BlORTH WILJ tESBORO JMEW J 7'. J,EOKmON. Editor and rublister. BJBFOT2 TO THE VEBVILBIXG OFMiijJtTU U JLKESVOKO, WILKES t Ol JTTAD THF VACMIHMT VJLLU )F TWfc TAVK1S. ONK foil R l i lt YKAK-Iu Advance. VOL. V. NORTH WILKESBORO, N. 0., THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1896. NO. 14. A. Farmers' Mutual. For information relative to tile Farmers' Mutual Fire, Wind and Lightning Association and a pol icy, call upon C. N. Hunt, the President, vho has liare of the business for Wiikcs county. This 18 tho cheapest and safest insur ance on earth. By tho people and for the peo ple. For isolated property only." No salaried officers to support. No capitalists to enrich. Nj loss; no expense. Fair and honorable adjustments without law suits. Costs loss thiiii one lifth of what is paid to capital companies and is five times as cheap. JESSE F. IIOSKINS, Gen. Agt. for Wilkes and Alleghany coun ties. Suinnieificld, N. ( FALL S T O G KT -OF- v U GLO Has iust been received and ,VP j arc now prepared to furnish tho trade w i:h all grades of goods from the cheapest to the bthtjin la tost etvie.. at'- i j extremely low-pne- ej, If yon want a suit, noino at on"c, while we have tho size thatv.-ill fit joh. Wo l-f-enrrv Himpl i" Htitwm H:its,.: lf-lVrriilf ami iVi -i Khirto. i'ollitw,.- -('uir', Kctirl. SusH mlers, ICto , Ktu..'tl Suits to order a specialty. We have 700 samplesof piece gP.Qci from width, YPU cn select, and have suits made -to measure py first-classtailor. Fit guaranteed, JWIiTOW tfr A 21 SHE 7?, Worth Wilkesboro, N. C. ii T''cBiggeet Thing Out is where you can get good goods cheap, at jon can secure them for less mon,r py than eiscwncrp 411 ivwm oooooooQcoooootwoeocoooooooooooo A LARGE HEW LINE. BPATIVMATl THING OS UVul j. L. 1ARL0FS Be Sure to Call ani . .1 Rffifi stock!. "v .' , nE WANTS YOUR PUUUL I1KUIEST MAIClvLl w.-' ' ;f JUCFS PAID.- - ' " ..,r-tTT.f-. V i Ho A ?K IX THE C1TYMD COUNTY. SHOET BQTJEBS 0 iUGHT 01 THE FLY. What inBela Raid ana) lu Briefly , Helaled Ntiort Paragraph Kerred In a Kutahrll. Local news is rather scarce this week. Send us in your neighborhood news on a postal card. The contractors is not getting on very rapidly in raising the McLean honsc. . Preparations are being made for several buildingp, which will be commenced as soon as winter breaks. Mr Mae Absher is making preparations for building a large root and herb warehouse in the rear of The Newb office. When the weather signals ar rive the pole will be put up, and The News will publish the mean ing of tho colors and signals. , Work on Mr. J. It Caffey'a handsome new cottage is progres :.n . i :il . ft. 'm 1r occu p&ncy- hi Mi; icijuuij, nnu 11 will) iu icn of this place, and A. II. Vannoy,olN- ;of Crumpler, left for the South ! Mondny morning with some fino ! mules. I The Wilkesboro Hotel is to chancre hands tho first of Fcbru- arv. Mr. J. It. Henderson retires and isweeeded by Mr. Charles jZull, of Jeffer.on. , We nve sslad to learn that Mrs. W. It. Bradbhaw who hag been Ujuite ill for some ti me, U improv ing, and hone sho will soon bo enjoying the very best of health. The lumber buslnes is quite heavy theso days. Wo noticed, the other day, ten wagons coming into town loaded with poplar lumber. Seems like tho eupply in this section is almost iflcx haustibp. The United States Official Pos tal Guide for is out. We find that Wilkes has 05 postof flcca, Surry 40, and Yadkin 33. Wilkes only has three money or der offices, while Surry has six Yadkin has but one. HI1K1I HUH UUL UUCi , Jf " I Messrs. r in lev Xfm. are hav- incr the 6tcis -r'nnirp.d at the . depot whuiriead up to the hotel. im vit ere ill a uau muuiuvu and been condemned by thg i railrw n-.ithointiaj. as the? were hp right-of-way Miss Xircnce, daughter of Mr. John DaMeon, of Wilkesboro, and Pr- AVrnethy, pf avid?c,nt 111 Via nnil J J a mh!m r a rA a XT nfednesdayVt the homo of the bride's parenKby'ReV, M, Mc Neil. Thts Nfc3 wishes them a long, happy anqtirosperQqa lifp ofvcd.dcd bliss, N The Elkin Tim savs the rev enne officers froinT)0bson and Oreensboro found snharrels con taining 282 gallons ohrandy in the woods near juiicuei 8 river in i Balker lute ectlia "What is the matter th the ina;i ,hoee dayBr Thaia question that is otten. !icaraM,ut ! remains unanswered. The -' and "Observer cu Sunday a fe ;didnotpntin its appearaoe a ?. '.ViTnhPP'tMW place uptil tne fuvringjbee.l looking and lorging for this ,l,'y the pka"i;t8 otyeeingj ng porirsis ojt our U- nator sees hnn- Us ,ow prices you want J J Plop, MattocKi, ::es, Forks, Chains, lor Buggy material, Jule Shoes, Iron, Machines, Hollow n are. Wooden ware I that is carried in a ;rdwaro foro, call ,S HiKliW iP? Cv'., vWilksstfXN. a WEECK 03. THE SOUTHIBF. Ka If Mil lirarltrd Ihlw I'lnre WiiiiiIrj Unr People IHtiauuointed. What came near-being a serious accident occurred to tho freight train running running bftween Greensboro and Winston early Monday morning. When the train reached the train reached the 21st mile' post, 8 miles below Winston, several cars broke loose. Tho engineer came on about a mile before he discovered that ho had lost a por tion of his train, and wiicn lie stopped he saw that the cars were about to overtake him, and he started up again but was una ble to get out ot the way. There was a bis crash when the rear portion struck tho first one: however, none ot ho cars jumped tho track, but three or tour were badly damaged. Capt. Guthrie, who was con ducting the train, w as in tho ca boose in tho rcer section when it ran into the other, and was knock ed insensible for a hhort while. Albert Carter, who was aUo iu the caboose, wns slightly injured. John Icehouse, the bieakmrtn, ; ,l i.,. ...... ..- i u i .i .'.iu i besides other ipjurie. In eonpcriuelici' of till) Vive',. tho bassemrer train rnnnin:' from Winston to Greensboro w i eo do-j laved that Capt. JIau kins wn , oraercutogcK.iuiMs --own, "i, which inns between moton i.u l ; .... . Moeksville. and make lie run to' this place. i . ii i ttll&LBUlUU III; n "Ifll lit 'tin lv!it. . . II was realty mini iz v T u -l mt .i rr the disappointed throng at tho ! Miss Lennie, of 1 1. Worth, Tex postotliceas thev were informed " cre m tho city the fiit ot that no mail come up that lay.;to week. Mr. Jarvis is a North However, they weiv bountiful- I Carolinian by birth. lv Kiinnlied iticsilav. and i oft- master Forester had to !.rct a move on himself ho had threo days' mail to handle, but w as e-pul to the emeicney. The District Stewards of the Mt Airy District, met at Wilkes boro, last rnday. der II.' M. Blair i, .: i:..,. n reside 1. and J, F. Hendren was made fceerela ry. Those prctent were J. M. f ..Wir". V Adams, of Wi-taoca. S M. Iran .1 . , rf n it i i ..un nAsLll. Hill .1. I". J1CI1UIC I. V""t V " ol Elkin. The salary ot the Pre siding Elder was fixed at $(570. The a.Bsei8nieit made iy tno nnal Conference were apportioned among the different circuits. The apportionments tor jikcsuoio circuit arc ?tf Wlowss Presiding Eldert $80; Bishops, sS; Confer ence Collections, Sfi!6; l-oroign Missicns. lMnceltc Migfions, H i Church Lxtention, lo ; Education, '25i Minutes, Del egates to Mcncral tpnterence, f-t. North Wilkesboro circuit: Pre siding Elder, $65-; Bishope, $C; Conferenci.vollcctions, $20; For- eign iuit-R'one, v"") "i"-"'' sions, $3i, Church Extention, $12; Education, $21; Minutes, Delegates to pe.neyaj Conference, if. The next time there is a change Ok, fur the Change! on the fcoutucrn wo nope u.ey n . i i i will so arrantc things that ouriiempiioie emw v v train will make connection wit,M W fJ Vnnctples that the northbeund ?t rcen-bowaro car aM mr ,U4A-,....,:,(Wu.,.u.ftj.. .-, ..iU J-iii l. V.v rather than a newspaper that lias; (o reeeivecur honored contcmpo ,i, n.urit (llworvrr. (hi it av of pub ioatlon. U o navo - ' . ... . t.T 1 desired iliang for a c.s while, and when a chiil'.go I been siade we h;vo 1. ked in vain for ths.' Vk"! Cn :"o; tion eloped it wa g-i:cr:i!Iy be lieved that snch a change viiua be madt' b;t so ir the JchcJulc- maVpre have disappointed r.$. Fresh, nice and j.ut received -orange?, lemons peannt.S Qna- l. .nlln.l nuta ntr- 1 Vi'-.r itounil bet rafirs for '." cc:ili, sperm cand'.c-i, Tioval Dak nig Powder n l tlie Vet t line scj'lhe market t Fi;i!oVJl Black Hawkl COMING AND GOING. VmiXZ FH0 WERE 05 THE MOVE Mnre war ijuii Inane The antra or ThcM We Caairh I lb fly. Mr. David McLean, of Cricket, gave us a pleasant call Friday. Postmaster Forester went down to Dellaplane Monday on busi ness. Mr. G. W. Hinsbaw, of Win ston, was in the city one day last week. Mr. Genio Cardwoll went over to Lenoir Monday. lie will re turn Saturday. Editor Deal, of the Chronicle, left for Florida Tuesday to attend tho National Press Association. Mrs. Martha Davis, of Panta, Tenn., is spending several weeks with her brother, Mr. W. W. Church. Mr. Calvin Cowles, of Gap Creek, 6pent a few days in the city last week on his return from Winston. Mr. T. W. Church returned Tuesday from a business trip of I several days to Grecnsboio and ! of: Mr. A. O. Whittington, Whittillffton. WR8 in tho city our sane- iTuesd - iy and honored turn with his presence Mr. j. p. Hcdren, of Elkin, fI c ty H6t wp,,k- ...... :,, :... lust n Ill UtU Vll 1 inoi liCi ... tn utt,.nA ,h s,Pwards' meeting at Wilkesboro. Mr. J. J Jarvia ana uausiitrv. Von Are Rlchl, 4 brulcl-. The Chronicle says: "All the other counties, so far as we have noticed, except Wilkes, have pub lished iho county finnncial state ment in 4somo newspaper,' pub lished in tho county. There's a difference between 'newspaper' .nnu "periouicni. I c9t brother; but yon must re- member that our 'economical. The Hoard is very .bv oiiys that ", not "periodicals,' may bo allowed J cent per word for tho publishing of this state ment. One of them informed us what we could afford to publish it for he knows something about running a nowspaper, of course but vo refrained from telling him what he could afford to serve as commissioner for, especially no vvnmiiHwiviivi v- j - j licn lm vooelved a pass over the Southern Railway in connection with t. The law also says how much, a commissioner is to re- ceivo per day for services, with miloacre attached. We have looked in vain for a 6inglo in stance wherein they luve not taken every cent the law allow them. You see it's according to whose pocket being tonohod as to whaj things can afforded to be done for. The Board, which is Democratic, baa shown that it prefers to sustain and support a viln. vitDDerons little monthly ! dicel that can't possibly claim to i m n nnu wiiu i ifr Mini r-1 1 1 in iAur ; - 'y-t" T'., ,,, j tood by those principles through 'thick and thin. , m . . Bj,r.. Wo have a large and full sup- ply v( all kinds of Hardware and !are now preparca to iukc ov. lower prices man ev?X tciore :t.nee ti e waueo m iron a.. - l 7.1. i-lOut. IvVAJ tl a Va vw " a. Y buy. iliauhin vuu n-i ivut r - -ir. ' - "appj and prosperous ew t.ur, f rk - l .lk..- Two nice, large, commodious aforfl rooms for rei.t. Both have rooms above suitable for residence apartments, lor particulars call rn n or vrite E. S. Blair. Nertk LIST OF JUR023. The C uiuui I. lourr Net Friday lr Ital Purr. The following i a lift of tho j jurors drawn for next term of j court, which convenes March "id, 189G: Brushy Mouutain township It. S. Harnett. Edwards township J. E. Por ter, J. Q. A. Spark, G. It. Heevcs. Neddie liiver township J. L. Faw, C. F. McNeil, D. V. Nichols, J. L. Havs, J. W. Kilby, A. Ellcr, M. F. Forester, C. Mc Neil. Trav.hill towiifchio II. S llol- brook, John Crabb, W. V. Snioot, J. P. llolbrook. New Cnstle township A. L. ! Ileudrix, J. F. Gilliam. Mulberry township 1 M. Hall, L. W. Sebastian. Moravian Falls township J. L. Hubbard, J. J ltussell, J. C. Triplett, J. A. P.rown. Lovelace township T. V. Bell. Boomer township I. A. Carl ton. Wilkesboro township J. A Johnston, Win. Stroud, J. O. Hubbard Elk towiibhin Geo. Brown. Soniers towi?hij -J.U.Vi rirht Ro1c Ctcck-iui. .i'b"t A. Cau- dill, Aaron Foil?. Union township ' i tmgtur., I Plupps Nati tan 2 A. II. Lewis town.-! '.p A. J. - f.i... t -r i;!l:r Antioeb. tovn..Liii--'i. M. Sta ler. Walnut Grove township G. L. iJlevins. fiicroxn WEEK Boomer J. M. MeOlamery, J. II. Ferguson. Mulberry J. M. Handy, S. J. Long, E M. Abtshcr. Edwards J. I. Dimmctt, P. A. Pyrd, II. Settle, J. O. Cheat hum, Major Lvon, J. S. Poplin, T. M. Byrd. Traphill W. M. Brown. Elk A. W. Walsh, A. J. Gould, G. W. M arley, S. S. Bar low. Brushy Mountain T. C. Teu paugh. Kocil Treck A. Brewer, W. C. Wiles. I'll ion D. F. Shq .!..;rd. North Wilkesboro Micvi Ab sher. Wilkesboro L. II. Miller. Jobs Cabin A. J. Taylor. Our Solicitor Not it Candidate. In his letter from Washington Ia ihA Tlnloirrh News and Observ- i v -w . - cr. Mr. Christian savs: j Marshall Mott 6aid the other (day when he was here that he bad j just told Pritchard and Butler, i and I think he said Settle, that ! under no circumstances would he be willins to accept the noinina tion for Governor. Just why thU young dashaway should have declined so positively may oo told by tho senators, if, indeed, they even mentioned the subject to him seriously, but some time since in ltaleiirh. Col. Keogh, in an interview I had with lain, etatcd that the eloquent brunette wua an avowed candidate. At anv rate, it Marsbfill won t make ' ,, Qf ., MIWi:,w Kwm ' bo can be used at all times as a ; A r.ew line of suits, overcoats, I macintoshes, Ha cloans 1 lv t - f hA. - f-r"fwT Vll t M- w ,a' ' D"vv"" " V , cd at the Vi t-1. Housek ! W:lkt:hoio. CiU! C . v. bcWse . n0 jCcn u. cctcu over.; . . , , ,,m. .... A.X. C1VV" v 'hats in latest styles, also times ! and vublver and arctic ovcr-bhoes , II or ton A; slier S. , I tf vmi ro(H . tombstone, don't . fail to net r-rices at tho Wilkes j " ?" 'Vk bt'f".r(; ATCJ'riPoplar Lumber Wanted. Take yoar corn to Finley Bros They will pay goods for it. o-.ii.i. urn -iy i n xRECULATOR TP' GOOD FOR EVERYBODY and everyone needs it at all times of the year. Malaria Is always about, and the only preventive and relief is to keep the I ivrartiv. Ymi must helD the Liver a bit. and the best helper Is the Old Friend, SIM MONS Liver regulator, the ked l. Mr. C. Himrod, of Lancaster, Ohio, says: "SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR broke a case of Malarial Fever of three years' standing for me, and less than one bottle did the business. 1 shall use it when In need, and recommend It" Be sure that you get it Always look for the RED Z on the package. And don't forget the word REGULATOR. It is SIM MONS LIVER REGULATOR, and there U only one, and every one who takes it is sure to be benefited. THE BENEFIT IS ALL IN THE REMEDY. Take it also for Biliousness and Sick Headache j both are caused by a sluggish Liver. J. H. Zellin & Co., l'niladelphi. SILVER, SILVER! THE POLITICIANS ABE CRYING "Silver, Free Silver! ii We arc also cr) i:ig "Silver," but we don't ask It tree. Wo want to invc you a big dollar's wortb of -u,l, for it. Alo Gold and ,. H currency f the Vnited Stul'iia taken in o.vhaiufi tor JLiHi.. M-'.K'C MONEY MATTERS have gotten easier, prices hav advanced and are still advanc ing in Cotton Goods, Shoes, Hardware and Provisions, alt of which we handle in best brands and have not advanced our prices much, but will have to do so soon, so we advise our customers to buy early and save money. Yours vcr.v truly. Finley Bros. I f I t. ,. ns H. L. GKEINZ. F1XI.KV S CUIINE, ! Attorneys - at - Law, WILKESBORO, N. C. ! vjciu, I, (oF(S. r.Mcction, aM-eci.!!- :i.iostai-s .lai.ncommission. - , Cath paid for poplar lumber. J. Iu.g. Hotel 4. Sj wlllesboro, N. C. . bller'at MT r Jfc j