. ( ..V?k. T. J. IiOlii liTSOX. K-litr.r ai.d JMWisl.cr. DEVOTED TO THE UVBUILDIXO OF XORTII WILKESUORO, V. IT.KES COUXTY AX1 THE HACXlFiCr.XT VALLEY OF THE YAItKIX. on:-: iH-i.i..;; Yl.'AK In Advance. VOL. III. NORTH WILKESBORO, N. 0., THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, 1894. NO. 44. -.- - ,' ." WlLKESBGRG I X i 25 The Old Friend And the best friend, that never fails you, is Simmons Liver Begu lator, (the Red Z) that's what you hear at tho mention of thi3 excellent Liver medicine, and pcoplo should not bo persuaded that anything elso will do. It is tho King of Liver Medi cines ; is better than pills, and takes the place of Quinine and Calomel. It acts directly on tho Liver, Kidney3 and Bowels and gives new life to tho whole sys tem. This i3 tho medicine you want. Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry or made into a tea. . WKVEnY PACKAGER II the '. Stamp In rert on 'Wrapper. J.ll. ZEIL1X & CO., riiilaUelhia, H. B. PARKER, Jr., Attorney at Lav, AND NOT A U Y; rr I! LIP, North Wilkesboro, - - - N. C. Will practice In both Jit.ute nml I'elcral Courts. Special attention to latter. R. N. HAOKBTT, Attorney-at-Law, WILKESBORO, - N. C. T. B. FIX LEY. ir. l. (.t:i:f;XE. FIXLEY & G11KEXK, Attorneys - at - Im WILKESBORO, N. C. Will practice in all tho Courts. C'ollwtions a specialty. Ileal estate sokl on commission. W. P. Horton, I. D. ZMiyNicinn nml Surgeon, North Wilkesboro, - - - N. C. ALL CALLS IKOXrTLY ATTENDED, DAT OR NIGHT, l:i4 VST OFFICE AT 12 LHIDEXCE. Dr. H. I ilGOiIi, Surgeon Dentist. Office - IDcvsrs : fiT From l?ttoir.th .f EACH MONTI!. Oifico over Jlillcr Eros. j-tcrc. 2-17-12:u Dr. L. A; Hanser, SURGEON DENTIST, OHice : in -:- Rote! -: Gordon. Very Jiest Material Ihed All Work G I'fii'C.Atccd. Dr. Hausi-r is a gnuhuito of the 15. 0. I. S., Jiultitnere. ami nlTcrn 1j I - rofessiona! pit-vin-a to the pcoplo of North Wilkesboro mid unrrounilinu country. Can be found in hi oii'n c the iit week In c.ah month. Includes -the College, the Uni versity, the Law School, the Med ical School and the Summer School for Teachers. College tu- ition, a year; board, 7 toiandtrado brightening up there $13 a month. Session begins September Oth, 1801. Address Pkksidknt Winston, Chapel Hill, N. C. R. B. CASSELLa5t UaIIOA AT vildn Pfllmfcl1 JUVU0U UL UlftH 1 Uiuiuij ,T -rrr;T!..r,-u.rt "M" n North Wilkesboro, N. C. rP-n1.. cr.llf.lfml lltul CH t 1 S 1 1 .".tl t in J J U CUHVI LV-., ..w- guaranteed. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. A Latch of ITewn Notsa Gathered in'anl Around !Terth YTilkesbcro. Sec; adv. of Salem Female Academy in another column. Now is the - time to advertise your business for tho fall trade. F. D. Forester & Co., want 500 bushels of Irish potatoes at once. There is great power for good in a smile when God puts it on a a face. Our thanks are returned to Mrs. A. A. Finley for a basket of nice tomatoes. AVhcn the devil tells you that it will bo safe for you to take a certain road, go the other way. We hope our delinquent sub scribers will kindly remember us during court week, or even be fore. The Standard Music Co., offers extra inducements to those who buy an instrument in the next sixty days. Write them. Two persons were immersed at Brown's Ford last Sunday after noon. A large crowd went up from this place to witness it. Policeman Hart has made a wonderful improvement on the sheets during the last few days. They arc now in a better fix than they have been for a long while. Go to V. A. McLean's for home-made shoes, saddles and harncs?, at panic pi ices. Two Utoro rooms with dwelling Apart ments -above, for rent at cut prices. Parties desiring to purchase a first-class new sewing machine with a lull set of attachments can secure a bargain by calling at this office. Vv c guarantee it in every respect. Life is make up of little things so is an editor's income. Please hand us tho small amount you owe. If all of our sub scribers do this, you will see us smilo as wc never "smolo" before. The students of the North i Wilkesboro Institute reorganized their literary societies last Friday evening. Quite a large number joined, and the prospect is very onfonrnoMnrr even better than , o - o j last year. You can't make a silk purse out of a pig's tail; neither can a newspaper make the world be lieve its town is on the crest of prosperity when its advertising columns do not 1 back up the statement. Dr. M. W. Gibson died at his home in Tajdorsville on Wednes day night of last week of typhoid fever at the age of 34 years. Taylorsvillo has had a tough time with typhoid fever this sea son and several people have died. As wc go to pres3 to-day, Wednesday, the Pops arc holding t heir pow-wow in Wilkesboro. At this writing it is impossible to tcU what they will do they don't know themselves, but we will give particulars next week. Lightning killed a fine mule belonging to Mr. J. L. Hayes, a former resident of this place, the ' other day. The driver was com ing across tho mountain when the bolt struck the mule and killing it instantly. The was unhurt. c river That times arc crcttins better ja 110 doubt. Our merchants are j wearing their old smile. Reports i from all directions are very en cnCouraging, and ere long the crv of hard times will be numbered with thincr3 of the i The Dailv Sentinel speaks in t the most complimentary terms '0f Jll;jrC Jacob little who held ! Forsyth's fall term ofCourt. He is, j tho fccnlincl say8. a -business i Ti..ln " nml mnilo liitncr.lf nnlfn 1 ...l.Ilrt hln Mrt tT.JIl " . 1 1 I on the 3d of Weather and Crop .Report. j The following is a report of the condition of the crop in tho Western District for the week ending Monday, a3 prepared by the State Weather Service : Very few unfavorable reports were re ceived this week. The days have been warm, but the nights are beginning to get. cool now. A hail-storm also occurred on the 15th with but slight damage at a few places to fodder and tobacco. Although the condition of crops insomeofthe most western coun ties is a little backwards, the general average for the district is very good indeed. Sweet potatoes coming in. Fodder-pulling be gun. One or two reports of shed ding of cotton; the plants arc re ported to be growing very large. Some fall plowing has been done, and some oats planted. Grapes being shipped. Melons very plentiful. There will be a large crop of turnips. very Remember TJs, Please. We want to impress the fact on the minds of those of our subscribers who have failed to pay up, that we hope they will come prepared, during court week, to settle up. Wo have waited patiently for what i3 just ly due us, but patience is ceasing to be a virtue and fair promises do not run our business, as some people seem to think, and wc take this method of asking those who are in arrears to please come forward and pay up, thus enabl ing us to meet our obligations it take3 cash to run our business. If you owe us anything we mean you, and, if you ciuSt bring the cash, wo will take any kind of marketable produce at market prices. So when you come please remember us. A Tree Pell on Eia. "On Wednesday afternoon last week Mr. Frank Lovett, of of Union township was in the woods sawing with his brother when a heavy wind storm came up. On looking up they discovered that a large tree under which they were working was fallinir, and they started to run from under it. The brother escaped, but Frank was not so fortunrte. He had nearly gotton from under ' -hrtr one of the limbs crushed to tho earth, horribly mangl" ' his head and face. At last a t mts he was sufTciing terribly and is in a dangerous condition. He Ate a Twenty-pound Melon. The other afternoon a man went in Pan kin's store and called for a watermelon. He selected one that weighed 20 pounds and said he could eat it by himself. Some bystander rather doubted it, when he turned to Mr. Pankin and asked to be weighed. His request was complied with, and he commenced to get on the out side of the melon. After he had eaten it he .again asked to be weighed, and, to the astonishment of all, he had gained just exactly 10 pounds; or, in other words, he had eaten 10 pounds of melon at once. They Weren't Posted. It is announced that when the Republicans of Alleghany county held their convention and elected delegates to their several conven tions they instructed for Sam Ilolton for Judge when he didn't even live in the district, laving moved from Dobson to Durham over a year ago. They instructed for Blackburn for Congress, Lin ney second choice. The chair man of the convention was a Primitive Baptist preacher. Eeduced P.ate3. On account of the Knights of Pythias Concil at Washington the Southern Railway will sell round trip tickets to that point for 11.80. Tickets on sale Aug. 23d to 2Stb, limited returning Sept. 6th. Final limit, may be extended to Sept. 15th, by de positing same with joint agent THE MASONIC PICNIC. ItWa Quite a Success m Every Particular About $150 Realized. The second annual Masonic picnic was held at Wilkesboro last Thursday and was attended by a much larger crowd than was expected, and the receipts ex ceeded the managers expectations. Between $140 and $150 were realized and tho best of order prevailed not ajar occurred to to mar the pleasures of the occa sion. Pew Mr. Wilson, of Mocks ville, was speaker of the day and his talk was listened to with wrapt attention. He was follow ed by others who made short talks. Supt. 2sT. M. Lawrence was on hand with a chapter of orphans who added materially to the pleasure of the occasion by render ing some nice songs and recita tions. At night the " chapter gave a concert in the court house before a crowded house who greatly en joyed it as was evidenced by the prolonged rounds of applause they ever and anon elicited. To say that this is a grand and glorious institution the Orphan Asylum is putting it very mildly. Little children arc taken out of sin and degredation and lifted to a higher plain, where Christian influences arc brought to bear upon them, and where they are prepared to fight tho battle of life. It was truly a glorious sight to see the happy smiles of content ment that overspread their coun tenances, thus showing that loving and tender hands looked after their every comfort. Vcritabby, this is one of the grandest institutions that adorn this fair land of ours. Homss cf the Delegates The following i3 a list of the churches that comprise the Brushy Mountain Baptist Association, which convenes here next Thurs day, the 23d. The delegates from each church are assigned as fol- lows : CHURCH. Cub Creek, Beaver Creek, Moravian Falls noxiE. W. B. Henry. A. M. McGec. j. S. Forester. L. A. Jrrvis. Mt. Pleasant, Pleasaut Home, W. P. Horton. Mt. Zion, Mt. Carmel, Little Pock, Lewis Fork, New Hope, Walln.-e-Barnes. . S. J. Ginnina. W. M. AUher. Milton MeNel A. M. Church. J. II. Adams, Pilgrim, Pleasant Grove, J. L. Hawkins. Walnut Grove, D. P. Edwards. Stony Hill, J. L. Marlow. Mrs. Horton. W. M. Absher. Mac Absher. South Fork, Shady Grove, Zion Hill, A Sleeper. A sleeper is one who sleeps. A sleeper is that on which the sleep er sleeps. A sleeper is that on which the sleeper runs while the sleeper sleeps. Therefore, while the sleeper sleeps in the sleeper, the sleeper, carries the sleeper over the sleeper under the sleep er until the sleeper which carries the sleeper jumps the sleeper and wakes the sleeper in the sleeper, by striking the sleeper under the sleeper, on the sleeper, and there is no longer any sleeper sleeping in the sleeper- Kncttville Knotts. There has been a protracted meeting in -progress at Rock Creek church several days. J. H. Warren and wife have gone across the mountain to visit relatives in .Alleghany county that they have not seen in thirty years and will be gone several days. It is very dry in this section. Miss Mollic Woodruff is visit ing her sister, Mrs. Julia Wallace, in North Wilkesboro. J. W. F. xne cross is never found to be neavy when we take it up to Personal Paragraphs. Mr. II. P. Parker was up in Watauga the first cf the week. Mr. J. M. Climer, of Greens boro, is visiting Mr. X. K. Pankin. Capt. J. F. Weaver was thrown from a bicycle Sunday and hb arm painfully hurt. Messrs. A. A. Finley and W. F. Trogdon were in Winston the latter part of last week on busi ness. Mrs. X. M. Dean and mother left for a several day' visit to relatives at Winston and Kerners villc Monday. Mrs. Pobt. Glenn, Miss Rebec ca Glenn andMr. ChalmersGlenn, of inston, arc visiting the family of Pev. P. W. Barber. Mr. Thos. Crumplcr, 13 w ield ing the yard stick at Mc.rs. Finley Bros'., in Mr. Isaac Mc Neil's place who is quite sick at his home about four miles from here. Mr. Chas. F. Pankin, who has been in the upper end of this county in the intciest of the North Carolina Presbytery sever al returned to his home at Greensboro Monday. Mrs. Baxter Clements, and three children, of Mocksville, and Mr.Pichard Harbor andMrs.E. J. Barber, of Cleveland, who have been visiting at Pev. P. W. Barber's, returned to their homes Tucsdav. Tired, V.'eair, lTerran3, Means impure blood, and over work or too much strain on brain and body. The only wa-, to cure is to feed tho ncrv. s on pure blood. Thousands of people certi fy that the best blood purillcr, (he best nerve tonic and strength builder i3 Hood's Snrsnparillr.. What it has done for others it will also do for vou Hood's ! Curos. Hood's Pills care constipation by restoring peristaltic action of the ailmentary canals. Wanted! In order to introduce our work, and secure agent everywhere, we will dye a coat, vest or. pants for any one in the United States free of charge. in sending goods by mail, please send stamps return for re turn postage. Address Hakkiss Steaii Dye Works, 314 South Blount St.Paleigh,N.C. Notice! 3' y virtue ot a mortgage deed executed to Leandc-"" Ilii.yii ' Ity B. F. Flfer, Jr., nd transferred to I?cley & fVlYcy to secure the paynicut of 070.00, dujc by note, wc will, on the 3d day of ' Sep tember, 1S9, at tho court house door in Wilkesboro, X. C, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described land: (Situated in Peddles Ber town - j fhip, Wilkes county, 2Si. C, ad- joining the lauds 01 Ii. C. Lller, Lee Miuton and others, contain ing 100 acres more or less. See book 15, page 11G, in tho Regis ters office of Wilkes county. August 1, 1894. Lee Mixto.v, Mortgagee. Leley & Caffey, Assignee. Fi.nlky Ar Geeuxe, Attys. Notice ! By virtue of a mortice deed executed to me bv A. C. Bryan 1 and wife, M. N. Bryan, to tccuro! the payment of one hundred dol-i lars, ($100.00) due bv note, I: N. C, to wit: One acre cf hand and store house. Lvinjr on the1 j south side of the cress roads at 'Traphill. Sec book 11 psi'ge 40Si i in Register's office of Wilkes ; county A. M. Church. , ! . ' A Uc- uTVll,S . vtrators of Alfred Elledge, at me voun liouse in i i,nPf.i. ,r;,.A ' a. vrm' a- n ,;n t, co, a e herein e notice to '.'rT-r, ; ' 1 7. r persons indebted to him to . 0 , -ill i , , . 1 immcuiate payment to us, inr described land fi nr.tea in n ' , . i mi . 1 -n-,, . !m persons Having ci V.t Cxrt'A tie Oil Kaa. Mt. Airy News. ay morning Andcreon vZiclier :nd .lol.n Franklin got. into a quarrel and Franklin used his knito on Wicker, inilicting an ugly wound on his neck and a flight one about his shou'dcr. dotty Cates, female, also took part in tho fight against Wicher and threw a stone at him which struck him in tho forehead, mak ing a painful wound. All tho parties arc colored. Wicher is an old man, maimed and decrepit, while tho man Franklin is young, strong and athletic. The quarrel originated over some church mat ters. The difiiculty took placo on Needmorc and immediately after his attack on old man Wich er, Franklin lied and has not yet been captured. The woman Jet ty Cates was arrested and gave bond for her appearance at the next term of tho Superior Court. Notice! By virtue of a deed of mortgage executed by Elmira Laws to L. W. Absher and G. W. Smith Jto secure the payment of 10.00, due by note, I will, on the 3d day of September, 1S01, at the court house door in Wilkesboro, ,N. C, sell to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described land: Situated in Peddics River township, Wilkes county, N. C, bounded on the cast by J. W. Hays, on soutn, west and north by J. T. Bishop, and known as a part of the John Bishop lands, containing 20 acres more or less. Sec book 13, page 405, in Pegis- I tcr's ofiicc of Wilkes county. Anguft J , 1SI4. ' J. -R. Cafkey, Admr., of J L.W. Ausuek, dee'd. 1 Fi.;i.i y or Gkelkk, Attys. J Notice! - j By virtue of an execution in j my .hands for collection in favor jof J. A. Ellcdse and against II. B. Elledgc, itsued by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Wilkes county, for the sum of $104.00, I will sell at the court house door in Wilkesboro, X. C, to tho highest bidder, for cash, on Mon day September 3d, 1894, the fol lowing described tract of land: Situated in AVilkcs county, on the waters of Mulberry creek, and known as tho Calvin Bash mill seat whereon the mill of II. B. Ellcdge is now situated, ad joining the lands of J. A. Ellcdge and others, containing one aero morf or less. A. M. Vannoy, Sheriff of Wilkes county Notice! By virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Wilkes county in the case of W. W. Parduc and v.'ifo and others cxpartce I will sell at public auction on tho premises on the 1st day of Sep tember, 1804, in New Castle j township, one tract of land on which, P. F. Calloway dee'd seized land rossesscd, containing 100 acres, more or less, adjoining the lands of Thomas Lewis and others, said lands sold for parti tion. Terms of sale: one fourth cash, one fourth in six months, balance in twelvemonths. Notes with approved security bearing 8 per cent interest from date will be required for deferred payments. July 30, 1894. A. L. Hexdrix, Commissioner. Notice I Having qualified as adminis- deceas- all make and aims against 'his estate to present the sa; ic to us on or before the 15th day of August, 1S95, otherwise this nrtl-c. will be? plead in bar for their recovery. This Aug. 15, 1S94. T. C. Elledge '4 1, ,1 I i 0 i . - f ... ' . .'3 J hold our court September. Roof Painting a Specialty. I Trunk Line at Washington. please Christ. III. B. Parker, Jr., Attv. 4 7 G. G. Ellldgi: AdmVs. Elizabeth Elledge