tl Wednesday, - September ir, iso7. LOCAL ITEMS. Linseed oil at Bvnnm & Head- 3a's. Carload of lonr-leaf heart pine fihiu-Ies for sale, by B. Nooe, Jr. The best, largest and cheapest Ktock of shoes in the countv is at popular store of W. L. London" Son. Dr. Chapin has moved the post ofKee to the old Hanks drug store. The postoffice has been at this place before at different times. can be found in his office over Messrs' Uomack & Hayes' law office daily. Terms moderate; always cash. -Be "sure to have your sab-Alli ance to meet ana select delerates to the county meeting to be held here the second Thursday in October. A man who keeps putting off adver tising until he is more prosperous is l:ce a dog trying to catch his tail there is a plenty of motion Lut no progress. Rev. E. AV. Fox and Mies Jennie . tJoble, daughter of Mr. GAY Coble, of Siler City, were married la st Wed nesday, Bev. M. D. McNeill officiat ing. Joe T. Bland, a Chat ha mite, now with Whiting Bros., Raleigh, has something to say to you in this is3ne. If you go to lialeigh within the mt 30 days, call on him and see if he does what he says. Tell him you . saw his card in the" Citizex. j i you see an a mark on your paper it means that your subscription . expired and we want to hear from you next week. Remember our offer of a year s subscription for a bushel of wheat is not out god -for three creeks yet. Don't forget T. A. Hanks, The Grocer, -when yon come to court. Buy his 15c green coffee (a 20c grade). A No. L Extra good molasses for tide. Fresh groceries of all kinds. Cheese, Crackers, Salmon, Sardines, Oysters and all canned goods. He pays Cash or trade for chickens and ers. CO We have completed arranse - t i . . r. menu lur an auverusement or tl:e Sterling Remedy Company's "Xo-to- Dae anu -uascarets." lour attention is called to the fact that they autho nze an uruggista to return! your .money ntneir goods are not as rep ream ted. Any old subscriber who owes no DacK dues ana brings us one new subscriber can get the Citizen for himself and the new subscriber ont year for $1.75. This offer-is good for mree weeks. Any one who brings live new subscribers and $5 can get an extra copy for himself one vear free, ' Come and see the new fall and winter goods they are receiving at the popular store of W.L. London & Son. It will pay you. We are sorry that Dr. Bynum cannot give our readers a letter this week as he expected to do. lie w as away last week and had'to leave for Chapel Hill this week. He will re sume his letters,. however, as soon as hejrets rirhtv settled i n his tipw lie Id of labor. One month ago, the prospect for a cotton crop in Chatham and in the state was excellent. The dry, hot weather of late has cut late corn and cotton heavily, . However, there will be a good crop of corn, as much corn was matured before the dry weath vyviLuu una luiieu ramuiv. i ipw -wfii possioiy oe three-fourths of acfon'm this county, though some k hc crop will not be . over .-thirds of a ' I1 lP of this comes the news thxrTT:a i , , -litteboro is finite si liici7 r1onn - 4 J l'"-t v late, borne one remarked last week taat there was not an idle, laborer about Mr. B. Nooe has his force of hands busy on Dr. Ihrie's and Capt Alston's houses. Dr. Chapin has been having improvements made at the postoffice, the old drug store has teen painted. and Mr. C. C. Hatch has moved into it, Mr. Johu Fowler has added much to the old Burke corner with paint, etc., and still oth ers are having ont-honses "built. t-Mr. Bruce Odom who alternates with Mr. Stephen Moore, in carrying the mail from the Gulf here, asked Mr. Moore to take his day last w eek. It happened in this way, Mr. Odom lnu two suits of of clothes an "every day" suit and a Sunday snit. While he was in the field with his "every day" suit on some one stoleliis Sun day suit from the house and, as Mr. Odom crenerallv o " J v.icn, OUIl iu unne;asKea to be excused last week. We understand that the thief got a full suit leaving only the shoes which were, perhaps, too small for mm. Supenour court meets here next Monday for a two weeks' session There are something over 25 case3 on the state docket for larceny, carrying -concealed weapons, using deadl? weapons,. etc. So far as we can learn there are no very serious cases for trial this term - On the civil docket - are 45 cases but none of tW of special importance. Of course no -one can tell, but it does seems that the docket, in these txen to be cleared of all such cases 'as lire i fcauvior mai. Spencer B. Adams will preside as judge. If yon intend sowing rye, clover tfr timothy seed this fall, voir. will find a fresh stock at the popular store pf M. L. London Son, Call at John L. Council's for refreshing ice drinks, and fruit, can dies and' other goods. A nice shave and hair cut. Some one entered the house of Sir. Owen Cotner of Albright town ship, last Sunday and stole a suit of clothes. " " 0. S. Poe & Son make a special ty of shoes and pant goods they earn the best line of these goods kept in Pittsboro. New goods arriv ing daily. ' One of the prisoners confined in jail here is very anxious to get married. He savs his "intended will come to jail to marry him if he just can get the license. , We would like to' call the at tention of our readers to the cheap furniture yon can buy at Bvnum & ! Headen's. They will sell you a nice m' J - - - oak suit for $12.50, Separate bureaus anu beausteaus equally as cheap. The Greensboro Christiau Advo cate copied three items from the Citizen last week and credited them to another pajer. Bro. Ivey, you ought to get better acquainted with us. f . Irs. Ijaura E. Home . luis ac cepted a "position with Bynum & Headen: Its. Home is an unusually pleasant lady, and if you will, go to see her w hen here trading, she will make you feel perfectly at home. Some of our correspondents do find some extremely wide paper to write oh. Friends, we cannot man age it so wide. If your paper is over six inches wide, split it into two sheets before you begin to write, please. . '0. S. P03 & Son. have the largest . " . m ....... stock or "foods that they have ever had and they were bought early and by saving the cash discounts they will be able to undersell other mer chant i. Only three white teachers and one colored applied for certificates last week. Thee were : Mr. C. G. Self, Misses Florence Hargrove and Dora Lutterloh and J. D. Atwaier, colored, each of whom obtained first grade. Call on Fowler & Terry for heavy and fancy groceries, at the old Burke stand. If you need any canned goods for yo'nr table, they ke'ep a full line. They will keep oysters when in season and will serve the same. Mr. L. J. Haiiffhton 'has had ! Mr. P. M. Pearson and a force of hands tlrc;past week remodelling his cotton gin. We understand that Mr. Hanghton expects to put in a corn mill here also. --Twelve months ago Peter Cam eron Was tried, convicted and senten ced to be hanged. Would you believe it, that he is still in jail here being fed at the county's expense his board having cost the county over $100 this year? We hope that the judge and solici tor will look into this next week at court and find out how much longer we must fatten him. The artist Randall has np.irlv completed the lare portrait of the three North Carolina colonels of the twenty-sixth regiment Vance, Bur gwyn and Lane. This portrait is to be preserved in the state library. It is expected that it will be nresonrod t the state at the coming state fair. The only living one of thn ptohtv Col. John R. Lane of Chatham coun- itrPocts to be present at the pre- sen tatlonT' School Committees. The county board of education recommended that the township school committees ar range the boundaries for the schools in their respective townships in Octo ber. The board further recommend ed that boundaries be left as they are at present unless some advantage to the patrons can be gained by a change. If a school is partly in more than one township it will have to be arranged by the consent of the committeesof the townships concerned. The school should be put under the control of the committee in whose township the house is located. Children of other townships belonging to such a school can be transferred to the township in which the house is located. If the township committees fail to agree they can appeal to the board of edu cation, i It was also recommended that the census be taken and returned to the county supervisor by November 1st The supervisor has sent blanks to each committee. Committees will find that the old committees, now designated trustees, can help much m getting up census. We suggest that a day be appointed for arrang ing schools and taking the census and that the old committees and pat rons be invited to meet the commit tees. We shall be glad to help adver tise such' meetings for committees and, if possible, will attend. Let the wishes, of the patrons of the schools be met if such can be consistently done. However, town- ciuwi committees must rise above neighborhood jealousies and w-ork for the best school interest of the township. To Curo Constipation For- 9- T-r.a9Care Ddj Cathartic. lf)c or -i-x:. If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggist rttund moneJ PEKSO.NAL. Judge Womack, of Kaleigh, spent Sunday in Pittsboro. Miss Mary B. Harmon is visiting relatives in Sonthpm p;n0o Miss Cammie Trd has returned 1 to Wilmington. Miss Julia Bvnnm has returned from a visit to relatives in Chapel Hill. 1 Sheriff Jenkins and John S. Fow ler were iu Raleigh last Monday on business. Mrs. H. E! Norris and Herbert. Jr.. have been spending some time with ner parents at the Pittsboro hotel. , Mr. A. F. Harmon has been on a visit to his old home near here, on his way from Troy X. C, to Portsmouth, Va. . 3Irs. Laura Home has accepted a position with Bynum & Headen and will be glad to have her many friends call on her. ' Mr. A. J. Bynum left last iron day for the Xortheru markets to buy a fall and winter stock of goods for Bvnnm & Headen. - Rev. J. W. Watson and little daughter, Jeanette, of Swepsonville, passed here last -Monday on their way to Rives Chapel to visit his father. Mr. Hal London and Miss Lizzie Foushee return this week from the Northern markets, where they have been to buy a fall and winter stock of goods for W. L. London & Son. I)r. Ernest Bynum has been elected adjunct professor of history and so cial economics at the University of North Carolina. This was unexpected but was a very pleasant surprise to Dr. Bynum and his 'friends that he should so soon get work and so near his old home and relations. However, the university is to be congratulated. Dr. Bynum took charge yesterday, COMMISSIONERS' MEETING. (Concluded from last week.) A. D. liunress. niakin? ret urn of of election and "registering vo ters. II.iw-Kiver, S 0'i G. R.'Pilkingtoii.mediciiie&cfor home of aged and iniirnv 1.S0 Eastern Hospital' traveling expen ses for Lucy Alston, 20 Edwards & l' receipts for sheriff, 14.15 D. W. Taliy, support of Il:rry Al ston raid w ife per month, 1.C0 It. L Oldham, services, Superin tendent workhouse, 27.04 Richard Ilamsey, j uiitor of court house, JJynum & Headen, supplies for workhouse, Bynum & Headen, supplies for 3.50 1.G5 Lome of aged and infirm. 3.54 " 'A Edwards, txanii::ation of l-i"itie. l.oo M J- Jenkins, jail fees to date, Julia Taylor, labor at home of aged and infirm, ' 12x0 Anderson Taylor, labor at home of ajed and "infirm, o.(o W. A. Wicker, Superintendent of home of aged inlif ra, 42 50 J.J.Jenkins, carrying Elizabeth Perry to asylutn, p.oo Edwards & liroughton, bl-urtis for clerk's office. 13;, IlarreU's Printing, office blanks and dockets for clerk's o.lico, G.03 J. T. Paschal, copying tax lists, computing taxes, tilling out sher iff's receipts and ranking chang es ordered by board of equaliza tiou. 514.31 J. T. Paschal, clerk to the lioitrd, registering election returns. &c. :u ..". J. T. Paschal, on account of work house, I'j.'jTt R. II. Dixon, fiour, for home of aged and infirm, ;,.oo H. II. Dixon, on account of road 1 a . .u sti'uui ciccuoiis, ijd -!7JWffi.4Jal.lHsr month fcr support ol riiillis MciTride.' ' - ' ana scnooi elections, C2fo A Sure Thing for You- A transaction in w hich you cannot lose is a sure thing. Biliousness, sick headache, furred tongue, fever, piles and a thousand other ills are caused by constipation' and sluggish liver. Cascareta Candy Cathartic, the v,on ferful new Hrer stimulant and intes tinal ionic are by all druggists guar anteed to cure or money refunded. C. C. C. are a sure thing." Trvi box to day: 10c. "25c. 50c. n'mnlo nn.l 1. .1.1.1. . till . uwKiet irce. All druggists. ji'rnonv viaiu the aogel.of death ha3 yisitedl vul tuuimumiy.ana ci.aaied ils victim oar beloved relative and brother James 1. Moore. He was born in branee county Feb. the 13th, 18J, aud died bept. thecth. lbl)7. He bad been a suf ferer of I'ara lysis about eleven months, i hough sordj affiictel. he was ever cheerful and seemed perfectly resigned to his afflictions. He frequently visited our home and never did 1 see bim des pondent or hear him murmur of bis af ilictions. It was my privilege to be with him in his djing hour; and he said rnn.fl.the.ruciatinS Pain. "Lord, if it be thy will let this hour of suffering rassj. t my will but thine be done." He died with the sweet assurance that ail W as well with him. He was a lovinz husband and an indulgent father, and a kind and obliging neighbor. lie leaves a loving wite and two devoted childreu with a host of friends and relatives to mourn their loss. Wa ortan.i i . r . . " "vvaivuhvui Ileal I- felt sympathies to the bereaved family. May i hey not mourn; for blessed are they that die in the Lord Dear wife and children, Twill not be long no not long this this painful separation; When those we love are buried from our sight, Xo twill not be long until we go to join them, And to dwell in realms of pure delight. . How sweet 'twill be when freed from imperfections, Where loyed ones now are safely gathered home, . TVhere doubt, dismay, heart-breaking troubles. Dispair, disease or death can never come AKtlative. You can save20 per cent hv in suring your property with A. J. By num, Agt for Southern Mntual Stock Insurance Co. of Greensboro, N. C. Yellow fever is. reported at Ocean Springs, Miss. Tramps arrested Iu Kaleigh are be ing sent to the road for 30 days, Two prisoners in Warren jail tore a steel bedstead to pieces and succeeded in breaking out of jail with Ihe piei. It i3 s iid that between July 1st and August 2Sth joooo people left the Pa cific coast states for the Klondike gold fields. . ' & San Antonio, Sept. 8. The customs inspectors at Laredo, Texas, have found an unclaimed valise on the train from Mexico containing 1 200 ,100 worth of diamonds, jewelry and other valuables. Charlotte News. Randolph Argus: A young man nam ed Hussell, living in Union township, was accid'ently shot and killed last Sat urday evening while out hunting. He was carrying a pistol in his bre astpocket and while crossing a fence he fell when the pistol w as discharged killing him Instantly. Textile Excelsior : Colonel Julian S. Can- and associates of Durham, have arranged to build a mule spinning mill there at once, to contain 7,."oo spindltM. I he object of this is to supply the knit ting milh therewith yarns. It is under stood that a separate company will be chartered to establish this new enter prise with Colonel Carr.. 'is president., Commonwealth: Last Friday morn ing just before day a fi efgiit train of the Southern Railway coming from Norfold plunged into the Chowan river at Tuni?, the engine, tender and a box car going down. The draw bi k!gc was open for A boat pass, and the engineer not observing the signr.1 plunged ti e train over the draw into the rivtr. There was no damage to persons i x c?pt a wetting for the fireman and en ginter who jumped into the rivtr and swam out. A wrecking train was sent from lioeky Mount Friday morning to remove the wreck and clear the track. A Coldsboro special to the News and Observer stys: A white man named John Mczingo, of this county, aged 5.", -was run over by the Smithlkld (rain near thi-i city at 7:'t'J a.m.. sustaining injuries from which he died soon alter. He was intoxicated and fell asleep a longsidc the track with his head on the end of a ao.s tie. No blame is attached to the railroad com pany. Alerdeeu Tclegrat. TTfirc iiii'r,i rTV' the iiegro who inuid.-ivd John 11am mtrway, another negro, here on We 1 i.esiay nigLt of last week, was c.iptured atPolkton last Friday morning, and is safe iu Carthage jail. He admits the killing, but soys he did it in self-Je- !ence. There was no eVidence to that effect by the '-witnesses at the Coroner's luruest. ' ' Durham Sun: Edgar Il-jweiton, Voout 8 year3 old, son ot 11. Tllow- erton, was up a tree at the rtsldenco of It. ,J. Jjoony. playing with tome of his companions Saturday, When ho fell out .M:d bruke his rigi;t arm at the elbow. Little Lillian, the a -year-tld daa;h ter of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Fuller, w;:s Playing in tl:e ha!I with her brother. 1 rank, and climbing up upon the back ot a large asychair.htrfeet sli.m.'dand slid feu and bioko her right arm jatt above the clbo'.r. Henderson (Joid L'.af : Mr. a?ruel llramo. was ihlii g a mule t! rough a Held in which was an oil well, snmp iwuj im utt-p. line p.iEsiiig near me pit the mule refused to go forward. The apfoal backed over theqren space and forty feet deep. While passing near the twth drafptTdto fhebottoniof the well. A "Crowd gathered and Mr. Ilarrif, owner of the mule, r.prealed to the crowd to save his mule. This was too much for .Sain aud the echo rang from the well: 'l) n the mule; get me out of here." The man was pulled out by a rope and the animal was extricated by throwing dirt under hira until he was brought to the surface. TOCI UIUIOLDI.X OARD.IV Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Druggists refund the money if it fails to Cnre. 2oc : I W.ll. SniUU' Collczr, Lexington lini-J-inrl 1 I.., 1 . I Ann e : b'ovs and others have iti vested .90 for iiiuiou ana board for an education and are now getting $1,000 and over a year. Read ad.' nnrl j for reference. Remember' . in order that your letters mav rearh flu al lege- to address only Y. H Smith, aaiuiuu, IN.) . t It Karcilhct'raupr Clallilrcn. Sea view, Va, Ye have a kpleudid sale on Chamberlain'snonwh l.Vmr 1 S and our customers coming from farjS aim near, speak of it in the terms. Manv have KniiT ih highest lat their children would have died of croup if j Chamberlain's Cough Remedy had liie 25 and 50 Bynum & Ilead EDCCATK Oi:u noiVIXS WITH I tatcarcli Caodr Ca!har!ic, cure confetlpallon for- trtr. 10c. IfC.C.C. fail, drasitarafanrf 1 money. ' I JoE T.Ulaxd. the Chatham County. man will be triad tn hv m. trin,tit Ja" u see mm wuea m Italeigh and In need of anything in the Clothing, Uat or Shoe line. s make Price3 to suit the times, a?A J1'1. ave yu money. With the old reliable Srm, i 1 Jli&S4KCldh Mr. J. M. Dismnkcs sent us the following- poem and asked for its publication. This little poem is true to nature and the same things are being acted out every day,' though, perhaps, many a father is ignorant of it I'll Take What Father Takes, . 'Twas in the flow'ry month of June, The sun was in the west, When a merry, blirthsomecompauy iei at a public feast. - Around the room rich banners spread, And garlands fresh and gay ; Friend greeted friend right joyously, upon that testa! day. The board was filled with choicest fare. The guests sad down to dine ; Some called f or'bitter"some for'stout, And some for rosy wine. Among this joyful company, A modest youth appeared ; Scarce sixteen Summers had he seen, No specious snare te feared. An empty glass before the youth Soon drew the waiter ihere, M What will you take, irf he inquired, ' Stout, bitter, mil(, or clear ? M We've rich supplies of port, -We've first-class wine and enkes," Th'. Vuiith With iro.Hf-'.rss W.k ro?il:f.-l "I'll take what lather takes." Swift as au arrow went the words Into hi3 father's ears, And soon a conllict, deep and strong, Awoke terrific fears. The father looked upon his son, Then gazed upon the wine. O (Jod ! he thought, were he to taste, Who could the end divine? ' Have I not seen the strongest fall. The fairest led astray? And shall I 011 my only son ' Jiestow a curse this day ? No ; God forbid ! "Here, w waiter, brim lncrht water nntn mp My sen will take what father takes ; -My drink shall water be77 W- IIOiLE. R. T. Brav. of Danvillo. Va.. b mrr. cd himself September 9th. Winston Republican : Mr. Christian Iteid hands in a beau pod that is a bean you read ab'mt It is of the Yoreaiite vaiiety and the pod measures 14 inches in length. I Winston Republican : Consul (Jeneral Lee and family take passage for New York; the general has a leave of ah. sence; it is probnblo that he will not re- tnrrk tnCnl.i n ,1 t- - . 1. 1 ... ouu successor win boonar,puiuted. Concord Times : At a trial of a party of gamblers iu Greensboro one of them went on the witness stand and sworfi positively that he was not gambling, but that he went there to try to per suade the others to go to church. Judge Adams sent him to the chain gang for six months for perjury. General Longstreet of Georgia and Miss ihllen Dortch, of Chicago, was married .Sept. nu. Gen. Longstreet is ?0 years o!d and very deaf. Miss Dortch is yea--s old and very pretty. The Gen. is expecting by every mail his ap pointment from President McKinley as railroad commissioner, to succeed Wade Haiiptun.'and Miss Dortch is a candidal- for . t te L'brarian. Winston Hp- pu.-.ican. Everybody Says So. Ctscarets Candr CithnHi I mcjo wonderful medical discovery of of iil ; the -taste, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleans ing the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fever, h.ihitnnl 5pritWKjtr i'Hfefiswc-s- Sca2ahux and try a box of C.' C. C. to-day; 10, 23. 50 cents. Sold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. Agents for the HARMS STEAM DYE I WORKS, Raleigh, X. C. Suits cleaned, 75 cents; cleaned and dved, $1.50. Samples dyed free. I Address, HARRIS STEAM DYE WORKS, j Kaleigh, X. C. ' Cash paid for old clotho iu payment tor 'work. ' 3m .1 i ....k 'JJ ltllf u ' l' -1 J ie bon:.s nor:, of th r.r W luteJ deceased, the undersigued here- i snw uuuce 10 au creditors of said iJectdontto present their claims' to him tor settlement on or before the 1 2th day f August. or this notice will be plead m bar of their recovery. This leth day of August. 1807 7 I II. T. CHAPIN. Adm'r" de bonis non of Arthur White, J deceased. vl ' If : t -cC T7 ' o O rl s 3 x A 1 'X 'F L?l'3&flQlfyX t J MOST POlVFBFft mu9' rUkiLHtUL sz? -et t ELECTRIC LAMP MADE. 1 Guaranteed to bnra 8 to xo t honrs. No Smoke. No OIL No cijjiwsion. fouurcij safe for o bicycles, miners, policemen, ns companies. vu icu-uics. Dollar a T ""pec.ors, eic. - we sena with Z acl l3LIP sufficient material to bunt from 24 to 30 honrs. T Tor aala bp nil livm denier. ELECTRIC PORTABLE Us!P CO. ... . - Mortgage Sale. BY VIRTUE OF THE POWERS contained in a certain e'eed of mortgage executed by Fmiiin; Tripp to C. i. Lindsay 011 the inn oav 01 iarcn ism. and registered in office of Register tf nf f'hitlioni (vr.intv in linnlr fV K page45etseq,I will on the ICth day of October. 1J-D7. at the court-house door in Pittsboro, rv. oner for fair, to me 01 Mm Tnpp, .v. u . .orwooa et his, containing twenty acu?s immediately around jnd including the house where in the late said Emiline Tripp resided, said house being in the center thereof. Also one bUck mare mule bought by Fmiliic Tripp of C. L. Ivnrisav. C: L. LINDSAY Mortgagee, Womack & Hayes, Attvs This September's 1637. m ll Ml A T- IB. USTOOIE, GHR,., HAS Coffins and Caskets READY FOR DELIVERY At any hour, day or night. . 1 Collins from $2 to 25. Caskets from 1 0 to $75. Why send put of the County! when vou can t Letter goodYfor, the money right here in Pittsboro?. Mr. A. J.,. Bynum markets buying fall Bynum & ITcaden. This space is reserved for th'Av ad, which will appear next week. 1 'i n ft cs DON'T SACRIFICE Future Comfort for present seeming -Economy, but BUY tfec Sewing P.facliino with an established reputation that guarantees you long and satisfactory service: S V Send for oar beautiful haff-tone catalogue. CIXVOAND, CU'.Q. Havp, rorp jyfg pi merit tiprorT hoT. High 5 Grade Bicycle. 5 l-H FULL OF GRACE, AND BEAUTY. A Every Wheel Cuoranteed. .Send for Catalogue. f S -0.17 na' t? rr r 1 m i vb ml fe 7 Webster's International The One Great Standard Authority HaVrllaatTmi Tk T T J uUoe u. 8." b'upreme uuiucctiiwR PRACTICAL PURPOSES, BECAUSE e"IT,.,nd " P"ncUtlon ta eaally ascertain. mn Tha growth of worda eaally traced. tfty charactarUaa tta averr dep.rtm.nt m GET THE BEST. C5. & C. Kerrlam Co., Pnblliiers, Pamphlet free. SEABOARD Schedule tn Effect v i'J .Warn J'Y. Pittsboro ty."Oa m 4 .03p.m Ar. !Moncur SOUTHBOUND Ar. Ilendarson . Durham, " Italeigh. - . San ford. Z uthern Pine3, " -Monroe. ' .... . " Charlotte. (Dining btation). . 'd Time) " ' - 9 . . Aeldon, - Fr irr - U4U1Iuauoru a a T),iiW T . - T -r WE BELIEVE R. II. DINON, Clerk "rerior X r - vuuuui vxiiiiiiaui countv using one. Th"i3AUGHERTY VISfBLf $15 Typewriter is the Best On The : MARKET, v You can PROVE 1T.S SO. Costs Express Only. R. B. LINEBEKKY, At4't, Pittsboro, N. C. Wanted-An Idea gSS Protect vonr ldm! ti m. rf- 1 Write JOHK WEUDERIifcRN COPait 1 ABd list of two bundrftil laTeaUona mmiZi, is now in the Northern and winter goods for JStWHITL ITS BEAUnmilY FIGURED WOODWORK, DURABLE CONSTRUCTI0V, FINE MECHANICAL ADJUSTMENT, cocpled with the Raest Set of SteeJ Attach ments, makes it the MOST DESIRABLE MACHINE M TUE MR!iET. Dealers Wanted nitre ve are Rtt repreceated. i White SevIna rt!ac!ilnc Co HMdtionary Court & Z ' A IT IS A THOROUQH REVISION OP THE UNABRIDGED. , ' a" v a"ia vi aiiaawiaa ' ne, Indicioni. scholarly, tboroojrh of it growth baa obtained in n hAl a H s . m Vi 1 V. 14 sprinsrfleicl, siass., U. H. A. ' AIR-LI iME Vehrunrt. TU. 2f n 1897. Ar. oJ2.dp.ra Il.4Ca.ra tl.oOp.m tH.OOam .403, J . 41. 1 "AtlantSpec'I." MS. A. L. Exi-' 9 OOp. m U o.'am JI 5Ca.m lcWp.m a ."'Oa. m il2Sa.m 12 56 " t7 32 21B " , 3 35 " -42." ' C4.L" 8 30 " V5"pxa j 4 Wp.m 3 34 i(3 5M y 1-2 " 1025p.m 5 3. -2-5. A LE2l I "Atlanta Spec'!". imeix'OOnoou h :xi:uni 1133 " ii Wp.ra 6 53 " 3Up.m 2 Kia m 17 32am 4 5."a.m T'ily--crcept Sunday. II S T.l A 1M) gemthern Tassenger Agent, UaleigVX. C. ELM I R Av N. Y. r. mTYqz Agent, Ka VrV,,unu lITw ll.Glorer. V. 1 Traffic Hzr, PassengT Agt- Portsmouth, Va,

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