cvcaret, candy cathartic; euro cuaranteed; Ilk-., zoc I belIVve Piso's Cure for Consumption sav4d iijj uo s :utr ia-"i summer. .MPt. auji ihiuv lass, Leltoy, Mich., Oct. SO. 1SW. - - - If aif.icted with core eyes use Dr. I. Thomp tonsEye yvater. Druszistii sell at 25c a bottle Jcsr try a nt l ox of I's-curetc. the finest tivi-rsnd 1 we rira aor ever made. St-Vitus Dance. One bottle Dr. Tenner's i Frcclnc cures, lrcular, Fredema, N l. most Was my little girl, owinjr lo scrofula trouble. lie was treated bypiT9lclans and sent to a Lrp6iltal without i eice oni We resorted to Hood's Sar -apart I la, and in a week we could tee a chanre. We continusd giving her this medic ineHnd to-day her eyes are perfectly tre'l; there ia not a blemish on her skin and. cue luu jm iuio ui ucaiiu. n i.i.i... . .v. l iv t T n A r- CI West 61st Street. New York, N. Y. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is sold by all druggists. Price $l,ix f r a. Hood's Pills are prompt, efficient and eay in eiiect. 25 csnta. Re'iable Charlolte Merchants Call on them when you so to Charlotte. N. C. Writs then If you do not go, and bve your orders filled l j mall. In answering advertisements kindly men tion tbis paper. LB.n5miffil2r3 JEST Mantles. Tiles, Sah.Doors, V REST WORK. Keasonahl Prices Vj Write N vrs & Times Pt'e. House. E.M. ANDREWS, 16-lSW.Trada Also Pianos. Organs & Bicycles ABUTTER 2 Three Minutes! 3 The cower beln apvlicd ta by tne Wver or haodl makes the dither reToive bout 3U0 roe la one minute, ad with so much eas that a child can do tbe churninf. Th old f uaioa cAarn or jai an b used with out power. The finest quality of mnolaWl batter d (BUI Of It for (UUl Her of milk. l vamdt I eaer and in ies uim Uua with ax othsi charvEreryDosy Secare early tb only right to sea wmttiu om now. I a your county. It Is as easj srlUr. addreci lIGHTirijro CHUBHEB CO . Chaxlotts. N. C S. N. U. 13. '97. IJIEN3Y STEVE MS' SONS COMPANY, la r 31ACON, - - (jKOKOIA, i : Manufacturers of Sewer and Railroad Culvert Pipe. Fire BrlcV. filled Clav Flu. Pine. Chtmnej Top. Urns. Etc Well Tublntr with Perfo rated Bottoms. Will Last Forever. Corrcspondpnoe.Sollolted. 'IT WILL NOT RUB oKNa . A.l?l A iTmim ll SMDXF YTJIIR fJFAT WITH JJilCUUi. L MAUSER I BRO. MlLTGiL PA. Blind I mm i ST ' : M I mW iLiBKj medicated Alii INHALER Hu no qnal for the cure of Catarrh and Lfecf Dia . By mail tl.W. V . Us tUtUIII fc OOm Fran.. Jl iTl I U tt. T, m it SOHE EEKABKS COXCERXKG TUB FIGHT AT CJLBS03. WINKS APPROYAl ON THE SLY. Boxing Contests Are All Klrht If the Principal arw Deoent Paopta, Beys "William. Ia it original sin or total depravity or natural born instinct that makes man and beat take such an interest in a fight? Bulls and doers and chicken cocks dident fall when Adam fell, but they fight. St. John says there -was war in heaven; so it seems that this fighting business has been coiner on a long time. Cain killel Abel about 6,000 years ago and man and beast have been fighting ever since. The men who don't fight love to look on or read about an even woman, loving and kind hearted as she is, always takes sides and urges on . her heroes to victory or death. If woman had not been behind us the late war would have ended in a year. 1 he preachers preach peace and love and hold up the Savior's teachings before us. ."Love your enemies, and if a man smites ' thee on one cheek, turn the other to him also." But who would do that. I have known a preacher to fight and boast of his vic tory. I recall another who took off his coat in church . and dared a .brother layman to ' go outsicjo with him and repeat the offensive language. They were good men, but just human. So . I reckon this fight ing instinct is part of our human na ture, and if there was war in heaven, then the instinct did not come from Adam's fall, but we would have had it anyhow. ."Peace on earth and good good will to man" is yet afar off in the corridors of time. A few martyrs like Stephen have lived and died say ing, "Lord, lay not this sin to their charge but the great majority of Christians and all the sinners either hate their enemies or fail to love them. The instinct of our human nature isre- sentment and it is so near akin to self- preservation that it seems justifiable, j A man has as much right to resent a personal injury as a nation has to ugui anotner nation, mere is no difference in the Christian moralitv. for a nation is made up of indi viduals. If 10,000 may fight in de fense of their country," then one may nght in defense of his home or his property, or even his good name. But both are wrong according to the Sa vior's teachings, and ifj onlr those be saved who live up to those teachings, then we are all loft. But when one of the disciples got alarmed, and aid;, "Who, t&en can be saved?" His reply was: "With men it is npt possible, but with God all things are possible. . And on ' the other occasion, when a disciple trem- bled under his teachings and inquired: ".Lord, are there few that be saved? he avoided a direct answer and said: "Strive to enter in at the straight gate, for many shall seek to enter, but shall not be able. So our comfort is that if we strive to do right we will get to heaven. Strive is the word, and it means to struggle. to exert ourself diliigently. Let us all d? that if we can! and I reckon we can, or we would not have been told to. I was ruminating about the fight, and my mind ran along into this chan nel of thought. Why did I feel an interest in it? .Why did I have a lin gering desire tnat Jbitz should lies Corbett? Well, I took a disgust at Ccrbett -when I read that he had for saken his wife and taken another with out just cause' or provocation. I re membered, how the papers said she stood by: him and encouraged him at" Jacksonville and other places and be haved herself in a womanly way, and so I wanted him punished. But I was told today that Fitzsimmons had done the same thing, and so now I don t care which whipped.- .Now let some other fellow turn up and whip Fitz and 1 will be satisned. (Jorbett &rst wife has been avenged and his second came to grief. I don't take much stock in denouncing prize fighting as the worst thine in the world. The worst thing about it is the company it keep: the betting and gambling and drinking that environs it. If two men want to make a trial of strength by pummeling each other, there is no more harm in it tta. fa football game, ad the roundinsrs are not mnch voTTe. . These pugilists never kill one an other, and the fight itself is not half as bad as these street duels and hip pocket pistols that are reported every day in the newspapers. I have seen a police man draw more blood when trying to arrest a disturber of the peace. It is not so bad -as a bull fight in Mexico, and yet every. American who goes there attends one, if not two or more. I think I should have liked to have seen the fight if I could have done so on the sly, and I know many good men and some women who would have gone one eye on it if they had had a chance " " v: . . . EvervbodT has an instinctive desire to - - . t i see m ugni icu a uug ugiih. a jo- member what satisfaction we school boys used to have in catching the big black ants in an old dead tree and making them fight in mortal combat. And what fun it was to catch a big he coon by night and see him fight the dogs, and how we nsed to get two old rams together, and once we sac two bulls lock horns, and it was fearful and thrilling. Fighting roosters were common in our day. Some of the big boys at the institute where I went to school used to buy - roosters in. the neighborhood and keep them hid out until SatnHsv ZSStZtttlr&Z ral fiffhta. and .then : go away tu on ino Sev er al fichts. But if we can't see the fight we all love to read, about them. The charm of mythology in the heroes and hero ines we read about Hector and Ach illes have not yet lost their renown. It was Rob Boy's heroism and Ivan hoe's that made those novels of Wal ter Scott Ihe favorites. Just so with the Scottish Chiefs and Thaddeus of Warsaw, and Charley O'Malley. And even in our day both. Christians and sinners, Jew and Gentile, have been fascinated with Lew Wallace's Ben Hut. and the charm of the book is the chariot race, which was a great fight a struggle between the heroio chamrions. The truth is that no nov elist either ancient or modern has dared to write a romance without a great fight in it somewhere. From Milton in his Paradise Lost down to Kennedy's Horseshoe Bobinson, fight ing is the essence and th charm of the story, and it is a compliment to our human nature that we always side with the right side and honor the hero and adore the heroine. More men like to see a fight than are willing to admit it. I never saw a preacher shut Ms eyes when the dogs hitched or try part two roosters in his back yard. All men are not as honest as Henry Grady, who told a mutual tried that if he had the money and it was a respectable thing to do, he would give a thousand dollars to see the mill between Sullivan and Kilrain. It is said that he would have slipped off and gone anyhow, had he not been already billed for Boston to make his last great speech. He loved all manly sports, but abhorred cruelty and dissipa tion. '2 never shall forget the grand and awful scene that I witnessed from the top of the Price house during the battles before Bichmond. Our bri gade was stationed on the south side of the Chickahominy with orders to await orders, and while waiting Gen eral Tige Anderson and some of his staff climbed np to the little balcony and saw the desperate fight that was raging on the other side of the river. We saw our regiments, with banners waving, advance and fire and advance and fire again, and climb the sloping hill while their ranks were thinned from shot and shell, and hun dreds of men fell dead or wounded and were tramped over by other regiments as on they charged to take the battery on top of the hilL Once a regiment wavered and was falling back, for the color bearer was shot down and the colonel unhorsed, but another solemn seized the colors and ran in front wav ing them, and the brave boys rallied and never stopped again until the col ors were planted on the crest of the hill and the battery was captured. We saw it all as plain as a picture, for it was less than half a mile to the battle ground. It was a bird's-eye view, and such as was rarely witnessed even with a field glass in the hands of a great commander. j Well, that as a scene of blood, and pain, and courage, was a thousand times worse tnan any two men can maae. What is the difference in the abstract? What is the moral difference in looking on? Brut Asp, in Atlanta Constitu tion. I Exhort by Machinery. That most up-to-date religious or- tanlza.rtop, the Salvation Army, which never misses an opportunity of ex- citlnr the curtoalty and interest of the crowd, has requisitioned the services of the graphophone. There are many thousands of Tillage and small town all over the country where such a ma chine has never been heard, and where its Introduction Is calculated to evoke astonishment and delight. The graphopfoone consists of & large horn and stand which will enable an audience of from four hundred to ons thousand persons to hear a song as distinctly as If sung by tha Individual, and its accessories compels t eighteen records, Including an address by the ConnrcLiider, and also one by the con sul, and sixteen army eongs, band se lections, cftc.; eighteen blanks by which home records can be made; ft' travel ing case to carry thlrty-elx records. and, finally, . three hearing tubes. A full meeting similar to those held If New York and London, -with complete band accompaniment, will be given by the aid of thds machine. When a detachment strikes a vil lage that it has been decided to cap ture, the soldiers will proclaim in every direction the marvels of the seance that is to be heldand the curiosity o! the Inhabitants having been aroused they may be counted upon to appear in Ml force at the place and time ap pointed. I The machine will do the rest, evea asking for the collection. Then thd villagers will set In amazement and listen to the assistant commander's voice while she, perhaps, Is thousands of miles away. The combined result of such a meet ing can bp imagined. By the time St la over will the population have passed through phases of wonder and pleas ur to that of penitence? That remains to be aeec New York Fiesa. .' One of Nelson's Captains. The fifth ship was the; Theseus, Cap tain Ralph Willett Miller. This gentle man, whom after his premature death Nelson styled 4the only truly virtu ous man I ever knew," was by birth a New-Yorker, whose family had been loyalists duving the Americaji Revo lution. A letter from him to his wife given an account of the fight which is at once among the most vivid, and. from the professional standpoint, the most satisfactory, of those which have been transmitted to us. Of the These- ca' entrance into the battle he says: Tn running along the enemy's line In the -wake of the Zealous and Goli ath, I observed their shot sweep just over us; and, knowing well that at such a moment Frenchmen would not have coolness enough to chance their elevation, I closed them suddenly, and, running under the arch of their shot. reserved my fire, every gun being load- ed with two and some with three round-shot, until I had the Guerrler's masts In a line and her Jlbboom about six feet clear of our rigging; we then opened with such effect that a sec ond breath could not be drawn before her mala and mixzenmasta were also gone. This was precisely at sunset, or forty-four minutes past 6; then, pass ing between her and the Zealous, and as close as possible round the off side of the Goliath, we anchored by the stern exactly In a line with her, and abreast the ' Spartlate. We had not been many minutes In action with the Bpartlate wbea we observed one of our ships (and soon after knew her to be the Vanguard) place herself so directly opposite to us on the outside of her that I desisted firing on her, that might not do mischief to our friends. and directed every gun before the malnmart on the Aqullon (fourth French); and all abaft It on the Con Querant, giving up my proper bird to the admiral. Nelson, in the Battle of the Nile," by Captain. Mahan, in the Century. - NORTH Mi L I1B. A Golumn Devoted to Current News . Throughout the State. : GOV.CRUSSELL RESTRAINED. To Awaken an Interest In Southern Insurance Covered With Snow Convicted of Murder. An order signed by Judge Simonton, of the United States circuit court sit ting at Charleston, S. C, has been filed restraining Governor Russell of North Carolina from enforcing the law recent ly enacted in regard to the management of the Atlantic and North Carolina rail road. This pater, it is expected, will create a sensation in railroad and ad ministration circles. The restraining order is made returnable before. Judge Simonton at Greensboro, April C. The law which Governor Russell will be en joined against forcing seeks to entirely revise the plans by which the road has been operated. The State of North Carolina owns a majority of stock in the road and by a graduated vote has iOO votes, while private stockholders have about 700. The new law would make the State dominant and would give the Govern or great power in affairs of the road. It would also give the Governor power to direct a circuit judge ( to appoint a receiver, when in his opinion this was necessary or ad visable. The restraining order was ob tained at the suit of W. R. Tucker, a stockholder to the amount of $135,000. A call has been issued for the "South ern Inter-State Insurance Conference, " which is to assemble in Southern Tines on the 2Sth of April. The call is issued by the Southern Inter-State Immigration and Industrial Association, and its purpose is stated to be as follows: , 4 'Ihe purpose of the Conference is to awaken an interest in Southern Insur ance. A large part of the money now going out of the South for life and fire insurance, should be loaned within our State. The Htate of North Carolina alone, sends out 2,000,000 annually to pay for insurance. In turn she gets back on policies paid, SI, 000, 000 or in other words, we send out SI and get in return for it 50. cents. This is too great a drain upon our people. Every mau, be he a Southerner or an adopted citi zen, should unite in keeping at home the millions of dollars that are now beinsr invested outside of our section, it is to the interest of every one to do this, and as Southern investments are just as safe, and the interest on the .money is just as much if not more, there is no reason why the money can't be secured if a united petition is Bent up by the Southern people. We can cet the co-operation of the general and local agents down South, for it is to their interest, as the more money they can loan the more business they cau do." , The State board of education has de posed uen. William U as ton Jbewis is surveyor to the State board of agricul ture. It is said Senator John Ramsay, of Salisbury will succeed him. The sal ary is 81,000. Gen. Lewis has survey ed several hundred thousand acrej of the 'swamp lands" held by the board. M. Lowrie, a Croatan Indian, a na tive of Robeson county, and at on time a member of the noted Henry Berry Lowrie band of outlaws, has been con victed of murder in Glenn county, Ga. He is a first cousin of the noted outlaw leader and lived a few miles below Max ton, in Shoe Heel swamp. Th j Marion correspondent of the Charlotte Observer, under ' date of March 29th, says: "The mountains a ew miles from town are coverea witn snow, and the wind is blowing a gale. It is fearfully cold, and there are no prospects of abatement soon." In Wilmington, on May 12th. the Grand Chapter of North Carolina, Roy al Arch Masons, and the Grand Com- mandery of North Carolina, . Knights Templar, will hold their annual con claves. Dr. James Atkins, of Nashville, Tenn., Sunday school editor of the Methodist Episcopal Church,- South, will deliver the baccalaureate sermon at Trinity .College at the approaching commencement in June. Charles Bobo, the negro who mur dered James Washington, colored, at rewberne during the Jrebruarv races, has been found guilty of murder and sentenced to be hanged May 14th. . Dr. Reed Farter is to be paid sizj a month for holding the farmers' insti tutes; his expenses are to be paid joint ly by the agricultural college and the agricultural department. Grand Secretary B. II. Wodell, of the gTand lodge of Odd Fellows, says there are now lio lodges in the State. Tae membership is nearly 5,000. The grand lodge meets at Charlotte in May. At Wake Forest the Virginia Univer sity School nine defeated the Wake Forest boys by 'a score of 7 to 6, the be cinninc: of a series of games between the two above named colleges. In Davidson county revenue officers recently destroyed 2.500 gallons of beer and 100 gallons of whiskey. They also found a blockade distillery of 200 gal Ion capacity. Governor Russell has sent to the trovernors of the other States copies of Governor Carr's last message to the legislature and also his own inaugural acfdr ess. Col. A. K. McClure. editor of The Philadelphia Times, will deliver the lit erary address a the balem x emale com mencement this year. It is learned that Colonel 'Julian S. Carr's well known farm, "Ocoonee chee," near Hillsboro, has been sold tc wealthy Northern men. The North Carolina rolling exposi tion car is to be finished by August 1st and will fca named for the city that bids highest fox that honor. Raleigh, Wil mington. Asheville and Charlotte will send in sealed bids. . . A Raleisrh special says: The South ern railway has compromised the suit instituted bv A. G. Bauer, who, while L driving across the track was run into by a passenger train ana eeTcxeiy ui iured. Uauer geta Reports from all over the State give information that truck farmers in the east and south have suffered severely from frost '. Pine kernels give heat and stay. They lerve as a substitute. for bread. TRUMPST ie XXorn Bonsde Waraln Kt to tJm TJnrtxlecmed. I T takes reUgfoa with sunshine in it to attract a child. ' Borne very large trees bear very little fruit :j; Winking at sin will soon ruin the ye-elghi. I A wolf la theff clothlai Is none the leas a wolf. I ' The r e t of Christ Is for all who will give op slow Every temptation resisted is a trou ble escaped, j . rf. Nothlag Is gained by starring the soul to feed the body. No man who truly follows Christ iver has to stand, alone. i Every man helps the devil who talks one way and lives another. : When you pray don't forget those who treat you despltef ully. " J ' The best news ever told In this world was that God Is love. j . Too many start to follow Christ who stop at the first cross-roads. j The man who lives a lie has a pack of bloodhounds on his track. The beat place for a Christian where God needs him most. Be careful where you step, and those who follow you will stumble less. j God baa called many men to preach the gospel, but none to defend It j '. Sooner or later every great bought will make Its way around the world.' Improve your time, and yoa can de pend upon It that time win Improve you. There Is such a thing as having re Hzlon In the head and not In the TELL AU Your Neighbors ABOUT The wonderful new Constitutional Cart forKIllIL'MATlSM. - j Th6 rmr1y U a Veftb1 Cempoan1 Extract of Ronta, Herbt aol Bmrka, no up4 atra. rurlflmthft blood and drives cut Lm t olxnnoo Mt that raiu lb dieaae. CurM M per cent of Uxa pitlcDU. IbiUMU RHEU.MCIDE, And f Kill Rheumatism. Bold tr PrnpHM ijenrraMy. Frio S1XO per h-tt t; alx for tV'U. If your local dnuri gist na nt Ret It in ktock, order from ta manuracturrr. ( THE BOBBITT DRTJG CO., Ealeiga, H. VV. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE BEST IN THE WORLD. Tot li Ttara this ahoa, by narit aloaa, has diataBced all competitors. j Xadorsed by rer 1,000,000 weartra M tat best ia ityla, flt and durability of aay th er offered at S3.00. i It it mad ia aU tho LATEST SHAPES aal STTLES and of orery variety of lctther. Obo dealer ia a towa dvea oxcloairo and adTertiaed ia local paper oa receipt of reasonable onler. Writ for eataloo to W. X SOUOIJIS, Srockton, Sata. and health making are included in the makinz of HIRES ; Rootbecr. The prepa ration of this great tem perauce drink is an event of importance in a million well regulated homes. Rootbecr is full of good health. Invigorating, appetiz ing, satisfying. Put some up to-day and have it ready to put down whenever you're thirsty. . j . - Made only by j The 'Charles E. Hires; Co., ! Philadelphia. A pack i age makes 5 gallons. Sold everywhere.; Blight).' costs cotton planters more than five million dollars an- 1 nually. This is -an enormous waste, and can be prevented. Practical experiments at Ala bama Experiment Station show conclusively that the use of . "Kainit" will prevent that dreaded plant disease. ! '., AH about rta1 b result at its nse Vy actaal e miiwMH rm tne het farnt ia th Uniteil Btatea told ia a littk book wbica we pabiish and will gladly avail fraa to any fanner ia America & viil writs UkX CERMAN KALI WORKS, ; - 03 Nassau Sc. hrw Votk OACEBi l t year r i pertrBf eaablM 1 ni trutclntiflrallT treat aart I efWtuaily can Caaeer b4 i To mora without tba kali' m van book Mntfrr. AAtrt Ir. L. u. Cratiraj. lliWMthiftalb Mret.UcisDSU,U. . I I M, 1 I' ' Vife I $ g (Tit fit iiiiiw iifViiii'irWi-hin -ilv'nY)i k tnttY'-'1f W 1 1 HIRES '!(. . s kS3 Ttaa Coun Brrapw Taatca GooO. Daw 1 , 1 il'GlNTA, OA. . . L intin. ftol by dnr1rta, I I MatMt a aaj bowaaaa fr af 1 111 J mm in n a ' r- Ummr4 innnar li im aar iMtkavj CUT. av. m mm 1 . f BUCKINGHAM'S - Dye '-v '? For the Whiskers, Mustache, and Eyebrows. In 'one;, preparation. - Easy to apply at home. Colors brown Or black. The Gent emen't favorite, because satisfactory. B. T. tUlX a Co, rMprbten, Kaakaa. K H. i ' j SWayanicxia. ANDY CURE CONSTIPATION 25 50 I M1! GDAR1HTEED r?4! f zrr ? t,t-Tt t.K Baker's Chocolalie !! Walter Baker & Co. Ltd., Established In 1 780, al Dorchester, Mass '4T . Has the well-known packase, and the trade-mark, "La Belle Chocolaticre," ! cn the back. : . ' . . NONE OTHER GESUISE. Walter Baker. & Co. Ltd. Dor Chester Mass Ml. 12 V0m W. VAxCl&jZ:S. lJ HiMasir A Southern farmer, whose home ns somewhat 'in the backwoods, in an interview with a newspaper correspondent -said: "I am 6i years old, and until I was nigh unto 50 years old I was always well and peart, then for a lonq while I suf fered with indigestion and could n6t eat anything hardlvat all. 'My daughter, who! lives in the'eity, sent me some of told me how to. take them, and they have completely cured me. I want you to tell everybody how I got cured; for it is, a blessing to humanity." , "." . THE STANDARD PAINT FO STRUCTURAL PURPOSES. Pamphlet. 'SturResUona -or Exterior ' De ration. Sampla Card &d Deacriptl Prloa List frw Vj mall. Aabeat JtHntz. Bnltfin Felt. Hteaaa Park in a. Bllrr Crrr1ac, Flre-PrMf ralata, CM Wo-OndacUFjfca4 KlectrieaJ laaaiatlag JIaicriaia. n. w. JorxNs manufacturing co., .87 Maiden I ann, New ork. - ' ' i CHICAGO: 140 a S43 Eandolph 8t. PHTXADELPnTAj 170 k in North th Bt. BORTOX: 77 T Paarl ti 1 . Woman's modesty and fgno ranee of danger often cause her to endure pains and suffer tor ture rather than consult a ' physician about important i subjects. Funs in the head, neck, back, hips, limbs and lower bowels at monthly intervals, in- dicate alarming derangements. McELREE'O Kim OF CARBUl , is a harmless Bitter Wine with-; , out intoxicating qualities. 'I Taken at the proper time it -1 relieves pain, corrects derange-- - - ments, quiets nervousness and'' cures Whites, Falling of the " I Womb and Suppressed or too - Frequent Menses.' Price $1. rr Sale hy nAUslif JOaOer. 8. N. U. IS VI. OS3BODEUr2a,a3 MILLIONS 1B1 U put ap la sac, a UAboi- . Of BOGS a Ct'Ciiy d frtm ( U0LEEA. GULPS imI LICE hr tmi TAX tim. nd hmn trad DDEHAHHOaiCfflC IB CHOLERA CUBE aoark. r - atitcfe cuira Try caaMGCATiAJU ItZS to atop U cewo. bow or au drotpiil asd ateav chaaXi. or aaaipta bouie by toal) tor W. T-n f tbr. rsiForowDcu. 'TatimMid1 froa. TRADEMARK Maaalactansd eeij y Tat fivaaa Ckelarf Can CoA Daraara, S & A sraal aid a line lor DxpanaTa- CATHABTrC - - ?W 1 cacaa. Mitmu cam. . or n I rt. j til.S MAOC BY Yellow Label on the front of every T COMPLETE COTTOX. KAXT. C.BIST, Oil aawt rertlllMr A lo Gin, Presa, Can MU1 aad i I ShiDfle Outfit. ; Cast every day; twrlc ISO hands, i L031BAKD IR0X WORKS AXD SUPPLY C0MP13TT, AUGLSTA. GKOUGIA. . -IN HENS' SUITSlff We 'Want to i Stir Your BloodI a a 11 Wei know it's pretty sloggish 1 a a . . ' C l-v ava ay tvaav M v w a UEkW Uitaai ,vv uv Uonn ho t t hA i w v rr r-a r fV nrh k : a- i T Jl at ' j-jt- tr' v aa aj iiriui a a r a f iii a t- n rwra mi 'to it lite gnrn deatji,. Out nere ,is a proposition that will inter jest you if anything will" 1. HEARKEN! I We offer one lot of Meoa Blak tft?r Di agonal 8aek Baitr, all wool, well mad and fast color at $5.00 a an It. We offer 100 flo . Clay Diagonal Sack Salt, ronnd oraqaare cat. good weight to wear aU tba year round, thoroughly -wall mad m and gxaxantoed is erenr war bt um. at 17.50 a anlL. : : j U ' Alao a lot of Sack. Bolts tor mea In dark, jgray caBlmaraaand lanry plaid dierlota, ail wool and well made, at 15.00 a rait Thee 1 are extraordinary bargalna and aulu of thia Iaeaaoa'a make. Hartng- three etorta la Una State (Charlotte, 8&lisbary and Wlnstoa) we ; bay elothlng in larger lota atd cheaper than any other nnn ia North Carolina. We will Eromlse yon that three gaita are not matched y any firm in the 8tate at oar price. We end goode anywhere by expreee. Yoa may return anything- not satisfactory at oar ex penft. Oar rale Is "money back If yoa want ir. Writ or call oa oa for anything la Clothing, Bats or Gents Tarnlahlngm. LESLIE & ROGERS, . Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers, CHARLOTTE, N. C ! ALL life

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