; j'" i ; ! . -. . ... . -.- .. . i. ' i . , ; j . . . . ... i .. "" I ' ' ' 1 . . -. ..- : . ''. Jin., i iMii.ii,iiniMt ' v, .. ........ .. . "... 4-- TTf"' Tit t1 lb 1 ' TtV ' LIic Uwnlii bat tfJiitit iutfU " 1 T (-rT -All Letters relating to Subscriptions or Advertisements, must be addressed to WM. M. BROWN, Business Manager. All Registered Letters can be sent nt our risk. iivL.icioir...TXjiY soth.' itsri. Local, State and General Items. Since our last issue we have had glorious showers of rain. fsvs labor tho .eloquence of our IKmioeratie friends l?efore the lionest Ialor- crsofWake. ' . '- ' : - From tho Washington Chronicle, il ap pears that F. N.,Strudwick h'-s been sum moned back l Washington. Judge 'ant well of Wiliiiington addreved a large crowd in that city, on tho night of 4 tie Hth, against a Convention. An Attempt was made a few nights slrnt! to break into the stable of K. Beloj of Salem. fvuntijoriy wanted ono of IIclo's horses. i i The; (2 rand Jury of Baltimore has in dicted Mrs. Wharton, for murder in" the llnt dgree", for jeisoniiig 5en. Ketchnm. ; A terrible explosion ccurred in Lewis Tunnel, in Virginia on the loth inst. Si men were wounded.twoof whom havosiwe " died, i . . :; " , ". ; k Him i i 4wiii.hi 4 t .1 lenry' Walser, of Yadkin county, notifies tho "Hon. -J(siah Turner, Jr." that he, Walter.1 never slimed the "Western ad- dress' In ICil. ! Phillip makes tho old cow lot down her in ilk freely. Sentinel. Phillips , makes tho old bull paw up the trround " freelv" under his lash. - Cant. Hester thought lie had the murderer ;f- Stephens tho other night. He only run agin" an old " sucker" and the local of the liceortlcr hurt himsrli laughing over tho joke. . Tell every colored voter to vole in hisnwn townshin at the annroaching election. Vo- a ting on a certificate won't I allowed. Stay n home, loys, and give the Revolutionists a full-brr-astel burner., j iKUiH-i of the recent storm at Payton,Ohio, .vjiow that the -ouuty was usually unfortu nate. A tree crushetl a farm iiouso near Iavton, killing two person. Tlie damage i oviti mated at l.OtW.OfXl. j Tho Salem I're.ii thinks Senator Pool ought to lo bre:iking stone within the Pen itentiary. Senator Pool is engaged in break ing the lack-lonc of tlie new rc!cl lion. After a wlule, we expect to see all tho stone ne''Ksarv to lo broken, iamnicrcd by homocrati" Kit Klnx froni Iluthcrfordnnd oilier ioints West. Hkavy JoitW. W. WbUe, ifso., Kegi, ter of IHmMs. witli a corns of cflieicnt clerks ti:v liren busilv cmrdoveil revising and ennving the tax lists of thej Sixteen Twn-J ships in this county. The; abstrac t, yet to c made, is a job of no ortlinav tindcrtak- ing requiring the lxst talent matliemati- i.-ally sjjeaking a d ar head ami quirk. Mr. White embolics tht4o rouisits in a remarkable degree-. In fact, hi looks, as a -ounty otn-er, present a neatness and cor rectness, which will ilo him cnnlit in after vears. . j Our State Fair will commence in this city oif tho I7lh Octoln r next. From what we can learn, it will excel! any . previous fair held since tho second State fair, many years since tiuf. it is concctleu lv manv. was brilliant in every department. , We hope our people fioiu tho mountains to the sea, will como together next Fall; with their sa ui pies or enterprise and j industry, for getting past unpleasttNtHCftx, come, fcllowci tiwns..and let us meet nixin tho common level of a brotherhood of a loyal and law abiding people. - Our Republican friends should not forget that township, ofiicers aro ,to bo clecletl in August. We trust Raleigh township will I - on the alert. This is an important point, and the very lest men, men of intelligence and learning,. fhould bo put in nomination for Justh-es of the Peace. I Nominate none but truo Republicans. Of the old pa unci eh-ch-d by tho jKXpIe, Mcssrs. Whitaker, I un4on and Jones alone continue in otlice. We do not know as to the intentions of the two last named, but of -Mr. Whiiaker, it is linden-tood that, he declines' a second elec tion. Ho has transacted avast amount of business since August last, andlegsnow to" lie allowed torc-St. i The following arc Oov. Caldwell's ap- lKintees fir DirecUirs and Proxy on the part of the Suite for tho Xortli Carolina Railroad Conipanv. , If tho Governor had had the whole eople of the Statovto select from in stead of a few hundred stockholders, he could not have made a better selection. Ho has ignored party in making his apioint uients. Can as much be said for Messrs. Jarvis and Warren. j , niRKCTOKs: W; A. Smith, of Alamance. W. II. Myers, of Mecklenburg. Unfits Itarringer, of Mecklenburg. ISobt. AV. Foani; or Cabarr. . T John McDonald, of Cabarrus. -r '. . Mises Ij. Holmes, of Rowan, f N. II. D. WiLson, of (Jnilford. John It. Harrison, of Wako. (i. Win. Welker.of (iuilford, State Proxy. JcmsDirriox of Justicks op tiii: Pkack in ckrtain casus. Judgo Roj-den, .of tlie Supreme Court Rcnch in tho case of State r.t. Deaton, held, that Justices of tho .Pesu-e have cxclusivo original jurisdiction of ofienses ' mentioned in Cliap.200, Act of .TCS-'9, entitled lAn Act to protect married "women from tho .wilful i?Kindonment or neglect of their husbands." ASTienever J. P's. have exclusive original jurisiliction in criminal offenses, it is not necessary .that there shouU bo a compliance with tho requisites prescribed In See. C, Snb-Div. IV of Clap. 178, Act of 1SC0. Cut such requisites must 1 be strictly complied with in all cases-where tho jurisdiction of tho Superior Courts, and J. P's arc concur rent. i ? Whether a husband who j abandons his wife prior to the ratification of the above re cited act and continues after said act is guil ty. Quere. . , We have applied to Justice Whltaker for a solution of the Querc. . He holds, without mental reservation, that every . scamp who wilfully abandons his better half, if brought before his Court, will suffer tho ojctremo penalty of tho law, that the act referred to is both prospective ana rcirospecuve au vom Uiis opinion, will never DacK uovn. A revival of religion bar; been in progress at swifl Craven count-r in the establishment of a ihurch nt that place. Henderson Youn v.U hung in Charlotte on Frid.-vy last, for the murder of Edmund Smith. The execution was in rvate. 8avc to n limited, few. ; ilia rie-iiesi specimen oi pmi "r vri seen by tlie editor of tho Old 'North Slate, has lioen found on the Ilenrnc Mine in Uie county' of Stanly. We arc extremely pained to note so many murder rases bv women. Our road era will havo ebserved tho oft recital of crime o this nature, by females, recently. A. (i. Thornton, a Jladical Magistrate of Fayettcville, has leen roleiasod from jail. Jaglc. B. S. Buchanan, a Democratic Shenif, ha been put in jail. Wo are sensible reminded, that if there ever wasa time wlien our city fathers should turn their attention to the sanitary condition of private ba-k j-ards, that time is voir. A little 8 by 10 sheet published in -Char lotte,' called "Onee-a-weck," in shaking of tho execution of Young on Friday last, calls .it "a little job of meat hanging." Shameful. The Fayettcville IJaglc intimates that the greater portion of our city improveinentsJ consists of brag s and gas. M istakon, bro. "Long Urabs." Como up nd take a ioep, and le eonvine-ed. v ; Tho venerable and much loved. Mr. Rjir- wcll, Presbyterian Minister, Charlotte, oc cupied the pulpit of tho Presbyterian church in this city last Sabbath morning, and do livered a most excellent sermon. If energy means success, then tho anti- Con veil lion-party of North Carolina will gain a glorious victory in August, r roni Cherokeo to Currituck our friends are at work. Amos Jon of, found guilty of sliooiinga Mr. CarjKMiter, has !vn sentence-! )ty Judge Clarke to ten vears in the Penitentiary. Amos will 1muo " many a herring," during his apprentice-ship, if the fish crop "hits.' A woman named Stiles, hoielessly insane, was brought to our city front Jackson coun ty, and lodged in jail, Wednesday night lat. Wc suppose she is enroute for the Insane Asvlum. Slieout talks old uncle Jerri Mire. Moses Jarman knocked Abram Walker down with ajug, in Craven e-ount3 a few elays ago, and tlien jumped upon him and bit a piece of his lip efl. P. S. The jug was empty, and did not- break! . Head too much for jug. Pop Oxcndine, one of the Lowcry gain; in the e-ounty of Robeson, has been captured, and now reposes in the jail ef New Hanover. His career has ended. The next scene in his tragic life will I tho drop and tlie cur tain of death will cover Ins name with m- famv.- , A cedorcd boy, says the Hillslioro Jic- cordcr, of tha 1-th, .mounted the steps of the cars us they moveil oil' last Monday from tlie Deixjt ?.t this place intending to ride a few yards and jump oil", but in jump ing his foot got entangled and ho was dragged far enough to get both ej-es put out, an arm broken and his skull frac tured. X. Y. IsDKrKXOKXT. This paper is one of the leading journals of New It ork City. It is ably edited, full of .news, deals with the various questions that now agitate the American people iii a masterly ande-onvin- cing manners 'iliose who desire a cw York paper, should subserilc for the Inde pendent. . The John Gilpin mode of driving horses just about now, is cruel, and calls aloud for a humane society. Some of the unpracticed emigrants from the old country will havo other horses to buv, if thev don't lessen their speed. Four; miles an hour is time enough to make, with tho thermometer at 01 in the shade. ' . The Charlotte liuUeii.i of the 11th says : "A report is in circulation that tho public well on Trj-gii street, opposite the Charlotte hoti?l, is used for the dejositc of infants. A part of an arm and several phn-es of the llesh have le-en taken from that well.. Who has: Itc-ch using that water? Dkatii from TiidiiTNixo. Monday eve ning, 10th inst., says the Fayettcville 1-lrtylc, lightning struck the house ef Mr. Isaa .Williams, in Dismal Township, Samison county, and instantly killcsl one of his little sons and seriously injured aueith'er, who is still surviving and may recover. Kilt.kd r.v LioiiTNixei. Late yester- day-aflenioon saj'S tho Ncwbern Journal of Commerce, of tho 11th, during tho prevalence of a heavy thunder squall, a house at the corner of Queen and South Front streets, was struck by lightning, and a e-olored woman named Peggy Keal, aged .70 years and a girl named Sophia McCulIoch, were killed' instantly. Another -woman and child wero severely, shocked. The house was considerably damaged. Kii.lkd nv Liohtnixo. On Monday, about two o'clock, a. m., at his residenco in Onslow county, near tho Folly store, while sitting in tho eloor, Mr. Jonas Jones, a highly respected citizen of the county, was killetl b3" lightning. There was no ono in tho house at tho timo except his little son, ageel seven years, who was lying on tho bod about 4 or 5 feet from hit father, and who escaped uninjureel, says the Wil mington Journal ot the 14th. . If ten SLites of this Union havo a clause; in their Constitution making a bare major ity of their Lcgiskitures competent to call a Convention of the people one State in the Union, has'no such clause in her Con stitution and that State is-North Carolina. We havo nothing to elo with the Constitu- ..1L " .. 1 tion of Wisconsin or or caiirornia wo na e a Constitution of our own, and it will to respected. Mark the prediction. Robeson county must abound in- hot . - r - . " bloods. Tha Wilmington &tar of tho ictn learns from passengers who came down on tho Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad yesterday, that " a difficulty oc- curretl at Scufilctown; Robeson county, oh Tuesday, between Sherrod Locklear and Wm. Goins both mulattocs and residents of that cess-ixol of iniquity, during which Goins shot Ijocklear, inflicting a wound fi-om which ho shortly afterwards elied. Tlio dispute between them arose about some turpentine. ; . " j: . Ti. S. BucnAXA, Democratic Sheriff ftP jAPCSOX ror.VTY A IFFArLTERj HE IS hs 'Wake Jail, to axswer. R. (5. Ruc hanan, Democratic Sheriff of Jackson, was arrestcHl in this city on Thurwlay hist, by Deputy Sheriff Magnin, upon a warrant is suenl ?y Nathaniel Royden, Aseiat Judgo of tho Supreme Court, at tho instance of David A.1 Jenkins, Esq.,. Public Treasurer, for failing to jiay the public taxes due from him for tlie fiscal year ending 30th Septem beir 18.'0, on or within twenty elays after the rVtlfieation of "an art to compel the Sheriffs to settle the nublie toxes." which said act was ratified 21st day of March, 1S71 i or, on or leforo the lOth tlav of May 1S71 J as re el it 1 red to elo, - by a resolution entitled, " Resolution for tho relief of li. S. Ruchanan, S.Vritf ot Jackson county." Thd-t'aso-was heard lK-foro Judge Royden ou the afternoon of tlie elay of the arrest, the other Judges of tho Supremo Court being present. - j Kemp P. Rattle .Ksep, apiearing jfor tho Stale, and "Messrs. Jones ami Jones for tho Defendant. I ! After a full and thorough invesljgalion, the jiKlgmeut of His Honor, Judgo Royden; -was rendered in the following words. 'fThc Defendant 1 icing before me, Nathan iel Roydenjnncof the Justices pf iheSiipremo (Snirt, iqxm the within charge, and jhaviug heard all the evidence eflered, a?ut jtho. ad mtMsion of too etefemiant. and tiiauiio is a defaulter to tho SUito Trtswurer jfor,. :t ho taXe'S duo rout Jackson county, an;l it ap-iK,-aring that his defalcation is in tlie sum of about seven thousand dollars, h is re fiuired to enter into rewgnizane-e with sulli- cieht surety, in the sum of fifteen thousand lollars for.his appearance at the next t,erm of tho Superior Court to bo held 'for the e-ounivoi asi!. in uirtcr uiu ciariru ui a j. - ( r i " . i t It e the State against him for the crime within named, and failing to enter into. said recog nizance with surety, he is committed to tho common jairef Wako county for sat u keep ing, until eliseharged according to law." The defendant R. S. liuchanan, wasj accor dingly committed. ' ' . During the examination, it appearetl in evidence, that the county Commissioners of Jackson had allowed fShci iff .linehitnan to collect tha Stale taxes for 180 without giving a bond, as the law requires! That tie bond of the same Shorilf, for the collection of tire taxes for ISO'.I, is a worthless bit of paper the sureties worthless. . This comes well, from a Conservative county and Conserva tive Commissioners. Well may they preach low taxes, when not a e-.cn t thereof, goes to tho Public Treasury, but inlo theprpiligate iockets of an irresponsible Deiaoerat ij; Will the Sentinel make a note! iciter- r4t . of , this ef its remarkable, unwarranted condu-n political adjiei-cnts, in the boasted Conserv ative c-ouiitj'- of Jackson, the home of Sena tor IjOvo, who should havo found oit, and exposed this wholesale fraud wi ien M'c e give (as we doubt not he would havo elone, (v him icredit for. fair dealing,) had not aro bound to infer,) tlie Contmiioners winked at. and smothered this, (as jwe are bound to elcnominato it) imparallelletl ofll cial dishonesty; for, it further appeftreil in evidence, as we are creditably informed, thnt. 11. S.' Ruchanan protluced duplicate re ceipts for tlie taxes said duplicates-purporting to represent the-genuinc receipts of our Treasurer, when, in truth, he, linjhanan, had received no such receipts from the Treasurer, for the taxes aforesaid, phis, if true, and it cannot be denied, places Sheriff liuchanan in another aspect and hot one of thclemocratieSheritlsof tho State olf North iii-uliiiii l - ' . Now. it is evident, that if the Legislature had known of "the troubles in the nioun tains," tliat'ceieti act making a defalcation of a Sheriff, after a certain specified date, a criminal offence,, punishablo by elonlinc- ment in tho Penitentiary, such would not have passed that body. an act This is our opinion.) And the said act, as be yond doubt, passed for the benefit of Sher iffs Rce and Schchck both of whor have made a full settlement with the public Ti ii:isnrtr. ' Wo jLssert. that the pit was 4Mi-n.red for their." the Conscrvativc.4 ene R. S. niips ;" but, into this pit has failed Ruchanan .Conservative Shcrijjrot tub Con servative county of Jackson. How would the matter havo stood how ever,, had not the act iii qucstioi been passed, for. tho purposes of hunting down Sheriffs Roo and Scheuck? Simply thus : R. S. Uuchanan would havo been gu'.Ity of a misdemeanor, for the failure and diefal ca tion but guilty ot something else, e n the duplicate Count, j We desire the tax payers and hone-1 men of North Carolina o ponder over thi- niat tor. ; Ix?t them remember, that thbs who cry : most vex-iferously "wolf, wolf, ' will themselves lear tiie most vigilant wak-hing. Ill this Jackson county matter, tho peopU of that county have paid their Uixes-X-tbese taxes have fallen into hands of Conser vative officials; and by jthese officials, have! been squandered. Riichanan, it is truej now lies in Wake jail to answer for his rimc; but, Avherejs the seven thousand dollars, mill where tho sureties and wherb tho countv Commissioners, who ought to have lecu tho guardians oi mo e-oumics und ? "SoJuniiNCt L ice Rcsinkss. U. S. Alio-: Ackcrmrn, Instructs the district Attorney to malTo extraordinary exertions t. the ex ecution of tho Ku Klux bill. : Wherever they hir of oijtrages, they shall pi rwure warrants from Federal Commissioners, arrest 'parlies accused and havo them bound over or committed until tho ensuing 1 term of the! Federal Court. Virgil K. Liic has been lap win tcdj Sccial Assistant 1) strict i Attorney, in North Carolina. Federal troops aro placovl at his call Tho "Chronicler concludes an edstorial on this subject.: thus: "the action on tho part of tho Attorney-Gen. displays a d silion to cxee-uto the Ku Klux law in nest, and shows tliat the administration is evidently eletermined that it shall be rig idly executed to the very letter." Wjiat say other counties? Wake county : will "poll a majority of over nine hundred against" Convention in Atgust next. ! Wo know of many Conservatives who openly repudiate Revolution and tho destruction of the Homestead fcaturd. In Auburn Township, where tho enemies of tho Constitution expected a heavy , vote in their favor, w o feel certain that "no Conven tion" will be largely in the. majority. Scarcely Worthy of Mextion.-i-TIio Democratic pow-wpw in Metropolitan Hall, Satunlay night. The attendance was rather. slim-Judgo Merrimon spoke Gen. fDar rlnger, ditto. Tlmmb-nail applausc-t-toy-whistlo enthusiasm. Rig-gun exploded no body hurt i ; . " j ' Rraxton Rrago, Jr., In tho case 6f Rraxton Rragg Jr., for killing Madison Wilson, it was ordered by tho Court that the defendant givo a" personal recognizance in the sum of $2,500 to appear at the iext term of the city Court. No investigation into the merits of the case was had. Extract from Gov. Caldwell's Message. It is in the interestof peace, iuiet anel public order, niul-te provVnt roraIo serious conflicts and eoliisionsot" aXitlior ity, that 1 .invoke tlio General Assem bly' to relievo me r from tlie ; enilmrrafi mentof my present position, The Gov ernment is of tho people and for the peo ple, and upon a just occasion nnel-iri. a lawful wayjt they have an undisputcil right to change it. No one will lo lees likely than I to interpose csiptious ol jections to the mode or manner of ef-: fecting such changes, as are proposed ly the representatives of the people or its may be in accordance with a disti net, de finiteand deliberate popular willcrxpres sed uiKin this subject. Hut it cannot suc cessfully lo denied that thomodo'iiiow proposed is novel and irregular (to use no stronger term;) that it; lias' no ex press warrant or authority by any pro vision of the Constitution ; that it is sustained only by a latitudinous and strained interpretation of a- generaT 1 J I J A J 11.1 ' L ? piirasein uiai lnsiruineiii, tiuifc n is in the face of contemponineous expasition and decision of thesame question in the Convcntion-'Of lfij, by the ablest meri, and by a very largo majority, -of 'thai body of pure and upriglit,and em'inent citizens; that it lias been more i than once determinetl,and I snpioseel finally dctermincHl, by the action of both po litical parties, represented by their best men in the (enei-al - Assembly, --before the war. Tl i is being the case, and the public; mind still being sensitive to tho slightest cause of alarm and apprehen sion for the continuance of 'peace within our borders, and our qople - iraying every day and hour of t heir lives that they may never see again the' scenes1 of commotion, strife, bitterness arid blood shed through which'they haveso'reeent Iv nasseel ; that while they havoelt-cifled views that one manner of selHting Jitd ges and Justices of the Peace is preor able to another ; that oho kind of coun ty administration is better than anoth er, there is yet no prevailing reason why they should again buckle on their sa bres, shoulder their ntuskcts, and at the noiiit of their bayonets and at tho mouth of their cannon, enforce their views of what ought to be the Constitution uion their dissenting neighlKirs, as eachpar- tv undertook to do ih 18G1 . A feeling of doubt and uncertainty as to the future, exists in-North Cam- lina. There is some reason wnyit- shouldexist. And therefore the slight est circumstance will be seized upon, as foreboding evil, by the sober 'steady men and women of the State: For'thoy vet remember and feel the agonies of slaughtered or crippled' sons,of widow ed daughters and orphaned children, and deplore tho lossof ravaged and des olated i homes and ruined fortunes. The trivial coincidence of the month and elay of the -proposed' Convention election with certain other inauspicious days and months in the dark period of bloodshed, crime, and overthrow of political relations ami institutions;' in augurated with as fair promises as sire made in this-same month ten years ago, win be rememoerea. -it will be remembered aisotnat tne very dav, April 13th, on which the propos ed 'election is to be held, -.is the anni versary of the bombardment of Fort Sumter, anel the commencement of the war. Slight as these circumstances are, the people wTill attribute to them great significance, as indicative of ulte rior and dangerous designs, not per haps ill the contemplation of tHoseWho concurred in the passage of the present law;- ! ' ' , ".' ' - " i-- Tho dread of being deprived of the protection of the homestead clause in the present Constitution iwill create a deep feeling of anxiety and interest among the people, ana -conirioute t exasperate and heighten the general excitement beyond that which , wc might expect in ordinary elections. The fear that the army of creditors whose claims have been excluded : by the holding of the present Supreme Court, will be precipitatad upon the helpless. and impoverished debtors in the State, now protected by that dec is ion, coupled with the fact that ihe present act does not restrict tho -proposed Convention from -abolishing tlie constitutional exemption from impris onment for debt, will seriously agitato the minds of the poorer classes of our people both white and colored. The former will regard the homestead "allot ted, to them by law as put in jeopardy, if not probably lost, bv submitting to a call of a Convention. The latter, who labor upon our farms, in our elomestic service, and upon our public works, may suspect that a Convention, unre stricted as to its power to establish -.the old ca. st. system of imprisonment for debts, will leave open a door to intro duce that or a system of peonage like that in Mexico, where, although their Constitution guarantees liberty to ev ery citizen, by their mexle of enforcing de'lits every farm or house servant is liable to become practically a slave. - The first Convention bilf fixed the election , on the anniversary ; of the bombardment of Fen-t Sumpter. ' Let the people remember that Judge -Mcrrimon, and other leading lawyers of the. Conservative party ; have been trying to get a test case beforeXth.e.jSa-i prefno Court of j the, United j-SlCfI to., overthrow the iromeste-ad laws; : of North .Carolina. ' : , . . . j Call a Convention; and these same gentlemen Xvill wani',to; go upoii Uw Supreme Court Bench ;' and the Con-i servative. party is .pledged to ' place only such there as will decitle the Homestead law, ' uneohslUCdlomil and VC'id. ;,,-;,' .'.,,;- s - , ' : - - . . - . - . : . , ; "vpinna, ye'iioar tlio slogan !" . i f " l w -rs ; '.. ' . . .' r Most of the more rabid advocates1 for Convention have many poorY.meri owi ng them debts. ThbseConyentionlsU are specially, interesteel in the elestruc-' tion of the Homestead that they may' collect these debts at the tail erid of an execution. Under -the Constitution as it is'? the poor men are safe.l ... Call a Convention and tliey will lose alb Tlie way the people's mpriey gocf-r the Four Thousand Three Hundred aiitl Seventy three dollars and thirty centA paid the Reporter' : tot forty foih' Relays work reporting the 'lihpeaehrueat inaj Oh Democracy! what, q .-.'costly thing, thooart!- h -h'tiU'' - - ----''i ; jVery'- "hard CiishthoFiv thpdf sand six hundred and j fifteeii dollars: and fifty one cents paid tlie IDemoeratH ic Public Printer because of the Im peachment trial. Tax payers ! how do you like to foot the bill ? - ; i Correspondence Greensboro', Republican. ' , ' L . LaUKEL ViLLIiET, . . i June 20tty 1S71. ' k Mi Pi ron: Will you permit a corres-. ' pei(!dci.l.fi'om this memorable place a few vorda in yoor paper concerning n certain A. S Mvl'i'jmou, -iJEser4: who swas callexl -fhHn llwv obscurity. -of ? tlie mountains by v . V . 1 ioli Leu Avheu i Military Ceo At n or ami lUiido.a- Jmlffo and whol gisw faiXiind 'kicked b is. fiiond. I ee f rom r.hn t ffttla -of Jjuhre Merrhnon that he.ia olie-pf tne 'most bUlr -.cbnsei-vattves: .-tUhej yapikv aad most i nbnsive; ef Unioii jnuu ef the iitato. J.-IiiAi simxJi ijruvh kifntiitnr eLiy ovenintr in . the Court- iloiisd in llxl- ciU, bfloi? tho hitut.ieaimble i.fcnoi'af Assembly iukIuIku! iu; was a . e.-ui'dulate for t !;ti I Un tied fctaios Kt'natorshii ho le-' nouncoil all tho ilopublicans ; aeeeptmg Jo 1 urner s - ameudmout) rw oi -set' of tliieves eeouadrel and rascals. On tho Impeachment trial of . the man that made him Judge m the examination of 3Ir; Ilol lins ofjthe I'ioneer ho was terribl severe on ' thatgfenUeman' and elenemheed Col. Kirk iii most bitter terms. Will j yon al low njej to reproduce a little of this m m's bcllum record.. It will make yonngku klux stare" bit!lul is nothinpr new sine Judge Ioudlias Iecn in 't-Raleigli.4 'Downsr' the war, Mr. Jlenimon wasa leading Union man in! BiiKCombc, and acted with Cel. .' IlenryW. Caixlior, Muj. Rollins and others in givin.' ail and- eomforJi to i ho Fe'vle'ral army and t lu Union cause; lie never nlctod',witii!thOJmen vlio iiowie- ccive lias honao and nraiso. When on ?iliirclr37,'' 18H5, a mceting'wns 'cjklled- irt; Asl eviile in re.-?onHe to Got. yaiiccs (lvc'. tasking-MipphOs fer . 1 x .i 5 army, and Avlibii Dn Chapiuan proposed! to gi vc " his plajo, aiul when it was rosedvd; to re duco tlie stipnlicf of the families of Ban- coinlejto koep soldiers from -sta'v ing i' when the imiiresstn'g ollicer was asketl to visit cv cry house and- eleniand an! exhibit of food on hand, A. S. Merrimoif jvas not ' in Maif-meetingj He drcV up no resola- tiona-iwas noti appointed J "on" any com-' 'mitteoJ Ilia'staneling'' was then uiaequivo-. 'C:tl sfa'Unw)n-lnn. On? the p2d "of; "May, 1865, however, when "a lafe' and ' cntlmsiasiic" : meeting vas held (fter the Federal army was in Ashville) A.' B. Merrimon offered this Iicsolutioh i ' , , u advice J, Tiiat a committee be ap pointed to wait on all Federal, field aud btaff ofiicers on eluty in this place and rc- iquest them to take scats in this mfcet ing." In pinsuance of Mr. JiVa rcsolufion, the r committee seated Col. G. AV. Kirk, Licur, ;Col.;IIubbard, Maj. Rollins, Adjutant Sut-' phen, jDfs. Roberts, Doak, etc. At this meetiag a series of resolutions Wer passed, eloubtless, prepared ly Judge Merrimon, which for- extreme loyalty out-I&rod the Yankea-Radicals, viai as a ppecinien :- Jl&olv&l,- Tliat the popular licart 'of North) Carolina, particularly of jWcstcrn Korth Carolina, has ahcays l)sen loyal to tli6 old Government, and that in futurd, it shall beat, in unison with, and keep stip to tlie music 'of the Union." "Resolved, That wc extend to oar North ern brothers the riorht hand of fellowship,' and honestly hope that soon wej may all meet, as in days ejt yore, ; as. Amen ncan. brothers and a band of Frcemeii aroi around the alj;ar . of freedom." f. 'He3olvcd, 'Tliat "we believe it essential to the peace and welfare and "protfection of the country that a small garrisoiAof, troops be kept in tlds connty,"snd ; tliall a com mittee of five be appointed by tjie chair man of this meeting to co'mmunjcate our ..desireis to the proper military authorities'." ' This was Judge Men imon in .lp35, and it was understood at the' time hat Col. Kirk was not only thus endorsed jjuul hon ored by Judge Merrimon, but aa. enter tained as a guest at liU house.., Ilowever .this may be, it is known that tie father of the! Judge, a minister in the !Methodist E. Church, ; wasthen an entliusiastic frieiul of "ouv glorious old Uniofi,". that . a Confederate lady reported hiii during . the Avar to the authorities for pleaching Ecelition, and that when the Federal army first" pntered Asheville, ami tile rebels were terrified and fled for their lives, the- old -gentleman stood in his edoor and call- ed cheerily to his neighbors toi ' 'stand still nnd behold the rrlorv of the foorel" Kirk leading his troops into the tbwn. Is 11- llLHIlg tllilL tUU'Jts , ilXLTIUllUJtt BllUUlVt abuse his -whilom friend and guesfj Kirk? Is it in keeping with - his -record! that he count Henry,. Rollins,-Candler anl all tle other Republicans of Western Carolina thieves, scoundrels and rascals, even at the prompting of Jo Turner, and to ob tain an olfice. MEMORY. - For the Carolfna Era. CONVENTION -MEETING IN NEV- NO 1 . iianoverJ. r A large mooting of llepublicf.ns was hold in Wilmingtem on tho 11 tli. The n i cot i ng was cal I'oel ; to , erdor, d,nel Mr. Jas -Aj Lowe-ry yih chosen rrjsiel(Mit. Tho Iloii. 'lilwarel Cantwell vvak calk-el upon ami athlressoel the in'oetirlg-in ail able spee'ch against ConvenUoC. The best of feeling irevails' in e)ifrraiik.s. The following resolutions wci?o then adopted and ordereel to be en to the ' -Wiikukas, The last General As iCinbly of .North Ijarohna, among tlier Jlle:i)(, rvo 1 nlionary and u n Viistit 'ntional'en'aiH nicnts, have d hjeetoel -polls to 1 c opened th rmighoii t the &Uth for the puroso of smliverting the ;xisti nState iovprnnicnt - by the ' vote -ef. a majority of ;tho people, ;al'teu the! fash ion attempted, some years a.i;o in. Ivhodcjlsland, 1 Hit hitl'icrto u nsneccsl'ul in lhisLaoml old State; and; Whereas, avc, a. portion of . the 'people of r e w 1 fan ovtr co cm ty , d i s pp r. ye (if tho iutrewIuM-irin '-ainong .us "of thc-so licw tiurlcl iiiotkms;-and aro Ratislknl with1 tlie V'oi.istitution us it stands,' and elreael ho eon- '. ("piciK-es pi . us; t ami to our i lannijos, or anv" violent, unwnstituLional amendments, brought! about Tv means unk iiowii' to tho 1 iv. and thrbatenins to tlie pullic iia c, , Rcsolpe'd,' Tliat this 'nieetin-; dis;if proves ot xho propose! vTonveiUKm sa iauvn, n the lilst elay of Septerrthcr nextanel eleeid idly prefers the plan by Iegislaiivf tmact nients, always heretofore' recommended by the J)enioeratie party- itself, before they fell into the hands and, leadership of .Uijeir for fi'.er cneihies. . ." .. , ; . ' j ' Resolved, That tho Jcllersoiii.in llepub lican par tv of to-day is the friend and advp- hto of tTl'c rights of the people ; .if haw made this coitntfy Ore1 land or the Jrcc,iana-it jaJo;:rtj propewies Jto'mike it ! also the home. a;,i,t fisvifsm oi tne ciowmroeieieu smu.nvop pibjscd; it has stricken Uie sliajckles from tiio slave, and if unchecked in its fehblime and glorious career,, it will carry tM bless-hr?5-.of liberty all oyer the globey - - . '-; ".Till eyery clime ' " j Kliali bless the breeze' that bears our Ragle's ' - wing;"' -V" 1 'J-. And" tongues of every laniai;e lonrn to .singi: . .. v. f.,:r, . -' ;-."',i f. I' Freedom's sweetjsorig." I f - Unsolved, Tfcat'we apprbvo of thej nomi nations Of .the. If on. josi C.- Abbot t. lion. Ed ward Cantwcll and Hon. Geo. JX Mahr son,' as our standard bearere against e'on Vctition,!intl asi delegates- thereto4hmild one bo callel; and, we endorse and approve 41.. ii r f w.y. s-x C Tomria TTnti'wi Crt theXegiSlatinre, and w6 will tfse "everV hon orablo n'ieans toiis(ecure their eleelioni i f r New -jHanovej; will ;roll wr twothou fiinel maiority against Qinyentipri nn Augastj next., x Brunswick courity m also on hand and will" sentl upthree to four liundrcd majority against Con vention. !, Wilmington, July 12, 1871. jFor the Carolina Era. NO CONVEMTIOW -MEETING IN HALIFAX. ."A large and' one of the jnest enthu siastic 'meetings was held, at Halifax, on the glorious lihl John T. Gregorj, our gentlenianly and eflleieht Superior Court Clerk was ehen bhairnian, and Ben. IT. Franklin, Secretary. Upon takinir the chair, ai r- Urejrory made a brief address, iriiel 'concluded by read ing the eleelaratioh of Iiulependeuee, Kof Mecklenburg; 1775, tle bill of rights :tnd the declaration of 1770, which were attentively, listened, to. -.and . received with applause. StiiTingsjeechf were. niaete by the following iiaineel. gentle- '. A 1 ' A A. 1 men win) yvevo. ireque'iiuy iiuerruiu-i with gretit npplause .by the tlelighted audience. IlenryNEppes, J.'J. C Mjflwyn; Chas. Ksp, W.-T. J. S-uii'l.: Iligh- Smith, John A. White, Hayes, 1 vey llutchings smith, JohnNA lleid, fisej., and otli- ers. . The greatest - enthiLsiasm 1 was manife'sted throughout the whole day, anel the speakers were j frequently in terrupted by long and oft . repented ap plause. The following resolut ions were unanimously adeipteil, diniel tremend ems clieoring. ; . : ,..- r 1. ''r,oftrI, Tha the leliuinistration of President fi ranf, is 'utitle! to euir united support anfl wniideMufe feir its 'earnest ':! I sutre,ssfiil ellbrts in re- elucing the bunions ; of taxation, -'and the protection ef li fe, 1 illerty and projn erty, throughout tl-ie'UijittHl State;-;. 2. That we heartily "tl aiik (iov. Tol II. Caldwell, for hij management of the atlairs of the State ; and endorse his action in refusing to ealt a Convention, that is attempted to be mrceHl Upon the l'oph. '; : ''';'"::, ;;!-. - .'J. That : the i Itepublcan iarty of Halifax county, laiiprpve the ; plan adopted by the Shite ikce;utivo Com mittee, for the purpose ef defeating the call for a Convention. . I 4. That we approve tlje course of the Hon. C. Ij. Cobb, eiur representative in Conirress, and thank liiiii for his earn est and successful cffortsJ in jrctting ai-ejb- preiprtations for clearing out the structions in the Itoauoke river. - o. That the present call by the Con servative .legislature- for a Conven tion", is unconstitutional, Revolution ary and dangerous to jibe peace and sail 1 weiiare oi me btaie, and wre pieuge ourselves to use jeverV fair and hon orable means in dui liOwer to "defeat the said call. j - : I). Tho proceoelings 6;' this meeting bo forwarded te the editors e)f the North (it roHnian and llni, with tho reejuest that the sitme.be liublishcd. ' j The meeting continued fill night, and tho jrreat crowel elisperseel to their homes, well i!eased JOHN T. GREC()RY, C l'mn. llKN. II. Franklin, Bec'y. j For the Carolina .Era. MASS MEETING IN GREENSBORO. In accordance with previous! notice, a largfc number of tho citizens of Cuil-ford,-vho are opposed-tb a Convention-, met in Greensboro on! t for the purpose "of non elates for Convention . ie 4th of July, mating candi- Before 11 o'clock hundreds had asT sembleel. No formal nopninatienis were maele. because it had been'-unelerstood' for .weeks that the oppbnents Of Con li. Scott, Esq., as their candidates. 1 At the" request ot many bt .his mends, Judge Dierk was presenq and addressed tne crowd lor nearly two nours,: in one of his powenul speeches. Although the meeting was held-iii a grove, and little preparation hael been made as to seats, he was listenetl to with profound attention by the thinking, men of olel Guilforel and adjoining counties. He showed the Revolutionary tendency of eaiung a convention oy a oare majori i ty of the Legislature, tl at it would rc-r and avail nottn suit in trouble and eost, ing; that if tolerated, it a elaifgerous precedent, i n eletai 1 , to' show the Would establish He proceeded, difference be new Constitu- tween the old and the tions ef the State, that in many instan ces the new is a elecieleel improvement on the) Ohl. In the present one tho eloc- triiieofa Suite's right to secede is set- tleel. Imprisonment for elebt is abol ished. Taxation is limited. The peo ple have the-power of electing their ownrulers,instea(lofhayingthein thrust upon them, as lormerly men whose only recommendation was their servi ces m electing certain inen to the Legis lature. ' j 'He siMiko 'foedjinrly iii regard to what the iveople had alrerwlyisutlereel in con- soqueiice e)f elisobeelienqe. to law, and said that what was now neeehHl more than any thing else was eiuiefc, onler, anl obcelience.to the Constitution anel laws, that these would induce? capital and skill, now so -much needed to build up and develop the country, Mr. Scott--who had been expected to address the .people, vad too unwell to Attend the meeting.' I ? ! Judge Tourgee beirtg caIlol uion, maele a short speech in ibis usual forci ble style." . 1 le has tlie Ihculty ef keep ing the attention of his audience, and a power. in rallying his jfriends,. - C t G. M. Arnold was iiitroduced to the affiemblage, and spoke for some time in an able .maimer.;, . : ' . Thextilm anel caiidid observer of the men composing lhlsr nieeling, wouhl necessiirily come-toi theleoiiclusieni that the siirit of February, 1801, still exists iii Guilford. There is no doubt, but, that in August she will roll up one of her eml .fashioned majorities,; against 1 1 m factious anel Jtevolutionary ineive- ment of the LeHrisIature m eneleavoring to force a Convention e-bntrary'to law. It is expected that JUehrc Dick.. after- the adjournment of thc;Sui)reme Cerart, will canvass the county. , He expects to meet' Frank Caldwefl, at various points in the county. , ; Citizchs.of Itandolph j anel ;Daviilson, in ' attendance j at the ; meeting gave chebring news from their counties, , In some localities, nearly every, man is opposcel to a Convention. -,,-. .. Ui-Via. ,v ' '- ' . ;. ; V For ithe Carolina Era. , Mr. Editor : A county Convention of Forsyth county, composed of;- the law arid order,. and. solid and substan tial men, of Forsyth county, was ..held to-tlay, .at. the Court I louses, r to nomi nate a . candidate in . opposition to the State Convention, ealled for by thCrer cent Lfislatprei .' J)r. twilliam iH Whcelert:ts the; nominee, of) tho anti- Convention men, and aeeepbi the inom-J ination. iio is a gentleman .01 talents, tine aeldress of iopular manners, and orie'of our .most . staunch, and decided Republicans, and Union men. yf..ti illQ will canvass the county, anel car ry ifc against a Convention "by 500- ma jority. , ,i' ; , .(.ili-;.; ; a Our county , Con vention was 'laro antl enthusiastic, and addressed by 1. II. Starbuck, Mathias Mastm and Jno; 1. .Nissen . i Salem, July 15th, 1S71. -I I From th'jjJDally Tih'grain. .j- : If tho ieople of North Carol! naj in Con vention assembled, force the creditors of tho State to eeminroniLc. What is I that but actual and abanlutju repudiation ? j If the State thuslrepudiatos, n tho face of the fact tliat her trmli.or.- are realy for Jionorable and liheral e-ompromise anxi iius, fii l'a-t, lor any l'air.and equitable ar- ranireincnt that th State can mafeo, ready to accept the liestleriii.-f the State eau oner, what will our public credit lo worth for half a century to come? vention movement, that the State will re lieve her people frpiri the burden$ of. taxa tion, through repiidialir-n, are preMbiftivp of two evil elftvH. The Hople are leinj? hd into error, andj- couscfpient dissatisfac tion and disappointment on the One hand, while the lenient creditor of the State aro losing eonfilene-e in the good faith Of an un fortunate, Ijhough; hitherto holiest people, and i are ila3r by day Incoming moro averse to liberal compromise, r . . ' - UUUt'r IIIO i V'OUHLUUllOU OI UlO UUHCU St:tes, as it (is now read, and .with a Con gress of tho temper and complexion of that which ton lay er)iitrols the general govern-, ment, it is ntterlg Impossible for the people' of North Carolina! to repudiate due cent of the Stale debt, by. JConventiem or otherwise, or neglcvt it in any manner wlntever, anl dillieulllea, is that px)iirso which all honora lile. debtors resorti to com promise.. And when Dr. Worth, tho Conservative Senator; from lLaiHlolph,lat winter, proposed asur-r render jof tho a.ssel.jf of the State, and appeal to iK'r creditors foi terms of relief, ho pre-i :'.ciitel the only solution to the problem of! "our lin:inci;d"ru.i," anel " the Irretrieva-j lilo ruin of mir fnril( " niitl iim this in 1 her - - - ----- I jl l. T i . - 011I3I plan of relief, jiossible, it will uUi-ii matly prevail, for it preserves otir erwlitjl sat isl Uis o 11 r red Uirs, and re-li'evesjour whole l.H'onie. 1 f -" J .'. I' What then do.wd want with Convention t i 1 ' t - li - . If the present C!)iistitution bnjos s uMmj ; the General Assembly the obligation to lay) siidj an enormous tax upon tne po ple, why has Muh lax ilot Ik'Cii leyieel;? Il ,tJioineiuiersoi me pmset , lii-gisiaiur were vomiieiiea. uucier oath, to provide means for the payiiiient 01 me interest oil the Stale debt, by kdcHiuate taxation, howl do they reconcile their failuro to do ho, at tho Hose of the late Session, with their oathj taken at the eonimeneeincntof hjUiI kcssioii IjcI the "men of necessity" answer. : Uecauso Iattlefield, 0r any joho else; wpiandertHl thf public inoneys of the State; there is no reason; grenviug out f, this; why tho State Khali; repudiate lier cniireoiH ligations. i ) "( - 1 The holders of nifst of the new bonds ef the State took themt with the nmtest of ev4 pi-v lionosttTiniui in North Carolina "written i across their fa-e, and to pretend, for. a nio4 ment, that, tnese are 10 ie pam in uiu . principal or interest is prepe.wterbuH. adjustment of their) claims, and the gooU i mise with their croditors, on fair ami hon orable terms, and hence Ihero is no neees-; sity for CemventionI ' . " . .' t Thomas llragg, W. A. .uraiiaui, aiui 11. i:., Moore, with proper authority from the lig islature. can adjust the elebt of North ftro- liiia'-satisfactory-to bverv creditor, and ev ery citizen of the State, within a iK'rioJ of thirty days. A Convention could not, iund would not elo it in tjiirty, years, j ;. j IVIVTlItlVO KS : Marrieii, in St. ilarjjs Township, on the Gth; inst., at the residence of tho brntus, father, bv O. A. Keith. ISsep. Mr. I.oms II. I'oolk to Miss Mary K. t'ooLK, all of Vake County. Raleigh Markets; "VVholertiilo Xrice CORRECTED tri- W E E K IY II Y lO.OL MOIMNU, Grocers and Commission Jfercharifx, Corner Wihningtoniand Martin Sts COTTON per lb., - 1KJ 1 2(1 - l : I s;v ' -- 'J 1MI K (Ml j -,10f-i)ll 1! 7" - 17 44 - " . M ' 1 fA 1 - I li CORN per bushel PKAS13 per bushel, -OATS ter hundred. FJXlUll North Carolina Family, FLOU It Haiti more Family, BACON per lt., SAbT cr sack, BAOOINO MO LASS KS Cuba, new; j " Sugar House, COTTON YAK.N-1 - COltN M KAL per bushel, ilot nil lrice'H. jcORRECTED r R I W E E K I Y BY MARCOM Grocers and Ltynm is'sion I largett Street. Merchants, APPLES-nliied, " - trrccn. KO (ifyl M BACON Baltimore suiokel, 12 (i 15 " . unsnioke I, 1- , llLd; " ---strips, - . - ! - : ' 15- ; Hhoulderrf, - - 10 (. i il i in .f, 1 1 IV. IT llnliw - 1 ; Ui M -1 BUTTE 11- per H)., - . - .: ' L5 (. :t. -:ir (a,i m BE1CSWAX er 1)., - - ' BEKF fn hoof, - I - ( - ', COFFEI-: per It.., - - - . CHEESE per lb., -! -COTTON YARN- per bale, 1 1 CORN per bushel, - -t CHICKENS per piece'; - 1'l 2 Js!iiir 'lovr.ii i. .1 - 1 liU 121 (.j 15 KU) (iijll (-0 li.'rf) (iO oo FLeiUR iKjr bbl., I -FODDER per lUOjll.s., -11 AY per UH) VH.j - I HI DKS -green, ier ., -- '! lrv. iw.tr It:. - i 75 (iil (M :U'i (Mi 2(U 15 HERRINGS, N. ?J per bbl., j (N) t.tt'.i Oil 35 , -10 J5 (a) 'J) Ui) U) lit J5 . ilo (y " 75 . 75 00 75 eoil 00 LEATHER per 15., - i - i LA It I) 1M.T Iti., - - MOLASSES mt gallon, - xMEAI le r bushel. - - 1 OATS per bushel i per loo lbsl eMlrss per misn.. PEASE sKK-k, - f . " ! -U'l.'lln 1, 25 tob40: I 40 (q V M t 1 00 POTATOES irisdi, K?r bush., PEACHES per bushei, -SU(JAR- rushel, . - j - ' extra I!.. - ; I - 1 252 Ot) 20 (g) 00 Ui (a) Mi 15 (n 00 "j -P.R.,--i eromiiioii, S ATiT er s:u k, TALLOW iejr V.t - : I YU$ M1 2J S5 (.1 00 ! 7 (ci) 10 ! j 40 Ug 50- ' VINE(iAR- per gallon; .. j ' CJotton , IVInrltetM,, ejQRRECTEll TRI-WEEKLY BY 1. ciicoiroii: rr. ktiionacih Dealer in Cotton and Naval Stores, , , Market and Martin Streets, . I Receipts at Raleigh, - For shipment from Raleixh For storage, - - -!- '' Sales j-eistcrday, -.'.--. - ' ! - - quotations: Ordinary, - - , - j' " Oooel ordinarj', ' - -Ijow .middling, - - j. - 5 bales. t4 "V r. 14 V 15 17 1S 111 00 Mielallng, - - - -r Market active, eottem very scarce. D OORS, SASHES, j BLINDS, ' Wood Mouldings, Stair Rails, Newel, rtc., ENAMELLED, EMBOSSIiD, !jGROUND' AND CUT OLASS. ; 'A'lfirco and well assortdl siock oi mo above goods constantly em hand at tlie low est rates. Order work promptly attended io. Builders and owhers will find it to their ad vantage to get our estimate before purchas Ing.J Special attention J given to IVaok Walnut and other FiR.sT-CtAss work. , J ' Estimates and, Price lAnia furnished on application. ;, ; ; . 5 ; , ! I W11ITLOCK & CO . j . & Canal Btreet. t- j - - i NEW YORK.' , ; ; 2 wly. Jnno8, 1871.