'V . . . . ' . The Horn Wilkesboio Kes. I . 1 i T. JT. ROBEltTSO", Ellt:r A Vth isl cr I Subscription price. 1. ft I" ' y in advance; fix iik nt I -, . i W : months, 1 cents. AH communications, letter, re:" ' .i;. etc.. Mioubl be addressed l Ci.-c .' . . We will not be held r.-sji.-ii- r views of rorrce(HiKl'iits, i-nd Tiht to pejift any communi' at -.: -it fur lillKlil'itt inn. fTA'lvertuiing rates furnih' ! uppli- ...iti..il Entered atthePowtomcein North W.IUcm boro, N. C, as Second-ClaMS matter. North "Wilkesbouo, Jan. 25. ''JI. Small pox has made its ap pearance in the Charity Hospital at New York, which lias bven quarantined. Senator Vaxck has jrono to Florida to recuperate. Wonder if he won't take in the Corbett Mitchcll contest? Tme Fayetteville Observer is still waging war on Simmons and everybody elso who don't heartily co incide with it and Senator Vance. Marion Cctlkr has started on the war path in the interest of the Third Tarty. We wonder if it will be as eucccssful(?) as his last campaign wasJ The largest shipment of cotton ever made in this State leli Wil mington last F.ioay for Ibemcn on tue British steamer Ltander. It consisted of 10,512 bales. Five masked men held up a train near St. Joseph, Mo., last Friday morning and rifled the baggage car of its contents. It is not known how much they secured. The Pilot Times, a newsy lit tle sheet published at Pilot Moun tain, succumbed to the hard times last week; and published its own obituaiy. It, like many, oilier things, died in its infancy li th.c!u. pJenm want of pioper nouns!:!. ki.:. The city ed'tor of the -Sews-1 nu, nr.. a, ,i-1 1 . 1 ' . ana Mr. rrea i. jioi.i . . ue North Carolinian, had -:'p " in Raleigh last Satiiid.-y o . er i newspaper controversy. Thev ; were each fined 10. The Catholic priest, llev. Fa ther Connelly, was convicted of assaulting a member of his con gregation, Miss Julia Souther land, at Duluth, Minn., and Sen tenced to 20 years and 3 months imprisonment, at hard labor. lie should have been hanged. In their reports last week Hi ad street and Dunn do not seem to agree in legard to the outlook. The former is more favorably im pressed, while the latter does not speak so favorably. However, that the situation is improving there is no doubt. At the end uf each week it is more encouraging. The longest reach of railway without a curve is claimed to be that of the new Argentine Pacific Railway from Buenos Ayies to the foot of the Andes. For 211 miles it is without a curve, and has no cutting or erobankme-it deeper than two or three feet. It is nearly as straight as the road between here and Greens boro. An inventory of appraisement in the Leland Stanford estate was filed the other day. The princi pal items p.re: Stock. $il:752,4St; bonds. f;3,C3.1,IC0; household ef fects, $131,000; wh. 15,170; notes and accounts, tMM,5u; real estate, 8959,980. Total, si 7, (!SC.C19. This does not include Palo Alto, Gridley, and Vidley rpnehes, which were deeded to Stanford University. A contemporary fuvs (I: -it dur ing the year jusi ende'1 the los by fire in the United Sh;t, f in property value was almost s 1. "', 000,000, a greater loss tha has been recorded in any one year, except that in which Chicago was burned, and that in which the best part of 1'oston was blotted out. I'oston lost more last year year than any other city, the es timate being $5,300,000. Near ly the whole of it fell upon the Insurance companies. ;r"K rwu-Mitciicii gnt, winch tsiKfs ltiiKL' near Jackson- 1 .;ic, r !., .to-ih.y, will be watcn- :.! with u jjreut dc :il of anxiety, ji!(!u.ll' lv ilue who have money :it sta;-.-. From what we e-:m iui(le;;iii ; tlie men are about t. v o:i I v iiK.U'bod, and, no (luuot, the f- :h; )0 a long one probftMv It suUui'in a draw, " Through )atr!otis:ii, we hope the honoi(J) will remain in this country. Tim: Henderson ikl Leaf says ancnt the tariff question and the talk that the South is hit hard by the Wilson bill, it ot-u'S to ns that the 1inan -.a. i r-. o!: is a graver problem; -vA lets ; outh cm intce-ts i i 'rp s-v"')iil t'lai the ta.!ff docs. V'nh .' -Jtl'.od upon a jusi ipilt ibh tr.-is! the country wui'ul I. e n si better cond'iion'to take c r .e of itself, ;Hor no tariil. StU, we do not mean to a'gnc in favor of letting r; on the tanh. Lop ping off the excessive and unaec cssaiy h'gh protection 6et up by the McKinlcy bill, is well erough as far as it goes, but that will not piove a panacea for all the troub les which beset us. Secretary Carlisle has issued his bond circular. He offers 50,000,000 of bonds to the peo ple. He wPl veceive subscrip tions "or any amount. The bonds arc to bear five per cent in eresi,; but the Seeretaiy will erwceot no bid on a bpsis of less thaa par fbv a thiee per cent bond, aid we expect that the bulk of Uiem will be taken on a much lower basis than that, Subsciip i'ons can be for one bond of the face value of oO, anu we pvesume that a great many will be taken that wav. Interest is payable qu?rfeJy in -':::. Thai means eo'd. Tiie ''ids sue payable at iho govern ment , jitter ten yea;- Those bid t the bonds t!ie hijriiest a , :-'s v.' 1 he g.-eally .-s nici ts by fa nilies ic n . ews-()bser- soi glu : - ; v soi g of !mi;r ! ver. Ti!K Senate w the United i States is gelling to be a biger man ih?n old Cleveland. The hitter dd a ver;- rif ee.'t'.l thin j in appointing a bi other of ex-1 resi dent Iliir'son. a Deuioeiui- sui veyor of customs at ivr.rss s City, Mo. ana he Si uc, ie rcjectcu bbn. Whv For TH' t ;er .( ;t-o, that con be ascei.i.i-.e !, iu t':.1! the appointment .i Lot een ui.-ta-i Sciuito.s. fed by the We aie hea;:r.,' days about ihe g'.ent dei. I these st"'a''orial pic- rogative In the rnean time what has become of the p(esiden "p. preiJiativeJ Theie is a growing tendency toward the clubbing together of Senaiors to de'e.'.i an appointee noi named by the Senator from his State. :Senatoial couitesy" is invoked and the thing is done. We don't blame the Old Man for check maLbig ihe n eve;y tiaie he can. Charlotte Observer. Tha'1' Ohio pens;oner who wroie Secreiary Carlisle that he had saved $3,000 which he would like to put into some safe invest ment, 6ei;s a good example for ihvii'ty pensioners. The fact that he saved only 83,000 shows that he is not oue of the wealthy pen sioncis. Theie's Jpoge "or instance, of Michigan, who, v I hough he leceives a salary of $7,000 a year as asioci ale justice o" -ho State Supieme Court, has forsevcial ye-us been diawing a pen s'on of a month as an ex soldier who is so "totally disa bled' that he cannot earn a sup port srnd requhes the constant attc'idrnce ot" some one to look after him. Theie sire a number of similar ci lcs . nd also numer ous pension .ts as abl-j-bodied as a juvenile e!:;:h;nt, many of whom are in comfortable circum stances, and many of whom are drawing fine salaries under the Federal or St;;tc Governments. All of these should follow the example of this thrifty Ohio pa ttiot and invest their pension? in U. S. bonds. There sire enough of them to take up si pretty re spectable block of the 0,000, 0o0 offered. Wilmington Star. nASUIXOTOX LETTER. From Our nebular Cones pendent: Hawaii, the tariil bill, and the condition of the Treasury are the three fctara almost eclipse every- thins: else oa the political and legislative iioriz n at the Capitol this week. ():' the hrst of these it may weU be Kiid that the wan- injr is near. The dark in. Ment of the Haw- iian affair is siilt."iitiy closed. It is only neccs?;:.-y t ) examine the documents, ivi o. t , etc., which make up the '.U mentsible ei.i- alize that tin? p the country v. reopening '' where tho Hi, involves ;t ntnt fall, cb-ar aii'i . i T.ne coin. try -Fu'tma.t y . v ! that la- . 1 1 I i order to re- .' .: sentiment of ;t tolerate a Llns is a case of l!i; curtain cdiui! perm a- v :it Isist had a i r ; glance. . V. i.J ,"s.v who bad ben cloi:, . i in charge the - . . - . . 1 ."' . I ti.ousu beset , . ,. by secret in: mnatioiis, ap- proached by the eiiuler with the knife beneath his cloak, and be- . - 1 1 1..- lL.1 leagueireu oy eveiy enemy uiat "i j ;i ii. ,n coriu atbuu me tiauiu ui tt new DOi- ie;-d -c, neiu tneir grouna wuu rer 'cs uia, oew no iear. xney uae i;i, mpueu. f . , The spectacle which we dis- coyer in the reports of Mr. W ilhs will pot e lost upon the cone ry. Lie revalatiou of a savage anu .ee i ; UueeuTrxuieuiur8 meey ai :gexrpt ner blood- tnit ianco.-pianning tnede- : . ' t-t-i- f I , , 1 .1 a jles 's enough to make the Amer- ic-.ii T,eup,e mc t uu uu- i a. i t oasc'ously . .ero-iu uu wu..eu ueLuruuea uer V . 'ul her baibaious aspiration. The only ath her fancy trod led to iue gurstey doj ials of a hecatomb. It is well t ie Mack shadow has pi sseu. b.'. eiy cau it oe predic ted tiiPt never ?ga'n will p.ny ad- n:P'6irat;on ot tins iVee govern- meni ac'd.c ? itself to the task of ebab' 'tai:iig that savage and inure'e ous u-iniie. Debate pe limi'ia.y to action n arl:s the roe,ee,iugs of the Hor.e of lienrescuiatives this week. Tari:j' wisdom pro and con isbc";g dii'.it out in allopha- th:c doses. ll:e general debate o.i the bill endod with a remar kable denionstr.ition last Satur- day r'giit, when the nail was thrown open to the public, and in the presence of more people, prooably. 1 !':.: -ver gathered v.'i.imi its v.-.-i'is ''v.o.e liepresen tative Liv:in dc of nearlv tiire rea ins Bpeacn . s ad vocatine; the Wibon V lvee trat e. SlU :iproach of been a rrala day in the : , i i .ui j uuiiug i he al'teruoi' r he'd ie ;ili i i .... ill tmh prinicip es . : . .'.is oi tne ... ilsoa bill. ( i of room i the eli.."- hi HU attentive i-a.i's w: s J, ' ;'. UOCK-I no epeecxi, waoasj . veiy oetiayea . . liie IDltiUl.ilt O . )re';nant Wltn fanra or,,: i-., no!J ir-.LD auu ui-ii-o, uui mo oooiuu- ricBUYuuctj a uj aster uintur O WtlOm ilopeSS, and Similes, a3 well as repartee and all tlie arts, of -enips. Tbe sneech resem- t 1 I J j v i. 1 ieu t'ie r-ieterea vueq oi a Iixa7;efi?einii8ja)id;tj,! sweep- i .sv eveiti-g oefore it, and v.o. jfe o.oua H,i0 V vu11 , r IU1US I11C' C,. VWVa- lau eat uo7ii persons in me gau- c-j ovuuici , i vie. i vie; xuo cl rLmrn rapped ferociously, but 1 ice vas no coutroMmg the eto m orp.ppoval. Tue "coacit-oj of the treasury has oecome a shuttlecock which between the fpctiorb in Coogiess. But the qaeslion is too serious to permit Oi play. Senator Sherman has tippn nallpH ii rnnan l.oiiftn xoUh Cecrataiy Caib'sle and they have bad a long con e ence as to the best method of protecting the eR.li halanee of lilift rpaRn: v frnm fi riher serious uioaus. Fiom well i lfo.med souices, it is ascer tained that the e if, a stroTio pi obability that if Congress fails iO come to ..us ielief within the next lil'teen dava Secretarv Car I'slemav deea it necessary to - - J issue ;. ,!.' iu.o'ju oi oonos under the redempl'on ac. for the pur- pose o? mpirtaining the fiold re- serve intact. Uie pioposed plan oi tne oeevetary, it is saiu, is tno result of caieinl consideration and meets wlt'i the approval of Mr. Cleveb nu. Tbe small aiuounr. oi ii;e- prtpoceu issue, n is understood, has been deter mined upon tin::lv to tide the Treasmy over 'is needs until Congress eav la i.c up the whole financial u : iu:i and dispose of it. The iik -.irious feature of all, however. rtaiuing to the situation, ii t!u.. Corgress is so slow to act for the relief of the Treasury, or that there should Im any dinerenee8 as to tiie necessity of taking 6ome action promptly The Federal Elections repeal bill is the principal topic in the benate this week, and it is under Btood the measure will be kept before the Senate until passed tor defeated. It is the hope of he Republican Senators that their speeches will oblijre the I)e:no- crats to reply at length, and the present expectation is that the debate will consume at least two weeks. . ! The Presidency is Tow Hood's sweetheart, but Joe Manley is hardly his Joe The Southern Cotton Spinners' Association met in Charlotte last Tuesday. The Franklin. Piess, Kope's teTpapeBr.y8,thatL.e 46.tant1?. uiguer io-uay in me estimation oi his fripnfla than ivpr." nrirl thfit. , , , , - . . ue win oe ucaru oi airain m uie T, t, . L, Tr , n, J, L. , r t mat r mr ennn n nivn nnon nnn JUUiCU. AQnarter Century 1m( For a rter of ft cent Dr, tr vt" ta-,... i, unnn U.1U O C A1DIUTCJJ WWII t t d d the m;n;on9 wl10 have L. 00;Mrj ,Dno nm naotln. f to itg wonderful curati ve pow. efg in a1 digeages of ThrQat Chet and Lun;8. A remedy that hag tQod the test SO long and that ha3 n gQ univer,al 6atiefaction nQ expcriment t.. ...... j IC.U tltilYU 1C1IU1. VI 111V11I. -n u.e..-jA t : i iwiiii m i ii iiiifii It is admitted to bn the mnflt Te.V,.Aha for reliable for Trial bottles Free atSulev & Co'fe Druff Store. Large size 50e. and 8.100 Hood's is Good it Makes Pure Blood Scrofula Thoroughly Eradicated. "C. I. Eood & Co., Lowell, Muss. : "It U with pleasure that I give you the details f our little May's sickness and her return to . ' ' r Fever -nd - Bad couch. Following this a sore eame on ber right side be- tweea the two lower ribs. In s short time an- I other broke om the left side. She would take nnIH of eore mouth and when we had siipceed- lo ft r (Jnf'tran ed in overcoming this she would suffer with at . " 1 ' U-Kru tacks ot high lerer and expel bloody looking I rurruuuuD. ncr i ewi wnv aun;wi mm iimiicK oozea irom ner ears. jLiier eaca anacK sne oe- Hood's5 Cures I Mm. wnru anil all tntatment f.illprt tn olvn her p"Bl B,l w" oeiii w uso nwu s orsii;irinn. I A 1 Mil 111. UH WKCU VRTI1H1 UUUIC WO CUUIU BHJ that she was better. We continued until she Vttst talrM tkaa knrllaa Ttf ah Ifuilf liL a i as tM aa x i s w siviuvvt avw auv iwa un The Bloom of Health I and Is fat as a pig. We feel frrateful. and cannot saytoomuoBin MTor oi kxi s rsapanua." ADAMS, Jnraan. ieuiiesseo. Hood's Pills t easily, yet promptly and fflclentlr.oatbeUTerand bowels. 25c. Uneap AS UlTt. T Wo 1no .nroo nf r,0 timW iand, partially improved, which t will p11 st . vrv low t.riee. or would exchange for a good grass farm. Apply to I? I A nnniMPll Tt0Av Ttror, "T C. Real This! -iJ- Do you want to save money? If so, it will pay you to call on I I BVI A D I CJKt I " V" w W ), N. C. where ycu v ill find a full line of I nnnnn nAnnn UKKNS hJlJj DHH? TAftnC! inlll VVVUdj QTJl71i"rTMf' UiiDlJ llli Ui GOTTOH PLAIDS, hfcTOXXOTS, 23C- He is Headquarters for SUGAR, C0FF0E, FLOUR, &Q. A Nice line of Clocks and Um brellas Ready-made Clothing at COST! ' HOW (S THIS? Someihir.L unit.ue even in these days ot' li.uinuth premium tillers, is the l:.t;t :;'ort of Stallord s Magazine, a new York m nthlv V ft ot koine and Lre:.er;il re.idm. Tin? roo-itio;i is to .-end the Mr.:x.'.ne o?.e e:ir for ene dollar, the re.:;l:-.r s'ibscriptioii price: and in addition to send e:n-h subscrib er til'ty-two c(.mjete novels dur ing the twelve months: one each week. Think ofit. Von receive a new and complete nocl, by in:il, jost paid, every week for fifty-two weeks, Mid in addition you get the maga.inc once a month for twelve months, all for one dollar. It is an olfer which the iub!h- pu ers ejsn onlv afford to make in the; confident expectation of get tug"; a' hundred thousand new subsrrib-. ers. Among the authors in the coming series are, Wilkie Collins, Walter IJesant, Mrs. Oliphant, Marv Cecil llav, Florence Mar ry at, Anthony Trollope, A. Coa an, Doyle, Miss Uradden, Cajttain Marrvat, Miss Thackerv, and Jules Verne. If vo.i wish to take advantage of this unusual oppor tunity, send one dollar f-r Staf ford's Msiga.i.ie, ot.c year. Your first copy of the n.aga.im-, and your liivt iniiif or !the tifty-two novels one csi.m week) wlncli you are to receivt during the year will be sent yon ly return mail. Ilemit bv P. . Order, registered letter or c:qr Address II STA- FOKD, Pi m.isiiKi:, Staliords !i :ig:ui:ie, P. O. liox i'-'.4, New York, N. Y lloast in iiti'ij! this JiiiihT. RiclmoM & EauYilic E. R. Co. I W. Zliii!ekoifr Reuben I'It inl Sniiincl Si'uror. UrrrivrrM. R. & D., ani 1!. C. Divisions. coxor.xsr.D scum ui.r. IN EFFECT 1 EC. , 1 S93. DAILY. Boni!l.l'.M. Xos.'.i. V; .Ti. N. 11 No. 37 I.v !;:i-Ii:jii'v? '; m l-l.ii'a 111 isi!rk,:i!., .:;. Ar. '.v.'.vi'U-. :..' i in i : i 1 !" u til i 7 a lit ji 1,1 .r" :i in -r Muni T-'a ;i in O'j-I am 1- ii ji in I.v 1 ;u: villi'. .".' A" .ro-iu iMir, - I.V. inl '.'. Ti, -111 i 111 Ar. K.iU iri:, ''-' iu I.v. l:.iJi'i, l "' p in 1 am ' i!-;.:i" , ;"".' i m :.ia.ii Ar. tiri-i v.- itr.t, 7 i' ) iii .".'.o mu I.v Wiii.-.a'i'ni. " in ." ".-t ;iu I.v. rccusiH rn Ar. .;:-iurv. 7.';-; la am 'i.r a in ji in !ii.i;mi 1 .a in 1 1 ; i.m Ar. Ss -it i vi 'Jo, ' Aihi-vi.;', " Hi t irlnr;.-'. i 1 1 .in .'" 1-111 Lv. Salisbury, ) in ii.Vijuii nJ Iu hi Ar. liarlottf, lo-in ru II aiu !t-."ui in " S;-artanhur,, 1 " a in .V.pm 11 :;7 a m " (.ri'i-nvilie, 1 W a m 4 ' J in K' in " Atlanta, '1M a i;i 1" 1") i'lii l.Vipiu I.v. Cliarii'tte, ln.Vt m !:;.- a m Ar. Columbia, .Mo a in l""in " Augusta. si a in 1 1 - m . l'.MLY. FORTHBOf.vn. Nis.:.;itio No. 2 No. :;8 Lv. Augusta, 5( j ni 1 :i"i m " Columbia. '.)r in ,rii.i. m Ar. Chariot to, 1' am m I.v. Atlanta, M." j in '.t.'ioain lO'tjuu Ar. Charlotte, .".! am .siij.ni oltu Lv. Charlotte, " Salisbury. 315 a m S2opm m -1 lo a m !)';: pin im Lv. Hot Si. rings, " Asheville, " Stiitt-.ville. Ar. Salisbury, 12 -Minn -.'3'tiim 711 jnu hoo i.m Lv. Salisbury, 447 am1Mtm 5)4!)m A r. Gieensboro, ;:J a m 1 1 4o ui 1! li'.t pm Ar.Win-Salem. ".' a m t.s.Vt jmi Lv. Greensboro, 7 40 a m 1-"1 am Ar. Iturhaiu, U- am .;:'..' am " Kaluigh, 3 - a m e.Oiiam Lv. Raleigh, a m Ar. GokWioro, 1-1M i ni Lv.Creensboro, '" a m 11 ""t.m 104!ira Ar. Danville, 7-'!o am 1 .'Vtam lun7aiii " Keysviile, L'4. am iiOmii 4"am Uurkeville, 11'." am 4 51 uni 45! am ' llichmoml, j m 7i"ani 7ouam "t laily erceiit Sunday. Daily. BETWEEN' WEST IMI.T AM) Rlf'II- Leave West Point 7.50 A. M. daily and ..V) A. M. daily exi-ept Sunday and Monday: ar rive Richmond 'J.o5 and l'i.40 A. M. Ki'tnni infl leave Richmond 3.10 I. .V. and 4.451 M daily ri-'pt Sunday : arrive West l'oint 5.0U and6.M 1' 11. BETWEEN' Kir:iMOI anil RAI.EIGII VIA KEVKVII.EE. Ix-ave Richmond 12.45 V. M. daily; leave Kevsville 3.4" 1' y- : nrrive Ox font i.no 1 M, lleiidervon '.55 I' M. Durham 7.1t 1 M. I!al eih ti.oo A M. S'-lma A M. IVrum- inlr leave St!nia 3 Si I M. Raleigh 4 4o I'M, daily. Durban1 ,',,, 1' M. H. nder-im 7-5 I'M, Oxford M.'fi I M ; urrivc Keysviilc 11 A3 I' M, Itirbmon I 7o" A M. Mixed train leaves Kevsville daily except Sunday !i.-J5 A M : arrive Durham li.Ci A M. Ieavcs Durham 7. '.5 A M ihiily ixi eit Sun day : arrive- i.f. rl it 2i A .M. A'i ditional iris .n leave !xi', .- ilu'Ay exoept Sund v T.oo A M aiid 11 15 A M. arrive Hen dersi 'ii" s V-j A M a::d 12-i1' I'M, Returning Kavcller.d.rson !: A M and l'lSJ'M, dailv except ui. d.iv; arrive C:.l'or 1 11 jo A M. aii-l :'." I'M. Sm. -.i : -.:d : connect s;t Richmond from andt V'e-t I'oii.t and Rahimur dailv ex- ctpt Mia s.:y. sli:i:i'ix(- car sunncr. On Trains ! and lo, I'lillmari Ruirut Sleep er Pet ween Atlanta :mu ew i orK ; between Danvi lle and Aiiarn-ta. On 37 and T,-. l iilinuin I'.uiT'ct S'.eejer be two n K!c!iinoi;ii and I'anvil!e. uniting at Danil!e with Washinsrton and Sfmthwes tern Vc-tibuied Limite-l f..r Atlanra. carry ing l'nllmai! Keeper New York to New Or leans, and Ner.- ork to Augusta, and Din insr Car New York to Moiituojncrv. Trains 11 an-1 12. Pnllinan I'.utlet Sleepers oeiwcen -e ni!, aiuiiioii and Hot Spnnjrs via .--all'ury aim Asheville, and l'ullman f-leMrs between Washington and Atlanta; unt between i'reens'Hiro and l'onmouth', Va., via- Atlantic k, Danville R. R. E. BERKLEY, W. A. TI RK, Sujierir.tendent. (ien'l I'u.s. Apt., (ireensboro. N". O. Wasliiiiton, p. C. J. S. B. THOMPSON. Superintendent, Richmond, Va. S. H. IIARDW1CK, Asst General Passenger Atrent, Atlanta, Ca. W. II. GREEN, SOL HAAS, GenT Manager, Tratlio Manaper. Washington, D, C. . Washiiij;toii,D.C. 1893 s Well, old 189.3, yau are in the agonies of death, and 1 sim glad of it. Vou started us out lull of promises and glorified Ihnnocriits the lick j-ou promised the robber tariil' fell on silver ami hilled it Your money has made Congressmen and Senators sec things in alto gether a different light. Not even the glamour of the World' Fair could cover up your rascality. Adieu, and Good Morning, 15S94! fN. M. Allen wants your blessing and to take an oven start with you in benefiting the people he know you will look coldly on him at first, but he has STOYKS. Your wet places his SIIOY KLS will drain. His PLOWS will let your frost do good. Your warmth will provoke weeds that his IIOF.S will kill. In your cf- " i forts to do food lin will work with 1894; if You NORTH WILKESPOliO, N. C, REMOVAL. THE Mi Mir tail Iseley, Caffey & Co., Props., HAVE MOVED TO THEIR NEW STOKE IN NORTH WILKESEORO, IT. C, WHERE THEV HAVE LARGEST AND REST STOCK OF FURNITURE, WAGONS, &c, Ever Brought to This Part of the State. BECAUSE TIMES HAVE REEN HARD YOU RUYING A PIANOS Hi ORGANS. While you have REALLY needed it for som time. We. arc now iu a position to offer you BARGAINS. FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS. WRITE US AND SEE. Corner Lemly-Jacobs Block, 309 Main Street, Winston, U. C. Danville, Va. DRUG - North Wilkesboro, N. C. Dr. George Doughton HAS A FULL LINE OF Chemicals, Stationery, Soaps, Combs, Drngs, "B"E3"o-s:ee"es, oils. Perfumery, Tobaccos, Lamp Goods, k &c. AT PRICKS TO :-: Suit The Times. :-: ok Mail Orders Solicited and Will Re ceive Prompt Attention. Story. von mII tlio vnir romul. Say So. Dee. 30, 1S93. HAVE RUT OFF STORE, AT - -- V i