Mo r it lfic uJecHu aarioliim mta, - i. j M 1--.-J .. ' i.vic:l. idilAVir. - - ica.tor. Otter, H the "Standard" bullfiinj, Eaat aide cl FytteviIU Street. ' . THE ATTITUDE a script L; re Example. THE ATTITUDE OP THE GOVERNMENT, t 1 t i-ru i.t.i f'i W6Src4cila in the f&ripture the government of the United States, l?rn KiS account and ,r. ,,.., f Kfnipl a pott-IenHJitsAvith hjs servantj,'L 111 11 Cfr VWUUOV I V UltMi ai The Convention party in the State, sayS tre ifafestillelmertftin, arc for a It.Vr.lCIOII. JULYi SOU, letfl. K.EB.IT J3EFORE-XJIE -PEOPU--- O.XYKXTIOX KLECTIOX TIIE FIRST Til URSD A Y IN AUG VST. a Ho sure to vote " No Convention',", and also to voto for the candidates that oppose thin Revolutionary, injudicloun and expen sive attempt to bring trouble upon our peo ple, and to sacrifice tlicir Homesteads for the Hole pnrpoo of controlling and adminis tering the few. offices now held by Repuhli (hiih in thU State. j IMPORTANT NOTICE TO VOTERS. Every man entitled to voto in the Conven tion election, mast vote in the Township where be resides, He mnxt tie regiHterod on the!on l!:s of hi Township liefiire he can virte. . llf must have rwi.hil ten fhiy U-foie til 1 1. -.-., in hi Township, j Ilir i.jut voii-aiur-U.! tii kc t for Conven- i . .r No Cwiivrnlion, and be must vote a vui :r.i!e ticket fr Ibe :uididate or candi- i dties. and t li.-ki-U must le put in scjh . . f ....... .Vai !--.. ' j It is a ni!.i:ike that the voter mast have HM'-d n.'itrfy days in hlf Township ljcforo Jh iui v-Ao. Ti n is all that U required vby law. It U only in some municipal elce-"ti..n.-t that a ninety days residence U re quired. i ' ihit a. had P111?11?11 or all that portion or tiiQ ' State? bonds' nraountirigto soniQtwcrity. ivnu -.... r . . .. .v . . . v r , "k . . , ; ' i millions tw uoiiars. taat .were l.'suca in potrninents in ini.s aiaic, mt -vnur , mw for which the pc?ople did not re- neyuenerniortlie unueti ssiaw-s sam, . u. y..A .r.w bonofit nnd which the rar- nt WcldoM ono-itnnlavl-isf : ten thousand talontfi ' But forasinuch emc anv Dene it, ana mcn ine ir nt oltio.1, on jniay i.ii . , OT, chasers and holders knew were weth- "I have leen fI:l in the orsel v - iv loss and would Convention honM assemble and provide l0d him to be sold, ami lus Wi.e and , , new jruveraiucjit loUiCtalcudthciWlilre pay: ment to be made. Tho servant there fore fell down and worshipped him, saying, Lord have patience withjine, and I will pay thee all. Then the Lord of that nervaiit'was moveil with present povern ment should refuse to bo displaoil, and a eolli.aion should arise be-tv.-eon the twrt, whit-hone would the govern ment of the Unit-d Stales lnniuUiln. I can not answer. I cannot imdertakc .to say a,..w , a .,a, ....... ... . ' A L compassion, and hxisf-l and nnliannv emcrirenev- I. will remind von tfry mm tho "Obt compulsion. A revision of for- REGISTER! REGISTER M REGISTER 1 ! ! - There is no new registration to be had. I Kvery ik tsoii f-ntitUxl to Iles- -iw ln not flojie so. can do so anv time afl( r .the appointment of the llixistmr for each TownshipjUp to and the daiy of election. ' ; . , -- - - .. - ' GET YOUR TICKETS READY. ( 1 K4-nd in tho. luuncW of vour r.indilaterf in every cotmty in the StabVthat tickets may be emulated in tiiiio.l S-nd In order.. "X Convon tion'VTirkets furnished at rM cents ier 1 .noo.UmtlidatesticketsIl per thoasaiid. j HALIr AX NOMINATIONS. lb nry Kpin-s, J. J. Goodwin r.nd I'liarhti SmitlLwere nominated on Sal unlay last asanti-t'onvt-ntiontndidates in Halifax county. The 'tiiiiiity will t;o a Convention. " THEY GIVE UP THE i O NT EST. however, that the Supreme Court, of. tho United States, lias "prou-iuiiyd through the mouth of Jvulge TdMy" that, it lays with Congress to decide what ovcrnrncnt U the e&tabliied ono in a llLiiL:' 'LuH.t r vs. 1 Jior tlen, 7 Howard 42,' 'and I erii r Vs the opinion tliat Congmhft'inglprA !dcl In 18J7 for thc-'"!estabIUhment -of a law ful government in North CiirAiInii,.t!irouh the action of " her ! own ; ptyple . lurv ing aftenartla approved the ; J.u,ititution, which her people ra liiled by a lare majori ty, having recog:iied tho credential of that ,,ovcrninc!it, in 'admitting; members front Xortli Ca.-oliila to Wair,"' will hot sutTcr tltat government to beiTerturnetl in 1S7I, extent ly proceeding. Chat are strictly according to Li w. I will al-o remind you, that tho same li:u- , hx decided in the same ciu-e, that when a call is .m;do on tho Presitlent to protect a State against domes tic violonee, growing out of Mich 'a collision, it U Ids clidy, ;ndtVir'claw"vhtch' Congie.4 liiis niiule, to determine which party Is 'tlie lawful government, and which party is - in surgent ; wid it is my opinion, that the pre But the tme--servant ' went' outf and found one of his feIIOV-servants, wiieh pwetl hijn an hundred pence; hnd he laid.hands on hini, and took ; iiini by the, throat saj'in, Bay Mi: 41Tiiat TiiOU' O west, and Ids fellow-servant (elldowii, 'at his iVet, mid Ix-solight him, saj'ing, hav p.itienee with j me, and I will pay thee all, "and, ho' 'wpuld not y but cast him iiito prison till he should pay the debt." he constitution wou strike out tho provision '-which makes it compulsory on thepeopleto pay them.-" The-leading. olposers of X'orrs-ention, arc the landholders, and hericc their' opposition to a change in the. Constitu tion, which will release the people from a, legal obi igut ion to iay t liei c norm otis debt, for whitii they -are not morally-( lxrund.. Ai?:--''iivi t?:'i' -1! fl i Thus disi-cuiith one. ofithe leadlnsr orgtmsof-i the-dainty, blue blood IVm servatives. : MJigli taxes and -repudia tion are the shibboleths of tlia"t- party, High i taxes,. the evil, denounced,-reiu-diation of the-public debt i ho remedy IrOpOSCli ; ,N j'.; .! ! hr.t Tlie Hegal Dbligtioii.'? .to-payionr "enormous lcbt' does iiG&iafiso-i iJut" of f 1.V dobt contracted in fraud, I jA debt cntracieii'in-aiiof lion; is riot a iawfuld!ebt;Vf L -Jierefore, iieither the Lelaturp nor tlie peoplearei bound by any such di-bts; and an cxpebsiye andvYpintiopary Convention is unnecessary to declare unnecessary neyerVbe ;pai(l jwjthout f the pal pablyf pTaiii I proposition, that so much" of thei public debt as vascon- s riot a are monuments erected by 1 he-roiiy 01 r' rvi;00ifPfi nolitic ans wiioirowo muc dCtmrmtion in iSGl? ana jci; iiiem, A'rf benrfs. this d:l resolve to do all they can to prevent their hus bands and their-sons- from voting-: in 1S71 for1 men or measures hvhich arc 1,,, fVrr-nnct the terrible scenes of thelato"relellion. . t tracted in fraud so much of it as was contractetl in aid of the rebellion j can not, under any 'provision of the Consti tution,. be collected from the people, uor am tlie legislature be jutiG'ctljr by GRAND REPUBLICAN RALLY AT WELDON A large crowd assembleci at , Weldpn on jSaiurxlay, . last, the lathj inst., ; lh nursuance of a notice, that j the Hon. A. T. Akerman, Attorney General of all the quibbling' and quirkingypf all thc united States, would' address the me lawyers in uiai oouy m imiKiug u lJOOpiQ qU , the . Conyent ion h question. tax UTon ine ix-opie, io pav- any iari, oi r rf u mtHtnfr xms killed to order ; at - . ; . . a v . , v. w - r -i - - I a ueyc wmen rtney tieciare, xiirougu an j130 a m iy thcrtappouitmenL . oi tlicir orjins-frttudulaUwidoUJi -It c. LCoblv Cliairmanl. William would seem fliatrt he caoacity' of the At.i-' -tr n 'iirrfoypr' .if. iTTawkins. seven wise; men, who- manatjvtl tho .Impeachment Trial,' ought 1 to , jliave jeen equal ttithe mental tOrt TeciUiitM.1 to imdorstahd hs very- plain -anil sim pie -matteft; -f -' "; -" THE QUFREilK COUJ2T UiSLANIMOtJSJtY FA VOR THE HOMESTEA&rTHE APPOINTEE GOV. CALtnVELL PAVORS1 THE XVISE tcridnv Jones. W. IJurrow. J v T. J. Haves, li: W. Latter," J. 1SJ. 1 oote, IV W. Peiry,' 3Iarcus Knvin ice Presidents ; and T.-J. Young1, Benj, 1 1. franklin ani AV.;Iv. Hammond, ;,fSet refaries. - , v,-- -.- . . - j , , . , .- ' Tim rhriiririan theiu'in a few iippro- - frriate reitiarlcs introduced the Hon. A. t 'V. Akerman; wild spoke itli great VOTE AT THE RIGHT PLACE. j Let the people rem ember that the last Conservative LeisUtumqias-cu which prohibits any one from voting , anywhere in the county except in own Township, and he must ho regis tered in his Township before h0 can i vote there.1 Tic must vote lltir pr iigainst,. , j a Convention on a separate' ticket; anil J he must also vote- for the candidate or 4 candidates of his choice on a separate i ticket. The poll 'holders must prepare ! distinct boxes for the different tickets, j All the votes for or. against Convent ion j arc to be put in thb? same box ; all the votes for the candidateH inust 1)0 put in another boxV Bo' sure to stxj that your j tickets are put in the right boxes.' Is 0 doubt! attempts will lo made to deceive you. ; ' If you cannot read yourself,; take some friend with you to tlie polls; who ran read, and who will see that you are' not cheated, out of your vokv by ifcv being put in the wrong boxi ; j ; ' . CANVASS IN WAKE COUNTY! r - i , - , i :- i , : ' i -i , ,f rri. r-JwJi''r i-!nciumit'S IiaVlIlIf . J.1IU Ilb-IMMIIH vv....v c, kicked dowii, the canvass ii this coun- .hi1 tirtt. . wo io nor artonint tv-nas oeen seiuiraiu i.u h rv - W 1 t..-7i Wl v a v I '.V J 'IV , Vf TIlC I - . , s , . - -ai r , - 1 va v -v ' ' ' J . I ml - tfcoSoLjl, whcnfeHi i Vfciuui: t.on-tvb,ch will iJte.-i ';E-to tte;R T;-;.; Convention ta.Hlidate Jmvc .!. ! cx- of U,eni at td clua of the W frorav oUit.o.. ,y the, Wl-Ml ln jS.Uiau.Uvell, of cdin'gly p.iall crowd., and thatltlu-y TI,cy ,rr;i.aticn-' will,' t!,'c. in- f.-nnou debt .J.anpns.ovcr '.XSTvmS ilnnnKtin, a ulT.;F. Ifo, of Wake-. jI to ilidt any ai. any 1,1 ' -'' '- t f -n ' because, if the obligation to pay is opinion iabt:wout, oi ery grea,ana - ........ . , .... -"f -'' - . . v r .- dulgett them, and compromised .with , ' a . - TT .X'itl imnortilnef"to;iho nftor.w'vnl'-'te' ?- 8 ?',' , i .i--' where. J . i.L ; themr ? But now these very rAeri, gf-thc f f tho mt TS tirrf CSeron Z - COLORkD Mf: The Ko amvention candidAt ytave fo lenieritiv tmitetl 1V tl Xorth- States protects the holders ofuch S??1 Vlt.Uir had large crowds wberever they spoke. aw . . - j t - -r a a - - a. . . . t . . i a. a a- a i iij xn i-ijw i. i 1 1 i iiiiiii aw iijirii ii niiiii wit- w - a, in iioin i ir - a i 1:1 i . : i . tin - i ii.mii n." - v .a. . " Jw . - I ' :- " f IHJf.ilJtMlLIJiiiSM. I11V1 t LA 1 V a7' l.LUl 11- - IZ1 l I 1 r -- em creuitors ami i lviieve cnt national executive, linduig twoso-caUwl ?clSr. by ; tho ; tliroat, saying, i 1 r oni , a,.!., 4-1, f ,nn, roii Iaw.c' sold to-satisfV. ii i m -. ... ' i uv viTVitll liil. i uiii inf. rukiu - itor t .ueirown ueo conio out, atidjiKO tne rt - ,w ;,noiri, 4i,nAw;nAf:n wiot amnion, thusfodttinsr in anv Township but thd one wherein T a ,T ' i a - . i m I till ii jjiimui a. aA ' a a v vuBiiWi a w . . c v i - i ' 1 . - jv a. a a.a a a v ii., T v va v . jv., a a a 7 a A I any debt. ctwk tcw' I tiort yotfi will', not bo'periidticd to -Voto' his opinion, thus splitting in any T contract: ".ThW is the -.supreme taw oil rest. all suspicion, that any, member you live. governments in tho Held, M'ould uphold that ono of thorn which Congress hatl reeog inred, unless it Iks found, that it had boon lawfully superceded hy tho other. . WHAT iTHK PEOPLE SAY. thap its enemies. Iebts of an" kinc But is the tax requisite to pay tlieJ in tercst oh the public flebt of North CVir- olina,the greatest burden of her ioople ? Are there no other sort of debts1 which have oppressed the people, and areriow weighing them down to the ground? AW understand that, leading '(W M-rvativc's of this city are aux iou. to U-t t.'rat the.tate will r.ot go. afaiusf Convention by wore than live thou .s:ii:d majority. Our opinion -is, that thi' majority against' Convention will lo jno.v than three times live thousand. THE VOICE OF A PROPHET. I It l! jou lliul oitr pari;; V yone up i:,il IhU Siate trill ro for the iVji- . to. !t the lt'eUhfi(il elect ionV . "7 . 7.7 yn' if ire f;otiito an eleeliun tee trill l Uir.'th faifedy j : . i " i- ('in..rvative .nator Iove, of Jack- .-, , in th'dels:ito on tlie Convention A , friend writing from (ireenviiie. I'itt county, July 1-3, 171 says:; "The .aimp;ugn in tliis . county is, very Kpiritetl.' Our car.dilates-Maj. fjouis IU1 lianl antl 'Col.- fi. V. Jthnston are doing-all- that wo -oultl desire. Thev have- the ConseiVativc' candidates under the hac k. If debts. therein ir swindling at the polls, i'onven tion will be lieaten IkuIIv, antt Messrs. llil lianl und Johnston elected hy handsumq mnjoritias." '" A friend writing from Kdenton, X. C, July Mtlr, 1871, says: " " ' "I think we- will get at least 200 majority in tldn tunt3, against 2-t hust suiumer. Jly int'ormatioii from other counties is lirst rate. Wo hae hoies of carrying lir.tcs ami stror.p liopc-s of Tyrrell. PeriuiiminM Avill give at leant 3(X) majority against Convention : lts quotank etjually its much, if not more. We look for lanre gains in Currituck. "-The Hast is all right." A friend writes us from Buneombe, sa"s: , . " "We are guiding in tho West. In tl:e lan guage of thii hid t-amo meetin-' inelo'dv. J-Y.jht.on, Fight on, M-e'i-egRiningground.' l?n)ni Yadkin another writes t ! "Your valnnhle. paper is doing good worK ::i tins vicimtv. It , has fonvmfed so vc-ml persons of the unconstitutionality Of the Convention.'! s A Stanly county correspondent send ing us a club, , says: .-' "You may look Tor a gxl ma- sui;scri hcr from this point. Your paper is highlv esuiemeaiy an wno reaa n. l-'rom Forsyth, another writes: I'ay ' Mi: That Thou . O w i:s t. and seek by 'calling r a 'Convention toj provide means to east him into prison till lie jshall pay ' the I debt. Leti' the wrath of the pexple overWh.elm the men who having been'forgfven debts ofjina ny thousand "dollarii themselves, alow Wisli to 'destroy the liomestciids of tlie I poor and neetlj, bring distress and ruin xi- i -i .i -i- .iinr inp i n irr s . Tifir innrniiffiitv, in t ;mnoinii(r iiimi. 31 . i 1 1 wiifiuii ii univ 1 uie -lium,. axajiiouni,: iw-uh? rinuuitmi, i- wwm.., j ...w w.v.vU(,..y. .... , ..v .... . .... v i . ' ... 1 iS...ii, , .i ,i'ii:i4. .1.- i m.,..-.-.K:.-k ?o. wirliii m-uI J oOV sovereignty of the people of thetstate, vi"- wiu. piuviuus unnip iu it-n uaj siu yimi xu umuii . wIipHiw nonibleil in .tKo- T.OfrislntTiro, this.-tribuimkupon the same suliject. i to allow you to vote. - i ;( -1 1,1041 The Homestead right of the I piorde: Bemember that if you are hot already 1 : a. a. a. 0 1( T Jifa V7H -X MV1-, V IIU ilJ iJV I f One' noticeable! 'feature' 'is that jnore white5 pcolile have1 attended Uie meet-' ings than 'jwa'bxpected . by -.'any j ohe. Thequestibii is iot connried t6 party by eral hundreds "Vrako will' jgivti one and majority against Convent ion.' :.. -r-1 - - l-r -i - . ; isnow , upon a soutiandi permanent registered in your rownspipi y foundation--ri'3i?if:?Z " ths iveoow - let be before you can vote. Bo sure upon their families, and cast them' prison until they sliall pay' their into proposed, ;in an unauthorized -mob. iTrtie. tiiero are high taxes, : butithe iiro.nt Oifitnfion.ic! not in hVimn Mr Ul- b ffOOd .Republican iti i On the contrary, its provisions, as Mheyhhavc iiotiung , lo gai . i i . ... . eoimtmotl,reino.roTjHt. in tlie cnange anu. i everyining iq casesof the.BiulroadapproprLationsde- A irV in- he liand is worth t4'o in theTrce colored people, pi this State, tne bush : ami tne Homestead is sater had a ricrnt to vote, a uonvpnuon was . 1 3 I ?17. 3- ih. J. ; -t i-i .i l -"li' -l yiuii ijucii n vouri as we nave,, , mone. 3 losev ;Kei)udiation is a two edired swortl. Wh eh, in the hands of such awkward been.foreed to. pay masters of fence as the Sfatexcille' Amtr .cad, may do its' friends more : , , that tribunal to be unconsti- old ... . , . . .... tutionat, nave relieved -us oi-nnuiion? of dollars of public debt -which, under tlie old Constitution, we would bave Tho ; Conservative party ; 1 votetl' t for fore. to. see that your name registration books. . 1 Itcnicmber, that up to the Lycar 188o, on must The progress of the war developed there- I too cJasscsi oi union nieu. . un,iius oimu is on the tlierd wcrfroin tho beginning o tne strife. Viiii te a nuniljT of men whi) ad hered to the old Ilagand among jhese were some ironiijiient men who; ImVl held officq in ante-bellum days.' . Hut time revcaicxl tlio.fact,'' sooner orda(ert jti, I , -.w-f i Am. I time reveaieil t . U IIU'II. I 1-1 1 II 'I I - I 1 1 I11.1-VI.-1L lAj ailJt'llll. Ill- lil" 1- - - c , - - . T " i I . . - . . n it .. . 1 1. - .l hasagainulecided it tOianplV-to old Lstitution, and it -took awdy t ie right of mat oniy a pan i icri atiiic-it, debts, than it would be, if Ied tb the j suffrage from tlie colored; people. ; to the -Union from patriotic- mot i yes tender jiicrcit's of B. F. Jdoort. Judge aiemcmbcr, theiTbre, that unless the WJio ipvcu inQXT. eoiiiury mi n j lerrimon and.Gov. Bragg, as Supreme. Convention is voted daiiiad the appropriations which Increased our ppurtJudgep.; , These , gentleineii d)e- never bo allowed to vote i are a grievance. State debt, to its .present magnitude- certainly I the Conservatives .in. Lithe. West . unanimously, did; ; else ; they .woiild have beeii long ; ago repudiated by their .people j These. Conservatives will aiot even now, dare to say ;tji'at their, votes, . authorizing appropriations for Railroads in tho West,!were extra v- Onre started, will repudiation ' slop at 'agant, or more than the wants of their . . . - I x . . . 1. - i : ' i j i any part of the public lieve.and avow that so far as. Old ilebts are concerneUj the Homestead; dhmot apply,..-By Ipiig habit and by moSid tendencies .which., they ; cannot control, are the friends of the j crea tors class and , the enemies . of .tho.l poor debtors of tpe, country. . The cbllec- tipn and, coercion of. debts - has been the making of their fortunes, i Their alofvn you may sakev-who ycro ready 'o sjierifiee their ote again.- ' T all for .itsj i) reservation. These men, j - tolajarq Republicans A NEW DODGE The, Con vent ion ists and jvar party, haying failed to get the people to turn out to their political gatherings in the West, have advertised Ja meeting of em North I m -m - I aT -a;i I rtnit . - I A- -- - l Ahf M T r . J-v .v.t ;.' wm "tf 'People required, or i. more than the 1.vt "vvx:i. t.iut jmui wou not all be wiped out. Are , speculators in old bonds north,1 and note shavers, merchants and lawyers who qwh them athonie,likj most of thecandidates in fa vor of a Convenliciientitled to anyj bet ter treatineiit thaiLthe great Conserva tive, ring niaster,Svepson or Ijittlefield, arid will riot all their claims be put upon an equal'footing? Tl4 tide of repudiation' once set in motion will roll 'oh : ruthless to, people were justly entitled other sections of the State. - , . ; The Conservative i Legislature, winter, very largely increased the State tax, as every tax payer already knows; and they iimpQdj additional burdens in the way.oipceial tares, on, thirty six countKmounting, io three hun dred Uioufcmd,doUanu. .-j ' ; What .th?y paid, .unnecessarily, iuid from f cxinnou pay, is, in a uegree pniy, toss criminal than a .thief and that thd sum I -11 ..I . J1J1 l'!l 2 last I OI auymainiesanu ineciimaoi iiKinan tne stocKiiomers oi tlie w es Carolina Railroad ComiMiny at Morganton on the'31st only three days before da thd to beheld y of July, depravity, is) reached by every djebtor Lwho .insists Jupon the 'shelter an pro- be dispensed, upon conditiohthatyou There will be more political road talk oh that oe(iisioi. -Free tickets, no-matter w are a stockholder or Qot, jwil tection of tlib Republican hndstcad listen to the seductive appeals of V ance against pegrl -.debts or old-store Ilebts and Merrimon, who will be on hand which ihi l hPi'Pnnnrs tn vvnnm tllipv i i - .1 - 'r . i i. uie 011 von lion uesuon. are due have Jong. since coniproinised ed that Gov. Vance ,wa? at a song. Stand by the sneers and lis, they stand by their' own country, find are triioTUnlon mep still' love the Union as it is a sayecl and glorious itn ion. Asyvas'discovereHl tlie pure gold,' so vvtis 1 also' tho dtoss. It .was seen, hy1 and by, that some men were adherents of tho cause of the Union because they1 bcli.eved that thus jthey ; would save . cir stave properly, or re ceivepciy jpr it, and that the surest place for them lb gel office ca$ in the Vnion'.' s The events of the "war-Uthe extremity ' of necessity (in the part of the United States Government disappoihtctjlf all . calculation atout the slaves; and Otficey too did not tU, unbidden, or "sought -.r . .'.. I for. on their -Humidors, nml yrv!'ltninii t vesuppos- " 7 r- r . :.-v v.- y;. -r iun i among aiu, tu-titiy, L-as.t.u.fwun tne inire: election. rthan Rail- lether you of course It is beginning to bo nrettv well conceded that Xash will jmI1 agamt Conventiou. A gatfi-i-ing of the eop!e- of HdgC'jube and .ta-su win uihu iiJitcy at- inis poiui on tvtxi- CbnserVative. . It will sweep alt into the vortex1 of destruction; . . . .i...n ,.r i.:. ...... i. - a a M"l""-v '".-. .lV.-TXt',t,1.1?r..,tV'.'v..t.., .tv. 'If lllKri'jl. 111.. HIMl llif 'I' J. .iwll Ii',.. nf 'HU V. HI. IHWIUIIIUIII .l IJ VlllV. A A ..-v.. ... . . . . .1.. . V 1 UIILfl( w l - . Yr returiHHl to the city Tuesday, the Illii ins!., from attending the last wvk of the regular term of Bunepnibe KujK'rior Court. While there, wo bad opiK)rtunit,s to converse with well informed nun frrm the adjoining counties, ami he;inl f nun others in the xtniiip western ct.unties. Everywhere in the West, our fricmls are imprtssHl witiilho cnnvitlii:i that the coming 'ltH-titi:i will le a groat triumph ftirthe Ib-pablit-.m lorty; and that - the' vote against Convention will Ik k over whtlming mid divisive, as to root out eil.viually ami iern.ancnily, the ene mies of law and order who have con trivtnl t!e present I -evolutionary plan to subvert the State gi)vernme-it in op position to the popular will. " JUDGE LOGAN'S LIFE THREATENED., ' - , But a few day's before vlr. Jarvis spec-.'!, at Uutherfordton; Judge Igi'm rte ivetl the following conmumiailion: AU IJiMln dostnyevl Sutheni" rights .but ho diod Willi theuu '' . If yon. don't Ktop icrsecu;iug Soutliern nien'antl turn them loose, you BUALr. pi if Grant's whtlearmy Uu-ks you. If you kImw this or speiik $!out it, 'you nw a tlead ' Mr.' Jarvis is iiot a, Ku'Klux, antt lonit all sympathy with them. Why should the Klan become so defiant and threaten to murder a Republican Judged alout the tim6thc Oonseryative Spoak rr of the House of Itepn?sentatiyes vxw' f it sitf-ik in their countv? It ii ak sug gestive coincidence. ' " " both sides, from Xash and J-.dgecombe, will lie present and adtlress tlie people. The Convcnlionists relv on tho western counties to carry the election. The laboring classes of lioth races wilt prettv gcnerallv vote Xo Convention," unless tho jwirty iash is la il on prettv heavilv at tlie ixIl. A. 11. Ai rington atldressed the pooi'.ie of few ti 20 liei agxiinsthim in XasJi. 'sharp w piling it on him at eveiy point. ... . S. l- A friend writing from Halifax, says: We hold a convention "on the ' 1Mb to nominate c:unjdates against a Convention. You can rely on Halifax gohg IS(0 or 20;0 RepulHiean the Indiana boosters trying to get pentcnt rebels and bitter 'secessionists- A- . 1 I- I . - ' At - 1 . ... I - . -j.: j... j f4.t c.a-j. i. ; t. f ijiwuv 1 1( n i inn m v "ri i ii .11 1 . mil. 11 1 -i . -r . l.. 1 ji . "Ynnr nimr i mui jv i.n!n1J.iM in iio 1 i 1... - M1 , f extra vatrantlv to extra lawvejrs" -Tnin- vwisuiuuvujwi me- oiuio-, . v.iuwiii pro- " - 7 ; I - , '.i"-v" - 1 us vuuservaii vo AJciiiocraiSi 111111 arc me- - our p-iper is rv.myy ,nnmiers 1 in the aruj cruel as. the grave, it will not --,--i"0 to. iiw ; pwu- . . - i ' f . seems -he -.has returned to. play soeolid I . . j. . ,v . L , county ot ioiythfvltjs .s:oken of in tho .. . t , ? ,-. .; 1 mid vtrnkm mvirfoiv wv w wn .vwos for voi r: protection! fetaud ;by. ri,ii. ,v T.tA-iw- -.,,1 worst enemies of the Union- and the hightt terms ofuse, and is doing great roaring or cnangc us course, jana - - ""-77 ".rr;," T. c the present Supreme, Court, which lias V hk!. ItUfut what the Itoimblicsn nartv .nrtv nhlo rrAiv-tfidH'. haf. im rlotri- r1" aUQt-ilCi. Cpmiun. Hiey il.ed, SO-Jar . Wla rll . It a' . -Wi .'tVVi.t. - .'clt-.H' YLAlQ: a.v c, nccdt,l nt Jwikigh ttr a long tune - riienfhiav eonie tc th-ild State bonds astheir example can fix at, tlie rate. -of be exempt ;rom execution, foj-Vold -t A fnend, wriatir;froni RKky.3ount, oi G , ?Gfrhamj Gov. - "Bragg, jlMr; compensation Ibr; prcfeionaL : men, del aiulve against 7 Convenn,-if July.14, XS71,says:. . . Ar.T,i.t-orLr:.t,'A;. oMTw, lawyers- at JwmMwo.. dollars -dm,- you avouW efecally do thcthii IrP?;-. 1. ' ava v-w. vvava--V-..'-.. aaAaaaax aaaaa wvaava. 1. - . . 1 1 - - - - -r- ' l - ' ' :-: Jud-TO -.rerrinion nnd ; fYd. little CountV fuccting in Soyemm(fnt4 These men prate Of their nee for or ag'a ph-s and 1 it dKs. Their natural enc inies lose bv it, and not they. If the Conservative adder sees fit, in its blind fasten ington ntldressed the people' of 'X.;s!i a tiays since, but with litth,? eiibct. Tho iegn ;Conftlerate law is operating and short hand reporters.; at ; ninfy-n inc. dollars. atdciy, and the .price. of public 1 documents, at fwelii? ihouanind nine hvm drcd doltcirs a copy , and phidjfoj these extra vaganees cntt jnf tntrwy lerofed X... 7.m'..A .f a-j!l;, .-?..' , 1 . 'qANGERr-BREAKERSAHpp. KUKLUX INVESTldATIONS.! Wd would, be derelict in were 'we not td "warn 'the oiir'iluey,"' 'peopio 'bf : . United 'ml a Con- 1: but it was all for tlie pegre t j. ! t. 1 . ; , t . aim 1101 lor ine country. - I its fangs in its own ' vital do so and dieas it will. ' ;But the public Idebt and ' tlie public taxes "are riot the great ' grievance j and oppression junder Vtiiieh "our ' popple sweat and groan. : ' . ' AMierc one man hAs sufTercd front the aipount of tlie taxe. hei h:is paid, ninety himv have been rainet bv the grasbi vhv iH it aild Turnpikps ih the u est. - 1 I - .:: ii i 1 1 ' - Xortli CViromia of the dangers which .encompass them: A Convention (failed 111 an unbaristiturtioiial ' manndr is Haying thu aided lii.pvervaianving fcau2ht withJ untold Wils; ' the5 chief . t i J i 11 -aa a I 9 a . 9 lire folate 111 a giganncoeocmd largejyj of is bel probability of colliMon ia 1 a . I I 1 I .... HKTetis.en that for par iq.o the fin . .Good lcop .your County hundred doll le of Guilford, last tax was :Sl cents o yeat h the States . Commissioner.. Scoirj iiiidWilsoii, continue to try penion.s charged lih'u 'io'i'.f i J -- - vj? w v v- 'Vji 'jwaj . i iu a aW I I T ' " ' ' ' 1. - . eommitteu to jail this cv.--Iluthcrford tunmxs oi property, only J cents pion Mar, July 12. . , . . uiuler Dcihocratic rul(0 tlnm under 1 le- ; The people of Rutherford ourity are publican.; j Itj is so easy to pay) that in eanicst They iiitencl tc break: up little'suni;fot;:ot'.r own party all, right the hellish ''Klan that' has infested that now. It costs the County only $f004 ' V-. ...... J,. .--.V I nM..'' ' I r .- . -i-i t' ti : , ' . t , i.. . , uuiity it! ii-iiiiy uvuc us. xiicyare.i vgmeeii Jiuuured aonarsj are of assessed jSropdrty---A o ' t en Is on , one ' hu n d it l only tie t; v.......w... , . and exacting demands of .tlicir npigh- l-'t'1'- "l il 111 l '"itu-'Uiu bupreme C'orirt s't'stain the. Uovprnor A friend writing from Dallas, t;as- 1)6rj.,-Tlie jtrivate fndebtedncsi. ohhe regular yay: by the proper tribunal m his viewsiand say that the fmefisure ton county, s;iys: people of the State, wlmt they owe one ' d so of much of the old debt, which iWA our paper is working wonders m this . u, d t til(.nublic taxc.. aVone was used to buy munitions of Avar fir Superior'' Court Judges' ' iif the ! tate ; county. I think wo will roll up. a majority ".. r, i-oi lui.puouc uiaa.. awim, ,? i' '- I' s' .- rd-'I4U1. -UU11 Juft ,1" uf1-' -ullc of at least tvo hundred atuiitst Chu rent ion. is the main cause of the creat " Docunia- tlie coiueueratO htates. . , and every one of thcm:ibclieVes 'the tiic. taxes, tiiey- now auege tvifb it ihi 'M-Avi.ri.i4'iof "" 4V -"".v lu j.ciur.. xn-y are. ygmeen jiuiiurett aonarsj to .pay Urn - ' - -..-.. v .. . . w ... - v. v. umi.v. , v "f j i j -. : -l- l -i . r. ) ' . . -. i . . ; . 1 . . . : r . r . the debt is all a fraud, and elawior' aV fho-nf xWh norAlSnofe.d PWUSLulltu ami - encouragwi , an ;uns oy int(5i-est 'otf tne wi.w bf Boifd.4 Mr." its repudiation. -Ko. doubt a great fG1f the-corif ift' 'Hie fJovernor df the ali go0(1- Cltl.z01is- Those, who' approve Gilmer fliedjup' for 'your annity Cbm t of the new debt israu(Iuicht,;a'n(l Statdiias' jHmounced tlie: Convejition the dmis'ef the,'KLan, Wo Tor its inincrs to. issue to ptiy otdfals- n a proper case to bill unconstitutional. ' f evolutioharv aiLJ" -"sb111 u p are you tton't Know to whom,- nor for what. :a. i .. .-i.,t -t ...t I . : -i ' . .. !:-... Si. . -'.I iliinw n mwir ' rnnl tnti-i'w: lrrrl'J I -.-S-l. ;.t. ...I'' ' , i 1 .1 V.-UU1 is, ib - win Avstj.m.viarcu, ana I nnI full rl-nrrtr ''-.Tllo Jlirt(wi Nr tho I -v.r vt. vmi .7 i iwii b -uia wii fxniieixKiv wouitl.Tiav We will have a Republican meeting at this plate on tho l."th inst., to nominate candi dates. Tlie seeesh have put forward that old iycd iu the irool hater tf the fformfuicn,; Jim White, as their candidate for .Conven tion, lhii from what I learn from soiuo of his friends,- he will not get a full support of his party.". ,,..' . : . , . JUDGE MERRIMON. rvative, were divided in r let down lli 1 I .1 a-. 1 fM-.-- r opinion upon the questionl' This; fthen, is the status'bf the question. Two Be- a -- . .; a Tt is said, that Judge Merrimon was so much opposed to the Ilomewtead ery measure 1 to- be unconstitutional. I The Legislature : itself, though overwhel mingly Cons pec ry distress in the State. This debt is owned or controlled mainly hy Conser vative Jtierchants, and j lawyers in! the State many of whpse r names" are an nounced a' candidates, in favor pf a Convention .to repudiate the State debt. What will become of thefr debts ?; If. tion to aeeordincr to the loric of the ' Mafrsrilte is quite as competent to do as hny Coii- clear in theii convictioTtS of fhn nlieon- jlmertcatt, tind the other leadere ohhe veiition ? But neither the 1egisiature stitutionality of the ' law, -whild the vouservaiive iiariy, u v.tJiivfiinon can "Y ...... .... v If the purpose of ' the Conservative party is fo repudiate tho State' debt, as is to bei inferrctl from "the' position taken by 'leading1 journals1 and ' pnblid men of that party, why" increase that debt by y calling an -expensive Conven- j)irtments of - the Slate government; do that which- the; Legislature tiie Executive and' the ! Judicialj are upthcTvlan.' All that has, Und is be ing done, is in accordance' wth lawi '.It hilist' be" 'apparent to the leadei-s of the Klan by th is time, thJit the peo ple Of Rutherford'do not intend! to be run over and maltreated ah v Tono-or ' . i .: -f ; J . ..... inn uni Mil Wtllltl.. I They intend to exhaust the civil nower bo lionvi.! i f nt. wn tlie Klan. - They will sue- ' I j i : yoi v chums Js it not a glorious thing ' to llongjto jthc Deinocracy and r pay high tax(';, yhen promisetl' low ta.tes. , Never tlinch,' it is not neariU It yet ; wail until yoii pay dor Convention tmd . tlie intercut on old bonds then it will i i - ! ceed. The7" Klux Bil Let it be enforced. : IS .. The New York' Evening mcnting upon the' recent tempt of the pemocratic Police' : authori ties a success. ostj com- vicked at- fayor and nvemion in,.rjy any act. or . ISTativel)er)artIient, Is divided in .7 liof lvlirtti ..lie iti-V-fAttf- Qit itfrti-t-t 1 I . . i i ..! ,n.. tir ! I..rl itorAn' -Utrtr .-An r roo 1 n I ' j 1 --r t ' . . j. V. ! . --I Cliy OI CW XOriv,l -" ""v "-" a.-vaav ...I.A..Vv r reitVise inepeopie irom me -arat oon- ""v".",v. vv-; lis-opinion, xsow uoes not every i man , T . -i,, i. .i ... Court Judsres- decidetl it to be constitu- " ;..Ao ,Ltn n,w, mmeii(dleim What are the' laivfiil i,; !i ofXWL-,.- 4i,.,f!u -tin ii . Insh of that ,l tho privilege ' -! ASHE COUNTY. tional, he exerted himself to raise r a fund .to carry., tlie question up to the Supremo Court of thodllnited States, by appeal, .so as to have tho decision of our tstate Court reversed. Tins would have allowed judgment creditors to selb the -w-r . " A 1 A1 . 1-1J 'i i lomcsteaus oi tneir. . j.oor aeuiors nr-1 r(tpud neriu s saie . J uuge jiemiBon is now a candidate for the Convention in Wake county; lias he change aboutthe Jlomestead made a J udge .of the North Carolina, -Twill. cause the Homestead sold to satisfy .tho dainLS. efri clients? . Votjers L August, you will have mil ion" oruavinjranv i . -' ; - - i ........ . . . . , ...- . i , debt, why tn't the same body repudi- naoimies oi too okuo wnai ine pcopie duty s of the Executive to nlaintaih the Ute jall private debts?: Tf they brgirt are in law: and mOrals, bound for, and Constitution Which lie- has - taken iipoii ne class of debts, 'they, will go what they; are not 'boimdTlie; ;ail' oalh 1 . Support ;? and defend ? tnrougn wnn THcjoo, ami wipe oni -iiii "V'' iv""- '-1 v ' M xocs ax)t evfr.T one Know tnat nci Will lb : tnl "icrt 111 in c-T ro f lirt;rMifrlif KlV o sen- tne if thevembark in i the- business Jof debtors ? at repudiation At all. ; i ! - ,, V." ulA 3 - corns on tne h ?r-; thePcratic of property,iin(I this is orkdepriyethe Protes- ku kIu?:i hat eity of te priylcge you , like L)k ; ,f Tax payeifsj bear it in mind, tliat last yc ar 1 870 ybu r State tax was CC "cents oil. the one hundred dollars worth of property. That' was' under. Ropubli- ' can rule ; this year' flH7If ! your ' Slate- tax s 52 cents oil tiie Tiundred dollars-. ' A' "under Demo- Uive'rule. "Ihy- of marching in procession, on Wedhes- tn Vi L 7 - y day, the 12th of July, hecqusejhe lloman W. . ' rli "Jl y""! 11 auholio Irish bisected-Iffrthe -parade- Vb, 1 ; - V' ? .r id :y. :ruii ,LJ, :-.' I,syc then 1(1 cents more in the dollar uiuii iasi,vyt!ar. itemcmber ' this I' iniyx 'too old debt ho interest nil lmnlL , - . - 'ui7 Tia say nw, the people of ttieSthtere bound lt Hllow M to take,possessiln -of UitoSi, ttnd Wltat in gcott .-Taitll and thetro-Vornmentitlie exeeuiii-e funMjntkl Javeour Ku Klux in Nework; but they school cxnons thf Uin r,ni,o...- , I ; . - , ... ii .i..,. iM.-wr, . cy-iipiuixjis ui bY the peopto? Is it not Trobabld that? pitoi?, .were seen in the streets of Ncw oucll way of lessen no- tuvne t .tirr ftwJ Vvhr.W A ork last niSht, and wandering froin bar- J -,.1 i, rof,,:,, ; 4.: . . . itlCf, U lII-JS- room !tobar-room. orenai-cd to uhoil tl.A ,OUhV hing ill these hot days. Ur 1 . 1 w FIFTY DOLLAR LEGISLATORS. I at" ; rani n .',.r 'ii 1! ; vi 1 .ineir;?,. ODiigaiions. xms me igis- th6 Unitetv t-iMs nthoritierf Htatck no' lomrer th.o South. Wo I .1 1 . .... I . i .!.-' 1 .-" . I '. t . . J. : !. ' I 1 X. : ii I 1 t ! . i. j 11 . ! - - I . - . I II llld r Tl It 1 r Tt I 5 . . . II i ... I . : , .- . . 1 T . 1 'i 1 I'lTII if. 1 Tl .1 s lift A-. ITl'I'Tll'l 1 I t . "I ' . ? 1 VATt I. ... . . B A l . ' - A . . 4 . . 1 . i'AAv. a - iM.v-t....i..w.:.ij.,rfA .-.x,-.; v '- v,..-.c.., u.wm- rsisrr. ir.npori no. inn rranuanv ermforfni- i riiAoti or rpjffni law. find, -if he is I ' ,.- . - . w:iLix. ' v.Ll ventioti fcm' do if.'.'ahd tif Convention rfi of ii.fttXih.Av'xiJAnri I. They did not take i .,.t rw tneir canauiait iorjvoeiiiiuu, Jnaiiyr .i..;uAi.i.ii -.rr", "t ' ""T their faces. or tov wwi-u,uv a-vvi: ..A-.-.-t. -u4t.,,.a .iictiiV1,lMa . m tile itliode island-: rebeiiloh-? fTiv ro W Vnri ii ii i i ii i i i i i imt - iii( a a .it . a i ir .m. - . i j a - i - . .- . . i - --.---- - - , a as .-..... i . . . s l(tlf tr t . rrt 1va 4 , . . . . 7 . - T .7. . -. 1 ... Tf thn illi riW W. VAH.f"A-f AyVk;'T ' U 1. . .. . ... r, ' i Were tUPir lflCnOS- A,..AWAa w . vA w.fivi. fbHiii-Ai..rv i l"v y-,w ivnj. ., ii.wj.ur cnce'n u etusi-that the nmls-l1eiBJrino t - ofIus.rtM",t V. - ' on the :3rd dav of lJ'.Li.r'n .V-V r "l .V &. in thaCoiitntitivtr HHmiimn::..- '-tt .Lki- stotaaehw I Vn ait7 i.- ooi- ..ii ' 01 cut . . , .- -a -.- --r r.e i tftJtfl ..Ci III 1.-11 f, Wi r IJ ! ltrt I f wvi rt rr titnt t If.f '.V ani ODMrtiinitvlit.1 TX ZV.XtZ Sr.4Z", islatureto bay' cithe thof i hiot ' ir HV 1. -t ' ... w.j,; - Lf " J rnieirsu or it.' . ... , . .a.M-, ? ,iu tt u . . , - ... t l I VVil t-AlWCAAI ! Wi.--rjnT tjl-' ' Li-fill I yoj Homestead shall. not be sold iXnamZ ;UKeWXm Mbby prison CtleThnn- for debtf or the privilege of turning , n tixeiii:vrs-Vrtii U-dutAwrftt MurmS'the Ur in tad 6t tne febeUion', der; AndeniivmomhdSalisJmrv.-M Idm outand puUingdge Merrimon f ,4 t!'&Kice;.'!B it m n,s piace, v.nnonesC opinion us a iii:in m arm - jn they u a," 80n3?rrfS 'ho swund iike Mm ughout our lavyyer is tlmt the lctedlawacKjs onlv tvivr in n lf?d b P? - State ; iet tllemdiold in mnemberaPce rtrtt nnilAi.t x-rvii nminit nlil r!f.l-ita I . ' l ci-rl tnom in notinnnr TVir iwyi nnit I .ii-t.lT -j. tiJ t . war for ,theCo:i ltizens lonLVodnewlay. f you , H3C1 good, ' fellow me i.irouoiq to oiaeken f nno. .! " - J a ' .1 - a 7 'at A IIYU'Vll 1 tiri ra- a-. rrtn-Ai.ri I - ii?..i.iou iuvii ijuih;iih. - Ku Klax; fiir they know . inigoycnt New York tax payors? to keep Judge iceaiie on tne Dencn, -who r L . - A-T -'trv '- . ;' v.1 Vs rpi Wo have , cheering ; news, says-the AshevilIePo.trrt from this steady .old county. IL T. Hardin Ls .the anti-Convention candidate, . and J. W- Totld, Esq., a young lawj'cr tlie candidate of , the revolutionist Mr.:IIanlinl is one of thq old and substantial banners aiid working men of the county. ; IIo . has always acted with the , Conservative lu-rty since tlie war though a Union man during tho war, and.! enjoys an 1 unusual degree", of poprArity amoiur tr.iRemember tlio last his fellow-citizens. vhA know, and- es-? od an act intended vto . t -cm him for his moral yortii and item ; negro out.of hi vote,i intigrity... 4 lis tlecUon by r over ;if0 -lonq to. rpta in hw tow lua'ority is U'vend doubts fir ...he. car-. yX9 be iilhe townsliip viJ .. in. I.:... 41.-. ...t.,. . i.-.i. i.Kxtt ' rocidol on t -diivs nrior a At i llllj M iltJlt: in 111111114 Avy. ' - 1 rvfirill I JinilllLI H 111 Ulll 11 U.t IIICSC lUVU -A- and half the Consorvati ve votes of the August next. Register, and vote "No again, until they repent and show their the payment of the interest upon the county. j Convention.' faith by their works. I lawful cieot or tne btate. ,rWhy iit thatevery ma'a - rwlio- has u- Cr A nrt1 . rs.l ; 1 .1,1 ' ' . . . - . iii ? ii r-.-'y-Y' "Kt 'a- iiuuw-. ucrainsc n i i. . I . f M7 i . i -. - I Pfn rli I rt fc N -- - i; . a-fteqhent eahko of do- 71 ' . - WI-,,,c,,y 1,1 IHVor - of ad ar.f; r vr l yyuycmion r f. it if . beeauso i ho !idpe - mi . . i hit nan . t- .. ..! - lauci? xue spar sconiaeli I '"'V1 "'"n1 JiuiiR-steaa and l'rnn-- of 'theBevoludonlstsiaftdr.ithO jpfficesjn a" Property exemiifiohs will 16 rerK-al-North CJarciina has roltetf Joutj every .toott od or thht tho'new ' Judges it is nroi .totfaeirpolii save e,;ancl tht? eon- pcejl to.Wibint Will decidt this 'LZ piuuuoiuu jiaxiy wjii mac oia snag out ill' VOT- IN YOUR !T(6VJNS-ilPS. 1 t I 'itdt.-- ' Is -'T ;ft ! Im confelerate money,! got scanty mtions ... j. of hanl trvk,' hd Tor Iotf," Aha otl ' . "TTi in the trdidiM, ftto. nakcd.'thtofigh v .A" - the Qimrtc-tT-R&lerfi, titMrfgmdsterjim-" .ijieiicorsjn nuisances tIi&t-weighcruror the neoDle . . - . -aV ltttera tC ,rf.stii1 h Wf.1 - it rrrl thnT i titirtUt I - w a : ai y vav-, fitlt ( VC rn -w ni Jimvifih' tin f h'. .. i . . it : i -t:. - . legislature iia-. guiimicr'-f ttml - winter - cold dnd Client the, poor bore the buiVlens-and t-laT.gers'of a 'iuir; X?W mw.?h Avitn gri&vrtcc-s too' intolerable Ue requiring, every, inaugurated and prriwtiteci fortheper- K' " ,r . . - poroR the wives.aml mothers of . . . I ""tLUr. . 1 1 .1. i 1 L nf. rft!0 nffoetinn' indivinnni itt.; o...itJ .!it' :f..i,-ir . nSiiip,Ko.l)e sure peaiauon os, eiavt-iy, -ap v.ucii-mo pwr 1 rr T,w' i?V K 5VTT-1 luc iit me -.wnieueTa.e g?ave- where jT)U-;hnve. fipW'crhad not onq partiaQofinter , -S5Bnn? t8c V1 '-" Wi J rarcIsdiIIe'ilKsIr MmoBdsr 2lrbe- VJit.1r bA-vTinrtl wnrkm' vpnmanrv. of UU.MU Lil . . f . . .- , .1 , . ... 4 .- - .... , .. , i to,.thc I htf ivy A"Z. u'?j:.:: Y n nH.,r, SiM,ii-- ,i mg-reireencci uy looking upon thd last LVs Wn-fcv- a. v Jk - a i AVJA f ... , resting plates of their dear, departed dead, let them remember that ihese in August 'imd'lhen, lear little twiiikW ' ! ' ' . , U antl tllec' '- r . TV -- r-A r at r -. t ' TX . I ' lAAvn wHurej xnere is -ino-v -v-. . --. a h a JL 1 III I balance of your political lijvcs. . " PhlliJ3 should . bo paid fot his loss of cliaracpr, T 1Jtc- Sentinel. ., . r have a sure thingl Kxp it ... r : -i .v.: - ;. , M04 men of North ' Carolina ! 'if Vou l-f-. ill ino -- I -r, a - --. l- - "P;.r- - 1 1 . - .cnarK;cerg- vuu -avu your Homesteads ' md f idd then have a lter chf -ter ; left',' ;tln . ypu aj-eopposed to renactin- tlie old tlie whole pack, who yelp at Iiif heel ; V - tci sa law, Vote against (Imf . I Jl I" . ' hi 1 1 11 ' ' -v- - - t , , - . : r rL ' - ---awnii li Avrti-lt 4-tt. : i . 1 1, : " ;v . 1X1 iac ou-sii." You have go. uie ami. Democrats for the 'ney departure' in novation. Phxla. Press. Hold on to it.