T.'i. mnit:Rr.io., i:.mr PMhiirr Subscription Ttk l IH-r annum, t tn ly in advance; .six lu-.uths, .V cents ; three months, '.'5 rents. All mhitii inifnti..u-.. letfr. remittaii. c.. tiniM . aldreed r tli. -'lil,r-1 y't wili iot be in-1'l r.-.!iill for Ui view of rrrftw"'l',iii'4. n"'1 rc-rv- tti right to reject any numnnu -Mn writ in for publication. ... tfr Advertising r:lW-4 f.irin-l: ! .ti a j - rul i t. 1 .... i ..-Mi f Knterei al the rit"l!ii'- in V.rwi iiKrs ,.!ro, N. C, us S hoIkM Lin- matter.) North Wn.KKsr.oKO, May I S, Tiik AVorld Fair will 1c open on Sunda)3 on and after May til. "When - it conies to failures the North nnl "NVcstVcro deoiJctlly in it last week. "What's the mat ter ',' South Carolina is building uti a reputation i. isn t she? Three lynchinga in two weeks. , 1 Tiik A Mine Hotel at Philadel phia was on6nrued ,by fire Men day morning causing a loss of about 1:50,000. Tiik commencement exercises of the State Normal and Indoi trial School at Greensboro will take place on the 24th. m m The State Dental Association convenes in Raleigh next week, where tho "tooth carpenter" will have a chance to air themselves. Of tho 6evcnty-nine applicants before tho Examining Hoard at Raleigh last week for license to practico , medicine, forty-seven passed. Seventy gambles were capt ured at ono haul on the Rowcry in New York City last Saturday right, and it was not a good "day" for catchint them, cither. The Washington News gets there when it says "there will never be a genuine reform in this world until some of the surplus reformers are disposed of." Govkrxob Cauk has designated j Juno tho Oth as the davof cxccu-l tion of Tony Rogers, who to! convicted of murder in Richmond county, and who appealed to Uie Superior Court, but no error be ing found, he M ill bo hanged on the above mentioned date. The Co-Operativo Rank of North Carolina, with an author- ized capital ot Sf5U(i,HUi, witn headquarters ac Fayetteville, N. C. opened its doors to the pub lic last Wednesday. John P. Cof fin is president, Hon. Geo. W. Sandcrlin, vice-president, and II. C. Snow, cashier. Tho corpora tion was chartered by a special net of tho last General Assembly. Col. Jesse E. Petton, the cel ebrated organizer of celebrations, and who proposes to have a cele bration of tho birth of Christ at Jerusalem, A. D. 1900, is to hold a public meeting, July 4, in front of Independence Hall, Philadel phia, which shall adopt resolu tions in favor of tho celebration and send them to tho Parliament of Religions in Chicago in Sep tember for approval. At tho close of business to-day, 6ays a special from Washington on tho tho 15th, the Treasury had on hand $824,425 of free gold and had accepted, but not yet put on tho books, $1,170,000 more, making tho free gold balance $2,- 000,000 above the Ki,oo.,oim) tllC' Manufacturer' Record Pub gold reserve. The gold came! lihing Co., oi'llaltini .re. A prize from the west. Among the Treas- )'" !?l '. is oliered for the best or- ury officials, tho financial Htua- j '-.''l''11 . sk?tr!l or tor-v baling ia i,i with tne Soiithorii life and con- tion is regarded with equanimity, j;,; ., , ,-. , J ' uitions, and 2..n will begivtn I for the -tory that shall be judged The past three or four weeks; worthy of second prize. The only havo been marked with more ''""dition-; urc that the t ketches than tho uitial number of disas- t-,l,,,ni,t1 "H 1 nt true pic ; c,w.f ..I ,. ;turc;;ol outhirn life, that tliev tcrs, in lact with an unusual v i .i . i i , , , oe ong.ual, ani that they shall great number, more than ever re- l(t eve d :.o..o words in length, corded before. Cyclones have j This o!','er hoMsgood until July J, occurred at some place or other ' un' 'he prizes will be awarded as west of tho Mississippi river everv tu('1' alrcr ,liat ,,r,t,J ''"" few days. Floods have berii . '"r il''V , hf examined. . - i 1 his o,!er is made m hope ol se- j?rcat cast of the M.ss,sppi. Ie- euringeontrihutionsofuciw.r,,. etruction of property and life; Jiave from these two causes been I greater than ever known before from tho samo causes during the j samo length of time. i i'i:i!so,tr.. Mr. .I.-I). Lory lia- Fevered hi.-; -tTs:ic-tiii with the North Wifkesl'oro New and will 1e s-ite cetded a editcr and insmaer, ly Mr. Koheitroi!, a well known art- i-t of the imsviMe. rut ir. v- -f No r- Y iii-tii Jit ll'l' 'jC-'i. Mr. K"h rt on, of !ei i.eiwiSle, In.; tu'.cii eharire f the Nrt)i ViHu!.ro X::v-. Vt'u etend hfi.i :i hearty vt h-uim; to our iiiM.-t and lioj.e he may hi: ! that J "the lilies have fallen uj'on him in iie:wiiit ii:u-e.-'. li7v ..; Mr. T. J. Robertson left last Thursday fur Wilkcsboro where he will assume control as iditor of the North Wilkcsboro Nkws. The JVtti'x recomonds Mr. Robert son as a worthy young man and deserves tho support of AVilkes boro and elsewhere. Kerncrs ville 3c m, ' In taking charge of the North Wilkcsboro Nkws the new editor, Mr. T. J. Rol ertson, appeals to tho pride of all who desire a good local' paper there and he very properly says that tew papers can rise to a high standard ' unless they have a united and liberal support' Mr. Robertson has struck the right cord. If a com munity wishes a paper that will do the town goo J, the more liberal the support of the citiezns, the more will the paper do for the town. Twin-City Daily St nil nel. VI Til O' THE 111 ESS. Generally it is a good rule not to be too hasty in judgment, and when some action is taken by our friends which we cannot approve on iirst information, it is well to suppose that on a further the matter may wear a different aspect Thus it turns out with regard to Mr. Cleveland and the Faycttvil!c pestmastership thsU tho matter was not so bad as it appeared at first blush ; and so also in regard to the retention of Mr. John Nichols in the Trcasuay Depart ment, which some of our papers have animadverted on with con siderable warmth, it seems that his appointment h temporary and for the purpose of initiating his siuce-sor in duties of his po.-i- tion. JI is employment under tiie circuni-i.v.iocs :s complimentary to Mr Nic hoi- as it is a recogni th.?i of his el'.-ciency, v.'hilo it is entirely proper that the depart ment should t.ik? such precautions to insure elliciency in his successor. In such matters let us pay our friends the compliment of suppos ing that they arc doing the best they can for the country and the party, and let us withhold hasty criticism. Xn?-0'crccr. A bright idea has occurred to an Idaho financier, who has made applications for a hank to be Co- tablishcd on a barge to accommo date the towns on a lake in the mining region, which arc not large enough to have a bank of their own. He thinks there would be no trouble in floating the stock of a bank like that, and another ad vantage it would have would be that in ease of a run on it it could pull out into deep water. Wil mington IStar. Some interesting facts are con nected with the University of North Carolina. Its history dates from the Revolution; it educated a man who became President of the United States (Polk) and an other who became Vice-President (King) and it was the only South ern State College that kept its doors open during the Civil War. Among its alumni were fourteen United States Senators, seven for eign ministers, twenty governors of the States, etc. Salisbury Her all. I'rixr for t.oullirrii Slit I on. An oiler of prizes for original sketches of Southern life is an nounced !v the Southern States m ma-Mzinr. which i. iu.h1i;Iii1 hv that will benefit the South by the their wide publication in ' s"""'"'" Stattx magazine. Old papers, 2icls peThiindred at Tiik Nkws oliice. HW.irr.l.V THE CATHOLICS MEA' ; The 'luntk..e 'Method iti has found out their mysterious doings as f'dlowsr :' ' " "'The following sipp'-nred re eently in the Siokane (Wash.) Jttil;f lit ice i '- ; ' 'Em.i:nsi;li:.,"Wah. vh. The lioman Catholic i lest of tins city to-dav receive ! a eon-.-irnunt of sutiTiosed books. The 'hooks' were shipped in oh- loii'' boxes and were hauled to the ehnreh hv a Roman Catholic drav man. They were then stoicd in the basement of the'ehureh. Two little bovs Fred lie Davis ared s years, and Tommy Lindsley, aged 7 were playing in the neighborhood of the church, and !uring' the afternoon broke through a window in a cellar and discovered that the boxes of 'books' contained-. "Winchester riiles of the newest make. Cpon leaving th. church the boys were met by Rev. J. L. Hester of the M. K. Church of this city, who asked them what they had been doing ' in the Catholic church. The reply led to an investigation, and a revelation of these startling tise for nothing, pay his own' way truths. The greatest excite- to everything and then be called ment prevails in the city, and prejudiced and mean spirited bc thcrc is considerable talk of lynch- cause a column is not devoted to ing the priest. The following is from tho Tri Cit 3 Blade, of Rock Island, 111., "The priest in Rloomini'ton, 111., has received a consignment! of Winchester rilles 1 which were ( billed 'ornamental trees.' If our j enemies who are taking so much pleasure in attempting to deny the gncuiness of the encyclical pub lished by us some time since, and also an article headed 'A Pamphlet,' will deny this, we shall take, particular pains and great pleasure in proving the truth of our statement. The priest and Rishop who received rifles some time ago did not deny our charges, nor dare they. They know that we, possess con clusive proof of the truth of our assertions, and, if.nccessary, could use it, and thus make them fals ifiers and traitors. It is about time that we were awakening to a true rclizatou of the true state of; aftairs, and taking a voice hnd if necessary a hand, in this question of secret armament." The Loyal American , of Min neapolis, has the followi; : "Why arc the Romai.t. ts of the United States arming themselves? They now have a standing army of more than seven hundred thou sand soldiers. This thev dare not deny. A Roman priest of Col umbus, O., recently stated that the object of these armed bodies was to 'march in defense of relig ion.' Their churches, monesterics, and convents are the hiding places of thousands upon thousands of rilles of the latest styles. They arc preparing for a conflict. Priests and prelates are constantly receiving rilles and other imple ments of war, disguised in vari ous ways ,and these are surrepti tiously conveyed to these sacred buildings and carefully hidden away for future use. In one in stance guns have been shipped in cofiins; in another, they traveled under the guise of 'mass wine.' If the reader.doubts tins' let him write to the custom officials of Peoria, 111., and ask for partic ulars regarding a recent shipment of 'mass wine' consigned to Rishop Spanlding, which proved to be Winchester rilles." Is there to be some un-American assumption of power some of these days in which Catholics are to take a leading hand when it de vclopes into hostilities? Have the hordes of Catholics coming constantly to America anything to do with it? Or do they feel that they shall soon be able to cope with Protestantism combined? or what is the matter? Has anybody thieatened them? Would it not be well for all Protestantism to band more closely together, not for carnage, but to live down this enemy of inandkind and false rep resentative tf Christ? We presume that all their Winchesters is but a device to hold every Catholic more firmly in the faith by some pretext that they arc threatened or that perilous times are just ahead when every one will be ex pected to tight for his faith. Rut their secrets arc known only to those who will not tell : those to whom the church is a fetish, more worshipped than ''hristits head, whose maledication is more feared than tho judgment day, and to whom all beyond it pale is A natht ina mara-nutha. Adeo cate. T Our rnlrnns. We wish to inform the patrons of Thk Xkw that wo have leased it of the Company aud they now have nothing, whatever, to do with its publication. All ac counts now due are payable to us : so, if you arc in arrears, please remit at once. An r.dilor IiiI1om The editor who wrote the IoTr low in if was hen M i ll I i'isllde"and level headed and his experience' ras the same as falls to the lot : of many of his brethren:' ' : : ' ' 'V1 11 ' A newspaperman lias no'bnsi lu ss to seek oliice. It is hii busi to trv tor't an oliice for the other fellow; to sound the praise of the candidate Mid keep oiiei Ids own feelings; to whoop her up for his nan, and let his man' forget him when elected; to defend his candi date against the unjust attacks of the opposition and see that what ever favors his candidate has to bestow goes to the other fellow. It is his business to: boom the city for all it is worth, ' month after month, and then see $100 worth of printing go out of. the city because ten cents can be saved in doing s. ; It is the business of a newspaper to give avcry enter prise a frequent "send olf,'' and then catch sheol because . lie ' has failed to record the fact that some perniinent citizen had his delivery wagon painted. 1 To subscribe lib erally to every public, charitable and church entertainment, adver- that particular . affair. Do:you wonder that there are ' so many cranks in the newspaper business? l.ilernrjr Xotr. The May issue of the Stioiuni State magazine contains a num- her of interesting articles about North Carolina. Governor Can writes about the State in general, summarizing its resources and the present state of mineral developc. Dr. II. P llattle, director of the North Carolina Experiment Sta tion, 1 contributes an exhaustive article on the climate of North Carolina, with several striking illustrations representing char acteristic climatic conditions. The State geologist, Prof. J. A. Holmes, writes about the mineral resources of the State, giving much interesting information about the economic geology. Pres ident George T. inston, of the University of North Carolina, con tributes an article on education in North Carolina, dealing with with the influences that have boeu largely instrumental in bringing North Carolina to its present position of eminence among the Southern States. W. W. Ashe, of the NorCh Carotin's' Ge'olOgical Survey, contributes a brief paper on the forest resources of the State. HE, Haryian, editor of the Southern Tobacco Journal, is the writer of aa interesting article on tobacco culture in North Caro lina, which is illustrated with several characteristic views in to bacco fields and factories. This issue of the magazine also contains a beautifully illustrated article entitled 'In the Louisiana Sugar Relt," which treats m a very interesting manner the great sugar industry of Louisiana. Tire Southern States magazine is developing rapidly into a pop ular Southern monthly and shows much literary and artistic merit. The current issue appears with a handsome new cover design and the articles are profusely illustrat ed with a high class of engravings. It is published by the Manufact ueers' Record Publishing Com pany of Raltimore, Md.,at $1.50 per year. PtinUhinff Children. A mother whose success in the training of her little folks is some thing beautiful to behold, believes in "making the punishment fit the crime," and finding this rule to work far better than measures that have no real bearing on the case. For instance, the untruthful little one is not peimitted to speak until only correct statements are prom ised faithfully to be uttered. If a child disarranges the work basket or litters up the room it is not seut away after a shaking or a slap, while the mother spends an hour in putting things to rights, but is made to pick up everything and arrange thingsjnst as they were before the busy little fingers did their mischievious work. Walt lor Ibe Excarnion. Mr. W. 13. Henry has made ar rangements with the II. &D. II. 11., to run an excursion to Winston on May 29th. As this is the day that old John Itobin son's famous circus w ill be there our people will have a chance to witness it ot a very small cost. Go and take your fatuity, and let the children sec the "animals." The fare is but a small vmonnt only S2.00 for round trip; children under 12 years of age, $1.00. Train will leave here at 7 o'clock a m in order togive you time to attend to any business bt fore tho circus opens. "Will leave Winston at 0 :30 Dont forget the day May 29th. Let's all go, forget business cares and have a general good time. ; ilr. Oorp SmitK . v v V,.x x ;.vT?vMe,TeMd VvC-' !r. ;. Vir.fi SHAKESPEARE 0 t " e r - o O r " 0 n V . tvfctt Wr.Kmhh Thinks He V U 01 i ! i i Wouw.nT 1 1 1 L, Said About Hood's Sarsaparilla " n.-wl SUakospc&re lived liere and suffered as OlI liavt, I think lit treutd lure Mid, Throw . , away all medicine except Ilood'i Sarsapa rilla. A au KngliMimaa, coming to this climate, I havo felt tho heat very much. In the flprtaff I felt as If I had all tho ear and anxiety ol Amertoa on my mind. Z not oue bottle of Hood's KarsaparkiU and after I bad taken It I felt as 11 1 could undertake , .. v . The President's DutleJ I ';: 'j Last month I had a return of prickly heat; It seemed ImposslhU to otand up or lie down r . without almost learini; myself to pieces. I then pit ona more hoitle and it lias not only cured Uio heat but I hclieve it put my blood Hood'sSSCures " In good condition. I advise .ail to tako Hood'a Parsaparllla In tho spriug raid UL" tiEOHOE SMITH, Uvalde, JllXit. , , Hood's Pills cure Nausoa, Sick Headache, Iadlgesticu Biliousness. Sold by all druggists. I ML L. E. Davis HAS OFKXKU A HRST-CI.A8S -BAH-ROOM In North "Wilkcsboro, C, and ; , is now prepared to serve all i usually found in a first-class Bar. He manufactures his own whis kies, and when you are in town be sure and call for "Dayis' Best," "Oil Wo," -OR- II Mountain Dew Drop.' i 1 0 1 1 ; H TJroi).' Also deals in it by the whole sale. Gicehiman order. Sat isfaction guaranteed. SEND US $1.00 AND WE WILL BKND YOU The News Free of Postage Until MAY 11, 1894. SCBSCRIBE NOW. Scientific American Agency for CAVKATS. TRADE MARKS. DISION PATENTS. COPYRIGHTS. otnJ f or itiTormstion ana free Handbook writs So MLSN A CO 3C1 Buoiswir. Hlw TOBC. Oldest bureau f oi aecunnff patanta tn Amanea. Kvery patent taken out bf us is brought before the public by a noucs gien traa of oLMcjt tn tbo 'nentifif wr;p Larree etrenlatinn of any MleBtifle paper Ht.tbo world. BpieDdidlr illustrated. No intatHfaat Ban should be without It, Weekly, Si.OO a Fmri SI JO six tnontba. Address MCKN A CO. tiJHRn, 301 Broadway, w York ar. Young Men Young Women Ton Can 1Mb Honor BY OBT.UJflNO SUBSCRIBERS FOB TIIE SOUTHERN STATES, A beautifully illustrated monthly magazine devottd to the Souta. It is falf of interest for every resident of the South and ought to be in every Southern household. Everybody Can Afford It, As it costs only tl.60 per year or 15 cents for . a single copy. Wa Vant an Agent in Every Southern vur auu limn, write (or umpjt r,opica and particular"! to the Makcfactcrers Record rrBLMHrwa Co., 1I:R BALTIMORE, MD. I ill The readers of Tiik News Should never refuse l i, u .i: , ! " ' Ni - To North Wilkcsboro a m v, r nlu-1 Forjl.eirycarly put-go; Even should you come from ufar1" !'K' ;-' You will find the plow "Chattiif;o6-pa,1! !.v ' ;1 - A,n :',Mi:'7 ;'' ;" '"And if No. will m ' :n 1 tiM 1 A " 'l?e sure you take awa A rwJ An -a-i-iw l.ill.-wl, All-! ii O. Will !i. In which yon take pride, ' " 11 .x ' 1 ' l! :v. a ,,ur Number "Ii fly-two In nv,;:, !, y,n tal..- t 1 - Will surely do. And if you wish to do more 1 ' " Twice as much more 11 lv Al!'J ll V..11 M,'i to .!- ! TfvAM fiA.A, Ks ' :,!' :i" And if you havo the will To use tho "Chattanooga II .IJ il li- HIV , Ml T.. liM- !,(. -('iialtii: To bring this about Without any donbt, in '!".;,: l in- i;!.Mii Wit!,., .it :us .!..,!.!. North Wilkcsboro, N. C. THL W , 1 1 . i :i 1 1 1 1 1 If "-MseleyCaffeyPrbps.: ISelGWILKESBORON. C.;0; S., "DEALERS IN-lZ Furniture, Coffins, Caskets, Sew r liril Machines, Pianos, Organs,-Buggies, V i," a chi r Wagons fSZT Kerosene and Tarifinc , ,. PEICBS BELOW COMPETITX I T . M C- F.- & -.-Y.- RAILWAY.- - t. i. u i. . ; J!.i. Condensed Schedule. In Effect January 22nd, 1893. No. 2. Daily Kxc'jt riunday. NORTH BOUND. Leave Wilmington, 50oam Arrive Fayetteville. 802 " Leave Fayetteville, K 21 " Leave Sanford, 948 " Leave Climax, 11 44 " Arrive Greensboro, 1213 p m Iycave Greensboro, 1225 " Leave Stokesdale, 1 22 " Arrive N. & W. Jun. Walnut Cove, 155 " Leave N. fe W. Jun. Walnut Cove, 2 33 " Leave Rural Hall. 302 4 Arrive Mount Airy, 4 25 " No. 1. Dailj' Exc'pt tSuiiluy. SOITTH BOUND. Leave Mount Airy, 12 00 noon Leave Rural Hall, 1 22 p m Arrive N. & W Jun. Walnut Cove. 1 52 ' Leave N. & W. Jun. Walnut Cove, i 30 " Leave Stokesdale, 2 57 ' Arrive Greensboro, 340 " Leae Greensboro, 3 45 ' LeaTeQirnax. 413 Leave Sanford, 600 " Arrive Fayetteville, 7 20 " Leave Fayetteville, 7 4d " Arrive Wilmington, 1100 ' No. 4- NORTH BOUND. Daily fcxc'pt Sunday. Leave Bcnnettsvillc, 5 40 a m Leave Maxton, 6 30 " Leave Red Springs, 702 " Leave Hope Mills, 743 " Arrive Fayetteville, 8 02 " No. 3. SOUTH BOUND. Daily Exc pt Sumlay. Leave Fayetteville, 7 47 p m Leave Hope Mills, M05 Leave Red Springs, 8 49 " Leave Maxton, 9 20 " Arrive Bi-nnettoville, 1015 " No. 10. NORTH BOUND. mixed. Daily Kxc'pt Sunday. Leave Ramscur, G 2.5 n in Leave Climax, 03) ' Arrive Greensboro, 900 " SOUTH BOUND. Slxm Daily Kxc'pt Sunday. Leave Greensboro, " 920pm Leave Climax, 4 55 " Arrive Ramseur, 0 25 " No. 1G NORTHBOUND. mixki. Daily Kxc'pt Sunday. Ieave Greensboro, 9 20 a m Leave Stokesdalc, 1 2- " Arrive Madison, 11 23 p m 'o. 15. SOUTH BOUND. mixei. Daily Kxc'pt Sunday. Leave Madison, 1 1 2 p m Iave Stokesdale. 1 20 " Arrive Greensboro. 235 ' Train No. 2 connects at Sanford with Sea board Air Line for Raleigh. Norfolk and all point North and Eaet, and at Walnut Cove with the Norfolk & Western R. R. for Win-aton-Salem, Roanoke, and all points North and West of Roanoke. " Train No. 1 connects at Walnut Cove with Norfolk & Western R. R. for Winrton-Salem, Roanoke and all points North and West of Roanoke, and at Sanford with Seaboard Air Line for Monroe. Charlotte. Athens. Atlan ta and all points South and South-west. I'ullman l'aiace Meepine far on Seaboard Air line Trains North and South from San ford and on Norfolk & Western trains North and West from Roanoke. Passengers from Wilmington. Favetf evill Maxton, Bennettsville and all points South of Sanford will arrive at Raleigh at 11:15 a. m., ana nave a nours in Kaleigu and reach home same day. Ample time is given passengers for break fast and supper nt Fayetteville, and dinner kAV&lmit (JdV.- J. W. FRY, General Manager. W. E. KYLE, Gen'IPaas.'.Ai't, ii . ?! . ITII 1 1 ITT ! L'i i St You will get there "eh i: ! ' " MilP'" i!! : ' 1 t,M " h ' wm I j fclJW llllT'll.1 l . in 1 Will coino your cane " W :. ' " ' i i . : I' i'.i Hi And to bo on time, Drop N. M. ALLEN a lini i i r v . . and Harness. ( -i ( Oil byithe Barrel. Also Standard Brands of G H. 'B. -PARKER, Jr -4 Attorney at Law, (Office in Hotel Gordon,) . North Wilkesboro, - . . W Will practice in both -81a' k1 rJ v uui.s, c-in-ciai attention to latter. B. 8EDMATI S CO., Fire, Life & A INSURANCE AG Hotix Gokikin, North V EITl in,, n 5 Surgeon C Office - j From 1st to 10th of E CH MON'I Office over Miller Bros. st 2-17-1$ -i-ll! 1 W. P. Horto .. D IbyMcinn nnti North Wilkesboi. ALL CALL8TEOM DAY OE NIGHT, HT OFFICE AT RES TFnL'lTY ', ,., LL Durham. Nc, ' New bulMlnea. All'. Klactric lisrht". Lain ftpnm llAlthi.l l lOL'NA. f ,i '"'. Bin oprlor faculty of neriali.ti I SfTon depart men l of fnntrurtlt ipnii Jow. t or ratloKT John Krunklin C t. Pre 1 The North j- , dm 1 I HIGH SC -IOOIl Will commence Monday, .-kilcr 17th, '02,' J1" "t-h-HiI building k z not Ipi than ,ww will be used. TIu.m Imildine t wilb three lar,e rooms, will be - ui.joo wiv. li fbo latest school facilities. . rcrma reaaonable and , Auction n made when more than two are t A from tlicsame family. t J School will be run tpn tr '.h. in the vf7 1 arties having children ',' ci icatc would ci a eorresp 1 vr ra tne pnn A r.n'nciiwl was educ "i nt lanel Hil v -u'J?00116" J . TT i, Prin UniYersity ol HoiiB Carolina. Instruction is oTered in four m ralooursei or study, six brief courses, a V immb?r o ginecnng. The Faculty itvlu.l. twenty teachers. Scholarships and ioan funds are available for needy yourg m of t .letit and character. The next session ffns Ant. 1. ftv v i.u tuiiiiiiorniauoiMHa PRESIDENT WINSTON, Chape! Hill. X. C r I i 1 n - II Liia:'1. n V 1 .' 1 eon, j.j - .NC j) ATTKKll 1-3. For Seat nrJSU Two Store Ilousfs.Vith one Boarding4jlouse, and lots. Terms reaannnblo. v H. II. Farkcr.'Att'y. J O v orth WUkedbor N.a 1 t 1 -V