JM A ''rr -WO1-' " x 1 i An. LetUn rtlatiar ta Subscription or ATcrtiMmcnts, tnMt,b 4ddrcsd u WU U, BROWN, BiuiacM U&nigcr. o :- -.f : , RALEIQH, JUI.V Oihl fCBLXC SrsAKtxa Messrs. R. C. Badger, Marcus Erwin and W..F. Henderson will addreta the people ofBurke- county, at Morganton, in opposition to Convention, on Saturday the 22d Df Julyy I87L fJ . Let there be a full turn-oat of all who ' ..... i ' S 1 a re opposed to revolution and an invasion of the rights of the people. - - 4 ' i td. There win be a public speaking, 'to dis cuss th subject of the proposed Conven tion, at Samuel Harris' Store, in Wake For est Township; Saturday, July 8; t There" will I'M- ' - ' be several able speakers present. . Local, Slate and General Items. A friend writhig from Ruffing Rocking-, ham county says : , 1 : - ! "I think old Rockingham will lay. Gen. A. M. Scales so low this whet, that he will never say Convention again.' : The dwelling of James T. Ray, in Rowan county, was destroyed by fire on the night of the 2Sth Jnne. Every thing In the house was consumed. . Mr. Ray and family barely escaping with their lives. ' - - The New-Berne Titties says': We are di cased to state, in correction or an error that has been going the rounds of the press, that Hon. .Joseph Dixon ia' the Commis sioner- appointed v to investigate claims against the United States at this place, in stead of Mr. James Dixon. . t The Charlotte Bulletin of the list inst. sav : - MWe are opposed to the Convention plan," regarding the. procedurq ' unconstitu- ' tional, but must admit that many good and true men think otherwise.' We respect their ODiuions and will not employ bitter J invective.; ..;,.. .", ,1; . ';,;: They have a Tobacco Factory in Fayetto- ville. makinir a successful run. John L. Allen is the enterprising proprietor. The FayeUeville Ji cries for, "light.' The streets of that ancient and honored city, "at mldtlght being as dark as the hid den caverns of the Mammoth Cave." The Roanoke AVw says: A proposition has been mada to rebuild the Roanoke Val ley Railroad. - A . ' j . . ' The wonder is, that the Raleigh and Gas- Railroad has not accomplished this long . ; , Terminating, as this road did, and rain. If rebuilt, at, or near RIdgeway, ,.Ight which it would bring " from the s a valley of the Roanoke, would aggregate ui important item in the receipts of the R. it G. Road. , r . Warr of Habeas Corpus. Levi Worley, charged with being implicated in the mur der of Mr. Holt, near Boon Hill in John ston county, some months since, waslefore Hon. Samuel W. Watts, Judge, in this city on Saturday last, upon a writ of habeas cor pus. - After investigating thoroughly the written evidence before Coroner Rose, the Judge decided that the prisoner was entitled to his discharge on bail, to appear at Fall Term of Johnston Superior Court, being the 4th Monday In September. Amount of bail fixed at $300. ' 1 A Swihgino Foot-wat. The N. C. R. IL Company are having erected oyer their track, at the depot in this city, for the ac commodation of pedestrians, a suspension footway, reaching from Mr. Blake's shop to the point of W. N.' Andrews' lot on the opposite side. The masonry has been nearly completed, and the structure will be an or nament as well as a novelty. In order to reach the platform from the city end of the bridge, a winding stairway will be necessa ry. Of course we who have no business on the other side of the road cannot see the ne cessity of this costly structure. Wo sup pose its necessity has been , made to appear, hence Its construction. . . Cattlk thikves are becoming bold and numerous in this vicinity. "One day last week, in the broad light of day, one of these villains, with dog and rope, jran down and captuferacow belonging to Mr. BjAbt, some six miles from this" city. Thief and cow started to Raleigh, and got as far as Mr. Temple's out on the Hillsboro road, at the forks of " Save Rent,' and proposed to Kellthe "beef'" to Mr. T. The price was mrreed upon, and while Mr. T. was arrang ing the needful to pay for the animal, thief spied 44 a spot in the distance no larger than a man's hand," which caused him, minus the cow, to find a more congenial clime In the adjoining thicket. , Owner of the beef, in hot pursuit, came up to Temple's store, recognized bis animal ; but lo, and behold ! when the vender was called to answer, 44 he was not thar," and his exit was effected with such stealth as to elude the olcrvaiico of Mr. T. - . J " . " -V The authorities are after the fellow, and as he is known as one who has been before our Courts on a similar charge before, he will most assuredly come to grief , in Oc iober. - - j .Thk Ruthkbtord KuJCiUX.-In reply to a letter from the Editors J of the Jtuther fordlStar, ' to L. F. Churchill, Esq., "an ' Attorney residing In that place, and a Dem ocrat of the original pannel, writes : . u V RrTHJCRFORDTOy, N. C, . - - i-. Jane 19th, 1871. Messrs. Jjoqmjh A Carpkhtkr: Your . note of this date saying that 4on the mom 5 ing of the 12th of this Inst, there was a body Vf men entered this place and abused and maltreated the Hon. J. M. Justice, and also injured the press and materials belonging v the office of the Rutherford ar," ; which body of men," yon charge, were, what is understood to te throughout the . atrr as regular Kn Klnx," - and asking hit opinion tn the matter, is received, in reiy, I can only say that at the time of the occurrence, I formed the opinion that our toraVas receiving what is generally knoxtt an a" regular Ku Klux visit, and nothing has come to my knowledge since to cbacge that opinion. . I think this is the almost universal Opinion : of the'cltirens "here, wf out regard to party. ' The account of the afir as published (n the editorial coluras of Vhe Vtmdieater, of the 19th ins.", . so far as I know, is correct ; and it gives me pleasure to add that its most unquali tied condemnation of the outrage in my opinion, is endorsed by all good citins of the country. w . - Very respectfully, - 4 V "-' r." , , . ; il F. Churchill, ; ! Perhaps the'Stafinit will not believe Mr. Churchill, as be from, Ne .Hampshire; Mr. H. la: well and favorably known in Western Carolina ve hare known him for years, and his character for veracity cannot be questioned. Edi- The Work House of New Hanover coun ty, contains' &l prisoner . " ' Rev. John Powell,- b the Convention -an- Caldwell countv. ' V ' The first National Bank of Charlotte has declared a dividend of five per cent. D. C. Pearson, Esq., of Burke, has been appointed United States Commissioner. The. anti-Con ventionists of Burke, wlll hold a meeting at Monranton on the 15th The 'Chatham Railroad ; Company' will hold its annnal meetins: in this city on the 21st July. V . ; . The anti-Conventionhits of Davidson held an enthusiastic meeting at Rich Fork- on Saturday last." " The Conventionists of Lincoln county have nominated Mr. A.' J. Morriwn. as their candidate. v ' ' :' ' Major Andrew Jackson Donelson died suddenly in the Peabody Hotel in Mem phis, of cholera-morbus, age 72. : James II. Headen, Esq a leader of the Chatham county Conservatives, opposes the majority bill to call a Convention. Hon. Curtis II. Brogden and J. T. Pear son, have been nominated as the anti-Con vention candidates In Wayne county. Capt John M. Foote of Plymouth has been, appointed ' by His : Excellency Gov; Caldwell Notary Public for Washington county. - The Chinese in Massachusetts attend the Methodist Church. The same people, in San Francisco, have a i oung Men's Chris tian Association. . it is proposed to construct a building in New York, with a roof of blue glass for the accommodation of Democratic Conventions. The idea is good. . No Trade. From indications and ex pressions, we incline to the opinion that the Raleigh A Gaston Rail Road will not be sold to the Pennsylvania bidders. ,': ills ixcellency uov. Caldwell nas ap pointed Mr. E. W; Woods of Chapel Hill Notary Public for Orange.. Mr. Woods Is also U. S. Commissioner of claims.' 44Jfe Convention Act Const it utiotialt"- From this text, the Salisbury Examiner delivers a sermon of over iDsolumn in length, to say yes. The correct answer being 2?o. A stalk of cotton crown on Mr. John Da vis' farm, near Battleboro', has reached 32 inches in height pretty good for the season. " How nign is that r1 Roanoke JXcws. Four inches short of a yard. . Confesses. Henderson Young, who is to be hung in Mecklenburg county on the 14th of July, makes a clean breast of the per petration of the murder for which he was convicted. The subscription price of the Old North State has been reduced to $2.50 per annum. This is one of the ablest and most dignified journals in the South, and we . wish - it abundant success. One of the Simese Twins is lying at the point of death. The other is in good health. In anticipation of death, arrange ments are made for the immediate separa tion of the living from the dead brother. Tlie regular meeting of. Seaton. Gales Lodge. No. 52. 1. O. O. F will be held at their Hall, this (Thursday) evening, at 81 o'clock. A full attendance is desired, as the election of officers will take place. . , W. C A R. Railroad. Col. Fremont says that the Wilmington. Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad, will probably be com pleted as far West as Wilson's Mineral Springs, by the 'first of August. These Springs are only two miles east of Shelby, N. C. - ' His Jionor, Judge Moore, of the Second Judicial District.' has been appointed to hold special terms of Cabarrus and Meck lenburg Superior Courts. The Court in Cabarrus will commence on the. 3rd Mon day in July, and the Mecklenburg Court on the fourth Monday. Only civil cases will be tried. - v ' To their credit be it said, the Trustees of Raleigh Township have never levied a tax for township expenses. They prefer work ing for nothing, rather than tax their con stituents. They do not choose to build new school houses which they have a right to, but use such as they have been able to get into possession of, and which have proved ample, and comfortable. . .. - ; A Raleigh correspondent of the New Berne Times says: I saw yesterday" in Ennis' book store a plaster: medalion head of Gen. R. E.-Lee by Mrs. Mary Mason,. which, like all the works of this lady bears the impress of genius ; those who know her to be self-taught, and without the ad vantages either of artistic instuction or the stndv of works of art. are surprised at tlie r - - w results she produces. The Chatham Educational Association mets at Svlvon Academy, on the ,21st July, 4871. '.. The Annual Introductory address will r delivered bv Rev. B. York, of Ruffin Badger Institute in Chatham. - A riH mMM will lie delivered bv Hon. Jno. Manning Jr., Jno. Jay; and others. ; . Thfl Annual election of officers takes place at this meeting. - R. W. York, Isham Cox, . C; B. , Denson, Executive Committee. , The Democracy, just now, having accept ed negro suffrage, we fear is very much In the nlizht of tlie individual whose mis fortune it was to win an elephant In a lot tery. What u do with his prize was nis great perplexity. Keep, him he could, not, for lie was too poor to . provide provender.' To sell him was equally out of the question, for there was no buyer. Give him away he could not. for there was none to accept the gift. Sad dilemma I The Democracy, it would seem, have an . elephant - on - their hands which threatens to prove the death of them. 2w. lre4. r , . t. "' The Democracy in this State have made very handsome bids for the colored vote. Practice and profession don't correspond; and the colored man, having 'heard some thing about the result of an invitation of the spider to the Jfy, very sensibly declines to enter the splendidly furnished parlor of our Democratic friends. Alexander II. Stephens has become tor. '- ' -. - , ' ' - The Williamston Expositor assumes - the non-committal on the Convention question: Wbv. does not appear. "We direct the at tenjtion of the. Expositor to Article J vt r"- "V T. - Vc" V w 1h Vw-nrnrt TVuixa fixe the death Henry .Clay, the great Kentucklan, as: , far back as Jnne 29.1622 ! If that be true, some of us hereabouts haye lived to a good old viviaiv rranllfwt the sad event. : age, for we vividly recollect the sad event.: ; I What they have in Williamston. XJpon the authority of the-oior, we a7 nonnce that the town of . Williamstoiv in Martin county, has a debating society, a live Sunerior Court clerk, and weeds in abun dance. . tr f ' W- ' . ' -. -. ! The evidences are, that the 'No' Conven tion', ballot will teach the sore-headed puts a lesson they ought to have learned long turn' that Revolution and Rebellion, will C7 7 , i not be tolerated anv where in the United states.) :i ! " - u ; : . The Bee Raiser' A Organ has '. concluded" the speech of Mr. Jarvis. From last ac- counts, the Honorable Speaker of the House of Representatives of the General Assembly of North Carolina i was still in our city, en joying excellent health. - . I ' . Judge Brooks gives notice that special terfns, of the United States mstnet uourt will be held at Salisbury and Morganton at .Salisbury, commencing on the second MnnrUvnf Aucrust and at Marion, com- mencinfir on Monday. 21st of August 1871. , ... - je 1 A letter from Greene county says; crops are not suffering for rain the seasons have been nroDitious. and a liberal return promises for the efforts of our people. ' , f 4This sterline little county, will snub the the Convention revolution by from two r to three hundredjnajority." -v We are pleased to know that the successor of Prof. Palmer, as Principal of tho Institu tion for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blindv Mrj Tomlinson. has shown himself to be 44 well fitted for his position." The exhibi tion Tuesday evening is spoken of as a swe- 'A Cotton holders evince some uneasiness in obnsetiuence of the downward tendency in the price of that article. Considerable "movinc alout" of numerous bags of the staple, lias attracted our attention. We can sea tio cause for. alarm. A ' little "flutter ing,' is a sure indication oflife. - v More New Departures. Mourning rnlAu In the columns of the Tclearam of the 29th ult. announcethe marriage of Wi A. Hearne,Esq., Editor of that paper, witli Esq., of Beaufort, on the 27th Juno. May prosperity and happiness attend them i We notice quite a quantity of Nortliern hay 'arriving in our city for sale. If there was not a demand for this hay, it would not find its way here. This is wrong ; our peo- pie can raise tneir own nay u mey wouiu only cultivate a few acres less of cotton. Much of the money spent for W estem pork and Northern hay is the same money for which our farmers sell their cotton. The way to encourage me irrowui unu ' ... ! . prosperity of a town or city, is not for the . . " ;j land holders to refuse to sell a fire company, for the purpose of erecting a house thereon for (he storage of their machine, a small niece of ground. Such a complaint comes x- r -r o- - . un from Tarboro.' where there is land enough, and to spare. ' A 4 A gentleman from the West,"i according to the Sentinel, is willing for Messrs. Bragg, Merrimon, Barririger and Geo. W. Thomp son V to make a constitution." No doubt ofiiC There are several 44 gentlemen from the West" who; we doubt not, would be willing to such an arrangement. The "peo ple'! prefer to 44 let well enough alone,"; and to stand by the constitution which made in 18G8. I . thev Speial Coronerj Bromell was sent down to Eagle Rock, Thursday last, to inquire into the cause of the death of a Mrs. Jones, who was found suspended by her neck, in a barn. -" - i ; Coroner J. Gl Bromell, has returned to' this city! and the following is the verdict of, the jury: i .- - - - j 44 We find from the examination of various witnesses that; Mary Thompson Jones w-as insane, and came to her death on her 6wn accord by hanging herself by tlie neek.f ' The Salisbery Examiner says: While a party of ladies were returninar. in a ewer- mm ' t ed wagon, from Trinity College to Thomas- viller about midnight on the 15th vilt-f the driver: fell asleep, and a wheel struck- a stump, upsetting the wagon, and severely injuring several, of the occupants. Miss Kirkman had both arms broken-lielowj the elbowj and her sister had a finger broken. The others were more or less bruised, j StABBia CASK-f-A Dkspkbado. la an interview on Friday, with B. Y- Rogers, Esq.,' one of the acting justices of the Peace for this county, we learned from that I gen tleman, that one George W. Gulley, a week ago ito-day, stabbed in a most fearful man ner, Mr. W. M. Massey and the fiend J not content with stho assault on Massey,?, in flicted severe wounds, with, a knife. on es- Massev's wife. Gully made good his cape. Massey s wounas are consiuen - f ' ' i J fa- tab This is not Gulley's first oiience. Road Impbovkmitnts. T. F. Lee, sheriff". under the directions of the J udee or. our Court, has been engaged for several weeks in working certain convicts on the public highway. West of Raleigh the . roads have been materially improved, and we observe that the hands are) now digging and level ing, and making the 44 rough way smooth," sheriff's attention to short pieces of road just outside .the city limits,' east of Raleigh. . a f-xr or two snent in that rtirection wouio bo of infinite benefit. i , ,. Rklkased on Bail. Thursday evening, the following. U. S. prisoners, confined in .Wake jail, charged , with being Ku Klux, having"' given the requwed ban, were, re leased ; land, we learn, they have all " gone Koir ' in their homes, in Western North Carolina: Joseph Wilson, Sam. BiggerstafT, Alford Biggerstaffi Barton Biggerstaff, Jno. Witherow, Judson Witherow, .James , Mfr Daniel, .Taylor Carson, . Iander Jones, A. Owens, Thomaa Fortune, Marcus Tucker, Benj. Gould, John Carlton, Wm. Deprtest, Adolph Depriest, Joseph Depriest, Perry G. Murphy, Hall Martin, Josepn Ale Dan lei, Oland Carson, Thonias Toms, Benj. Fortune, J Joseph Fortune, Daniel Depriest, . The Petersburg GtefrtVr professes q knqwi enough of ration raising to judge of the probable yield by the : appearance of the bloom. Remarkable, for art Editor ! I 1 i The connection of Fayetleville and:; lial of I eitrhi bv Rail is exuected to be v coin Dieted by ther20tb hist, i This has been a subject of I interest to our city for many years, ana now. j that the; end has been accompUshea, we "i trust the "fondest anticiDations" of both cities -will be fully reaUzed. 1 - r a . The Charlotte - Observer of the. 1st July : announces the death of . Mr.' Joseph Whit- more, citizen Of Green ville, S. C, who !was in Charlotte under the treatment of !Dr. Green for4asmaU caneer orthe facel. congestion of the brain, on Saturday even u,t wi,;-- uig tosi auu uicu uu . i cuuraunj , ci cuiug, The ; Christain, Advocate is pleased ' to learn from a note, that Rev. W. IT. ," G ibbs, A. B.,' a native of Davie county, X. C.t . and an honored, graduate of Trinity College, was elected President of Hanuer ' Highland 1 - -. i . j - . I College, Virvilla, ' Teimcssee, at the last meeting of the Board . of s Trustees, next session will commence July 10, The 1871. The meeting of the stockholders of the Atlantic and N. C. Railroad Company takes nlaceat Morehead City on the 29th finst. A special train will leave Goldsboro ojn the morning of the 29th at 6J o'clock, stopping at all the stations, arriving at Morehead in time for the meetinsr and retuinine oil the evening of the same day. ; jA Distillery Burnt. The Southern "Home, of the. 27th inst, says: 'The! Dis tillery lately owned by W. C. Richards,: at Brevard Station, was burned on. Tuesday night last by an hicendiary. v It was.bpught bv Mr. Freeks. a Revenue -oflicer ait the orovernment sale. Mr. Freeks went rip on Thursday to get insured and:; found lit, in ashes?' Newberne Times of the 30th June, learned at a late hour last night that a colored man by the name of James' Herring , shot and dansrerousl v ; wounded Lewis Clark at or near Burnt Deep Gully," in Jones County, earlyyesterday morning, and immeuiately came to this city. Officer Tucker, of tlie city force, arrested him last night. sta- ted that the shooting; was Clark himself. accident ta!- and done by Potent REASONrNa.Charles P. Kim- ballJ th well known- carriacre-makpr of Portland is the Democratic nominee for Governor pf Maine. Ex-Governor : Pills- bury gave the following, reason why Kim ball should be elected: 44 Because ho I paid more money than anybody else to se- cure his (Pillsburyls) election as'Govi eruor We lttrn from the Banner, a new Coii- servative paper published in Shelby, N. C, that the barn of James Witherow f was burned rip a few nights ago.' ' It is thought that the fire was the work of an incendiary. We hope the perpetrator of this outrage xein he cancrht and dealt with as the law di rects. We have no apology to nuke for any violations of the law, whether j com- mitted by uonservauves or itepuoucqn. The Rev. A. B. Earle, in the course: of his remarks before a Norfolk audience, paid a tribute of respect to the hospitality lofthe South, giving Texas tho palm.5 Some of the opposition papers torture these remarks of Mr. Earle into a refutation of. the charge that Ku Klux exists in the South' - Hard up, indeed, must that party be that i Al - calls upon a strictly pulpit man to prove that then are not in league with marauders. Rev. Mr. Earle associated, with tlie cliris- tian portion of the South. . I j Deefated. We are glad to be able to in- form our; readers and the public generally, that the stockholders refused to accept the Board of jDirectors appointed for the Atlan tic tr N. C. Railroad, bv E. J. Warren and T.f J. Jarvis, Deputy-Governors - I - lT ' Board appointeti ny orov. vaiawen eeived and the road remains under the ficient control of Edward R. -Stanly. The Board appointed for the N. C Rail- road wtt no doubt meet the same mote it be. ' . - ' nUe.'-Ho . Stockholder's Meetinu. a meeting of thef stockholders of the A. & N. Cf R. R. was to have taken place at Morehead. City on Thursday last. Directors appointed n the part of the State byt Gov. Caldwell are ; E. R. Stanly, Esq.,- Hon.' C. i R. Thomas, Hon. R. F. Lehman, Hon.; R. W. King,' A. C. Davis,f Esq., W. B. Duncan; Esq. j W. P. Grimsley, Esq., and B. P. Parrot, Ei. Thoso appointed by. the. President of the.j Senate and Speaker of the House, are, Cra- ven: Aiaj. jonn nugnes, viu. h. uuu-i, m- V 1 -w-r m TIT . T I i C.C. Clark; Beaufort: T. P. Whitney, Oeo. Wi Dill; Ienoir: Jno. C. Wooten, lr. Jas.. Bryan ; Wayne: I W. lluinphrey, Death of 'a Soldikk.' Mr. -Jack- son, Baj-s the Cleveland. tawnier; of me 29th June, one of the U. S. Troops that hai-e been stationed nere for the past month, died at tlie Mansion House in this place, of Dropsy on Thursday last j He was buried with military honors, and a large concourse of citizens was in attendance at his burial. He leaves a wife and two small children, who ; were with him, to mourn their irreparable loss. ;". - -"j : ' . The deceased was a native of licxlngtou, N. C, and at the age-of 18 enlisted I in the Mexican war,' wnicn ne louguc oravety inrousrn.- aiiu ul ilh lenuiuaviuu wuieu. iuu . - j si. i. : i ; - su.t . . - ... U. S. army, in which he served until his death. He was a faithful soiuier ana an agreeable companion, for 26 j'ears,, ' - - - : : ; if ' We wish to see the people of. Pitt kounty reioicinz in the presence of the locomotive and cars, to bear the rich freights, of their productive soil to market. Wo wish to feel tlie presence and effects of the granaries of lieauioix unaiiyue in our, imusu t tot RlaindealeT.' : i .i i -" j -;; ' ' The people of Pitt,' Greeny and the whole country'on both sides of the - Rivci& below Greenville, down to Washmgton, ! should feel a lively interest in such an, enterprise as a Railroad from Wilson to Greenville.! To any one familiar, with" ihb tcpuniry l it is quite apparent, that a - Railroad from the point designated to Greenville, Would open upj and afford a market, for a rich sec-. tion or country up ior tne want of facilities for transportation.' At all times of the year, boats can run as high np the Rive as, Greenville, and the Washington and Hyde people, ; by a from the , bead of navigation Would be in daily communieatipn with the world. . We hsye in our mind,, the tout of iKta pAail monnAI nnf lint ,V"Tilf?l fkoM f uia tvtw mkpvv ww- vuwf : m w avw some indications of its being built, see no good to result in placing it before the public. The was re- -. ei- NO ' CONyTiONi-WAkECOU'NTV'.. MEET- ,r:t h"i "TWO. i.'fjAc6nliii7 to r previous, notice, -tle iJelgt to pooyntjori met in th,ety 6t( JUIeigl on Batiwlay, July 1st,-1871 to nominate candidates against aCon- yention.-.C.'v.rfe;iv: badger v ili tohe: Giiair. ami .V ' ' . 'V , . , , i . uii'juumuu ,ux . j. . :-X". .Lit;.. iUi, av aj. Mt. Albert -s-Masmin tind 'Mr. JohnK Williams were appointed Secretaries, f' ' The Chairman very fully explained theobjedt of the.Conventioniii m ' On, jnotion the. Chairman appointed l shPj with directions tojliilmeiia to - 1 : . . , , i . ) r candidates to canvass against a Con ven- f ' " - - c c . uii motion, a uoimnittee or one lrpm a ownsnip was. appomtetl by the niur to prepare ancl present Kesqiu tions expressive of the ?5iitinientsi Of the Conventional': vi 51: . n r: 1 lending the VeV)ort of the Conimit tees, Gen. Ay. D. Jones, and Col. SfT. (Jarrow entertained ,the meeting yitj stiring speeches in opposition to pji vention., V v' -'C'lt.- -' -' ,...! --i On behalf of the Coniniittee on Iiso- lutions, Hon. James II. Harris offered the . following: Resolutions; and, ursred their adoption: in a speech- of , some length: ! v , r I llesaloed. That inasmuch asi the iiehtJins' proposition to , call a tjonvention was. not passed by the concurrence of twp-;thirds of eacn ixouse of tlie, General Assembly, as re quired bv the ' Constitution, the movement is revolutionary, and calculated to precipi tate the: State into disturbed relations with the . 'National Govern men tM-to produce' a eonllict between the iurisdictian andi atii- thoritv of, two sets" of" County and State omcers, and tnus lead to a condition of 3?en- eral strife and : turnioil, dangerous . toi- the di.4- , 1 4U. - i , t - - ' .if - ' i nunc uiiti iuc ucuuic. j -. i -i : 'Resolved. That the inancruratioii ofsd im- portarit a movement" by the legislature, witnout navinz previously;- apprised tne people of such purpose, at the electionpro ceeding, so as to gather, through the ballot- box some intimation ot tho popular will, is unprecedented in k the-political history of the State; except vwhen rebellion and revo lution were designed, and it ought to bie re buked as an unwarranted 'and dangerous assumption of authority, and an attempttb hurry tne people into ill-advised,' and, un timely measures, the scope and1 purpose Of which they have not fully considered! and have reason to distrust. i Resolved, That the avowed purpose of re- movinir the present Judges of the State and of putting in their places other men vwhose opinions are either unknown or in expres-. sed opposition to tne iiomestead exemption as now enjoyed toy tho people, makejs the calling of a Convention a virtual destruc tion of the benefits now conferred byj that wise and ; humane feature" in our Constitu tion, and will result in depriving the4 poor of their homes, for the benefit of heartless creditors, who have refused, to releaso.or compromise debts, which the sad results f the .war render it impossible to pay without reducing' wllolo families toi abject povery and want,.1-- '- - ' -!; T ! -.' ' i - 'r- - ' Resolved, That-in the present unsettled state ot public anairs, and m view at the frequent adoption, during the past sejveral years, oi measures precipitated anu; unex pected, and in bad laith to the masses of the people, it is ' imprudent and unsafe to hazard our rights and the peace and welfare of our families by placing them in the powef oi - a body of nien .whose character, -iews; ' and purposes cannot be known before hand. ! liesolvea, That n any amendments to tne Constitution be desirable, they should be submitted to" the iioople separately by the Legislative mode so wisely and consider ately provided in the old as well as the pre sent Constitution of the State. '1 ' Resolved, That we see with regret tliat the Revolutionary party are still disposed to use force, intimidation and threats tocarry j i ,i i -l i . 1 1 i out iiieir. uusiijus msieau oj.; uiiowiiigii expression of opinion at the ballot box.1 .'j v Resolved, niat candidates lor the uonven- tion, (in ease it be called,) be nominated by this meeting, and requested s .to canvass the county against 'calling a Conventioii, and that we will exert ourselves by all ; proper means to deleat such call A The resolutions were on nation unanimously adopted. The following .Resolution wad adopted : Resolved, That we respectfully request the candidates of the opposition party t4 meet our candidates and canvass the county with them. ! , i Dr. T. L. Umiks, Chairman f the Committee on nominations rerJorted tliat the Committee recommend to the Convention as suitable candidates ! to canvass against Convention the names of Samuel F. Phillips, James H. Har ris, ltobt.. AV. AVynne and Jlobert VS. l'erry. ; - .. . ,: j,,:, : ; On motion. " the reoOi-t of the Com i mittee was unanimously1 adoptedJ . ; ! On motion, the Chairman was direc ted to appoiut an Executive Commit- On motion, the, Executive Coininit- tee when appointed was authorized, to hll any vancancy which may pecur among the candidates. The Chairman stated-that he, would appoint the" Executive , Committee . br- dered, 'at' his leisure, and ; the , feune Would be published. , ; - -., ;! . . On motion , the Convention adjourned ; V "AZ K. C. 13 AUOEIv, Uh mn Albert Magxin, i . n Secretaries, JXO. IS; WILLIAMS, 1 !-; i in I1 ''y NO CONVENTION MEETING ; IN . K; QUIMANS COUNTV. s ? ; At a meeting of the. Lllepubiicans, and anti-Convention men t)f Perqui mans county, held in Hertford on the 24th day ot- June, 1871. lion. Hhu A. ATiite was called to the Chair, arid M. W. Speieht, and : J ; ltoht. Uarden appointetl Secretaries! i-i -j ; On motion, a Committee, eoniliosed of three delegates from each ? towpship in the county, was appointed to nomi nate a suitable person to represent ' the county in.the proposed Convention J The Committeei alter retiring ajshort time, reported the name of Hon. JVJWV Albertson, as the Kepubwean candidate. In aswer to repeated calls, that! srm- tleman ; appeared ' and : accepted tho nomiuuitiou, in an able an argumenta- ,tive i speech of two hours, retinna: amid a round of applause. U h j ?i J. i il- rv Col. D-McD, Lindsay,: in reiKinse. to the callj of ; , the meetiiig delivered l a; very appropriate and -entertain speech. ?.t .;-:.":-' - ittrU--f were tendered to the Qhainnan and Secretaries.; ;jtr i-M iu i ii - . On motion, ordered - tliat the pro ceedings of . the . meeting ; be published in the Italeisrh Jra JbJLiziibetii i Citi yAcrrth Lttrolhiian. On motion. adiourned.i Editor 'Era D5rr Sir!- Youi 'sent ; working rew ; "-V to t . w . . u 1 suDscriDers in a tew davs. its chean- j ness and its reading matter are bonnd 4 1 to make it a popular paper. iuuroad running me several copies of -your; goocl little to ''Wilson' ' I P81 wnicn. x nave .custriDuted, and tun - lur iu x - iierewiui) senu REPUBLICAN 'NOMINATlNd CONVENTION il Ci .'H : ; IN LENOIR COUNTY.; I-" v At a large, and respectable meeting of the ; Kepubicans of lnoir county held in the court House n Kinston on Saturdav the' 24th., da v of June. . 1871 on jnotion of "Wm. J. Pope, Esq., Wm F. Ijoftin, Esq., was called to the chair, and on motion or.Wm-A. Croom, iisq, Wm: : N, Hunter and.. Chancey 51. jjavis were appointed ISecretaries. The object or thp iu,eeting was explain ed by tlie chairman .. . , :M ' v; - The townships being railed, dele gates reported from The following, (be ing all but one,) yifc :' Kinston, Moseley nail, uontentnea JNeck Hand iiiii and Plllk Hill.:.. ,i. , ' : : J .'All the delegates having declared in favor of Stephen Iasiter, Esq.. as a can didate against the present revolutionary, and unconstitutional act j)f ,the egi lature calling a Convention bh motion, the nomination of Mr. IJasitor was de clared ananimoiis. .;'! ' ' " . -vf'V: v The following resolutioiis were adopt ed, viz: . - ; :. i u! .7 ., Resolved? That the Republican party of " f Iienoir f county, ' hereby protesting ii i; , il r- iiiHL uie peiiuiuj civil iur a, vxmvt?niiuu is unconstitutional, t recognize that it will be most for ;the peace of the State that the people shall so decide at the ballot-box : and - therefore 1 recommend that an appeal be made them for tliat purpose, and that such appeal be prose cuted jn the usual way by a campaign and candidates. , ; i J , ' . . Resolved, That ,we,; having implicit conhdence in our candidate, Stephen Lasiter.;Esa..' cheerfullv 1 recommend him as a suitable person- tq be voted for by all persons opposed to! the present unconstitutional and revolutionary act of the General Assembly for the call of a Convention, vb :' 11" t ' -; Itesolvedr ,Thai ,we pledge ourselves to his hearty, support in defeatinfir tho call.lor said convention.. , . , . ' On ihotion' Wm. J. Pope, Esq., was appointed one b the Executive Com- mittee of the county, to fill ,the. vacancy. county Of George Phillips. .Esq. -. . , R: W. Kinsr, Esq and..Wm. F. Xof- tin, Esq.", being callei upbn,"addresse4 the" "' meeting in' able .. and forcible speeches, clearly proving! the present act calling a Convention, I unronstituv uoiiax iuui re voiu nuiiary , ... .-. ;.., V. On' motion, it: was ordered that the proceedings of the meeting ' be publish ed ' in the ' Carolina Era, 'Newl Berne Oh" motion, the meeting adjourned. ; , iU: R WM.F.IX)FTm, Ch'm'n. ' I Secretaries; v "-O,-1 .-KT Jilt- ;-.n-j-.ii..l,-T'- For .the, Era. ANTI-CONVENTION MEETING. Au anti-Convention . meeting v was held in the Western portion of Raleigh nwnsnin. nrar mis cjev tur whluikh- uay evenuig nwu a, very iargu iwifu- oance was present, ln.iact, aimosi every JersohUying in that vicinity Norfleet effreys was called ; to the chair,. r and Iiqss Pettiford was appointed Secretary.. JohnR. Caswell addressed the'meeting at some length , in oppositiori to the Convention scheme of the Conservative party, and a committee ' appointed for the purpose, reported the following res olutions, expressive of tlie views of the meeting, which were unanimously adopted:'":1 U , : '.'; I Resolved, That we approve the ac tion of the Republican State Executive Committee in recommending mat tne Republicans of the State as aparty,and all persons who are opposed to a Con vention, go into the convention cam paign andhght the measure in tne usual wav: that is. on the stump - and at-the ballot-box. : , Resolved, That the Convention Act is unconstitutional, revolutionary, and yoid. - "'.:.':- ' : ;., .' -"vi"." ' ' ;."'. Resolved, That the action of the pres ent Legislature in passing an Act re quiring voters to reside ninety days in tne Township in which they propose to vote; Is a species of Iegislation intended to' disfranehise'the colored' mian. , : Resolved, That we appro ve the course of Gov. Tod Rl Caldwell in refusing to issue the proclamation ordering a Con vention election, and that we will sus tain him in any further efforts that he may make to prevent the jConstitution from being overthrown in an unconsti tutional manner. . r ! .. ' . , . Resolved, That the party in opposi tion to the Republican party of the State, known as. the , I)emocratic Con servative party, is ' totally i unfit to be trusted with the admistration of state or national affairs, because said partyis he secession party, because the men that compose tne party, are apologists or the doings of the. Ku I Klux ivian, because in thiscrisis of pur State ;none but "Americans should be put on guard at this time." ' ; '''( '. ' i ' Resolved, Tliat we are unwilling to trust men yho 'are. en deavorhig to" prescribe educational , and property qualifications, for jvoters. . "Resolved, That we are unwilling . to trust our homesteads to. men who . are opposed to the decision of the Supreme vburt: in the case Of Hill vs. JCessler-. ' .tcesoivea, j.nat ine . proceeuings pi this meeting be published L in ,thet .Car oiina Era mgrmh. ; Vn h ;'iU !; v ' Foi'the Era. ' klEETING. V TOWNSMlt Thursdav last a very larsre number of the citizens of HU! Matthews Town ship, both white and colored, assem bled at the : store or juai j v lider, ror tliq .purpose of 'sending" delegates to the Wake nominating' Convention to be held in Raleigh Saturday, the first day of Julyi f The -meeting wa.-? or ganized by calling 'Mr;; G.'-A. Keith to the Chair, and appointing Mr; J.?U. Crosby as Secretary. ':;: ; ! - Mr. G.'A: Keith, diairman, explain- 01 the object of the meeting in a short were appointed delegates to the" Con vention f.V: ?'-? ' -,'' i' j.pere ut;iu;uu luruierj uusiucbb w- ore the meeting the1 ; remamder of the tbiy was spent in speaking by Gen i AW u. jones. ;' j urosoy, o. lwuner, uuvi Hutchins R.' N. Jeffreys," Jacob Ro-1 ion. The meeting adjourned, '; i t ; g A. KEITH; Ch'mrC. ' .HO. Ckosby, 8ec2. r i "V ' V For the Era.7-' THE CONSTITUTION -ANJ STATE TAjcA- t,ttr i ,. . . .. d 3 " ft'-'' i The Conventionist say; that we must have the Constitution changed so as to f enable to get rid Of the State debt; Did not tli& tSeittinel tell the legislature last winter,, that the Constitution- was iid 'obstacle to 4 a- compromise ; of 1 'the State debt, and that the true policy was to fix the amount the State was willing to ptyt'Jlrst. ? Vu. j - .i j. : TThis was certainly the iolicy bf ' the Sentinel last winter; Let anti Conven tion men remembe this.' j V . i : A Tax Payer. and very enthusiastic manner, iviessrs. O.. A. 'Keith: J. O. Crosby 8. Revis. R. -N;- Jeffreys and Nr B. 1 Williams' , Marrikd, at St. Paul's, Beaufort, Tues day evening, June 27th, 1871, by.KeV. Israel Harding, Mr,1 Waf . ' A. IlBABNxi of ' the Raleigh Daily Telegram, to Mlas ? SxiAAs Strkst, daughter of, S. .It." Street, .Taq. of the Ocean Ilouao. No cards. . 1 1 i j. DKATlIH Dikp, in DtivldHon "unty, on the lth instant, Ulanche youngest child of Iewis and Mary C Ilanes, aged one year, eight months and seven days.' ' HUq Was a daugh ter of the Editor of the North State, hud was a most sweet and amiable chikb y - ' Raleigh; Markets, CORKKTKD'Till-wklJKLY ' BY . " iot. t' Aibniisrc, f t Grocers and Commission Merchants, "Comer WilmiuKton and Martin Sta.. C'OTTOX-ner lb .'. ' - : "17-' lllirt (X)RX-tcr bushel;- PEASE per bushel. - ; ? ' if 1 2.5, OATS per hundred, l": r A . FLOUR North Carolina Family, FlA)UIt IJaltimore Family. ! - Hl 00' r "8 60 j 10 50 ' -10J11 S 00 - ': 17 1 15 BACON per lb., . - SALT per sack, - ' UAUOIJS'U . - . - MOLASSES--Cuba, new, ; " Sugar House. ' ' COTTON YARN- ', -CORN MEAL per bushel, ; Xrice. CORRECTKD, TRI-WKKKLY tBT '. MARCOM fALFOlt 15 , ' Grocers and Commission. Merchants, . , , Hargett Street. f , APPLES-ried- u - :' " .ifo 05 , . i J-i-green,' 1 - '' - i 00 lBd" Y UACUA liaiumom snioiet;, K sa m " 15 ! : I L-atrl tib. - U UrJ t i 15 idi . O0 - nrmninirnn m i tii av trips. H i 1 H-ahouldera: t - i t, 11 20 85 25 .10 30 25 60 20 00 BUTTER nei lb ' -' J v f-J' BEESWAX per.lbj, ; i - t ! BEEF on hoof, - - -COFFEE per tt., - 20& 07 20 CHEESE per lb.. t - COTTON YARN per bale,' r 85 jl CORN per bushel. - - ! 1 CHICKENS per piece, , . 15 !3 . 15 ivLAJUiv per ddi., - - a (ojy uu FODDER per 100 lbs., - : ! 1 50 0 00 llAT-per 1W lbs., '- - i 7S Xg)l 00 . HIDESgreen; per lb' - OSJfa) Otf . ' v i --dry,! per tbX ' -J ' --12-M16"1,; ' HERRINGS, N. apeT bbU : 8 -00 ft9 00 - j LEATHER, per t.t - t 35 40 ' LARD perft., -i , itJ$ '(gju 20. MOLASSES rper gallon,, - C' ,83 fe) 50 MEALper bushel, ( - - ,1 15 25 , OATS-per boshel, ,?-,J;? J ' -' ' ?5 -per 1001D8., wi (15)1 00 PEASE stock, 5 - i j - -1' 25 '1 -40 white, f - :r 140 TJ) 100. POTATOJfiSr-4rtan.per busn.; . , ; .1 00 .08 10 00 SUGAR crushed,, - -1 -at (3 " " ' -extra CV, - - !--,, . F.R., -' - - ": 15 & 00 12J 00 3 10 (43 25 i-..7i:fi 124 .-!. i common; ;- SALT per sack; - - ' - i: TALLOW per lb., 4 - VINEGAR per gallon. 40 50 I r i Cotton. AXArlcet, . CORRECTED, TBIr.WKBKLY BY GEORGE tT. 8TBONACH, Dealer in : Cotton j .and Naval n Stores, Market and 'Martin Streets. 1 Receipts at Raleigh, - - - 2' bales.' . For shipment from Raleigh, For storage, . -Sales yesterday, '-. ; . .... - V quotations; Ordinary. , - . - - ' 15 i . 17 18181 . 00 tiood oruinary, -?.ti '-.if Low midaiing,.;-!,- M Middling. - V - - Maricet active, cotton very scarce. New Advertisements; rjHE sun. f;-' ; K": ' C'KAnLKS A; DANA, KDITORi I THE DOLLAR WEEKLY SpN. a newspaper of the present times,' intenderl ror people now on eartli, including farmers,, mechanics, merchants, professional men, workers, thinkers, and all manner of honest folks, and the wives, sons and daughters of all such. ' ' ' '. '.;. ; 1 . ' . ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR ! ' , ONK UUMDRKD COPIKS FOR FIFTY DOLLARS. Or less than 'one cent a copy. Iet' there be a 950 club at every post oihce. Semi-Weekly Sim. 2 a year, of .tho same size and general character 'as the Weekly, but with a irreater variety of. miscellaneous reading, and furnisldng the news, to iU sub scribers with greater - freshnens, ' because It ' comes twice a week- histead Of once only.; THE DAILY SUN, $0 A. YEAR. A pre-eminently reaiUble newspaper, with the largest circulation in the world. . Free, independent, and fearless in politics. All the news" from everywhere. Two 'cents a . copy ; nv man, 00 cents a montii, or &i 00 a year. ". -' ' J-" f i TERMS TO ? CLUBS. K : "THK DOLLAR 'WKKIfLY BVJf! "' '!.' ?ive copies one year, separately sddrexHed, ' ' '" ' 1 ' Four Tall(tr. Ten "copies, one year, Kcparatclr aldreHHcd. flub,) j,.' ? t;- .-. 1 , Eight Dollars. Twenty copies, one year; separately add ress- j ea, anu an extra copy to tne getter up or ciuo,) H -, fifteen Dollars, Ffty copies, one year, to one address (and tlie SCmi-Weckly one year to .getter up of rs., Fifty copies, one year, separately addressed (ana tne wemi-weckrr one .year to getter up oj club,) ' . Thirty-five Dollars. ,One hundred' copies, one year, to one ad- , drexs; (and the Daily for one vear to the getter up of the eluh.) Eity Dollar. One hnndriwi' copies, one' year, separately , addressed (and ' the Daily for ono year to the getter np the club.) ' ' ' 'Sixty Dollars. - - r..i.--;i ; ; . , - f - THE SEMI-WEEKLY HVft.J : s Five copies, "one year, is?paratelyWdrcsscd. ' ,; : t fp -Eight Dollars. Ten copies, one year, separately add ressed, . (snd an extriirOpY to getter up of club. j ! v . ! , '- Sixteen Dc-Uars. . . .' 5 SEND YOUR.MONEY In post ofliee orders, checks, or drafts on New York whenever convenient.) If not, then register your letters 'containing ' money. Address ' 1 ' . I. W; ENOLANDPublisbcr', ? July 4 3m. ; ,8qn omcc' iierw York City. " ''.'f ,..;'jtl . ' , TT H. IN,TEtNA. EVENVEv ,it -vl; iiina! 'ii. 1 CbLLKCTOB' OFFICE, 1 '. A ii'tltbl District of North Carolina,1 '.ili' Arvl.A A.-t Raleigh, Juns ii,' VSIU . ' ,r,The Assessors List? for the months' of. April and , May have; been-pbMsed in tar hands for collection. ,1 AU persons, on whom . assessments have been pi? ' ' within thesa : f , months,' will meet me or my ; v puty at the , . , following times' and places, ired to pay , u.. KashvUle. 12th- ' -' , . . - MM. .... A t t. iota - , '2 , . i " iMtlj.ymf. :13th " " . " 1 "All those failing, to comply, with this notice, and all delinquent on fornier lbt, will be visited with the penalties of Law. ' -r ,r; -..i- .I.iJ.-YOUNO,' ,tf. 1 1 Collector 4ihDi.N. C' C. D. "Ufchurch, Dep. Collector, 10 td. t I J 1 'ii.,!' i i - i - r - i . - ' V

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