v. ... TVT .New )ETH lid! T. J. 1.0.;iH: O.V, .:;:t(.r and rut.!. iier. VEVOTElt TO THE VriiVlLDINO OKXOZTlf W1LKESUORO, H2f.Ki:s CO EV 21" A XL THE ilACSIT JCE2 T VALLEY CV THE YAL'KIX. OXK DOLLAR Y. AH in Aiviii. .ce. VOI,. IV NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1895. NO. 52. WILK T5( illA s,x 'i OOF i-ieans so much more than you imagine serious and'', v" fatal diseases result fi" i' 't.i.hng ailments ncelec ' Don't play with Natu . v.', greatest gift health. ' If you are feeling out of tort?:, weak and generally en- f, haustcd, nervous, have no nif..'.;,'a and can't y r : begin at on&.u U t jug the mort reii.i- . . ble strengthening V, medicine. which ii Si srawns Iron medicine, which ij crown s iron r.ii- i tars. A few bot- S ties cure benefit tL comes from the J I Bitters very first dose it tuon't tlain your tteth, and it's pleasant U take. It Cures Kidney end Liver if TrcubJes, neuralgic. Consti. .on, Bad Blood rialar. Nervous ailments c f. Women's complaints. '. Get ot.ly the genuine it h.v crossed red P It ios cm tlie wrapper. All others cie sub r'.itutes. On receipt of two ar. stnmps v ' wilt send set of Ten Cecutiit.1 World's',. v Vdr Views and book free. '' fcWWN CHEMICAL CO. BALTIUORC, l.D. 'j, XORT1I IVILIZESEOKO MARKET. Wlio.it, - r.rti, jier lmlicl, .... l?.vo. icr bushtf :t. iKT'buhel, .... rlay I'f.'i", ju" hiishv'f. . . White PfMn, pir 'shc!, . rniiiberrioH, per I u tirl. . 40( ,0 -. ! !), . . 11 iVifll I'otutocs l t . . Sweet A at ; , cr i.ri.Jicl, lliittcr. pi r j.inni'l, V.KK, r l''7i;Ti, ( hickens ( :ivc? hfi). or j ur.!. Tnrky?, r '.U, 'tcks". jh t 1, 'rk. (v!;! : h), ' JIuii y, ir C , Wo 1, vr In, (wiis'iod) l''utc!;!iiTr;i", jht l'-, Vax, iM.r I.'), 5 I "I J .uier, Jim kwlu.it l'lour, TIUC M .M".Ki: JIAKKKT. Strives. 27 iiich p r M, .... l'irp. no ilcn ni.ri. AVulnut, " M.. l'iiljir, No. 1, pi r M., COMIIJiiUI, cuil. $1 i7? :.;- ?!.(.! . ) Thn ali'ivi arc wln.k'f.; !e bnyitii trict i n to time of ptiii to pr.4, ntnl nuiy bo rcli.-i 'i;:on as b'iiiir ncarlv t rrcct O V.T IS FALL STOCK OF 4 W it Has just bee", received and we are now prepared to furnish the trade with all grades of goous from the cheapest to the bcst,in la test styles, at extremely low pric es. If you want a suit, tome nt once, while we have the sizo that will fit you. We! 1th REAP! I uLOTHINtr r-rrarry toi.1m Flux-. . RcSoii Nais,: tnoiiths; and Sherman Cheek, 13 'ermlf niiil Dross Hurt.-. Collnrs,- ; . 1 i. . t t-iZ-Cuffa, 'Semfs, Susrcnors, i:tc , Ltc. months. It don t pay to monkey j with Uncle Sam. Suits to order a specialty. We , . , , TT , , have 700 samples of piece goods ! T1, Absher Hardware Co. has from which you can sslect, and ' ft new fcd on second page to which have suits made to measure uy we call the attention of our reid-finst-class tailor. Fit guaranteed, ers. They now have on hand a Very Truly Youra, large etock of first-class goods, hOWf ON iCr ABSHER, w,,ich tl,eJ are disposing of at a North UWcdoro, N. C. ; vcrJ 6ma11 cost- Cal1 on them. j Kirk & Sills are now prepared DR. T. M. OSBORNE ; to manufacture buggies and car !.. rn u,,.t,. ; rn!'V3 in the latest styles. First- North ViikesSofO, N. C, ftti'l will i,,Mfi-i! in "i!ki-!1fro nrt'l ?nr rotirnliiK o.iMtry. II .; p4rif,ncu f 3i yoars in tli" nrtiuil prudico of tupdirinc. t 'alU ntU'ii"J. l to it' all lu.u.-s. Ma natty in !iMc::st'.f wo't.'-n. .H !l I I'- Poplar Lumber Wanted. Cn.-li p- id for ir lumber A iy TO .1 (.;: .1. l'ofa. I ..!... . ' ' . Gordon, ?rr; h Wi Ik i Jboro, N. ( ;. IN T1E C1TY AND COUNTY. n r GET EQTJIES CAUGHT ON THE ILT. Wt. n( tH Hrinz SaII mid lon Briefly ItoIntl Short Parnirnph Kfrvfl Inn Xnf shell. f For fruit jar3, apple mills, etc , 2 to C. F. MorrifOTi,"Wilkcsboro. A large quantity just received. See notice of pale of certificates of .-toc-k in the "Wilkesboro Land 6c lmproveiuent Co. in another column. I?ov. ('. W. Itohinson wil preach at ojlvicj Sundav afternoon at 3 o'clock. All arc cordially in vited to come out. A large lot of crockery, glass ware and stoves just received by the A')shcr Hardware Co. Prices to suit the times. M. McNeil, Wilkesboro, has just received a new line of 6boes and dry goods. They are ex tremely low call early. Don't forget that we have a new first-class sewing machine, with full set of attachments, for sale. It can be bought cheap, too. The new bell for the Baptist church has arrived and been put up. Its tone is sweet and pene trating. It weighs about 600 pounds. Work on both Mrs. Cornelia Wil Hams' cottage and the Meth odist church 13 piogressing rapid ly and ere long they will be com pleted. The Hix Clothing House, Wilkesboro, is receiving a nice line of gents hats and neckware Ladies hose and handkerchiefs. .vp;o;Call early. Iirgc quantities of apples and produce are being brough in dai ly. Wo learn that the recent cold weather damaged the apple crop iu Ashe very materially. Mrs. J. E Green was released i'loui the payment of her deceased husband's poll tax, and John White, colored, was released on aci-.'Unt of poverty and infirmity. On F' iday, November the 1st, $iLoo:t':e Elkin IJapiist Association will convene with the White PJ:''u3 chi'rch near RoariDg The session will last three days. Solicitor Mott returned from Surry court Tuesday. He in forms us that the lynching case has been transferred to Forsyth county. It is assuming quite an interesting aspect. Mr. J."C. Hubbard, R.M. Sut ton k Co's hustling salesman, was in the city the first of the week and sold Absher & Wallace a large bill of notions which will arrive in a few days. Mr. A. L. Grant and Miss Minnnic Lyon, both of this coun ty, were united in marriage at the home of Crate Wilson Sunday morning, Pev. J. W. Stike pre forming the ceremony. Three of Wilkes' citizens are now located in Albany by order ofJndrzeDick Bill Blackburn. 13 months; Wesley Harris, 18 :ia?s material nsea ana eatisiac . tion guaranteed Repairing done ot. sliort notice. Give them a a . t 11 trml order tliey will please you. V.'e understand that Enoch Folic r ami crowd, of Ashe, cap tr.red a man from Tennessee who ! had stolen a horse from a man by Ithf name of South in Ashe coun ty. They overhauled him near Mr" ,Toe .G ne.ar town Mon' juay ana carried nun pack. SCHOOL MA-f TEES. Itefore il'.f 'niniivilviirr TJiny n:!. Viial J. H. Pcnncll w;is attached oj district Ko. 72. J. W. Walker and W. P Ferguson were appointed school , committeemen in district No. oo. The petition of A. L. Ilendrix,. et al, asking for a new school district was tiled, and the com mitteemen in districts No. 1 1 and were notified to appear s t iNovemiJcr mecimg ami liiov. cause, if any, why said petition I shall not be'granteJ. j T "C XT:,.l.,.l, , . .,:..,.! I school comm. teem an instead ofj Anderson Jailer, who laileu to qualify, accordinc to law, in dis-l T.i t tnct JNo. 54. The committee in school dis trict No. 92 were instructed and required to have ihc school of i ..o....-. ...... said district taught in the Wilson Pnmjrarner house on the lands of X U UI1U rtil llivau vt iiw rti c i . r-.v .an r.-.rl . - I -r t r t- Mi. 1 -..i t i .i I iiivii v viiiHLu iiivi yjj iia t g in . privilege of attaching themselves to such districts as may suit them. AfThethnniiw. The series of meetings which j have been in progress at the j Presbyterian church, A ilKCsboro, j were closed .Sunday sight. As a result, a large number of profes sions were brought about, and the church was greatly revived. Mr. Miller, who assisted Mr. Robinson, is a plain, forcible reasoner, and his able sermons wtit nnmnlimnnfofl rT oil cilrs Tko innoflnr. a f "f- v J o. n Fnllal whifth was on several elavs also ... w . - . i closed Sunday. About twelve persons were converted 11 join ed the church and D were bap tised Sunday afternoon by Rev. R. W. Pradshaw. Rev. M Stringfield, who conducted tU vi.it their daughter, Mrs. Robi-: l?r0' a.na ;uuu lu" M ,; of v. ,. ' .,, 1 , jdoravian rails town nio, were' services, preached at this pi i' nett. Mrs. Church will rtmahi,, ,,,. (, . , , , , i, 4 . , ! Sunday morning and elalivered f0veral davs. ".mtcd m V -' most highlv interesting lc.-tr.iv " runony at the home cube bndo . , Sundav :iiMit " rs5- Jo-in Martin, ef i-tlicr, ..tr. donn Lenlly, Sun'fyi The Primitive ! 'tit a-'U- v.iociv, I'iJSM'u niroii.i i.i j - ... ... . v,. tion convened at Faindama Frl- ' -tv last wceK en route tor iu,i , .ueauow. ivia-r ll:e ceremony day and clo-ed 'uiel'iy .: Mill, Ase county, to visit tluir wes over the invite 1 guests re able ' sermons" were ' preucdicd, daughter, Mrs. W. T. Finlcy. paired tothedining loom where 1 . a a. which worn listoncd to bv hr. congregations. T!:o crowd w.: estimated at about ono thousand Sunday, while the order of those Voft o- onnopJ .uunceo .13 n at that who attended was proi being the best ever seen place. Stork Lhvv Election. The Pord heard the petition of G. A Cryscl, and others, ask ing for a stock law election to be held in the following boundary: oeginning at tne lunction ci t;ie Yadkin and Reddio river, run : :;.;.1CV joiine0n and Z. PJ ning up Rcduios river to A. A.j..cr3 were notifica that the r l..&i.: . - .ii ii - a j i. . place to Hie Pnmgarner land, then with said land to Mrs. John Center, then a direct line irom mere to tne ford at Parlier's creek at Mrs Rebecca McNeil's down to Lewis Muuiiugiw:- uiui, u.en iu tuu ; overseer, who was appointed to 7" v ' . . V top of Deep Ford hill at Jess ; coriStrnct the road which runs " Jfa7 ' oaug, oi 1.1k l ark, Nichols' place, thence with road through their plantations, is noti- M,tc"eJ1 co.y;ale. ,ent cA car, from said Nichols place to the : ka n;A .-,i r--n. as did Mr. lk. L. Do ugh ton. Fork creek, then down, to the gatCs shall not remain across said Yradkin river, then to the begin- j road lon:-er than jannary sr ning, and it was granted. The'igng election was ordered to be held j at Millers Creek on the 21st of i aiMPeriii.-rki..Mi. November, and Z. V. Nichols: -r.i , , . .'. . . , -,r j . loday at 3 o clock Miss was appointed registrar anu W . i n - ir i e -r i rn -it- j t Tir r -.i 1 carle Hawkins, one of Mccks- T. Minton and J. M. Gaithcrl -j, i . - viiie s most attractive and accom- Jdgcs' plished young ladies, will be Every mother should know that croup can be prevented. The j the Southern railway office at first symptom of true croup is I Washington. The ceremony was hoarseness. This is followed by ! performed at the residence cf the a peculiar rough cough. If bride's parents, Captain and Mrs. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is! L. M. Hawkins. The newly given freely a3 soon as the child married couple left on a special becomes hoarse or even after the: train shortly after the ceremony, cough has developed it will prc-lMis.s Pearle has many -warm vent the attack. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Dr. Geo. Dough ton, Druggist. X. Zr. Al'on, Ut ft i 'id a:nl ln.r.t- :l .ot, lias gone to av tl;or town. But we're anollir , now, 'ha s 'YT! i 'o it." And knocV ir p io(s ua n. When you c.r'l on J. t'tVy IIay Yoa will .4!!:Mlesss'a'H: anip.ol To sa, xAh o' l an1 r.cwgio(1sgo At prices so extreme' j low C03IIXG AND (iOING. ;jI0LP2 WHO i?EEE OH THE KOVB - 1 - !,p Th xihm or Tl:oo We Can sis t on th Fly. Mr. J. E. Finlcy went down to Winston Monday on business. Mr. W. M. Absher made a fly ing business trip to Greensboro l ist wee:;. Mr. .). P. Horton returned M-.ndav niiiht from a visit to his :u. ;!;cr iu Watauga. --i?o I sur.iic W inkier, of AVa- j tari,'a, is spending several days ! in t'iii filai-n nurl Will-niliM-n I Mr. Will Dent is up at Hay-j lvl " "J cj ivwaiiij;; aftcr business for Fiuley Pros Mr. E. W. Tritchett left for Burlington Tuesday to attend the ,, , . , ' 1 11 U1,,""U1 13 u" luls Mrs. Pobert Hix returned i. uwua i iivin iiiu iiui in liciu l .1 1. ... .1 . f" . 1 ' C UI Till 1 1 Q COH O t OOTIltl r.rT r CfA L- ---v j' v. . . .7. i M n oi.v rv of goods. Misses Pearl and Ruby Sydnor ! spent several days at Moravian Yah last week, the guests of Miss Julia Parlier. B Dea f t, clironicl aad Jam3 Walkce ,eft fo; Atlanta Tuesday. We wish the boys a pleasant trip. Misses Nellie and Tate Plair, who have been spending several weeks in Watauga, returned home Monday night. Hawkins left for!fa tc.ofS". f icsday to join his,. : LaI1' b.'-Sl U 0 ' Ainf.icsvii r i noRfinv tn irin . . : . J -t wiie ana son, who are visiting the family of his father, Capt. L. M. Hawkins. -r.., n r. t... - .rs. Capt. oohn Dent, of .To:- ler. on. returned home Monday Mr. and Mrs. A. M Church I -r ci,,,... r .inf, w;tl-...J Fw'inr, lllic fut"ro rcide- rA'- ? V" ?cnt .,,0j wishes for them a long life e JM,JS n position with Messrs. l?in- i1-nn:np liri.s.v,.-:,v ... i,v i-o; ' .lappines, auu protii!, c. .' J may the dust ot disaiioonitmoi! I'oad Mailers. j .lames M. Eller, son of Andcr-I e.n ri;cr, was appointed as encr.-ccr on tiie lirst section ot (. Millers Creek and Creston ,1 .,n hoA ,-r .,c:- ,-,i Co,m ,-nirl ll.il 111 I J 1 l 11 V4 C7 j'l V 1VUC1J - ficd to oren said road nn Oetnbor j 15tUj and jt wa3 furt!,er ordered that the said Johnson and Myers ; 8iian havc the pi;vilege of erect ing gates at all points where their fences now cross said road, which united in marriage to Mr. Guy , Mauld'n, who holds a position in friends here who wish her much ! happiness. ' j Remedy in the h-itusc," sa-s Jacob ' f- would rather trust tliat!on the lending merchant ofj r.ic Heine than any doctor I know the place. This E-.nnedy has, oiY5 ays Mrs. Ilattic Mason i ; proven cf en inr.Ii va!:rj lr colds Chilton, Carter Co., Mo., in speak-1 "lid croup in children that few: ; i;ig of Chamberlain's Colic, Chj- mothers who know its worth are ; ' rra and Diarrhoea Remedy. For i'ding to be without it. For j ; pr.le by Dr. Geo. Doughton, Drug-1 sale by Dr. Geo. Doughton, Drug jgiat. - ' l gt. LI3T OF CLA'i 13 Ai!cic'l by Osii- C'o;:r- l'.ithor i Rl tlicir ?;-t !!:. J. 31. Turner, AT for t crviccs as county physician. T. M. Crysel, i7' Ar servi ces as jailer from Sept. -M loO;-t. 7th. T. M. Cry?td, -0 for rcrviccs ns court-cryer at fall torm. T. Prown, si 0.35 for convey ing iNancv L'.r.vs to j.iorjjanton Asvlum. Callie Kilrr ens ovlivd to be! continued .".s :i p.i'.' t v. r, and :tl I lowed 1 per mouth. j Cn..J craad in.-v r.t f,.ll ienn. j. i.. v inti.n:.io . lor servi-, ccs as liet t;.:.cr in 1 uion town ship. S. J. Ginni'iirs, 0.55 for burial goods furnished for Jasics Whit worth, a pauper. W. C. Ficichcr, f-3 for services i i i i i Mil L. Nichols ilz Wood. 01.50 for! making coHin for dames Whit-! worth, a par-per. J E. Staler. 0134.00 for third j quarter, 1SD5, as keeper of the j aged and inii.m. ; A. M. Vroiuoy, $100.31 for) fees and halt fees as Clerk ofj Superior Court. D. R. Edwards, 82 iO for mak ing out tax books for year 1S95. L. L. Laws, $2.7.5 for expenses incurred in eonvcyh'; pi'soncrs from one J. P. Court to another. C. Call, 813 for deputies for or summon- .-:..,-.... ..i.. i ; , ' tcrm 01 Cori i- . I .1 .i . Tho j - C0l, !e tl Qn lcft f(jr . Wilkesboro where they will in u sumpiuous, repan a .. aireu inem News of d may tne oust ot uisa)jio! nt never settle in their Lnne. I.nrie Mtli::i:-:. Is .; ('.".(!. The shipment of cattle from this place is gelling to be quite i:u uov" oaiuruny Messrs. Cafley and AYelibor:i fent a car load of fio hrad to .hdimond, w -lr. G. jv. Ari-n, oi Ashe, The teasou for beef Is now on, and those who have good cattle are commanding pictly good pKces for them. Ye xderstand that a drove of about 500 head ! will pass through here this week enroute for Charloctc. During the last few daj-s sever al changes have taken place in the way of residences. Mr. E. L. Hart h?s mcveel into the llen dren building; Mr. J. II. Finlcy occupies the Gregg building made vacant by the removal of Mr. Hart and Mr. Mac Absher will occupy the building that Mr. Finley ' vacated. Wc do not know who is to take possession! of the building vacated by Mr. Absher. .Many of the citizens of Rains- j villc, Indian ! bnttln of C a are never without of Chamberlain's Cough : 1 J -: -. lakl-t.'j i:.iiio:r Liver Rt:g .!.o "J:i :a or Liver Mi:ii . ' Tliat L what cur rcad?r3 , r.i . 1 iiot!i!r r but Hint It is tho v. : s;r,.. old frier to which tho old folks pinned their fLith and wcro never lis appointed. Iut another good recom mendation for it i, ,that it is betteh tiia:? Pills, never gripen, never weak er.:", but works in tuch an easy anil natural waj', just like nature itself, that rc!li comes fUiclc and sure, and ono feeli now all ever. It never fails. Everybody ceccli. take a liver remedy, and everyone should tako only gim mons Liver ftcgu'aicr. Be sure you ;ei It. The Keel Z Is on tho v.vap;; c r. J. II. Zciiiu & Co., KiilalelpIiLa. ilie, mm Til E PCLITICI ANS A RE CRYING "Silver, Free Sito!" We are also crying "Silver," but we don't ask it free. Wc want to give you a big dollar's worth of lo )ds for it. Ako Gold and all 'urnncy of the United Statt s t:ikcii iu exchange for ;o0vis. c ince I .:.: " ..ott-::. er. icr, pricc-3 havc -cd ;.!!: arc ftill advanc i:J C'.ttf:ii Goods, Slices, iiardwarc t'.hd Provisions, all of which we handle in best brands and havc not advanced our prices much, but will havc to do so soon, so we advise our customers to buy early and save ir.cnc"-. Yours ycrv truly, Fialey Bros. W. P. Horton, H. D. Physician nnl Nnreeon, North Wilkesboro, - - - N. C. ALL CALLS PKOIII'TLY ATTENDED, day ou nig;:t, 134 ZZT Oi-rin. r ESIZi ZXCE. T. I.. FI.-! II. I.. .l:EF.y. AUoriisvs - at - Law, VILKI3BCRO, N. C. Will prattioe in all'the Courts. Collections a secialt7. ileal estate. oW on com mission. r ! I.