' i.V "A" 1 r mm t sto Hews. T. I. noSERTftOX. Editor A Publisher NOETII WlLKEBBORO, AfE. 11, '95. Claims Allowed by Commlionm. IJ. F. Tngman was allowed $13.50 for work on stock law fence in Mulberry township. Minnie and Morgan Morton, colored, were allowed si. -'5 for balance of year. T. S. Dancv. insane v.;n allow- . . . . , 7 - A . . . - r. . 1 II 0u per moniii lor ia:ancc ot year. Francis Recce wa allowed for balance of ADVgRTSED FOR TAXES. NORTH WILKESBORO TOWX5HII'. Spring, Spring, Spring! Subscription price, $1.00 per ahnum ly in advance: six months, 60 cents months, 2j cents. All corum.inications, letters, rrrnittances, ta.. ahnnhi hn ariilreHsed to the editor. - - - ... . , i We will not he held responsible ur i ie ()) innntl Tiews of correspondents, and reserve the right to reject any communication sent in year 'KSin. rates furnUhe.1 on anpli- The two children of Th,mpsol cation. .... Wood were allowed an income ot Entered at the Tos office In orth Wilkes- . . -., n ..ri,.,l, boro. N. C. as Kecond-C' ass matter. iivm v V"-'" i ...w i i ' i." . i 1 1 i , . i i. oiaicy was ;iiiuou .-. .'i And bo one of tho laws enact- for expense of burying Ruth In d hv tho Fnsion-Dourrlassite Leir- coru' a HanJ)er- " Dr. W. P. lloiton, ,s'dlulu r j an expert witness supreme uonri, anu mo larmu Church caso. can now get his supplies as of old. i!l :1.0v as Caleb tho Much talk lias been indulged in about Mr. Cleveland being a possible candidate for another term, which has led him to say J. C. Land, fur furnish ing Susan Hall, a prir.pcr. A I. ITmwl rl v f.ir !'v r: i ; -! I II rt A . - J. 1XVUUI lit) . ' ........... j-t two children of Jane M;.this, c-. Henderson and Julia Check, increase from !.': tu si. 50 per month, each. Nunc. No. Acres. 1S93. 1604. Total. ( Adam?, J- M. & G. W., 3 2 24 2 2-t Chim-h, W. W., . town lots, 2 5 18 $ 4 - '' si Chiiders, J. F., " " 1 " -43 3 i'3 71 j j Dar.ccy, P. E.f " " 5 1 JO 153 2W Cirfgorv, Harrison, " " 1 4 50 4 5j lIa:kett,E.G., " " 1 05'.) S 75 18 34 I'mowu, J. M., VI' I 21 3 12 1 3;: Fov, John, (Tiogdon, Agt.) " " 2 1 35 ii :;u 3 7l Holt on, C. M., " "1 .".IS 5 1s Harris, K. 1). & E. E., " " 1 90 D2 1 2 Idol, J.J., " " 1 2M 2M Idol, John, " " 1 5 Irl 5 52 North AYilkesboro Pab. Co., 1 5 40 92 3,) Uobcrson, " " 1 22 2 2 Shepherd, AVm., HI 1 24 5 3s 7 2 Tedder, J. A., U 3 05 3 0s ; 7; Woods, E., " " 1 4 52 3 94 7 4(j Wade. & Chewning, " " 22 10 8s 17 20 3l H White 6c Cashion, " " 1 4 73 1 S4 0 57 Porter, Frank, 100 5 40 5 40 A. M. V ANNOY, Ex Sheriff. 15y W. Vr. VAN NO Y, D. S. )o(- Now is your time to get your Spring goods. Do your sewing LAND IN BOCK CREEK TOWNS II IT dc vine, Oigandy Lawn, Darro Dimity, llcui ictta, Seaisland Shirt ings, Persals Satteens, Chambrays, Caliincr.-, Outings, Ginghams, Merrimack Shirtings, Calico, Lawns, India Limns, Laces i.r.d cm broideries, Trimmings, Puttons, Yclvctien-. Silks Skirt Pimlings, Lace Curtains, Curtain Goods, Arc. MILLINERY. I have added to my stock a full line of Millinery Goods, Ladies' and Childrens' Hats, Uibbons, Laces, Mower-1, Orn: nionts, Art-. Xcw goods and latest etyles. ('all and examine my stock before buying your spring Hats. Hats trimmed to order. A. M. McGEE, Xvrth Wiikloro, A'. C. . W. A. Nichols burial Coods that he does not want and would furnished for Isaac Lane, a pan- not have it. per. SI. 50. The Butte Miner says the Dem ocratic party is gaiuing ground daily. It is stronger today than it was yesterday; will be stronger pCr month for balance of year tomorrow than it is today, and J. W. White, County Snpt. of will continue to gain in numbers, Ilca'thj O.OO. Laura Johnson, a pauper, si. 50 per month instead of 1.00 as heretofore. Amanda Hall was declared a pauper and was allowed 81.00 vigor and popularity until elec tion day, 1896, when it will win a splendid victory throughout the nation. Linville Bumganier, coroner, holding inquest over Joseph Rob erts, 814.09. Dr. J. W. White, expert wit ness at March term of Superior court, $20.00. The Supremo Court has de- W. A. Drown, oflsccr ot jury cided that the assignment and in the Coffey trial, p oo. . ... .. , ine cniiaren oi isaoeua eu- mortgage law is unconstitutional lorn wcrc dccarod liailIere and as regards mortgages. It holds niiowcd $1.00 per month. that mortgages can be given cith- Jane Ingold was declared a er for money or other things, but pauper and allowed sl.oo j Cr prevents a person or firm from moI,u' , , , I li fn ni L-nnnni' -kT fvn. I fill f failing and making an assignment L wa-'a!lowcd 8132.74 for prefering one class of creditors above another. The people throughout the State will doubt- services as such from Jan. 1st to March 31st. W. A. Hoke, boarding James less draw a sigh of relief. We Helton in uaiaweii, i .. o. would like to know how such an JoJin the , . . . . . . . . court, iasi term, c".io. abominable law got on the stat- Q R Morrisoll iro5)) jaii 0. ute books. etc . S20.50. rand ! No. Acres. 1893. 1S94. Total. Higgins, Cornelius, 50 S S3 34 Ingold, Richard, 38 . 2 91 4 97 7 S8 Johnson, Moses, 50 3 57 3 92 7 59 Johnson, Lyra, 31 07 Johnson, W. M., 35 51 Johnson, Jno. L., 200 3 01 5 93 S 94 Jordan, Elihu, 15 1 27 Jordan, M. D., 22 3 20 Johnson, George, 42 0 75 Mahaffey, II. V., 21 120 3 17 4 37 Mahaffey, W. D., 31 3 81 Mahaffey, J. F., 50 2 31 Myers, D. J., 42 3 50 4 15 7 71 Parks, Robert, colored, 3o 3 24 3 31 0 58 Porter, Lucinda, deceased, 100 lis 1 15 2 28 Privette, A. P., 97 1 10 Priette, O. R., 130 ! 53 Privette, R. M., 25 71 Reynolds, Sam, 50 97 Soots, E. A., 25 3 55 3 53 7 07 Wadell, Colby, 42 3 07 4 no 7 07 Wiles, Wilborn, Jr., 04 2 05 Wiles, J. R., 41 3 7 3 73. 7 51 Whitley, W. C, 135 4 89 4 7o 9 59 Walker, C, 25 3 59 Wiles: Calvin, 77 4 77 Wiles, W. J., 04 0 7" Cranor, J. S., 117 1 80 A. M. VAXNOY, Ex Sheriff. TO THE MCHAETS OF Wilkes, Ashe, -Alleghany, Alexander, YMaaga, Caldwell, and ADJOINING COUNTIES: i l nave just returned iro JNcw lork where i lnught the largest stock of goods ever brought to Northwestern Nfrth Carolina. This stock of goods was bought expressly for the j dicing trade, and 1 will sell them as cheap as any house in r.altinv.re or R-.cimiom, with the freight added, and on a great many gvds I will save tlie freight. To cash customers, I will give regular tXrmsand discounts. I also take country produce at tho highest marct prices in ex change for goods, which 13 a great advantage to coVntry merchants. I cordially iuvite all the merchants in the surrounding country to call and examine my Respectfully, L. A. JARVIS, North Wilkesboro, N. C , Feb. 12, 1S95. Four Ills hnftmen Having tho needed merit to more than make good all the ad- cleaning off bridge, ftou, etc.. 51.15 i etc , A. Wiles, calling for j'nry at March term, sO.Oo. Sheritl Ca'I, summoning jurors All who do not owe N. M. Al len can get goods of Mm remark ably cheap, and 6o can those who owe him for the cash dovn. vertising claimed for them, the following four remedies have reached a phenomenal sale: Dr King s rcw Discovery, lor con sumption, Coughs and Colds,each bottle guaranteed Electric let ters, the great rcmed?-tbr Liver, Stomach and T'ieneys. Rueklcn' Amies Salve, the best in the world, and Dr. King's New Life Pills, which are a perfect pill. All these remedies arc guaranteed to do just what is claimed for them and the dealer whose name is attached herewith will be glad to tell you more of them. Sold at Dr. Geo. Donghton's Drug store. XORTU M'ILK ESBORO MARKET. O-rrPiiert Weekly by FInley Bros. Whrat. In the Hprlnc Nearly everybody needs a good medicine. The impurities which 1. . c accumulated in the blood during the cold months must be expelled, or Mheu the mild day come, and the effect of bracing air is lot, the body is liable to be overcome by debility or some serious disease. The remarkable success achieved by Hood's Sarsa- parilla, and the many words of praise it has received, make it worthy of your confidence. We ask you give this medicine a trial. We are sure it will do you good. Read the testimonials published in behalf of Hood's Sarsaparilla, all from reliable, grateful people They tell the story. Sheriff Call, stove vrood, lime 'yTlx eT ;'". ior jan, Jiauni' saw uiisr, c:c. ... - - 75 . . . . G5 70 J ! Ml- i Ulllltl, 'V i rlav IVis, jh.- Iiiishcl 6i75 Wliite i:o:.iis. m-r bushel. . . 1 2.(31 45 Sheriff Call, convevir TIioS. h'ul. rud 1 Vans, per bushel $1 00 Irish To! :ifi:-s, per bushel, . . 6060 Sweet rotatiK-s, per bushel, ... 60 I'ultcr, lcr pound, 1015 Kirirs. icr ilozen, ........ 16$ ( hirkens (live hens), per round. . . Turkeys, per tt, . . 7 Pucks, or 1!. . ( 1'ork, (whole hog), 6i Honey, per lb, 1012 Wool, per tt, (washed) 25 lilackberries, per lt, " 05 Wax, per lb, . 2022J Taller, 4(55 Feathers, 2535 Uuckwheat Flour, 221 THE LUMBER MARKET. Staves, 27 inch per M f 14.00 Vine, no demand. Walnut, per M.f . . . $1050 Poplar, No. 1, per SI., . . . $18.00 " commons, . . . $10.00 " cuils. 5.00 The above are wholesale buying prices up to time of going to press, and may De relied upon as beinsr nearly correct 21. Jiyers ana James u.-:oi:jo, in sane, to Morganton, .37. 5S. T. M. Crysel, jailer, for month of March, 70. li . T. M. Crysel, 9 days services aa cryer of court, March term, $9.00. E. M. Wellborn, board and lodging for the jury in the Ccffey murder case, $20.00. E M. Wellborn, board and lodging for the jury in the case of William Gobleand S.J. Green wood, at March term, $9.00. AY. M. Absher, goods and pro visions furnished Lee Lindsey, a pauper, $5.S5. W. M. Absher, quilts furnished for jail. Elizcbcth Laws was declared a pauper and allowed $1.00 per month for balance of year. A. G. Whittington, conveying James Osborn and Frank Wyatt to jail, $4.01. The Yadkin Valley News says that Mr. Arthur Bledsoe, aged 74 years, met met with a horrible death at Mr. Russell Key's saw mill, in Eldora township, Surry county, ten miles from Mt. Airy, last Saturday. He had just fast ened a saw log on the carriage when his coat was caught by the 6aw and ho was thrown across the saw. He lived six hours. Hitch up your teams And come in streams, And get every useful thing you need Get them of Allen and you will succeed. Double shovel plows cheap now at 11 M. Allen'?. Our better halves say they could keep house without Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. It is used in more than half the homes in Leeds. Sims Bros., Leeds, Io wa. This shows the esteem in which that remedy is held where it has been solel for years and is well known. Mothers have learn ed that there is nothing so good for colds, croup and whooping cough, that it cures these ailments onickly and permanently, and that it is pleasant and safe for children to take. 25 and 50 cent buttles for sale by Dr. Geo. Doush ton, Druggist. Wanted, a hardware man in North Wilkesboro who will loan anything called for, as N. M. Al len wants to be just to the buyer he docs not suit, and as he wants to pay up his debts hi.? entire stock is for sale. Eire is an opening for some one who ir. run ning over with the mill: el human kindness. 1. BOUfifiM'Q fiOUGHTGTO A Big Break in North YMoro, H. C. A GREAT FAIIQRE! Coalition did it all. Tho biggest fiim in town has broken down high prices on all general merchandise and all ( em j t tilors make a great failure when they attempt to meet the prices of the "Coali tion Firm" of ABSIIEU k WALLACE. As they buy their goods for net cash and sell for 2on in t .i . .- thing pro duced in th;s genial clime. All kimls rf lumber, connirv produce J and roots and herbs. It youhave anything to sell, or it, there is anything you wish to buy, do not fail to call on the 4 Liberal Dem" and the "Big Pad" in the Call'ev ec Pritchett bu'.VJ:,.-, North Wilkesboro, N. C. DRUG STORE. HEADQUARTERS FOR ERYTIIING IN THE DRUG LINE. EV AND THE WIND BLOWS In on you and you family giving sonic ono a cold. Te avoid this is easy enough. Just drop us a card and we will give you prices on everything that is needed in the building ot a house at T. B. FINLEY. H. L. OKEKXfi. FINLEY & GREENE, Attorneys - at - Law, WILKESBORO, N. C. Will practice in all the Courts. Collections a specialty. Keal estate sold on commission. T. M. BTJTNER, WATCHMAKER &'JEVLER. Main Street, ElJcin, N. C. o t Is prepared to do all kinds oi Watch, Clock, and Jewelry Re pairing. Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed in every particulai Anythir. in my hue ordered promptly at the"lowrt price possible. It will pay you to sec me before buying Watches or" Jewelry.' Ics;.t. Yours, T. SI 3UTNER. Religion is not thinking, it is doing. Hotel - Gordon, North Wilkesboro, N. C. Under :- New :- Management. Thi Hotel is ilclightfully situated on a sur i f the Hiue IJidtre Mountain, One hun-!r.-'. miles west of (ireensboro. The air is 'ry :.i:d brii inn. Persons with pulmonary tri'iii!cs will find relief here, as it rivals that fimous health res rt, ASI1KVILLE, !ein HI tinted on thesame ranee of mcun t:;ins. Fine I.ithia and Iron waters. Sports men rvill find excellent hunting and fishing. traveling men will find old Virginia wel come anu coo kin W. A. SYDS o'ner. SQR, , Proprietor. CIGARS, " TOBACCO, PIPES, STATIONERY, COMBS, BRUSHES, SOAPS, PERFUMERY, PAINT BRUSHES, BLACKING, DIAMOND DYES, ALBUMS, &c. r rrsrf" isTiirsrsT )0 drSliFtTFO AKINS. COI2DOVAN, FRENCH &.CfX'.!:!.l5 CALF. f4.3s? fizz C-vi SlKasgasou yL I 'EXTRA r iUZ- r- .vs "?rjrrnrjr.ATfiinri!r Over One Mlilloa Pccpte vsar the W. L, Douglas $3 & $4 Slices All our shoes are equally satisfactory They give the nest vait3 tor the money. Thev eouel custom fihoca hi style and tit. Thsir wearing qualities arj ur-surpessetl. The pricea are uniform, ziis;;4 or. tole. From $i to S3 aavert over olrrer inckes. If your dealer cannot supply you v. c can. t'o!d ! Dealer, whe-e nairc wi1 here. rli'.rtly :picar rcAVEATS.TRADE ?, VirtrtKSi CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT For a prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to ItlUN N fc CO.. wbo have bad nearly fifty years' tlons ftrlctly oonfldential. A Handbook of In formation contvmiDfr Patents and bow to ob tain tbem sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan ical and scientific books rent frea. Patents taken throucli Mann & Co. receive special notice in the Srientific Atnerirnn, and tbus are bronsrlit widely betorethe public with out coot to the Inventor, 'i liis Ft!onlld pafier. Isaued weekly, elegantly iilnt trn.jvl. has by far the largest rirculntioa of anv scientific work In tho world. S3 a year. Fnnipie conies gent free. Building EUition.tnonth'f , a vear. Hinele conies, 'i.t cents. Fvery ' 'k t contains beau tiful plates, in colors, 1. . . otocrnphs of new houses, with plana, enabl . . : ::ltera to show the latest designs and secure cot:, racts. Address . AlUiW 4 CO, W i'OUK, Ml jttOADWAT. Reduced Price C5 u Give us a tritl order and we feel toniident you will l;o our future customer. Yours, WILKESBORO MF'G CO., North Wilkesboro, N. C. SURPRISED. AVell, most anybody would be surprised wlien they linn a firm that sells High Grade Pianos like tho OL'EIIA and first-class Organs like the PRIDGEPORT at the same price that other linns ask for low-grade goods. Get our prices and terms be fore yon buy and save money. STANDARD MUSIC CO., "Winston, X. C. The Day Is awning, and CAFFEY & PRITCHETT are up with a lar-e lot of FURNI TURE. They have a small number of Sewing Maciiincs on hand that they will close out cheap. The merchants will still 1 car in mind that thev alwavs have KEROSENE OSL. TTTe "want to "b-u.37-j 1,000,000 of lumToer and will treat you right. Thanking you for past patronage and hoping to receive your trade in the future, we are yours, WILKESBORO FURNITURE CO., North Wilkesboro, N. C. CA I'l'EY A: PJ 1 1 TCII ETT, Proprs. lit Jin -M MOUNT AIRY, N. C, .". J. DAVIS, Proprietor, MANUFACTURERS OF ..) PK.M.r ns IX Fine Marble and Granite Monuments, Tomb stones, Iron Fencing & Cemetery Work. "Wiito fox Desigras a3aa. 3?xicD. :s L 1: A

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