j. l EW RTB T. J. ROKERTrfOX. Ulitor ami Publisher. DEVOTED TO THE UTBUILDING OFlNOlZTJf WILliESBOBO, WILKES COZJXTY AXD THE 31 A GX1F1CEX T VALLEY OF THE YALJiJX. ONE DOLLAR I LK YEA K In Advcr.cc. VOL. IV. NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1895. NO. 26. WlLKESB'BRO - BIO 1 -z&s r The Old Friend And tlio best friend, tliat never fiils you, i3 Simmons Liver Regu lator, (tho Ecu Z) that's what you hear r.t tho mention of this excellent Liver medicine, ard people should not be persuaded that anything clso v ill do. It h the King of Liver Medi cines; i3 better than pills, and tal-.es ths placo of Quinino and Calomel. It actd directly on tho Liver, Kidneys and BowcU and p;ives now lifu to tho wholo sys tem. This u the medicino you want. Sold by all Druriit in liquid, or in Powder to do taken dry or raxdo into a tea. S-r.VKRY PACKAGED tho 'X Stump in rot on wrtpMn . J. ii. ZdULlU ii CO.. Philadelphia, l m. NEW CLOTHING STORE! We have just received a full line of 4 CLOTHING ! I IN THE CITY AND COUNTY. SHOET SQUIBS CAUGHT ON THE PLY. WhHt in Being ffafel and Done Briefly Related Mhort PuracropM Served in Xutsbell. Sec notice of mortgage sale in another column. V Sunday was a pretty tough day, for the middle of April. The vault door was placed in the Bank of North Wilkesboro tliis week. Ashe court is on this week, and Mr.Mac Absher, of thu place, is attending. Work on the calaboose is now i going on and it will soon be ready foi occupancy. ?;-orc another enterprise for 1111 III IT I J W w m.. "pjw and buggy factory. Mr. Walter Jones has been con fin uJ to his room several days with a sore throat. A large number of Wilkes' population is attending Federal court at Slatesville this week. Some work on the plank walk leading from the hotel to the de pot would be very acceptable. Caffey & Pritchett have receiv ed a handsome line of new furni ture. Call and examine their stock. Buy your spring suits of Hor- ton Ac Absher. A nice line of medium and light weight goods just in. Have you registered? If not, call on V.n. W. Pritcbftft at CaiFey At Pritchett's and do so at once. Thrc tunaways in town Mon day morning. Fortunately all were stopped before any damage was done. A nice line of millinery goods just received at A. M. McGee's. He is paying 75 cents per bushel for corn. A beautiful line of extra pants just received at Horton & Ab sher's. Dr Doughton's drugstore is being improved by the u?e of a paint brush. There are several buildings in town that the appli cation of paint would improve. Mr. R. F. Gentry, of Jefferson, has accepted a position with Stewart Bros., Winston, State Printers, and passed through town en route for that place Friday. AFTER SOLICITOR MOTT. ILLEGAL PHYSICIANS PSACTICING. Solicitor Jlott Severely Criticised by the 511. Airy Xfifs. At the.last term of Surry court eight young men of the county were were reported to the grand jury for practicing medicine ille gally, and the grand jury was in structed by the Solicitor to re turn six bills against each on, v : thoiii. The Mt. Airy News say?: "This wu done, and in each case ! with possibly one exception, the MES. HENBEKSON DEAD. Wo are sorry to state that our ' V 1 P"y one excepuu.., . un congenial conductor, Capt. Haw inciter spcjuled judgment up kins, has been nuite unwell ,lur-ion lament .i costs Each o he ing the past ft w days. Durii. j;voungmen was mulcted to the his illness Capt. Hidden had iiisj run. tune of about 30, $21 of which I went into the pocket uf the So ilicitor. Now the question arises, A social gathering wasgieatly c.0ld not the practice of i.iedi enjoyed at tho home of Mr. J. S. jcjno ,ave bccn regulated by the Forester Thursday evening by a Solicitor sending one bill against select crowd of young people. It I ti,e offenders as well as six?' Men's, Youths' and Boys' Suits in Latest Styles. Shoes, - Ifets, - Shirts, Collars, - Cuffs, Ties, - UiifoiTcsr, - &c. was given in honor of Mr. J. L. Cottrell. Mr. W. T. Filey and family left for Idols Mill, A6he county, Tuesday morning, where they will in the future reside. Wc ro gret their departure, but wish them much success. The devil will get people who owe honest debts and can pay them, but will not. N. M. Al len is especially anxious to save those who owe him, so that he, himself, can be saved. The commencement season will soon be on, and the sweet girl essayist, hid in big sleeves, will captivate the audience, while j Jut. " X onin; Americas will as tound it with their eloquence." "Mr. James Idol, who has been visiting relatives at Idols Mill, Ashe county, returned to hi3 home at Rockford Friday, accom panied by Miss Lucretia Idol, who will spend several weeks at that place. Lieut-Governor R. A. Dough ton will deliver the literarv ad- Wo u a V'. Of Piece Gi.:.s vcv.r e;-urc your ;ui;s :: 1 will take indhnve Seed potatoes, clover, grass and garden seeds at Absher & Wal lace's, and plenty of fertilizer to make, them grow. ' Spring is here and you want a 6traw hat a nice line of fancy straw goods in latest styles at Ilortl)n & Abshcr's. Everything must go. Every thing must go quick. Now is you i time to bjy useful goods at Allen's closing out prices. Miss Florence Jarvis, of Miss Maijiie Barber's School, spent several days at home with her pai jnts this and last wck. rlisscs Julia and Maggie For- "Thc law was not enacted to benefit Solicitors, but for the pro tection of the people of the-State against quacks and incompetents. It is a good law and we are heart ily in favor of it, and we are glad that this county was not made an exception to its operations. But we think it should be amend ed so that Solicitors will not be allowed to operate it in their own interests. If necessary to punish the offenders let them be fined, and let the fine go to swell the school fund and not to swell the pile in the pocket of a grasping Solicitor." frosted the "UroRt Keyond Tluirw Uny A Korea ved Family. Idrs. E. A. Henderson, wife of Representative J..R. Henderson aid proprietor of the Wilkesboro Hotel, died at that place Thurs day about 12 o'clock, after an illness of only a few days. She was alilicted with a car buncle on the chin, but it was thought that anything serious would result from it. It contin ued to get worse, in spite f med ical skill eiy.-ijulis Ket in, ti.d later that drcudtd di.-ea.--r Mood puifton, whirl vas tbr immediate cause of her dc-'tii. She was a daughter of Dr. E. Ilcnbow, of Yadkin minty, and was born January 27th, 1S53; married Mr. Henderson January 29th, 1871, whom she leaves with seven children to mourn their loss, and wlib have the sym pathy of the entire community, j The funeral services were con ducted from the Presbyterian church Friday afternoon by Rev. Mr. Bradshaw. She was appointed postmaster of Wilkesboro under Harrison's administrated, and for four years served the patrons of that ollice faithfully. Those who never read, the ad vertisements in their newspapers miss more than they presume. Jonathau Kenison, of Bolan, Worth county, Iowa, who had been troubled with rheumatism in his back, aims and shoulders, read an item in his paper about how a prominent German citizen of Ft. Madison had been cured. He procured the same medicine, and to use his own words : "It cured inc right upJ' He aho says: A neighbor and his -wife were both sick in bed with rheu matism. Their bov was over to my house and Faid they were so bad that lie had to do tho cook ing. I t"ld him of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and how it had cured me, he procured a bottle of it and it cured them up in a week. 50 cent bottles for sale by Dr. Geo. Doughtcn, Druggist. Weekly Weatber Crop Bulletin. The reports of correspondents ol t n e 1 -uikV "t x-fy; (Zrvi JJ n 1- letin, issued by the North Caroli na State Weather Service, for the week ending Monday, April 15, 1SD5, show that the weather dur ing the week has been, on the whole, favorable. The following is the Western District report: Notwithstanding cool weather i and gome frost the past week has been favorable for farm work, Very Xear a Conflasratloit. There came very being a seri ous conflagration in Wilkesboro Thursday. Soon after the death of Mrs. Henderson it was discov ered that the hotel was on fire. The alarm was at once given and a crowd of willing hands was, in a very short while, doing all it could to extinguish tho flames, Tv.b.'ch were soon under control, and not much linui) done. It seems that the fire originated from a defeetive flue in the kitch en, and but for the prompt action of those present the loss would have been quite heavy. JANUARY iiiu vuuiujciivwuicuL tAui-1 jjioiign vegetation makes slow cises of te North Wilkesboro j progress. There was a large pcr Institute. It is needless to say j CCntage of sunshine and very lit that our people may expect some- j ti0 rain. The heavy rains of the thing good. j proceeding week also delayed N. M. Allen is ready to step j plowing and planting for two down and out, and invites some j days in this district, but the one to step up and in. The man ground is now in excellent con who goes into the hard ware busi-1 dition, and two weeks of fair, is our anniversary month five years ago the lSth of this month we sold the first goods eve sold in NORTH WJLKECBORO. There have been many changes in., our town since then, but we are "still in the ring" and tals thii OPPORTUNITY TO TEAHE our friends and customers for past favors and ask a continuance of same which we intend to merit by cloec and itj, at tention to their de mands and selling the best grade of goods for a very short margin for CASH, or its ness in iNortn Wilkesboro can make money. You can . buy N. M. Allen out. Messrs Sills 6c Kirk of the busiest men in town warmer weather would enable fanners to catch up with their work. Farmers have been rap- ue iwoi i i . , j arc ircuiiiir unns m snape lor plants ire IVfc 2f? Vft l jrOB'f ' of Dollaplane, this county, " x " ' " i vis ted the famil t rn rr i VT'rm I ' TJ 1' 1 JL Ol U'.Li. ii it family of their uncle, J. S. Forester, the firBt of the Call and ?':e "t:r oto'k. W conii lev.t that if week. . ii The price of oil has advanced fj cents on tne canon, juessrs. ! . 1 0 II ? tlio manulactu:' ot rai naixes and ! , .p 1 , , , . m.r , . f . , i have improved, osnenasly wheat buggies, n atch out tor tlicsr ad-1 , 1 , . 1 . Jn . .v k. , , ., ; and rve, and spring oats are start- VHPt ibmri tll ill n cli.iitt il.il., ' 1 " L, , , ling oil well. Trees are budding 1UV V ill M men Cnre Tor Xlendaelie. As a remedv for all forms of Headache Electric Bitters has proved to' be the very best It effect a permanent cure and the mostsdrcaded habitual sick head ache yields to its influence. We urge all who are alilicted to pro cure a bottle, and give this reme dy a fair trial. In case of habit ual constipation Electric Bitters cures by giving the needed tone to the bowels, and few cases long resist the use of this medicine Try it once. Large bottles only Fifty cents at Dr. Geo. Doughton's Drug Store. EQUIVOLENT. A JlrMSt roKity. Caffey & Pritchett, our oil men, I received a telegram to that effect I Monday. Mr. A. C. Dancy, of Scottvillc, ' Ant n ennntv. who in nrm nf The LOv7 PFt IGltS ! .News' warmest friends, was in the city several days last week on business. SUPERIOR GOODS at very Arc any imiucf.-mjnts we will be favored with your patronage. Very truly vonrs, What about a municipal tick et? We have heard of no candi- HORTori h asm l P. Horton, H. D. Mel ati mii1 NiuitMu.; . North Wilkesboro, - N. C. t ALL CALLS JT.OMl'TLY ATTENDED, DAY OK NIGHT, ' 134 its' OFFICE AT KESZPEXCE. ,. M i.,. l ;.. . . siowiy in tne wesr, anu peaciics i ri blojin, and North Wilkesboro is bound to ' s trawlcrries and apples in the como. is bound to have a good'fionth. Light frost c ecu rred with hardware store. The entire stock ; little damage, but conditions still of N. M. Allen is for sale and it' indicate a large fruit crop. is the best house and tho best: : stand in NorthWilkesboro. Here! twlitmsti. is a chance for a man with money j Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junc- and energy. ' . i tion City, 111. was told by her Miss Opic Harrisonof Wilkes ! ot'tor he had Consumption and county, who has been livin-,Avith i jat there was no. hope for her, i nr ' iv i but two bottles Dr. King s New i-i ci a ii u i, iuia. iuiij, it'll last icon Dr. 1. 1 Surgeon Dentist. Office - ZOa,37-s : IJTFro.-a 1st to lOtli i ovffr Miller Tiros. of KACII MONTH, store. 2-17-12ra j dates being mentioned, and no j iaiK oi a convention, lime to I see about this matter. Mr. C. S. Tomlin,ofStatesville, j was in the city last week supply ing our merchants with Wallace Bros', goods, and of course he had the freedom of the town. Mrs. Olivia Rogers, of Glas gow, Ky., is spending several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. C. W. Robinson. We wish her a pleasant &ojonrn in our midst. Mr. J. T. Finley, our clever liveryman, came very near losing a team over in Asho the other dav. The driver attempted to cros a creek near Capt. Dent's that had been considerably swol en by the heay ram, and it was with dificulty the team was saved a valise and several other ar tides in the buggy were lost. night for Julian, Neb., which place she expects to make her fu ture home. She was accompa nied by her brother, W. B. Har rison. Daily Sentinel, Dth. Marie Warren, known as the incr "-Uiamonas or lioscs to crowded houses for the past two weeks, writes a6 follows to the Standard Music Co., of Winston: "It has made the most emphatic hit of any 6ong that I have sung during my professional career." Discovery completely cured her and she savs it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Eggers, 139 Florida St. San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching Con sumption, tried without result ev erything else then bought one Dr. Ban r, a votcrin .-urge-on, of Greensboro, reports the greatest freak e ver ! i.'ield, being a colt with two dioti;:et and per fect heads joined at th?- sides, four eyes, two mouths, two backbones, and eight legs, but wjtli only two cars and one wind pipe. The colt was born dead at the stock farm of Mr. Banks Holt, at Gra ham. Dr. Bauer tells the Record that two heads are sometimes seen, but this is the first instance on record of this kind. lie will preserve the heads and neck in alcohol. " Boston Song Bird," after sing-J bottle of Dr. King's New Discov lnir "1 U tun rTi ri a n r IJncnii1' tni 1 " i 1 1 It will bo an agreablo surprise to persons subject to attacks of bilious colic to learn that prompt relief may be had bv taking Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Reined'. In many in stances the attack may be pre vented by taking this remedy as soon as the first symptoms of the disease appear. 25 and 50 cent bottles for ' sale by Dr. Geo. Doughton, Druggist. cry and in two weeks was cured. He is naturally thankful. It is such results, of which these sam ple?, that prove the wonderful efficacy of this medicine in Coughs and Colds. Free trial bottles at Dr. Geo. Doughton's Drug store. Regular size 50c, The Farmer's Interest is ours, so wc ask them to help us in advancing both. Wo have a few tobacco seed that we will give to parties who de sire to raise tobacco. We also . sell the best grade of garden and field seed?, of which now have a large assortment. We also carry some special brands of GROCERIES, SHOES and HATS that can't bo excelled. Trade with us and thereby save Wo arc very truly your friends, FINLEY BROTHERS. I recommend Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism, lame back, sprains and swellings. There is no better liniment made. 1 have sold over 100 bottles of it this year and all were well pleas ed who used it. J. F. Pierson, druggist. South Chicago, 111. It is for sale by Dr. Geo. Doughton, Druggist. Irtli Viftesioio INSTITUTE SPRING TERM OPENS JAN UARY 1,. 1S05, . With ' full corps of Teachers. Tuition from $1.00 to $2.50 per month. Good beard - ' and $1.00. The Philippi, (Mo.) Republi can gives vent to its feelings in this vigorous fashion : "We are mad! Darn the people, anyway! How can they expect us, here twelve miles from a railroad, twenty-five miles from a river, millions of miles from heaven and about two miles from the devil J to get out a lively paper?" The people will find at Allen's Hardware Store many articles they need; many things they ought to have, and now since all the stock has to be 6old, it is not only your privilege but your du ty to p.ovide your homes with useful goods. Whether au arficle is cheap or high depends on which side of the counter you stand. Human natnre wants to buy cheap and sell high, and remember when you go forth to trade that all are tarred with the same stick. per ir.' r fur i or address oa W. Rs ABSHER, B. S., Prin. Dr. L. A. Hauser, SURGEON DENTIST, Office -:- in -: Hotel -:- Gordon. Very Best Material Used All "Work Guaranteed. Dr. Hauser is graduate of the B. C. D. S., d oilers bis rrofeional ger- Baltimcre. an vices to the people of North AVilkesboro and surrounding country. Can be found in his oliicc the lirst week in each month.