- ' . . . , "TT "IT" r i A , ' . JL Ju i A-i v, I -M fl it-1 V il ! , M Vv ' ? v t ; a x n ' V 1 -Tin: ciiatIiam. cVh?;"a a. ! . 1 ISDEPEXDESCE. - Tl'lVTU, JUSTICE. rrnrrrrr VnTW PA ft PS. f?0L. ; r rv - -i- v-r ........ 1 MICE ONE nOLLATZ PEP YEAR. VOL. IV. P1TTSB0R0, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C, FEBRUARY 8, 1099, ' ' - ' : . ii ! i J , ' . i -W - ; FOR Chatham Citizen You vant the lSTevs from Congress and irrri rxi ti 7?f j rortnese ami omer cuuca iuaij - ?hatham ltun- the people of the State may Vnowj v T :; ; - . . i the reasons of the undersigned iu on- . r - .... IL B. LIX-LBhKui, tuiTOB and . - . . . , . a ,h s. f - Washingx..- Ib. 3. IV"J. -PubL!S.!cb. tage 5 tbisact tbenudei-signed have .Are we to have ai other iz court-j w ii ttbare in the a; -rroprSa'ious. on z . 1 J e v mpa t h j a. i t h t h e in.is. STi'Iant Hour' udvi'iii.'t r- u i HO. 2k the CIIATilAll C1T1Z! -N -f - : want it to lc;:r frrit ' 'i aprroi ria- .nicko,T Mercury. e H:er ;u:d f' 'JA' r.r.-H'j'.rr.;"!. of Jh ' ruDiiinea er, Bml a. to the truth of tbeir cime !Bla.?m?lll lUitt t; t Citizen Office cu Ilillsboro Streel,-tJthclnigtty tribuIia of the pe0p!e L:..u,Q lhe ryi;,j Pittgboro, . - V- of the State." ii n f !ip l!mi 1 riS.tid thf . " - - t ; T :t.i. . . . t, II.Tr- or till, wbiclia.- rorrates for rew v.uire ui-i w ..a -: kandfDrth coiittnuathm of o'.d ? : u . ii Iii vn t1. .t i!! . I '.ni l i-.L entered this their solemn protest' and ua:tia!? Gen. ililes. by rriteratlng hi ) V-Uik ''A W. j ' nvt-oiinn r.'i ic'to th? c:r.'-f .:! .,: J. fl.X 4 I -CBCRIPTIOX wilCE-3110 Tcr! The treaty of rHsiw agreed uh Year. Adfri.h,slito8cnArr"n. iatlrishy American and Spanish il.. coii;iaissioners was ratified hy the Entered Rt ii'i Pj-fI Office at TittsLor.:. i Senate last Monday ly a vote of 7 to X.C as sccot d class niattfr, ?pi. 5, , 27 leing one more- than the neccs' S;u-y. two-thirds majority. . There had Independence, Truth, Juntice. the Legislature, Gountv affairs : : You and hct-n considerable Uday on account lhe -ippniiti'xr toexpansim jKlioy seemingly invilel. Vi'lu-n, however, Comtnunicatio,:, to f- printed s',mM of the QitUa UI,.U Mtritttn on r.'.e side - f i!;e pap-rj lV, , . -T. : Uan Get tins For Only o!'Iy. Your real name must .fu-couv, -any each cunjinunica'ioa oritiann t Thi- e Utt;r rot r. simi::-I1.-! fur t'u views of corr-sj flub-: tt but viy al l -iw n-t!!i:i entt-r t?.e C'bniiis of t!:' Citi'An tbat he knows to be false r sia:ilr'u;s. want j:dti:r-:;t c rr; -i ondruis ill every townsbip in tlie county. the treatv was soon ratuifl. it is. sairt l!iat":urc intercut, centred o-i j: i;nced f-r weeks p;st ;i3 fcccrct'irj A!jeiV.de:iV4-st vvisW. In fact, V.? la t sti;t nicnt of Jen. :iiira ii regarded ; a.iau'.ti tl:e Kcrttary of War. ! woul i ho wise n lhe icrt;f tie ;ul:nin Utr.rii. n t civo ll ii- ? icly.fp-l-aun.Uy t I e Ir.i e! "are, for iUt tt t. uitil.ti by -4!in".id; ti t ipublie . piuion, :is lekr-M Ltid by th-j u:.:ev wtiiian n : in'erc,tol hrtlii; wrlfaroi f ixirttd irofioiLs eitb rt.Yd or t ry, at this time ineib'cu to telieve t'.aiCen. Mil sii riut.H;t'.iuia!iil this vote than any .vote taken in t'lc n st.ttid Ibal t!ie u- tLiU;i!ci.db; f was fur- aud aaiiomainiJ his re.;dii.c- tJ prove it, hai sr -uun.y In- .... . i . .:.. 1 I i:.r, I" !M. r.rei'a'.Iir-wl. t l:a:5 'ote.i puciicv an j .. , , J1.,, , . , , posllions under it. Cat t.os a: of mi rr.- i, ' kt :iii i ! rirJ:! ln.'&iiU A iu:' cohabitation of whites and blacks a ... ... .... ,n . rr'n..'. V b t-iv .; ! THE LEGISLATURE. Very -few bills have yet passed ex-; octaiic in: mCM a-Wpted a nsrliitio:. S ,.f Ii, i...;nmA.ltlnnt..nrA "oi.." . th.it nly whitt w.i thonji. U vivsi -l I I 1 SIR Si- I. l,y subscribing for the CITIZEN We gi ye below a protest signed by the Republican ui'-inlcrs of the House and presented upon the p:is saireof the Hertford county bill. If such bills as the He rtford county bill and several such have passed f r other counties is to be th ? policy of the majority of this legislature, th n if Democracy moans the people mi iug, Democra -y is dead. Local self government is :;t an end. Tli? nm- jority of legislators may proscr!'". a county government, and have ui;.- join tlse'pasf, which takes the choiee of some of its oIlicMS out of the I hands of the voters of the county but here are people already elected leg ally elected under the laws of th. State no claim that they are ivt legally elected ;url legally lxmLd and amply qaalilied exc- pt that they are-not of the party to which a ma jority of the legislators do homage. United states Senate since th-' repeal of the uureliasing claus Mif the ;iht r- man let. The tote of ratification is no tectof the expansion policy. The treaty is ratiilcd but nunner ot ina:i- aging the r!;ilipplnes, v.!.- ir.r bv annexaLion or otherwise is yet b !-v hid'd. Iloth. of our t-'c : raters iJnth r aJid Tritehard, vote 1 for'ra'i iu ati-.n. ; Senator JJutler in presenting resolutin pa set I by Xort h Carolina General A?"ou-.'dy asking for Unib'd States Senators to be (let ted by tli;- iK-onle took o:. asion to 'make some p..:t of U.e W;rr Invi-i'.ia'.mg Cunnn- , y.K : which, t'.v tl eway, was ti la:ve li. i n :a i'.e week, but m l LtcMi. w.rtiM deelaro thut embaimul t -et w .r ;: t i..n io tl.c i.rn'.y. The people ,u:t t!.c truth anil t!.e W'.olo tutii, r - g.irdlCvs of c r:s,q J0'.:c -s, m this l-ii a- .,t .., a-d -i.i::-roria rthcy wiiigei i.. Mlh -eg!, 1 ; i' it.cals of tiiu t.e.ifv f ; a.-c? '&r; stid ?iaii.-iing 'M vo:e ag-unst it.tliegv U'-r-il itxipie'-.-hm is tb ti the trv i"ty v, i!I bn lat l e i nhen the v tt' i euiucrais eohabitatioj felony was lost i n't lie Senate. to any o.!ic w.lhin the gift. f th L The bill to reduce fee was lost. iUtaro. lid tctbn w.is tula a. -. The Scotland coijnty bill, the dec-l i-ro.er i-.nd wa!un ve:s-aUv r.p atu:-. -. ion bill he separate car law, the! flie cara aia was r.ia o i. tl:o ;.' school law, the revenue law. thy rail-1 line and u is not Ir'ht u- i'tve -voa . road coihmiosiuu -are al yef to bejsimol ndi or pesithm .to coH.e 1 ; ae ed upon. "Twelve, hew directors have been) selected for he luhiteutiary. An increases ir lemo.ratic con-1 man v.'.m i'rol, will bo n.ade" in the board olisctf ir.t? oai 1j . 1 1 vfi. !-..' r r.li !." c"i i till IIT.l I I a TICUIZ ure"-ll.t; t;iiiiuK:.vuy.i v tj, i.u vj vi. ..v, r - , tit-cted bv he people. " trcavary v. Wen he has pl.ice.jat t.U i I Over iiy-.? LdL uul-fbt en iutroduced poinl. We have id ady h-d too i. h Oattbey'aie ii:'ol!vo: tprehil cr local m-p'jti.snv iu t! 0 ' Uemocratis l u ; j North Carolina:, ; i .ve havj a; c) Future cocilctl 1-3? pre ..'. sccrnlricccncray.bot sewing: machine with an ev..L lishcd reputation, that ju . -antces yoa long: zv.i ratisl. v tory service. . The J;v.alci..ry vo.;?n:itccoftho House hi;? d e:ie 1 that .luojiii NcrWi'odtaa L 1! - i he quichv.4 iai-H ached. Gooi! better. 1 lti;ato ;t di eWvd .that C cor etlta ti--ri.il ?"! -ndratntas'to fciiltrace wM be v-.ted on iu Au.Ujt I '', .v" late elect ioas gei'lo tl:at t...io; ai' that lhe l.g- .. i taken' o i; .b.:i.lay, btva;..e tome 1 1 i-Ktur; will a.ij.ntrn thoM who are on the l.s-as oppusi a io u,Hia:tiiQem Ai.ga.-u t'.ie'trevty'V.iil tear t n rici;a Th l'rcaJc: t v.r,.v has the.-: ndi: g . I K.i -in o!:st-:i.a:t!!. Ih:.t tae February iih to :1a1 rl.s on the growing necessity Ci sucli a c h.i'e tin .ij.i'.enee of dirainra! from thi! 'ar:' y It 1 . : I . ... in t. c! ! . v ....v. . llI:t .ijiTers to renarors. m scv.rai biau u:i. wm- ;v f:ir ,h.. pasid(iit will naniify th: .i i i i i i. . i tt-r ui'jre are seniona; ieaKioe-.s a ...... look o.N that riOa'it,Tui::; ox Tllii?. .::c:.sian. j' " " The present holders of .Wilming ton and Weldon b'ock bought up the shares lGOiach) tit an average un der 10. On this they have ueclara': 1st. SlUO Atlantic Co:it Line'rtjck Ton want tliecoiui;- tv news. "You -want to get it cheap. Yon want to get it trutlifyl. i You want to get it in a paper not inclin ed towards railroad corporations and monopolies.- Have you ever Writ . ten anything for the Citizen? If not, why not? Farmers, write ar ticles on 'your expri ence with vour farm work. Ik-re Is. tl.'t Civcn v l!e , l C . . L : .. ti ; :, r..,:r : . s .... - . n tr. ,.f lor every snare oi t uu tiini uiv- m len.nann anii. vaurt., fi-.u,. - ind, then SrOO of deUiture Unds wrlding iftnch .valuable ime'whi.-h ; eace w;us. more tareiuhy iata .lt an ctra aividditl to each share, should Udevotultostate legislation, '..han tla.t n ad.-fcy cr.ator l.iay. v. a., (!ku fuIi fi;lI another 100 of A. C. Xctonlv is time waited an d mu. ! VU ltoek ai an extraj dividend, so the pr,ud ice engendered hut on amount Srl or the small number of voles wo::ey toth, acTi!s;t;on ol lae I adi.-pme V i;itliVctfor c.Vcrv share -original I v ldavs a gr.-ater rart and bribery and y ' r iii-tani ttrr..: rs o la .j l,. - n hini uaj.rr4U. and-hence "a si I v " . i I r U I corruption are more common, thus giving the wealthy and corporations the advantage. :l!:t trea ;. iuileigii corresi'Oiiu.r.t of the Win ston lUpuuli can (whether or not it went upon the Journal we can not say.) rcoTEsr. "The undersigned members of the House of HcpreseiUatiyes respectful ly but earnestly protesf against the policy vvhiehappears to have the ap proval of a majority of the Demo cratic "members of this body by which they have voted for and passed an act'whieh deprives the county oiTic -rs ofllcrftrd courty of the rights wbicn tney nceivt-u inruuiTn ineir election to the several oQices which t he at present occupy. This act establishes a new p.ree.u- entaud one thai is filled with danger to the rights and liberties of thep- pie. liere is a couniy wku an ec-ji- knt set of countv olaciaLs. several of whom are graduates of some of o.ir most uoted seats of. learning, men who stand upright in their commun- t, -1.1 ..I,. .'. . . i. sionof a:u-itd.lic iletli, 1 'laiic una l I ';lt.i; ' - Hilt Willie i.t? l..U of the Democratic oj-ii lion to ratiti- ., t rJra t wl;at j.e i-l :.s- to th cation of the treaty of peace- with UUli . -iruL;Iitj of the. i tiatille . oi a Spain is intended for political pur-1 nailing dtaut territory, there wt-.c T: Ti-h. .l.-livlntr -ipfi.in UU1-. S W bin U.itiiiUS, a 3 WeH US il'.di'. -.d l'"- -J'r, on th i . t. l. . i.;..,. to the treaty, but their t.bj.ct seems to be alrtiut this: delay the ra;ifiei-. .tion itidii the extra fession of Con gress and t!u-n hoM the large 1'e- publiean majority responsible for ex pansion. It is hoped, by such nun as Gonnan, to make expansion the lea 1- :a!5, have t ) ctaiosj bit Aet ii ev la .eakibg of tho future of the L'hii p- . iocs, h : aid that iie had uMiu.itvu c. n- . .!. nci in lfi ! Aintneau i o;l.? a kl e!i V; d tli.d ;!; y w. u'.d not only p a- h ji-i-iv. c i) i-ir f il :Mi wl.ea ti. h.-fisliown a capacity lor i a v i :t p c f t!ien'tha as a nati;'f bat that th -y ,o,u:J n'uin -ge the Mluiss oi the i.-L;': wi.-elv an 1 v' !l wlule they control.. divident of 6 per cent is practically a dividend of 24 per cent on par value, or G4 per celit annually on the ival cost (clu per share) cf theacck o much for the mcrejse of capital. liucides the regular and duplicile and triplicate dividends there has t een nearly vcarlvf extra dividends, declared usually atdsridgeportConm. a:id m the name ot, the'Atiantic Loast Line to coneval its issue by the Wil mington and Weldon, the real party But this vear the Wilmington and Weldon has declared the following dividt-nt itself: vl 1st.' S per cent on Wilmington and Weldon proper. 2d. 7 per cent debenture bonds. :M. B per cent A. ('. L. stock. 4 til. i lvU per cent iu auuiuonai id ii;g issue in the next'-campaign uud them, and ive the id ind; ns a fair sh-rt ;i!0-'of (j. stoc!c.' thus sidetrack the Chicago platform iaciviliz ationb-fre turning them Io.se 5th.V,3l-3 per cei and lrvan. WAIt AGAIX. o shift forthcxnieivts. ' Vv.,tW.I . K. The bill for the increase ot ir e res:- otal 150 1-3 pe cent in bonds o recent dividends . lar army to i-ornethmgrlika iaVK.f ei for the-year ISt'S on each ehare($100 bTin auiei.ded to ive th.? ITestd- ;.l j rur vaue) 0f :.d W. fitock, w hich Filipinos and Americans Have a di.wiiun to keep the numb-. r down to 35. per ccn dividend in one , .V.60 and by The abolithrmnt of tho Vear on original uiircbase of stock at 1,aiut- ; . army ,.utei'n," and iu othr Last Saturday rdglit and Sv.ndav h.vays u i.ed the llnu.e by a "v ie d ow look on this: The" llailroad there was a ih-rce conflict Utwcen l.td I2.VI: came very i.ear to bti; ;r a Commission, in vi.v of the cuhauced ;d if there lesc. i I tions have not b'.en vio.ai. a uy lav a;- ( poiattent of a LQ'a of IbprtEtntrti-.t j l!ruw;i, or bla:"ly, a pa-e, and ricch'ti: noaas-Acr. U is charged also that i sun .of Rtrnce atativtj Hansons, j :,I-cklrn,:rg. l.di a pcs!.;L-'.i rs : 1 Jit U frr.ler ch..rg ci that n:-gio.-. iro tinp oyed aa lab nrj. Arc tLw tute? liavea u a-yoi i.ie i.ic.6.i p. ers nrve cnoagti t3 ; ri.iS ail the fact- in the c ise! If tl:7 are u-A In c. Uu . .. I t, t. n r T if M-l puhae fnoa.u s.u. mw iu.i... true the public shotdd know it. 1'. v.: noiwaitubtii the next campaign i i o-j: political enemies to d.'.c!o.-tl.ei talari rttnbarriissiiif at. noie v..-.: no leL33 in adopting the ni-olutn-rs u i.c-y aie not to le lived dp to ; ' tLere 1: uovnseia attewptinj? io deceive 1 he people. It is not c-n'.y wroi g to decei e t.:-m but it pays lntmltHy ue.ivr, as r. ra.Uter of policy, to deal honestly a: c eai.ui-'dy w ith tlra at a!l tmaes. A till is under consideration for i.v reduction in the jrc-rth Carolina legi Mature to repeal the ret creating ' L-recent tailrord cororaission of tie .... a I .-tate and to creaU in its ueaua cjji ndssioa 0.1 corporations. For the go d of Xorth Carolina it is sincerely hopi that in the event of a cna! ion of snca - voin.cbs.i u its ir.tinb -rj may be se.ee- d Ircau-e cf their kaewn HIer.u;i:afS t- corporations.- '.r-ufatturtr's r.tco d Jk-n't be alaime.?, L;oti.er ! The c porations paid dearly for the prcsnsi Leblat', and it can't aCord to l-.a any bill p:s which will 'be detriment a; to their interest 'lbey didn't lW'd the State with -ivhiie supremacy" or ITS FINCH TENSION , . AND TENSION INDICATOR, (devices . for rceolt tn r a no' fhovingfthcerr:. t!riulo:i) cue tory, and -nigger" howl.ns cami a g-. document, last fa'.l, jast for the fun vi he thmz.- Kest assure J, if a new com mission is appointed by the Lgu!atu.c ia session at Italeih it wilt be v-r) friendly" to corporations. Ilicki ry leVtary. ; .SOUTHEM!LYAY. THE STANDAUD 1IA1LWAY l 1" THK SOUTH. The Direct Line to All Points. a ievr of the .frit-res emphasise ths hi?h character ot tlir V -aitc. Scn4 for onv clvgabt H.T ' catalog. Wjiite Slwins MAc;::r. Cc., "'A BACK pSTER For M'-d-ir-s, TcacI c , c. i f t'.'. ar ; cvcrjxa v.-bo si is a - rL.:, O.pncr .Typc: ri:;t. ,. lot; ijjuj ot r..e iyt1.1i w-. ....... . j y. rv'f '- v.v 4 'I i! ii II :i ' 'i 1 .. I. 1 . a 11. it.i.-i '! ' I ( f J 1 Mai 4 w. ......... , - j , ! I.i Imivairtn f . itis.-..v..! . ' ; -.nj. UUT w.h., a -y- D.VY13 cr.i J . 4' n oV(t't "S"r v . ; v .11..'. . . . . I vtn .f Iv iiirf lnii Vnt. IU O.S Y olX Ii1'" 'v.ili! -it nwinM- OOI fhi Ii"V iirjejjlOI tv deprived of the emoluments of o,r,r,i Amencansat .Manila .anl ,- " , ; ' : f . .......... ,J , ; " t r. 1- 1 1 .t v. I , , . . f 1 r,.i 1 ub'.icau-i Load of Ca lfrm... toaa ,1- i,roduce, ordered the reduction or ouiee- simply-K-c-atise the party wheh , Ofo insurgents of the isbmd.. lhe yof ,0,4,, Johnson, of Indiana, Mc XK;,Cnger fares between points on elected them was defeated m -iue i . h.lA 1(..4.n thr.Mtrnlio' u , v ,a v ! ...vn.th tu . irMi, Vo-th - - - JiUllU .Kit IJ1J IliJtJtl i 1 Lil lUfc LJ II .1114 if V ivtvr. . . . w . . state at large. To-day in over half the counties of the State the county officials are in whole or in pact members of the Po'pulist aud Republican parties and this work once leguu will not in all probability cease until thev t-X) share j , the fate that has overcome th: ofd- 1 u:itlav- conflict for some time mid kept push- i f Ne w York vote I Sirainst the b.ll. Carolinx The Wilmington and cU ing over their lines until fia.l- 1.1-m whilo rlJaa ats-Taylor of Al.t dou authorities declared that they t . ,1...". r-r'iln-' 1 r (,,r fore- Unia- vt KiiuUuk' -Ic11"'4 ',f would reduce their .receipts ! Saau.c.eamgby our force, X(.v. y,ilk anJ Mt.Alecr . f Femrsyl- d th t lheV c4ld h0t aIord it 1 f v .- 7 ..-1 CAL;FO V t . J r- and procured "ant injuruiou from Simonton! .The -Use is still pending aud not being pushed. . .1 AVnte Alliance about the an t a Kittle at once ensueu, lasnng, va..,;;:J al.,i 0 r.pjii:s:--kinnr oi j at inrVrvals, through' the night and North Caruliua vot-d for the lid I Sim.l.-ir . " Mvmheri u-the a Jn.i-a .4ratien ixpr-. e iaie tuai nas overcome 12 e-m-; - , , -, ,h j-n , i;i v,x Is of IIertfrd county ll 'iorts-sav that the insurge nts ': f tUt Jl'1l'lU : . , "1 w ,,.-- , r n r 1 , " ,,4. ? -,i he Senate practically as it is, bat olh .is Many it(. publican members of the have Uvn driven lack ten miles with , to-ibts. " siou of ISO 7 were -applauded by a lossuf lt00 men. The American ,'.,ru,r: i.uiw t.-.a.V t. tho H-'iUHt the Deuiocratic members of tb.uWty u tsriInatctl at 4u kilk.a aaj i:i faVl,r ufllie nrd tiinLchd In!; from Labor the fraternal wc;?.1the-v voted against the charters ; v.0,cdea . - " fo-a Commit He, n-t b.rause unions of Great Bri of Wilmington, ewWrn aim o.her ' tl.crt is anv prolabUity that the bill cm convention that its Cities ana me pe-opie ot tne ptare 111 Miss Jessie W. Pag", daughter of gtt through caress, bat to satiny the take a more lively;intercst in political t lie recent eieetioii set the sea! ot ; T T, 11 -naia .. .,t..im t L 1 - rr i svtm. ithv L..,tr3 in nnl,--r to inCncnM Ifisla- riiT VfVT -V At tho recent ADVICE. session at Kansas City of the An: ricaa Federation of from the trades iritain advised the members thocld their approval on the votes thus cast : f ... f.lf" y :i , , f , ... - , , . lor otate Livrrariaii. althouirh these bills were favored bv r 1 the members who then represented The- Greensloro llecord tells of 1 fi. - ftnc counties in question. 11 tney ithe case of n Guilford county fanner ailU lliC IIC t then were right how much more so 10c:1Vs that be rtr civt d a dollar "a - j must be those who sign this protest :ftW Vears ago from a prcaclier, who COSltV OI 01,Taill7a - ror here 15 . uiembcr. 01 Hcntora stated in his letter hat he owed the f,,f tl:e Trras irj Depar'.ment, and for w o county ngntiug the act iu question. : farnn-r that aniwant for watermelon? Again they are deprived of the; had stolen from him. - - rights which they received by tlKir. with the ladiat.ap.bs Monetary -Con- tjon ju tjlC.;r behalf. The advice was f.-reii e. The Hill tilt f tarts out ty de- T0od,aud eiaubtkis accorded with the claru tioh. jelection mainly through" theenTortsr Addison G. Foster has leen elected Tf-nolior- niifl f line i0 tlirce meu whose circular address i Lnitcd Mates Senator from Wash ltdbUtlo clllU lUUbo , lia5 roati uv ma'nv members of ingtou State. Foster has not figured . , . . ' -j ' i this body. The signers of tlws appeal ' conspicuously in politics, but has IlllCICaiCU IU CU UC LI-! are the defeated candidate for the 'made a hal: questions. lialf million in the lumber - I house1, and the other two, candidates j business. " tioil, Write Oil ScllOOl offices created by the pissage of j The House Judiciary- committee mo aci, iu oucoiiuu. has ilecitlea that members oi uon- j There "are no petitions from the gress who accepted military commis- fates had not attempted to interfere ciuzeusoi me couniy aKiug lor uie gions fcave thereby forfeited their i passage oi mis act, anu in iact me 5oats in Congress. This unseats Send US HOWS iteillS iSenator who rePreents th:lt senator- ; W heeler, of Ala., Kobbins, of Pcnu.. . iial district in introducing the bill colson, of Ky. and Campbell, of 111. SUbSCribe, ami get TPhereuio question as to the safe-! tv of the county funds in the hands g that the gold standard shall 1 sentiments of a considerable majori aitiau e t ; prn i les f . r ir.terch.inge. tv 0f those present. While much has abihty of ait f.rra3 )f money; Si-pandi n ULcn jonJ in late Veari to solidfy. the oi' the U'jLo iss.;;i from t'.'.e tin a? Ir.uuh workers politicallrit cannot, be de- med that in thi3 country we are feini far in the rear of our Untish breth ren in this respect; . Conventions may take a strong and unaassailable e'.and on great public questions and adopt ed even stronger resolutions to carry their viws iu eject But how mauy of the rank and file stand by their principles to the extent of voting for them ut the polls? It is a deplorable truth that on election day too many of our people scatter like sheep in a thunder Etorm. ;Politics of all par the gradual rttiromeiit of the yicai-b- ck -V puUlTlied iiit'.rvievv witi t'a Ger man Alabama '.or U the United states, iti, which he declared that Germany was not iiitetf eiing with plaus of tl i Gov ernment in the i'liitippines, would have bt-4-n received witti more pleasure if th;? Amlassadorhad nut added that the leason for German non-interference in the rhilipicej waj that the United ' i thunder Etorm. ,1'oiitics or all p: wben Germiny made its recent grab of ! tics know our weiikuess, and by the Selection of a fetf alleged leaders for Stric'lv First-'-'l-.s Kquii ratnts a,l n.r;ugh and cal Ir.dns ; VVm mt t"a!ac ? !e T'-'.e ar:-: on aU I-ie1" rui ; r.!st aid -a!? ftAvJnWs . "Trar. 1 by v'e Southern and y.m ar-; anr.: a ,re. cxafvrts'ble s.r.d l.x peditious Journey. AiilvtoVci:! Ag.-nts So: Ti e t : Lh ?, rat:- and ,cn'.-ral iafcrrnati -r ll. J,. Vernon. F. Tt. larty.- T.P A.. 'C.1V&T.A.. Ciurrlotte. N. C. AthcviKe, X . ' , Xb trr-ab'c t answer qucfctioi:& Frank Gannon, J. M..Cn!i', n V t. .t (leu Man. - Traf. Man. ' W. A. Turk. G. P. A Y,'',sin:;r.ro:'. d.c. wmv. CUSHIC kiwi-'-; griitRO-t ; TT v; " , ... r. J rrL-'. i .na.i . ' wv . I t ' , 1 .-. Li- 77 oc-: . . rr; v- r. , - . . 5 .v. .. . . 5 .c ? t rre'. -t &' - : -4 TTOnSEYS -AT- -.I cjvfKc: - 7, V. ilyni-a, Jr. - :3"srri-u-:t & G-x Oace in Court Iloas; l'lTTsr.ouo. X . C LSTCsrefnl attention givtn to a'.! - ; VlVAVVi.VAJ-lVWVyv VWi i - I'rnf rt' -"rni C I f ' Chinese territory, which means if it means anything, that Germany is not keemi ir its hands o:T because it ia none of it3 business, but as a payment for YOUr neighbor tb SUD- ; of the officials elected, for their -lableti All Dntgsts refund the - -' ! bonds were recommended toe ac- lr,ou !f 1C .flil!f A Cure V Ahe 1 - ! ,if PA,,f r. ce lUUie lias Li. i. . on eaai lauiti. o rfT K n ' .of-ntedto the UOUntv tomnn.innr 1, 4 DOl lUOt eeptedto the.County Commissioners t ci in i it tit i "v- mrniv t lz' it ....... ri. I rini-fw.t-TiwI.l'irifT vilh iLs (hii'tJS:i ?rab. XAlAUlltU Diwmu I'UllilKC I " r c It is als y a sort of notice to thi3 gore in ment that if Germany conluJaj to grab more Chin-se territory we must keep quiet about it cr take the chance elective and appointive positions, arouse the jealously and bre-ak the solidarity of thiir follower Good resolutions and 'fealty to the htlor movement are too often thrown to the winds, and former party a fills.: tions are resumed with alacrity, if not always with honor. Until th. R B. LIi'JEBERRY ; of that county, by one of the present- The man who said, r oiling stones of tlenvanv puttier, fir- r ii the? caudbians zt-j chn---.! our iL-ma:. t 1DV j Democratic- benatqra who represents plih(.T no" 'moss" died lef-.re- th- l): -ill Ij treate-l Uvatemriuo:.rlv U RRY, -the senatorial u;stnct (m part) in Xorth Carolina "Rolliu : I!xvjaiij:r? j AiUr hsuuh g to iht iiaal'ie. Urer uati-w-l i.ndsiai i-i.I :t r: -fC. , rfn! Which Hertford 13 loed. '-usbuilt. - " r-.v v.i:.ce dri, L Jounnl. J jiS QUALITY CP MATERIAL Jj. thoagh the price 3 somewhat Issth is charCu Our -wcr fcas -1 tae no-to-date atticbir.ents. Opec-head,bras:luslje'i tfi , springs, cust iiooi ;.-Jt oilincr axles, tracer xv y- shait shackles, etc Ask ycur dealer to sbcvr yaa cae cf the LIUNAr.uii v rj Veiides. li wui - ' V v lar itieu. tcu . , - f . r'-C L. - , . ,. -