I CHATHAM" CITIZEN. ' ' , PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT ' PITTSBORO, . - . ot TOWNE'S PLATFOBM. TrtE R. 8. UHE8ERRY, Editor I Proprlttor. The National Farmers' Alliance And ' " Industrial Union. President Mann Page, Brandon, Ya. Vice-President 0. Vincent, Indian apolis, Ind. - : Secretary-Treasurer W. P.Bricker, Cogan Station, Pa. LECTUBERS. J. P. Soesamon, Charlotte, N. C. "" Hamlin V. Poore, Bird Island, Minn. F. H. Peirsol, Parkersburf, W. Ve, NATIOXAI EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, ' Mann Page. Brandon Va.;B. A. Southwortb, Denver, CoL; John Bre nig, W. Ya.;A. B. Welch, New York; W. A. Gardner Andrew's Settlement, Pa. "JCDICIABT. R. A. Southwo'rth. Denver, Colo. K. W. Beck, Alabama. M. D. Dane, Kentucky. KOBTH CAEOLDiA FARMERS STATE ALLI ANCE. President Jno. Giabam, Bidgeway, N.- C. . 1 ice-Fresident W. Q. Upchurcb, Uorrisville, X. C. Secretary Treasurer-rJ.T.E. Hoover, Hil labor o, N. C. : . . State Business Agent T. B.Parker, Hillsboro. N. C." . Lecturer Dr. V. N. Seawell, Villa now, N. C. Assistant Lertnrer W. B. Brick bouse" , N. C. Chuplaiu W. S. Mercer, , N. C. MINNESOTA ORATOR'S BROAD VIEWS. noB. Charles O. Town Arowi MlUteir a Convert to Direct Legislation and (iorernmeut Oiraerahlp of Ballroa4a . -Th IkIc of Brents. Door-keeper Geo. T. Lane, Greens boro, N. C. Assistant Door-keeper Jas.II.Lyon, -Dnrham, N. C. Sergeant-at-Arma--A. D. K. Wal lace, Raleigh, N. C. Truateo Business Agency Fund W. A. Graham, MachpelabN. C. COALMITTEE OF THE NORTH" CAROLINA. TARMEBS STATE ALLIANCE. ' J. W. Denmark, Chairman, Ealeigb," N. C. John Graham, Ridgeway, N. 6. W. B. Fleming, Ridgeway, N. C, A. F. Hileman, Concord, N. C. Dr. J. B. Alexander, Charlotte, N. C. Thomas, D. Oldham, Teer, N. C. STATE AXLIAXCE JCPICIABY COMMITTEE. Dr. 7. E. Person, Pikeville. N. C. W. S. Barnes, Ealeigh, N. C. T. Ivey, Hillsboro, N. C. CHATHAM COUNTY ALLIANCE. President W. W. Edwards, Sim mon Grove, X. C. Vice-President B. R Hargrove. it imam s Alille, is. V. Hecreretary-Treasury -R. B. Line berry, Pittsboro, N. C. Chaplain A. M. Self, Hadlev. N. C. : Lectuier-John W. Atwater, Bialto,; n . U. - - - - Assistant Lecturer John P. Dark f i T of, Ajawrence, ss. u. Ex-Congressman (Townr national chairman of the Silver Republican par ty, in his speech at Dea Moines proved mai ne nas grown to the full stature. He paid: 1 feel a3 though I should speak to you with a degree of familiarity, be cause it was made an accusation against me last fall that I was & Pop- uust, and during the rest of the cam paign i iriea to deserve the name. I nave heard the readinz of vour nlat- form and am ready to Indorse nearly all of it. I cannot say I favor' the in itiative, but I- do favor the referen- dum, because I believe It will do away with the lobby. I think parties are made to do something, and do not believe they can accomplish anything until they have a majority. Do not Eacncca your principles. I have re fused to do that, and as a consequence X am a EOrt nf an arlla H.t tn.ott... ana you can win. "I favor the government ownership ot ranroada, telegraphs and telephones.' but am of the opinion the public is not ready for this yet You can't cir- ry all reforms at once, becausa the ma jority of the human race is conserva tive, xou can only take one step at a time. But you needn't be afraid of the support of these men -when the time- comes to declare for government own ers nip. i used to take off my hat to the' Kepubiicans and bow down before' them, but I cannot do it any; more be-; cause they have deserted the princi ples that once made them the grandest' more probable than that the Gage fam The most pronounced goldbug" can no longer consider the silver question a local one. Colorado Is getting along under the gold-standard better than feny other state In the Union. Colo. rado people are for freo coinage be cause they think It is for. the Interest or the whole country. Pueblo Post t We hope to live to see the industrial system under which the" destruction of property won't be a godsend to the XLorklngmen-who are employed to re place it. Star and Kansan. ' 10 ccijr uwub uuiy as wen fl legal obligation to pay his debts ac cording to his contract But it Is also nis right to see to it that it Ehall be made no harder to pay his debt when It falls due than when he mada it Columbus Post . .. President Andrews will be plauded by all fair-minded men of th country, irrespective of their financial views, man will the trustees of nmn university. They granted him the right to think, but they do not accord him the right to speak. That would cost the university money, and as President Andrews would not sell him self he was "oermltted to rpin ah honor to Andrews! Colorado Springs Telegraph. It Is a pity that Just as farmers had prepared to feed the multitude all th berries its appetite craved there ram- along laws and systems that made it impossible for the multitude to hnr and pay for the berries. Farm, Stock uu xiome. ... A SlMf LE QUESTION.! " FER " taxation. a A CHILD COULD UNDERSTAND FINANCE wwu ixji enoaid ray Bioch TZ arni Twd men; Messrs. .Herman and Mo Dlus, are canvassing Kansas In the cause of the "single tax." The Advo cate Welcomes an Invasion nf lh Irlnrl Then the Money SUndard:AppretlatM: Under direction of persons authorized ana aeiegated to represent the views and present th "t have given time and study enough to the subject in hand Jd systematize itS details and friak of hm n Kvm. the relation nf th. metrical wholei io. tne welfare of thA r.ori i-I Taxation, both wi nri national ly snown in history that "he who runs. 13 creasing steadily from decade to may read,- says Thomas C. Hodgson,' dade. This fact will, sooner or lat in Farm, Stock and Home. Our great- r force itself on the attention of Uhe est money volume. In proportion to people. It Is well known also that Duslness done, was at the close of the; "" present system, if anything so ln- ni mat time prices ran up, val- congruous may oe called a system, Is vnuo the Taia of Pr... . te the Uaaaea Suffer for the Benefit of the Few. jUST DO YOUR . BEST The signs ire bad when folks commence A-flndln fatllt with Providence, And balkln 'cause the earth don't shako At every praocia' step they take. No man Is great till he can see How less than little be would be , Ef stripped to self, and stark and bare, lie hung his sign out anywhere. Sly doctern is to lay aside Contentions, and be satisfied; Jest do your best, and praise er blame That rollers that counts jest the same. 'r alia noticed great success s mixed with troubles, more or les.,' . And it's the man who does the best That gits more kicks than all the rest James Whlteomb Eiley. HUMOR OF THE DAY. -"unaiiuu m me woria. .now I am; ready to take off my hat and bow to; the Populists. : "I want to tell you that this Is an epochal period. We are fighting thei battle of civilization which is to de-t termine whether cr not a free govern-' ment can endure anywhere in this; world, and are not engaged in a local; fight It 13 a fight that extends over: years, and you can call me a Democrat: or a Populist, an anarchist cr a hoo-i doo, l care not which, bo lone- a von' We are Informed that & Ron nf tSa thrifty millionaire, Lyman Gage, owns a line of steamers runnlne t)wn Oregon and Alaska. This probablv ac counts for the fabulous stories now be ing circulated about the wonderful eold fields. There'- a e.h.n,. ,. I . . "J a lKe tfon in , "S increased Z . "i"?"ucl" ana coming is 300 per cent in those ten vear Ttr the early '90s our credit wa8 exhausted. Jes of real estate especially farms increased phenomenally. The 7-30's were retired; between one and two hun dred million of greenbacks were de stroyed. Then followed the panic of 1873 and a depression of several years, Juring which the greenback party irose and stayed the hand of slaughter, even forcing the government to Issue! rreenbacks In place of a nart of those lestroyed. Then followed the nianfl hill! I cronertv tht ,uu resumption or specie payment,' which threw a large majority of gold: ind silver Into circulation, followed by! id era of prosperity. The business of the country expanded so rapidly as to: create a scarcity of money, which re-! suited iniunother depression and thei expansion of the currency through the' I from view. auerman law. men roliowed a brief revival of prices which caused business; to vastly out-run the trifling Increase of currency, and the result was the panic of 1893. There was another cause! for this panic, and perhaps a greater one. During the decade of the '80s! the great shortage of money was sup-' plemented by a resort to credit The Women who have tried it say that naming a baby for the doctor doesn't reduce the bill any." Atchison Globq. L ,?.Tr.JU," . " .b"' i.irf"!"- light-W. keeper?" Sh-Ver, . tuJu.aj, la 6iwmS taai mnrh. name the dftle " The, T.erlaer and to the disadvantage of farmers and of men generally who toll with their hands. The personal property tax lists In the several states show remarkable shrinkage in late years. uonas, siocxs and other evidences of "Where was Magna Charta signed?" asked a teacher in the South of Lon don Board School "Plea3e, sir, at the bottom." Tit-Bits. Young Lady (hurriedly) "I want a THE INTERNATIONAL LESSON COMu a i Yvn FOR SEPTEMBER 26. Rexlew of the Twelro Lewo-. K Third Quarter-Golden Teu v v., 16-CommenUry on the'o?1 Leaaoii. by the Rt. d. H.t Lessor I. First ConTert (Acts xvl., 6-15). Golden TttoEBfJ 130, "The entrince of Thi ??t'. light." The golden text for th?! "Let your light so shine." rtcfUW 1). suggests that Christ. Vho u U to be allowed so to work ij f, At may be glorifled in os (Qai S Mft N testifies that it pleased God toreTP.,-l 1- 15). ni as the Uh? Christ never sought His own wufS ure (John vi., 3S; Bom. xr. when hindered from Koin- 'intA Bitbynla, was aattofled t!S2 i? Macedonia at the call of Hia Lom 7 tiently wait for the opportunity Sfl P fuUy accept tho seemingly I eh speaking to a few womenfer th S 0B LSo Il-raul and the p Jailer (Acts xvl., 23-34) GoMea fJ Acts xvl., 31, "Believe on the i nr Christ and thou shalt be eared .lf house" To be arrested. vl.il "1 debts escape taxation In large dezree I oovel something popular." arrested, beaten TXW pnsonea aia not look much like gnZLIr Book ' Ltl lTi i? " 10 like iu and so it is with all kinds of movable Is easy to conceal. Paintings, statuary, curtains, orna ments and other articles used only for the purpose of display and ornamen tationthese rarely get Into tho tax rolls at all. But as to land,' that is always In sight It cannot be moved or hidden Nor Is it combustible, and it is me source of all sustenance. Be- Clerk (briskly)" Yes, Miss. What sort wicked or vapid?" New York Weekly."- Dear Old Boston Again Visitor "I hear there is sickness next door. Is it contagious?" Phillips "Oh,, not as all, madam; merely contiguous." Truth. when our blessed Lord was arreted S? fet 'i ged, crucifled as a nu,3J' tbsu.f in. raui at Tbealnnu. . Berea (Acts xvli.. 1-12). Golta Acts xvil., 11. "They received ?h. T U with all the readlnessofSni andiaJiS the Scriptures daily." 8ome" T unto the Lord at Philippi, and PaST x5222i on to other cities, for he believed tW was His calling to cause all tvhom hi "um reach to see and hear th n.o. U..TOH v. , it is tA First Tramp "The lady overyonder Jeaeenin our Uves and heard 'from tried to get me to work for a cent" I1!?: 7helb wo re free or bot? Second Tramp-"Maybe she took you pu ;tolailZ tUt nH stanM rvAnl m.v .. " "5 Christ Not all wUI receive him but 1 will, and some, like the Bereans'wni sides. It was here when we came. It is I 'or one ' those penny-in-the-slot ma- ours of right It belongs to the peo- cnines. Pie. Not only does everybody use! "What did you stop that clock in iaca, cut nobody can get on without Jour TOOm ir. Jane?' "liecauss, Lessox IV.-Pa.nl Preahing ia Atv using some. And it l3the only thins I zaunf, the plaguey thing has soma sort (Acts xvil., 22-34). Oeldea Text-ji of which all these things cm be said. f fik every mornin', mum, jest when ilvff. "4 thJoii r UiUl IU spirit mKA ily is at the bottom of the whole hn. ness. Chicago Express. conncence" was crippled. The great producing classes found themselves urltri Kl. Ktiol.... .. i . . . Dolly Madison, when the British MnJ!i., Declar at Tn'8ecarhe original panic. Congress assembled la extra' ?wn "SS t ill lnh EeSSl0D' and after a gantlc brattle nul uwu nanas. mat was all rlrht hut ne v. - i .. . . Ytmm" ho -i iuc sjuermaa acu inese States-. hPiLS f Ince got away with men" believed, like some physicians. that "like cures like." We were suf- for the earth Includes water and air. 1 "ants to sleep." Tit-Bits Then why not adopt a system of tax- "res," remarked a Chicago girl, ation based on land alone a 6!ngle "he represents one of the oldest fami- tax? That would simplify thlng3 lies." "Does he date before the fire?" greatly. And In adjusting details, wc "Xo not quite so far back as that But should soon find that justice would re- he's one of the people who have ridden quire that we levy our tax not on the the old-style high wheels." Wash- land Itself nor on Its estimated value, ington Star. , but on the value of the land's rental- Smith "Jones has Jbonght some sort mat is to say, on what a renter would of crrmnastifl annaratn. l,. In truth." wo the "Independence " making rw laration" of small conseauence San Francisco Star. The United States 'in these dava nt uorrowini give us a chance to trv the nr.; i , i' uorrawi Irom tne foreigners is no for wm,. ' " ".f longer first In everything iar wnicn we are fighting "But I want to caution you In this' state to stand together. I hope you: will not refuse In the interest of the! principles for which you stand, to vote: under one name this fall. We must? do this to hold the six and ona-hair millions of our supportera and to gain! to our cause the 700.000 Republicans' disappointed with the failure of their own party's promises, who are ready now to join with us." Mr. Towne then paid the usual com-' pliment to what he termed the "gold bug press," and, proceeding, said he toped that this fall the three great silver armies would march on converg ing roads to one battlefield, there to! meet and overthrow a common p- He said that the logic of the situation. aemand3 the presentment of a solid front against a common enemy, and first in anything. In government rail roads, telegraph and telephone lines, government savings banks, the super iering from want of blood. The cure proposed was more bleeding. Stagna tlon'does not describe the result: stag- gernation (if I may Coin the word) ex presses it better. It would be a boon if pay ior tne ose of the land.- That would be fair to all users of land. If the rental value of a town lot is equal to that of a farm, it ought to pay a3 much tax. This, as the Advocate un derstands It Is the idea of the single taxer, and we think that as the people study the question It will rmw nn rehiring all manner of ifods.bnt 17? ant of the only living and true God i 1m giving their time chiefly to hearing 2! toliinff the news regardless of acthin . yond the present life. . ' s Lksso V. raul's MlnUtrtiln Coring (Acts xvlif., l.li). Golden "Text-I v? HI.; 11, "Other foundation can' to man 1.J than that Is laid, which is Je?us Christ Here He works at His trad as n tentmak and on the Sabbath days preacho Cfcrist la tha urnacnniA inner o k , rr cises half an hour every niffht" Rob- listen to Him. and whenthev ifi iuE,! inson "Well, he's a very persevering ?u moro Hq Prsachesin a house risht beside fellow. Inppo he;n lp ., tbat ffia3S5Xt,.iSSS untu a coupie oi week's alter he's tired of it. "Puck. the experience of these four years I them. Ex-Senator Peffer in Topeka 1 J 1. aVAA m ... I AM i " could be blotted from our history. Congress called arf extra session to deal with the tottering patient What Ad vocal. Door-keepfr J. F.Cook.Beaumont Predlcted some day the result will: vvuiuiuii IMT V (ifil n XT rtevn uuciucM UU- N. C. 'Assistant Door-keeper J.R.Brown. Jriiisooro, IS. 4J. Sergeant-at-Arms Q. Filtsboro, N. C. W. Moore, EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. J.,T. Paschal, chairman; R. H. Dix on ahd J. J. Jenkins, Pittsboro. N. C, aer a common nami. He said that just at present the Democrats needed a sort of eovmnr or regulator, and that the other silver fcrces are serving as this.standing with one hand uplifted to pat them on the back and with a club in the other He said the Democrats are on probation for a time yet, and will have to remain so before the other parties will consent to be swallowed by them for a lone enough time to insure their entire sin cerity. . In conclusion he said: "When you commence to figure on cementing up old parties, just tell the Democrats to take out a pencil and add the gold Democrats and then subtract the Pop- 2? .andKS11Ver ReublIns and see hat they have left Keep up the fieht , lDe ssue- even down to the election of poundmasters. never The Comln; Era. The fact is. that the revolution v.- it "'iuuuu Call be reallv conauprr " ,Cappe3r3. ir ycu wish OLD TIME C0URTE3Y. ' D,s?eS?rt ,"nd la BOn When i Pbo Wae Yonag and Unfettered. There wasn't any particular excite- 1 ment over the hanglng of the man - pointed out and arrested at Big Bend cs the chap who Etole a pack mule from Colonel White's camp, over on Fish Biver. One of White's men, who was over after bacon, happened to meet the stranger and he went to Jim Red- . rem, president of the vigilance com. . mittee, and said: . t "Jim, 13 it a good day for a hanging? i "Wall, tolerably fa'r," replied Jim. ' "The kuss who stole our pack mewl ij lii uue un iront saloon." "I see. And you want him hung?" ' "I don't keer It myself, but I reckon tne knrnel uderstand what revolution Is call Y? "I'm willing to .obleego Colonel Etand wh.at progress Is, call It to-moJ" White, as he's a good friend of mine; T0W' To-morrow ever does It3 work but do you think the critter down thar lrresistibly and does it to-day' And has any bjechshuns to bein Dung?" lt cver attains Its object Such Is the "He don't look like a man who'd kick Process of progress, and that workman nbout It Tears -more like a critter ha3 no bad toos: It tits to its divine who'd be glad to be 6ff the alrth." work the man vo bestrode the Alps' "Wall.1 we'll take chances on him," a,nd tne old tottering patient of the said Jim, and he went to his shanty and ? lysee- Tne sabres have finished - got a rope ancrnsked eight or ten of aD-i turn of tne thlnkera arrives '. the boys to go nlong. When the crowd - Cr IIug0 In m: reached the tin front saloon, the stran- No KI2ht t Lire. The whole machinery of government stands ready to protect the property of plutocracy, however it was acquired But not a word is said of tho homeless man's right to live as he wanders over the idle acres of the monopolist Com mon Cause. - : Vision nf fpnnnf ' "f. " . . . " " of streets and oVh7 n .7 , 13 ine PrPsed -! Tariff! More provements 1 SSS P ..ltt L"63' More "taggernation blood! Phle- smart TankV 5S w Ceedlng,y ?Dd the Ieech lhe,r on instruments, smart Yankee nation. We are. no What else could be expected? They rotors' WGSnoat,onnJent,0r3, r,gl are children of their a ma mae?. nator3. Ae no longer lead and make business' a poor showing at following .Trnt ' . - (111.) News. 1 wilu some, ineiarm- is uui iue greaiest sunerer now.' He 171s . . . . . . Clothing houses are belne ,! "I.." JJ?"ml. lQey arenot that duolicate orders fnr , 7 r-Z T iU.luue8 nim now. They mnnnf i " V' . " . fcWU3 are uevouring one another. I," : 81 an aavance,- papers are cuj a a iiiti ii 11 H r I ninor rvTtf iv. a i . ported article onlV h VlnrJ'f: a sP'ay type-Half Price. The stronger Now wool h V.TJ. : .UU3: fa DS "P weaker. Oh, the cannl- wrtrti0 "Z " ""rc.u' nases Pism or business! u-ve DOl anvanced. but cannibal 'SPECIAL PRIVILEGE. It Perpetually Rlreti New Cbalni Upon , Society. rr. 1 . . . 1U uae oi tne country is special "I don't mind Jack's slanjr " said one of the girls. "He is so clever in the use of it." "Howso?" "Whv. he sent me three dozen photos of 'famous beauties, with a card on which the only words were: "You'ro another!' "Household Words "The chief end of man seems o bo to get something for nothing," said the young man who was striving to con fCLldl . w privilege. Everv on nB,,B11M ciiitate his best girl's father: "Too It clings to us. and perpetually rivets rue" mused the old gentleman. 'Tor Urtc Tl, T -1 in' . .. " "a ""u"r- io uwra xiimseii visits and en courses Paul, nnd He continues ehrht. months at Corinth. ipatw VI. Working and Waitinir For Christ (I Tness. It., 9, to v.. 2). GolSS rext-rJohn xlv., 3. "If I go and rreparei place for you, I will come again and reem you unto Myself, that where I am there rl may be also." Turningr to God from Idola is tho first ftep, the coming of His Son from heaven 13 the consummation, and all be tween Is Included In serving the livine&ni true God (I Thess. l.,910). We need to bs assured of our salvation or there eanbena lieaeeof mind. Lessos VII. Abstaining Tor the Fakeef Othtrs (I Cor. viii., 1-13). Golden Text- uoai. ziv., . -i or none or us liveth nn1 himself." The Jove that bulldeth upth Your city of advertisements in And the biggest "aui,stu oociai liconomlst John Smith gcjg from. the city a franchise giving him sole right to furnish the citizens of San Francitco with gro ceries. No other person shall have the right to furnish or deliver groceries to your family. Of course, there would be Immediate outcry against such a measure if it were to-be newly in augurated. But Whv? WnnM the price of the manufacture ur'l T"- ".. ua"7. De eved 7 the nea;tarieffer Because the tTmVnageTheP public "luZT gi Pr,Ttherass mils5 K k V to ReasonrSPe 7 t0tS D-Aal ,3 la'k of moral senspfrlt Whit c utcu 1a more mannood. More Ot t h n t cntrlt nrVitoK l.ot.i. i There can be no question that th n.ht, ;, "7 " "u.man VMhiVt-iJp2m tohVnen one reflecta now tap1 the es- reb6l,In aga,nst 8Uch PcIal privll Press. "George, do you know that you came home at three o'clock this morn ing and acted dreadfully silly?" "What did I say?" "Well, for on9 thing, you called me a wingless angel." "Did I say that?" "Yes." "I own up, my dear. I was drunk." Cleveland Plain Dealer! First Eeformer "I'm ' IrT-W - - w such a privilege for John Smith be write an 689ay on the emancipation of extctly the same In" princlDle as thit mJe aud i find it very hard to be- ly me opnng valley Water Company? Suppose John Jones were to get a franchise allowing him the sole right to "transport coal on our streets, and the sole right to sell coal in the city, and that at such a prlco as he" may deem best. The ..i.t u innai HpT ih t nave u senuaI PrlDClP' ot all the sciences q , r'f " w.lln, other to use arc-especially the science of govern- fw n theand-tDe opportunitj to mcnt-it is Impossible to excuse the r.; e?J,3,3rCUrv.edItlsa8,m- p-Ple on the round 'ot Ignorance pie and easy thing for the wealth pro- Take the tariff: Shrewd minds can nfrnVbvPrt0hteCt thems?yes from W Pln out , theories so fine, so nvolved fleecing by the non-producers. When so Intricate as to baffle the intellect of a man ean always employ himself anri nn ani n,.f ' AI 1 01 . 11 . . o . uui mc nuuio CJ SleQl Is have all he produces he trill never work swept away like a cobweb bv .L ., " f BlUi gxn. Second Reformer "Oh. . T think that-would be so easj. Why, you might begin by sharpening your pencil with your husband's razor, you know." Detroit Journal. Phyllis1, accidentally discovered a doll that her mother had concealed in trunk in readiness a trunk in readiness for the UhIa The mnnnnnw lady's birthday. LThe following Uv coal gives just such a privilege. Our at dmne r surprised the family by' ?eeu ia tho89 wbo gue for tho ard to 0, 4UI6l Bomemmg i want to remember that I don't feel hungry." Judge. Loud-voiced Sergeant "NowMac pherson you long-limbed, raw-boned, iug-ieaiurea scarecrow, eves rlht ege. But why? asiuie uusictPo men argue principle of competition In. business iiut wnne they argUe for others for themselves they gain, if possible a franchise, or special privilege, or mon opoly mat destroys competition. See ger was just coming out Say, we want you, remarked Red- rem. j "Whatfurr ! "Goin to hang you." j "Cause why?" : "Fur stealiu Kurnel White's pack mewL" - . - "Wall, fire away." ' ' He was escorted to a tree whereon a dozen more men had been duly hanged uuu, mica upon an empty whisky b rei, tne noose was soon placed over his neck. . "Want to say anything T asked Jim, as all was ready. :. "Xothln 'talL" .- ' i "Then let er go." An hour later, White's man, who had started for home, returned to hunt ur jar. n.earern, ana say: POINTS FROM THE PRESS. j Money Is not made to be redeemed.1 wut lw wircuiate. southern Mercury. TTi. . vvaa M LU pass around the hat for the benefit of some .of our-poverty-stricken million aires. Minneapolis Times. j A people heavily in debt cannot be a free 'people, for lt is conceded that no power In civilized socletr ta m9 as that of the creditor over the debtor.' "No?" "No. Thev rot the fplTor ttnA k. - MMa mf " Om Look-a-yere, Jim, that feller didn't Farm tt- steal eur mewl." I ' " "ume- . i Powderly has been appointed by the OWerS. Kin P"H a rn aW. nn mewl over at Civ rit v. " ; a "l " ."'najo Wilun5 to this mornin'. I thought this was the misled those who have reposed con! feller, but I must hev bin mistook." fidence In them. And still Jh. i. . WaU he'8 bln huD and bTJp- vote for tnelr oppressors.-ApDcal to led, and we can't helD him anv nnw. Reason. ; v . We'll jest let the next one off, to even up things. My compliments to tha Every dollar of e-nM i k. , w kurnel, and fell him I shall always cost over $2, and of every 50 000 gold ready to obleege him." Pendleton mlnC3 la the world only two have paid Last OrezonLan. , These are statistics whir " vuUk KVf Stagger PTPH a norenn ,V " yviovu nuu u Lt I n T i mai ice niiDustenng steam- I bo to Alaska. Baltimore r Lauraaa may be sold at auction I -aniencan. Here's a chance for Weyler to strike a tlow for Spain by bidding her la, for another man for half what he earns. Knights of Labor Journal. In every race the loser finds but few friends. Folly or Military Stafr. As tue various Governors rodo by on horseback la the Grant memorial day parade, each In plain dress, bit at-tendi-d by a brilliant military staff, the question was natural, what Js the us? of all that? Why, thoulJ the ex ecutives of States of the. union be or ganized en the basis of sonorous tilc and gay uniforms? " Tho nntinnii ocuUre is simplicity itself in Its dem ""' -"Lii'tcifuiiousncss. j ne ex ecutivcH of the great American raun icipalltlos present themselves before the publ c with the dignity of quiet re- tlefince. Our Stale Covernors alone In American public life swing out with parade of unrealities. If the Governor of a Suite wre first of all a military omcer. ir tne states were primarily aruia camps instead of citizens iu business, then the military staff would have a reasonableness. As It Is, this prancing and betitled staff Is both Ir rational and absurd. The efflcleucv of mes? assistants of the Governor would be as great without uniforms and iu meaning titles.. The dignity of the Mate excuuve needs no bractoijr of foolish imitation of a foreign court to make It respected by the people. The creation or rake "generals' and "col oneh" by a Governor's pen, hundreds of them a year. Is rightly exasperating to uio L'oncrea men to whom those titles belong by service and devotion. mat bronzed and keen soldier of Ja pan, Prince Yamagata, when he Tlslted us a year ago, found these imitation colonels "and generals who welcomed him for the State In their brave uni forms very amusing. They Lad never stnelled powder; most of them had not even served anachronisms. Glitter does no harm, but such unreality as the -military starr is cut of place In thij oay. illustrated American. pie statement of Henry Watterson:: "If taxing the whole people for the benefit of a part of the people be not wrong nothing is wrong." Take the money question and just paranhrase cial privilege Is legalized aristocracy Be 8mark yot dunderhead, and, if In business. your're not shot, you'll be a soldier like me." Macpherson you, Senreant! 'Dpa make me long for the risk of battle'-. one day, "lake f"1"1 Pa-r authorities In .Vc Tork have declined a statue of Tan because it "wouldn't harmonize with the general plan of the park.- Kir maybe Pan could heln toe. harmony always wag his strong Miner Poet Ah. bow do? Dm ta ret my book I nt you yesterday? ncc-De'jghtful! I couldn't sleep till I d read It. Punch An Incambraoce. WDth the combined votes of the Ra0 Tit-bita Mr. Watterson and you have It all be- Republicans and the Bailey npmnm. f!nmn.;.i nvi t : . fore you: - "If a constantly appreciating' legislation In that branch of congreTs has answered the bell)-l Zt7e money standard be not wrong, nothing bas been effectually throttled, and the boote. You're not the boots luWlv?" Is wrong." country at the exnense. nf -.vr! Rov In T.f IV lU - '""icmiijK who .iu hit i 1 m . tha near $1,000,000 a week enjoys the lux- ocks!" Commercial Traveler -ury of a house of representatives that "So! You impudent young demon does not represent At ODe whatdo you mean?" Boy in Buttons time it was supposed that the house of r 7. 7u e, sir, I'm under the representatives was nearer to tho boots." Tit-Bits. !2L ? vnwSthr bra DCh of the eoi- a "Yes," she said confidentially to her ernment. but that myth haa been thor- friend, "it's all settled We've oughly exploded for a more tyrannical. Poetically made all arrangements " overbearing, and thoroughly worthless . 8UPPse 7u will go tr- hSuwkVeP- Incumbrance never was .fastened upon in a once." "Have you picked out any government, than is the present fteiy' dear, no; we have house of representatives governed by Stte.n,?d to the mor important matter Reed and Bailey.-Pittsburg Kansan frst. "&e explained. "We wentdown- The principles of the gospel were announced by its founder to be so sim ple that even "babes and sucklings" apprehended it readily." Blinded by arrogance and selfishness the "wise and prudent" entirely overshot the mark. The longer such men study a question the further they go astray, "if the blind lead the blind both shall fall Into the ditch." Stay by tho first prin ciples. ; Use your own intelligence and your own conscience. If you are short of money, and everybody around you 13 short of money, and everything Is .iheap except money, you can reach the conclusion that money is scarce, with out any great mental effort and then' Us9 your influence and vote to make It more plentiful. Just as you would if r.ny other necessary article was scarce. You certainly would encourage the production of it Uncle Sam produces all the money. Why don't you encour-! ege him to produce more of it? is it' because you .lack Intelligence, or be :ause you lack manhood? Decide for rourself. . - . 4 1 town Tfraw 1 5 . - j . pic&ea out our Postem- heeL" Chica2' Evening The Oyster. The oyster has no greater enemy than the starfish. It appears difficult how ever, for a fish to open the shell cf an oyster, which requires certain amount of fckill even with an oyster knife; but the starfish ha a peculiar method of leverage upon the opening of the two shells which the oyster car not resist Biologists used to think that the starfish simply starred the oyster until It opened of Its own no' cord; but observation has shown that by the pressure It applies the blvalra speedily become a victim to It in. genlous enemy. Tatlene and Courace Ne.ded. My friends, unless our children have more patience and courage than saved w.o wuunj irom slavery reDubiimn institutions will go doP before moneyed corporations. Rich men die hut hnnVa .n4 - ... U ale iui iTuranons are Im- toortat They are never afflicted with disease In the long rn they are ,pw,:a with . Crest Mountain Sheep. The Great mountain ah eon f tnern Asia ia nti nt V.n 1 , - nmitBioiani- braneheN rv:u , " itn male. Furnished with extraordinarily SSS . PC w,eed a best in teen sense of sight and smell and if. f J .pr(Jecl!d Pes, and can be feeling the most open ground at hi h tt ..e white clo- Cared Bird Uke Chick Wed. 'It is a kindness, as well as a pleas ure, to caged birds to feed them pep pert grass and chick weed occasional. porter. "It is something they need. Med. hemP fthe Various ill ' rl?,Uarfldthem- Canaries are specially fond of pepper crass and lk dofs then god. P fES. difficulty m flndine it in th 1. " altitudes, it-is very difllrnlt in rroach within rifle shot. The beet time to get a shot is at' noon' on a bright day, when the animals seek a secluded spot on the hill slope to sleep away the hot hours. The wind w..unu$ up irom me lower grounas, ana the sportsman endeavors to get above the sheep, that his pres ence may not be betrayed to the ani mri's nose. The great- difficulty is to reach a spot whence a shot can be ob tained without being detected by the game. Once in a good position say within a Lundred an4 fifty yards the ecus He who recklessly Injures hi hmhh does not thus prove his nnfielfUhn-.o he simply curtails his powers of dnln-1 beast offers an eur mk t, good; and he wbo Injures his character I tomed to judge distances in the de by welcoming evil Influence I tbrh I cetdive Inflicting a stiU greater evil, upon the lult ram sUnds fully four feet at tho commnnuy- shoulder, and often remains listening - That Chicago man wbo was fined $10 I turbed by the report of the rifle. It for stealing a cent the other day ia un- I trazes intentlv ln-i, 1..-: decided now whether to study for tne learned by experience that dau-er .vwuncii ?T'BJ&tan' I rrom li natural foes may bo expected 11?. npoa to t Jem.. n,j know Veir 1 ' d Kxtr rdlnry Carr of m n,i, born in ml tl rmer- as fiftTenof ing peal for the bnrUl mUrn" He also rang for St Ge?e funeral of mJlv C?trnaon and coronation, and jubilee of n " toria. anrlr-4? uee?f Queen Yic- Vic- ueen'a ud oneself. Tn nitv uif icaj, bcii, or iito ia any way unto oar jeives (Math. xvl.. 22, margin; Bom. xt., J. II Cor. v., 15, I directly opposed to the spirit el Christ, and, therefore, cannot t pleasing to Him; but to deny self and daily to die unto self that Christ may be en ia as (Math, xvl., 24, 25; II Cor. iv., 11), thiili ansiuae ana gioriiyinj? to Gol, and tbns souls will b won to Christ. Lessos VIII. The Excellence of Chrfc. tiau Love (I Cor. sill.. 1-13). Golden Tt -I Cor. xiil., 13, "And now abideth faith, hope, love, these three, but the greatest of these is love." God is love, and Christ ttm God manifest in the flesh, and this chapter Is a photograph of Christ, so that, although ' His name ia not in it, we cannot mis take the picture any more than we would that of an intimate friend. Lessor IX. Paul Opposed at Ephwns (Acts xix., 21-34. Gold Text "Take heed . and beware of covetousness.'! The trouble atEphesua arose from those whofaiJ, "Onr craft, by which wo have our wealth, is ia 1110 19 not 10 De wonaerea ai when lt come from those who have la this world all they ever will have, but when it H bear the name of Const our church, or our boarl OCiety. Or our dnnmlnntinn U nitl. ; able indeed, and must be grievous to God. who, bv Ills Spirit, is seeking to gather from all nations a body of people irrespec tive of all names but that of our Lord Jesus Christ. - Lessor X. Gentiles Giving For Jeirish Christians (II Cor. ix., 1-11). Golden Text . II Cor. Till., 9, "Y know the grace 0! our Lord Jesus Christ; that, though He wa3rich, yet for yur sakes He became Eoor, that ye through His poverty might 9 rich." God so loved that He gaTe Hj only begotten Son; the Son of God lored me and gavo Himself for me. If we ee others need that which we have and we give not to them, how can the loveof God be dwelling in us? (John iil., 16; Gal.IL, 20; I John ill., 18, 17.) Lesso XI. Christian Living (Rom. xiL, 9-21). Golden Text Rom. xli., 21. "Be not overcome of evil, but overcome erii with good." This Is aaln on the saat line of thought as some previous lessoas, and begins with, "Let love be without di simulation," and it both begins and ondj with hating evil and loving good. "There . Is none good save one, that is God." Lesbos XII. Paul's Address to the JEphesian Elders (Acts xx, 22-35). Goldea Txt Acta xx., 35, "Bemember the words of the Lord Jesus, how He said. It Is more blessed to give than to receive." He h able by the grace of God to testify that the exceeding abundant grace of God M elm (I Tim. 1., 14) enabled hint for three years to give himself so fully to them that with all humility of mind and temptrfloai . and tears he had testified the gospel oi the grace of God, preached the kingdom of God and declared the whole counsel of God, and now he cared not what awaited him If only he could still glorify God, w fully was be given up to Him who ap- ? eared to him on the way to Damascus, ho same Lord Jesus will do the sam. and.throueh naif nn ir rmlr uilllc. Lesson Helper. Anyone who does that which is orf of the ordinary is considered md by the public In general and policemen la particular. The other day a Finnic sailor who had been 111 for some time, but who had recovered enough to out and take the fresh air, was wtfti Ing across Brooklyn bridge. He si 6ome men painting the coping on th top, 278 feet above the water. Tb Idea of climbing up with them and en Joying the scene took him and t mounted up hand over hand until fc reached the topmost point A crowd collected and the terrified painters told him to go down or he would be killi I?ut he climbed along to a free pk . and then to show the crowd his secur ity he stood on his head and wared hii legs gracefully in the air. It was no more than what Is done In athletic per forma nces frequently, but when b came down he waa arrested na brought up to have his sanity looked Into. There Is no more reason why this should have been done than that the stupid painters should have te accused of disturbing the pea WhKe BulL the warlike flhevenne. ex plains that he was drunk when he kill: ed the white settler and preclpit1 trouble. White Bull ourffl to bars known that lt would ho danrerons fw J him to have more than trro bona t time. , ,, vrum ueiow.

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