' - - ' " V : ' 3 7) 0 ' 4 THE CHATHAM CITM, r A Weekly 7-colqmn popcrinfoU sympathy it h the masses. fZZKLY, FOUR. PAGES. 23 COL. INDEPENDENCE, TRUTH, JUSTICE. I PRICE, ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR, XSrPlant your advertisement in the CHATHAM CITIZEN if jcU want it toH.er fruit in Chathrrd County. VOL. in- - PITTSBORO, CHHTHRM COUNTY, N. 'C.V SEPTEMBER 15, 1 897. NO. 3. - ' i "Yy - rr i " : r . - , IT Ar nn tttv "t - kc 2 is to isl "m. -9 Soil i ' "S HT iZ V li.lll I ft. g g 4 PITTSBORO, N. C. H B. LINEBEiniY, Editou axd PUBLISHEB; SUBSCRIPTION' VRlCE-SliX) Ter Year. Adver'ieing Hates on Appliiration. Entered at the f oet Office t ratsboro, N". as second class matter, Sept. 5, lS'Ja. Independence, Truth, Justice. Communications to be printed should be written on one side of the paper I only. Yourrerd name must .tccomn ( any each communication or it can imt be printed. The editor is not responsible for the . views of correspondents, but will al low nothing enter the columns of the Citizen that he knows to be false or slanderous. "NVe want intelligent correspondents n every township in the county. In the state democratic convention : of Colorado the question of fusion" j with populists and silver republicans received 223 nay and 177 aye votes. Supreme judge u as the only office to be filled. Comment is uunecessarv. W.E.Murchiso:i, T. Henry Calvert, j'oncsboro, X. C. Pittsboro, N. C . 'i.:-:c.r. xoTirr.- Tr.e r.ndcrs jr'.f d 'huv this day assd eutedliitmselves to?etI,er for tbe prac tice oLI-a.w. n;i;!cr the firm name of Atereiusrai ('-lvert; in the Superior Ccnrts of Chr.tlim couuty. Mr. Calvert can be found at his of f.ie in rittsl.;oro at all times, and Ir Mard.Uon can I e addressed or consult- cd.it liijoiiico in .lonesboro, . " . I i'rom'itt utttnlion to business is guar-! itd I'V i:s. - fLis October 7, 1S?C - . - W. 12. iluTchison, ' T. Henry Calvert Sale of -Valuabc iVKU and Mi H Tract. Bt V-Iette of AX-.orvDEi: of thi: Superior Court, made and entered in the ease of J. W. Green etalvs Lelia bark tt a!T I will on the 4th day of Oc tober l'.tl, at tl.e couvt-house doer in Pittsboro. X. C , offer for sale to the highest bidder the mill and mill tract oi the late II. X. (ire-'-n, deceased. situated in said County of Chatham in Hickory Mount dn Township and bounded on the n rth by the lands of J is Gietn anJ (Je). Covert, on the e ist by the lands of J. TysovJohn t'oveit and hham ilarrj?!, south by the lauds of J. C Tvs r and west by the lands of. 11. H. Fikt? cunt-siniug three hur.dred and f-rtyacrrs more or less, upon which tract of land is situated the merchant nil! of th said II. X.Green. Said prop erty nil! bo sold for partition among thehirs t law of the said It X. Green. Terms of sa'e one-third cash; one-third asismov.thsand one-third in twelve tsojitlu. df'Tre.l raiments to bear in- 'trtst atii:; p-r tent and title reserved j rardit.se money is paid. 1 hi3 Aug. I. II HAYES, . ' Ccr.rnissioncr. P.'ortgage Sale- b'y vi;tue of t;;i rowers contained in acertaiadd of morig:ire executed by "iliisia l5ou2l-:5saud wife to Ilosa J. JfinhslI on the 1st day of April, 1SDI. and(!.;!v reariiteretlin Iiejr,ister's oiilct? Jor ( hrd.ara. L'ook ' c. I" pa-ja Mch -ciu taort ja- e was transferred totk'und-rsignecVl will, on the Ot! cay of Oi-toler 1M7 at the court-house wor in i'ittsboro, X . C, olfrr for sale jo the highest bidder for cash, a tract of and situated in sai i county, Cape Fear township, beginning at n "stake in yaa"3 corner thence south with F brjaa s line 15 1 poles to a stake, S. E ' r. Prvrjn's corner, thence ,:'rh. i: Jf.V Hue 2s pcles ro :-V-,,vort.er i-A No. 4. tiu-nce north s v.;; lr.-s 1vi0 to it ttrtke and The last and most startling injunc tion has leeu issued bv Federal Judsre J. M. Hagan at Morgantowu, . West Vo enjoining Key. J. W. Wiley from preaching to the strikers. It is asser ted by those whose veracity cannot bo doubted that the minister who had preached to the idle miners in the open air, while sympathizing with the strikers always urged peac able and law abiding methods. Observer has the following to say : The men who have made their for tunes by trusts write our tariff and currency laws, appoint our Federal judges; own many of our papers; and now they have determined to control the last citadel of liberty of. consci ence and free speech. It would be better for New England and Califor nia that Brown and Stanford Uuiver sities should be utterly destroyed than the influences fortunes made like the Rockefeller and Stanford fortunes were amassed should continue their destroying dominion." Mai Air and too mnch Wortli a mong themselves, it seems, is bring ing considerable censure upon the state officials at Kaleigh. Let no of ficer deceive himself into thinking that the treasury is his and the ful ness thereof. UK KAYS IT I JUL A TO r Til In a letter under date of Sept. 3 to the managing editor of the Southern Mercury, Hon. Thos. E. Watson gays th? reported negotiation for the sale of his paper is a myth. There is no "fall election" this year in Georgia ; hence no campaign this fall was ever contemplated by Mr. Watson. As to his renouncing populism, we quote his exact words:- "I am apopnlist to count on till the, ship goes down." Now, will the Associated Press give this statement as wide circulation as Ithev did the "isolated" lie they sent out from Atlanta on August-?. -Mcrcurv. . If democrats have any principles except "spoils of office," why do they drop them all and cry "nigger" to get back in power? If democrats loathe anything like negro rule, why do their papers take such peculiar delight in publishing the utterances of every negro who says anything about wanting an of fice? , If democrats want white men to rule, are sincere in their professions, and cry "nigger" for anything but to get ofiice for themselves; why did the democratic commissioners of Wilson elect a negro member of the board of education? If democrats are crying "nigger" for anything bnt to get office, why should they run one of their most prominent men in this county on the same ticket with a negro to get so in significant a piece of "pie" a3 Justice of the Peace? The New bern Journal criticises its democratic brother, Josephus Dan iels, editor of the Xews and Obser ver for calling the 30,000 white re publicans in the etate the "scnni of the state." The Journal intimates that thxi democratic party has other principles than the race question as Mr. Daniels seems to think. May be that it has, but what a democrat uiu derstands by principles is something to help his party get into power. The railroad commissioners, J. W. Wilson and S. O. Wilson deny having any connection with the Southern railroad but they have dropped the Round Knob hotel liiea hot brick. Gov. Russell has not vet announced his decision as to w.hat he will do wifh them. Major Wilson thinks the Gov. can not suspend him; that if he has been corrupt he will have to be impeached as judges arc He says he will not give np without a lawsuit. Why,, of coarse not Democrats seldom do. Muster in Ii. ik van's i;r;e corner cf lot -h 4, ihence south (U) degrees west 'ith K: Bryan's line to thn hpffinnintr. unr,ted to contain twenty acres. Ai3 September Tthl lS'JT. .LE.BRTAX, Assignee ot Mortgagee. ocack & Haves, AttTS. Dn. FETEB FLUCK'SS- Great German Remedy, M3 a rr? nrn ir? 3c Fa Immediate Belief Positiye Cure oi NEUR-RL.GIH. Inior5cd by physicians of the highest standing, 25o. per box . Foe Sale bt all Druggists. 8. H. KUKSTOCK GBEUICiL CO HANNIBAL. MO. The trustees of Brown university asked President Andrews not to pro mulgate his free silver views so free ly as it interfered with their getting liberal donations for the university. President Andrews with the manli ness which is the admiration of both friends and foes scut them his resig nation. - - . Public sentiment has been so out spoken in denunciation of this board of trustees for thus trying to crush the freedom of speech -and in praise of the man, who, having convictions, dared maintain them that the trustees have come back and ask'ed President Andrews to withdraw his resignation. 'There are two or three things a bout this that are specially gratify ing. In the first place it is refreshing to fiud, in these times when so many men in higli positions are selling their nrincinles for so many dollars, a man who nas vnncipies nun. uau bought and can not be smothered. Onft feels like crvinsr, "Eureka" a man has been found whose principles are no for sale to the highest bidder. There are many such men but it is refreshing, in reading the accounts of so manv "sell-outs" to note this prominent illustration of manly courage. -Then it shows that there is a healthy public- sentiment yet, which, when properly aroused, can even defeat the plans of Mr. John Rockefeller. This avaricious millionaire has accomp lished much for the trusts buthere- Beauxoxt, X. C, Sept 14, 1897. Editor of Citizen: If vou will allow me space in the columns of your valuable paper I will give a few items. Iam glad to note that Mr. J. W. Green is getting able to be out again. Mr. Charlie Brooks and family, of Dallas, iexas, are visiting Mr. G. AN . Brooks of this place. Mr. J. C. Tvsor has lost theohlest hen on record in this town. She died at theriin; old arc cf fourteen. She set, hatched and raised a bKod of tur kevs this summer, but the most re markable featnreof the old hen was: she was always willing to take young chicks at anv time. The farmers are very busy gather ing fodder and cotton. I have been told that Mr. T. E. Carroll, of this township, has a new kind of cotton, the limbs run about over the ground like potato vines; but his neighbors do not think the cotton will be a success unless there is plenty of rocks and grass to support it to keep the fruit off the ground. ' - Piiill tLLir, "My boy came home from school one dav with his hand badlv lacerat ed and bleeding, and suffering great pain," says Mr. E. J, Schall, with Mever Bros.' Drug Co., St. Louis, Mo. "I dressed the wound, and ap plied Chamberlain's Pain Balm free lv. All cain ceased and in a remark ably short time it healed without leaving a scar. For wounds, sprains, swelling3 and rheumatism, I know of no medicine or prescription equal to it. 1 consider u a nouseuoiu necessi ty." The 25 and. 50 cent sizes for sale by Bvnum & Ileaden, Pittsboro, N. C. Greensboro Telegram: A man m Mecklenburg has had his wife stolen and wants some kind of p:it er from the authorities to make her return. There w3 a terrible railroad wreck in Colorado caused by the collisiou of a passenger and freight train. The engine and cars were completely de molished. One hundred and eighty- five persons have Jx?eu taken out in jured and, perhaps, thirty are killed. Fayetteville Observer: Judge Al len has sentenced Purvis, the convict ed murderer of Mr. M.J. Blackwell, to be han.ed in Lillington on Octo ber the 13th. Purvis is the third man convicted of u capital crime and sentenced to be hung in Harnett L since the formation of that county. There has been no executions there, however, the sentence of the' former two having been commuted. Purvis will be brought hero and placed in Cumberland county jail or save keeping until the day of ex ecution. ; Binghamton, X. Y, Sept. Bur glars attempted to rob this rostoflice it Harpursviile this morning. They blew off the door of the safe. 1 ho noise and explosion aroused several people in the neighborhood and the burglars were frightened away. They left a kit of tools and bonie dynamite wrapped in an Ok lahoma newspaper. One of the burglars was dressed in woman's clothes. Char lotte Xews. Xcws aud Observer: Three 'Arabs were on board the S. A. L. train going south yesterday. The reporter inttr viewed them for a few moments. They could speak English well enough to ca- ry on a broken conversation. They left Arabia nearly three years ago and h.ive been living in Xew York for the past two 3'ears and are traders or merchants. They were bound for (lalveston. Tcxa. wbers they will open busines3. Their complexion was exceedingly dark, in deed, nlmcst b'.ack, and their neatly trimmed boards were of a soft, fi'.ky b'.ack. They were rather small, neater in t! cirrtppeanmce than most foreign ers. ; nd their eyes showed that they were men of inttrllionce. All three of theniwere Mohammrdaits. Orarr, Sola and Patriotic Artlon. The Hickory Mercury, one of the brightest and best newspapers In the VATUHrlA. Is Soda water un healthy ? Not at all! Perfect Health Recralnod. state, says : -The Mercury wants to . jO Wonder of iho Ao. congratulate Clovernor Russell for the' Grandest discovery In tha m .nu f i brave, bold and patriotic action he baa medicine. I ?The big Medical Jiooka the V. S.-' taken in regard to the Railroad com-j Guaranteed to cure more diseases ! ad Xational Dispen&arnrii-s -8y ft U mission. He is rigni aua me peop.e arc , man anv other medicine, treatment nria trrateful drink to leTerish iMtlenti- system known to the medical proles-1 lessening naiua or di-ties f sion "Xo MAX made- remedy, but ! Stomach. Al ays thirst fartx-tiei than with hicr 1 he Mercury does not believe they tan frighten, beg or bulldoze the governor from doing what he conceives to be his duty. J'he railroads are now collecting in fares and freight S..3;0 , 1K) each year tn ro than a fair ar.d reasonable profit on their Inveotmtnt. This is more than double our whole slate tax, school , lax in.lud'd These rxt raordinary charges 1 1 why thy can pay their presidents $0,o0 a jrar and high salaries toother p.-ts of the rod The Railroad commiioin.ri have not done their duty. D.L. liusstll is Governor of Xorth Carolina.. The railroads aind ltailroad coramUsioucrd aie Ihidiug it out. Their places it seenis should be tilled, with men who have the moral courage to act for the people. nature's, true panacea. Vatumals an antiseptic germicide, it, positively destroys all -microbes- water alone, aud the quantilyiakf'ii need only be regulated by the reason able wishes of the patient Pullman Dodges his Tax. A Chicago dispatch says: I). II. II. Ilolbrook, president of the Tax Payers' League, recently gave out a s?nsatio:i. l open letter arraigning George M. Pull man for alleged tax-dodging. The let ter says the assets of the Pullman Co. at its last annual meeting, were 8Cn, 000,000, of which $30,030,000 was in .Illi nois. The assessment i:i Illinois, how-. ever, was only $l.5Gl,9"w. It Is claimed that the under val nation of the Pullman property means a loss of S -W.OOO annu ally to the city, county and state. The Pullman strike of 1SJ4, it is stated, will ;ost the city f lOtooo,f)OOiri damages. There are 1,100 children in Char lotte graded schools. . X. M. Richmond, clerk superior court of Casewell county, 'died last wee.. - Edgar Purvis, the tramp who shot and killed flagman M. M . Blackwell, near Dunn, Aucuit 11th. has been con victed of murder in the lirstdercj w ith no recommendations forraercy. Our Harrisburg ' correspondent writes the Xcws that Mr. Will Davis lost a val liable horse a few days ago from hydrophobia. . Before the ani mal died it was in agony two or three davs, fighting, pawing aud biting at pvervthine- in reach : and having spasms at intervals.-Charlotte Xews. Kaleigh correspondent of the Wil mington Messenger under date of Sept Oth, reports that tho handsome residence of ex-Judge Syier Whit'kcr, two and one-half miles south of Kaleigh, was burned at 2 o'clock this morning. -Tie h:id moved into the city only a few daj s ago, and the house, which cost over $.k0, was in charge of a.caretak"er. The sheriff's deputies shot down sonic sixty of the miners in Pennsyl vania last Friday. These miners were marching along'the public highway, but, in accordance with the restrain ing order of the Federal judge, they were forbidden to advance aud were shot down like hogs for trying to pro ceed. Fayetteviile Observer : A puPmati car conductor told an Observer reporter la-t night of the daring escape of a nexio from the sheriff of Wilson, tin the At lautic Coet Line i.otthbound train du here at 10:20 last night. The negro) wrists w ere bound by a rope, the end of which was w lapped around the shertfT wrist. When ten milts this side ol Florence, and while the train was run ising only twelve miles an hour, th' prisoner! suddenly lenid from the seat and bounded out of the window, aln.os ; dragging the sheriff with binn Tie of fict r's hands were badly lacerated. Th negro make good his escape. John O. Wood, ex-superintendenl of mails at the I-Otiisville, Ky., post ofiice, has brought suit against Post master General Gary and the Post olIic department authorities, to pre vent them from removing him from his position. The case will probably be a test of power to remove a govern ment official embraced within. Un civil service rnlc3. The court has is sued a temporary restraining ' order to protect his rights. Sanford Express. Charlotte Xews: ri he queerest and germs of every kind, name and That OUffht to SCttlc nature, it is healing end soothing to the . T . . . mucuous membrane. It will perma- it. If a SICK DCrSOIl neutly cure the majority of cases of i n i Bronchitis, Catarrh, Disp-iia, all Call DO allOWCtt 10 .Stomache troubles, all diseases of the ! Ulidder, Kowels, Kidneys, Liver, Con stipation, Pile, Old Sores. Kectal Dis ease?, Ulcers, Eczema, Scrofula, Blood Poison, Ilheun.atism. Xeutalgia, Dis eased Discharges, Di?eas s.peculiar to Woman. Xcrvons aiuH'hysieal Weak ness, etc. 7 NO MA ITKIJ -WHAT YOUR .MLMF.XT, or wheieyou live. wr:t uafull histoiy of yr.ur tr .ubl , and 'bur. consult! g pin sienn will advise you wl at to do hi oh! -r to r gain your l eaith. Con Mf.t.tiin is FilKK and sacrediy confi dei.tial. Tt ni o ery low. For proo;s euc'o e 2 centttau;p. . Local agents wanted" everywhere. Xp canvassing. W'c advertise you in your home pain r, Ai'dre.s with stamp, THE VATL'MA COMPANY, P. O.Eof, P V Chicago, III tEXXESS EE CENTENNIAL. AT NASHVILLE. TEXXESSEl, 3IAY 1st to OCT. 21st. The buiidincs and grounds of -the Tennessee Cenlenni-iVn numbers and archi ecMiral b auty. surpass Atlanta's and nearly equal Chicago's. The ex hibits are all ready, and are Interesting and instructive. The live stock display excel ;;ny exhibition of tho kinl ever made. The Midway h great The Western & Atlantic Kailroaid. and the Nashville, Chattanooga A 8L Louis Kaflway runs soli I vtrtfoule trains with Pellman's finest sleeping cars, from Atlanta and Nashville. For sleeping car berths, or any Infor mation about rates. Hotel or Hoarding house accommodations In Nashrille, call upon or write to C E. JIakmon, General Passeuger Agent, Atlanta, Ga. srECIALTNOTICE: Theroundtrrp rates to X'.ishville are cheaper than stay ing at home, j THE TE!iHESSEE -CENTENNIAL ' EXPOSITION. Opens at Nashville fr.ay 1st, and Closes October 30ih 1897, For this occassion the Seaboard Air Line W'l.l 811 Excursion Tickets At VLitT KLDUCED KATE., the f. Piov.iug being total rates frein o nu named in North Carolina: drink it as desired, a well person certainly has the same privi lege. Our Soda-water is just right. Ice Cold and flavored with the finest fruit juices. Also sher bets. Coca (Cola and other drinks , FKESII TUltXIPAND OTHEU GAP DEN SEEDS for fall planting1 AT G. R. Pilkingtqn'fr Drug Store, Pittsboro, fc.-C PHOKOGRAPHYr i-WrttuT -WILBUR R. SMITH, - LEXINGTON, KY.V. tot elrcnUr of hH t hum ui mpeasTbl COMUERCUL COLLEGE OF KY. UXIYEESTff riept. 1. 1KJ7. IUfr to thoD(t X mmtrm la rnrlff r mm. CM r Fall BwImm Omt, lactams Tui tion, Bookj and HoarU is fumtlf. atat fA. Shortland,Typ-Writ;cs, ted Telenphy.epeei&ltiea, Tb Kntcky Ur.i.irmitr PlplAaia. aadce ant. avmrdsd rrtdutw. I.ifrmry Uwir r . U wtrt a. WaTiiUii. Eataraow. GrftdiMtM I fai f mrdtt to kmmt pomr IWt. rw a. Hi tm rlu. ' WILBUR R.SMiTH.LCXINCTON.KW ' Cae Fear & YadkTrT " VaTTey", r. fu JonN Gii.i. :c. Iver. -. CONDENSED MJHEDDLK. In effect y 30th. 8C7y Two rDllion a Year- WLcu pcop!c lur, trv, an lLur rguin. it meant tWj're atifitd. The rcoplcafthc Unitf-d States arc tow 1uth:2 Cacire'a ; Candr Cntbartira at tho ra c of t n:IIi.n j irmlo vi t henrd of was nui'Je ill thi i""1 ?r itf"ri:I ha U,,C i r'.,!:: ;l ' V 'cirv LetwtvJi a sewing niachino agent fore iir car. It nic n.i nu ril r rocd. -. , , , i ... t rade for a Xcws and Observer-: A gentleman from Weldon reports a remarkable instance which happened there Son day. There was a good rain for two hours, accompanied by a thunder storm. When the storm first came up the lightning 6trnck a frame house and melted a gold chain around the neck of a little child playing in front of the house. The child was,of course, injured some, but when last heard from it was still living and will prob ably recover. Salisbury Sun : S. W. Henderson of Carlisle, Pa., was in the city last Wednesday m night having - in his charge six lndiaus from the Chero kee reservation in this state, Mr. Ilenderson is one of the teachers of that Caseiret arc iLc most dtiliirlilful locl rondf.tor for tvrrvliodY ihc rut arou id. AH . tcred the undertn'iier dru-rg:8ta lCc, 25ct5'ic bos., euro guarau- fhe undertaker told him he had noth- ,cea- " ing to swap execpf coffins. The agent r. c ii ..t...! ii:. lironosed tliat lie swap a;cufiin for a 1: i 1.1- i! fewin? machine, aud the, trade Monf tUofff in TM.cfo;, . then consutnnuittil. Thiiyour.g man 1-ina IIia Iiti i lli n rr on1 if 3 nnnfinla Wild age is estimated at a million francs. ?ot "J bave n f rso ual -Charlotte Xews. , otlofey.xy?vf.-ft ' the has uboitf concluded fp settle the A SAMPLE COPY, matter bv rallling llie co un oi. logot th coilio h:s siniething of elephant on his hand. as' he dov-s SEND FOR 1 Do you like to read a good health knl story every week? Keanlr I tilood Clean blood "means a the Carlisle Indian school and was alizes that he tried to go a little too accompanying these Indians to that far in this case. 2. Do you. like to see tho follies of- v0 be-autvl without itJ .Casearets.i tife illustrated every week? 'Candv Cathartic clean vonr blood 3 io you use ro xeau an me news from an rarta or ine worm every e iL. 1.1.. iv t.l n. 1.11 If so send one DOLLAR and sub- iromioc ixi). f-; Ueep clcau shin. week? and keep it clean, by stirring uj the livr lrr nil ilririnf all immirities i 1 a, iv . ""O I cribe for "the Largest and Best week- ish pimples, boils, blotches, blark- iy in uic siaic. oaiui'io top mriiitu- jieaus, aUU tlKlt S1CKIV uiuoua twu ed free on applicaUon. nyox:an )V t-,1 inr Caecarets. beaut y fortenceut. All druggists, eati- Editor, lacuou guaraniccu, iucoo, ovy. The rorth Carolinian, Address, Kaleigh, X. C .1 Core for Illln llc Resource, Screven Co, Ga. I Speaking of this effort to silence President Andrews and the subse- nlace. There were two girls in the group and they and two of the boys arc full blooded Cherokees. Mr. Hen derson staUd that there are about 800 quent effort to retire Mr. Ross, pro- Indians in the school at Carlisle, 40 fessor of economics in Stanford uni- lof whom are from the Cherokee res vcrsity,of California; the Xews and ervatiou. ; What a fool trick it is for a country bave been subject to attacks of bill dog to follow his master's wagon to 0us colic for several years. Chamber- town on a bot day when he might have Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea remained at home m the bhade. j Hcmcdy is the only sure relief. It Tall on Mrs. Kmilr Despm for ii. actslike a charm. One dose of it A. ' ' II. C. Charlotte QAM) SIMO t-12.75 Durham I4 Hamlet 3 A IU 1 1 e;idT.sui i -i.-JA I 1 4 o Liiicolntoa 2HJU f I Wto L-Uton -.Too" 1!IN lmlsbur 2.25 1 ! J4 Mtxu.u 2i;.2 VX-o- I Mnne I" uZ l'it:sUni -i.Ol U.rst ;:i ii.h yji ' 14 u iiuth rfT;iton...il W - l tvi I i.7- Sinfurd -0.25. I'- I !. -lelb j4.iO ISJ'i I2.7i Wad sboro 3 l'Mo J o Wei Jon Xii'Z't 14 Wilmington.'... ..2023. 14 U0 . Chiss A . Tickets Wild dai y April 2fttli t i October loth. 1'inal biuit Xoveu.- berTth. Class JL Tickets sold dnily April to October I.'.tli. Final limL tn nty (.-O; d ys from ilatof Ka'e. " Class C T'Cketa wH TnK!ays nd I h-ira'ia8 ol each wtk. April rJth t )4 VUr 20ti. Final liuiik it-u il Uas troiu datrt of sale. IHOKOlV.rl bLRVlCri Utwnn all joints on the or R'nn a m r?l -To- Nasbville 1 I'LLM A N S LK KM MS IMLACE CAUS llun throofth without change. For further information au to rates, schedules, train service He, apply to nearest Ticket Agent or addrt s 11. S. LEABD, S. Italeigli. N. C. S. BATUIIKU)U.0.7.A. Ealeigh.X.C. T. D. MEAKES, Geu l Agent. Wdmiu- too,N. C. GEO. Mcf. liATTE, T. P. A, Charlotte, N. C B. A. KEWLASD. CJenl Agent, Passeu ger Depart uveot. Atlanti, Ga. C- ST- JOHN, and Gu I Manager. . . f. .... ii ii . - ... . . 1 - . . .11 T . . . M 1 .ww . low baskets, ah sizes ana styles oi "gives reuei ueu '"' w. n. currr, t.j. jiaamtN, make. Prices from 5c to it. Pittsboro. fail. x. D. bilAUP. tor. sale ur Trathc Manager. . : i.. . i r.-..i..n i;K.f, v r NORTH BOUND. Jeare Wllmingto-i Arrire Fajettri LeaTe Fajetterille Iara Fayettevi.K . unction. . , Arrive Sanford .. ., Leave Sanford I care Climax . Irrire firceinlnio . Leave Grenaoro.. .. ... Iave Ftkedai Icare Walnut ...... Iuve Jtural Hatl Arrive II L Airy ..' .. .. SOUTH BOUND. I.rav M. Airv , Leave Jfural HaU . ... . Ieavi Walnnt love .. .. lieave M'tkenda e Arrive (.rrenaltoro ..i.... Leave Hieeniihoro lave Climax Leave Sanford ... . .... Arrive Fivetlevi'le J auction . Arrive Faveltrville ..v. : . Ieave Fajrctteville . Arrive Uilminetoa ...... .NOKTIi BOUND. Leave Bennetts ville .... .. Arrive Mai ton . , Icave MaxLnn .... m Leave Ked Sprirga Leave Hope Willi .... At rive Fa vette ville . SOUTH BOUND. Leave Fayetteville Lea re Hope Mill . Leave Ked Rpringa ... .. Arrive Maiton ..... . . Leave Max ton , Arrive Btrnetlaville ... .. NORTHBOUND. ' Leave Hamaeur ... Leave Chuixt . Arrive lre tt'r Lrave IJrecnro . I eave Stoke dale Arrive Madiaon ... SOUTH BOUND , i Leave Mdi?on .. Leave Htokeadle"' . Arrive Greensboro. Leave Green tboro . Leaie Climax..,. . Arrive Ramseor... . 2. DXILV. I-Mi p. m. 3 Hi -S.4V 3.47 -. iJ-l . 5 .' -. 6.51 -. 7j25 T4S . bJ; -.. w -.. s. -. !l.wi -xo. I DAILY . . "J2j n. . . - -..7,19 . .73 - .. H.40 ,. - LVSJ IlAtl - .. 12.42 p.m. . 114 - 1.15 - ..4 JOT - NO. 4. DAILY. . 7.45 a. m. 9.00 -. 9JU7 -.. 9,37 -, . I'lfi -. 10J NO.3. DAILY. . 4.4ia. m. im - . 5.4 " . . 6.15 -..7rO No. 16. Mix d. Daib Exc'pt ' Sand-5 . . 7.40a.m. . -. IOj .. p. ml . .. i.to -NO. 15. Kixi. Dailj Exc'pt. Hnndav. , .. 2.11 p.ax. .... 3J5 - 6w57 tMeals. CONNECTIONS at Fayetteville with AUntic Cosiat. Line, at llaxton with Orolrn IVinn K Hailroad, at- hauiord ith Stbo-rtt Air Line, at (Jnvjisboro with Scut hern Itailway.at Wa'nut kve with Norfoik & Western ltailwav. ?.. l a- . a - neu i iw r -Agi. ; j. w. FRY. W. E. KYLE 'ilSvnum&TIeadcn, PitUhoro, N. C. General Oflitt-FoKTMoCTii, Va. 1 OenT Maiar. UeuT Vf. AbX. ! i . s

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