,mx i n. hi -i -j. ii i m mi . . .i in--11 ii ii ) iij 1 1 i ' "" J mum 1.1 1, i i i ' "' ' """" 1 MWiwtiwiiii r ' ni'-'l- ' 1 '"J"'. '. .'' - ; . ' ' m . ' ' ' ' ' ! 1 1111 ll.-lglia.'lfL"iUi . ..... ri 'IT f - V. ;; . . . -J-.s-p? Ml 1 .FA rrn. L . I fill 11 Y A lVfTTtSS T II n il . A V-T Taiii- i"', W-M V ;.: iiiiu;!!-;' ' 1 ! - TRI-WkEKLY Jk WKSKLY BY THfc ERA: PUBLISHING COMPANY. Xlates' of Sabtcrptiou ? THi-WEKKLYOne year, in advance, (J months, in advance, 3 montlis, in advance, t month, in advance, Wkkklt Ono year, in advance, Six months, in atlvance. EDITORIAL. CORRESPONDENCE.. ' ASHGVILLI Ju!y 4, 1871. Lraving llaleigli at 7:40 p. ir. J on the 'M of July, I reached this place; at 0 P. m., the following evening.' Trains on the W. N. C. Kail road are" running to the foot of the Blue Illdgeat Mrs. Bur gin's farm, twenty-live miles east of this. Two daily lines of stages connect this place with the railroad at the point above mentioned. The rails will be laid to Malone store during the com ing month, so as to diminish the stage travel to twenty-one miles between Asheville and the head of 'the road. All' work Is baspended on this road, as it is on all the other roads ill the West. The question suggested itself as I passed along the manifold evidence of corrup tion, incompetency and mismanage ment of our public works in the shape f nttarulnned work noon tne rouus. el in impeachi esoecially in buying apiecer-and the time and money spent in quarreling about a Convention, have leen better usetl .in'making sonic hon orable effort to resume work on our railroads? This is tlie opinion of many people in the West. " j From Salisbury to this point, there have been abundant and refreshing rains, and the crops of corn oil good land look very promising. Complaint is pretty general east and West. of the Blue Ridge of rust upon the oats. In this immediate region the farmers are likely, from present appearances, to reap abundant harvests from j their va rious crops the wheat, grass,5 potatoes and corn all being generally good. But what avails good crops to a community eut off from railroad communications with the markets of - the world 5T. And of what use are railroads to the people when the rates of freight and fare upon "them are as exorbitant as they now are 1 1 . " ' "lift ioftl I in North Carolina? It is a practiea a . - 11. ..nnlk rf-X rill I denial to the masses of the people of all the advantages which they ought, to enjoy from such means of travel and transport. Will there never be a better day in this respect in North Carolina? THE -ITU" OF JULY AT ASHEVILLE THE HOl'KS IAXD 'lROe?iKCTS OF THE COMIXCl )XVEXTIOX ELIXTIOX . KKPUnLICAXS IN HICJII Sl'IIllTS, AND ' IXIXFIIIEXT OF SUCCESS. ' I found an invitation awaiting me .from the colored ltcople of the c-ounty 'to addrcf theni on the 4th on the ioli tica! i-Mies of tho lay. OiIr ytl men from a distance had lk-eir an nnmufd to MHiik at the same time, and i.,,niiy.mnrtwiw. a lanre crowd of white and colontl ltepublirans assem bled in a lieautiful grove in theout hkirts of the village. Several gentle men of the Cbnsf-tttivo party had also leen iuvittnl address the colored ieo . i.ln andtoirive their views; but none if tlirm made Uieir appearance,1 having ij.ir in It was surresteii. io inei original platform, the "color line,!' dad j doubt, of a public opportun fcw their dissrust for the 44 niggd rrh nlmrpr" on his side, was quite lameness manifested by these gent men in failing to respond in any way to a civil invitation. I discu5ed the constitutionality of the Convention movement, fond the necessity for any such movement at this time, and endeavored to show the people that there was no necessity for any change of the Constitution now; that all the Grievances complained of as arising un Serthe Constitution, might be practi- cally remedied by wise and judicious legislation. I reviewed the acts and conduct of the Legislature to show that it consisted of the very' flower of the - Conservative party, and if it had been a failure as people generally pronoun ced it to be that there was little to le exitected of a Convention composed of men of the same party. Their failure to retrench and reform as they ! had promised to do ; their extravagant and useless expenditure of the public mo ney in employing extra lawyers and netting up an expensive and unneces . W book of the debates and proceed ings of the Impeachment Trial, were all commented on, and seemed to strike the people as matter worth eonslder imr. Many other points were touched, which the compass of this letter vilt not permit me to notice. Therewerea number present from adjoining coun ties, and all were orderly and attenti ve throughout the whole address. A matter of much more consequence than what I said, or what any other speaker said on that day, is what the peo ple say In this region about tne can oi u Convention. I talked with many on the train coming up. and to-day witn many persons from this and surrouna- of the election, and. my impression, de- rived from whatl: have thus heartl, is, that thre will be a verv ereat increase of the Republican vote over that of last ciiiTiiiipr'iii mi hip i i iiiii lies vtSb oi oiii i rr.i.r . t.. I., icrn d majority of over 400 agaiastus. Our friends now confidently expect to carry tit This would be a very gf eat ciiange, . w lut I have, myself conversed with so tnany oi inose wno voieu against us, . k did not vote.at all hist summer, whp Vill now vote the Republican ticket, tliit such a result, as is anticipated in tbV county -by our friends, is by no ' nicuns Improbable. The same revolu tioof opinion prevails, as I am relia LIvinformed, in the other counties wesiof the Blue Ridge. . Tlie Republican . party ls: much in debted to MrJ William Candler , for a very able speech, made by him In reply to a cumber of Conservatives who spoke here on Tuesday last. I hear hLs effort much complimented by his party friends, who think it was of great i a rtislrAtinf the false impres fronds, who think it was of great th ttnienna money ti..: ------ - - - . g Gov. Hlen-anu " Ov iction iat the fu- sion made by Conservative presses and orators. ;, ; . ;. ; 12 vol. i. r T I : : t 1 . i - ' - - ! a .- 4 ' ? : .i . i ' - W1 "'I I TO THE PEQPLE " OF . NORTH CAROLINA.! The circumstances surrounding pend ing events in North Carolina are more serious arid threatening than is gen erally supposed "by -the people. My otttcial positiqn . .having i given me peculiar . facilitieaLfor information, I feel it my duty, as the highest repre sentative of the State in thevNational Government, to offer my Views and counsel. " ' The Reconstruction Policy . of Con gress not 'only made the slaves free; but nlaced the ! colored ueonle . of the whole country on a civil and political equality with the whites. It embraces not onlv the ricrht to vote, sit upon I Juries and give evidence in the Courts, but. guarantees to all the ? 'equal pro tection" of the laws, by express pro vision in the National Constitution. This policy was adopted partly from a sentiment of abstract right and. jus tice. But it was hastened by well grounded apprehensions that the whites p4iwxn tne practical exercise and ture peace and safety of the country required the introduction of a new element into Southern polities, attach ed to the perpetuityxof the Govern ment by sentiments of gratitude and interest and which could be relied upon, so long, at least, as the Govern ment might continue to be its only protection against oppression and wrong. It was .believed that when public feeling in the South should be tro chagrined as to freely accord t the freednian the full and practical exer cise of equal rights, there, would no longer exist any sentiment of hostility to tho Government itself and that un til then, the colored vote would check any dangerous .manifestation of such hostile sentiment. It is idle, at this day, to inquire into the justice of this distrust on the part of the Government. But the mind will naturally advert to the terrible events of the rebellion, and to the atti tude assumed by its leaders, imme diately upon its close: It was natural for the Government to be sensitive to any manifestation of continued hostil ity and nainfullv solicitous to avoid a repetition, of the dangerous on throh whieh it had just passed. . , t VIA 14 A lnrm nurt of the Southern ieople are now in danrer of committing a fatal mistake, by supposing that this sen sitiveness and solicitude have ceaset to exist. Tt wn- ltorhmm. natural for those n- gaged In the rebellion, to feel keeitly and deeply the overwhelming .defeat of their purpose, and to chafe under the poverty and ruin caused by an ill advised resort to arms, and by the criminal protraction of it into a hope less struggle and the useless destruc tion of life and property. But after its close, trusted leaders owed it to the people whom they had led to subjuga tion, to liavc: infontKl them of the danger of further hostile manifesta tions, and counselled them to prudence and conciliation. . - The Construction Policy was forced uy leni- they had been compelled to submit before they woiUdrecogmze the National tut-' thorityT . The colored vote was brought in to tonform it to the otiblished usuage of American, institutions, and that vote is still relied upon to uphold and maintain it under the laws, and thus to prevent the 4iecessity for further military force. It is the fixed purpose of tho American people to maintain it by every means that may become necessary. V popular issue was made upon it in the elections of 18C8, and decided by a fair and even contest at the ballot-box. It is now evident that no respectable party at the North will longer avow a punose to distrust that lni!.'in Tint 1!1Q decision. But dissatisned and disap pointed political leaders have perfected a secret organization, in nearly all the Southern States, extending it into ev ery favorable locality, for the purpose of practically nullifying the policy of ttie Government by intimidation and violence upon the colored people, and upon those, who aid and encourage them in the free exercise of the rights which have been conferred on their race. . " The crimes committed by this or ganization have been of such a char acter as to cliallenge the most serious attention of the country, and to arouse th inditmation and horror of all men, except those whose political interests nd views thev are meant to subserve. Numerous anil horrible as they have lon in North Carolina, they appear to hiv lwn utill more so in several of the other Southern States. " . Tho cmvprnment has kept itself in fhrmpd of man v of the facts, and held a vigilant eye. upon the general pror tf h mnwmpnt. That it has meant to maintain Its Reconstruction TVkiinv hv unv and all necessary meahs, and to prevent its t being practically nniiifiMi w snob organized, local vio- tratrp. has been well trtnll who eared to become In formed. The delay In resorting; ahpp. in the requisite means lias lef n only from the hope that the State gov- ernnients luigni uuuwi p duced to iQly Hie proper remedy, and wiipve themselves and the nation from the evils and excitement conse- quent upon a furtner liuenereuw ju affairs. The general goy- i iiitTir Um.mAnf .ivnn (1 ieei 1USHU. " buv interference, whenever Jred topro. tect its citizens in the free, enjoyment x : . MtAAi rvi inn mil" or tne rignrs XXLi Tho present case, the protection of such rioht.ai deemed renuisite to its own peace and safety, such interference is UirrAiT tfk Kr riciiioriT ininerative. It IllkCIJ w V - va.?..-. X . , - ha Iioon wrfprflv evident that ' tne m'pmmpnt muld not and ' will1 not permit organized, local violence to subr ven tne cvumt-cvi mc: i"m-, to which it has been compelled to re sort for its own protection acalnst the renewed hostility of its conquered en emirs. - . . v- ; The danger thus threatened ;to the Southern Statp has.deenlv impressed me. for the last two years, liut tnere have been other painful considerations UUUUC,liCU mill . LI1C DUUIC;il .illU vruu could be insensible to the disgrace. In curred by Southern society for per books;atfl2,VMW f, Kiifrfv of the e)untrv uixjn the white people of tne voutn the militarv ixjwer which they, tl seles. had'invokcnl. and to which mitting organized assassination mur der, scourging, and' other, nameless crimes to go unpunished ancreveni'uh challengetl. Notwithstanding the bold denials of t lie partizan press, and the violent denunciation of, every mention of tlie disorders, capital, enterprise land Immigration 'could hot Ik deceived, but have turnwl away from us at! the time they .were nicest needed to retrieve our great misfortunes.. (The National Government has kept itself sufficiently apprised of the increasing magnitude and theatening character of the 'disor ders to be anxious and distrustful as to the result. Friendly and: ; leuefieent legislation for the Soutlrhas been thus checked and delayed. : General am nesty,' large appropriations of public lands for. educational -and agricultural puriioses, and perhaps', for great works of internal improvement, increased mail facilities, the payment of just claims for losses during the war ami a general solicitude -.for our material in- Sieif.Tii view of the possible, if mot probable necessity for a further resort to arms in order to bring the recently insunrent States into harmony andj safo relations with the National Moy ernnient. - . .J I fhave observtHl the sirHalionfind the tendency of events with the most painful anxiety. The responsibility and obligations of my official position I lave seeijicd to Ik? rendered more grave and oppressive from circumstances towhieh I ciinnot here advert with entire pro- riety. From a sense of public duty, I lave abstained from party, as well as personal controversy ; have been silent, when icrsonal. and -party interests seemed to require vindication ; and have endeavored to subserve j every .other consideration to my estimate oi what was due from a conscientious citizen, occupying, in a threatening and critical periou, inu uiipwi lime jwinuu wi. American Senator. It has been no dif ficult task, in view of my higher duties to ihy country, my section and my State,; to forego, for the time, any per sonal vindication oi niyseii against euso and malignant aspersion. ! ! The interests and petty quarrels of individuals are not to be thought of in tie dangerous emergency through Which we are nassi ng. The Justice and sober -wisdom of the people of -North Carolina may be relied upon, m fine end : and I now appeal to them, not in my ovvii oenair, out in ueuan i im-n OAVlTeace and interests,and of the safety arttl welfare of the entire country. iThe presence of the colored race in the Southern States, as slaves, underlay the1 cause, which led to, the late war. Thusr . presence as free citizens, and beariiur a lare-e proportion to the white race in numbers, now presents the most seripus probftm a nation ever had to solve. Ignorant and poor; sunjecc io the prejudiccfof race and to a condition of public sentiment arising fronithe uhforgotten servility and iiegrauaiion of. their late position in society, they lutve 'suddenly liecoine a political ';ele- niunl. lioldinr the balance tr lxnver among the former ruling classes in the South. The victory of the National Government over the rebellion of. their former "masters gave them . lreetlom. .That government gave them equal, civil and political rights, in order io seciire itself against Juturc danger irom the .manifest continuance oi the senti ments and purposes which led to the rebellion. ' As was expected, they nat urally exercise those rights in the, in ternet of the iKirly which coniexrou them.- Believing its safety involved, nie government naturally considers any attempt to prevent by violence such exercise of their rights, not only as ah oien defiance of its laws and authority, but as an act oi open nosiiiiiy. The States having laiieit in aiiyei- fectlve measure to supuxesslhe vio lence, the danger of another resort to military force has become, month by month, more imminent. As a ques tion of imidehco. as well as of National obligation, it has been the plain fluty of he States to act. As a question of ricrht of iustice. of humanity, of law and order, their duty has been quite as nlatn. 'In anv effort on the part or the States, the first resort was properly to the Courts. That tailing, tneir mnua- fin' aid of their civil power, -must next be tried. In North Carolina, l nri vised an earnest effort with both. Had it succeeded, we. at least, would hnVe PKcaoed the dausrer of another military occupation by ! the United States forces. ..The representatives in Contrress. who look to the real interests of thq Southern States, and seek to save them from the evils of further.rn.ilitary occupation, . have urged that a timely resort to the civil tribunals of the Na tion iniirht be first tried. In order to nrpvoiit. if ..possible, the. -necessity' for more: violent measures-, i That . is now leiur fried. - Its success deiiends on the cokiperation and good disposition' of till"' J.Txi ( - ' party zeal i and bitterness is arrayed aLiiinst it. ' Should it fail, the result will quickly show that, in 18i1, so now. the worst enemies of the Southern people are those who assume to be the special guardians of their intereste,.and seek to ootruue upon tnem , vimun TTnfortunately for North Carolina, its Mature, at the late session, adopted measures,. so flagrantly inconsiderate of lilt; SI l Mill MJ1VM ull.-) aJivicTuu.ii-vn,! - . a . 1 .If A 1 aggravation or the clangers anu umicui tiwsnrrounding us; as to seem really detiifmed for mischief. They were so swift to repeal ; existing Estate laws for the suppression of organized crime, that it appeared as meant to encourage iikj disnnlersand to shield the rerix'trators. Th imnenehment of the : Governor of the State upon no charges, except such as - were connected with ! his efforts to suppress such crimes by. the last resort nf .state authority.1 seemed intended to show the nation that it might place no further reliance upon the :fcoutiiern States, , either, for the protection of it: citizens or the practical enforcepient o k wsio'iitisil nnd ' fundamental ' princi ples iupon which it had ! agreed, after U.cA ritellion. . to re-admit them to their former participation irithe genera rmwrnmpnt Of the country. It woult have been more prudent and just, to havd fniinded; the impeachment iupon his-having fx long permitted wholesale scourging, murder and assassination to continue, without a much earlier resort (Wirv 'for 'their y Jtl H1CU3U1V i ' suppression.- , , i. , TnepQwrer to impeach and remove the,1 Governor was believed to. have been obtained .by organized ; violence, and through the mast s atrocious , out rages upon the persons of the ''Recently enfranchisei Voters ; and by thhs plac ing them uudersuch intimidation MVi to practically nullify the operutioii of the reconstruction policy which .the g eminent had adopted for its own s tv ' The removal of the Goverrior'fi y- S;IRv frtun office by arstrict party vote, for his forts to prevent such outrage ' iind n- timidation; can be viewed ,n hut a; 1 - But the most serious aiiil dangerous Ktei taken bv the lrislaturi?: 4 was its refusal to provide, by the legislative mode, for. the. few '.amendments to the Constitution, which it .pretended .were necessary; and its 'anxious and persis tent efforts to ill the ieoplf together in Conventions for the exeTeiwfsoyer. rei'ni poweiv. It was oonsidreU- tw un efTfirt tn u4K bsistilv tlie asceiidatHi- r ..u-..rfdiirt iitIiilTOcrtnnrL.:-trt1'';-t',Ill Tileteits desi&ni before the National fJilv eminent or1 an aroused public sentiment could have; time to suppress it. ; . i. The failure to call the Coiiyentitm tended somewhat, to allay, temporari- lv the nvmrehensioii: lJut the renewal of the elfort quickly followed, and in a manner believed to be reyolutionaiy, and in direct violation of what, was un dersfood as provided in the constitu tion. when it received the approval of Congress, preparatory to the read ml? sionof the State to representation. The refusal of the Executive of t State to exK'ute the ; measure, and t evnressed I opinion of "the Suprei le le io Judges that it was- unauthorized and unconstitutional, gave, nope to w riends of peace and onler that the renv oi utionary attempt to involve theStattv in further! trouble bad failed. !Tlis tope was sieedily dissipated by the re- adoption of the measure in . such ifortn as not to require tlie Kxwutiye concur rence, and to defy, temporarily at; least both the I executive and judiciary branches of the State Government, To all this proceeding those who real ly love and honor the State, can say on ly this, that it was merely the acti6n of an inconsiderate and reckless inajor- t.v in tho Legislature. ; elected without diselossing or intimating to the people of the SUite, their violent and revolu tionary designs. The people them selves should not be held responsible hv tlie National Government, nor sub jected to harsh measures for what thCy have never sanctioned,- ami wiuuf u do no possible harm until they da sanc tion it. The ' disposition and orderly conduct of the people themselves is t he testexl bv an election on the hst Thursdav in next August. T should be derelict in my ooiisrauo is v ; . - . i i .a - J of official duty, regardless of the threat ened peace and interests oi our peop oi l.invtj nno-rntofiii v reouitinsr i tne honors which they have so olten con ferred upon me. should l laii to my t ie situation thus nakedly before :theAi, and to warn them against the tUuiger, from whieh thev vct have it m their i ower to 'escape, we miouh mvi . " in. ' i i.i k- :ki iiffctrife aii1 violence. Another rest rt to arms would be far more vindicti r an ond morel riiiilOHS 111 its results, Ih the worst! feature ot tlie late war The revolutionary aspect of the pres ent Convention movement is reader ed more: prominent bv the circunvsta u es- surround inr it. The! condition '.ot . . . . public mind, growing out ot the rob Jl f A. 11. . A- ...... 1. -- . .4 4 "I 1 V l- lion : tne nict mat oiu wusiuiiuuiif as it is, was so recently required to be : 't SI b ;d mHt(Ml to the approval of Congress, a ttie. apprehension and anxiety oi i Vli . . he Nationa tJOverilllieiU aooui oisoiuu VV - M -1 i. .11 I.. rs 111 4 1 WA iU wtir' this Ji .most Ulilit time for a revolutionary experiment. That it was undertaken without pre viously consult ing the people or nolUy- ingthem of the purpose, at a popular election ;' the other ; simultaneous acts of those who inaugurated it: the im plication1 of many of them in the recent crimes and disorders in the State ; their open defiance of the Executive and ju diciary Departments of the Govern ment; and the violent zeal and reeK- lessness Iwitii which the purpose mis been pursued, 'all manifest a disposi tion to precipitate changes and meas ures, from which-the people would re enil upon sober consideration, and re gret under the instructivedevelopmehts of time and calm reflection. j , There is about it a painful similitude with the events of 181. Always here tofore, in calmer times, when the ; pro posed mode of calling a Convention has been suggested, it nas oeeu so piuiuMv lv and overwhelmingly repudiated in ni. tate" that, it was considered too well settled to le again undertaken, even in the storm v councils, which ' - ' .a k nnoriira ted the rebellion. Our best aiid par- ablest men. 'living and dead, of all pt! ties, have repudiated it in the strongest temis, as unconstitutional, ieoiuiyi. ary and inadmissible.; ; Mtirmlfl a rV.n vent ion be HOW asseiUl bled under this niode, and allowed J to take action upon the organic law of the State,- the 1 validity ot its every aci would be subject to question and doubt. Totli in the Stale mid Federal Courts, There would be conflicting Jurisdiction and authority letween two sets of State and county officers, and the whole bus iness and property interests of tho ico- ple become unsettled and 111 jeopardy. This would n-ivc rise to a state of gen eral contention and strife, which .we anV in no condition to - settle, without thekjnjjia Convention to amend the JConsti- utmost danger to the peace and good order of society. This is the most un propitious time in Our history for us to venture upon sucn nazaru. The restrictions, pretended to be im 1 on the Convent ion are oi nojoroe vhatever. There is no tribunal Known to our form of government, in which a citizen could enforce his rights under them, should he have any rights to en force. ..Experience in. the troubles of 18G1, and since, has .taught the people to distrust tlie good faith of men, en- fa?red over-zealously!in revolutionary projects and intent upon accomplishing certain purposes-; ; -u - . - . One of the most openly -avowed obi jects in calling the Convention; is to change our judiciary system, to put the present iudges out of oflice and substi tute other men in their. places. r.Nono seem hold enough to deny -that the im mediate effect would be the loss of the homesteads. : secured by our present be nificent and t humane laws. : . Scarcely a I year .would elapse, before, the hornet steads would be covered by executions for the old debts,' froni which they are a i; xvrfnMiel frrim ' families amid the tears of ' the helpless and distressed. The capitationr,tar,i which is now limited , to twd dollars, would be. .increased ; to a burdensome I extent -upon the iKXrer classes, aral col lected irom wages, even tnougni suei Wages might le-so meager as hardly td fumisli bread to those dependent tin the ! bill j ' -. L -! v I Without enumerating , j fieenis enbnirh' to say, that ftlrtli r, it no. i public jxki coum be accompiisnea oy-a vnr ventioh, at this- time, even if legally totted;, but tliat much, mischief j would al most .certainly , result, and , dangers of the riiost serious magnitude fall upon us. If changes in the conHtitn tion be really desirable, they should be pastpxMied'ta calmer times, .or delib erately considered and-submitted.. to the' peopte,' separately, '.by the V&isla-t tive mode; so wisely provided i lbr in th old constitution; as 'well as iti thq present constitution of thetate; . f , consatution was so recency i it tniircxi ttW kibnlitted to the' appr6val"qf 'the NationUl? Government ; the: unsettled stite of the public mind ;Jthe Lstill un develoiied results of the hew order of affairs, and the zealous auxiety arising out of the undxanipIeiM disorders in maiiy loeiilities, , render it imprudent and . unwise for any sof the Southern States, yet, to attempt the experiinent of amending their cohstitutiorjj by Conventions of the peoples j ' ; ; - j ; .The manner in which some; of! the; secession leaders and others seeiqlidis-; pdsed to deal with the olyectiohaUle features Of reconstruction , appeals to considerate men at a distance as tlreat-; ening continued disorders, and even a conflict of races, unsettling business re- ations and producing a general leeiing of insecurity and uneasiness. ' :. j The necessity lor furtner military interference is apprehended. Capital,! ever sensitive and careful,, keeps away; kind and fostering legislation, byCon is delaved : and the whole cofimtry regards the situation with aitxiety! aiid suspicion. The white people of the South are engaged in a niostgravjp and fatal mistake. Whatever evns may pe incident to some features of theiRiecon- struction policy; whatever there 'may be of mal-aclmimstration in ioyem- ment; whatever of. mortitication) anu wounded pride at results ; it may be, all,' best remedied by moderation,caliii- ness and prudence, iet tne .coiortti people become fully assured of the; good i "i . . , .. " . , i j.i -r r iaith ot the .whites t towarus uieui ui justice and protection as citizens' and they will then feel a common t j interest in the welfare of the tate anu j most readily heli every measure jOf npeclcd reform. i I !' j r u Any other course is. ruinous to us at home, but more latal still in our other relations and interests ine mi- pression untbrtunately preyails;-,that instead of moderation and sober reason, tlie, " mob spirit" pervades the! South ern States. . -. . .' ft cannot believe that the soberi solid rnfii oi.riN orin varouua win uugi-i itui t( appreciated the situation. jThey sliould improve the p'resent occasion to --r 11 '.i t ; If i .511 ,.nlr.W fn 5 I Vindicate themselves betore tiiejcoun- trv. bv voting 'down the Convention proposition, submitted lu a manner so - - ' . . . . - i . . . 1 nnd rto sav the least) of such questionable legality. ? j . ! : in tunes oi tumult, evil uisimjsou mm unworthy men are thrown upon the surftice and gain temporary power lor mischief. Cion the restoration of quiet and order, classes and men return to their proper level, and the-soDer-niiuu-ed. wise and good are enabled to.. re- Jnme the direi'tion of affairs. There is nothing had in ihe present! condition erf North Carolina that would not find Ktwedv reined v. if turbulence and lawlessness in action and counsel-could be made to cease. Capital, enterprise. and 'beneficent national le gislation, and till that makes up the 'common jwcalth, welfare and advancement of a! people, are watchfully awaiting an oppojrtuni- tv to eome to us. h ! V The result or our election in ifvuusi will be taken as a test of the real f spirit '... .. " . 1 L' J. I .4- .in.! iicnos;itifn of the -masses i or -our tit., x... j - . , . neoole. tv the Convention is voieo finwn u will be. contidentiaiiy cegar declas a popular rebuke to restless and disorderly agitators, which I will ren- .lhmn harmless for the tuture; and restore the supremacy of local Govern ment a iiii law. - . ! For the i?iiivlin:i El a NO CONVENTION MEETING rowan: '' The fourth day.of July was celebra ted in Salisbury. ThellepUblltt.fi vote pfthis county is thoroughly orgamzeti. Over one thousand voters were present Kneeel.es were made by: Col. iW. 'F llendei-son and Col. T. B. Long.vhich met the approbation of ' the Kexiibli eans. but displeased V the Cbnvientibri partv no little. After the speaking closed, the following gentlemen! were apppintetl to draft resolutions express-, iVe of the selise of thej meeting: 1 S.'II Wilev. W. FJ llendei-son, Dt. AV. JtlV iTowerton. Joseph Ballard, find Pink nev ..Hall, who .shortly thereafter, through their Chairman, Col. W. F. Henderson, 'reiorted the following res olutions, which were-;7 unanimously adopted: : . '.' f- 1. jiexolvcd; Tliat , we tho Republicans of Ilftwan eountv. believe tlie mcxtOi iid()ptea l.v tho Toisliitnre of 'North Carolina for tutionofthe. State, ! to Ue; uncojlstiButionai and revolutionary that wo are sustampd in this opinion hvsneli statesmen asOaston, Fisher, : Itnffiu, lligg and others,! whose names are anions the rcvereil ami honored men, ill ark frig the' history of their da. , .' , 2.'That tliose'Vhb favor' the? foposwl method ofcallirtga .Convention-,; dflgin our opinion, promote Revolution; arid that the proceedings of the Legislature for the years ISM, 1SC(), and 18()1, fully confirm the pwi tion wo occupy on this question, j . jj : '.H j 3. ' That avq call upon all good Citizens re gardless of party to unite with us inj voting down the proposition to. Jiave a invention called in this unconstitutional manner.;. ; 4. Tliat 'these prot'eeding.s l)e; puhlished in The Old NorthSSYae. the Era and all other mpers oppobed to-the manner in Which it i' A vote of thank were teiidertil the Chairman r Col. Long, ,and to i tlie , fcjecri retary, It. II. Broadheld Lsq., jfor the manner lit which thevVllscharged their iliiiit-r. - m - f i ( .The meeting then adjourned. ir THOS. B. LpNGi.C? - Vi." 'Bin.:.!, It. II. liiiOADFiELD, Bec;yN rtt Hls'Excellency,' the Goveriibr; pointed thef Hoh. 3x county, -a Notary Public, liXOti oi- reen 'II ? t !l. - ill -1 LETTER FROM AN OLD UNION MAN. 1 EniTOti Ek,V Dear, 6r.vTJie Ci)n- munist," Ku Klux and " noivtaii twenty dollar lawyers" held i their Convention, here on Saturday last, to nominate a candidate for a seat. in the tfjerat made no speecli for the reason dio did not. know, how, fBuggiScott,!j fwas made Secretary.. u Bugg" cpcludejl, as long as the Chairman ulid pot make a speech, he would : ' says he, fellow-citi-'zens it seems as if our bretheren ha got sceered about the infurnal.1 bill passed, by Congress to keep ; the' Ku KJux froni whipping and -..hanging folks for voting the Republican ticket, but here is one that cannot be sceored. urea t: a up ia use. ; : x u. vn 1 1 1 1 1 uv am iu hopes you will not take; this Ismail meeting as an indication -or our strength in the county. (.roans. "Bugg" continued, Fhave been af can didate for lo these many years, I jliave wprked for the party, done all the dirty work, and it has never nave oei .in dicated by my reveling a' singlel vote that the people wanted me to repivsent them.- I hope you will nominate: me the CVuiventiou.: will certainly be'defeatedj and If cannot in that event do'-yoii'any harm. Go it "Bugg.'f said Dr.'Taplv, the old Ku Klux; Bugg continued, I forgot my speech wnicn Master Joe Turner wrote. -for me and this is all I.know mys.elt, and uown ne sat, to the satisfaction oi every one. A very light can was niaue iur inuc "Jimmy? uranam: driven out of the Garden of Eden, and his family increased to the inalienable right to call - my . . tion to inake a Constitution nied for an hour to prove before we had a Constitution that we had a right tn-mnke one. Said over, apartoi.iat John's speecli , on Friday Jones and rm mn (nisi v liuin iu uanvi n cia.vv mTe eighteen years ago. The crowd showed signs of disgust and weariness o-et. ome one to stop V. Jimmy." The next on hand;. was the aforesaid Parker. He said he was alawyer, and if he was a twenty dollar lawyer, he was as good a man. as anybody. He won id illustrate, fot instance: said the captain of the Ku Klux, of this county was ' a' ! twenty ' dollar ? lawyer,' and he stood as high as any body if he did run away -last- summer. ,-jThei cro wd could stand this no; longer,;! and one old Ku Kiiiv b-ot, up and offered ; three cheers for the man who iws muntiig a coun trv where " hemp ' did not grpw., The " scalawag',' coutinued ; What do hut. the "twenty dollar lawyers. rcrroiiia from l)r" Taplv root d(x;tor from Stinkiiig inarter and 'cheers from Tnsr. the captain of the JvU iviux. a fter a. few more remarks.44Bugg" Scott gave him a wink and a sign. Dr. Stoore the revelator grunteil and poor Parker subsided. i-r. luuiiiguinc i han.Kv.me man with but little intellect and many pills got up. He read a funny Piece irOIll lll X ,. HIIIV" vuucvn . - i i rt-il 1 .. 1 .... 1 .... 1 lnnfiirirul oi laughter. ine in: luwnni wniuw. her. hi head, looked daggers at Murray hi opponent for tlie nomina' firm nnrl Kfl id in substance. J I am no more a heathan than f Jim Boyd (who wrote this piece, holding the. paper in his hand he declared that Bob No well could write a better piece any day and for his part if they did not quit writing about him and " Virtuous" . Jimmy ach" be would hurt some body. nr. niv was next called on. lie arose, ,ked mad said he was a candidate first, and should have had tne nomina iim. i if he had known that an! old winV would : ntmin come the "grab game," he Penix, would see the whole of them at Davy Jones locker before he would be made a "cats paw" of, j any irmcrer to null the chesiiuts out for Gov. Graham and Joe Turner who had made Hvinff hv abusing Democrats. He o-ot mad: took his liat anu leii. i Dr. o . . . . . Penix, it is thought, ; will le an inde- pendent candidate, u so ne wu wow- t.... q hut fnur 111 f hi . COillltV except tne ... twenty --""ill '-7. .in.i thK Umliiim Family who are m . ' . i, ill. J . 1 1 1 . . . lniiMniJ'' fatw nf i rv.nvention.; Well, may it be so, for nearly every Conservative in the enuntv who has land, enough has had his Homestead layed off and those whi. ha ve not ex'pect to live by getting office and having the honest 4 J republi cans to work for them for nothing;: , : Old Union Max. ; Graham, N. C., July 3, 1WI. For the Carolina Em. 'GETTING THEM AWAY FROM THEIR 1 uu GUN-BOATS." i ' a rrr-iir il'pntion. in inv.ittdimeniv A r5-" i ' " " I- never-.prat;tieed on. any peopiiv tnart. tliat which , the Cou ventioniste are attempting to practice on the people ofTorth Carolina lot the present time, in .regard tto the pro- ;pised legislative restru-tions oyer uie.pow ,A-i-tj"krt 1 It very forcibly rem ind.4 me or wiua we i 4 , v . i 1 T iso often heard during the war.'' Whenever the Southern Army Mixtaincd f enoils de- .feat and was oomK!lled to 'fall, liacki wo Hvere sure to , be told by i theso satne.iogi fciaus MQh Uiese .little rewrHes t are j much Wter for us in every way. v;e only want to get them from their gun-hoats I. f ! Talk al unit the powers of a legislature Wihtt-ol the action bf a Convention ! '? tin Aliuin1itv It the icreuture greater it fi-esitor Who. can ixMjsiblyiVeiievo ai doctrine ?r Ko one. furely. If the TvisiLita're' liatf the' 'ooweW1 rlaiiried ; for the shonld i be made by j the legislature without resorting, to the.nupes,CHJtarJ f iprise ot callincr a Convention. i . ( f Moreauon. " ,, '! ' " ' K.' For the Kni. revolutionary unconsUtutiona! Con voli tion ealled by Joe . Turners 'hands." MrT Mebane a trim stviih. looking ;aris- was called to the enair. tie pacing got up, looketl kuowmg, pusneu upi"s resoluUoiis, which were sleeves, and asked tor a driiiK 01 water, adopted: , jimmy, openti .ii.h ""x whareas. at the last session ArTtim was first made, and alter newas T t.ioinnccivi Jimmy tooK ; tne uia? auu.BiuF. Governor, might govern himself accoi;- Thas ended oneof the meanestspeeches Jiinffly thb.se prefound lawyers and ever listened to by any one. . f emment Judges declarexl said, law tobe While "Jimmy" was speaking, a v)ieomtitutiotl and, whereas, tho late fellow by the name of Parker,1 a , seal- chief Justice Huftin in a lkter, writU u lawag" if carpet-bagger'? from Harnett, jn im Qn ihQ suhoct, of nj Convention was going through the crowd trying to vi.ic-oH un mannpr now propose! to I care for homesteads?!, I never expect i""' "''";"" V i to have one. What do if care forTany- The Committee then .reported .the thin-? I havo lio interest in the coun- names of T. W. Patters-ai and Hon. trv " All I Wiint is to make new laws, John VMv I.indsiiy as candidate, for, so that nolKxly-iauimiderstiind. them Convention.- These 'gentlemen were it.KtnvenUoiii.(aeariy JWseles;Hlpriu:4j perrU no'tnisietrano: mo wmndorhtuy! tordWt the doctrine in review, the former deeeiYPd. by. tlie , fwe viet ai. thp (, , 1$ ' cloSied with greater power ' than the very same Parti, that in ISO) and lsOl prer . fatter,? and by eoniequenc, vwrh a taverj cipitated Hir' country iulo laU Ufwnilwar, amendmcntsiare necessary to ihe. Constta . tbfborror of wicb we ,;Hl .Pptjnow;r ti6ilfand'sub'mitted to a : vote' bf the people attempt to portray. But we , would ask ' Oive WHaret one time, - - r- $1 00 " "I ;,tljrpeineir,;.ii- - ' A square U the width of ' a column, and U .mdv deep '.Iff. . !ti M .1. I n 1 Coulraet AdvcitiseuieuU tkiwt proportionately low rat?. ' 4. 1 J . . ' . Professional CaKlA. i , notcxcccHlin 1 wpinre, I 1 i fA " will b nublishetl one Tftir for ?1. nliMiMl' 1 ' 1 ' REPUBLICAN MEETING ) WjENTWQRTH, (in SiitunlaNvJirnTliii 'iiutspaiiw' ! to a t-aU fiiOiPU iMiry' JCimrti vp ! Commute; tin' ' JlmhlKiiiiH in mass asseinbltMl iit"WVntnVnth,to n6ininate candidates totMinoseCVmvi'utinn and ir ifornVa'ididiiiriiiMUiw-i tli .will ttf i . . ii.iu., i . . j iXMU'Oriuvinj': ana uiwiiikuiii jm-jiiii-? tu. Ux'kinjrliam wunty. i ' ,:TIu nuvtiiiAvas cidll tMrUr Jy Gen. i..lA;J)uj;las:''ltirituiii ol'ilio Count, .(vutive: CXunniitt.i avIhi unhiinatkl Thus. .Allaxlaiu t lor clniir nian. WillUini X-mdcr ajid.ll. S, Ho lrts vr'niade8c,erctar!iv." ihx niriHon,' a cohmiittcc of tvo from e-.ii'h town-hip were -afriointctl hyWie':' chair to frame a platform,!; ami- report us dclenits. TJio conimUtco rhos. latlord Township to; U. John underden, Township No. 4. T. Wi Patterson. Township No. 1). M. Malloy, Anderson. SHtle.v:: I Township No. (ien. S. A. Doug- 1.,.. V....K iLill.ii...i. ia, xzirri iai j . t ., .Township ISO. ... 11. Aaron GallowaV. 1 ' T, lloberts, During the absem'e of the uommittee the Convention, was favored hy speecheH from Hon. John 31. Liudsay aiaf others. Mr. landsavTs speech was a masterly one, conipletely exlosing the fallacy of the arguments brought forward in fa vor of Conventions . At theclose of Mr. Lindsay's remarks, the committee reported through their chairman, Gen. Douglas, the following , unanimously of j the calling on civing to a mere maionty a m which by the Constitution is reservel to two-thirds or the iegisiature; anu, whereasjin an opinion given hy thqCh ief Justice'and three of his associates, of the Supreme Court, tb Gov.iC'aldWe.l In answer to an inquiry as to tho oraisti f pi lis to be uneomtitutloncit fthd unauthor isel; and, whereas,1 many other end nent lawyers have held and do now hold the, ..same opinion as the gentlemen mentioned aboye : Therefore bo it . , x : xRexolved,'. That tlie Itepublic.u party of Ttockinghani are opiKsel to Call i ng a Convention in the proposed maihier - Ft. . 1-1 - i? because they peneve ii to ikv mntmit tut tonal. :t , .1 : .;fi ;i. -U' Jlasohrd, That they - are . opposed to calling a Convention further, because it threatens the Homestead which is guaranteed to the poor man byVthe unanimously . Mr.. Patterson in a few brief remarks accepted the nomination and - .the. plat form, but Mr. TJndsay stated that the lit . . : . . ...... a bad state of his neaitu wouio prevem his accepting, and that with- regret he was compelled. to decline. That his warmest synipatmw am jwuuiwi iiiv ..Uli . .11-11 M'lwiU-'l 111' WC1C 111 JMl , 111.'.. f , T . was able he would address the --'people, in opposition to the -proposed Conven-tion-'f :-(-- - ! V The Committee then reported the name of Thos. A. Itagland, which wlis receivetl with cheers. Mr. Itagland in; a4 few brief and pointkl remarks ac-. cepted the unanimous nomination ten- dered, ana placed .nuiHcii squaiviy on the platform.. ... ; -,H'h-.t. .... ; :'.'' On motion the following gentlemen were requested to assist tliic;tn(lidatc's in the canvass; 1:1 1 Col. It. M. Douglas, Hon. Johnj M. Lindsay, Dr. Winchester, (ien. SJ.A. Douglas. Dr. John D. .Scales, ( apt. Spaulding.' ? . ;- ' ' '!'".- ' A motion made and pAsscd that the iirrlina. Kta. and GroenslrfW lie- publican ) rejuestexl , t publish the - j proceedings of the .Convention1; . The convention uieji. ujyourneii. TIIOS,A.Afil.AND :'s ,T r chairm nan. B. S. HonKKTs, ! K. vWlLUAM LAKDKK,' ) Secretarii'H. , , . , ; . ; . , ;H;Fui-llioaroJIuA Era. , ' JOHNSTON, COUNTY. ..i ', .r. - Avliat has iKvoinc'of! the - fire-tried Uiiioii men of old Johnston - in these days of wihl frenzy for a Oinvention to. inaugurate anotner revoiuinui . Where are. the . 1 1 InnauK . the Coati-:!, the Duncans, the JHasseys, anu. a, hom of others, who espoused the cause oi peace! h 1 mi ? H jJeak ' t jut i ' Tu r n iu t and ralso your iaces against this rev olutionary ; measure, .which threatens your homesteads, you luyrucs,, anu your all. ' ' "' 1 . ' ' . Urge John eoais unu irv:un Ilinnaiit. to takethe7?tump. and can- jvass against Convention. Jack. ii; in ;;M -::. -'-''I ' F,ir the Carohna Ef.'t, , 1MITK1HV) Jf; C, ilH10 29, iK7i) j; JiDinxedr JtiK,! 1 nd in your Usuft, j Jane22adrt IWI.tlU; regard to ,tJi0Chii)Qd I will ; .Query: .Waa U property diviJl, wcordingj to thelerm of tlie. V Uf T 1 1 1 an te welr'it was no't. if it hiul , een, there, wnjihl have been 17-ls or an eiepnani ieu, wiwiwn n 1Vnl- refviwi'tlio! exai't ' part 'allotted to him. i! .:; i- it s. ! , w t u ;, We are doingHvhat j wo can . V. -.ift-ulatp i yduh excellent paper ; find by. so doing, we'think.we are doing what WO1 'n'ftm the to see jneu, uiiiou. men, (if theyy under-J; stood1 tneriifieivcs1 aright) suftbriilg' Iheni- thei one QUewtlort i 'itWe yoke forljolten tkemiall Vse paaie JiQX a reiaj ;?..5i v -..j appointed was as follows : J ' Township. "No. 1 Boerillard, 1 1 t he people to ote for or 'again.H 'IJon- nine, ne Jiau i rwi . fll f.VAnf5nn (, u iie.! a COllven- ou a m.,inritv Khoiild vote, tlms xt n i w wu..iV..v T . lip ill 1 i.ri-nr - a moro HflflUlrilV !1 liOWel i I I 111 IV ! . . ......v.... ...... tutionalitv of the law so l that he, vthe I I 111 1,1(11 V4 tllVA v w- ; ' . I iiiuai( i Vinwt ifn t .. noiiunaied. : tolrmod of our. comjtry, as we. think weru ,;j kVhat in great need of sucli. truthful hwrl;; than 1 ing utf your ValuabloHpilpei ltlonl., ' " 'j . ny J lt i reUly, prqvokiug-'uii lK7U.anaUS71l ; I lk.iJ.i .kh ltlnilWil UTJMmi .A. I. ..- . . 4 f - V. V r -. i :i :' I.